Imagine Planet X is clearly visible in the sky and the Severe Wobble has commenced. The Pole Shift countdown has begun, but how are you monitoring the passage of time?


Right now, it's a simple matter knowing what day it is and planning your schedule accordingly.  But when Earth is violently heaving from side to side during the Severe Wobble, a day will no longer be just another day.


In order to anticipate and plan for each of the Last Weeks events, I believe it will be necessary to begin recording time in at least 24-hour increments - beginning with the Severe Wobble. Although it may not be entirely obvious to everyone exactly when the Severe Wobble begins, anytime during this 9-day period will be a good time to establish a ritual of recording increments of time.  It will be unmistakable when Earth falls into a Static Lean to the Left and everyone will be able to see where they are on the Last Weeks Timeline and will already be in the habit of recording time.


The Zetas advise using "a manual clock or watch, not an atomic clock or watch adjusted by the Navy to disguise rotation slowing."  But what if the unthinkable occurs and you find yourself without a functioning clock during the Last Weeks?  How would you improvise to keep track of the days passed?


I plan on using two manual pocket watches with a couple of LED watches as back-up and will X off the days on laminated copies the Last Weeks Timeline, but I'm curious how the rest of you intend to keep track of the days and any alternative ways to record time should our clocks be rendered inoperative.


Right now, it may seem trivial to keep track of time during the Last Weeks.  But when Earth's slowing rotation makes each day increasingly longer and you're completely unaware the Pole Shift is only 6 days away, you'll wish you had.


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Cyaneus - The Zetas have warned that any clock hard-wired to the electrical grid will be manipulated to mask Earth's slowing rotation.  Battery operated clocks will not be subject to this, however, they are subject to failure from electro-magnetic surges from the charged tail of Planet X that will be wafting Earth during this time.  Mechanical wind-up clocks are your most reliable option for timekeeping during the Last Weeks. Read Surging Clocks in ZetaTalk Newsletter #248.

Thank you Howard I have passed this information on.  Much appreciated.


On a totally different subject, I believe we have a mutual friend in your hemisphere about whom I am deeply concerned.....I am trusting that those within range will do what they can, though this is not always appreciated.   The total absence of sensitivity to and awareness of both the depth and nature of the problem here has left me speechless.

Thankyou Howard! You now have me searching in earnest for an rugged automatic watch! I don't think my battery Longines will be suitable for the future :-((

On june 30, 2012 ¨they¨ will add 1 leap second...


@Recall 15

I heard this same news here in Finland. I remember thinkin "so here we go, what next.." This leap second will soon be leap minute..

Excellent advice re: manual timepieces!   In searching for a good option, I found that many of the kinetic or automatic watches store the charge from the wearer's motion into a battery or capacitor from which the watch runs.  My best guess would be that those would fall under the same risk of failure as standard battery operated watches.  Apparently some kinetic watches store the energy in a mechanical mainspring, if assuming by its name is a non-electronic component, would be a good option.  Those include some models of Rolex (not a financial option for most, including myself).  The Citizen Eco-Drive is reported to store its charge in a battery.  I would hate for people counting on a certain timepiece have it fail at the most critical moment. 

Here is a wiki link to more detailed information on automatic watches:

I have looking into purely windup options, and have not found any quality, affordable wristwatch options.  Lots of cheapies that, based on product reviews on Amazon, either have high failure rates or lose/gain significant amounts of time (apparently an average quality watch is expected to add/lose about 10-15 seconds per day).  However there are acceptable expensive models that get good reviews.

I might settle on windup alarm clock instead, they are much more affordable and readily available online. 

I believe that an easy way to keep track of time accurately is to acquire a solar powered watch. They do not need batteries of any kind, they do not even need the sun light, any light source will do, from a lantern to a candle, and they only need a small amount of exposure to light per day to keep fully operational. Citizen watches developed the system several years ago, they were not cheap, I bought one for my wife 6 years ago and cost me over $150, at the time I though it was expensive but realized how invaluable it would be during and after the PS to have a watch that would be accurate for a very long time. Now CASIO also makes solar powered watches and much more reasonable. I just got one 3 months ago online, with perpetual calendar to 2100, luminous numbers & dials, chronograph, weekdays, just about everything you can think of, for only$49.95. You can by solar powered CASIO's for as little as $20. Do NOT buy an Atomic watch.

I am not a CASIO share holder or intending to advertise them, but it seems an economical and easy way to keep track of time accurately whatever happens. Thanks Howard for this important topic.

P.S. An automatic watch is also an option, not as accurate as solar and have to be constantly moving, you can't just put them on the window ledge.

What Closing A Government Radio Station Would Mean For Your Clocks

August 25, 20188:22 AM ET
Many clocks sync with a government radio station that's been proposed to be closed. Scott Simon talks with Thomas Witherspoon of the website The SWLing Post.


Shortwave listeners might recognize this signature ID.


UNIDENTIFIED PERSON: National Institute of Standards and Technology time - this is radio station WWV, Fort Collins, Colo.

SIMON: WWV is the oldest continuously operating radio station in the United States. It's been on the air since 1920. It's signal provides a frequency standard for receivers. The time stamp is regulated by an atomic clock. But a 2019 budget proposal for NIST would close WWV, WWVH in Hawaii and WWVB, which syncs up the time for about 50 million radio-controlled clocks, wristwatches and appliances. Thomas Witherspoon wrote about this on his shortwave listener website, He joins us from the studios of the CBC in Quebec City - that's a lot of alphabet soup to get through in this intro. Thanks for being with us, Mr. Witherspoon.

THOMAS WITHERSPOON: Oh, thank you very much. It's my pleasure.

SIMON: So what would the effect of the closing of WWV be?

WITHERSPOON: Well, these little WWVB receivers are embedded in lots of devices that look for accurate timing - clocks, watches, weather stations, even irrigation systems. So if the WWVB signal goes away, these devices will have to be changed manually. They're not going to update themselves.

SIMON: Isn't that all taken care of on the Internet these days? I mean, we set the time according to what we see on our iPhones. I venture most Americans do.

WITHERSPOON: Yeah, a lot of them do. But a lot of people think that devices are actually connecting to the Internet to get their time signal. But I've got an alarm clock next to my bed, for example. The little embedded receiver, they don't require a lot of resources. This kind of runs in the background and doesn't need the internet - doesn't need anything else. They kind of hum along.

SIMON: Now, one of our producers spoke with the president of La Crosse Technology. They make a lot of these radio-controlled clocks that are found in schools and factory floors and homes. He says that he thinks Congress would never approve this cut because there are so many millions of devices. Does that reassure you?

WITHERSPOON: That's nice to hear someone in industry saying that. But right now as the budget sits, it does cut out all of the WWV time stations. So if it goes through as proposed right now, it will be cut in 2019.

SIMON: I think I know the answer because I used to listen to shortwave and haven't in years. It's all on the web now. What's the state of that as a hobby these days?

WITHERSPOON: That's a really good question. So I am absolutely in love with the shortwaves. I'm an amateur radio operator, so I actually communicate over the shortwaves. I've been listening to shortwave radio since I was 8 years old. In fact, one of the very first things I heard on shortwave radio was WWV, when my father would set his watch manually to it from a little console radio in our living room.

The state of shortwave radio right now - a lot of the large international broadcasters are dropping out of the scene. It's expensive to run shortwave radio stations. But there are surprisingly a lot of stations that are still out there that you can hear. The BBC World Service still broadcasts on shortwave - the Voice of America. You know, one of the reasons I love it so much is someone could be in a country under a repressive regime and listen to a shortwave radio, and there's no way the powers that be could actually track them.

SIMON: Are you just being nostalgic about WWV.

WITHERSPOON: (Laughter) I'm a nostalgic guy. So I'm always nostalgic about WWV. But I use them all the time. I mean, the thing is they're sort of the heartbeat of shortwave radio. When something goes wrong, you check the WWV to see if you're picking up their signal. And you know then everything's OK. So you know, maritime operators, military operators, amateur radio operators, we all listen to and use WWV stations regularly.

SIMON: Thomas Witherspoon, from the radio blog, thanks so much for being with us.

WITHERSPOON: Thank you very much, Scott. It was a pleasure.

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