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  1. No personal counseling is done.This rule has been in place since 1996. Questions should be of broad interest to the general public.
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  3. The Zetas, as all visitors, are under rules on how they interact with humanity. They are not here to rescue you. They cannot divert Planet X just as today they do not prevent droughts or floods. The Earth is mankind’s schoolhouse whereby he learns to help his fellow man.
  4. The date of the pole shift cannot be given, but the sequence of events can be given. [ Link ] Check the ning pinned discussions and blogs for such information as the 7 of 10, the last weeks, etc.

Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case.

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 78 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Views: 39190

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No. Council of Worlds in charge and they ain't talking. 

Kamil Rak said:

Is there an ETA on the New Madrid fault line rupture? Within 2024?

RawNews article stating he had been arrested just ahead of this deferred sentencing date for Trump. Ariel seems to confirm this, stating that arresting and jailing President Trump, who is the current Commander in Chief, would be considered an act of war by the Junta.
[and from another]
JAG Arrests Treasonous Judge Juan Merchan
September 7, 2024
US Navy JAG investigators arrested Deep State Judge Juan Merchan, the treasonous justice who adjudicated the state of New York’s illegal “hush money” case against President Trump, outside his home in Queens Wednesday morning, pounding yet another stake into the heart of the Southern District of New York’s corrupt criminal justice system. Curiously, the arrest came two days before a man claiming to be Merchan issued a statement saying he would delay sentencing in the case until after the presidential election, postponing the original Sept. 18 date.
[and from another]
"We are currently under military Laws & Order. Which means if D. Trump is currently CIC while under these provisions it would be declared an "Act of War" if he is arrested”
[and from another]
New York Supreme Court
The Supreme Court of the State of New York is the trial-level court of general jurisdiction in the judiciary of New York. It is vested with unlimited civil and criminal jurisdiction, although in many counties outside New York City it acts primarily as a court of civil jurisdiction, with most criminal matters handled in County Court. New York is the only state in the United States where the Supreme Court is not the state's court of last resort (which would be the New York Court of Appeals) but it is a trial court. 
[and from another]
Juan Merchan
Juan Manuel Merchan (born 1962/1963)[2] is a Colombian-born American judge and former prosecutor. He is an acting justice of the New York State Supreme Court in New York County (Manhattan). He presided over the 2024 criminal trial of former US president Donald Trump, in which Trump was convicted. Merchan is the first judge in history to preside over the criminal indictment and conviction of a US President, and the first judge to hold a President in criminal contempt of court.

Yes, Judge Merchan was arrested by the Junta to force a delay in sentencing, but has also been taken to Gitmo to be tried for treason. He knew Trump was the true 2020 winner, and as such was the Commander in Chief of the US Military. Thus Judge Merchan’s actions were indeed treason. The jurors were instructed by the judge so they had no wiggle room to express a ‘reasonable doubt”. Merchan will essentially disappear from public view, and had a limited court docket which was easily rescheduled. 

Recently the Zetas said that the first 270 roll has started and before that they indicated that that this would mean a stronger polar push.

Now there is that video (The Planet has Tilted 150 miles at the Equator). There is article on timebomb2000 but can't be viewed anymore without login in

Then there is this comment on zetatalk followers chat on telegram from Shane Carter

"The wobble must be huge, magnetic north is out by 40 degrees from true north, so about 20 degrees more than pre PX but the moon and stars are out by 25 to 45 degrees to the south. I have sighted the moon so far south it would put us on the equator (37 degrees out), this happens when the Atlantic is pointing towards the sun. My thoughts are that the South Pole is moving a lot more than the north and this would tie in with PX doing a pole flip as it moves through the solar plane. Look at the southern ocean wind (roaring 40s it’s all over the place)."

And there is this article

And from 

“One day like a year” preceding the Last Weeks is predicting the confused weather and sunrise/sunset times that result from the daily Earth wobble gone wild. We have predicted that the seasons will “blend into one another”, thus that year will seem not to have distinct seasons, but a mix. The wobble can make the Sun rise and then set again, as has been documented, so night and day may become confused as the wobble worsens. Muhammed is predicting this confused period to last at least a year. And then things go back to normal, rotation returns, and Nibiru is gone from the skies, having moved on." 

Could the Zetas say or indicate that this period of time has started, "at least a year" considering the time frame of the pole shift  in 2026 or 2027,  and on the info re the wobble gotten worse,  and that video about Africa and the article re the weather in Europe?


Gerard Zwaan said:

Recently the Zetas said that the first 270 roll has started and before that they indicated that that this would mean a stronger polar push.

Recently the Zetas said that the first 270 roll has started and before that they indicated that that this would mean a stronger polar push. Could the Zetas say or indicate that this period of time has started, "at least a year" considering the time frame of the pole shift in 2026 or 2027,  and on the info re the wobble gotten worse,  and that video about Africa and the article re the weather in Europe?
[and from another]
270 Roll
[and from another]
The Planet has Tilted 150 miles at the Equator
I have The Google Sky Map app on my phone, and 16 years ago, when i first moved to my house, i used Sky Map, and i looked at the North Pole, and at that time, it was right above my head. I recently looked at Sky Map, and the North Pole has moved many degrees to the left. This blew my mind. That is proof enough to me, that the earth is definitely tilted. … I have been tracking the suns position on the horizon at June 21st solstice sunrises for 7 years. The earth has indeed tilted northward. I was waiting to see if there would be an official acknowledgment. … Yes even in the last year I've watched the sun move atleast 100 miles north from where it was rising from last year. It's now rising in the north east instead of the east. Sounds weird but I say something every day about it being in the wrong place.
[and from another]
The wobble must be huge, magnetic north is out by 40 degrees from true north, so about 20 degrees more than pre PX but the moon and stars are out by 25 to 45 degrees to the south. I have sighted the moon so far south it would put us on the equator (37 degrees out), this happens when the Atlantic is pointing towards the sun. My thoughts are that the South Pole is moving a lot more than the north and this would tie in with PX doing a pole flip as it moves through the solar plane. Look at the Southern Ocean wind (roaring 40s it’s all over the place).
[and from another]
Europe Braces for Extreme Rainfall and Flooding as Heat Dome Collapses
Some areas could see 200 – 400 mm (7.9 – 15.7 inches) of rainfall, with local anomalies likely to increase these amounts even further. The heavy rainfall could lead to widespread flooding across parts of northern Italy, Austria, Slovenia, and Croatia. 
[and from another]
Muslim 40 Days Prediction 
“One day like a year” preceding the Last Weeks is predicting the confused weather and sunrise/sunset times that result from the daily Earth wobble gone wild. We have predicted that the seasons will “blend into one another”, thus that year will seem not to have distinct seasons, but a mix. The wobble can make the Sun rise and then set again, as has been documented, so night and day may become confused as the wobble worsens. Muhammed is predicting this confused period to last at least a year. And then things go back to normal, rotation returns, and Nibiru is gone from the skies, having moved on.
[and from another]
And all things on the earth shall alter,
And shall not appear in their time:
And the moon shall alter her order,
And not appear at her time.
And in those days the sun shall be seen and he shall journey in the evening on the extremity of the great chariot in the west
And shall shine more brightly than accords with the order of light.
And many chiefs of the stars shall transgress the order (prescribed).
And these shall alter their orbits and tasks,
And not appear at the seasons prescribed to them.
And the whole order of the stars shall be concealed,
And the thoughts of those on the earth shall err concerning them.
Book of Enoch
[and from another]
May 4, 2020
40 Days prophecy, Seasons Blending, 7 Bowls in Revelations, Leishmania, 10 Plagues, Torah, Book of Exodus, Kolbrin, Frog Plague, Locust Plagues, Red Dust, Sky Fire, Ipuwer, Velikovsky, Dead Fish, Pitho virus, Mother Shipton, Kali, Kachina, White Buffalo, Trumpets, Dragon description, Two Suns, Arabia greening, Dead Sea fish, Cayce, keeping Chickens.

In describing the first 270 Roll
we included a worsening Wobble and a blending of the seasons. This is occurring now to some extent but will get much worse as the Last Weeks approach. During the Last Weeks a second 270 roll occurs, causing the Pole Shift on Earth. How bad will the first 270 Roll get? Even with the Plate Movements being softened by the Council of Worlds, so that mankind will have more time to become empathic to each other, these edicts by the Council do not change the timeline. Thus our descriptions of the 270 Roll will remain, as originally stated.

The twirling Wobble
will become more extreme as the N Pole of Nibiru turns increasingly toward the Earth. This does more than give the Earth a Polar Push
to increase the Wobble, it will cast the vast debris ridden tail of Nibiru toward Earth and cause EMP episodes. Weather extremes will become the norm. But the blending of the seasons that results will not be the curse assumed, as it will increase the growing season and abate some of the bitter cold and intractable drought man must endure.

Prior 6/25/2004 ZT:
The Earth will experience more than a twirling wobble during the passage, more than a simple 90° turn during the hour of the shift, as a complicated magnetic dance is about to ensue, beyond what man might imagine. More than a 23° tilt and lean. The Earth's magnetic field participating in a slow roll with Planet X such that no one on Earth could deny that something is amiss. The cover-up, blown apart and shattered, without warning. The panic the establishment hoped to avoid suddenly upon them. The controlled panic the establishment hoped to gain by open discussions on the issues such that the populace is aware of what to expect, and what to do, and when, no longer possible because they had failed to degrade the cover-up and focus rage on the perpetrators in time.

Prior 11/27/2004 ZT:
As the Earth normally rotates around its geographic N. Pole, the magnetic N. Pole is exposed for half the day, and then hidden for the other half of the day. This initially results in a Drunken Lurch to push the magnetic N. Pole out of view, a twice a day polar wobble, but rapidly evolves into twirl. This is due to the magnetic N. Pole being either to the right or left of the geographic N. Pole as the globe turns, responding to the emerging hose of magnetic particles from the N. Pole of Planet X as it turns about, in place.

Prior 12/6/2004 ZT:
If the Earth has been in a Wobble since last May, at this early date a relatively gentle tug on the southern portion of the highly magnetized Atlantic Rift, was this a factor in the record typhoon and hurricane seasons? Most certainly. Now that a more violent Polar Wobble has started, will the weather be exempt? Hardly. Where the Earth is pulled, the atmosphere is not, and lingers where it was while the crust moves beneath it. Accounts of sudden wind storms, unexpected and out of season, are occurring. Jerking the Earth about under her cloak of air also creates temperature changes. 

Prior 5/4/2013 ZT:
The Book of Enoch, which describes signs in the skies at the approach of Planet X, was discarded from the current version of the Bible because it would alert the public and frankly states that Nibiru exists.

Prior 8/13/2024 ZT:
The slow 270 Roll that precedes the Pole Shift is in process, per our prediction. The deflection of light in the debris field surrounding Nibiru can thus give clues to the progress of the first 270 Roll.


SpaceX (assumedly under control of the Junta as they control Musk) has been allowed to take civilians higher above the Earth than at any time since the last Moon landing.  The group is made up a strange mix of SpaceX engineers, a billionaire, and a retired Air Force Lt. Cnl. I imagine the Lt. Cnl. is there to explain what they see up there.  As others have already noticed Planet X visible on live feeds as they reach their orbit, is there any other information the Zetas care to share about what they are after and why the Council of Worlds has allowed them up there?


The Council of Worlds is most eager to have mankind informed about the presence of Nibiru as this is likely to inspire Service to Other actions. They are not part of the Nibiru coverup, which is being done by the elite and wealthy of the world. 

Shaun Kazuck said:

 what they are after and why the Council of Worlds has allowed them up there?

Sept 11th, 2024 A question for a new photo set where I have captured a cross pattern and what may be causing it.   I also have a question for the particle clumping we see from the buildup and release of it.  Would this be the rhythm we are now hearing from space and being called Nibiru's song?   I would also like to ask if the ancient Egyptians were aware of this and the magnetic field of the Sun and Nibiru and would this explain their headwear that they adorn themselves with? 

"Sept 11th, 2024 A question for a new photo set where I have captured a cross pattern and what may be causing it.   I also have a question for the particle clumping we see from the buildup and release of it.  Would this be the rhythm we are now hearing from space and being called Nibiru's song?   I would also like to ask if the ancient Egyptians were aware of this and the magnetic field of the Sun and Nibiru and would this explain their headwear that they adorn themselves with? "


Is there a relationship between the sound of Nibiru’s Song, delivered via radio waves, and what is seen in James photos of the Magnetic Field surrounding the Sun and Nibiru? Yes, as many phenomena have a sight and sound delivery. For instance the Trumpets reported in the Bible and Egyptian lore are due to upper atmosphere lightning which is both seen and heard. Nibiru’s Song has just arrived and the Magnetic pattern in James photos requires enhancement, but this will gradually change.


In regards to the STO/STS and undecided population percentages, where do the children fall in to all of this? At what age do humans begin making decisions and taking actions regarding service orientation? I see children outside playing in their innocence and I see the wonderment in their eyes of everything they see and touch being so new and the future being anything they can imagine. What will come of the children's souls? Is it possible for a child to be a decided, service to self individual? 

Children with many incarnations are either born with an evil STS soul or a high empathtic STO soul or if very immature or undecided have a soul that is open to moving in either directions. It is not the biological age of the human, it is the orientation of the SOUL that drives the process. 

Shanyn Carey Gene Wolfe said:

In regards to the STO/STS and undecided population percentages, where do the children fall in to all of this? 

I captured these photos from my front yard in North Carolina Aug 31 2024. 5:27pm. 


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