6 Days of Sunrise West: How Well Can YOU Explain It?

The Sun will rise slightly West of what used to be North during 6 Days of Sunrise West because Earth is nearly upside down during this time.

"Consider that Planet X has not stopped its motion. It is at the Ecliptic at this point, and its own drama requires that it now stand upright! As it swings its N Pole up, it snags the S Pole of Earth which is pointing towards it during the evasive maneuvers that Earth has made to protect its N Pole from the hosing coming from the N Pole of Planet X. As Planet X snags the S Pole of Earth, it drags it slightly upward with it, and thus the Earth finds itself tending to stand almost upside down at this time."

"Still turning toward what used to be the east during its rotation, those on Earth at this angle find the Sun rising just slightly west of what used to be the north. This point where the Sun is rising is the midsection, where one looks toward the Ecliptic, toward the Sun. Just as both those on the southern and northern hemisphere normally look toward the Equator to find the Sun, as the Sun is located above the Equator."  ZetaTalk

I recently tried explaining how this phenomena will occur and was shocked to discover it is NOT a simple matter.  Here's how I proceeded:


1.  I took an upright globe and simulated the Earth's rotation (west to east) by slowly turning it in a left-to-right motion.


2. I also positioned a flashlight facing the globe along the equator in a dimly lit room to simulate light coming from the Sun.


3.  I then held the globe at a 90 degree tilt away from the flashlight while maintaining rotation such that only the South Pole was illuminated by the flashlight, simulating the 3 Days of Darkness.


4.  To simulate 6 Days of Sunrise West, I tipped the globe further such that it was completely upside down while continuing to maintain the same direction of rotation.


5.  What I found was the Sun CONTINUED to rise in the East, NOT the west!  By noting which coast of the continents were illuminated first by the flashlight during the simulated rotation, the eastern coasts were STILL illuminated first, even though the globe was positioned upside down.


Bottom Line: When the time comes, I think it will be important to be able to explain the mechanics of 6 Days of Sunrise West CLEARLY in order to reduce panic and dispel claims that the Earth has somehow reversed her direction of rotation.


I invite explanations for this enigmatic event in clear terms and also ways to demonstrate the mechanics using a globe and flashlight or any other visual aids.  This issue was covered at least once before during a GLP Live chat.

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Lothar - Thanks for your input, but I'm afraid it still doesn't answer the question.

First of all, the Earth rotates in the direction of left to right (west to east). Using your tennis ball method, draw an arrow pointing to the right with an "E" at the tip of the arrow and a "W" on the other end. Now turn the ball left to right and note that the "E" leads the rotation, thereby being the first part of the arrow to go from darkness into sunlight. Now turn the ball over 180 degrees while maintaining that same direction of rotation. You'll note that the "E" is still out in front, leading the way from darkness into sunlight. Now please explain how that could possibly be if we're experiencing 6 Days of Sunrise West and the Earth hasn't reversed her direction of rotation. Thanks for your help with this.

Lothar Schwarz said:
Howard, another example. Turn a tennis ball from right to left, mark the direction with a marking pen. The arrow on your ball will now show to the left.
Now keep on turning your tennis ball to the left, at the same time slowly turning it upside down, your tennis ball will now be turning in to the other direction. Still moving in the direction of the arrow of the marker pen.
That easy Lothar
Laurie - Thanks for your input but there's a problem with your example.

First, Earth rotates in the direction of west to east, so the arrow on your piece of paper should be pointed to the right instead of the left. As with Lothar's tennis ball example, I suggest you write an "E" for East at the tip of the arrow on your piece of paper (which now points to the right). Now tape your piece of paper into a cyclinder with the North marked at the top and South marked at the bottom. Next, lay a flashlight near the edge of a table shining onto the tip of the arrow, the East. Now start rotating your paper cylinder from left to right and slowly flip the cylinder completely over 180 degrees while continuing to rotate the cylinder in the same direction in front of the flashlight. You'll notice that even though the arrow is pointing in the opposite direction, that the front (East) part of the arrow reaches the light first during rotation.

So how can that be if the sun is supposed to be rising from the west at this time? I appreciate your help.

laurie said:
Ok, imagine your eyes are the sun. On a piece of paper draw an arrow pointing left for the rotation of earth. Now, rotate your paper 180 degrees so the top of the paper is now the bottom (so that North is now South). The arrow should now be pointing to the right (Unless you have weird physics where you live?) representing that in the view from the sun the rotation appears reversed from what it was.

I tried to demonstrate for my husband using a can of peas with the arrows drawn around the "equator" of the can & the ends labeled N & S.
Good point Mr. Howard, I agree, it seems easy, but it is not, I also did similar experiments recently, it occurred to my conclusion, that the sense of rotation changes, as happens on Venus, in Venus the sun rises in the west and sets in the east, there is no other time, it would be good for us to clarify that, Howard greetings!
This should clarify:

Q: I have read information on your webpage. You claim, the earth will lean to the left before the pole shift and the sun will rise in the west. But sunrise in the west is not possible, even if the earth would stand upside down. Therefore the earth will have to stop first and begin to rotate in the opposite direction. So there is something wrong with this information. Look at this picture for example. Here stands the earth upside down, but people in Florida could see the sunrise still before it could do people in California.

ZTA: You are incorrect and not thinking this through, but confusion is understandable. Nancy has reviewed our ZetaTalk on this matter and there is a missing piece of the puzzle, which we are giving you today. You are correct that the Earth continues to rotate in the direction it does today. When the globe is tipped almost upside down, and turning in the same manner as today, land is still moving from what was formerly west to what was formerly east. Sunrise west occurs just after the lean to the left with the globe then sliding its N Pole away from the Sun into the 3 days of darkness. These steps occur because Planet X is approaching from the right, in its retrograde orbit. Even during the 3 days of darkness and days following when the Earth is trying to right itself from being almost upside down, the N Pole is thus still leaning somewhat to the left, avoiding the approaching N Pole of Planet X. The time when the Earth is almost upside down is very brief, not even the span of a day, with the remainder of the 6 days of darkness occurring when the Earth is righting itself from the position it was in during the 3 days of darkness. Thus, the N Pole of Earth is pointing north more than south during these 6 days. These gyrations of Earth occur as the Earth is rolling with Planet X during its 270° roll, in which it moves from having its N Pole nosed into the S Pole of the Sun to pointing its N Pole outward toward Earth (a total 180° turn) and then standing upright with its N Pole up (the remaining 90°). Planet X has been doing the first part of the 270° roll for some years now, ever since it passed the S Pole of the Sun in 2004 and began moving outbound.

The last weeks begin because Planet X moves to station itself almost directly between the Earth and Sun. Before that point the Earth merely has a wobble, allowing its N Pole to be pushed away daily. But as Planet X moves between the Earth and Sun, the Earth comes into the grip of Planet X completely. During the last weeks, the Earth changes from being in an end-to-end alignment with Planet X to being in a side-by-side alignment. It is during the end-to-end alignment, when Planet X is pointing its N Pole directly at the Earth, that the lean to the left and 3 days of darkness occur. But as Planet X continues in its retrograde orbit, its N Pole is no longer coming from the right, but is located to the left of the Earth, and the Earth adjusts by slinging its N Pole to the right. Thus, during the 6 days of sunrise west, the Earth still has its N Pole tipped away from the Sun and the approaching Planet X, but rather than a lean to the left, it has a lean to the right. It is at this point that the Earth switches from being in an end-to-end alignment to being in a side-by-side alignment with Planet X. When Planet X is just at the Ecliptic, it stands upright in alignment with the Sun, the dominant magnet in the solar system. As it switches from pointing its N Pole at Earth, as it had during the many years of the wobble, to completing its 270° roll and pointing its N Pole upward, the Earth follows suit. It is then that the Earth is drawn closer to Planet X, so that only 14 million miles separates them. It is then that the Earth slows in her rotation to a stop, for the week of rotation stoppage.

Hope this helps.
Reply by Viktorio on June 24, 2010 at 8:01pm
Hi, Nancy.
I was reading about the Magnetic Dance of PX and Earth on the zetatalk.com and I wondered about the 6 days sunrise west. There you say "The rotation of Earth remains the same, but it is upside down for these 6 days, thus sunrise West."
Actually, in order for the Sun to start rising West, Earth must change it is rotation direction. Even if Earth turns upside down and continues to rotate in the same direction, this will only change the view to the stars and constellations, not the direction from which the Sun rises. When Earth turns upside down, for example the North Star Polaris will be visible in the Southern Hemisphere, etc. But if the rotation direction remains the same, the Sun can not rise from the geographical west.
You know, as Earth turns now, the first to "see" the Sun is Japan, then Russia, then Europe, then USA, etc. (in Northern hemisphere), in this order. When Earth turns upside down and if the rotation direction remains the same, the first to see the Sun will be again Japan, then Europe, USA, etc... The Sun will continue to rise from the geographical East.
As seen by a neutral observer, from the Sun or somewhere in space, the Earth will seem to change rotation direction with respect to its orbit, but this will not change rotation direction in regards to its axis, resp. to the geographical East/West. This means the Sun will continue to rise from geographical East, as seen by the observer located somewhere on Earth.
This leads to me to the conclusion that in order for the Sunrise West to happen, Earth must either change its rotation direction after the 3 days darkness or this change will happen after the Pole Shift.
Can you please comment on that?

Reply by Nancy Lieder on June 24, 2010 at 9:45pm
You are not the first to ask this question. Can up in a prior GLP chat. Here's the link and answer.

[MIchael McHead Q]
September 12, 2009

Viktorio said:
So, I understand that during the "...lean to the right. It is at this point that the Earth switches from being in an end-to-end alignment to being in a side-by-side alignment with Planet X. When Planet X is just at the Ecliptic, it stands upright in alignment with the Sun, the dominant magnet in the solar system. As it switches from pointing its N Pole at Earth, as it had during the many years of the wobble, to completing its 270° roll and pointing its N Pole upward, the Earth follows suit." the Earth still rotates in the same, "usual" direction - west to east?
And only after "It is then that the Earth slows in her rotation to a stop, for the week of rotation stoppage.", then Earth starts its reverse rotating (east to west) and it is then when Sun starts to rise west, for 6 days?
Sorry for confusion, I am trying to clear these things in my mind. It is hard to explain in simple words this "3D animation".

Reply by Nancy Lieder on June 25, 2010 at 12:34pm
It never starts rotating in the opposite direction. Keeps the same direction and pace. What the Zetas have said is that the Sun does not rise DIRECTLY in the West, but slightly to the west of the N Pole location. So, perceived as 'from the west' or 'in the west'.

Reply by Viktorio on June 25, 2010 at 1:45pm
Aha, I see.
So "sunrise west" = "sunrise slightly to the west of the N Pole location", not "sunrise from the west".
It is a different story then.
Thanks for the clarification!
I hope this helps!
Although the following may not be completely accurate in that the earth will not turn 180 degrees, this will suffice in explaining this to people who have no idea what is going on:

"Right now our earth is spinning toward the rising sun which makes it appear as if the sun rises in the east. Planet X's larger magnetic core will grip the magnetic core of our earth in such a way that it will flip it upside down so that our earth will be spinning toward the setting sun. This will make it appear as if the sun were rising in the west."
Thanks, Alison. And thanks to Kris and Andrew for posting ZetaTalk on this. Knowing that the sun will rise slightly west of the North Pole and not "due west" is a big help, but even with this understanding, it's still seems difficult to explain clearly.

I agree, Alison, that for most people who aren't willing or able to "think this through", your explanation will suffice. But I believe there are those who will require a clearer explanation and it appears even some of us on this Ning (myself included) could benefit from understanding this event further.

It seems that in order to provide a cohesive explanation to a "thinking person", at least 3 props are needed: Sun, Earth, and Planet X . I'm developing a 2-D graphic representation to help describe the dynamics at play which I'll post here later today, but I welcome any ideas on ways to go about describing how this event unfolds.

Alison said:
Although the following may not be completely accurate in that the earth will not turn 180 degrees, this will suffice in explaining this to people who have no idea what is going on:

"Right now our earth is spinning toward the rising sun which makes it appear as if the sun rises in the east. Planet X's larger magnetic core will grip the magnetic core of our earth in such a way that it will flip it upside down so that our earth will be spinning toward the setting sun. This will make it appear as if the sun were rising in the west."
Hell Unleashed - http://www.zetatalk.com/index/zeta191.htm One of my personal favorites.

"The Sunrise West occurs as the N. Pole of Earth moves from having been pushed to the West, away from the N. Pole of Planet X which is emerging from the East. It hides from the virtual hose of magnetic particles coming from the N. Pole of Planet X, so that as Planet X completes its 270° Roll the Earth is found lying on her side with her N. Pole more to the East, those in the northern hemisphere seeing the Sun appear to rise slightly to the West of the N. Pole as the day begins. "

The Sun normally rises in the East, so if the N Pole moves to the East, then the Sun moves to the west.
I think much of the confusion stems from the fact that we don't really now how the crust/mantle-to-core interface will behave when PX magnetic forces are directly 'grips' Earth. Will they be independent or will they move together? Is the clutch mechanism between the core and the crust continual or pulsing and periodic? What happens, in each scenario, when the crust is gripped but the core wants to move? What about inertia of the crust? How does inertia affect the core movement or the crust movement when the globe is in crisis and seems to flop all over the place? Does this depend on precisely which geographic point PX grabs and at what time? Is this affected differently if the clutch is continual or periodic?

You can see how quickly this gets complicated.
The cause of the confusion may be which direction you consider as the north, up(toward the North Star) or down in the figure.

When the earth stands upside down, which direction does one regard as the north?

From the view of you on the earth, you will say the direction of North Star is the south, then the sun rises from the east.
From the view of one in a space ship, he will say the direction of North Star is the north, then the sun rises from the west that is the left-hand-direction when facing the north.
I have the ZetaTalk where they explain what is happening. As a result of the lean to the left, which swings into a 3 days of darkness, there is momentum so the Earth keeps swinging in that direction and also. Here's that ZT and link.

ZetaTalk Explanation 9/12/2009:
During the last weeks, the Earth changes from being in an end-to-end alignment with Planet X to being in a side-by-side alignment. It is during the end-to-end alignment, when Planet X is pointing its N Pole directly at the Earth, that the lean to the left and 3 days of darkness occur. But as Planet X continues in its retrograde orbit, its N Pole is no longer coming from the right, but is located to the left of the Earth, and the Earth adjusts by slinging its N Pole to the right. Thus, during the 6 days of sunrise west, the Earth still has its N Pole tipped away from the Sun and the approaching Planet X, but rather than a lean to the left, it has a lean to the right. It is at this point that the Earth switches from being in an end-to-end alignment to being in a side-by-side alignment with Planet X. When Planet X is just at the Ecliptic, it stands upright in alignment with the Sun, the dominant magnet in the solar system. As it switches from pointing its N Pole at Earth, as it had during the many years of the wobble, to completing its 270° roll and pointing its N Pole upward, the Earth follows suit. It is then that the Earth is drawn closer to Planet X, so that only 14 million miles separates them. It is then that the Earth slows in her rotation to a stop, for the week of rotation stoppage.

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