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  • If not, assume it has been declined by the Zetas.
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  1. No personal counseling is done.This rule has been in place since 1996. Questions should be of broad interest to the general public.
  2. Correlation or resolution of ZetaTalk with the work of other channels or authors is not done unless they predict and have a prediction accuracy track record, as otherwise they are not a peer of ZetaTalk which does so. This rule has been in place since 2002. Just because another website or author makes a statement does not make that statement true, nor will the Zetas explain to you why their statements are not true, as then they are taking time out to address the issue.
  3. The Zetas, as all visitors, are under rules on how they interact with humanity. They are not here to rescue you. They cannot divert Planet X just as today they do not prevent droughts or floods. The Earth is mankind’s schoolhouse whereby he learns to help his fellow man.
  4. The date of the pole shift cannot be given, but the sequence of events can be given. [ Link ] Check the ning pinned discussions and blogs for such information as the 7 of 10, the last weeks, etc.

Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case.

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 78 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.

Views: 61471

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Replies to This Discussion

Accepted via email: 

I feel that ML will be in effect within a week. This way they get the folk to follow rules/restrictions/rationing. Easily done when folk think a war is looming. 
[and from another]
Ukraine-Russia Crisis: Biden, Putin to Speak as White House says 'Credible Prospect' of Imminent Russian Invasion
February 11, 2022
A Russian military invasion of Ukraine could happen before the end of the Beijing Winter Olympics, prompting a stark warning from the White House that Americans still in Ukraine should leave in the next 24 to 48 hours. And Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on Friday ordered the deployment of 3,000 additional troops to Poland as the crisis over Russia’s potential invasion of Ukraine deepened.
[and from another]
US to Evacuate Ukraine Embassy amid Russian Invasion Fears
February 11, 2022
The US is preparing to evacuate its embassy in Kyiv amid fears of an imminent Russian invasion of Ukraine. An announcement for all staff at the embassy to leave the country is expected early Saturday from the State Department.
[and from another]
Russia-Ukraine Crisis: UK Nationals told to leave Ukraine
February 12, 2022
British nationals in Ukraine are being told to leave the country now while commercial means are still available. The UK Foreign Office's warning came as the US said that Russia could invade "any day now" and told its own citizens to leave in the next 48 hours.

The elite in Europe lust after Russian territory, particularly the oil and gas fields just over the border in Russia. This is denied of course, with claims that it is Russia who wants to invade Europe. Russia is braced for an invasion of drowning or starving European citizens, as they know that Europe will flood during the Pole Shift and well ahead of time too during the New Madrid rupture. European elite have thus attempted to start a war with Russia in 2014 by shooting down the MH 17 and trying to frame Russia.
By these means the elite hope to expand their territory, and Russia plans to block them.

Why is Russia now beefing up its defenses along the Ukraine/Russia border? It is not just our highly accurate predictions, which over the years have predicted the New Madrid Fault Line rupture toward the end of 2021 and into early 2022. This is in process now, an undeniable fact as the US monitors the ground movement and shares this information with their allies elsewhere. We are not allowed to provide the exact date or time of such events, but Britain and the US are certainly revealing their expectations. The rupture is very soon, within days, by their calculations.

Prior ZT:
The Ukraine government , desperate to push back the pro-Russian separatists, had attempted to destroy or suppress all evidence of their deed. They have refused to release the air traffic control tapes, and have of course been doctoring them in anticipation of being forced to do so. Anyone not cooperating with their story (such as Carlos the Spanish air traffic controller who released tweets during the incident) has been killed. That this was a deliberate false flag incident to encourage partners to engage in warfare will never officially be admitted. 

Accepted via email: 

Here are some links that show activity on the seaway
[and from another]
Lake Erie is Shaking – Is this Enhanced Geological Activity in the area Responsible for mysterious Deep Water Temperature Rising in the Great Lakes?
February 11, 2022
Nine weak, shallow earthquakes have already struck central Lake Erie in the first weeks of 2022, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources. The quake epicenters are clustered about two miles offshore of Lake County east of Cleveland. 
[and from another]
Earthquake Detected near Lake Erie Shoreline; 7th Reported in 2022
February 5, 2022
This earthquake marks the seventh reported in the same area since the start of 2022.
Jan. 4, 8:20 a.m. - 2.8 magnitude (northwest of Timberlake)
Jan. 5, 5:25 a.m. - 1.9 magnitude (north of Timberlake)
Jan. 27, 3:53 a.m. - 2.1 magnitude (northwest of Lakeline)
Jan. 27, 1:10 p.m. - 2.5 magnitude (north-northwest of Lakeline)
Jan. 29, 1:23 p.m. - 2.0 magnitude (west-northwest of Willowick)
Feb. 1, 8:37 p.m. - 1.6 magnitude (northwest of Timberlake)
Feb. 4, 4:14 p.m. - 2.4 magnitude (northwest of Timberlake)

We stated that the New Madrid rupture was in process by the end of 2021 and the quake swarms in Lake Erie off Cleveland certainly confirm that process. The New Madrid Fault Line passes beneath Cleveland, and thus our prediction that both Cleveland and Toledo
will be devastated by the 2022 rupture. The Seaway is also spreading, and this is not a gentle process, resulting in warming water above the fault line activity. Where the authorities are clucking and pretending to scratch their heads, they know full well what is coming.

Prior 2010 ZT:
As the New Madrid fault line runs up along the Seaway just under the Great lakes in Ohio, cities such as Cleveland and Toledo will find their infrastructure greatly shattered in places as the rock beneath them will jut and drop, vertical adjustments. Buffalo, being virtually on the fault line, will likewise be shattered in this way, such that freeways become useless, but the seaway at Niagara Falls will remain.

Accepted from the ZetaTalk Followers forum: 

Petroleum falling from the skies?
No Explanation for 'Mystery Liquid' Falling from Sky over Neighborhood
February 9, 2022
People in one Eastern Las Vegas neighborhood near Hollywood Blvd. and Charleston Ave. have been completely perplexed for weeks as mysterious brown or black droplets have fallen on their properties. The Nevada Department of Conservation referred a KTNV request to the Division of Environmental Protection and the DEP hadn't responded to inquiry by publication.

The ominous purple blob that appeared in the photo captures by the ZetaTalk Team by January 2022
was bound to arrive in the Earth’s atmosphere. Purple rain had arrived by October 2021
looking like tadpoles on the streets of France. Now we have oily droplets in Las Vegas. Purple or oily rain is caused by the Petrol in the tail of Nibiru combined with the magnetized iron oxide dust. This will increase to be an Internet sensation without explanation until the authorities admit the presence of Nibiru.

Prior ZT:
Just as purple skies have become almost common this past year, purple Petrol Masses in the skies blocking sunlight will become almost common too. Purple is a common color because the sky seen from Earth appears blue but the red iron oxide dust in the tail of Nibiru is dark red. Mix the two together and one gets purple on the color chart. The larger question is why this Petrol Mass is now blocking sunlight, creating a shadow on Alberto’s photo. This shadow is confirmed by James who finds the visible portion of the Nibiru Complex looking like a slice of pie.

This great shadow is now noticeable because the Petrol Mass is close enough to the Earth to interfere with camera shots taken from the surface of Earth. It is dense and blocking sunlight. How will this be perceived by the people of Earth used to gazing at the skies? Many surprising aspects have occurred, unexplained by the establishment elite determined to maintain the coverup over the presence of Nibiru as long as possible. Their response will be to ask “What purple blob in the skies?“ as though those who find the sunlight blocked by a purple blob are in error or are confabulating. Will this soon be evident to all, worldwide? Perhaps.

Accepted via email: 

Just wanted to share this video of birds falling out of the sky in Mexico. The excuses they muster up are beyond pathetic.
[and from another]
[and from another]
[and from another]
Dozens of Yellow-Headed Blackbirds Mysteriously Drop Dead in Mexico
February 12, 2022
Social media sleuths are trying to solve the mystery of why dozens of birds crashed to their deaths in the Mexican state of Chihuahua. The migratory fowl arrived from northern Canada and had been wintering in Mexico. The cause of the mass death remains unclear, but some speculated the birds may have been suffering from the effects of high pollution, which has plagued the region lately.
[and from another]
Sinkhole Forms in Joplin’s Landreth Park
February 10, 2022
the hole appears to be about 25 feet deep at this time. Water is in the bottom of the hole.  It is about 8-10 feet across.

The Mainland Portion of the N American Continent slides to the SW in waves. Of course it does not drop as a unit, but rather that the lower portion slides down, creating a void where the portion above that lower portion can now fill. It is a stepped operation. When Mexico moves, this allows Texas and Oklahoma and the Midwest above it to move. When this shifts, the land above the Seaway finds it can shift over to the West. At a certain point, a threshold is reached where the hard rock on either side of the town of New Madrid snaps, releasing the full rupture of the New Madrid Fault Line.

Birds in Chihuahua dropped en masse from the sky because of a massive methane release. Birds and fish are sensitive to methane, and die quickly, thus the canary in the coal mine used by miners. This occurred on the same day that yet another quake along the fault line at the Pemex gas fields occurred - the unzipping up from the Gulf. None of this is a coincidence. This occurred just a day or so after Joplin had a shifting rock incident, and Oklahoma and Texas are again having daily quakes along the Mainland Portion path.

Hi Nancy and Zetas,

I recently watched a new Ghostbusters movie and came across some CIA propaganda. The scene takes place in Oklahoma where mysterious earthquakes occur, which is a reference to the real situation. In addition, there are many references to the end of the world and so on.

To be honest, this idiocy is already tired. Putting shit in movies and like, we did the best we could. My question is this: is it possible that people will literally go after and kill the elite when the truth comes out? They lie literally about everything and always...

Hollywood taps University of Calgary seismologist’s expertise for Ghostbusters movie

December 8, 2022

Eaton also told Reitman that the real Oklahoma had actually seen a big surge in human-caused earthquakes, or induced seismicity, in the last decade. Oil and gas operations, especially underground disposal of wastewater, in the state have triggered minor earthquakes.

Eaton, who is internationally renowned for his cutting-edge research on earthquakes induced by hydraulic fracturing, chuckles and says: “In the movie, they actually ruled out hydraulic fracturing specifically as a cause of the earthquakes.”

Accepted but not for an analysis of fictional movie scripts. 

Stanislav said:

I recently watched a new Ghostbusters movie and came across some CIA propaganda. 

The scene takes place in Oklahoma where mysterious earthquakes occur, which is a reference to the real situation. In addition, there are many references to the end of the world and so on. To be honest, this idiocy is already tired. Putting shit in movies and like, we did the best we could. My question is this: is it possible that people will literally go after and kill the elite when the truth comes out? They lie literally about everything and always...
[and from another]
[and from another]
[and from another]
Hollywood taps University of Calgary seismologist’s expertise for Ghostbusters movie
December 8, 2022
Eaton also told Reitman that the real Oklahoma had actually seen a big surge in human-caused earthquakes, or induced seismicity, in the last decade. Oil and gas operations, especially underground disposal of wastewater, in the state have triggered minor earthquakes. Eaton, who is internationally renowned for his cutting-edge research on earthquakes induced by hydraulic fracturing, chuckles and says: “In the movie, they actually ruled out hydraulic fracturing specifically as a cause of the earthquakes.”

The quake swarms in Oklahoma have been ongoing for over a year. They are located between the thick rock of the mountains to the West and the hard rock of the Ozarks. The relatively thin crust in this quake zone therefore takes the brunt of the diagonal tugging on the N American Continent. But this is all denied by the establishment as there is a cover-up over the near presence of Nibiru and the pending passage of Nibiru. Such quakes are blamed on fracking, which is a lie.

As the reality of the pending passage of Nibiru becomes more and more obvious, the elite of the world become more and more nervous. How will the common man react when they realize they have been lied to by the elite – politicians and royalty and those in the hierarchy of the world’s religions? In smoke filled rooms these matters are discussed endlessly. Banking systems, healthy and vibrant economic development, and the safety of the elite themselves would be under threat. Even the military elite hesitate to inform the public, fearing that their soldiers might become overwhelmed.

We have long predicted that the elite will run to their bunkers and refuse to answer the door or the phone. Meetings will be unattended. This status will not occur all at once, but gradually as Nibiru makes its presence known. The scientific community is already hiding. The USGS refuses to post the truth about the size of earthquakes, now closing down for days at a time. Martial Law solves many of these problems, as they are not required to respond to public demands. They will toss the issue into our and Nancy’s laps, and let us explain.

Accepted via email: 

Our "Emergencies Act" seems to be a form of Martial Law.    The Covid restrictions protests aren't that big or out of control, so I think they're using them as an excuse to invoke the Emergencies Act ahead of New Madrid events.   In fact, the protests may have allowed the protests to occur or even secretly promoted for that reason.
[and from another]
In Canada Justin Trudeau just invoked the Emergencies Act to deal with the Truckers … this doesn’t seem to fall within how the Zetas predicted this would go.  Could the Zetas explain how this will play out?  Also if Trudeau is supposedly a white hat, why is there no hint of him being a white hat?  He seems to be playing this as a true black hat.
[and from another]
Can the Zeta's say anything about "Trudeau" invoking the Emergencies Act to deal with the peaceful and joyful protests that have been going on in Ottawa? This would give the government  dictatorial powers to imprison people, seize assets and funds, military involvement, compel business cooperation etc. This seems like such a dramatic step I'm once again at a loss considering what is going on around the world. Is there some remnant Kazarian Mafia trying to make a last stand in Canada? 
[and from another]
[and from another]

Is there a nexus between the claims in Europe that Russia is about to invade Ukraine and the sudden use of the Emergencies Act in Canada because of the Truckers protests? They seem to have disparate causes but at base both are official attempts to establish Martial Law. Martial Law cannot be casually called without the citizens becoming alarmed. Thus, a REASON must be established to gain the cooperation of the citizenry. For Europe the reason is imminent war with Russia because the elite in Europe are claiming that Russia wants to invade Ukraine. For Canada it is the Trucker Convoy assembled in Ottawa.

Calling Martial Law in a timely manner allows the establishment time to activate and assemble soldiers, relocate the military to various locations, and ensure supply chains are under control. Citizens will often rush to stock up, creating shortages, but during Martial Law this can be controlled to prevent hoarding. Both Europe and Canada will be affected by the New Madrid rupture. The US Junta will likewise call Martial Law at the first sign of a serious rupture. White Hats are in control throughout these maneuvers.

Prior ZT:
Why is Russia now beefing up its defenses along the Ukraine/Russia border?  It is not just our highly accurate predictions, which over the years have predicted the New Madrid Fault Line rupture toward the end of 2021 and into early 2022. This is in process now, an undeniable fact as the US monitors the ground movement and shares this information with their allies elsewhere. We are not allowed to provide the exact date or time of such events, but Britain and the US are certainly revealing their expectations. The rupture is very soon, within days, by their calculations.

What happened to Bob Saget. For over a month he died in his sleep, no signs of foul play. Then the family reveals that he fractured his skull, the back of his head. After this happened to comedian Heather McDonald skull fracture.

Declined as the death of Bob Saget is not significant for the world, for humanity, for the future - in any way. He was a "celetrity" only. It might have been murder but more likely he just fell and cracked his head so a slow bleed killed him. 

Robert Lane Saget was an American actor, stand-up comedian and television host. His acting roles included Danny Tanner on the ABC sitcom Full House its Netflix sequel Fuller House, and the voice of narrator Ted Mosby on the CBS sitcom How I Met Your Mother.

J A said:

What happened to Bob Saget. For over a month he died in his sleep, no signs of foul play. 

The buoys show the portions have separated!

The Mainland and SE Portions of the N American Continent have separated at the tip of Mexico through the Gulf of Mexico. This can be seen in the buoy recordings, which show the SE Portion with a heaving Gulf floor while the Buoy off the West Coast of Mexico is showing a normal wave height throughout. Previously, they rose and fell together. The extreme quake activity over the past few days from the Tehuantepec Ridge and down along the coast to Guatemala, combined with a very deep quake on the Isthmus itself, shows that a likely Cocos Plate snap was at this location.

Internal dynamics of the Cocos Plate shows that the Tehuantepec Ridge is riding over the section just to the SE, creating a distinct platelet candidate there that has been pushed down in the past. What will this separation of parts to the East and West of the New Madrid Fault Line where it begins at the tip of Mexico mean? As the N American bow relaxes the Mainland Portion will find it can slide to the SW with less resistance. This will inevitably pull apart the hard rock at New Madrid, creating the anticipated rupture of the New Madrid Fault Line.

New Madrid and Canada
Can the Zetas now give us a more detail as to how the New Madrid will effect those north of the Great Lakes? It is cold here in Ontario and I imagine we will loose power. Many people could freeze to death

Declined as this does not need a Zeta analysis. Power outages in cold locations is a known situation. Power stations along the Seaway are likewise a known issue as well their reach. The fact that grid management can utilize electricity from other area, swap and reassign, is also known. The Seaway is being tugged but will not rip open to the extent of changing the Niagara Falls until the Pole Shift ( 

Carlos Villa said:

Can the Zetas now give us a more detail as to how the New Madrid will effect those north of the Great Lakes? 


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