The time and date of the pole shift, my feeling tells me next year

My feeling tells me that the pole shift will occur next year. A while ago i had the feeling that around August it would start more active. And that around the end of this year/start of next year the pole shift will occur. It might be a bit later, but my feeling tells me about the same thing.
That it will get more active, that we will see some massive changes soon. That the Netherlands
will get into serious problems. And that we have to prepare for the worst.

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Hi there. If you go to you can find information about safe locations and the location of planet x. Good luck to you.

Amoriko Savarias said:
Dear All.
Since the entering PX into inner Sun orbit, is anybody has the information about recent PX location ?
I live in Indonesia, which divides into thousands islands. I know we will suffer when final the pole shift occur and tsunami or volcano disaster come.
And I know my effort is very limited. Perhaps it doesn't enough to help us all. But I'd put my life in God
s hand.
As a believer of other race existence and coming catastrophe 2012, I need to learned to ascend or communicate to others higher density soul. Not only to save my small family but also to take part of saving humanity.
If there friends kindly teach me how to developed.

Sonny Sisomphou said:
Let's not pull the trigger too soon and become "...valient members fighting for truth, justice...." when we see a posting that expresses his/her philosophy and spiritual concepts. I would humbly like to ask everybody to refrain from firing unless we are being attacked beyond doubt. Please I beg you, keep it friendly like we use to and vibrate highly.
>end quote<

What a wonderful attitude! I'd put these words on a banner!
We all, ning members, can simply and calmly point someone who is putting forth false assumptions to reasonable arguments.
Hello Amoriko,
I never reply to anything on line, but yours touched me. Maybe because my brother just moved to Indonesia against my warnings. I feel helpless to help him as he does not believe anything of the coming earth changes. But I do not know the Father's will for him in Indonesia.

I believe the key for you and your family is your attitude of understanding the ascension process. As you said putting you " life in God's' hands" doing your destiny's work with humanity. You have within you a fragment of the father that will guide you, just need to listen. Practice now while the time is quite. Remember what the seer's of old said " the angels walked with them pure of heart while all around others fell from the of rain of fire and brimstone". That's not to say to be complacent, stupid or lazy, but do all you possibility can now.

There are other on the site that will give their opinion as to the location of planet X, but I see it as a growth cycle not to be feared. Live does not end with this life if you chose it. That is the bottom line, choice of soul growth.
Blessings to you and your beloved family.
L. Medina

Amoriko Savarias said:
Dear All.
Since the entering PX into inner Sun orbit, is anybody has the information about recent PX location ?
I live in Indonesia, which divides into thousands islands. I know we will suffer when final the pole shift occur and tsunami or volcano disaster come.
And I know my effort is very limited. Perhaps it doesn't enough to help us all. But I'd put my life in God
s hand.
As a believer of other race existence and coming catastrophe 2012, I need to learned to ascend or communicate to others higher density soul. Not only to save my small family but also to take part of saving humanity.
If there friends kindly teach me how to developed.

i'd say that natural events do not happen according to numbers man has put in his calendars.
I can report this because I recall Nancy mentioning it.

Many contactees know there is something about August, but they do not know what, and they do not know which August either. Could be the end of August for the shift itself or the beginning of the last trimester before the shift, or one-year-to-go countdown, or it could be nothing.
Indeed, August 2010, the beginning of the one year countdown.

astrogal50 said:
I can report this because I recall Nancy mentioning it.

Many contactees know there is something about August, but they do not know what, and they do not know which August either. Could be the end of August for the shift itself or the beginning of the last trimester before the shift, or one-year-to-go countdown, or it could be nothing.
Hello -- new to Ning but not to Zetatalk.

Don't know if this means much but on reading this I recalled the book of Genesis and the story of Joseph son of Jacob, the dream-reader. He was not alive at Planet X's passage, and is best known for warning the Egyptians of seven years of famine, but in his FIRST documented dream he saw the sun, moon and eleven stars bow down to him. Were the eleven stars the 9 planets + Earth's dark twin + planet X?

Was Joseph a contactee, the "Nancy" of his time, getting the people ready for hard times? What other things did he know about those eleven stars?

One more thing: reportedly Joseph was the 11th son of Jacob.

Allan Marimootoo said:
manu is the 11th nataraja. i.e the 11th passage of shiva(px) in a cycle of 13.
right now we are only heading towards the 10 th passage.
the 11th is the most destructive one. it will change the arrangement of the solar system.
dont say that i told you this... cuz even the zetas dont know this.... lol

Teresa C said:
Allen, What is manu.....? In latin it is the root word for hand. Could you explain a liitle more?

Allan Marimootoo said:
11 rudras.
11 rudras of destruction.
nataraja's incarnations coming to do earth a favour by getting her rid of parasites.... huh???
the 11th buddha is called manu....
did i just say that?
no not me.. certainly...

szlh said:
Well there is a date coming up next year with 11's in it 11-11-2011. Perhaps it will be significant in some way. I too often notice the 11's, for example 11:11 on the clock but don't know for sure what it means. Sometimes it's hard to know where the prompt is coming from.. the subconscious, outside influences, or just the brain choosing a search image then starting to see it everywhere. Sometimes all of the above!

Sonny Sisomphou said:
Back to the topic of this discussion. Lately our members have been seeing signs of the number 11. Well guess what, last week an apparition occurred on the Mekong river in my city. A country man saw various buddha statutes made of metals or bronze weighing about 20 kgs each floating down the river very slowly. These have been picked up now and are savely in temples. How many altogether? 11. !!!
I always see 12:34, 1:23, 3:21 and 11:11?!?!?!? Any ideas?

Teresa C said:
Funny...after I read you explanation about Manu and 11 I turned to look at my toaster oven because the timer went off and it said 11:11....LOL...the time is only 8:00. Synchronicity? Here we go again with the 11:11!

Allan Marimootoo said:
manu is the 11th nataraja. i.e the 11th passage of shiva(px) in a cycle of 13.
right now we are only heading towards the 10 th passage.
the 11th is the most destructive one. it will change the arrangement of the solar system.
dont say that i told you this... cuz even the zetas dont know this.... lol

Teresa C said:
Allen, What is manu.....? In latin it is the root word for hand. Could you explain a liitle more?

Allan Marimootoo said:
11 rudras.
11 rudras of destruction.
nataraja's incarnations coming to do earth a favour by getting her rid of parasites.... huh???
the 11th buddha is called manu....
did i just say that?
no not me.. certainly...

szlh said:
Well there is a date coming up next year with 11's in it 11-11-2011. Perhaps it will be significant in some way. I too often notice the 11's, for example 11:11 on the clock but don't know for sure what it means. Sometimes it's hard to know where the prompt is coming from.. the subconscious, outside influences, or just the brain choosing a search image then starting to see it everywhere. Sometimes all of the above!

Sonny Sisomphou said:
Back to the topic of this discussion. Lately our members have been seeing signs of the number 11. Well guess what, last week an apparition occurred on the Mekong river in my city. A country man saw various buddha statutes made of metals or bronze weighing about 20 kgs each floating down the river very slowly. These have been picked up now and are savely in temples. How many altogether? 11. !!!
July/August 2010

The Zetas are always asked for their interpretation of crop circles, and when they commented in the past on an August 2, 2008 crop circle they gave an odd response. The Zetas are notorious for withholding any kind of a timeline, so what were they doing referring to July 2010?

Question: Can the Zetas comment on this crop circle? Furze Knoll, reported 20th June.

ZetaTalk Answer 6/21/2008: Looking like an interlocking YinYang symbol, or perhaps the symbol for infinity, this crop circle has been understood to have significant meaning by all who view it. What do the scallops mean around the edge, and why the count of 25 for the tiny dots found there? Once again this signifies the Figure 8 wobble that has been so well documented by Nancy during 2004-2005 and again confirmed in 2007 and 2008. Move ahead 25 months from June 20, 2008 and you arrive at late July, 2010. Make of this what you will!

As you know, zeta said as above contents.
Do you have any specific base about your feeling. If there is anything you can comment, please let the members know about it.
Otherwise, you may mislead many of members of this blog.
You know, I have been with the number 11 all my life. Born on 11 May, 11- 11 is my half year birthday. My name ads up to 22, 2x11. And on an 11 day, things always happen, mostly good things. I also don't know what it is with 11, but many times you look at the clock and it says 11.11 2011 ads up to 13 or 4, not 11. But who knows? I was born on 11 May 1950. Just thought to add that up now, wow: 13 or 4 ( 2+5+6), but if you leave the 11, add 5+6 is also 11, you get 11 - 11 again, or 22 as in my, never did this before until now. Wonder what this all means.

Sonny Sisomphou said:
My outdoor fish bowl was contaminated by rain dripping throu a coloured umbrella. By the time I get to it which it was all blacken and smelly. I quickly took out the fish (guppy) which I bred specially. Some dead but most manage to survive. Put them in my indoor tank. Counted them and Holy ! there it is (again)11 survived !! (earlier this week I post a comment on 11 bhudda statutes floating along the Mekong River). What is it about this number 11. ?!? that so many of us keep on encountering. Is this just coincidence? Many of us already speculating 2011 to be the year. What about November?
11 and 3 has come up contiuously the last little while.

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