6 Days of Sunrise West: How Well Can YOU Explain It?

The Sun will rise slightly West of what used to be North during 6 Days of Sunrise West because Earth is nearly upside down during this time.

"Consider that Planet X has not stopped its motion. It is at the Ecliptic at this point, and its own drama requires that it now stand upright! As it swings its N Pole up, it snags the S Pole of Earth which is pointing towards it during the evasive maneuvers that Earth has made to protect its N Pole from the hosing coming from the N Pole of Planet X. As Planet X snags the S Pole of Earth, it drags it slightly upward with it, and thus the Earth finds itself tending to stand almost upside down at this time."

"Still turning toward what used to be the east during its rotation, those on Earth at this angle find the Sun rising just slightly west of what used to be the north. This point where the Sun is rising is the midsection, where one looks toward the Ecliptic, toward the Sun. Just as both those on the southern and northern hemisphere normally look toward the Equator to find the Sun, as the Sun is located above the Equator."  ZetaTalk

I recently tried explaining how this phenomena will occur and was shocked to discover it is NOT a simple matter.  Here's how I proceeded:


1.  I took an upright globe and simulated the Earth's rotation (west to east) by slowly turning it in a left-to-right motion.


2. I also positioned a flashlight facing the globe along the equator in a dimly lit room to simulate light coming from the Sun.


3.  I then held the globe at a 90 degree tilt away from the flashlight while maintaining rotation such that only the South Pole was illuminated by the flashlight, simulating the 3 Days of Darkness.


4.  To simulate 6 Days of Sunrise West, I tipped the globe further such that it was completely upside down while continuing to maintain the same direction of rotation.


5.  What I found was the Sun CONTINUED to rise in the East, NOT the west!  By noting which coast of the continents were illuminated first by the flashlight during the simulated rotation, the eastern coasts were STILL illuminated first, even though the globe was positioned upside down.


Bottom Line: When the time comes, I think it will be important to be able to explain the mechanics of 6 Days of Sunrise West CLEARLY in order to reduce panic and dispel claims that the Earth has somehow reversed her direction of rotation.


I invite explanations for this enigmatic event in clear terms and also ways to demonstrate the mechanics using a globe and flashlight or any other visual aids.  This issue was covered at least once before during a GLP Live chat.

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Please consider, What if?

Facing NORTH the earth turns left to right or West > to the East to the SUN

w EARTH e > turning towards > SUN;

note the SUN is currently to the East per current true north   

now the EARTH does a complete 180 degree turn while earth turning in same direction,

relative to the SUN; now the earth is turning in the opposite direction

BUT the earth is just upside down but still turning the same way

< turning e EARTH w    SUN, earth still in same relative position as before to the SUN

but now earth is turning away from the SUN and now with the rotation what was the North direction is actually South (or almost) so now it is right to left being the opposite, or East > to the West to the SUN

while earth is still turning in the same direction to give 6 Days of Sunrise West.

The confusion is orientation, as to the SUN.

One on the earth remembers what way West and East was, as they know it; BUT NOW

Earth is up side down or 180 degree (or close to it) from before.

The SUN remained in its location and the earth is still rotating the same way but now

earth rotation is in opposite direction as to SUN, but earth rotating same direction as before as the people sense, the geography is the same. Being on earth surface wherever one is at, UP is always considered to be to the sky, but for one on the opposite side of the earth to be looking in the EXACT same direction they would have to be looking down, but the earth is in the way.

< e EARTH w and the SUN  while the earth rotated the Sun remained IN ITS SAME LOCATION

The earths rotation gives the appearance of a West Sunrise PER THE opposite turning per EARTH up side down, and taking 6 days.

Now the question:

If the earth does a 180 degree turn prior to the PS, per Planet X approach and

if the earth's Magnetic North is being push away per Planet X approach OR said different way

is Planet X's north pole attracting  onto Earth's south pole

causing earth to gradually rotate and do a 180 degree as Planet X approaches

per the magnetic attraction between Planet X and Earth

earth doing this rotation with minor impacts upon the

oceans and air to not have the violent movement like in the coming pole shift?


Now I just thought of the following MAJOR question per thinking out this possibility for 6 Days of Sunrise West?

Is this what actually cause the pole shift, BEING?

The earth SPRINGING BACK rapidly and violently  to its old position once Planet X keeps on going by?

Richard wrote:

"note the SUN is currently to the East per current true north   

now the EARTH does a complete 180 degree turn while earth turning in same direction,

relative to the SUN; now the earth is turning in the opposite direction"


That is an incorrect statement.  Following a 180 degree roll, Earth will NOT rotate in the opposite direction relative to the Sun.  You can set up props mentioned earlier in this blog to visually understand this.

Also, the Shift is NOT caused by Earth "SPRINGING BACK rapidly".  Rotation Stoppage occurs because Planet X seizes the highly magnetized Atlantic Rift and prevents rotation.  When Planet X crosses the ecliptic, it doesn't immediately release this magnetic grip on the Atlantic Rift.   As Planet X proceeds above the ecliptic, Earth's crust is separated from Earth's core by the force of this grip moving northward. Thus, a crustal shift of 90 degrees occurs in the direction of the Atlantic Rift northward.


Howard is absolutely right . . . as long as the direction of rotation remains the same; i.e. the west coast "follows" the east coast, the orientation of the poles relative to the sun is irrelevant, and the east coast will always rotate into the sunlight before the west coast. The only way for the west coast to receive sunlight before the east coast is for the direction of rotation to reverse, so that the east coast "follows" the west coast.


Earth can flop about as much as imaginable, but there is no orientation of the planet to the sun that will create a western sunrise as long as the current direction of rotation remains the same. Only a reversal of the direction of rotation will accomplish the phenomenon of the sun rising in the west.


In the event that either pole is pointed directly at the sun, there would be no sunrise / sunset at all, just constant light on the hemisphere pointed toward the sun and constant darkness on the hemisphere pointed away from the sun.

Howard said:

Richard wrote:

"note the SUN is currently to the East per current true north   

now the EARTH does a complete 180 degree turn while earth turning in same direction,

relative to the SUN; now the earth is turning in the opposite direction"


That is an incorrect statement.  Following a 180 degree roll, Earth will NOT rotate in the opposite direction relative to the Sun.  You can set up props mentioned earlier in this blog to visually understand this.

Also, the Shift is NOT caused by Earth "SPRINGING BACK rapidly".  Rotation Stoppage occurs because Planet X seizes the highly magnetized Atlantic Rift and prevents rotation.  When Planet X crosses the ecliptic, it doesn't immediately release this magnetic grip on the Atlantic Rift.   As Planet X proceeds above the ecliptic, Earth's crust is separated from Earth's core by the force of this grip moving northward. Thus, a crustal shift of 90 degrees occurs in the direction of the Atlantic Rift northward.

Howard said:

As Planet X proceeds above the ecliptic, Earth's crust is separated from Earth's core by the force of this grip moving northward. Thus, a crustal shift of 90 degrees occurs in the direction of the Atlantic Rift northward.
Howard, I admire your work and dedication.  Is there any more information for me to read about the direction of the crustal shift?  Could you point me to any information talking about this specifically?  Reason I ask is that if I tilt the earth in the direction of the Atlantic Rift northward for 90 degrees, I do not find my country Norway in the new position that is described how it will be located after the shift, according to http://www.zetatalk.com/poleshft/p10.htm
So I assume the explanation that the crustal shift will be 90 degrees in the direction of the Atlantic Rift northward can not be totally correct.  Can you or someone help explain this more in detail?
Thank you.

Howard, another reason for me to ask you this question about the direction of the crustal shift, is that I would like to know the direction in order to prepair trenches the best way for my family and me.  I assume the answer (if possible) will be important for a lot of other people also

Bromle - The Shift involves such dramatic plate movement that it is not simply a matter of rotating the current globe 90 degrees in order to determine a country's new position in the Aftertime.  This fact is most evident when considering the location of India following the Shift. 

Take a globe and rotate it 90 degrees along the Mid-Atlantic Rift and you will NOT find India at the bottom of the globe, yet that is exactly where it will be located after the Shift.  How can this be so?  All plates are on the move during the hour of the Shift - subducting, tearing, sinking and tilting.  Thus, all plates undergo enormous change with respect to one other and the current global geography is significantly redefined. 

The New Geography map is your best resource.

Thanks for answering my question, Howard.

How long has the three days of darkness theory been prevalent?



Earth Upside Down, then Sunrise West

In Tractate Sanhedrin of the Talmud it is said: 'Seven days before the deluge, the Holy One changed the primeval order and the sun rose in the west and set in the east.
Worlds in Collision, p.126
In the Papyrus Ipuwer it is similarly stated that 'the land turns round [over] as does a potter's wheel,' and 'Earth turns upside down.'
Worlds in Collision, p.121
At certain periods the universe has its present circular motion, and at other periods it revolves in the reverse direction. There is at that time great destruction of animals in general, and only a small part of the human race survives
Politicus, by Plato
The rising of the sun from the west one of the things which must happen.
Kitab al Irshad, The Twelfth Imam
The Hour will not be established ... till the sun rises from the West.
The Hadiths


Fred said:

How long has the three days of darkness theory been prevalent?



My grandma had a small pamphlet entitled Three Days of Darkness which she got from the church. I believe the information within was derived from the Prophecy at Fatima, which the Catholic Church both altered and covered-up at the same time. Within the pamphlet it discussed staying indoors and praying, the typical church response. Though they did not discuss any of the other last week scenarios since only ZetaTalk has talked about it. They may try to use this piece of information to their advantage as they try to establish leadership, but only a fool would follow them after seeing the sheer accuracy of ZetaTalk.

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