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Wobble tornados

Are the storms a result of the increasing severe wobble done by the Council of Worlds? [and from another] At Least 70 Feared Dead in Kentucky Alone December 11, 2021 …

Added by Gerard Zwaan on December 12, 2021 at 5:50pm — 1 Comment

Birth Rate decline

About demography. Can the Zetas add something if needed? [and from another] Elon Musk says there Aren't 'Enough People,' Birthrate could Threaten Human Civilization December 7, 2021…

Added by Gerard Zwaan on December 11, 2021 at 6:00pm — No Comments

ZetaTalk Newsletter as of December 12, 2021

Draft ZetaTalk Newsletter as of December 12, 2021. Newsletters can be found in the Archives by Friday, also. (

Klaus Schwab Arrest

The 1% apparently own 99% of…


Added by Nancy Lieder on December 7, 2021 at 12:30pm — No Comments

Buoy alerts

I watch NDBC buoys and caught what looks like massive water movement on buoy 56001 with no activation. Then I checked back just a few minutes ago and now buoy 56003 has activated with what looks like a 1,000 meter movement. Is this a malfunction? No earthquakes have been recorded publicly. [and from another] Is this the start of the severe wobble?…

Added by Gerard Zwaan on December 2, 2021 at 6:56pm — No Comments

ZetaTalk Newsletter as of December 5, 2021

Draft ZetaTalk Newsletter for Sunday December 5, 2021. Newsletters can be found in the Archives by Friday, also. (

Tagging People

The topic keeps coming up. The elite…


Added by Nancy Lieder on November 30, 2021 at 12:30pm — No Comments

Omicron variant

Do the Zetas have any comment on the newest variant of Coronavirus, Omicron, recently identified in South Africa and designated by the World Health Organization as a "Variant of Concern". Fears over this new variant have resulted in travel bans to and from the African region, along with stock market turmoil and renewed calls for global vaccination. The Zetas have stated that the Delta variant was deliberately engineered and released in India to reduce…

Added by Gerard Zwaan on November 27, 2021 at 6:30pm — 1 Comment

Severe Wobble scheduled

Nov 25th 2021 SE Idaho. Taking some pics today and noticed that Nibiru has rolled 180 degrees . I would like to ask the Zetas for some help and see if this was caused by a severe Earth wobble or if Nibiru has indeed crossed the ecliptic. [and from another]…

Added by Gerard Zwaan on November 26, 2021 at 5:57pm — 2 Comments

ZetaTalk Newsletter as of November 28, 2021

Draft ZetaTalk Newsletter for Sunday November 28, 2021. Newsletters can be found in the Archives by Friday, also. (

Depopulation Plans

The Georgia Guidestones talked…


Added by Nancy Lieder on November 23, 2021 at 12:30pm — No Comments

ZetaTalk Newsletter as of November 21, 2021

Draft ZetaTalk Newsletter for Sunday November 21, 2021. Newsletters can be found in the Archives by Friday, also. (

Sudden Death

During these polarized times, any death is…


Added by Nancy Lieder on November 16, 2021 at 12:30pm — No Comments

ZetaTalk Newsletter as of November 14, 2021

Draft ZetaTalk Newsletter for Sunday November 14, 2021. Newsletters can be found in the Archives by Friday, also. (

Rebellion Grows

In early October we reported on Covid…


Added by Nancy Lieder on November 9, 2021 at 12:30pm — No Comments

Tagging schemes

This is much worse than I could even imagine... Can the Zetas comment on this? I am amazed at how globally all this is coordinated, it seems that the elites of the countries of the USA, Russia, China, are all for one. We are already in world government. [and from another] Putin Approved the Development of the State Program for the Implantation of Microchips into the Brain June 22, 2021…

Added by Gerard Zwaan on November 8, 2021 at 6:30pm — 1 Comment

ZetaTalk Newsletter as of November 7, 2021

Draft ZetaTalk Newsletter for Sunday November 7, 2021. Newsletters can be found in the Archives by Friday, also. (

Immune Exhaustion

The mRNA vaccine horror stories are…


Added by Nancy Lieder on November 2, 2021 at 12:30pm — 1 Comment

Shortage panic

Do I understand correctly that this answer concerns only 10% of the population that will survive, because according to the forecast, the remaining 90% of the population will die out after the pole shift? But it seems to me that there is not one important clarification in this figure - what percentage of the population will live to see the pole shift at all? People can simply kill each other ahead of time out of fear or in a panic, arrange a mass massacre,…

Added by Gerard Zwaan on October 28, 2021 at 6:42am — 2 Comments

ZetaTalk Newsletter as of October 31, 2021

Draft ZetaTalk Newsletter for Sunday October 31, 2021. Newsletters can be found in the Archives by Friday, also. (

S China Seabed

In 2019 a Chinese nuclear submarine sank in…


Added by Nancy Lieder on October 26, 2021 at 12:30pm — 1 Comment

ZetaTalk Newsletter as of October 24, 2021

Draft ZetaTalk Newsletter for Sunday October 24, 2021. Newsletters can be found in the Archives by Friday, also. (

Facebook Outage

On October 4 FaceBook and its associated…


Added by Nancy Lieder on October 20, 2021 at 12:00pm — No Comments

ZetaTalk Newsletter as of October 17, 2021

Draft ZetaTalk Newsletter for Sunday October 17, 2021. Newsletters can be found in the Archives by Friday, also. (

Space Blobs

Gummy or gelatinous blobs raining from the sky…


Added by Nancy Lieder on October 12, 2021 at 12:30pm — No Comments

ZetaTalk Newsletter as of October 10, 2021

Draft ZetaTalk Newsletter for Sunday October 10, 2021. Newsletters can be found in the Archives by Friday, also. (

Lockdown Backlash

The Zetas have repeatedly…


Added by Nancy Lieder on October 5, 2021 at 12:00pm — No Comments

Revolution potential

Last August the Zetas predicted that potentially "revolution will erupt on a tsunami of truth." What would that tsunami and revolution look like? [and from another]

Is there likely to be revolution, in any country,…


Added by Gerard Zwaan on October 2, 2021 at 11:30pm — No Comments

ZetaTalk Newsletter as of October 3, 2021

Draft ZetaTalk Newsletter for Sunday October 3, 2021. Newsletters can be found in the Archives by Friday, also. (


Monster! This is the word that comes to mind when…


Added by Nancy Lieder on September 28, 2021 at 12:00pm — No Comments

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