S American Roll is on going! The evidence is here.

The South American Roll, a [4] part of the 7 of 10, is ongoing. Nancy has been presenting/giving us the evidence in her weekly newsletter or weekly chats.



I picked out the items related to South American Roll in the South America, the Caribbean and the Central America from the newsletter in 2011 and 2012 to show a part of the quotation, then 29 items obtained.


List of the South American Roll items;

1) Americas Buoys; Mar 11, 2012; http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue284.htm

2) S American Roll Ongoing; Feb 5, 2012; http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue279.htm

3) Cartagena Smoking; Jan 29, 2012; http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue278.htm

4) Costa Rica Drums; Jan 22, 2012; http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue277.htm

5) S America Flooding; Jan 22, 2012; http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue277.htm

6) 7 of 10 Year in Review; Jan 8, 2012; http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue275.htm

7) S America Bow; Nov 27, 2011; http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue269.htm

8) Plate Movements; Nov 20, 2011; http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue268.htm

9) Caribbean Quash; Oct 30, 2011; http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue265.htm

10) Guatemala Crosshairs; Oct 2, 2011; http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue261.htm

11) Caribbean Muzzle; Sep 25, 2011; http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue260.htm

12) 7 of 10 Creep; Jul 17, 2011; http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue250.htm

13) Pacific Compression; Jul 3, 2011; http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue248.htm

14) Chile's Boiling River; Jun 19, 2011; http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue246.htm

15) Domino Plates; Jun 19, 2011; http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue246.htm

16) S America Grind; May 29, 2011; http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue243.htm

17) Caribbean Borders; May 15, 2011; http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue241.htm

18) Pacific Heap; May 8, 2011; http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue240.htm

19) Caribbean Sinking; May 8, 2011; http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue240.htm

20) April 20 Arrives; May 1, 2011; http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue239.htm

21) St. Vincent Sinks; Apr 24, 2011; http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue238.htm

22) Giant Whirlpools; Apr 24, 2011; http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue238.htm

23) Pacific Pingpong; Apr 17, 2011; http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue237.htm

24) Americas Cracking; Mar 27, 2011; http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue234.htm

25) Cracks and Crevases; Mar 13, 2011; http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue232.htm

26) Andes Shifting; Mar 6, 2011; Mar 6, 2011; http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue231.htm

27) Caribbean Tilt; Mar 6, 2011; http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue231.htm

28) S America Tugging; Feb 13, 2011; Feb 13, 2011; http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue228.htm

29) S America Cracking; Jan 9, 2011; http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue222.htm


1) Americas Buoys

Why would a buoy off the Washington coast and another off Colombia suddenly go on alert at the same time? On February 27, 2012 buoy 46419 showed a water depth drop and rise of over 60 meters - rising to 2,804 and then plunging to 2,744. That equates to 180 feet! The buoy is located along the Juan de Fuca Plate border, and the N America Plate, per the Zetas, is being pulled into a bow, the West Coast of the US the center of that bow.

As noted in this Pole Shift ning blog, this is not the only buoy that reacted to plate movement. Buoy 32411 just off the Colombia coastline and on the Cocos and Nazca plate borders also went on alert, simultaneously. As S America rolls its top to the west, rolling over the Cocos and Nazca plates and pushing the Caribbean Plate down, it pulls Mexico to the west, increasing the bowing pressure on the N American continent. 

This is yet more proof of the 7 of 10 plate movements predicted by the Zetas. What else would cause these two buoys to go on alert at the same time!

2) S American Roll Ongoing

Still not at its peak, but progressing, as one can see from a snapshot on January 26, 2012. Quakes registered not only along the Andes, but out in the Pacific, as shown on the IRIS chart for the day. A buoy just off Chile pulsed for days, as shown on the buoy map. And the MODIS satellite images show Panama clearly being severed from Colombia. Enjoy all this proof of plate movement while you have it folks, as the establishment, the cover-up, is liable to blind you by removing access to such proof in the future.

News reports from the stretch zones are likely to still be available, but in future, perhaps increasingly restricted to be only local news. What is important, from the establishment point of view, is that you remain dumb about what is coming. They don't want your messy panic! They know, they are preparing, but you are to remain dumb. That's their priority. Meanwhile, the eastern coast of S America, in the stretch zone as S America pulls to the west, has imploding buildings.

3) Cartagena Smoking

Folklore reports, and the Zetas confirm, that during the hour of the Pole Shift land overriding a subducting plate can become so heated from friction that the rock melts. 

This was reported by Velikovsky in his book Worlds in Collision.

During the S American roll, which is picking up the pace, Cartagena reported steaming ground on January 17, 2012. As a spot on the overriding edge of the hump of the S American Plate, this is certainly where the heat of friction can occur.

If the Caribbean Plate was being pushed down by the roll in this location, does the elevation of Panama, on the western edge of the Caribbean Plate, reflect this? It certainly seems, by comparing MODIS satellite images, that some loss of elevation has occurred in Panama.

And mountain building is certainly evident elsewhere along the North Andes fault line. In Ecuador, the land was pulled apart in two different directions! There was a roar at 4:00 am, and this was the result.

4) Costa Rica Drums

There were the Kiev Trumpets and the Horns of Belarus and the Tampa Bay howl, and now we have the Costa Rica drums. There are of course many such places that get noisy under the stress of stretching and vibrating, but this one hit the news.

Per the Zetas, where the Kiev Trumpet and Horns of Belarus were due to vibrating water, and the Tampa Bay Howl was due to the ground vibrating, the Costa Rica drums were due to a clapping fault line!

5) S America Flooding

What is the common denominator for flooding in Brazil and Columbia? The peculiar pattern of flooding in S America reveals that this is not due to rain, but due to the mountain building and bow stretch that the S America roll imposes on the continent. Note the spike in diasters during the time of the December magnetic trimester change, as this recent Pole Shift ning blog pointed out. 

The flooding in Brazil is localized to the southeastern provinces. Why just this region? This was addressed last November, 2011 when a crop circle depicting the expected yaw to be produced by the bending and bowing of S America during its roll was analyzed by the Zetas. At that time, this region in southern Brazil was already experiencing infrastructure implosion and flooding, unlike the rest of the country! 

Now matters have gotten worse, as this Pole Shift ning blog shows.

These floods and disasters are occurring in the exact location where the November, 2010 crop circle was laid!

6) 7 of 10 Year in Review

7 of 10 Scenario 4, the S American roll, has clearly started but has not reached the point of the large quakes along the Andes predicted by the Zetas. Nevertheless, crumbling in the North Andes, the press of the Caribbean Plate moving westward on Guatemala and sinking on the southern Caribbean islands of Trinidad and Tobago have been evident all year.

7) S America Bow

The S America roll is a 7 of 10 scenario whereby the top portion of S America rolls to the west, pushing the Caribbean Plate down as it does so. As this progresses, the east coast of S America is pulled apart, the continent bowing.

The Zetas were asked about a new crop circle in Ipuacu, Santa Catarina, Brasil and described it as depicting the S American bow.

Is this in process? Buenos Aires certainly seems to have more than its share of water main breaks and collapsing buildings and docks!

8) Plate Movements

… On November 12-13, 2011 quakes outlining the Caribbean Plate show that the plate as a whole is moving, being pushed down at the juncture near Venezuela, at the islands of Trinidad and Tobago, lifted at the Virgin Islands, and forcefully crushed where Guatemala meets the Cocos Plate. The Caribbean Plate is moving, as one,

9) Caribbean Quash

The S American roll (7 of 10 scenario 4) is proceeding apace also. A massive ravine suddenly appeared in El Salvador, which has been ascribed to, ahem, a little erosion from rain. If you believe that one, I have a bridge I'd like to sell you.

In nearby Honduras there has been continual collapse, recently ascribed to 5 days of rain. Does this look like something rain alone would do? Or is this crunch and crumble?

On the opposite side of the El Salvador ravine, in Guatemala where the border of the Caribbean Plate runs, there was also horrific collapse, also ascribed to rain. But again, does this look like rainfall damage? The Caribbean Plate includes Central America, and as outlined in Issue 261 of this newsletter on October 2, 2011, this region of Guatemala is in the crosshairs. Panama, at the point where it touches the Caribbean Plate border at the border with Colombia, likewise had horrific flooding, but for Panama, this is sinking, the Caribbean Plate being pushed down.

As proof that the flooding in Panama, ostensibly from rain, is due to sinking are the reports during this same period from Trinidad and Tobago. These are islands specifically mentioned by the Zetas to sink during the S American roll. The tropical storms came through and dumped on Trinidad and Tobago, but not the coastline of Venezuela or Colombia? 

Note that where flooding is reported, as well as where horrific crumbling of the landscape is reported, it is on the Caribbean Plate! Not the islands of Aruba, Bonaire, and Curacao. These islands are on the hump of the S American Plate and thus not affected by the sinking of the Caribbean Plate, as are Trinidad and Tobago and the point where Panama attaches to Colombia. Somehow the rain simply avoids Aruba, Bonaire, and Curacao as well as Venezuela and Colombia while on a straight line toward the Darien Region of Panama?

10) Guatemala Crosshairs

Guatemala is in the crosshairs, where several plate boundaries come together, and is suffering because of it. The Caribbean Plate's northern border cuts through Guatemala, so that the southern part of Guatemala lying on the Caribbean Plate is pulled west, while the northern part remains on the N American Plate. Then there is the shove over the Cocos Plate, to the west, so that crumbling and mountain building occur as the 7 of 10 S American roll picks up steam, as has been documented by this Pole Shift ning blog. Poor Guatemala, it's crumbling and on September 19, 2011 was literally being hammered with quakes! The recent quakes for Guatemala alone:

Pity the people who live at the juncture of the three plates.

The Zetas have warned that Guatemala, as well as the rest of Central America and the Caribbean, will not fare well during the coming pole shift.

11) Caribbean Muzzle

What about the S American roll, which has been unfolding slowly but unmistakable, right on schedule, as detailed in Issue 231 of this newsletter on March 6, 2011. Brutality and bribery are the time honored methods of controlling the press, and in the easy going Caribbean it seems to be the latter.

Why are investment funds being given to a region that is sinking? Per the Zetas, these gifts are an inducement to report the news with the proper spin.

12) 7 of 10 Creep

Where the 7 of 10 scenarios appear to be unfolding slowly, per the Zetas there are reasons for the delay. But this does not mean the overall schedule will be delayed. Where the scenarios started on time, the [1] tilting of India for a 10 foot drop in elevation in Pakistan in the latter half of 2010 and the [2] sinking of the Sunda Plate by December 23, 2010, plate undulation set in to cause a delay. Heaping water throughout the Pacific was evidence that [3] the folding of the Philippine and Mariana plates had started, and certainly [4] the S American roll had begun. But recently there was evidence that Luzon Island in the Philippines had not sunk, though being on that part of the Philippine Plate that was to plunge during the fold, it should be going under. What is going on? The Zetas explain why the 7 of 10 scenarios have been delayed, temporarily.

13) Pacific Compression

The Pacific will compress by 250 miles at the Equator during the 7 of 10 S American roll. This 250 mile compression is the sum total of 47 miles due to the tilting of the Philippine Plate, and 78 miles due to the folding of the Mariana Plate and Mariana Trench. An additional 125 miles of compression comes from the overlapping of the Pacific Plate parts in the center of the Pacific.

The Pacific, per the Zetas, is not one plate but four.

When compression along this border occurs the Aleutian Islands would be pulled into a bow, snap with quakes, and the ocean buoys would show heaving of the floor due to temporary compressed magma in the area. This occurred on June 24, 2011 when the Aleutian Islands suffered a 7.2 quake and buoys in the area showed a heaving or undulating floor in the days before the quake. Clearly, something happened on the ocean floor!

This was reflected all the way to the plate under Australia on that same day, June 24, 2011, as noted by a sharp eye'd Pole Shift ning member. The curve under Sumatra and Java lifted, while the Coral Sea experienced more water.

14) Chile's Boiling River

Pressure on the Andes has begun, as part of the S American roll. A rift in the Earth 6 miles long and 3 miles wide opened up in Chile, spewing ash.

This was not the Puyehue volcano, but the fissure system that is part of the caldera.

The eruption from the fissure was not the only news, as a river nearby began boiling from the heat of the Earth. Boiling rivers are not new, in rock lying above areas subject to intense subduction. This part of the Andes is a point where pressure to push over the Nazca Plate just to the west is intense.

Boiling rivers were reported in Velikovsky's book Worlds in Collision, during prior pole shifts.

15) Domino Plates

The 7 of 10 scenarios depict plate movement around the world. On June 12, 2011 there was plate movement worldwide, almost simultaneously and in a domino fashion, on several 7 of 10 scenarios.

… The 4th scenario is the S America roll. As the top part of S America pulls west while the long spine of the Andes resists being pulled over the Nazca and Cocos Plates, it bends a bit on the eastern side. The bay at Buenos Aires will split open further during the pole shift, per the Zetas, and flooding in Brazil has already been attributed to this stretch. Could this include Guyana, where sudden flooding without rain has afflicted a river front town there? Note the date on this article - June 12, 2011. … 

16) S America Grind

What plate boundary suffers the most during subduction? The part being pushed under another, subducted, or the part being pushed over another. In the case of the S American roll, it is clear that at present it is the part being pushed over, although sinking of the Caribbean Plate has begun. In Venezuela, in locations that align remarkably with the Caribbean Plate border and the N Andes Plate border, there are catastrophes such as crumpled roads and sinking and flooding.

In Colombia the flooding which has devastated the country is due primarily to heaving river beds, which dam the drainage. This is so severe it is estimated that 2.2 million have been left homeless, 1,101 municipalities affected with a total of 605,000 homes destroyed. The land is being crumpled. The parts of Colombia affected are on the N Andes Plate, which per the Zetas is pushed along during the S American roll as though it were part of the larger S American Plate. This is mountain building.

The Zetas have described the effects of the S American roll on Venezuela as a grinding action, and stated that mountain building has already begun in the N Andes.

17) Caribbean Borders

The S American roll is poised and ready, which can be seen by where disasters are occurring. Curiously clustering around May 3, for instance. Did the roll press forward on that date? These disasters outline the borders of the Caribbean Plate and go down along the N Andes Fault Line. Starting at Guatemala, where the rainy season began but do note that the first flush of flooding has started just on the Caribbean border where it cuts through Guatemala, and nowhere else! WeatherUnderground indicates thunderstorms but no measureable precipitation. Why did it flood just in Puerto Barrios? 

Moving across the northern border of the Caribbean Plate we encounter the Dominican Republic where a mere 80 mm (.31") of rain brings an odd flash flood and warnings of "abnormal waves". This would be the case if the Caribbean Plate had tilted slightly, as the Dominican Republic is on the northern lip of the Caribbean Plate. Again, the date is May 3. And yet again on this date, a sinkhole opened up on the island of Barbados, one of the islands cited by the Zetas to have significant elevation loss during the S American roll. Barbados does have sea caves along its coastline, so a sinkhole would not be surprising if the rock is squeezed from the side and pushed down.

Then along the top of Venezuela, where the border with the Caribbean Plate skirts along. In Barlovento, La Victoria, Merida, and Vargas flooding occurred on that fateful day, May 3. But the crumbling along the plate edge can create blockages in rivers and streams, funneling water in unexpected directions. Merida is also right on the N Andes Fault Line.

If the Caribbean Plate moved on May 3, the N Andes Fault Line has been consistently active. On the fault in Colombia, roads are twisted and heaving river bottoms, dammed the rivers and sending water in new directions. In Ecuador at Quito, also on the fault, a horrific landslide occurred. If floods and landslides and sinkholes are all that common in the region, then why are they just occurring on the plate borders or fault lines?

18) Pacific Heap

The Zetas have stated that the Pacific Plate is not one plate but four, and these plates are overlapping in the middle of the Pacific to allow compression. 

Where does the water go during such a compression of the Pacific plates? Increased water volume from the Aleutian Islands down through Asia was noted on February 20, 2011, as detailed in Issue 229 of this newsletter. The Zetas stated at the time that this heap of water was due to the folding of the Mariana and Philippine Plates.

Now another heap has occurred but this one is involving the entire Pacific, from the Aleutian Island down through Asia and across the Pacific to S America! The buoys are showing an increased depth in the water across this vast area. This is a huge amount of water to be disbursed elsewhere! Only a folding of the Pacific plates could create such a volume. Since the overlapping borders of the parts of the Pacific Plate are deep under the ocean, quakes along these borders are silent.

The Zetas have stated that the Pacific will compress during the 7 of 10 plate movements, to the extent that the top part of S America will end up 250 miles further west. What will be the affect of this compression of the Pacific on the S American roll and other 7 of 10 scenarios? As the Pacific compression S America is literally pulled to the west. But what will this do to Mexico? Will there be a great tear between Mexico and Central America as the Caribbean Plate is pushed to the west by the great S American Plate? Per the Zetas, Mexico will be pulled westward too by the compression of the Pacific plates, temporarily increasing the bow stress on the N American continent.

19) Caribbean Sinking

The islands from Barbados to Tobago were cited by the Zetas to be the worst affected during the S American roll. A number of these islands are clearly sinking now. In Barbados the flooding is blamed on rain, yet only 1.42" of rain fell.

The beach at El Yaque on Margarita Island has disappeared due supposedly to erosion, but this has just occurred recently. This region is on the Caribbean Plate, the plate border just to the south of Margarita Island.

St. Lucia, just to the west of Barbados, also reported unusual flooding, despite the rainfall in the airports on the north and south ends of the island reporting virtually no rainfall at all. Hewanorra on the south end reported only .16" and only on May 3, and Vigie on the north end reported only .31" and likewise only rain on May 3.

Additional sinking on the Caribbean Plate can be seen from the sudden reports of flooding in Guatemala and Dominican Republic, both of which are housed on the sinking Caribbean Plate. Significantly lands just to the north, such as the island of Cuba or Mexico, report no such flooding.

20) April 20 Arrives

The April change to the summer Magnetic Trimester occurred on April 20, 2011. Remarkably, an uptick in the slow S American roll was palpable on that date - April 20, 2011.

High waves outside of any reported high tides or storms were reported in Havana, Cuba, along the Ecuador coastline, and in a bay in Costa Rica. All these areas are on plate borders where turmoil could be expected with plate movement. The Caribbean Plate is expected to tilt its southern edge down, thus creating turmoil in the waters. S America is expected to push to the west, leading with its top part as the southern tip is nailed at Antarctica. Any push to the west at Ecuador would cause turmoil in the waters there. The inland bay in Costa Rica suffered from inundation though its location should protect it from storm surge. Costa Rica is on the Caribbean Plate, and like Panama is expected to experience sinking during the S American roll. Notice the date of all these news articles, April 20, 2011 in all cases. How do high waves, in the absence of storms, occur from Ecuador to Cuba? This is plate movement.

The tide charts for the Caribbean, which would affect Havana, Cuba don't indicate that high tides are expected. Per the Pole Shift ning blog "according to Tide-Forecast, the last Spring Tide occurred April 19 and was 0.51m (1.6 ft). They also report the maximum tidal range for Havana to be 0.66 m (2.2 ft)." Likewise for Puntarenas, Costa Rica. An inundation should not be expected. Per a Pole Shift ning blog "Puntarenas in Costa Rica is nestled within the Gulf of Nicoya and would not be subject to the brunt of rogue waves from the Pacific. According to Tide-Forecast, the last Spring Tide occurred yesterday (Tuesday, April 19th) and was 2.94 m (9.6 ft)." These three areas - Cuba, Ecuador, and Costa Rica - were not expected to have storm surge or high tides. Yet suddenly, on April 20, 2011, things changed! The authorities are suddenly warning about big waves and unexpected high tides.

The buoys certainly indicate turmoil in the waters. Notice how the water has deepened near the island chain from Barbados to Tobago, predicted by the Zetas to be the most severely affected by the S American roll. Likewise the buoys off the coast of Peru indicate water deepening. As the roll pushes the S American Plate over the Nazca Plate, more water, a deeping of the water over the Nazca Plate, would occur. This is temporary until the water disburses, finding its level.

But lest we rely solely on water movement, there is evidence of plate movement on land too. The southern border of the Caribbean Plate runs across the top of Venezuela, and lo, on that fateful April 20, 2011 day, a water main supplying the little islands just offshore there broke! Due to "conditions of the terrain".

As the N Andes region, which has experienced so much mountain building in the past few months, continues to be pushed by the massive S American Plate on over the Nazca Plate to the west, it bunches up and heaves. This is raising or blocking the river beds in places, the cause of the sudden flooding in Colombia and Venezuela. If a river cannot drain, it creates quite a flood! Certainly, Bogota is in the rumple zone.

And per the Zetas, the massive and record breaking flooding ongoing in Colombia is not due entirely to rain.

21) St. Vincent Sinks

The sinking of the Caribbean has started on the island of St. Vincent.

The chain of islands from Barbados to Tobago is expected to be the most gravely affected by the sinking of the Caribbean Plate. St. Vincent is in the center of this chain.

Flooding was reported on April 12, 2011 on St. Vincent and several of its neighboring islands. Yet none of these islands had more than an inch of measurable precipitation for the entire week.

There was no measurable precipitation! No high tides or storms to account for the flooding that occurred. The sinking in the Caribbean has begun!

22) Giant Whirlpools

The Zetas have often predicted an increase in ocean whirlpools, as a result of the increasing Earth wobble.

A giant whirlpool appeared off coast of Japan during the recent great tsunami, as noted in Issue 233 of this newsletter on March 20, 2011. Now a pair of them have suddenly appeared off the northern coast of S America.

Per the Zetas, the dual whirlpools off coast of S America are in fact caused by plate movement, or rather plate tugging, a sign of the pending S America roll! 

Weather extremes are also evident, also due to the increased violence of the Earth wobble. If the dual giant whirlpools in the Atlantic off the coast of S America hit the press on April 12, 2011, this was followed closely by a spate of tornadoes in the US, historically unparalleled in number. As of Saturday, April 16, 2011 some 241 tornadoes had been counted across 14 states.

23) Pacific Pingpong

There is a relationship in plate movement, particularly between easing of pressure in Asia and the pending S America roll. During four days in April this could be seen in activity in Asia and in the region of Central America. A pingpong, or back and forth effect, was obvious. On April 3, 2011 the little Fiji platelet sustained a magnitude 6.5 quake. Per the Zetas, this platelet will be a loser in the crunch as the Pacific compresses.

… As the Zetas predicted, plate movement in S America and the Caribbean will be right behind the changes in Asia, as there is a domino reaction. On April 7, 2011 a second buoy went off - 56001 under the curve of Sumatra was joined by buoy 42407 south of Puerto Rico. Once again, the buoy is alerting us to plate movement, in this case the lifting of the northern side of the Caribbean Plate while the plate tilts down, is pushed down, at the southern edge.

This was accompanied by quakes along the Caribbean Plate border and at Chiapas, Mexico where the Cocos Plate pushes under southern Mexico during the westward push of the Americas.

And the coastline along Ecuador shows the effect of land on the pushing edge being pushed over the Nazca Plate. Anconcito is right on the coast, at the point where the S American Plate is pushing over the Nazca Plate, and at the point where the N Andes fault line emerges to touch the coastline. Yet more evidence that plate movement in the region has occurred during the April 4-8, 2011 period. … 

And showing unmistakably the absolute relationship between the plate movements in Asia and the plate movements in the Caribbean, both buoys 56001 and 42407 were on alert at the same time during this period. As the Zetas said, the S American roll follows right on the heels of the changes in Asia, and this relationship can be seen even prior to the roll.

24) Americas Cracking

An epidemic of cracks is appearing around the world. The Zetas summarized the 7 of 10 scenarios as plate movement. The 7 of 10 scenarios have completed in the tipping sideways of India so that the Indus River valley sank 10 feet, but are still in process in the sinking of the plate tongue holding Indonesia and the folding of the Mariana and Philippine Plates. The scenarios are yet to accelerate in earnest in S America and the Caribbean. But signs of stress are appearing in the form of cracks and crevasses, which show the stress the plates are under. This was addressed recently in Issue 232 of this newsletter, where cracks had appeared in Peru, Pakistan, and the Philippines. 

In N America the N American Plate is being pulled into a bow by the expanding Atlantic, which is primarily expanding at the Equator. This bow causes the Aleutian Islands to pull toward the tip of Mexico, creating a cracking point at San Diego, expanding to the east, north, and south as the tension increases. This tension will not be relieved until the New Madrid adjustment occurs. The Zetas have described this tension the N American continent is under as reaching all the way to the Mississippi.

Landslips are unusual for Everett, Washington. This is new! Everett is on a bluff above Puget Sound where the Juan de Fuca Plate is subducting under the N American Plate.

Where landslips occur in California during the rainy season, due to slippery clay soil layers, this latest slip in Ventura, California near LA was not blamed on the rain. Signs of increasing stress in the bow very evident.

In S America the pace of mountain building along the Andes is increasing. A large crack appeared in Peru recently, as mentioned in Issue 232 of this newsletter, and Bolivia, as mentioned in Issue 231 of this newsletter. Now additional signs of stress at the bend point in S America have appeared in Villa Rivero. S America is bending in the middle, to some degree, as the southern part is held in place by the great Pacific Plate, while the northern part is rolling over the Nazca Plate. 

Moving north along the Andes, more cracking in the Santander region of Colombia. This is mountain building along the N Andes fault line. Yet another village destroyed, roads inaccessible, suddenly occurring. The S America roll staged to occur.

A new front on land movement in the precursors to the S America roll opened in Venezuela as well, which will be pushed over the Caribbean Plate as the hump of S America rolls. Caracas is on the coastline, the sliding edge along the border with the Caribbean Plate as the Zetas describe.

25) Cracks and Crevases

Just this past week, cracks and crevasses appeared in Peru, Pakistan, and the Philippines! Plates are on the move! The crack in Peru went for a long distance, though did not separate into a wide crevasse. Nevertheless, this alarmed those in Ica. Ica, Peru is being driven over the Nazca Plate, and matters will get worse as the S American roll progresses. 

26) Andes Shifting

In the sequence of 7 of 10 scenarios, the S America roll comes after:

  1. the tipping of the Indo-Australian Plate (which occurred in the latter half of 2010 when Pakistan lost 10 feet of elevation near the Indus River valley),
  2. the sinking of the plate tongue holding Indonesia (which started December 23, 2010 and is still ongoing, not yet completed),
  3. the folding of the Philippine and Mariana plates (which recently started).

But as the Zetas say, the trend is evident before the big event, and the big event does not occur all at once, but is paced. Thus, it is hard to say when a scenario starts, exactly. Certainly, the sinking of Indonesia and the folding of the plates has not completed, but the S American roll is trying to start. As evidence, the obvious mountain building and crumbling along the Andes. Note these four incidents, all occurring during the past week or so, are all in the Andes.

A massive crack opened in Peru, showing shifting ground so common in mountain building regions.

Per the Zetas, the S American roll cannot be expected to just be one big event, but they declined to give a time frame.

27) Caribbean Tilt

China has begun exploring alternatives to the Panama Canal, as to drag cargo by boat around the tip of S America is tedious.

While Panama sinks, the upper part of the Caribbean Plate is loosening. Buoy 41420, just above the Bahama Escarpment, went into event mode for days. The plates involves in the S America roll have begun to move!

28) S America Tugging

Per the Zetas the S America roll will be the second 7 of 10 scenario to occur, following closely on the heels of the sinking of the plate tongue holding Indonesia. Sinking in Indonesia continues apace, with flooding in new areas and deepening flooding in those areas affected early in the process, with flooding "from the sea" and "vicious waves" reported, but the sinking still has not reached the depth predicted by the Zetas. Per the Zetas, as explained in Issue 223, plate undulation has set in, causing these delays. Meanwhile, the rolling of the S American plate continues to tug. What has occurred in the region since we last reported in Issue 215 that the Panama Canal had been closed, on December 6, 2010, for the first time in its 125 year history? Panama is still soggy, and this is not draining. This per a brave report on the Pole Shift ning from someone with family in Panama.

Note that the lack of potable water, reportedly for 3 weeks, coincides with the reported dates for the collapse of roads in and around Pamama in the article below. Clearly, sinking in this region has occurred around January 18, 2011.

Meanwhile, as the hump of the S American Plate continues to slide over the Caribbean Plate north of Columbia, this does more than push Panama down. It creates mountain building along the N Andes Fault Line. A city with almost a million inhabitants was completely crumbled last December. This city had been in place since 1857, when it was established in the Colombian Andes.

The crumbling action was described by the Zetas recently, in graphic terms, as people seemed to be discounting the seriousness of their prediction for Central America. 

29) S America Cracking

Is there a relationship between the horrific flooding in SE Brazil and the clustering of large quakes along the southern Andes recently? Both are occurring at the same time, and are lined up on opposite coastlines across from each other.

Per the Zetas, there is indeed a relationship, and it has to do with the pending S American roll!

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Comment by bill on August 22, 2012 at 5:39am

Fire mountain: People living near Ecuadorian volcano urged to move out

The Tungurahua volcano has been in an active state since October 1999 and erupted yesterday

The Tungurahua volcano has been in an active state since October 1999 and erupted yesterday

ECUADOR’S Tungurahua volcano, which has been active since 1999, spews large clouds of gas and ash into the air yesterday.

Residents in the area, 110 miles south of capital Quito, have been urged to evacuate due to the increased volcanic activity

Comment by Sandi Lee on March 19, 2012 at 12:39am

Much appreciation sent your way for giving us such a clear and succinct analysis of the TRUTH.  It is invaluable.  

Comment by Janis Langdon on March 18, 2012 at 3:24pm

You are truly a messenger for us all.  Thank you, Kojima, for this latest compilation.

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