Whilst events are steadily increasing in pace prior to the pole shift itself, people are going to be focused on the difficulties as they occur.
For those who know what is happening and know what is yet to come, it can be something of a burden trying to spread the word to others and are often faced with disbelief, ridicule or friends and family disassociation. To reduce the mental anguish, these people seek like minded others for support and to further each other's knowledge in how best to prepare for the forthcoming changes in practical terms of safe places, survival kits, supplies etc. But how do you prepare your mental attitude? This is equally important and will be your biggest asset, so preparation and fine tuning should start the minute you 'awaken'.
Awakening itself can be a huge shock, or relief (that all that was 'weird' now has a valid reason).
So, adjustments need to made to your new discovery - take some quiet time to work your way through the assault of thoughts that will not let you rest. You will probably spend hours searching online for answers or at least reassurance that you haven't 'flipped'. Don't worry that you cannot lay everything to rest - the nature of awakening is one of developing your mind along the way.
Once the knowledge is accepted you can then apply yourself to practical issues amongst other things.
As no-one (in our current life) has actually experienced such a catastrophic event; it is hard to imagine how the human psyche will cope with the horrors of every conceivable kind they will be faced with.
It is debatable as to whether the 'informed' will fare better than the 'uninformed'. It's all very well stocking up, having a secure venue, but as most people are all too well aware, nothing in life goes to plan.
Assuming that you reach your safe haven in time, are you prepared for the 'not knowing' what's going on in the aftermath? Having lived fairly ordered lives up to this point, how do you deal with the total disorder that you will be faced with? The people who will beg for your help, for food, for help finding loved one's etc.
Then there are your own emaotions, you've survived this far, but you don't know what for and how life will pan out afterwards and what obstacles there are to come, all of which provide a high degree of uncertainty. As we know (from being on this forum and others in similar), humans don't like uncertainty. So how are we going to manage that? Can we plan for uncertainty?
My best answer: no, we cannot plan for what we don't know. So don't waste energy pondering what if? A great human preoccupation! Live in each moment, it will require re-education as we have pretty much led lives of planning ahead. The obvious exception would be planting seeds and the like.
Take stock of the situation you are in and deal with each obstacle as they happen.
You are in a unique experience, the old way of life has gone and the task ahead is to survive, learn new skills and produce a new way of living.
The gamut ofemotions will be far reaching, from, relief, to anger, to despair/hopelessness and will be repeating themselves for some time to come. Somehow you have to make room for courage, hope, forgiveness and love to enable you to proceed through the aftermath and and rebuild a sustainable life.
In situations of extreme difficulty it is often the people you least expect, to be the bedrock emotionally, so if you have a family/group survival strategy all worked out consider this:
You may have decided at a time of rellative peace who is the 'right' person for certain tasks within the group, but under extreme duress would they still be the 'right' choice? The person who in pre disaster status who 'get things done', may well turn out to fall apart as he/she cannot control their environment. Be ready to adapt to situations that arise, don't feel let down because the person you thought would be 'right' for the task, isn't, they will shine in some other way.
I'd recall the original 'Flight of the Phoenix' film (Hardy Kruger) as an example - the quiet unassuming toy aircraft designer - was the saving grace in their group, yet he was ostracised for the most part.
Try to keep expectations to the minimum - that way you reduce disappointment/stress.
Keep your aims realisitc - staying alive! Focus on what is essential, not what is ideal.
Grieve - this will be an important part of the recovery process and is a natural reaction to your new found circumstances. Counsel each other - remember everyone has lost their previous way of life/material goods/friends/family and it is only natural to feel like your heart has been ripped out.
Tolerance must be practised, for we are all human and have differing pain thresholds.
Support one another, not taking preference to any individual. Praise each other often as this can carry much weight to bolster flagging emotions.
Listen to the young, they haven't been brainwashed to the degree that adults have and can offer insightful wisdom. They obviously bring much hope and joy too with their resilience and sense of fun.
Humour is another way to release tension, you may find that you laugh at bizarre/inappropriate things; this is a natural coping mechanism and will act as a cohesive for the group.
I feel that our senses will be heightened and that we will not miss the rigidity aspect of our former lives. Pleasure will be derived from small achievements and will give you enthusiasm to persist.
At some point you are likely to be faced with those survivors who did not know what was happening and they are going to be a challenge. How will you handle them?
I was horrified to hear some of the 'preppers' on TV adamant that they would not be sharing anything with 'outsiders'.
This is exactly the service to self attitude that got us in the mess we are currently in...........
Discuss as a group ALL your plans, no hidden agenda's, otherwise you are on the road to nowhere!!
Always give gratitude and seek guidance to heal and show the way forward.
Much love and serenity
Thank you for such a beautiful and well written Message. This message touched the core of
my Soul and is just the kind of guideance others and myself will need to stay focused on the task ahead.
I must tell you that your message so summed up my current mindset and lack of , that I made a small
copy of your Message to carry in my pocket, and a few hard copies to spread this important message.
Many Blessings for you are Loved...
beautifullly expressed, with impeccable timing yvonne. thanks for the contribution, it warmed my heart all day:)
Thank you for your comments, I am humbled. Much love & serenity
M. Difato said:
Thank you for such a beautiful and well written Message. This message touched the core of
my Soul and is just the kind of guideance others and myself will need to stay focused on the task ahead.
I must tell you that your message so summed up my current mindset and lack of , that I made a small
copy of your Message to carry in my pocket, and a few hard copies to spread this important message.
Many Blessings for you are Loved...
Thank you for your comments, I am humbled. Much love and serenity
Ryan Giorgis said:
beautifullly expressed, with impeccable timing yvonne. thanks for the contribution, it warmed my heart all day:)
Quite lovely. Brought tears to my eyes. Great wisdom! Whomever has you in their group will be quite blessed.
Yvonne great post. Emotional bedrocks will be GREAT blessings I am sure .Your post is filled with much truth, consideration and love for our fellow man, just what is needed. best regards ♥
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