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Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case.
This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 78 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.
My question involves the collision of two ships off of England's coast. The media is quick to blame a Russian capitan with manslaughter but it feels like the usual story of evil Russians. My thought is of the Wobble and the sloshing of the Atlantic. If they Zetas care to give any more details...
Accepted but it seems to be obvious. Sloshing. We had a similiar case in US where ships were crashing into bridges due to sloshing. never got the truth iin th media there either.
Shaun Kazuck said:
My question involves the collision of two ships off of England's coast.
My question involves the collision of two ships off of England's coast. The media is quick to blame a Russian capitan with manslaughter but it feels like the usual story of evil Russians. My thought is of the Wobble and the sloshing of the Atlantic. If they Zetas care to give any more details.
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Arrested Container Ship Captain That Hit US Tanker Is Russian National
March 12, 2025
The captain of the container ship that collided with a U.S.-flagged tanker carrying jet fuel for the U.S. military off the coast of England has been identified as a Russian national and taken into custody over suspicion of gross negligence manslaughter. Maritime experts are searching for answers to how the Portuguese-flagged Solong container ship, equipped with modern navigation equipment, failed to avoid U.S.-registered tanker Stena Immaculate off the East Yorkshire coast.
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On March 9 the electronic screech from compressed or tugged rock in N America Mainland is extreme. This is due to the Eurasian and N American plates being pulled apart in the N Atlantic. When the Void rips open, this pull will be eased.
We have detailed the tsunami to be expected during the New Madrid Adjustment as the Mainland Portion of N America separates at the border with Eurasia in the N Atlantic. A Void will open there, allowing water to plunge in and rebound toward Europe. The slosh that developed in the N Sea, causing two ships to collide, is a precursor to the sloshing to be expected at some point. Plate Movement was present causing a 6.5 Magnitude Quake in the deep water in the Greenland trench, and the stress on the Mainland showing on the NOAA GeoElectric map at that time indicates that a tussle was in process.
Green flames?
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Adding to the mystery, eerie green flames have been seen shooting from a manhole. Officials have confirmed they are responding to multiple fires, forcing nearby buildings to be cleared as the situation unfolds. What the hell is going on underneath there?
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Texas Tech Forced to Cancel Classes Days before Spring Break as Neon Green Manhole Explosions Knock Out Campus Power
Narch 13, 2025
An explosion on the Texas Tech University campus in Lubbock set off fires and power outages Wednesday, leading school officials to issue evacuation orders for several buildings and cancel classes for the rest of the week. An alert sent to the campus community around 8:45 p.m. described the explosion as occurring at a substation but a later update said it was at a manhole. It wasn’t clear what might have caused the explosion.
Lubbock, Tx is on the Mainland Portion of N America which is at present aggressively dropping to the SW as the New Madrid Fault Line separates along the Mississippi River. This separation gives the Mainland freedom to slide into the Pacific, which can be shown on the NOAA GeoElectric map showing electronic screech in the rock. Since this is a stretch action, normally silent, there are few quakes in the region but Lubbock did have one at that time. With an electronic attractant below and increasing EMP from Nibiru above, it is no wonder that a massive electronic fire developed, melting the copper wire in abundance nearby.
Looks like Unzipping!
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Mar 14
ALERT: Tomorrow's severe weather risk has been upgraded, with increased confidence in strong EF2 or stronger tornadoes, some of which could be long-tracked.
The mainland is dropping, drooping land creates powerful low-pressure faultline weather systems, aka DANA storms.
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Tornadoes, Wildfires and Blinding Dust Sweep Across the U.S. as a Massive Storm leaves at least 33 Dead
March 15, 2025
The dynamic storm, earning an unusual “high risk” designation from weather forecasters, was blamed for deadly dust storms in the nation’s midsection, icy winter weather in northern parts of the country and severe thunderstorms. The extreme weather conditions were forecast to impact an area that is home to more than 100 million people, with winds threatening blizzard conditions in colder northern areas and fanning the wildfire risk in warmer, drier places to the south.
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Cuba Suffers Fourth Nationwide Blackout in Five Months
March 14, 2025
Cuba suffered a general blackout on Friday caused by a crash of its national electricity grid, officials said, the fourth major power outage on the cash-strapped communist island in five months.
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Shadow of Ezra
Cuba, Panama, and Venezuela are all experiencing blackouts at the same time.
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What are the signs that the New Madrid Fault Line is unzipping? We have described the process as a separation of the Fault Line sides starting at the source at the Isthmus, thence through the deep Gulf water to New Orleans, thence up the Mississippi River and along its path under the Seaway,
and finally a shifting of the SE Portion where it joins the Mainland and Eurasia Plate in the N Atlantic. During this process the bridges crossing the Mississippi will fail
and the tearing open at the Void in the N Atlantic will allow tsunami against Europe and the East Coast.
No timeline for the New Madrid Rupture has been given, and it is subject to delay if the Council of Worlds deems it more important to allow the souls affected to have the opportunity to react empathetically and move toward the Service-to-Other. Thus the unzipping has been ongoing to some degree all along the New Madrid Fault Line, but more must occur. What are the signs that an uptick in this process is happening, perhaps today?
When the unzipping passes through the deep waters of the Gulf, the toe of the SE Portion must be freed from its attachment at the Isthmus.
This tears the Yucatan Peninsula and lowers the land masses in the area, as they are stretched taut. Thus the blackouts in the Caribbean due to ripping rock screech and EMP and the storm systems in the US due to drooping land from low air pressure. The traditional methods of watching for pending unzipping are signs that the rock is ripping – thus increased methane release as is present now on both sides of the Seaway – and the GeoElectric map showing N America tugging .
Prior 10/31/2019 ZT:
The New Madrid Fault Line will begin to tear the hard rock. The soft rock below New Madrid will likewise rip, rather than stretch. Each segment of the fault line will be put under intense stress, and quickly fail in a domino fashion. The New Madrid Fault Line will rapidly unzip toward Chicago and then East under the Seaway.
Prior 11/30/2019 ZT:
We have predicted that all bridges crossing the Mississippi will fail by the time the New Madrid is done adjusting. Rivers historically have attracted industry due to river barges and thus cities spring up along rivers. Thus the economy is vested in bridges that cross the Mississippi, and the establishment is reluctant to shut the bridges down or close off the porting of oil and gas via pipelines across the river. Until a breach occurs, no action will be taken. Meanwhile bridges will find their footings shifting and the pavement on either side rumpled. Petrol explosions should be anticipated.
Prior 10/25/2023 ZT:
As has been clear for several months the weight of the Mainland Portion pulling to the SW will result in a new Panama Platelet. What is also now obvious is the result of the SE Portion scraping across the hump of the Caribbean plate. This is no longer just showing quakes along the hump border, but has now resulted in stress along internal fault lines within the interior of the Caribbean Plate. Meanwhile the Toe of the SE Portion continues to rip from the Isthmus. Eventually, the Yucatan Peninsula will be found some miles East of its current location. The New Madrid Fault Line will now aggressively unzip up the Mississippi River.
Is Mr MBB33 still bumfuzzled?
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ZetaTalk Followers
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Mr MBB333
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The Dark Twin Looming was last addressed in the February 2024 newsletter. The Dark Twin can be seen naked eye and astonishes those who get a glimpse. It is seen primarily as a Monster persona, not its real size, and when looking back along the orbit shared with the Earth, primarily in looking west in late afternoon or evening. It was recently seen in February 2024. This example was submitted to Mr MBB333, who was bumfuzzled.
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Most often the Dark Twin presents as a Monster Persona, where the light rays reflecting off its surface curl back toward the viewer or camera on Earth, drawn back by the gravity of Earth, thus outlining a larger object than exists in reality. In 2023 it was captured in reflection twice, once as a Monster and again in its actual size, showing how much larger a Monster Persona appears.
As the Dark Twin comes up behind the Earth in their shared orbit
it is primarily seen as a fuzzy enlarged planet. When seen as a Monster Persona light rays escaping into space are bent back toward Earth so the size seen is not real, but enlarged. The true size was captured in 2023
when a dual capture was secured – the Monster and a light blue reflection in the real size. But in addition to the size distortion, the Dark Twin has been depicted as fuzzy and vague. Now it has begun to be seen as bright.
Reflected sunlight allowed the Dark Twin to be seen when it first emerged from behind the Sun in 2004
as the reflection was a sharp angle. Then the Dark Twin became vague as the reflected light did not bounce toward the Earth. Now it has begun to be seen as bright. We explained that the Dark Twin would escape from its trap by moving behind the Earth,
though this would not occur until the Last Weeks. This changes the angle of reflection, so that reflected sunlight can again be perceived directly by those on Earth.
Prior 4/14/2012 ZT:
We had warned that the twin would tend to move behind the Earth as these planets are squeezed in the cup, and thence escape by moving back into space behind the Earth, passing the Earth in their shared orbit. We mentioned these possibilities, that the Dark Twin would pass the Earth and attempt to escape by moving forward in their shared orbit. At present, the twin is caught behind the Earth in their shared orbit, and moving along outside of their orbit behind the Earth out in space. It is trying to evade conflict with the Earth by dropping below the Ecliptic somewhat, as it attempt to slide past the Earth.
Good morning, Nancy. I have noticed now on the 18th and 19th of this month the helix tail of Nibiru has shifted to the right more. I am curious with the expectation of seeing Nibiru by the end of March if the shifting tail is being illuminated more and whether this will be what causes Nibiru to be seen more readily in the skies. Kind of like having a search light beaming on it. Would the Zetas care to comment on these captures they aided me in obtaining?
Fantastic images James!
Nibiru has a rtrograde rotation which means a clockwise rotation, and the fact that the N Pole is seen blowing debris and petrol away increasingly to the RIGHT shows the 270 roll. These images are 2D but if one could see the drama in 3D we would have seen the N Pole of Nibiru pointed toward the S Pole of the Sun. As the roll progressed we would expect to see the N Pole of Nibiru pointed directly to the RIGHT, which is the case in these photos. This will eventually result in the N Pole of Nibiru pointing at the Earth, a full 180 degree turn in space for Nibiru. But the increased debris and Petrol that we expect to see from Nibiru by the end of March will cause Nibiru to be seen more readily in the skies.
The Zetas have talked about the pyramids and how they were constructed to last the ages and used as an instrument to site PX as it means the solar system for the Annunaki to get ready to deliver the gold. A recent study using a type of radar scan has discovered huge structures that extend below the pyramids to a depth of nearly 2km. Massive cylindrical strutted connecting to huge squares strutters, very complex. This appears to be a huge discovery and would be possible to explain by human intervention, not that the pyramids themselves are far beyond human capability to build. Can the Zetas comment on what was discovered and what function it had in the pyramid being a type of telescope?
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SAR Scan of Khafre Pyramid Shows Huge Underground Structures
Narch 18, 2025
This press release summarized the key findings in the team’s research of the second largest pyramid of the Giza Plateau, known as the Khafre Pyramid. Near the base of the pyramid, 5 identical structures are seen, connected by geometric pathways. Inside each of these are 5 horizontal levels and a sloping roof. Below these 5 structures are 8 cylindrical structures which appear to be vertical wells, hollow inside, and surrounded by descending spiral pathways. These 8 vertically aligned cylindrical structures, arranged in two parallel rows from north to south, descend to a depth of 648 meters where they all merge into two large cubic structures measuring approximately 80 meters per side. The entire structure extends approximately two kilometers beneath the surface. And extends beneath all three pyramids of the Giza Plateau complex.
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HUGE Structures Discovered 2km BELOW Pyramid of Khafre?!
The home planet of the Annunaki is Nibiru which is primarily a water planet, more ocean than land. Thus during the evolution of the Annunaki culture they learned to harvest the flow of electrons by the motion of the oceans. It was a natural migration of their technology to planet Earth when they settled Gold mining operations there. The hollow tubes found in the Khafre Pyramid were filled at one time with water which had tides in accordance with the rotation of the Earth. Water is more fluid than land and thus will slosh when the electromagnetic currents of Earth change.
The magnetic field of Earth aligns with the Sun but there are many competing influences during the Earth’s 24 hour rotation. Electrons and Magnetons love to travel together, and as is known, electrons travel freely in water, so as the rotation of the Earth changed the magnetic alignment of Earth, even ever so slightly, the water in these giant tubes shifted, thus creating sloshing currents. The Annunaki learned how to capture the flow of electrons from such shifting current via the coils they wrapped around the tubes.
I have noticed now on the 18th and 19th of this month the helix tail of Nibiru has shifted to the right more. I am curious with the expectation of seeing Nibiru by the end of March if the shifting tail is being illuminated more and whether this will be what causes Nibiru to be seen more readily in the skies. Kind of like having a search light beaming on it. Would the Zetas care to comment on these captures they aided me in obtaining?
Nibiru has a retrograde rotation which means a clockwise rotation, and the fact that the N Pole is seen blowing debris and petrol away increasingly to the RIGHT shows the 270 roll. These images are 2D but if one could see the drama in 3D we would have seen the N Pole of Nibiru pointed toward the S Pole of the Sun. As the roll progressed we would expect to see the N Pole of Nibiru pointed directly to the RIGHT, which is the case in these photos. This will eventually result in the N Pole of Nibiru pointing at the Earth, a full 180 degree turn in space for Nibiru. But the increased debris and Petrol that we expect to see from Nibiru by the end of March will cause Nibiru to be seen more readily in the skies.
In case no one has asked the obvious question I will…was the Heathrow fire caused by an EMP?
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What we Know about the Fire that Brought London’s Heathrow Airport to a Standstill
March 22, 2025
Officials said there was no suggestion of foul play, but the cause is still under investigation. The fire brigade said its investigation would focus on the electrical distribution equipment at the substation. Even so, London’s Metropolitan Police Service said counterterrorism detectives were leading the investigation because of the fire’s impact on critical national infrastructure. Energy Secretary Ed Miliband said it was “an unprecedented event.”
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Heathrow Flights Resume after Closure Causes Global Flight Turmoil
March 21, 2025
Flights at Britain's Heathrow resumed after a fire knocked out its power supply and shut Europe's busiest airport for the day, stranding tens of thousands of passengers and causing travel turmoil worldwide. Heathrow said its teams worked tirelessly to reopen the world's fifth-busiest airport after it was forced to close entirely after a huge fire engulfed a nearby substation. Police said that after an initial assessment they were not treating the incident as suspicious, although enquiries remained ongoing. London Fire Brigade said its investigations would focus on the electrical distribution equipment. Prime Minister Keir Starmer's spokesperson said there were questions to answer about how the incident occurred and there would be a thorough investigation.
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BREAKING - RUSSIAN SABOTAGE Suspected In LONDON, HEATHROW Electrical Failure and Fire!!
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Counter Terrorism Police Probe Heathrow Fire amid claims of Russian sabotage
March 21, 2025
More than 1,300 flights to and from the UK's busiest airport will be impacted today due to its closure following a blaze at the nearby North Hyde electrical substation. Thousands of homes were left without power with more than 100 people evacuated after a transformer at the substation caught fire as a huge explosion was heard. Experts are analysing whether Russia could be linked to the UK substation fire, which is affecting 679 flights scheduled to land and 678 departures from Heathrow.
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Britain Sends Warships to the North Sea to Protect Underwater Gas and Oil Pipelines and Internet Cables
October 5, 2022
Britain has sent warships to the North Sea to protect underwater gas and oil pipelines and internet cables from Russian sabotage after the Nordstream was blown up in a suspected Kremlin attack.
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Intelligence Suggests Pro-Ukrainian Group Sabotaged Pipelines, U.S. Officials Say
March 7, 2023
New intelligence reviewed by U.S. officials suggests that a pro-Ukrainian group carried out the attack on the Nord Stream pipelines last year, a step toward determining responsibility for an act of sabotage that has confounded investigators on both sides of the Atlantic for months.
What is the nexus between Zelensky demanding €5 billion for weapons on March 20 and on the same day the Heathrow airport being shut down by an obvious act of sabotage. Clearly Zelensky was refused. The hand of Ukraine terrorists
was at the helm of the Nord Stream pipeline in 2022
but as usual Russia was accused
of bombing their own pipeline. The message from Kiev is to support Ukraine with weapons and a NATO membership or else. But if Britain or the western press is to place blame, they will blame Russia.
Prior 1/11/2022 ZT:
The border between Norway and Greenland goes right through the Svalbard islands. This is not where an undersea cable should ever be located, but Norway was not thinking about the pending passage of Nibiru when they set about laying cable. So to save face, while the St. Lawrence Seaway is being pulled open and the N American Continent is having spasms, Russia will be blamed.
Would the Zetas care to comment on this infrequently seen phenomena in Poland?
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Yesterday evening, March 24 at 23.00 Moscow time, many residents of Russia saw a large bright magnetic spiral. Many countries in Europe also saw this thing. Similar to the spiral in Norway in 2009.
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From the UK and surrounding areas in Europe. The blue spiral has been spotted all across England & Wales this evening on 24/03/25. From tonight, Europa, Hungary!
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Dramatic blue spirals first made an appearance in the skies in 2009 in Norway. As we explained
the swirl is a combination of a chemical reaction due to Petrol and magnetic and electrical polarization from the charged tail of Nibiru. The swirl will be in a retrograde direction, as is Nibiru’s rotation. Once a swirl starts it is loath to stop, but perpetuates itself until the charge at the center dissipates or grounds. Nibiru’s 270 Roll will increasingly point the tail toward the Earth, and such Sky Fire displays will increase dramatically.
Prior 2009 ZT:
Spirals were present in the skies, as signs in the skies, during prior pole shifts, yes. This is a matter we withheld up until now, because of our desire to surprise the establishment as much as possible, to hopefully shake the cover-up and allow admissions of the truth to blurt out. Just as with the frequency of fireballs, which at first were blamed on space junk or on a satellite crash and then on asteroids entering Earth's field, the establishment will cast around for explanations before simply falling silent on the matter. The time is coming when silence will be their only defense, so that the common man looks elsewhere for an explanation.
Prior 2009 ZT:
The display over the skies of Norway are not noctilucent clouds, which are ice crystals in the clouds catching the light, nor are they earthquake lights. They are also not the smoking and curling light towers caused by methane gas released during Earth movements, suddenly catching fire while aloft in the sky. The Norway display is akin to the neon clouds seen on occasion since Planet X arrived in the inner solar system in 2003 and the grease in the tail of Planet X has polluted the Earth's atmosphere. The neon appearance is caused by a chemical reaction, akin to man's familiar light sticks. Up until recently, such neon displays required a light source in order to be seen, lit in the dawn or dusk by sunlight or the lights from a city.
What has occurred over Norway is a neon cloud, a grease cloud, lit by the electrical charge from the tail of Planet X. Why the great swirl in the clouds around the swirling neon display? An electrical charge in the sky is not a static matter, as the path of lightning shows. Lightning is an accumulation between moving air masses that suddenly builds to the point where a torrent of electrons is on the move. But what if the charge does not accumulate in one place, but is constantly present over a broad area?
As with all swirls that develop in nature, they start with a small movement in one place that creates a vacuum pulling matter behind it, and thus builds. Galaxies swirl. Water going down a drain swirls. And these large charged atmospheric swirls are chasing after some part of the tail waft that is more or less charged than the surrounding atmosphere. What occurs at the center of such a charged swirl is more electrical charge than the surrounding swirl, thus the center becomes a neon cloud that can be seen even at night, and wants to discharge, ground, in the Earth.
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