I got the same feeling, that it will happen in 2010, it could be Feb. or Jul?
There will be 'plenty' of signs Before the shit hits the ceiling. But, my question is, why would anyone want to survive and live in un-human conditions??? Nothing is going to be the same. As a matter of fact, far from it! I live on the East Coast, New York City that is and I've heard lots of talk about those of us living on the coast lines will surely not survive. Well, I love my apartment here and I love my life here and I ain't running all over the world looking for a safe haven while at the same time being told that ALL HELL IS GOING TO BREAK LOOSE.
What in the world makes any of you think that you can save yourself?? All hell is going to break loose. Maaannn, its hard enough living in this world today as it is with killers of all kind running rampant, with governments all over the world that Hate their citizens, with humans purely hating other humans just for being a different race of humans........maaannn this planet is PURE CRAZY!
Personally, I don't want to live here past the pole shift. The conditions are going to be something so awful that it can not even be imagined. People will be so hungry that they will look at one another for Dinner! And the women, the women, the women, they will be preyed upon like white on rice! And our children, our dear little children, will not have a good life whatsoever.
I would like to live to help people, but I've been studying this thing for years (the shift) and there is just no way to plan for this thing no matter how much one may want to help. How ya gonna help with Death All Around?? How ya gonna help once you see your loved one Dead. How ya gonna help when you're starving?? How ya gonna help with killers lurking about day and night. Maaaann this thing is Sick!
I think "Nature" could come up with a better plan than having PlanetX travel along our ecliptic route every 3,600 years or so. Frankly, I got much to say to the Counsel Of Worlds with their bright ideas about helping the little humans......(Yeah, like they really care about us).....Give Me A Break..
Ahhhhh, Eeeeeeeeeee...David....oh dear David, fire falling from the sky, volcanoes erupting , gas lines exploding Everywhere, trees being consumed by fire Everywhere, water coming from Every direction Everywhere, starving people Everywhere, unsane people hungry and scared Everywhere, poordom Everywhere......oh David, I don't think that going back 150 years ago that this kinda shit was going on, Everywhere.
In todays world with modern technology Everywhere, people are quite "sane" (???), yet, we hate one another, and will kill one another just on a bet. So, please explain to me, how is it that when the crust of the earth starts to move and the core starts to move and people eyes start to pop out of their heads, that this is the same as our progress 150 ago.
Humans don't appreciate shit! We are the most destructive force multiplying all over the earth. What makes you think that "Nature" will spare your ignorant ass? I mean, come on, you people (humans) don't give a damn about one another.......you don't give a damn about natural-living. You go from place to place cutting down more trees than you plant; you pollute the waters all over the earth and don't care; you sat up systems all over the earth to enslave humanity; you hate freedom of all kind; you are Against Nature in all of Its forms! Than on top of all that, you Expect "Nature" to work with you and save your little evil arse! Well, if that ain't arrogance at its finest, than my name isn't TefnutUaRaet!
David, as the Zetas has indicated before, humans do not work together to help one another in so-called pleasant times on the earth. People in so-called 3rd world countries suffer Everyday, due to humans not caring about humans....so why should "Nature" preserve any human family? There is Plenty of resources on this earth for EVERYBODY, yet, because of hatred for one another, the resources are mishandled, mismanaged, and the earth gets raped and raped again and again with no one being Responsible.
David, what I'm really saying is that, humans don't deserve to survive. They have not learned anything in their journey here except how to destroy a thing. And now you humans don't want to get destroyed, (talking about the burnt pot calling the kettle black...)..The Zetas must be surely laughing at you all. I'm sure that the Zetas are saying to Themselves, "Can you believe this shit".
I live on the earth and Love the earth so much. I feel so sorry for the earth. Humans all over are destroying it as if they themselves have built it, yet, that is the fartherest thing from the truth. How dare you all destroy what you yourselves have not built nor Can Not Build! Humans are the equilivalent of 6 males and 6 females roaches placed inside of a brand new kitchen cabinet. If left alone there, they will destroy that cabinet with a million other roaches and keep on moving to other places and do the same thing.
So David and anyone else out there, please explain to me, why "Almighty Nature" should spare your dumb and Evil arses?
Hello, Gerard -- Have you read the Millenium Prophecy by Glibert Ericksen? This text has a very enlightening scientific description of the orbit of Wormwood as it's called in biblical texts. The illustrations are outstanding and add a very good visual perspective to the orbit. The discussion of node rings and gravitational fields make the Planet X path of destruction more understandable. Mr. Ericksen, too, states that 2010 will be an active period here on Earth. I read Zeta Talk, Zecharia Sitchin and any other info I can find on this topic. I'd like to find some others in my town who are tuned in to this topic, but so far, I'm having some issues with convincing my family that this is coming...
Hello, Gerard -- Have you read the Millenium Prophecy by Glibert Ericksen? This text has a very enlightening scientific description of the orbit of Wormwood as it's called in biblical texts. The illustrations are outstanding and add a very good visual perspective to the orbit. The discussion of node rings and gravitational fields make the Planet X path of destruction more understandable. Mr. Ericksen, too, states that 2010 will be an active period here on Earth. I read Zeta Talk, Zecharia Sitchin and any other info I can find on this topic. I'd like to find some others in my town who are tuned in to this topic, but so far, I'm having some issues with convincing my family that this is coming...
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