As we have been preparing to cope with the predicted earth changes - how is everyone adjusting so far?

We are hearing of the snow storms in the northern hemisphere and floods and mudslides etc  Are your plans and preparations helping your situation or have they been constantly modified and made flexible.

It would be good to hear stories of your situation as it might help others cope and adapt better.

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Pretty terribly. I'm 19, just finished a year at college. Living on the east coast. Lots of family upheaval in the last few months. I'm contemplating dropping out of school and leaving the area for someplace west. It's a very difficult call though. Despite my melancholy, I care greatly for many friends and family members. It would be difficult to leave them. I haven't talked to any of them about the 'shift; don't want to be seen as a loon, which would soil my credibility. I'm waiting for the right time to act, and I'm also contemplating just what action should be taken. It doesn't help that everything is becoming so fragmented, that people a re drifting apart. I have this one friend who'll be going to school in Florida come the fall-- the last place I want her to be during all this drama. I'm quite distressed.
Follow your heart Josh, you can always go back and finish college later. Most of us here on the ning live 2 lives, one in reality and one preparing for the new world. It is not easy and can tear you apart inside. You probably just need time to refocus on your priorities, not someone elses expectations.

Josh said:
Pretty terribly. I'm 19, just finished a year at college. Living on the east coast. Lots of family upheaval in the last few months. I'm contemplating dropping out of school and leaving the area for someplace west. It's a very difficult call though. Despite my melancholy, I care greatly for many friends and family members. It would be difficult to leave them. I haven't talked to any of them about the 'shift; don't want to be seen as a loon, which would soil my credibility. I'm waiting for the right time to act, and I'm also contemplating just what action should be taken. It doesn't help that everything is becoming so fragmented, that people a re drifting apart. I have this one friend who'll be going to school in Florida come the fall-- the last place I want her to be during all this drama. I'm quite distressed.
Hi Pal, yes it can all be very overwhelming and get you down - keep focussed and you'll find a way to enjoy the ride. Look at all the positive comments on this ning. You will need to be strong for your family and friends. Think positive

PAL said:
With so much going on, I'm tending to, lately, just close my eyes and give up, not care anymore! Never mind me, I just have been feeling a bit too tired of about everything, lately, but still feel the flame of faith burning deep there. Tomorrow will be another day. A new begining. To all those who are preparing, do it, doesn't hurt.
Thanks Joy. I'm definitely going to assemble a survival kit, at least. The most difficult thing for me is, to decide which course of action is the least selfish: To leave behind those who may need me, or to miss the opportunity to network with new people? How much of my 'caring' is actually just comfortable attachment? Bah. Sorry, you may carry on without my moping. Guess I've got to shove logic aside and tune myself to this 'heart' you speak of, lol. Paralysis by analysis. The bit that you said about others' expectations of me, that really resonates. Again, thanks.
Thanks Chris,

I am in the same situation as far as having the ability to 'prepare' for the shift by getting supplies, maybe some land etc... I am definitely going to use your example (but tweek it of course) for telling close family members about what is coming. Part of me feels that waiting until the 7 out of 10 would be a good idea, if I can ask questions and talk to them about something that no one in our lifetime has experienced (or anyone in the last 3600-5000 years). Then it may be beneficial in 'planting the seed' so to speak, in order to get them to open up to the event known as a PS.

Chris said:
Reading everyone's replies has made me realise I have it a lot easier in some respects than others.

I don't need to try to convince anyone anymore. My family is helping me prepare. We are buying land. My parents and I will be incurring loans to prepare. Even though my brother and sister aren't actively helping, they will also follow suit. No one calls me crazy. They have their doubts but are still doing it.

And now I realise how hard this is to obtain for many people and I feel terrible. As this is the case, I will tell you how I convinced my family, and maybe this will benefit you in convincing your loved ones.

I'm in 3rd year university in Australia, studying two courses and 20 years old. I've been looking into ET/UFO's for last two/three years and convinced my family to action some time this year on PX. I had been researching that for the last year, yet somehow only stumbled here recently.

How I did it?
I told my family I had something important to tell them. I waited a week or so then:

1. I prepared a fact sheet of 10+ pages of purely evidence pointing towards existence of PX. I then sat my mum and dad down and explained this all to them. I then explained what would happen in a pole shift (basically)
2. I did not mention ETS (I advise you don't because it can be very hard to cope) or Zeta Talk.
3. I explained to them the evidence and how it logically pointed towards the existence of PX. I explained actions being taken around the world etc. Then I said we should prepare for this.

4. I said considering the evidence I believe there to be a 70% chance of this happening, at least. Considering this I said we should take action. The action I suggested was buying land and supplies. This would cost around 70 thousand dollars I explained.

I said I was fully prepared to get a loan to pay this (I've saved 6k so far with my job enough to get a loan).

The line I used to convince them was

"Considering all this evidence, there's a lot of it, and a lot more I haven't seen all we need to do is get a small loan, which I will pay the repayments, to buy some land and prepare. If it doesn't happen then that's fine, I'll pay of the loan and we have a quiet country resort encase something else happens in this world. But... If it does happen, then we will be prepared. It wont put us out of a job or in harms way to prepare, and considering the evidence we'd be stupid not to".

I said something along these lines. I realise this will be very different for you but I suggest if you are convincing others:

1. focus on evidence
2. avoid subject of ETS (this is too jarring to a normal person especially after telling them about a pole shift haha)
3. Try to make it seem like preparing is really easy to do and doesn't take much effort, and that if nothing happens so what! We have a place stocked out with supplies.
4. You can sell the property if nothing happens.

this may differ for you but It helped me convince my family. I no longer have problems convincing them, and we are actively looking for properties now.

good luck, Chris
Thank you Chris for sharing your story, I'm sure many readers can relate and will find inspiration in your bold presentation and optimism.
Yes Chris, keep us posted. Very interested to see how you get on with land. Give us a list of features you are looking for... and how easy it is to find. My relatives live in OZ so I have a good idea of the situation.

Re my preps I just got my two man saw.. all 6ft of it. An M tooth. And the seller threw in a small one man saw .. firewood type.. which looks like it will clean up OK. A small tooth pattern which should be good for smaller dimension the Tea tree hardwood.. which should be great stovewood fuel... Manuka and Kanuka in NZ.

You can't have too many saws... but boy I'm going to miss the power and speed of a chainsaw....

Long term I'm going to look at a water wheel powered circular saw. Cutting wood will be a constant chore post PS.
I was coping fine with expected Earth changes and adding survival stuff. May need that before the Pole Shift. Something more immediate, and man made, has happened. The Oil Volcano in the Gulf. It's NOT a "spill" it's a gusher! I keep hearing in my head, "you will hear of the oceans turning black". The Hopi Prophecy, and Revelation. You can say it's just an oil spill, but it isn't. It's like no other...they've never been that deep before nor encountered those pressures. They can not control it, they do not know how to stop it. Relief wells will have to deal with this same tremendous pressure. Plus there is damage down hole, so we're screwed. All they can do is collect as much as they can. The Earth usually takes care of itself but even the Earth can't keep up with this. When the well casing is totally eroded there will be a gaping hole in the floor, open and free to destroy the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic. Would that be 1/3 of the seas? It may take years for the oil reserve to empty out.

They were talking about nuking it. Russia has done that but on DRY land. It's never been done on the Ocean floor, and could release tons and tons of Methane in the explosion which would be an ELE for many of us. So I don't think theyll risk that unless they want to thin the population. In the meantime, people are getting ill from inhaling fumes and toxic gases and the Corexit, which is only hiding the oil from view by keeping it below surface, but it does evaporate so the rain may be contaminated. There is evacuation coming down the line. There has to be.
Sorry, I see the above post is off topic and I can't figure out how to delete it, went back to check your rules. Sorry.
Each and every one of us are going to have to face a threat to our current living circumstances. The decisions that we make to protect ourselves and loved ones are going to be prioritorised and reprioritorised as circumstances change and develop. This is when you will need to be strong and decisive.. this is where the beauty of zetatalk comes in because it has helped to teach us to prepare mentally and physically for what is coming and future hardships. You need to be strong for the people depending on you. And pray that you make the right decision - send out the call to help... Decision making will be very stressful and perhaps not very popular.

Protection involves looking ahead to see what is coming, what threats are/or could come you way. How are you going to react. Make a plan - short term/long term. make it happen.

So Kathryn, I don't think your post was off topic, you are in a position now to make a call, you are seeing there is a potentially big threat to you and you need to do something about it. What is you decision.....
I thought being my first post on these forums, i may as well begin with my situation in the hope of receiving advice and some guidance.

I am 21 years old, studying at University in Melbourne, Australia. I am lucky enough to be personal friends with another member of these forums who alerted me to the coming pole shift. His help and guidance has been an invaluable resource during recent times and i am extremely grateful for this.

In regards to the pole shift, i am struggling immensely with convincing my family members. I have mentioned to each of them what is expected to happen, with little or no reception. I am constantly mocked by family members about the "world ending", and when i purchase supplies or equipment for early stages of preparation i am laughed at by family. At one point, my dad even made jokes about it to a neighbor who had stopped by, saying "when 2012 comes, were all screwed"and laughing right in front of me.

They are not selfish or unkind people, they are just narrow minded to such ideas and therefore choose not to accept it (at least for now). I have recently found myself pondering what will come, how my family can go about their ways without the slightest concern. It troubles me and disappoints me. I am trying to prepare as much as i can for now, but i feel this is not enough. My preparations are hindered by my family's lack of cooperation.

I am extremely lucky in other regards, as i have a close friend that is aware and preparing also, allowing me to talk to him about things when needed.

Perhaps there are others that were/are in the same situation, with ideas on what i can do to convince my family and loved ones.

Thank you Joy for starting this discussion.  I think that this is something that we all truely need.  The times ahead of us are something that will be very difficult for each one of us to face individually.  And yet at the same time we are all facing them together and we also need each others help to get through.  From time to time each of us need the reassurance that we are not alone.

I am a new member.  I started following the Zeta Talk website in November 2010 and yesterday I signed up for this Ning.  I am torn as to what to do.  I am American and my wife is Philipino.  In the Philippines it is desirable to have a member of the family working abroad for economic reasons.  After we were married I returned to the US to continue my employment and my wife stayed in the Philippines with the children.  I have  had access to the resources of this website but my wife does not have Internet access in her home.  As it is, it is hard enough to maintain our marriage with a conversation over the telephone once or twice a week let alone have meaningful conversations about Earth Changes and the coming Pole Shift.  For now my wife thinks it is best for me to work in the US and I feel that she does not understand why I am worried.  I spend a lot of sleepless nights thinking about what is the best thing for me to do for my family.

I think that it is a good idea to maintain this discussion in one form or another as long as we can.  To be able to read about another person's experiences, of what they are doing and how they are making their preparations for the future, and how their lives are being affected personally, makes these events more real to us in our own lives and is a very great source of encouragement by which we can strengthen ourselves and our loved ones.

Thanks again Joy and to Everyone!! God Bless.  

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