Hi there,
I'm sorry to add to the volume of questions, and forgive me if this has already been addressed, but I've been unable to find a responsible way to explain the earth changes and possible outcomes to my children.
Most children understand the need to be prepared for quakes/tsunami's because the schools cover this in varying degrees and hopefully it has been reinforced by parents at home. But between the doomsday scares they hear from their peers and our preparations to relocate, the reality/mortality issues are at the forefront and I'm at a loss. It took me 40 years to embrace the concept of our physical bodies being "temporary housing", and though my children have been raised with this belief and are leaps ahead in terms of their evolution, they're scared and asking very earthly questions about dying, their fear being one of abandonment, that they'll be alone (whether in the aftertime or afterlife). Granted, this is a personal question, but surely most people with children are experiencing some reassurance difficulties? I'd be very grateful for input.
Thank you, thank you!
Depending on the age of the children, it may be best to say nothing at all. Quietly prepare and if the kids notice those preparations maybe say you are preparing for natural disasters and that is all.
Even among adults who know the truth about Planet X and the pending pole shift, probably few truly understand or can fathom what is going to happen, worldwide. So to expect children to comprehend may be asking too much and would likely enduce early, unnecessary fear in their hearts.
Most children can adapt to almost anything and quickly accept a new "normal," as long as their basic needs are taken care of sufficiently. But if children see the adults around them are fearful, wringing their hands, or seeking revenge for not being told by their governments about Planet X, then wrong messages will be sent.
Also, please recall that there are more than 1 billion Star Children incarnated in human bodies on earth, and many of them are still physically children. All Old Souls on earth at this important time are Star Children. Kids who are Star Children have come from at least fourth density and have life experience, points of view, and possibly knowledge that could greatly assist any STO survival group, if the adults keep an open mind and listen to them. This does not mean adults must do what such children suggest, of course, but adults may be pleasantly surprised to find that the advice of Star Children kids is golden! (And I know of which I speak because I am a confirmed Star Child myself: "astro gal".)
Zeta Talk about children and the poll shift
Children are more resiliant than adults, and will adjust better to the changes than their parents. It is the parents who will miss what they have had, and grieve for what they perceive is their child's lost childhood, while the child only sees adventure and opportunity about. It is for this reason that many camps will be led by children, who will not be depressed but eager to embrace the world, whatever the shape it is presented in. Yes, parents should plan to read to their children, but rather than treat them as passive entities, engage them! Give them tasks, important tasks, to build their self esteme. Have them scout the weakage for dishes that are not broken, in order to set a pretty table. Have them plan a play, script this with theme and songs, to present after dinner to the adults
Trouble Times Help Children Cope
@ Kimberly - this video moved me last year.
Everyone in the whole world should watch this video.
From the video, to the adults at the UN - "why do you go out and do the things you tell us not to do"
It´s a shame that it the address was in 1992, nearly 10 years ago, and what has changed??
WOW, I can't believe this was so long ago. I watched it the day she was there and reposted it to my FB today. Very powerful.
K.Horn said:
@ Kimberly - this video moved me last year.
Everyone in the whole world should watch this video.
From the video, to the adults at the UN - "why do you go out and do the things you tell us not to do"
It´s a shame that it the address was in 1992, nearly 10 years ago, and what has changed??
Astrogal is right, depending on the age, if they're very young-to say nothing would probably be best, but rather, direct them. Keep it simple until they're older. With the older kids, obviously they may want answers. In fact, I'm sure that a lot of little kids would handle the situation better than some adults, would be less likely to "crack", as they would see the situation as an adventure of sorts, something new, as they deal with scary new things each day. Though I can imagine that most children would be greatly effected, nonetheless.
Put them to work, children usually want to help in some way and this would be the perfect opportunity! Assign "chores" once the havoc subsides a bit. This is not only a productive, but is also a perfect distraction. They'll be full of energy, wanting to run around. Let them! Obviously keep an eye on them though. ;) It's not necessary to cram spiritual knowledge into a child's head, an example being the dynamics of STS and STO. When they're ready they may wish to learn more about these things. The younger ones should be kept close at hand, warm, busy, and fed. Let the rest follow, the learning curve will be steep.
Zeta Talk about children and the poll shift
Children are more resiliant than adults, and will adjust better to the changes than their parents. It is the parents who will miss what they have had, and grieve for what they perceive is their child's lost childhood, while the child only sees adventure and opportunity about. It is for this reason that many camps will be led by children, who will not be depressed but eager to embrace the world, whatever the shape it is presented in. Yes, parents should plan to read to their children, but rather than treat them as passive entities, engage them! Give them tasks, important tasks, to build their self esteme. Have them scout the weakage for dishes that are not broken, in order to set a pretty table. Have them plan a play, script this with theme and songs, to present after dinner to the adults
Trouble Times Help Children Cope
It is hard to explain to a child what we will face, and I think this because of the girls, because we have read in zetatalk what will happen to earth and we figure we should prepared them for the ugly aspects depicted in terms of earth changes and floods. These I guess that are in out lost memories, for those who were through previous passages and survived, myth was passed like a story, and that is the memory I talk about. However, since I long for a place that is STO, and this is the birthing process of that future society of dreams, my focus when I shared with them about planet X is not on the earth changes, but on the happiness its arrival will bring for survivors. Thus we dance and play, and scream its name aloud.
Since in my survival plan I had pictured a place that could support this passage for them, sheltering them from the brief lack of oxygen, the sounds of the earth that could be deafening, the jolt that could hurt them if standing,and the cover to filter any particles that may come from the cosmos as it happens, be it fire or emanations, since all that was in my design for a child's shelter, then there was no need to say much, just that afterwards we could stand up, brush the dust with our hands and keep going. Nancy also had said to tell them things will be all messed up.
That's why to the girls, details as those of the Kolbrin have been omitted.For example that it looked like a monster of many mouths, that it made animals and people blisters in their skin, etc.
So I have made sure that they will look in the direction of its arrival, and prepare to get them into the sheltered place. They know it is coming and the day that stops about 10 am for us, I expect to have the shelter done. So far is all dance, laughter and play, because PX comes to transform this STS dominated playground into a dream place, and that is something we should all dance about.Keeping the answers to children's questions about what is happening as down to earth as possible and not elaborating on the answers but giving the truth, have found to be the best way. Giving short answers and allowing them to digest the information before they ask more questions. Too much information can scare children and can be overwhelming to them. Sometimes children are better equipped to deal with the situation than adults as they process the information without a lot of baggage.
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