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Zeta Rules that Apply

  1. No personal counseling is done.This rule has been in place since 1996. Questions should be of broad interest to the general public.
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  3. The Zetas, as all visitors, are under rules on how they interact with humanity. They are not here to rescue you. They cannot divert Planet X just as today they do not prevent droughts or floods. The Earth is mankind’s schoolhouse whereby he learns to help his fellow man.
  4. The date of the pole shift cannot be given, but the sequence of events can be given. [ Link ] Check the ning pinned discussions and blogs for such information as the 7 of 10, the last weeks, etc.

Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case.

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 78 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.

Views: 23758

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So now the Burning Man turned into a situation where the desert turned to acidic mud and the airport and roads were closed. I can't make any connection why the airport and roads would be closed so over 70000 people cannot egress. Why?
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Burning Man 2023: With no Estimate of Reopening Time, Burners Party in the Rain and Mud
September 2, 2023
Burning Man has closed its entrance and exits gates and told its approximately 73,000 attendees to conserve food, fuel and water as continuing rains make driving off the Black Rock Desert near-impossible and authorities investigated a death at the event. Rain over the last 24 hours has created a situation that required a full stop of vehicle movement on the playa.  All vehicle traffic within the encampment has been halted, including servicing for the thousands of portable toilets that make the event possible.  Even walking was treacherous as thick, slimy mud clung to shoes and anything else it touched.
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Roads out of Burning Man may Reopen Today for the Tens of Thousands still Trapped there after Rain Deluged the Area with Mud
September 4, 2023
Roads out of the Burning Man festival may reopen Monday for the tens of thousands of people trapped for a third day in the Nevada desert after heavy rains covered the grounds with ankle-deep mud too thick to drive on and forced organizers to impose shelter-in-place orders. As roads in and out remain closed, attendees were stepping up and offering food and shelter to those who need it. Burning Man also described high morale among attendees who were sharing resources.
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Revelers are Catching HYPOTHERMIA and Fleeing to Local Bars for Warmth as Torrential Rain and Biting Winds cause Havoc at Nevada Hippie Festival
September 2, 20223
Normally a sun-soaked extravaganza of art and self-expression, Burning Man 2023 has instead been hampered by freezing sleet, dust clouds and swamp-like conditions. Sources told unexpected issues have seen organizers urge attendees with RVs and large vehicles to offer shelter to tent campers, and have advised people to conserve food and water. 
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Wicker Man
A wicker man was purportedly a large wicker statue in which the druids (priests of Celtic paganism) sacrificed humans and animals by burning.  There is some archaeological evidence of human sacrifice among Celtic peoples, although it is rare. In the mid-1st century BC, Caesar wrote in his Commentary on the Gallic War that a large wickerwork figure with limbs was filled with living men and set on fire. He says that criminals were the preferred victims, but that innocent people might also be burned if there were no criminals.
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He then realizes that the holiday has a deeper meaning that he never considered. Inspired, he stops the Whos' belongings from falling off the edge of the mountain, and in the process, his heart grows "three sizes". He returns all the gifts he stole and gladly takes part in the Whos' Christmas celebration.

Despite its ghoulish origins, the Burning Man celebration is just a big party. Of course the Drought and deluge we predicted in 1995
does not honor celebration dates, so the desert became a mud hole. The lesson to be learned here is that sharing resources and caring for others who are wet and shivering is a reward on its own. Forget the party, love and empathy bloomed. This is lasting and this is what grows the soul, as the Grinch
story states. That night his heart grew to be 3 times larger.

My cousin in Sumbawa, Indonesia recorded this video of three UFOs performing an aerial display over her town last night (they appeared green in color). Can you please ask the Zetas what does it mean? I know that Sumbawa which is just East of Bali is on the southern boundary of the Sunda plate and that this plate is currently undergoing adjustments as mentioned on ZetaTalk and seen on the news in China. Will this area experience an earthquake in the near future?

This is a tsunami warning. While Aceh is fresh in memory for the devastating tsunami that occurred there in 2004, this part of Indonesia has an unfortunate placement. As the Indo-Australian Plate tilts and rises on its eastern end, Indonesia subducts. There is a China blowout in process and Pacific compression too. The UFO orbs show the tide on the left hand side, from the West, as approaching land on the right hand side, then the tide rises above as tidal bore will do, and then the tide washes back out. Listen to the animals, as during Aceh the elephants ran for the hills carrying their riders with them. They knew.

Beijing Bay and Evansville Indiana both reversed directions? Same day same time? What caused this?
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Sept 5: Shandong China: 3.69km S <0.1km E
Sept 6: Shandong, China: 6.47km S 166.5km E
Sept 7: Shandong, China: 167.4 km N 1.1km E
Sept 2: Evansville, Indiana 1.85km N 2.15km W -36' elev. loss
Sept 5: Evansville, Indiana: <0.1km S 1.84km W
Sept 7: Evansville, Indiana: 1.85km S 2.8km E
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Space Segment
The GPS space segment consists of a constellation of satellites transmitting radio signals to users. The United States is committed to maintaining the availability of at least 24 operational GPS satellites, 95% of the time. To ensure this commitment, the U.S. Space Force has been flying 31 operational GPS satellites for well over a decade. GPS satellites fly in medium Earth orbit (MEO) at an altitude of approximately 20,200 km (12,550 miles). Each satellite circles the Earth twice a day.
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Then it was reported that during that same period - from June 10 to June 20 - the GPS map returned from GPS satellites down to the Sinai likewise had a scrambled appearance. 
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Global Positioning System
A GPS receiver calculates its position by precisely timing the signals sent by the GPS satellites high above the Earth. Each satellite continually transmits messages containing the time the message was sent, precise orbital information (the ephemeris), and the general system health and rough orbits of all GPS satellites (the almanac). The receiver measures the transit time of each message and computes the distance to each satellite. Geometric trilateration is used to combine these distances with the location of the satellites to determine the receiver's location.

We predicted that the GPS Satellites would falter back in 2009
when many people reported false readings. The wobble has a slight influence on GPS readings day to day but the extreme change from S to N etc in both China and Evansville indicates something else going on. The GPS satellites, which Google Earth uses, are geostationary, a network that is positioned over set spots on Earth below. If the wobble pushes the globe outside of the expected locations, then such readings would occur. Thus, these readings, happening in both China and N America, show the globe being pushed beyond what has been happening. The Severe Wobble in process.

Prior 6/20/2023 ZT:
There are several factors causing the scrambled GPS return from the waters just off coast from Israel. The Daily Earth Wobble has become more extreme, and where the GPS satellites are geo-stationary, this connection to the ground has limits. 

Prior 2/28/2009 ZT:
It is an effect of the wobble, affecting the position of the GPS satellites. Elevation is determined by GPS satellite networks, which are supposed to operate as though geostationary. When the distance to a spot on the Earth changes due to the wobble, increasing in distance for instance, the network assumes a lower elevation. Distance is determined by the GPS equipment based on the time it takes for a signal to travel to and from one of the satellites in the network.

Can the Zetas explain why the Dark Twin is looming this close and large in this capture?
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Don't know if you have seen this one yet. I think there was a similar video a while back showing the planet, I think the twin planet, rotating.
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Now a recent video has again captured the Dark Twin as a Monster. This is taken on August 8, 2017 from a cam called Misty Fjords on an island in Canada’s British Columbia, which has a South facing cam that can capture a view of the Dark Twin behind the Earth in their shared orbit on the right hand side of the view.  
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The Dark Twin has come up behind the Earth in their shared orbit, but cannot pass until the gyrations of the Last Weeks gives it opportunity to move on along their shared orbit. Prior to that time the Dark Twin attempts to slip behind the Earth. Thus it could be found in various locations and captured on film. Most often these captures are of a Monster Persona where the light reflected off its surface fans out but is then bent back toward the Earth, thus displaying what appears to be a large object.

It is coming closer. What are the big holes seen in the cloud cover in the 2023 image captures? This is once again a Monster Persona
so the size and features can be distorted. The Dark Twin does not have atmosphere as it has no water, but its black surface can capture light rays thus giving the impression of holes. Has it grown larger since 2010? The Monster Persona can appear huge but by comparing those images with those of similar definition, one can see that it has come closer.

Prior ZT:
The detail features on the surface of the Dark Twin have been captured on film before in 2010, during a Monster persona presentation. The features are more distinct in 2017 as the Dark Twin is pressing up behind the Earth in their shared orbit, trying to drop behind the Earth to pass on the far side away from the Sun and Nibiru. It will not manage this maneuver until the Last Weeks, as we have explained. One can see from this video that the Dark Twin is slowly rotating, counterclockwise, left to right, and shows many impact craters. Without water or atmosphere, there is little to disguise these craters

Is the severe wobble, now initiated by the Council of Worlds, causing all these storms and massive flooding in Libya?
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10,000 People are Missing and Thousands are Feared Dead as Eastern Libya is Devastated by Floods
September 12, 2023
As the storm pounded the coast, Derna residents said they heard loud explosions and realized that dams outside the city had collapsed. Flash floods were unleashed down Wadi Derna, a river running from the mountains through the city and into the sea. Videos posted online by residents showed large swaths of mud and wreckage where the raging waters had swept away neighborhoods on both banks of the river. Multi-story apartment buildings that once were well back from the river had facades ripped away and concrete floors collapsed. Cars lifted by the flood were left dumped on top of each other.

The Africa Roll has picked up the pace recently, as could be seen from the frequent squeeze in the Suez Canal and the pressure upon the foot of Africa where it is being forced into the void of the S Atlantic. Just as the waters of the Mediterranean suddenly went missing last February
due to the sudden void in the Mediterranean Sea, this most recent drop along the northern border of Africa created a slosh. Water pours into the void and splashes back out, this time to bound toward the coastline of Libya. Rains or even a flood from a broken dam will not scour the coastline in this way. This was caused by aggressive tsunami waves.

I found out via downdetector that it was in various locations across the UK that there was an issue with YT/FB/Yahoo mail/nings/Gab/X etc. So it wasn't a local thing at all.
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There is more than one way to disable an opponent. China fears the US will take advantage when the China blowout weakens her defenses. NATO in Europe wants the US to assist them in the Ukraine battles but the Junta has refused. Thus they are at war over this issue. NATO assumes that the US is about to get in bed with Russia, especially since President Trump is about to be reinstated. And internally within the US the Deep State among the leftists on the West Coast are trying to delay the exit of the Biden Administration. The sites under attack in the US are communication hubs in Chicago and Colorado.

I keep seeing this reduction in traffic through the Panama Canal, and now it has been stopped completely. They say low rainfall but seems to me the Canal gets it’s water from the ocean. I mean it is a canal. Is this the correct reason, or spin to cover the South American Wobble or NM Event? Would you or the Zeta’s please comment on this?
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Hundreds of ships are piling up on each side of the Panama Canal, which 40% of all international cargo goes through A major drought has hit the fresh water lake fed locking system Canal which is fed by river Ships are being ordered to travel with 40% less weight to deal with less water The Panama government said these restrictions will last at least 10 MORE MONTHS. What is causing this major drought?
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The Panama Canal Has Stopped!
September 13, 2023
Forty percent (40%) of the Global Supply Chain came to a halt today as the Panama Canal shut down.  Ships are presently stuck on both the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean sides of the canal because the FRESHWATER lake, which supplies the locks between the two oceans, has suffered a drought and can no longer fill the locks to allow ships to sail through the canal. Because of the severely reduced freshwater supply, Ships are being ordered to travel with 40% less weight to deal with less water.  The Panama government said these restrictions will last at least 10 MORE MONTHS.
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On August 26 we see evidence that S America is in a waggle, leaning backwards into the Atlantic. The clues are that quakes along the Andes are clustered at the armpit along the Nazca Plate, which it being pulled open. For the normal lean into the Pacific, quakes along the Andes range top to bottom. Then there is the Google Earth satellite reading, showing Venezuela far to the EAST from the previous day. Then there is the distress on the Heliplot charts for S America. And finally, the fact that the Panama platelet being snapped off is getting a rest, as the lean back relieves the pressure. The waggle allows the Toe to lift over the hump of the Caribbean Plate, expediting the New Madrid Rupture.

We have explained the S America waggle as occurring as the S Pacific compresses, forcing S America to lean back into the Atlantic rather than its normal lean into the Pacific. A waggle thus allows the SE Portion toe to escape over the hump of the Caribbean Plate, expediting the New Madrid Rupture process. S America is currently in a perpetual waggle. Meanwhile the waggle also allows the Mainland Portion of the US to drop down upon Mexico and the Cocos Plate, in essence trapping the Caribbean in a waggle state.

To ease the pressure on Central America, a hook of the Nazca Plate is preparing to snap off and become a platelet.
What does this do to Panama? This trauma is directly below Panama and as platelets can shift around and be unpredictable this has an unknown effect on traffic through the Panama Canal. The Suez Canal has had to deal with tight scheduling and delays because of the African Roll. The Panama Canal will have to do likewise until the New Madrid Adjustment has completed.

Prior ZT:
The Mainland Portion is dropping on the Cocos Plate. The Caribbean Plate is being pulled westward by its attachment to the S America Plate, so this is yet another push against the Cocos Plate. The Cocos is loath to fracture so pushes as a unit on the Nazca Plate which is held by a rock hook to the Panama Plate. This rock hook has now snapped to form a new platelet.

What are we seeing here? Wolf Creek, CO. Bottom looks like DT, dramatic top is a lens flare, or something else? 4:21 pm in the afternoon.
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By looking to the right of the setting Sun at 4:21 pm, the camera is capturing the image of the Dark Twin as a direct reflection of an object to the left - approaching from the West along the orbit shared with the Earth. There are two objects to be captured thus – the Monster Persona which is enlarged to appear larger than it is in reality, and the real object larger than Venus but smaller than the Earth’s Moon. The Dark Twin is Earth sized, and if seen without size adjustments would be this large. As was known from the start when the Dark Twin was first sighted,
it is a black hulk and reflects only blue and yellow light. Thus in this capture it appears blue.

What is this Tripledemic all about? A trick to get the Covid boosters forced on people?
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CDC recommends updated Covid-19 vaccines for everyone 6 months and older
September 12, 2023
Everyone ages 6 months and older should get an updated Covid-19 vaccine, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said, to help lower the risk of severe illness, hospitalization or death from the coronavirus.
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How to Avoid the Tripledemic of Respiratory Diseases This Winter
September 16, 2023
“Tripledemic“ jumped into our vocabulary and lives last year, referring to the winter surges of three respiratory viruses—RSV (respiratory syncytial virus), flu (influenza), and COVID-19. The tripledemic of 2022 infected millions, overwhelmed hospital systems, and killed more than 100,000 people in the U.S. over the 4-month peak span of these viruses.
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US CDC Expects 'Tripledemic' Hospitalizations to Remain High this Year vs Pre-Pandemic Levels
September 14, 2023
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said it expects the total number of hospitalizations from COVID-19, respiratory syncytial virus infections and flu this year to be similar to last year, higher than pre-pandemic levels. The government health agency also said it expects flu and RSV infections to increase over the fall and winter seasons. Vaccines for all three major respiratory viruses – COVID-19, flu, and RSV – will be available this fall.
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CDC Warns of Another 'Tripledemic' this Winter: Agency says Covid, RSV and Flu could Overwhelm Hospitals again - after Mask-Wearing and Lockdowns Weakened People's Immune Systems
September 15, 2023
A 'tripledemic' of Covid, flu and RSV this winter could be on the horizon. While the spread of the respiratory viruses is low at the moment, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has started to see an uptick in positive Covid tests and Covid-related emergency department visits. Covid hospitalizations are also rising.

The Fall of the year is traditionally when the annual flu shot is administered. This year, in the Fall of 2023, there is much reluctance in the populace to get a flu shot because of the Sudden Death syndrome that arrived with the Covid-19 vaccines, along with huge blood clots and nerve damage like Guillain-Barre paralysis. The WEF depopulation agenda was also assisted by the Pfizer vaccines by inducing abortions and even reducing sperm count. Yet Pfizer and other mRNA vaccines have never been called to account and the true statistics are hidden by the media and the Biden Administration.

The standard Fall shots will be included this year with Covid-19 boosters. Is this safe? No one trusts the CDC or the UN, who have yet to explain the high death rate and lingering immune system damage done by the Covid-19 vax and boosters. This places the common man in a quandary, as due to the lockdowns and masks during the pandemic, the normal immunity developed within the populace is now low. Fortunately for those in the US, the Junta is poised to return President Trump who is calling for the facts to be released by vaccine makers. The obvious solution is to drop the Covid-19 boosters.

Giorgio Meloni the Prime Minister of Italy was far right radical Regarding the refugee policy. She didn't want Italy to be overrun by refugees or immigrants. She won the elections in Italy 2022 and became their prime minister. But today she looks much younger than she did while she was campaigning. She was far more serious during her campaign in 2023. Did the dark side replace her? The Brussels mafia obviously didn't like her. She seemed to have enemies regarding her refugee policy. I also think she made some strange comments not too long ago where she was not as tough on immigration policy as she used to be while she campaigned during the Italian election. Or is it just simple cosmetic surgery? It seems the body doubles always look younger than the original ones do so I'm suspicious. And if she has been replaced What is the cause of this? To make her more obedient to Italy's migration policy?
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Giorgia Meloni: Italian PM who Broke the Internet after G20, Everything you Must Know about Giorgia Meloni
September 14, 2023
The Italian prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has sent the netizens on a meltdown after her candid rendezvous with Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the G20 Summit in New Delhi. Her glaring camaraderie was also highly watched with other Western leaders, including US President Joe Biden and UK PM Rishi Sunak. But Who is Giorgia Meloni? What is her political history? Why is she compared to fascist dictator Mussolini?
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EU Pledges Crackdown on Brutal Migrant Smuggling during Visit to Overwhelmed Italian Island
September 17, 2023
EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen pledged the swift return of  irregular migrants to their home countries and a crackdown on the  brutal business  of migrant smuggling Sunday during a visit with Italy's premier to a tiny fishing island overwhelmed with nearly 7,000 arrivals in a single day this week. Tensions have spiked on the island, which is closer to Tunisia than the Italian mainland, with residents expressing impatience with the constant flow of migrants trying to reach Europe from North Africa arriving on their shores not just this week but for decades. 
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Italy Works to Transfer Thousands of Migrants who Reached a Tiny Island in a Day
September 14, 2023
The Red Cross said there were still 4,200 migrants at the center out of the 6,800 who reached the tiny tourist and fishing island in a flotilla of some 120 boats that set out from Tunisia. Commercial ferries and Italian military vessels were taking newcomers from Lampedusa to mainland Italy.
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A Flotilla of Migrant Boats from Tunisia Overwhelms an Italian Island and Tests Meloni's Policy
September 13, 2023
A flotilla of flimsy boats, crowded with migrants and launched from Tunisia, overwhelmed a tiny southern Italian island on Wednesday, taxing the coast guard's capability to intercept the smugglers  vessels and testing Premier Giorgia Meloni's pledge to thwart irregular migration. Compounding the political pressure on Italy's first post-war far-right leader were vows by France and Germany to rebuff migrants who arrive by sea on Italian shores, and, in defiance of European Union asylum system rules, head northward to try to find jobs or relatives.

Has the newly elected PM of Italy - Giorgia Meloni - been replaced by a Double? She took a hard line against immigrants prior to her election and seems to have softened her policy since. She also looks younger. As we stated in 2016 when a dying German engineer
reported he worked on bunkers under Germany, equipped for Muslim immigrants instead of for the citizenry of Germany, the EU elite wants the young immigrants to be their militia in future. They are doing double speak re immigration thus. Yes, Meloni was replaced as her view was not in line with the EU elite.

Prior 10/1/2016 ZT:
Has Germany built secret bunkers to survive the passage of Nibiru? Just as is rumored to have been done in the United States, and has been exposed at Mount Weather, other countries have taken steps for their elite. Using taxpayer funds, and disguising these bunkers as a residence or a business, such constructed locations number in the hundreds around the world. What this dying German engineer is reporting it that these bunkers in Germany anticipate housing Muslims almost exclusively. He then hypothesizes that these young Muslim men will be used to kill off German survivors who would not be considered top grade workers for the elite.

Merkel has been an aggressive proponent of bringing in Syrian refugees, who seem to be disproportionately young men rather than complete families with women and young children and the aged. This begs the question, why did these young men desert their families? The suggestion made by this German engineer, in his deathbed confession, is that this refugee welcome is deliberate, to sculpt the population into a worker force rather than a citizen base demanding social services. The refugee influx into Europe has proved to be a disaster, with an aggressive counter push to keep refugees in their homeland, to be resettled there. Was this Merkel's plan, and has it failed? Yes.

Sikhs are numerous in Canada (over 2% of our population) and quite militant, and Trudeau wouldn't say what he did without a directive from his White Hat handlers.
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What is Khalistan: The Sikh Separatist Movement behind Tensions between Canada and India
September 19, 2023
The diplomatic relationship between Canada and India exploded this week when Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau levelled the accusation that India had been involved in the killing of a Canadian citizen at a Sikh temple in British Columbia in June. Hardeep Singh Nijjar, 45, was shot dead outside a gurdwara in Surrey, B.C., on June 18. A leader among the Sikh diaspora in Canada, Nijjar had been active with a group supporting the push for an independent Sikh homeland in northern India called Khalistan.
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India Suspends Visa Services in Canada as Diplomatic Fight Grows
September 21, 2023
Trudeau told Parliament that there were "credible allegations" of Indian involvement in the assassination of Sikh independence activist Hardeep Singh Nijjar, who had been wanted by India for years and was gunned down outside a Sikh temple in Surrey, B.C., on June 18. India continued to call the allegations being investigated in Canada absurd and an attempt to shift attention from the presence of Nijjar and other wanted suspects in Canada.

Why should it be surprising that India special forces might kill a militant Sikh who happens to be a Canadian citizen living on Canadian soil? The Mossad and CIA assassinate whom they please all over the world, overturning lawful elections or just eliminating opponents, and this is accepted as normal behavior. The reason India and Canada are getting into a fuss over this is because both India and Canada are considered benign and friendly countries. This is akin to having your grandma revealed as Genghis Khan. A shock.

If Nijjar was a pest the Indian government would like to see eliminated, one trying to hide out in Canada for his own protection, he was likewise a worry for Canada who saw Nijjar trying to build a new empire in British Colombia. Why then is Trudeau raising a fuss? Canada wants to discourage the influx of Indian citizens, whether tourists or immigrants, due to their constant terrorist worries. Thus Canada needs an excuse to shut down Visas. Did Canada kill Nijjar for these reasons? Yes, upon the White Hats’ directives.

Coincidence they happened just before quakes?
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As with earthquake clouds, which are adjustments in the clouds due to emissions from the ground, these odd clouds are due to emissions from the ground. The Petrol is normally orange-red but due to ground magnetic draw, the Iron Oxide is pulled to the lower part of the cloud. Thus, more visible from Earth. This is a type of earthquake cloud.


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