Indo-Australian Plate is steadily tilting! The evidence is here.

The Indo-Australian Plate is steadily tilting, which is a [1] part of the 7 of 10. Nancy has been presenting/giving us the evidence in her weekly newsletter or weekly chats.

I picked out the items related to Indo-Australian Tilt from the newsletter since September, 2010 to show a part of the quotation, then 25 items obtained.


List of the Folding Pacific items;

1) Australia Awash Again; Feb 12, 2012;

2) 7 of 10 Year in Review; Jan 8, 2012;

3) Sunda Sinks / Australia Tilts; Dec 18, 2011;

4) Pakistan Then and Now; Nov 20, 2011;

5) 7 of 10 Creep; Jul 17, 2011;

6) Indo-Australian Tilt; Jun 26, 2011;

7) Domino Plates; Jun 19, 2011;

8) Plates on the Move; Jun 12, 2011;

9) India Dropping; Mar 27, 2011;

10) Cracks and Crevases; Mar 13, 2011;

11) India Squeeze; Feb 13, 2011;

12) Australia Awash; Jan 30, 2011;

13) Burma Plate Rising; Jan 23, 2011;

14) Fiji Flooding; Jan 16, 2011;

15) Coral Sea Snapshot; Jan 16, 2011;

16) Plate Tilting; Jan 9, 2011;

17) Undulating Plate; Dec 31, 2010;

18) 7 of 10 Arrives!; Dec 31, 2010;

19) Plates Tilting; Dec 31, 2010; Dec 31, 2010;

20) Pakistan Admitted; Dec 25, 2010;

21) Greased Plates; Dec 5, 2010;

22) Pakistan Elevation; Nov 21, 2010;

23) 7 of 10 Drum Roll; Oct 24, 2010;

24) New Zealand Tumble; Sep 12, 2010;

25) Pakistan Floods; Sep 5, 2010;


1) Australia Awash Again

At the start of the 7 of 10 scenarios, the Indo-Australian Plate rose on the eastern end, allowing the Sunda Plate to slip under the curve beneath Sumatra and Java. This caused horrific flooding in eastern Australia as waters from the Coral Sea sought to seek its level, backwashing up the rivers in Australia that drain into the Coral Sea. This was reported on January 2, 2011 in Issue 218 of this newsletter, when rivers draining the coastline on Queensland above Brisbane were backwashing. And again on January 12, 2011 in Issue 222 when the floodwaters were not draining but sloshing about in a tsunami fashion. And again on January 30, 2011 in Issue 226 when the "inland sea", unable to drain toward the east, headed south to drain at Melbourne. Now the term "inland sea" has returned as the plate once again is aggressively tilting, this time pouring water into New South Wales from the Tasman Sea as well as into Queensland from the Coral Sea.

As proof that the plate is rising on the eastern end is data from buoy 55012 in the Coral Sea. When a graph is produced reflecting the entire year of 2011, one can see a steady drop in the depth of water from the buoy to the sea floor. This is the sea floor rising, the plate rising! The Zetas called the Indo-Australian Plate the "brake" holding plate adjustments elsewhere back. When this brake lifts, allowing the eastern end of the Indo-Australian Plate to lift and driving India further under the Himalayas, other plate adjustments follow. The 7 of 10 scenarios describe this domino effect. There were quakes along this brake on February 4, 2012, as noted in the IRIS chart above, and look what happened on February 6, 2012! The Sunda and Philippine plates are immediately affected. The point where the Philippine Plate is folding against Luzon Island is being hammered. And buoys are on alert from one end of the Pacific to the other - 55012 on the lifting Coral Sea, 52405 on the tilting and folding Philippine Plate, and 32401 off coast from Chile where the S American roll is in process.

2) 7 of 10 Year in Review

7 of 10 Scenario 1, the tilting of India to put the Indus Valley in Pakistan at a 10 foot elevation loss occurred the latter half of 2010, as was acknowledged by NASA by the end of 2010.

3) Sunda Sinks / Australia Tilts

The 7 of 10 scenarios have a relationship between the sinking of the Sunda Plate and the steady tilting of the Indo-Australian Plate, whereby New Zealand and the eastern part of Australia rise while India plunges under the Himalayas. This has been steadily progressing since December 23, 2010 but the sinking of the Sunda Plate had not as yet completed. However, recently the pace picked up.

As with the start of the sequence last January, Australian again has the rivers on its eastern coastline in Queensland backwashing. This is, as was the case last January, termed flooding due to rain. This was detailed in Issue 222 of this newsletter when Queensland rivers backed up, flooding saltwater inland. Then again in Issue 226 of this newsletter as the trapped water rolled around like an inland sea until it escaped at Melbourne. Once again there is scarcely any rain, but the cover-up over the 7 of 10 process forces the media to ascribe the backwash to rain.

During these same days, not by coincidence, there were 10 foot high waves swamping a cruise ship in the Bangka Straits near Jakarta, a 12 foot high tsunami along coastal Kuala Terengganu on the Malay Peninsula, flooding along coastal Padang on the southern coast of Sumatra, and an 8 foot high wave wiping out a Viet Nam village.

The Zetas described roiling seas and occasional tsunami during the sinking of the Sunda Plate, and this seems to be what is happening. 

4) Pakistan Then and Now

The Zetas warned in September, 2010 that Pakistan, on the India side of the Indus River in particular, would experience a loss of 10 feet in elevation as a result of the 7 of 10 plate movements. Scenario #1 of the 7 of 10 movements is a tilting of the plate holding India, so that the Sunda Plate can slip under the curve below Sumatra and Java.

By October, 2010 horrific flooding in Pakistan had begun, getting international attention, but claimed, as usual, only due to rain. As noted in Issue 217 of this newsletter it was finally admitted that the water was not draining, had not for months. Earth Observatory, a NASA function, admitted that by comparing images from the year before, Pakistan's elevation has sunk. Period. The Zetas state this drop would be 10 feet, and this 10 foot drop was apparent. Where are we a year later? Comparing apples to apples, the chart from October 2010 and a new chart from October 2011 show that the lingering floods have gotten worse, not better.

5) 7 of 10 Creep

Where the 7 of 10 scenarios appear to be unfolding slowly, per the Zetas there are reasons for the delay. But this does not mean the overall schedule will be delayed. Where the scenarios started on time, the [1] tilting of India for a 10 foot drop in elevation in Pakistan in the latter half of 2010 and the [2] sinking of the Sunda Plate by December 23, 2010, plate undulation set in to cause a delay. Heaping water throughout the Pacific was evidence that [3] the folding of the Philippine and Mariana plates had started, and certainly [4] the S American roll had begun. But recently there was evidence that Luzon Island in the Philippines had not sunk, though being on that part of the Philippine Plate that was to plunge during the fold, it should be going under. What is going on? The Zetas explain why the 7 of 10 scenarios have been delayed, temporarily.

But there is steady plate movement, as a glance at evidence only days apart from diverse places show. The Indo-Australian Plate is sinking at India, and rising at New Zealand, which allows the Sunda Plate tongue holding Indonesia to fold and crumble, sinking below the curve under Sumatra and Java. During a few days in early July this can be seen by high tides at Mumbai, sinking at Bangledesh, and a slosh of water disbursing as far away as the coast of Oman. Mumbai, on the west coast of India, experienced unusually high tides of 5.5 meters on July 2. This was attributed to the monsoons even though there was no rain! Across the Arabian Sea on the Gulf of Oman seawater poured into Kalba. On July 9, seawalls broke in Bangladesh, pouring sea water inland and ruining drinking water reserves. These are signs of a sinking India.

Almost within days of each other, several bridges in Indonesia collapsed, as noted on the Pole Shift ning. Two were in the Banyumas district in Java, on June 27 and July 1, and a third on the island of Borneo on July 6.

On July 6 the Kermadec Islands just offshore from New Zealand sustained what the USGS termed a magnitude 7.7 quake. The buoys in the area reflected this quake and the sudden rush of water from the rising eastern edge of the Indo-Australian Plate.

6) Indo-Australian Tilt

The Indo-Australian Plate is predicted by the Zetas to tilt massively during the hour of the pole shift, driving India under the Himalayas and even flooding the western 2/3 of Australia. 

Thus during the 7 of 10 scenarios we have seen this plate steadily tilting, where flooding and crumbling in India have occurred, and massive flooding along the eastern coast of Australia where the water between Australian and New Zealand was seeking its level, rolling down the tilt, occurred. This appeared in this newsletter starting on December 26, 2010 in Issue 217 with the flooding in Brisbane, and again on January 12, 2011 in Issue 226 when the inland sea was trying to find an outlet, with evidence that India was being pushed under the Himalayas presented on March 27, 2011 in Issue 234. During the week of June 11-18 it was obvious some tilting had occurred. The gushing of groundwater in Olpad on the west coast shows without a doubt that India is sinking, as does the inundation by sea water at Gopalpur on the east coast. These news articles appeared in a spate during the plate tilting, another indication that tilting had occurred.

Then a repeat of the flooding experienced last January along the east coast of Australia occurred. Once again, all the flooding was along the coastline, a backwash up the rivers. Most revealing were comments from a nursery owner in Port Macquarie about the sea water that had invaded his nursery. This did not come from rain.

The buoys in the Tasman Sea also indicated a temporary rise in the water level as the water between Australia and New Zealand sought to find its level, disbursing during this week.

7) Domino Plates

The 7 of 10 scenarios depict plate movement around the world. On June 12, 2011 there was plate movement worldwide, almost simultaneously and in a domino fashion, on several 7 of 10 scenarios. 

The 1st scenario involved a tipping of the Indio-Australian Plate such that the border with Pakistan sinks by 10 feet. This happened during the last half of 2010.

8) Plates on the Move

The Zetas have called the plunging of the Indo-Australian Plate the brake point holding all other plate movement back. As the plate tips up at the New Zealand side, it plunges India under the Himalayas, allowing the Pacific to compress and the Sunda Plate tongue holding Indonesia to plunge under the curve of the Indo-Australian Plate. Has the India side of the plate been plunging? Bangledesh and Kuttanad on the tip of India are sinking, and in the eastern Himalayas, mountain building is taking place, heaving river bottoms and preventing drainage. Suddenly, and with scant rain, Jorhat is under water! 

Moving east along the globe we find the line across the South China coastline, where the plate tongue holding Indonesia is bent down to be pushed under the curve in the Indo-Australian Plate. Ground fractures when such a bend in the rock occurs. Draw a line from where the Philippine Plate is being pushed against the coastline of China, west, and the line runs through Guangzhou and City of Guiyang! The Philippine Plate is tilting, pushing under the Philippine Islands, as part of the compression of the Pacific.

9) India Dropping

As a primary player in the plate movements predicted by the Zetas, India must continue to plunge under the Himalayas. The Indo-Australian Plate is called the brake point for all other plate movements. When it moves, a domino effect takes place, allowing sinking of the plate tongue holding Indonesia, a folding of the Philippine and Mariana plates, and further compression of the Pacific.

Recently, it was obvious further tilting of the India Plate occurred. Cracking and crumbling occurred in Sikkim in the Himalayas. Sinking and incursion of sea water occurred in Bangladesh and in Udupi on the west coast of India. A huge ground crack appeared in central India in Nanded. And a methane explosion in a mine near Quetta, Pakistan. Clearly, the plate is moving!

10) Cracks and Crevases

Just this past week, cracks and crevasses appeared in Peru, Pakistan, and the Philippines! Plates are on the move! … 

In Pakistan a very long crevasse opened up in Seagi Gulistan, so long it takes 6 minutes to walk from end to end. This region of Pakistan is on the border of the plate holding India and Australia, the Indo-Australian Plate. The Indus River Valley has lost 10 feet in elevation at the start of the 7 of 10 scenarios, which began with the tipping of the Indo-Australian Plate. The video was posted on March 7, 2011.

11) India Squeeze

The squeeze is on, with the plate tongue holding Indonesia collapsing like an accordion and being pushed under the curve under Sumatra and Java, causing the countries housed on the plate tongue to sink. The Burma Plate is rising and the Indo-Australian Plate has tilted so that Pakistan has lost elevation while Sri Lanka is being flooded along its eastern coastline. The squeeze is on! What does this do to the continent of India, caught in the midst of this? Central India has developed tar pits! As noted in the press and on the Pole Shift ning recently.

Per the Zetas, it's just the squeeze.

12) Australia Awash

The undulating Indo-Australian Plate - which is tipping up along its eastern edge near Fiji and the Coral Sea, then dropping back down, then rising again - is causing the flood waters that inundated Queensland a month ago to slosh around in the outback. This is described as an "inland sea" in the press.

The buoys show the Coral Sea and the Caroline Plate just north of New Guinea are now rising again, after having dropped for several days. Even the Pacific Plate to the northeast of the Caroline Plate is rising! This would tip Australia such that water trapped inland would have no choice but to flow south. And flow south it has! The inland sea is heading toward Melbourne now, trapped in the grip of undulating plates.

13) Burma Plate Rising

The plates in Asia have been rising or falling and most often it seems they are undulating. During the compression of the Pacific, none may be more significant than the rising of the Burma Platelet. The Indo-Australian Plate tilts the curve under Sumatra and Java up and tilts its eastern edge up. The Fiji Platelet drops. The Caroline Platelet at first drops and then rises again. The Philippine Plate tips into a greater slant, stressing the edge near the Bonin Islands. Water washes over Queensland and Sri Lanka and Fiji and to some degree the Philippine Islands during this process. And of course the plate tongue holding Indonesia is steadily sinking, as evidence from all countries there show. But for the first time, we are hearing about the Burma Platelet, which is suddenly rising. A huge rock appeared above the waves.

This is significant in showing plate movement, as movement in this plate was the signature movement causing the December 26, 2004 tsunami near Ache during the massive 9.5 quake that occurred that day. If it's on the move again, this shows that pressure on the plates in the region is extreme, though the undulating plates certainly have shown this to be the case.

Per the Zetas, the first plate movement in the 7 of 10 scenarios will be the tipping of the Indo-Australian Plate. This of course started in July, 2010 when Pakistan began to flood along the Indus River with waters that never drained, as noted in Issue 217 of this newsletter. The western edge of the plate was predicted to drop by about 10 feet, with the eastern edge rising commensurately. Now Sri Lanka is dealing with horrific flooding, as noted in Issue 222 of this newsletter. The flooding is occurring only on its eastern coastline, showing that the tipping plate is pouring water there. The flooding in Queensland also shows water was pouring down from the eastern and northern edge of the Indo-Australian Plate, causing backwash up the coastal rivers in Queensland. During this process, plate undulation has presented a confusing picture, but water movement, following plate movement, is obvious. The plate has tipped.

Buoy evidence that the plate tipped can be seen in these buoy charts captured on January 15, 2011. The process is:

  1. a rising edge in the curve under Sumatra and Java.
  2. the Coral Seafloor bend relaxing and straightening out.
  3. a deepening sea floor near Tasmania.

It is the lift in the curve under Sumatra and Java that will allow the plate tongue holding Indonesia to slip down and under the curve. Where the Coral Seafloor had been rising rapidly just recently, as presented in Issue 223 of this newsletter on January 16, 2011, it suddenly seemed to level out. The tipping of the plate to the side apparently has relieved the weight of the New Zealand end of the plate, which was causing the Coral Sea bend in the first place. Tasmania buoys would logically register that the sea flood had been pushed down further under the waves during the tipping process, since if one side tips up, the other tips down.

14) Fiji Flooding

The bleeding edge of the plate movement has always been the Indo-Australia Plate, which is being pushed under the Himalayas at the India end, and hammered on the eastern end near New Zealand and Fiji. The eastern end has been lifting recently, since the 7 of 10 scenarios started toward the end of December, 2010. The Indo-Australian Plate has also been tilting, such that the side curving around Sumatra and Java is rising and the opposite side, where Pakistan has lost elevation along the Indus River, is dropping. The buoys clearly show this rising and tipping.

All of this affects the Fiji Islands which lie on a small platelet nudged into a notch in the eastern edge of the Indo-Australian Plate What kind of pressure must that small platelet be under, with the great Pacific Plate pushing against it from the backside, as it crushes into the rising notch? The Zetas explain.

15) Coral Sea Snapshot

We presented this concept in Issue 219 of this newsletter on December 31, 2010. Another example has arisen and been cleverly captured by Lothar, a dedicated member of the Pole Shift ning. On January 13, 2011 at 16:16 UTC there was a 7.3 earthquake on the eastern border of the Indo-Australian Plate, at the Loyalty Islands.

And indeed, the highly sensitive Coral Sea floor, which is a thin point on the crust per the Zetas, reflected this quake. The floor of the Coral Sea has been rising and falling, because when the Indo-Australian Plate tilts its eastern edge up it is heavy, and until magma fills in underneath, the plate tends to bend at this weak point. Thus, at those times, the Coral Sea floor approaches the surface, the water less deep. But likewise when the plate adjusts with a bend elsewhere, between Australia and India, for instance, the Coral Sea can straighten out.

Lets check the moment when the Coral Sea floor reflected a plate adjustments, an undulation. Lothar drills down into the details to capture the moment. Sure enough, the red wave, showing an erratic registration on the radar measure, is just after16:16 UTC (ie GMT), the sea floor bouncing up in a reaction to the quake. If nothing else, this is proof that plate adjustments and buoy readings are two sides of the same coin. The sequence of events is:

  1. the sea flood begins to rise, the plate adjusting
  2. the 7.3 quake on the plate border
  3. the buoy recording the quake

If the Coral Sea floor is dropping again, we can expect the flooding in Australia to ease, as the waters will no longer be running up river in Queensland. The Zetas predict the floods in Queensland will ease as quickly as they arrived.

In a moment of honesty, an Australian mayor of one of the coastline towns gravely affected in recent days indicated to the press that they had had no rain!

16) Plate Tilting

If the coastline of Queensland is flooding, with no end in sight, due to the tipping up of the Indo-Australian Plate and subsequent flow of water seeking its level coming off the high end, is something similar happening to Sri Lanka? The Zetas predicted, as part of the 7 of 10 sequences, that the Indo-Australian Plate would tilt its eastern side up by a few feet, and drop its western side by the same amount - a 10 foot rise or fall. Pakistan already sank by several feet, its July flood waters refusing to drain, as detailed in Issue 217 of this newsletter. But there has not been any evidence of a tipping up on the eastern side until buoys 56001 and 56003 below Sumatra and Java showed a rising sea flood, as outlined in Issue 218 of this newsletter on December 31, 2010, and now the eastern coastline of Sri Lanka awash. Note that only the eastern coastline is awash, and almost without exception the areas affected are along the eastern coastline and in lowland there with access to the sea. These flood waters are also intractable, refusing to ease or drain. Water from the eastern edge of the Indo-Australian Plate is seeking its level there, draining toward the coastline of Sri Lanka. The counts of those affected keep rising, at last count on January 10 at 750,000.

The tipping of the Indo-Australian Plate was the first in the sequence, per the Zetas, tipping to a predicted 10 foot rise along the curve under Sumatra and Java or a drop on the western side, and this appears to have happened. And Indonesia has likewise started to sink since the last week of December, 2010, per the Zetas to occur over a 2-3 week period with an accelerating pace.

Meanwhile, the flooding in Queensland, Australia likewise has not abated, and in the coastal city of Brisbane and upriver from Brisbane, has suddenly worsened. Are we to presume this flash flood is from rain? It washed away cars and people, per reports. This is a coastal city and a river outlet at Brisbane for the Brisbane River and the entire Morton Bay drainage region! Meanwhile, buoy 54401 on the eastern edge of the Indo-Australian Plate is showing that the plate edge is being wiggled, pulled apart.

Meanwhile, the Philippines continues to deal with its own devastation, as the Philippine Plate tilts to roll water onto the Philippine Islands. This, in addition to sinking there. Buoy 52402 in the Philippine Sea shows the activity there, recording a sudden 35 foot drop in the sea level at one point, a temporary heaving of the sea floor there.

17) Undulating Plate

Issue 218 of this newsletter was compiled with data from December 28-29, but this is a rapidly changing situation. In just a day, the plates in Asia have moved, again, and there has been more evidence of sinking on the plate tongue holding Indonesia. Thus, this addendum which reflects the known situation early in the day on December 31, 2010.

The eastern edge of the Indo-Australian Plate holding New Zealand and Queensland appears to be almost undulating as it tilts up. The Coral Sea, which has bulged up for many months, a bending point relieving the weight of the eastern part of the plate which is rising, has suddenly flatted out! Water is rapidly deepening there, as though the sea floor has fallen. Per the Zetas the Coral Sea bulge has now relaxed, as magma flow under the lifting eastern edge of the Indo-Australian Plate has increased.

The portion of the Indo-Australian Plate just below Java, which must lift so that Java can slip under this curve of the Indo-Australian Plate, is rising! This is an indication that Java is indeed sliding under the curve, and being pushed down. Where these buoys were indicating a slight rise in this region just days ago, they now are showing a dramatic rise. What can this mean for Java, in the hours to come? Is the Indo-Australian Plate tilting? The western portion already dropped the predicted 10 feet or so, as detailed in Issue 217 of this newsletter, where land along the Indus River in Pakistan and in India to the east of Karachi clearly show this on satellite images.

In step with the Coral Sea changes, and the rising of the curve just below Java, are sudden changes in the Caroline Plate above New Guinea. Just three days earlier buoy 52403 showed a rapid rise in the sea floor on this little platelet, but now the depth is plunging! What's going on here?

This is yet another dramatic indication that the Indo-Australian Plate is tipping sideways, as predicted by the Zetas to be the first step in the 7 of 10 scenarios affecting the Indonesian region. 

18) 7 of 10 Arrives!

Java began sinking on December 23, 2010, though this was only reported as flooding that refuses to drain. This occurred from one end of the island to the other, and primarily on the southern side of Java, which is being pulled down. By December 25, 2010 the Indo-Australian Plate began lifting on its eastern side. And by December 26, 2010 the Mariana and Philippine plates also began tilting. The buoys from the Philippine Sea to Tasmania show this, irrefutably. Queensland and the Philippine Islands suddenly had monstrous flooding due to the water draining toward the low sides of these tilting plates. Details on these issues are below, in this newsletter. Of course, as the Zetas had stated, the trend would be obvious before the scenarios started to unfold in ernest. This was outlined in Issue 208 of this newsletter on October 24, 2010, as the drumroll could be heard. Lets revisit the Zeta 7 of 10 predictions, and the predicted sequence of events, as they were outlined in Issue 207 of this newsletter on October 17, 2010.

19) Plates Tilting

The eastern edge of the Indo-Australian Plate is rising. One can see by the IRIS chart below that the eastern edge of the Indo-Australian Plate is outlined in quakes, at and just east of Vanuatu where a magnitude 7.6 quake occurred on December 25, 2010. Vanuatu had 23 quakes over magnitude 5 within a 24 hour period after that, and continues to be hammered. In the days following, it was clear from the buoy alerts in the area that this eastern edge of the plate had risen!

There had been instances this past year when the Coral Sea, just east of Australia, gave buoy evidence of a rising sea bed, as noted on July 11, 2010 in Issue 193 of this newsletter. Per the Zetas, the Coral Sea bed was a weak point in the plate, and was bending under the weight of the eastern edge of the plate as this side of the plate tilted up. The Indo-Australian Plate is being tilted and driven under the Himalayas, thus eventually giving New Zealand and the eastern edge of Australia an increase in elevation. Buoys in the Coral Sea are again showing a rising sea bed, by both buoy 55012 and 55023. By December 28, 2010 this was rapidly changing!

On December 25, 2010, in step with the Vanuatu hammering, the plate edge itself rose! Buoys 51425 and 51426 east of Vanuatu, in the South Sea island regions of Fiji and Tonga which ride on the eastern edge of the Indo-Australian Plate, are showing a sea floor rise, and by December 28, 2010 this rise was obvious.

Is the entire eastern edge of the Indo-Australian Plate rising? Yes! A quick check to see what is occurring south of New Zealand, or above NW Australia, shows this to be the case! And rather suddenly! And rapidly since December 26, 2010 it would seem.

If a plate tilts, will water drain down toward the low end of the plate? Yes! And this in fact happened along the Queensland coastline, quite evident by December 29, 2010. Note that the excessive flooding is all along rivers draining into the seas to the east along the Queensland coastline. Just where the draining water from a tilted plate would be trapped and backwash up the rivers!

By December 28, 2010 yet more signs of plates rising in this region occurred. Just north of New Guinea, on the little Caroline Plate sandwiched beneath the Philippine Plate and above the northern edge of the Indo-Australian Plate, buoy 52403 showed the sea floor rapidly rising.

If this plate and the Indo-Australian Plate are rising, due to pressure from the compressing Pacific, what is happening north of this location where we expect the Mariana Plate to fold against the Pacific Plate, rising the eastern edge of both these plates. Well, these plates are rising, along their eastern edges! Again, this rise has been sudden, only since December 26, 2010, as these graphs captured on December 28, 2010 show. The biggest rise, as might be expected, is on the eastern edge of the Mariana Plate. The plates are folding!

And sure enough, the water draining from the rising Philippine Sea on the eastern side of the Philippine Plate inundated the eastern side of the Philippine islands! The 7 of 10 sequences have begun, have arrived, with much more to follow, shortly!

20) Pakistan Admitted

The flood waters that beset Pakistan in July, 2010 have not receded completely, and there is at last an admission that they are not going to recede. In other words, Pakistan, on the western border of the plate holding India, has sunk, just as the Zetas predicted.

This issue was presented in this newsletter on Issue 201 on September 5, 2010 when the flood waters were slow to recede. And in Issue 212 on November 21, 2010 when they were shown to be lingering even months after the July floods. But now, there can be no denying the situation. Earth Observatory, a NASA function, admits that by comparing images from the year before, Pakistan's elevation has sunk. Period. The Zetas state this drop would be 10 feet, and this 10 foot drop is apparent.

We are aware that Pakistan has lost elevation, and Thailand at Bangkok likewise cannot get their flood waters to drain, and Jakarta has been sinking, with land and road along their drainage canals collapsing. But Vietnam has also been experiencing sinking, as evidenced by an epidemic of sinkholes.

21) Greased Plates

… The entire region encompassing the curve and eastern edge of the Indo-Australia Plate, including New Zealand, is likewise outlined in quakes. It is no surprise that repeated methane explosions in the Pike River mine have occurred, starting on November 19, 2010 when earthquakes started hammering the region along the eastern border of the Indo-Australia Plate.

This accident was considered the worst New Zealand mining accident within the past 100 years. This plate is lifting and tilting in preparation for the 7 of 10 scenario in Indonesia. … 

22) Pakistan Elevation

Since the floods in Pakistan in July, 2010 we have been closely following its recovery, as noted in Issue 201 of this newsletter. Per the Zetas, during the 7 of 10 steps, India will tilt so that the western part of the plate holding India drops up to 10-12 feet, and the eastern part rises a commensurate degree. Has Pakistan lost that elevation? 

It is clear that this part of Pakistan will not be draining, as it has permanently lost elevation!

23) 7 of 10 Drum Roll

The Zetas have predicted that the 7 of 10 scenarios will start by the end of 2010, with at least one of them, and possibly more, playing out by that date. They have also given the sinking of the tongue holding Indonesia as the first scenario, accompanied by a slight tilting of the Indo-Australian Plate, which they describe as the brake point during global plate movements. When the Indo-Australian Plate moves, it allows other plates to likewise move, in a domino fashion. So what are the signs that this part of the globe is about to have plate movement? First, the already volcanically active Indonesia region has become more active. … 

… Meanwhile, the plate holding India and Australia continues to tilt. The flooding in Pakistan, along the Indus River (which is the western edge of the plate) is not draining, as noted in Issue 201 of this newsletter. Now two months after the flooding, this is still the case! As the Zetas state, the Indus River valley has lost elevation.

Per Earth Observatory photos, an inland lake developed just west of the Indus River. The cover-up excuse for this appearance of a huge inland lake is that "apparently" the Indus River waters had become trapped behind levees at the Mancchar Lake. But on September 20, 2010 this lake at the end of the supposedly trapped waters was expected to be drained of floodwaters in 35 days, by October 25. Yet no draining has occurred, but instead the flooding in Manchhar Lake has increased! The land there has been dropping in elevation.

There are more signs that the plate housing India is on the move. Above the Indus River valley, up where the plate housing India abuts the Himalayas, the village of Jalandhar began shaking and did not stop shaking for two weeks.

The shaking was reported on October 6, and the October 7 IRIS chart indeed shows this area getting significant quakes. 

Moving east along the upper border of the plate housing India, we find the village of Mamit sinking 20 feet, requiring most the village to be evacuated.

The entire Indo-Australia Plate seems to be loosened up and on the move. By October 18, 2010 the entire eastern half of the Indo-Australian Plate was outlined with quakes on IRIS. Clearly, the brake point is giving, and the plate is on the move!

24) New Zealand Tumble

A recent New Zealand quake apparently surprised geologists who stated the quake happened on a fault line that had been unknown, previously. The fault line pulled land apart by 11 feet, and in some cases raised or dropped land on either side.

The Zetas had earlier mentioned that the south island would not be pulled under the Australian Plate, as mankind was unaware of all the fault lines and the dominant action in the area. South island would remain in tact, per the Zetas.

And the Zetas ask, does the result of this quake not resemble snow that has tumbled to the side of a snow plow in an irregular manner?

25) Pakistan Floods

A series of events seem to indicate that the predicted tilting of the Indo-Australia Plate has started. This was one of the precursor events allowing the tongue of the Eurasian Plate holding Indonesia to sink, as presented in the holographic vision received last November, 2009.

Per the Zetas, during the sinking of the tongue holding Indonesia, the Indo-Australia Plate must tilt.

That said, what evidence is there that the tongue is starting to drop, or that the Indo-Australian Plate is starting to tilt? First, a series of very deep quakes at the tip of the tongue.

In step with the deep quake activity, a Sumatra volcano that had not erupted in 400 years became active. Sumatra is on the edge of the tongue.

All this certainly indicates activity in deep rock at the end of the tongue, but what about the other side of the Indo-Australia Plate? Does all that flooding in Pakistan of late have something to do with a sinking edge? The Indus River is on the edge of the Indo-Australia Plate where it is being pushed under the Himalayas. Note the escalating concern as the magnitude of the flooding surpasses expectations.

There is no question that Pakistan had heavy rain, but is all the flooding due to rain, or is part of the problem a drop in sea level. Per the Zetas, the Indo-Australian Plate has started to tilt!

Of course, the clams offshore from Karachi knew something was up when they started trying to leave their home and climbing up the beach last July! And on the other side of the Indo-Australian Plate, mollusks were reacting in a similar manner. 


See also;

* Folding Pacific is ongoing! The evidence is here.

* S American Roll is on going! The evidence is here.

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Comment by bill on July 12, 2012 at 10:49pm

6.2 magnitude earthquake felt in Islamabad, nearby cities

Earthquake also felt in Lahore, Faisalabad, Peshawar, Abbottabad and Sargodha.

ISLAMABAD: A 6.2 magnitude earthquake shook parts of Punjab and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa on Thursday.

The tremors were felt for 35 seconds around 7:01pm. The epicentre is reported to be in the Hindu Kush region.

The United States Geological Survey, which records earthquakes all over the world reported that an earthquake with a magnitude of 5.8 struck with its epicentre 121 kilometres north west of Chitral.

The department recorded a second earthquake measuring 4.7 on the Richter scale roughly an hour later with its epicentre eight km south east of the first earthquake.

The earthquake was felt in the capital Islamabad, Lahore, Faisalabad, Peshawar, Abbottabad, Sargodha, Chitral and Haripur.

Panic gripped the affected areas with people seen rushing for safety and reciting verses from the Holy Quran.

Express News reported that people in Islamabad were feeling aftershocks at regular intervals. The intensity of one of the aftershocks was reported at 5.1 on the Richter scale.

NDTV reported that the earthquake had been felt as far as India.

Earlier on Wednesday, the USGS reported that there had been two more earthquakes minutes apart with magnitudes of 4.2 and with epicentres 70 km and 55 km north of Khaplu in the Himalaya region of Pakistan.

A 7.6-magnitude earthquake in Pakistan in October 2005 killed 74,000 people and displaced 3.5 million.

Comment by bill on July 11, 2012 at 2:29pm

Indian army rescues 400 tourists from massive landslide in Ladakh

The Army on Sunday said its troops rescued about 400 domestic and foreign tourists from 18,000 feet (5,475 m)-high Tangtse-Chang La (pass) in Ladakh hit by massive landslide on Saturday. 

The Jammu and Kashmir police has, meanwhile, said that due to a landslide the road between Tangtse and Leh was washed away at Choltak and that it and the district administration rescued all the stranded passengers travelling in 87 vehicles to Leh and also some more vehicles on way to Leh from Chushul via Tsaga. 

Defence sources said that landslide struck the mountain road in east of Leh at 10.45 am, blocking about 250 metres stretch. About 150 vehicles with 400 tourists onboard were stranded along the road and their lives threatened in view of the possibility of occurring of more landslides. 

"Army troops deployed in the area immediately swung into action and provided assistance to the stranded tourists by evacuating them to safe places and to their camp in Tangtse, where they were served food and beverages and provided warm clothing and medical assistance," defence spokesperson Lt. Col. Rajesh Kalia said. 

He added that quick reaction medical teams administered oxygen besides providing first-aid to the tourists who were suffering from high altitude sickness. One seriously ill tourist was evacuated to Leh, the main town of Ladakh, in an Army ambulance. Majority of the tourists have since relocated to Leh safely, reports said. 

The spokesperson further said that efforts by the Army and Border Road Organisation (BRO) to expeditiously clear the road block were underway. "Army units are on 'stand by' to assist any stranded tourists. The road is likely to be opened by Sunday afternoon," he said. 

This was the second such incident in past one week when the Army had to step in to rescue tourists caught in seemingly dangerous situations in Ladakh.

Comment by bill on July 5, 2012 at 11:20am

Landslide hits Uttarakhand, 1 dead, 4 injured

New Delhi: The Rishikesh-Kedarnath and the Rishikesh-Badrinath highways were shut on Thursday morning following a landslide in Pirahi in the Chamoli district of Uttarakhand.

A hotel was said to be damaged, one person died and four were reportedly injured in the massive landslide that was accompanied by a cloudburst in the Sehkot area of Chamoli.

Many houses were said to be damaged in the cloudburst. However, there were no reports of casualties.

Landslide hits Uttarakhand, 1 dead, 4 injured

Comment by bill on July 5, 2012 at 2:44am

Landslides cut off road communication in Tirap district

Comment by bill on July 5, 2012 at 2:41am

Landslides reported on mountain

All is calm beneath Mt Taranaki despite the region's big quake shaking the country on Tuesday night.

Most of New Zealand felt the 7.0 magnitude earthquake that struck 60km south of Opunake, 230km deep at 10.36pm and was followed by a 4.6 aftershock nine minutes later.

While next to no damage was reported, seismologists yesterday said it was the biggest quake in Taranaki in the past 100 to 120 years.

The EQC had received about 50 claims by lunchtime yesterday, although it was unknown how many, if any, were from Taranaki.

Geological and Nuclear Sciences senior volcano geophysicist Steven Sherburn said the big shake was not linked to volcanic activity on Mt Taranaki or to any quakes in Christchurch.

But he said seismic monitors on the mountain picked up abnormal activity thought to be a landslide or rockfall yesterday morning that could be related to the quake.

Comment by bill on July 4, 2012 at 11:12am

7.0 earthquake felt in Wellington

Train lines across Wellington had to be inspected through the night after a 7.0-magnitude quake hit the lower North Island.

Track inspections were completed before the morning trains began on all but the Kapiti line, which was not given clearance until 6am.

There were minor delays for early morning Kapiti commuters and taxis were provided.

Inspections of train lines are routine after an earthquake.

AMP NZ office chief executive Scot Pritchard said a small water leak had occurred at the AXA Centre overnight on The Terrace which had stopped lifts. 

He said it was unclear whether the issue was quake related but expected lifts to be back up and running over the next few hours.

The quake hit at 10.36pm. GeoNet reported it was centred 230km deep and was 170km northwest of Wellington.

It was a long, rolling quake felt throughout the lower North Island and upper South Island.

The earthquake registered 7.0 on the Richter scale - slightly smaller than the 7.1 in Canterbury in September 2010.

Some people were reported to have moved to higher ground on the Horowhenua coast, but a Civil Defence spokesman said the risk of a tsunami was low as the quake struck so deep.

The first quake was followed nine minutes later by a 4.6 shake at the same depth, 70km south of Opunake.

GNS Science duty seismologist Lara Bland said the 7.0 quake was the largest to strike the Taranaki Bight area for the past 100 to 120 years.

It was related to the subduction zone where the Pacific tectonic plate was being driven under the Australian plate, she said.

The quake probably happened on the Pacific plate, which dipped down deeply, she said, occurring because the plate was hard and brittle.

That was also partly why it had been felt so widely, as the energy travelled "efficiently" back up the plate to the surface.

It was a good-sized shake but the depth and distance offshore limited its impact, Bland said.

While large quakes in the area weren't unheard of, "they aren't often that big," she said.

Magnitude-6.0 quakes had occurred in the area over the years.

GNS would try to image the behaviour of the fault, but given the lack of damage or injuries it would probably not look much more deeply into the quake.

Partly that was because many scientists were still tied up working on the Canterbury quakes.

Marea Faigan, from near Inglewood, in Taranaki, said she had never felt anything like it in her life. "It just kept going and going," she said. "The cupboards were rattling and I grabbed hold of the door frame to steady myself."

Thousands jolted by 'very large, very deep' quake

Falling televisions and objects toppling off shelves appears to be the extent of the damage caused by last night's widely-felt deep 7.0 magnitude earthquake.

More than 4000 people reported that they had felt the quake on the GeoNet website, with around 600 of those posting that the quake was of a "strong" intensity.

However, the majority of the public postings fell into the "observed category," with people grading the quake as being a moderate vibration or jolt.


Comment by bill on July 3, 2012 at 10:30pm

7-magnitude quake hits NZ's North Island

A large earthquake has rocked New Zealand's North Island on Tuesday night but no damage has been reported.

The long, rumbling quake was upgraded to magnitude-7 soon after it struck off the west coast at 10.36pm.

It was centred 60km southwest of Opunake in Taranaki at depth of 230km, GNS Science said.

It was followed by a smaller aftershock.

There was no tsunami warning issued by the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center.

A Fire Service central communications spokesman told AAP there were a number of calls but no reports of damage.

Police also received no reports of damage, and a central police spokesman said there was no spike in calls.

The quake was felt hundreds of kilometres away in the Bay of Plenty and Christchurch. It sparked a lot of comment on Twitter, but no one reported serious damage or injury.

The quake hit nearly 17 months after Christchurch's February 22 disaster which killed 185 people.

Comment by bill on July 2, 2012 at 10:08am

Earthquake: Tremor shakes flood-hit Assam

Guwahati, Jul 1: Mild tremor shook several parts of Assam including Guwahati on Sunday, Jul 1. However, no casualties and damages have been reported yet.

The epicentre of the earthquake has been located at Majuli island in upper Assam. The tremor scattered from North to South in the state.

The exact intensity of the tremor is yet to be reported as Indian Meteorological Centre in Shillong has not revealed the details yet.

Assam has already been hit by massive flood. Death toll mounted to 61 while almost 20 lakh people were affected due to the pathetic condition caused by flood.

768 relief camps were set up. Official sources earlier had informed, "There is a slight improvement of the situation with the respite from downpour for continuous four days and the rivers, including Brahmaputra showed a receding trend."

Meanwhile, reports surfaced saying that mild tremors were also felt in different parts of Manipur around 9:45 am on Sunday.

Comment by bill on June 30, 2012 at 5:08am

The Indo/Australian Plate tilting- New Zealand: The recent high tides have been horrendous. We've lost another 10 feet off the waterfront

Comment by bill on June 30, 2012 at 5:06am

A TSUNAMI-like swell overnight brought down 20 metres of a concrete retaining wall at the inner harbour and sent waves surging across Kaiti Beach road and the city’s boat ramp.

Swells of up to eight metres were recorded in the bay, the biggest recorded in eight years.

Boats were damaged at the marina and a 20 to 25-metre hole can be seen in the river retaining wall opposite Marina View after concrete pillars pounded by the swell broke and fell into the water.

Niwa principal scientist Rob Bell said the long waves were surging for several minutes at a time — behaviour similar to tsunami waves.

“Long surging waves are basically a disturbance.

“That disturbance could be an earthquake, underwater avalanche or in this case a weather system, which is sending long-period swells of about 18 seconds.

Mr Bell said normally swells were around 10 to 12 seconds.

The low-pressure system to the south east of New Zealand had flicked a very strong south-west flow up the whole east coast, he said.

“Even in Wellington some of the beaches are closed.”

Large swells and long surges combined with Gisborne’s high tide at 12.44am brought the highest reading recorded in eight years on Eastland Port’s recently- installed swell monitoring equipment in the harbour basin.

Sector general manager logistics Andrew Gaddum said last night’s recording was so big, they were checking with their forecasters in Taranaki as to whether the equipment was reading correctly.

“But given the damage we sustained and eye-witness reports, it seems plausible,” he said.

Larger packets of waves, called infragravity waves, were recorded at 1.8 metres in height.

To put this in perspective, Mr Gaddum said generally the port would not have a ship alongside in anything bigger than 0.15m.

Down the coast, Mahia resident Bill Shortt said the waves looked like mountains.

“It’s a massive sea — she’s a beauty. It’s coming up from the deep south and comes straight into the bay. If it’s big up in Gisborne, it’ll be bigger here — we really cop it.

“You wouldn’t want to go fishing today.”

Mr Shortt keeps his own weather station at home and it is reporting a south-west swell of seven metres before it will ease later today.

“That’s 23 feet in the air.

“They don’t get much bigger than that.”

Eastland Group Ltd chief executive Matt Todd said port employees were going out in the pilot boat this morning to make a full assessment of the damage to the river retaining wall.

“From there we will develop a plan to effect repairs,” he said.

Large swells from Cook Strait have closed Moa Point Road, at the southern end of Wellington Airport this morning.

Wellington City Council said the waves brought boulders, rocks and other debris on to the road.

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