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  3. The Zetas, as all visitors, are under rules on how they interact with humanity. They are not here to rescue you. They cannot divert Planet X just as today they do not prevent droughts or floods. The Earth is mankind’s schoolhouse whereby he learns to help his fellow man.
  4. The date of the pole shift cannot be given, but the sequence of events can be given. [ Link ] Check the ning pinned discussions and blogs for such information as the 7 of 10, the last weeks, etc.

Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case.

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 78 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Views: 25107

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If the Democrats are going to pick someone who has trouble speaking off the cuff, barely does any interviews, and has all of these flaws that wouldn't have been an issue with other choices, then that means that Kamala is the better "puppet," and that they don't care about these negatives because they're going to commit voter fraud. But, will voter fraud be combated, like in past elections?

Good morning, Nancy.  Today we have more multi-vectored earthquake clouds rolling through and we see how after passing the wave forms dissipate the cloud structure to where it now loses cohesion. and becomes just wisps of clouds before returning to a blue sky. Could perhaps the particle flow be heating up the water vapor due to assaulting the cloud structure from multiple directions similar to what a micro-wave oven may do?   Would the Zetas explain to us how this is made possible from these captures?

SOZT Earthquake clouds will dissipate in wind, like any other cloud. EOZT

James of Idaho said:

Would the Zetas explain to us how this is made possible from these captures?

Declined as this is in the hands of man at present and many agendas at play. They did anticipate illegals being Democrat voters, and as reported tons of election fraud attempted. Perhaps being an ex AG they assumed she would posture well against their attempts to make Trump a 'convicted felon' with all their lawfare. 

J A said:

If the Democrats are going to pick someone who has trouble speaking off the cuff, barely does any interviews, and has all of these flaws that wouldn't have been an issue with other choices, then that means that Kamala is the better "puppet," and that they don't care about these negatives because they're going to commit voter fraud. But, will voter fraud be combated, like in past elections?

Satellite images show the devastation from Spain's deadly floods
November 2, 2024
Across Valencia, areas exceeded 11 inches of rain. One area that was particularly hard hit was the town of Chiva near Valencia, which accumulated nearly 20 inches in the span of 8 hours — the equivalent to what it usually receives in an entire year.
[and from another]
Subtropical Storm Patty forms in northern Atlantic, no impacts to Florida
November 2, 9:50 ET
Subtropical Storm Patty has formed overnight near The Azores in the northern Atlantic Ocean, according to the National Hurricane Center.

On November 2, Valencia, Spain had a massive rain storm that has killed hundreds. This was caused by drooping land above Gibraltar, which is ripping open during the Africa Roll. We have predicted that Africa will move 50 miles to the East during this process, and the renting open of the border between Africa and Eurasia at Gibraltar will open a void that will create a low pressure area, inviting rain storms. Sub-Tropical storm Patty suddenly appeared on November 2 at the quad-plate junction where the Africa Plate, the Eurasia Plate, and the SE Portion and Mainland Portion of N America meet. Patty did not cause the storm, the drooping land caused Patty.

Prior 1/1/2011 ZT:
The Straits of Gibraltar will widen by 125 miles, as Africa drops, and Morocco will move 50 miles further east. 

Prior 12/16/2010:
Why would the floor of the Mediterranean just above Algeria be more vulnerable than other areas during this roll? The border of the African Plate slices across northern Algeria, and thus when the plate rolls and drops, the Mediterranean floor there will suddenly find itself unsupported. Where the land mass housing Morocco and Algeria will not lose elevation, in the main, retaining its floatation strength to ride on the magma beneath, the floor of the Mediterranean is of a different composition. It will sink there, unsupported on the African side where the plates will pull apart. 


I live in northern Wisconsin and we had what seemed to be two motherships over my town of Rhinelander today (population under 9,000).  This was as earthquake clouds covered the ENTIRE sky.  My question is, if this was a pair of motherships, what was the message for the people of this region?  We live on strong rock, the oldest on the place, and are in a good position for survival.  Migration issues perhaps?



Hello Nancy and Zetas.

Donald Trump has been declared the winner of the 2024 US Presidential election.

Do the Zetas have any comment on the conduct and outcome of the election?

Thank you for considering this question.


Election 2024: Presidential results

November 6, 2024

Donald Trump will be America’s 47th president, after mounting the most momentous comeback in political history that will hand him massive, disruptive power at home and will send shockwaves around the world. Four years after leaving Washington as a pariah, following his attempt to overturn the 2020 election to stay in office, Trump’s victory defied two assassination attempts, two presidential impeachments, his criminal conviction and many other criminal charges.


Donald Trump elected US president in stunning comeback

November 6, 2024

PALM BEACH, Florida, Nov 6 (Reuters) - Donald Trump was elected president, capping a remarkable comeback four years after he was voted out of the White House and ushering in a new American leadership likely to test democratic institutions at home and relations abroad.

Trump, 78, recaptured the White House on Wednesday by securing more than the 270 Electoral College votes needed to win the presidency, Edison Research projected, following a campaign of dark rhetoric that deepened the polarization in the country.

The former president's victory in the swing state of Wisconsin pushed him over the threshold. As of 5:45 a.m. ET (1045 GMT) Trump had won 279 electoral votes to Harris' 223 with several states yet to be counted.

He also led Harris by about 5 million votes in the popular count.

"America has given us an unprecedented and powerful mandate," Trump said early on Wednesday to a roaring crowd of supporters at the Palm Beach County Convention Center in Florida.

Trump’s political career had appeared to be over after his false claims of election fraud led a mob of supporters to storm the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, in a failed bid to overturn his 2020 defeat.

But he swept away challengers inside his Republican Party and then beat Democratic candidate Kamala Harris by capitalizing on voter concerns about high prices and what Trump claimed, without evidence, was a rise in crime due to illegal immigration.

Harris did not speak to supporters who had gathered at her alma mater Howard University. Her campaign co-chair, Cedric Richmond, briefly addressed the crowd after midnight, saying Harris would speak publicly later on Wednesday.

"We still have votes to count," he said.

Republicans won a U.S. Senate majority, but neither party appeared to have an edge in the fight for control of the House of Representatives where Republicans currently hold a narrow majority.


Matt B said:

Donald Trump has been declared the winner of the 2024 US Presidential election. Do the Zetas have any comment on the conduct and outcome of the election?

[and from another]
Can the Zetas comment on how the massive fraud machine was defeated, what was attempted, how close they came, what was going on behind the scenes now that it has played out? I feel like they dems/deep state have lost all steam now, that there's no gas left for the engine.
[and from another]
Election 2024: Presidential results
November 6, 2024
Donald Trump will be America’s 47th president, after mounting the most momentous comeback in political history that will hand him massive, disruptive power at home and will send shockwaves around the world. Four years after leaving Washington as a pariah, following his attempt to overturn the 2020 election to stay in office, Trump’s victory defied two assassination attempts, two presidential impeachments, his criminal conviction and many other criminal charges.
[and from another]
Donald Trump Elected US president in Stunning Comeback
November 6, 2024
PALM BEACH, Florida, Nov 6 (Reuters) - Donald Trump was elected president, capping a remarkable comeback four years after he was voted out of the White House and ushering in a new American leadership likely to test democratic institutions at home and relations abroad. Trump, 78, recaptured the White House on Wednesday by securing more than the 270 Electoral College votes needed to win the presidency, Edison Research projected, following a campaign of dark rhetoric that deepened the polarization in the country. The former president's victory in the swing state of Wisconsin pushed him over the threshold. As of 5:45 a.m. ET (1045 GMT) Trump had won 279 electoral votes to Harris' 223 with several states yet to be counted. He also led Harris by about 5 million votes in the popular count. "America has given us an unprecedented and powerful mandate," Trump said early on Wednesday to a roaring crowd of supporters at the Palm Beach County Convention Center in Florida. Trump’s political career had appeared to be over after his false claims of election fraud led a mob of supporters to storm the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, in a failed bid to overturn his 2020 defeat. But he swept away challengers inside his Republican Party and then beat Democratic candidate Kamala Harris by capitalizing on voter concerns about high prices and what Trump claimed, without evidence, was a rise in crime due to illegal immigration. Harris did not speak to supporters who had gathered at her alma mater Howard University. Her campaign co-chair, Cedric Richmond, briefly addressed the crowd after midnight, saying Harris would speak publicly later on Wednesday. "We still have votes to count," he said. Republicans won a U.S. Senate majority, but neither party appeared to have an edge in the fight for control of the House of Representatives where Republicans currently hold a narrow majority.
[and from another]
They tried to do it again. Police seized 9 USPS mail trucks with fake ballots in Philadelphia last night. It was around 2 million ballots. Poll watchers busted them when they arrived. They called the police. Everyone got arrested. 1 million fake ballots from China were seized by US Customs service.
[and from another]
Election officials in Milwaukee found broken security stickers on all 13 tabulators at the Central Count location, prompting them to restart the vote count from the beginning. Officials anticipate counting will continue until 2-3 a.m. Milwaukee will now have to recount around 30,000 to 40,000 absentee ballots that were already counted. Joe Biden won Wisconsin by about 20,000 votes in 2020 after ballots appeared overnight.
[and from another]
Judges Race to Resolve Last-Minute 2024 Election Legal Fights
October 29, 2024
Judges are rushing to clear a final wave of time-sensitive fights over how Americans will vote in the November election, with US courts fielding one new lawsuit per day on average this month. Some disputes required immediate turn-around, such as whether to extend voter registration deadlines in states hit by hurricanes. Other cases dealt with voter roll purges, absentee ballot drop box locations and how local officials will count and certify results in the days after Nov. 5.

The Trump campaign took early and aggressive action to guard against the type of fraud known to have occurred in 2020. Dozens of court cases to prevent illegals from voting and to prevent massive ballot dumps delivered after election day from being included were one arm of this war against fraud. Poll watchers, including lawyers, were on site and unlike 2020 where they were forcibly expelled they stood with the power of court orders. Trucks loaded with illegal ballots were flagged by volunteers, and stopped.

Although some fraudulent ballots did get through and were included, Trump’s war cry that they must be “too big to rig” was also applied. President Trump went state to state tirelessly, campaigning, with his get out the vote message predominant. Early voting helped in this regard as the votes became of record before they could be lost during the Election Day shuffle. Where 2020 fraud was assisted by the Dominion tabulator, which sent the counts overseas to be shuffled into the Biden column, in 2024 Dominion was not connected to the Internet, making any fraudulent moves very visible.

Declined as any message for the people was understood, subconsciously, by the people. The split of the Seaway includes Lake Superior, and thus will affect northern Wisconsin. 

Shaun Kazuck said:

I live in northern Wisconsin and we had what seemed to be two motherships over my town of Rhinelander today (population under 9,000). 

A friend of ours decided to take this trip against our recommendations. Apparent wind was at least 87kph. All of the casino tables turned over.
[and from another]
Photos Show Damage Aboard Royal Caribbean Cruise Rocked by Rough Winds
November 8, 2024
The Explorer of the Seas was traveling from Barcelona, Spain to Miami, Florida. The vessel was near Tenerife, the largest of Spain's Canary Islands, when it was hit by an "unexpected wind gust," Royal Caribbean Cruises said in a statement.  The wind caused the ship to experience "sudden movement," the cruise line said. The ship's captain said that winds had gone from 46 miles per hour to 86 miles per hour. 

There are several reasons the Explorer lurched and jolted just West of the Canary Islands. It was not the winds which threw the contents of the ship around. Our predicted Africa Roll has been in process, and when a sudden roll occurs Africa lurches, pulling away from the border between Africa and Eurasia. As with all plate separation, some parts of the border cling until forced apart, which they do with a jolt. Such a jolt here caused both the air above and the Atlantic waters to move back and forth.

I have to say that the EQ's around Cuba are a little unsettling from a Gitmo point of view, last thing we want is for the evil one's to be able to escape.
[and from another]
CUBA 6.8M, AFTERSHOCKS , CARIBBEAN PLATE, SOUTH AMERICA ROLL Some 32 aftershocks of magnitude 2.5 or greater have been recorded following the strong 6.8 magnitude earthquake that shook southern Cuba today.

The SE Portion being pulled East by the Africa Roll does not have a clear path over Cuba. It must scrape over Cuba and pull the Yucatan Peninsula
20 miles further East during the process. The S America Waggle,
as we have stated, occurs when S America must lean its top part into the Atlantic to facilitate the SE Portion’s escape to the East. This causes stress at the armpit of S America. This process has not yet completed so there is more to come, which will include a widening of the Mississippi River with drooping land on the West side.

Prior 6/30/2024 ZT:
We have stated that the Mississippi River will be up to 50 miles wider in places due to a land droop West of the Mississippi. We have stated that the Mainland shift to the SW will be a factor in causing 
Mississippi River bridges to fail. As the SE Portion is pulled East, we have predicted that the Yucatan, housed on the Toe of the SE Portion, will likewise be pulled to the East.  

Prior 10/31/2023 ZT:
But at the same time the SE Portion is pulling its Toe from the Isthmus and pulling the Yucatan up and over the hump of the Caribbean. 

Prior 1/31/2023 ZT::
The SE Portion is now free to shift directly to the East, and this will create a distinct separation at the Isthmus, deeper waters in the Gulf, and a Yucatan that finds itself shifted toward the East too.

Prior 7/11/2023 ZT:
As we have repeatedly emphasized, a S American waggle will allow the SE Portion to free its attachment at the Isthmus, allowing the New Madrid Rupture to proceed without impedance. The Pacific compresses during a China blowout, which then puts pressure on the bulbous top of S America. The bulbous top is then pushed East into the Atlantic which tilts the S America foot into the Pacific – the waggle. 

Good morning, Nancy.   I have one of those lying in bed at 3AM wide awake questions nagging at my brain that I would like to ask on some captures I have taken.   What keeps me from sleeping is the image of the Nibiru capture where it is hidden below the southern edge and rises above the northern.   Would this be considered the dividing line between the upper and lower ecliptic?  Like a mirrored image could it be the fine line that separates both?


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