Sunda Plate sinking is almost complete! The evidence is here.

Zetas stated such as 

"The sinking (on the Sunda Plate) occurred, and is almost complete, yet the possibility of tsunami we predicted for various regions on the Sunda Plate were avoided."

in the latest Ning Chat (3/10/2012);

The Sunda Plate sinking is a [2] part of the 7 of 10, and then, where can we see the evidence of the sinking? Nancy has been presenting/giving us the evidence in her weekly newsletter or weekly chats.

I picked out the items related to the Sunda sinking from the newsletter for a year (since issue 231; Mar 6, 2011) to show a part of the quotation, then 47 items obtained.


List of the Sunda Sinking items;

1) Sunda Sunk; Mar 4, 2012 ;

2) Jakarta Sinking; Feb 26, 2012;

3) Philippine Hammering; Feb 19, 2012;

4) Australia Awash Again; Feb 12, 2012;

5) Borneo Rumble; Jan 29, 2012;

6) Hong Kong Tsunami; Jan 29, 2012;

7) NASA Lies Again; Jan 15, 2012;

8) Mariana Trench Collapse; Jan 8, 2012;

9) 7 of 10 Year in Review; Jan 8, 2012;

10) Mindanao Tsunami; Jan 1, 2012;

11) Java Cockpit View; Dec 25, 2011;

12) Sunda Sinks / Australia Tilts; Dec 18;

13) Asian Capitols Relocate; Dec 4, 2011;

14) Asia Crumbles; Dec 4, 2011;

15) Sunda Sinking Admissions; Nov 27, 2011;

16) Plate Movements; Nov 20, 2011;

17) Living in the Flood Zone; Nov 13, 2011;

18) Bangkok Goes Under; Nov 6, 2011;

19) Thailand Accordion Fold; Oct 30, 2011;

20) Bangkok/Manila/Jakarta Soggy; Oct 23, 2011;

21) Asia Drowning; Oct 9, 2011;

22) Latitude 14° N; Sep 25, 2011;

23) Saltwater Intrusion; Sep 11, 2011;

24) Bending Plates; Sep 4, 2011;

25) Luzon Sinks; Sep 4, 2011;

26) Kiev Trumpets (Plate movement during the first week of August); Aug 21, 2011;

27) Bangkok Sinking; Aug 7, 2011;

28) Stretch Zone Rivers; Jul 31, 2011;

29) 7 of 10 Creep; Jul 17, 2011;

30) Falcon Lands on Luzon; Jul 10, 2011;

31) Indo-Australian Tilt; Jun 26, 2011;

32) Sinking Cities; Jun 19, 2011;

33) Plates on the Move; Jun 12;

34) Two Months in Indonesia; Jun 5, 2011;

35) Hong Kong Flooding; May 29, 2011;

36) Sunda Plate Bend; May 22, 2011;

37) Indonesia Press Awakens; May 22, 2011;

38) Borneo as Preview; May 15, 2011;

39) Lingering Floods; Apr 24, 2011;

40) Pacific Pingpong; Apr 17, 2011;

41) 80 Foot Elevation; Apr 10, 2011;

42) Indonesia Reality; Apr 3, 2011;

43) Sunda Plate Analysis; Mar 27, 2011;

44) Japan Disaster; Mar 20, 2011;

45) Drowning in 1"; Mar 20, 2011;

46) Java Admissions; Mar 13, 2011;

47) Indonesia Rain Blame Game; Mar 6, 2011;


1) Sunda Sunk

The Zetas, and only the Zetas predicted the sinking on the Sunda Plate during the 7 of 10 plate movements. On October 16, 2010 they were very specific on what was going to happen to the lands lying on the Eurasian plate tongue lobbing down to hold SE Asia, better known as the Sunda Plate region. The Zetas estimated a 20 foot elevation loss along the South China coastline, 40 foot loss across Thailand to the Philippines, and an 80 foot loss for most of Sumatra, Java, and southern Borneo. Remember, this is land that will be affected by flooding with the anticipated elevation loss, not necessarily land that will become sea due to this loss. It may only become swampland, flooded without draining and needing seawalls to keep the tide from inundating it. 

Has this occurred? Except for Singapore, this degree of sinking is absolutely apparent on the MODIS satellite images, and on photos and videos taken by private individuals from airplanes. Compare the predicted sea level loss, made by the Zetas in late 2010, to what can be seen on the MODIS images today. When compared to MODIS a year or more ago, one can clearly see the flooding that has arrived, and remained! The red regions on the maps are showing areas that would be affected if the predicted elevation loss were to occur.

Jakarta in particular has recently sustained more sinking. A recent video from a plane leaving Jakarta airport confirms the degree of flooding to the west of the airport, and along the coastline to the west. Photos available on flicker also confirm this. Notice the degree of flooding inland! They use sea walls and pump out the residential areas extensively. But still North Jakarta has been confirmed by the government to be 70% below sea level for some months now.

The peninsula just to the east of Jakarta also shows the extensive sinking. This peninsula has a drainage canal running parallel to a snaking river. Further to the east is another peninsula also showing extensive flooding. This is not due to rainfall when the entire coastline has become inundated and the inundated land is open to the sea and they are clearly at the same elevation, the same level. This is sinking! 

2) Jakarta Sinking

Suddenly South Jakarta along with East and West Jakarta in Tangerang are reporting flooding, the media claiming overflowing rivers. But flooding in rivers that cannot drain are not due to rain. This is due to sinking, the sea waters pushing back. 

By comparing MODIS satellite images from January 5, 2012 to February 13, 2012 one can clearly see sinking in Jakarta and surrounding environs. Notice the land peninsula and along the coastline to the east of Jakarta, completely sunk from view! And inland regions also, not in Jakarta city proper, now obviously under water. Where the government of Jakarta previously admitted that 70% of North Jakarta was below sea level, South and East and West Jakarta were exempt from such pronouncements. Now these regions are also flooded with waters refusing to drain. This 7 of 10 scenario, scenario 2, the sinking of the Sunda Plate, is approaching its finale. 

Meanwhile, the Philippine and Mariana plates keep folding, heaping water quite apparent to the east of these folding plates. Buoy 52402 shows sudden heaping, which likely means the Mariana Trench is continuing to close, a silent adjustment in the sea floor deep under in the trench where seismographs are not located. This 7 of 10 scenarios, scenario 3, is approaching its finale too.

3) Philippine Hammering

Just as the Sunda Plate is steadily sinking during the 7 of 10 scenarios, the Mariana and Philippine plates are also steadily tilting and folding beneath their respective plates to the west. The Mariana Trench is also predicted to collapse, snapping shut. Does tilting and pushing the Philippine Plate under the Philippine Islands create trauma in the Philippine Islands? Certainly the synchronicity of buoy 52402 on alert and the hammering earthquakes in the Negros-Cebu region between February 6-8, 2012 in the Philippine Islands would show that it does.

Since the Philippine and Mariana plates, and the Mariana Trench, have irregular edges and curves, how does the folding and tilting process work? Its not a simple process, as the Zetas explain.

4) Australia Awash Again

At the start of the 7 of 10 scenarios, the Indo-Australian Plate rose on the eastern end, allowing the Sunda Plate to slip under the curve beneath Sumatra and Java. This caused horrific flooding in eastern Australia as waters from the Coral Sea sought to seek its level, backwashing up the rivers in Australia that drain into the Coral Sea. This was reported on January 2, 2011 in Issue 218 of this newsletter, when rivers draining the coastline on Queensland above Brisbane were backwashing. And again on January 12, 2011 in Issue 222 when the floodwaters were not draining but sloshing about in a tsunami fashion. And again on January 30, 2011 in Issue 226 when the "inland sea", unable to drain toward the east, headed south to drain at Melbourne. Now the term "inland sea" has returned as the plate once again is aggressively tilting, this time pouring water into New South Wales from the Tasman Sea as well as into Queensland from the Coral Sea.

As proof that the plate is rising on the eastern end is data from buoy 55012 in the Coral Sea. When a graph is produced reflecting the entire year of 2011, one can see a steady drop in the depth of water from the buoy to the sea floor. This is the sea floor rising, the plate rising! The Zetas called the Indo-Australian Plate the "brake" holding plate adjustments elsewhere back. When this brake lifts, allowing the eastern end of the Indo-Australian Plate to lift and driving India further under the Himalayas, other plate adjustments follow. The 7 of 10 scenarios describe this domino effect. There were quakes along this brake on February 4, 2012, as noted in the IRIS chart above, and look what happened on February 6, 2012! The Sunda and Philippine plates are immediately affected. The point where the Philippine Plate is folding against Luzon Island is being hammered. And buoys are on alert from one end of the Pacific to the other - 55012 on the lifting Coral Sea, 52405 on the tilting and folding Philippine Plate, and 32401 off coast from Chile where the S American roll is in process.

5) Borneo Rumble

Increasingly, the occasional hum beneath our feet has become trumpets, horns, drums, and a veritable roar from the tortured Earth. That this is due to rock stress, vibrating as it is pushed or pulled apart, is abundantly clear from a report from Borneo. Note the relationship to the "snoring" earth to earthquake clouds overhead on January 10-11, resulting in the magnitude 7.3 quake in Sumatra on January 12, 2012!

The sounds of tortured rock is now being heard virtually worldwide, as this Pole Shift ning blog details. The audio of the Alberta howl sounds similar to the Tampa Bay howl recorded earlier, and the audio from Brazil like positively frightening. Per the Zetas, the people of Planet Earth should get used to these sounds, as they will be with us for the duration, until the pole shift.

6) Hong Kong Tsunami

A remarkable drama in the seas off shore from Hong Kong was captured on video. First a whirlpool developed, then a line formed in the sea, developing into a waterfall. The Zetas explain this phenomena, as only the Zetas can.

7) NASA Lies Again

We knew they lied about the artifacts found on the Moon, about UFOs that zip around the ISS, about the Face on Mars and certainly they are lying about Planet X, the elephant in the room. But since they control the Hubble and the SOHO and Stereo images, and the establishment-controlled media is instructed never to challenge their statements, there is seldom proof that they lie. On occasion they get caught, and here's another such occasion. A sharp eye'd Pole Shift ning member, who earlier discovered current NASA satellite images on Modis proving the flooding on the Sunda Plate, has now discovered yet another revelation.

Last week, in Issue 275 of this newsletter, we compared the Modis images to the loss of elevation predicted by the Zetas. This week we compare to yet another view - the NASA Experimental Science Project analysis. Do they admit to the flooding that their satellite images clearly show? Heck no! This is apparently an experiment in disinformation! Will you believe NASA or your own lying eyes? The Martapura region of eastern Borneo in particular is under water, as is the region to the west of Samarinda. This is ignored entirely by NASA in their January 6, 2012 analysis!

The region from the tip of Viet Nam inland to the northeast of Ca Mau is completely underwater per NASA satellite images, yet NASA portrays this as flood free above the latitude of Soc Trang.

Nearby in Cambodia, flooding covers the coastline from Rach Gia up to Kompong Trach and then inland, yet this area is coded in the NASA analysis to look 99% flood free.

In eastern Java the satellite images show extensive flooding to the east of Semarang, which is likewise confirmed by videos from the cockpit of planes taking off and landing from the airport there, as documented in Issue 273 of this newsletter. Nor does NASA admit to the extensive flooding to the west of Surabaya, plunging inland and the inland flooding above Surakarta, clearly visible on the satellite images.

And in western Java, from Jakarta eastward to the coastal city of Breges Regency, flooding is obvious on the NASA satellite images, as is the erosion of seawater inward from the southern coast at Kawungganten up toward Bandung. NASA admits to almost none of it.

8) Mariana Trench Collapse

Is the trench collapsing? Certainly buoys 52402 and 52403 are are signaling that. The Philippine Plate lies to the east of the Philippine Islands, and the Mariana Plate lies to the east of the Mariana Islands, and the Mariana Trench lies to the east of the Mariana Plate.

The Zetas predicted that the folding of the Mariana Trench would be sudden. The Zetas also stated that the folding of the Philippine and Mariana plates in 7 of 10 Scenario 3 is key to acceleration of the 7 of 10 scenarios.

Buoy 52402 shows that something dramatic occurred on December 13, 2011. Buoy 52402 is at Latitude 11.74N Longitude 154E out in the Pacific, just east of the trench and approximately 1/3 of the way to Hawaii from the Philippine Islands. What would cause this buoy to show a sudden drop of 15 meters (45 feet) on December 13!

A clue lies in the heaping waters shown by Buoy 52403, which lies along the trench to the SW of 52402. Water squirting out of a collapsing trench would end up in this vicinity, and it did! The waters on the Carolina Platelet are also not as deep as the deep Pacific, and would take more time to disburse a heap, thus. Per the Zetas, the trench did indeed collapse on December 13.

The Mariana Islands, on the lifting eastern edge of the Philippine Plate just to the west of the Mariana Plate, have been beset with quakes since, even during lulls affecting the rest of the world.

Have the heaping waters been noted by those nearby, on the Philippine Islands? Certainly the Mindanao tsunami on December 17 was caused by the disbursing waters. And just a quick end of the year snapshot for incidents in the Philippine Islands show continuing references to capsizing boats, "swelling seawater", and a "storm surge" without an accompanying storm.

9) 7 of 10 Year in Review

7 of 10 Scenario 1, the tilting of India to put the Indus Valley in Pakistan at a 10 foot elevation loss occurred the latter half of 2010, as was acknowledged by NASA by the end of 2010.

7 of 10 Scenario 2, the sinking of the Sunda Plate has progressed only half way, as of the end of 2011. These photos discovered by a keen eyed Pole Shift ning member tell the tale. These photos are from the Modis website which provides dated NASA satellites. For Java, it is notable that where the area near the city of Jakarta has been remarkably spared, other parts of the north coast of Java appear to be at a 40 foot elevation loss. Some inland areas of Java also appear to be flooded, not draining. An 80 foot elevation drop is predicted by the Zetas when sinking has completed, and some parts of Java appear to be at that point already.

Manila has clearly sunk north of the bay and to the southeast of Manila, as predicted, and seems to be at the 40 foot loss predicted by the Zetas as of the end of 2011. Bangkok has not recovered from its floods, nor will it, despite the claims that this was only river drainage. Here again the flooding from sinking seems to equate to the 40 foot mark predicted by the Zetas.

The island of Borneo is expected to suffer an 80 foot drop, but seems to only again be at the half way mark. But the tip of Viet Nam appears to be devastated, closer to its predicted 40 foot drop with the loss of sea level reaching inland to Cambodia.

7 of 10 Scenario 3, the folding of the Philippine and Mariana plates, is likewise still completing. The pace of this scenario could be detected by reports of sinking from the north Philippine island of Luzon, which lies partially on the Philippine Plate. When typhoon Falcon passed through in July, 2011 northern Luzon was entirely spared the flooding that the portion lying on the Sunda Plate experienced. But by August 28, 2011 when typhoon Mina passed through, the northern coast of Luzon was affected with flooding. The Mindanao tsunami on December 17, 2011 striking the Philippines was likewise, per the Zetas, caused by a clash with waters from the folding Philippine Plate. Now, with the obvious collapse of the Mariana Trench, the folding is clearly and undeniably in process.

7 of 10 Scenario 4, the S American roll, has clearly started but has not reached the point of the large quakes along the Andes predicted by the Zetas. Nevertheless, crumbling in the North Andes, the press of the Caribbean Plate moving westward on Guatemala and sinking on the southern Caribbean islands of Trinidad and Tobago have been evident all year.

7 of 10 Scenario 5, the African Roll, is also showing signs of having started, though has barely begun.

10) Mindanao Tsunami

In the middle of the night the northwest coastline of Mindanao was suddenly engulfed in a tide, drowning hundreds. Elsewhere on the Mindanao coastline, no such tide occurred. Tropical Storm Washi came thru, and there was a high tide. But no one expected a tsunami, nor had a quake occurred. What happened?

Though the Zetas predicted potential tsunami activity during the sinking of the Sunda Plate and tilting of the Philippine Plate, this tsunami was caused by a combination of factors. Yes, tsunami activity has been occurring on the Sunda Plate of late, as noted in Issue 272 of this newsletter. Yes water was rushing from a tilt of the Philippine Plate, but the flood tide came from a clash with the storm surge from Washi, and the Earth wobble was afoot also at that time of night.

Tsunami are occurring elsewhere on the Sunda Plate, as the Zeta predicted for times of rapid sinking. What else would a 15 foot wave sweeping Chumpon's shoreline be? And simultaneously an unusual high tide along the coastline of Borneo, across the way.

These incidents did not occur in the dead of night, during the wobble, but rather at high noon, so are caused by the pressure on the Sunda Plate.

And the high tides continue, beyond any in the memory of long-term residents. The residents are beginning to fear a repeat of the deadly December 26, 2004 Sumatra tsunami.

Per the Zetas, tsunami can occur during the sinking on the Sunda Plate, if the pace is rapid enough.

And while sinking and tsunami are occurring on the Sunda Plate, the eastern end of the Indo-Australian Plate continue to lift. If the Christmas Hammer arrived this year, it surely arrived in Christchurch on December 23, 2011. So many quakes on top of each other, it truly looked like a hammer on the IRIS chart.

11) Java Cockpit View

How much sinking has occurred in Java since December, 2010 as the Zetas predicted? Videos taken from airplanes taking off and landing in Jakarta and Semarang (both on the north Java coastline) show definitively that there has been sinking! Where the Indonesian government might suppress reporting in the press, insisting the de rigor mention of rain and subsidence due to ground water extraction always be included, these videos taken by private individuals have not been suppressed. These are apples to apples comparison shots taken in 2008 and 2011 posted. These videos were just waiting to be discovered as was noted by a hard working Pole Shift ning researcher.

There are two views where landmarks allow a direct comparison. The first is where a straight canal empties into the sea. Here there is a portion of land that would not be under water with a loss of 7 foot, but there is also flooding around this point, showing that such sinking has occurred since 2008.

The second view is below the plane as it makes a perpendicular turn to descend. This is over land that would be under water with a loss of 7 feet in elevation. A twisting canal can be seen in both videos, the view taken looking to the east as the plane descends to the landing strip.

Semarang, to the east of Jakarta on the north coast of Java, also shows sinking in comparisons between 2008 and 2011.

Sinking can be seen when comparing views to the east as a plane lands or takes off.

The coastline to the west of Semarang does not have the flooding in 2008 that can be seen in 2011. As with Jakarta, this is apparent when compared to a map showing a 7 foot drop in elevation. Jakarta and Semarang are predicted, by the Zetas, to lose 80 feet when the 7 of 10 sinking of the Sunda Plate completes. As of April and July, 2011 it clearly had a long way to go. Nevertheless, views from the airplane windows provide irrefutable proof of sinking!

12) Sunda Sinks / Australia Tilts

The 7 of 10 scenarios have a relationship between the sinking of the Sunda Plate and the steady tilting of the Indo-Australian Plate, whereby New Zealand and the eastern part of Australia rise while India plunges under the Himalayas. This has been steadily progressing since December 23, 2010 but the sinking of the Sunda Plate had not as yet completed. However, recently the pace picked up.

As with the start of the sequence last January, Australian again has the rivers on its eastern coastline in Queensland backwashing. This is, as was the case last January, termed flooding due to rain. This was detailed in Issue 222 of this newsletter when Queensland rivers backed up, flooding saltwater inland. Then again in Issue 226 of this newsletter as the trapped water rolled around like an inland sea until it escaped at Melbourne. Once again there is scarcely any rain, but the cover-up over the 7 of 10 process forces the media to ascribe the backwash to rain.

During these same days, not by coincidence, there were 10 foot high waves swamping a cruise ship in the Bangka Straits near Jakarta, a 12 foot high tsunami along coastal Kuala Terengganu on the Malay Peninsula, flooding along coastal Padang on the southern coast of Sumatra, and an 8 foot high wave wiping out a Viet Nam village.

The Zetas described roiling seas and occasional tsunami during the sinking of the Sunda Plate, and this seems to be what is happening.

13) Asian Capitols Relocate

The 7 of 10 sinking in Jakarta, the Capitol of Indonesia, has reached the point where the city has started to evacuate. Jakarta is strugging with rapid sinking, which they have ascribed variously to rain, rising seas due to Global Warming, subsidence in land due to the water table being tapped, sinking due to the weight of buildings, drains trapped by vegetation and garbage, and high tides. Finally, we get some admissions in the press, as the sinking has progressed to where life as usual cannot continue. Building sea walls and pumping water out of the streets can only go so far, though additional huge sea walls are being planned. There won't be time, of course, to turn Jakarta into the Netherlands, though experts have been brought in from the Netherlands. Jakarta residents are catching fish in their streets, and the government is planning to frankly evacuate areas close to the sea coast, or to force everyone to build houses on stilts. Even South Jakarta, in regions almost into the hills, are protesting to their government that they have been standing in water for months.

The 7 of 10 sinking in Bangkok, the Capitol of Thailand, has lawmakers proposing to move their capitol to higher ground. No small move! This is an admission that things will not get better, even though the recent floods are mainly from months of flooding in the inland provinces of Thailand, due to the accordion fold of land heaving river bottoms and preventing drainage. Most of the water in Bangkok came from this trapped water suddenly being released.

But sinking is in process, as these photos taken along the coastline reveal!. This is why the water cannot drain, and is mixed with sea water. Meanwhile, crocs and snakes rule the streets.

14) Asia Crumbles

The 7 of 10 squeeze on Malaysia is shown in cracking as the land is crunched and pushed down, the rock bending and breaking and the soil shifting. Land cracks appeared in the Malaysian portion of the island of Borneo, and on the peninsular portion also. This could hardly be a coincidence!

Nearby on the Indonesian portion of Borneo, a huge suspension bridge the size of the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco snaped and recoiled, killing and injuring scores of people.

And elsewhere in Indonesia, on the island of Sumatra, a coastal bay newly formed, land beneath the new bay having sunk entirely. This is not erosion, this is crumbling land dropping, suddenly, overnight. And on the other side of the island, in the islet for the River Kampar at Riau, a sudden and unexplained tsunami.

15) Sunda Sinking Admissions

The reality of what is happening on the Sunda Plate, the tongue of the Eurasian Plate holding Indonesia, is beginning to emerge in the press. Press reports from Vietnam repeatedly mention that they are sinking into sea water. The prediction from the Zetas was for this region - Vietnam and Cambodia - to sink 40 feet, with the projection showing, in red, that the current flooded area, in blue, has almost reached the prediction.

Where the Vietnam press and the UN are now admitting that something other than traditional rain and seasonal floods are occurring, there is still a cover-up in the press elsewhere. Jakarta is steadily sinking, with south and west Jakarta floods recently hitting the press, but these regions still have not reached the depth predicted by the Zetas, nor has the press been free to report the true status in Indonesia or Malaysia.

16) Plate Movements

There are many clues the plates are moving in accordance with the Zetas 7 of 10 predictions. One can establish where the quakes are occurring, at a glance, by going to the IRIS site. Buoys often show plate movement too, as a buoy on alert shows a sudden heaping of the water, or movement into a void or depression. On November 13, 2011 quakes outlining the Antarctic Plate show a clear pattern on IRIS. The Antarctic Plate is moving!

One sign that the Antarctic Plate is moving is a recent huge crack across the Pine Island Glacier there. Per the Zetas, this is due to Antarctica lifting as the plate tilts.

On November 8, 2011 a large quake along the border of the Philippine Plate shows movement in that plate, which the Zetas predicted will tilt and fold as sequence #3 of the 7 of 10 scenarios progresses. This has been in process, but has not yet completed. The quake was exactly along the Philippine Plate border, and by the following day there was another, smaller quake on the opposite side of the plate. This plate is moving too.

On November 9, 2011 a buoy in the Arabian Sea went on alert, on the plate boundary where the toe of the boot of the Arabian Plate is pulling away, creating a temporary depression in the sea. The tip of the Arabian Plate is lately hitting Turkey, as the plate rolls as predicted by the Zetas and detailed recently in Issue 266 of this newsletter. This plate movement is seen on both the IRIS and the buoy charts.

On November 12-13, 2011 quakes outlining the Caribbean Plate show that the plate as a whole is moving, being pushed down at the juncture near Venezuela, at the islands of Trinidad and Tobago, lifted at the Virgin Islands, and forcefully crushed where Guatemala meets the Cocos Plate. The Caribbean Plate is moving, as one,

17) Living in the Flood Zone

Uncertainty, sorting out the truth from the lies the establishment keeps spouting, and disease. Lots of disease. In large cities, everything is compounded. Raw sewage is in the water. Electrocution from live wires under water is very real. The smell is everywhere. Water born disease proliferates. Yet the citizens stay, as this was their life, and their governments are telling them that life will go back to normal. In Bangkok, so aptly pointed out by a well maintained Pole Shift ning blog, sinking is so rapid that a map showing the flooded districts between November 3, 2011 and the next day, November 4, 2011 shows a progression for a single day, the city of 12 million and its coastline visibly going under. If this were merely water from the interior, then why are parts of the coastline sinking? The flooded coastline is not even connected to the interior floods. Bangkok is sinking.

In Viet Nam the lands are destined to sink to the 40 foot level, as is Bangkok, and are steadily sinking. Ulcers, mold, contaminated drinking water and a foul smell everywhere. That's living in the flood zone in Viet Nam. Once again those areas destined to sink per the ZetaTalk prediction are those struggling with flooding. South Viet Nam is sinking. Cambodia has turned into an inland lake, the people in despair, without rescue.

Is it a coincidence that only these parts of Asia are having what is termed "high tides" or alternatively have problems with sinking due to pulling drinking water out of the ground? Why only these regions on the Sunda Plate where the sinking predicted by the Zetas is picking up speed? This is what the establishment would have you believe.

The news reported in March, 2011 that 40% of North Jakarta was below sea level. This has now moved by the end of October, 2011 to be 70% of North Jakarta below sea level. Living in the flood zone there is reported to be producing diarrhea, rashes, and coughs.

West Sumatra is on the sinking edge, where the Sunda Plate dips down and under the curve holding Sumatra and Java. Suddenly, even admittedly without much rain, Sumatra is again sinking. The permanent lose of elevation brings immense devastation to those whose homes and farms and roads are inundated - homes and bridges swept away, education of children disrupted, and crops ruined so starvation is inevitable. Neighbor would help neighbor, but when all are affected, all suffer and no help arrives.

Per the Zetas, most living in the flood zone will cling and try to return to their former lives, even if this is not possible.

18) Bangkok Goes Under

Bangkok is steadily going under, amid constant disinformation on the cause. The rainfall statistics do not support the degree of flooding. Per a report from a Thailand resident, on the ground, the amount of rainfall they have sustained does not historically support such flooding, and certainly does not support the largest flood in 50 years, as it has been termed. The daily reporting on the Pole Shift ning shows the steady influx, and tracks the lies and assurances given by the establishment and how rapidly the sinking in the region has overtaken this city of 12 million. As reported in Issue 265, last week, this is water which had been trapped in the highlands by an accordion fold, now released, combined with direct sinking in Bangkok.

19) Thailand Accordion Fold

During the sinking of the Sunda Plate, there is pressure from the side as well as a press down on the Sunda Plate, the tongue of the Eurasian Plate holding Indonesia. Per the Zetas, the flooding in Thailand on October 30, 2010 and the rise of a new island near Bali on November 3, 2010 were related. As outlined in Issue 211 of this newsletter, they were both part of accordion folding as the Sunda Plate was compressed from the side.

Now horrific flooding in Thailand is again in the news, including CNN and the BBC, breaking the cover-up over the sinking on the Sunda Plate. The flooding in this most recent accordion fold is occurring inland, and ascribed to rain though the rainfall statistics do not bear this out, nor do on-the-ground reports. Rivers that cannot drain are accumulating, and creating new lakes in areas that are dropping below the point where the river drain to the sea. Then as the Bangkok area itself sinks further, these trapped waters suddenly find they have an outlet again, in the direction of Bangkok. If the flooding were due to rains from recent tropical storms, then why is the more vulnerable coastline of Viet Nam not flooded? The areas affected by flooding are in the Thailand accordion fold and in Luzon, the north Philippines island, which is on the Philippine Plate and affected by the folding of this plate (7 of 10 scenario 3).

Where the local news frankly alludes to sinking, stating the Ayutthaya temple region inland from Bangkok has a "sea-level rise", CNN and the BBC stuck to the cover-up story, alluding only to rain or "spring tides". The CNN photo gallery only showed distressed people, not a map of the selective flooding which might raise eyebrows.

20) Bangkok/Manila/Jakarta Soggy

The sinking of the Sunda Plate is to the point where coastal cities such as Jakarta, Manila and Bangkok are in the news with intractable flooding problems. Bangkok has declared "war" against the floods, which are failing to drain because of a backwash up their rivers from what is termed "high tides". Sea water coming up the rivers and rivers that cannot drain are just another symptom of sinking. In Manila people are being told to just sit on their rooftops and wait it out.

Per Google Earth, Jarkarta is not below sea level. It is lowland. If one asks to see the map showing, for instance, a 60 foot flood much of Jakarta is under water. But as proof that Jakarta was always considered to be a city above sea level are the Google Earth maps, generated just recently within the past week. Wikipedia now reports that 40% of Jakarta is below sea level but is citing an article dated March, 2011 for this. Recent! Note that the sinking of the Sunda Plate predicted by the Zetas began on December 23, 2010.

Meanwhile, Bangkok continues to sink! As noted on a Pole Shift ning blog the flooded regions outline where the Zetas predicted Bangkok would go during the sinking of the Sunda Plate, a 40 foot level. This seems to be proceeding rapidly, dykes breaking, the water rising steadily throughout the city, and the establishment still trying to avoid the use of the term "evaculation".

Per the Zetas, it will take until the end of the 7 of 10 scenarios before there are any admissions that things have changed. Meanwhile, denial reigns.

21) Asia Drowning

The sinking on the Sunda Plate has increased. A new UN report specifically focusing on southeast Asia stresses disasters in the countries the Zetas stated would be experiencing sinking as the Sunda Plate holding Indonesia is pushed down. Pakistan's sinking was the first stage of the 7 of 10 scenarios, where India tilted causing the Indus Valley to lose 10 feet in elevation, the Zeta prediction in 2009. Pakistan has not and will not recover this elevation, which is continuously called a "flood" in the media as the word "sinking" is not allowed. Bangladesh and parts of India are continuously losing elevation as India is being shoved under the Himalayas, the Indo-Australian Plate tipping up at the New Zealand edge. Due to the accordion folding sideways of the Sunda Plate, Part of Thailand and Cambodia have been driven down, so that horrific flooding has occurred in almost every province of Thailand.

Storms or no storms, the level of flooding has reached horrific levels. In the interior of Viet Nam, in an area due to sink 40 feet per the Zeta projections, the flood waters are at roof level. In the Philippines, in Bulacan north of Manila, the sea dykes are breached, sea water flowing inland where the land is now lower than the sea.

In addition to the implications in the UN report, specifying flooding in southeast Asia, admissions that the flooding is not caused solely by rain are beginning to be made in the press. Both in the Philippines north of Manila and in Jakarta on the islands of Java there are admissions that include the word "sinking".

22) Latitude 14° N

Where the southern portions of the Sunda Plate showed sinking early in the 7 of 10 process, always related to rain in the well controlled media, points north were slower to show this effect. The predicted sinking is estimated by the Zetas to put Java 80 feet lower, the tip of Viet Nam 40 feet lower, and the China coastline 20 feet lower. This point has not yet been reached, but the sinking has been reaching into central Thailand, Cambodia, and Viet Nam steadily. We reported on central Thailand early in the process, on November 14, 2010 in Issue 211, because the Sunda Plate was folding, like an accordion, and the valley there sank during this squeeze. An island near Bali suddenly emerged from the depths at that time, due to this accordion folding.

But now the flooding in Thailand is so intractable, combined with neighboring countries, that it is clear new sinking has recently occurred. Central Thailand is approximately latitude 14°.

Where the cover-up has imposed a de rigor explanation that rain is the cause, a report on the ground from Thailand states this is not the case, and rainfall has been light this month.

Neighboring Cambodia is also suddenly flooded in their low lying central district, which drains though Viet Nam rivers which are also in the sinking zone. When the sea backwashes up the rivers, drainage is inhibited, and land that has sunk pools the water, preventing drainage. Where they did have thunderstorms, the sinking in Cambodia is along the same latitude as central Thailand and southern Viet Nam, at latitude 13°.

Then there is Viet Nam, where the tip is lowland surely destined to sink when the Sunda Plate is pulled down 40 feet, as predicted. Pearl Island (Phu Quoc) at latitude 10° has been almost drown, with water rising half way up a coconut tree. In northern Viet Nam, Yen Bai at latitude 21° frankly cracked off at the bend line. Split the difference and one has latitude 15°. Something has been happening along latitude 14°!

When can we expect the cover-up over the sinking on the Sunda Plate to break? Per the Zetas, this will likely be in place until the final stages of sinking, when large cities such as Singapore or Jakarta are in serious trouble. Meanwhile, a brutal suppression of the media reigns.

23) Saltwater Intrusion

A key point of observation to demonstrate the steady sinking of India and the Sunda Plate is "saltwater intrusion" or similar phrases. Rain can cause rivers to overflow, as can the backwash from the sea preventing river water from draining, but nothing says "sinking" more than saltwater intrusion. The 7 of 10 scenarios of the sinking of the Sunda Plate and the folding of the Philippine and Mariana plates has still not completed, but sinking is steadily occurring as these recent articles highlight.

24) Bending Plates

… The sinking of the Sunda Plate, which holds Indonesia, etc. is an example of a bending plate. The Sunda Plate, often called the tongue of the Eurasian Plate, acts as an extension of the Eurasian Plate, but bends down as the tongue is shoved under the curve below Sumatra and Java. This bending creates a sinkhole belt in southern China, as detailed in Issue 190 of this newsletter, and has lately created a spate of cracks in nearby northern Thailand. This is the bending point during the dropping of the Sunda Plate. … 

25) Luzon Sinks

During the 7 of 10 scenarios, and where the sinking of the Sunda Plate holding Indonesia began on December 23, 2011, the northern island of the Philippines remained untouched. Luzon lies not on the Sunda Plate, but on the Philippine Plate, and thus the difference. Sinking reports up until April 24, 2011 showed that Luzon had not had sinking up until that date, and as reported in Issue 249 of this newsletter on July 10, 2011, even when typhoon Falcon passed, northern Luzon remained untouched. Now matters have changed! The Philippine Plate, stuck and prevented from dropping for many months as, per the Zetas, it had become jammed, is now apparently on the move! Northern Luzon is sinking. Why else would Falcon leave this area untouched, when Mina now devastates it with flooding up to 26 feet in Cagayan? These are coastal cities, all, thus subject to inundation from the sea or slow draining rivers due to scarce difference in sea level elevation, all signs of sinking.

26) Kiev Trumpets (Plate movement during the first week of August)

… Note the relationship in time to plate movement during the first week of August. During the first week of August, from August 1-7, as noted on this RSOE chart, massive flooding was recorded only in those areas described by the Zetas to be involved in the 7 of 10 scenarios - India, the Sunda Plate, and the Caribbean Plate. The RSOE chart also shows new volcanic activity where 7 of 10 plate movement is occurring - at the edge of the Sunda Plate in Java, at Hawaii where the Pacific plate parts are compressing, and near Italy where the African Plate is dropping and rolling.

27) Bangkok Sinking

The 7 of 10 sinking of the Sunda Plate holding Indonesia may be moving slowly at present, but we get daily reminders that this is occurring. Where Jakarta has many sea walls installed to deflect the sea, so the extent of the rising waters is not always apparent, Bangkok is just now thinking about this, a bit frantic to stop what they are calling "erosion" on the coastline. Like Jakarta, one of the primary excuses being used is that heavy buildings are pushing the land down! Just recently?

In nearby Myanmar (Burma), which is also in lowland expected to sink and flood during the 7 of 10 sinking of the Sunda Plate, excessive and lingering flooding is also reported. Per the Zetas, this latitude, which includes Bangkok, can expect to lose 40 feet of elevation during the 7 of 10 sinking. The flooding there has remained chest deep for four days, not draining, a clear sign of land that is sinking.

28) Stretch Zone Rivers

Within days of each other bridges collapsed in Hangzhou and Wuyi in China, Rios, Argentina, and in Rakai, Uganda. The common links is that all are either in stretch zones or where 7 of 10 plate movement is expected, and all involve rivers, which per the Zetas lie along weak points in the crust, easily pulled apart.

On July 14, 2011 a mountain bridge in Fujian provence of China crossing over the Chongyang River collapsed without warning, and the following day, on July 15, 2011 a bridge in Hangzhou crossing the Qianjiang River collapsed. Remember the Hangzhou UFO that appeared in July, 2010? Per the Zetas, this large mothership, seen down along the China coastline, was warning the residents that they would participate as the Sunda Plate was pulled down during the 7 of 10 plate adjustments.

On July 18, 2011 a pier collapsed along the Parana River near Buenos Aires, which per the Zetas is a region pulling open as S America is pulled over the Nazca plate during the S America roll. The Zetas predicted this yaw to be a silent adjustment, and the pier collapse was indeed that.

On July 19, 2011 a bridge in Rakai, Uganda crossing the River Naludugavu collapsed. Uganda is in the stretch zone of Africa.

29) 7 of 10 Creep

Where the 7 of 10 scenarios appear to be unfolding slowly, per the Zetas there are reasons for the delay. But this does not mean the overall schedule will be delayed. Where the scenarios started on time, the [1] tilting of India for a 10 foot drop in elevation in Pakistan in the latter half of 2010 and the [2] sinking of the Sunda Plate by December 23, 2010, plate undulation set in to cause a delay. Heaping water throughout the Pacific was evidence that [3] the folding of the Philippine and Mariana plates had started, and certainly [4] the S American roll had begun. But recently there was evidence that Luzon Island in the Philippines had not sunk, though being on that part of the Philippine Plate that was to plunge during the fold, it should be going under. What is going on? The Zetas explain why the 7 of 10 scenarios have been delayed, temporarily.

But there is steady plate movement, as a glance at evidence only days apart from diverse places show. The Indo-Australian Plate is sinking at India, and rising at New Zealand, which allows the Sunda Plate tongue holding Indonesia to fold and crumble, sinking below the curve under Sumatra and Java. During a few days in early July this can be seen by high tides at Mumbai, sinking at Bangledesh, and a slosh of water disbursing as far away as the coast of Oman. Mumbai, on the west coast of India, experienced unusually high tides of 5.5 meters on July 2. This was attributed to the monsoons even though there was no rain! Across the Arabian Sea on the Gulf of Oman seawater poured into Kalba. On July 9, seawalls broke in Bangladesh, pouring sea water inland and ruining drinking water reserves. These are signs of a sinking India.

Almost within days of each other, several bridges in Indonesia collapsed, as noted on the Pole Shift ning. Two were in the Banyumas district in Java, on June 27 and July 1, and a third on the island of Borneo on July 6.

On July 6 the Kermadec Islands just offshore from New Zealand sustained what the USGS termed a magnitude 7.7 quake. The buoys in the area reflected this quake and the sudden rush of water from the rising eastern edge of the Indo-Australian Plate.

30) Falcon Lands on Luzon

The Philippines was one of the first places on the Sunda Plate, the plate tongue holding Indonesia, to start sinking at the turn of the year, as was featured in this newsletter in Issue 220 on January 4, 2011. But despite this early start in sinking, northern Luzon island, the top part of the Philippines, has never had a flooding problem! …  The lower part of Luzon island, affecting the city of Manila and to the center of the island, were drowning, over half a million people affected. Yet the northern part of the island was totally unaffected! Was there an invisible rain barrier?

Note that the island of Luzon is not entirely on the Sunda Plate! The northern part of the island lies on the Philippine Plate. This stands as proof that the massive flooding the Philippines has been enduring during 2011 has clearly been in great part due to the sinking of the Sunda Plate! Else why has the northern half of Luzon been entirely spared!

Where the folding of the Mariana and Philippine plates started on February 20, 2011, as noted in Issue 229 of this newsletter, this folding process starts with the folding of the Mariana Trench, then the tilting of the Mariana Plate, and finally the tilting of the Philippine Plate. As the northern part of Luzon Island lies on the western edge of the Philippine Plate, eventually it too will experience sinking. But as the Falcon flew over Luzon, this time had not yet arrived.

31) Indo-Australian Tilt

The Indo-Australian Plate is predicted by the Zetas to tilt massively during the hour of the pole shift, driving India under the Himalayas and even flooding the western 2/3 of Australia.

Thus during the 7 of 10 scenarios we have seen this plate steadily tilting, where flooding and crumbling in India have occurred, and massive flooding along the eastern coast of Australia where the water between Australian and New Zealand was seeking its level, rolling down the tilt, occurred. … 

Then a repeat of the flooding experienced last January along the east coast of Australia occurred. Once again, all the flooding was along the coastline, a backwash up the rivers. Most revealing were comments from a nursery owner in Port Macquarie about the sea water that had invaded his nursery. This did not come from rain.

The buoys in the Tasman Sea also indicated a temporary rise in the water level as the water between Australia and New Zealand sought to find its level, disbursing during this week.

32) Sinking Cities

The Zetas have predicted that ultimately Jakarta will lose 80 feet in sea level elevation, Singapore closer to 60 feet, Bangkok and Manila 40 feet, and Hong Kong 20 feet during the sinking of the Sunda Plate, a 7 of 10 scenario. Where delays have set in, proceeding more slowly than expected, sinking on the Sunda Plate is occurring. The Zetas were asked to address the extensive flooding that Singapore is experiencing lately. Where is the line drawn? In cities protected by dykes and experiencing rainstorms, how can one determine sinking?

Manila was flooded in late May, prior to tropical storm Dodong which did not rise to the level of a typhoon or cyclone.

33) Plates on the Move

The 7 of 10 scenarios are all about plate movement. Where the big drama is in Indonesia and mountain building in the Andes, plate movement is perceptible elsewhere and indicative of the 7 of 10 scenarios to come and in process. As the African Plate starts to roll and drop, this would begin to separate the Straits of Gibraltar and stretch the distance between the Egyptian side of the Red Sea from the Sinai. It would also start to roll the Arabian Plate, where the pointed top of this plate cuts from west to east, stressing the Eurasian Plate above this slicing point. Is this happening? We find a sinkhole in Eskisehir, Turkey, where sinkholes are virtually unknown. As the pointed top of the Arabian Plate moves from west to east, it would pull this area, stretching it, the most common cause of sinkholes. Dropping to Cairo we find sinkholes also, not far from the river Nile. Cairo also does not prone to sinkholes, but as the Red Sea pulls apart, this area would indeed be stretched and river bottoms are a thin place on the plate, thus drooping to form a river bottom in the first place. Dropping further along the African Plate, we arrive at Pemba, a tiny island just off the east coast of Africa. Pemba has a very low elevation, 50 meters the highest point, but this would not account for the seawater now flooding homes and fields. Africa's Rift Valley widens as Africa rolls, the whole southeastern side loosing its base as it does so, drooping. Pemba is just to the east of the Rift Valley.

The Zetas have called the plunging of the Indo-Australian Plate the brake point holding all other plate movement back. As the plate tips up at the New Zealand side, it plunges India under the Himalayas, allowing the Pacific to compress and the Sunda Plate tongue holding Indonesia to plunge under the curve of the Indo-Australian Plate. Has the India side of the plate been plunging? Bangledesh and Kuttanad on the tip of India are sinking, and in the eastern Himalayas, mountain building is taking place, heaving river bottoms and preventing drainage. Suddenly, and with scant rain, Jorhat is under water!

Moving east along the globe we find the line across the South China coastline, where the plate tongue holding Indonesia is bent down to be pushed under the curve in the Indo-Australian Plate. Ground fractures when such a bend in the rock occurs. Draw a line from where the Philippine Plate is being pushed against the coastline of China, west, and the line runs through Guangzhou and City of Guiyang! The Philippine Plate is tilting, pushing under the Philippine Islands, as part of the compression of the Pacific.

34) Two Months in Indonesia

If sinking in Indonesia cannot be openly admitted, due to the repressive hand of the Indonesia government and other governments determined to prevent the populace from relating the current Earth changes to ZetaTalk predictions, the press nonetheless seems determined to get the word out. Places sank, and are not coming up for air. The Belu flooding has been in place for the past two months. In Bima the flooding is 25 feet deep. If the Indonesian government won't admit what is happening, it's in the fine print in the press! South Jakarta has had flooding in some areas for two months, as has the Lamongan region of Java. You can hear the chant in the press - two months, two months, two months!

Meanwhile, the sinking of the plate tongue holding Indonesia proceeds apace, still not at the finish line. But but as these 866 news articles from newsletter periods dated January 19, February 3, February 10, February 15 for Jakarta, February 23, March 3, March 17, March 31, April 14, May 5, and May 31 show, the flooding has affected over a thousand villages in 283 different locales in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Viet Name, and the Philippines.

35) Hong Kong Flooding

Hong Kong, on the south China coastline, is predicted by the Zetas to eventually lose 20 feet in elevation during the 7 of 10 scenarios, specifically during the sinking of the Sunda Plate tongue holding Indonesia. On May 23, 2011, with less than an inch of rain (.59" at most) regions on the outer islands experienced unusual flooding. When there is elevation loss, there is poor drainage, and this is one of first symptoms noticed. Has sinking in the Hong Kong region begun?

There have been other indications that the break point where the Sunda Plate holding Indonesia is bending down have affected the South China coastline. Sinkholes have sudden developed in Qujiang and Heyuan, up the coast from Hong Kong.

36) Sunda Plate Bend

Recently a spate of sinkholes in Viet Nam, poor drainage of rivers in upland Thailand, and a sinkhole in the Philippines have drawn a remarkable line across the Sunda Plate. The Sunda Plate is that portion of the Eurasian Plate that is the tongue holding Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Viet Name, and the Philippines. Per the Zetas, the Sunda Plate operates as an extension of the Eurasian Plate, but the tongue has a distinct border. Note the remarkable correlation with this rash of recent incidents with the Sunda Plate border. All these incidents suddenly occurred around May 1 and during the two week following, as though the northern edge of the Sunda Plate bent at that point, at that time. Note that the incidents took place in the main in highlands, too. Not a sinking issue.

In Viet Nam sinkholes began appearing overnight in Huong Vinh, which is right on the Sunda Plate border. This was preceded by sinkholes at Lam Dong in south Viet Nam, and then a river bank collapsed, dropping morning shoppers into the water at Rach Cam. This does not appear to be sinking, but ground movement.

Flooding in the Thailand highlands is outside of what would be expected for the rainfall, which is slight. Note that no rain is noted for Tak. For Phayao there is no rainfall whatsoever for the month of May. For Dok Kham Tai at the Rai airport also, no actual precipitation for the month of May. In almost every case, the flooding is along rivers, overflowing rivers or a backwash from a river. This is what would occur if the river bottoms had heaved along the Sunda Plate boundary, due to the bend, slowing the drainage and essentially damming the rivers. These are the highlands of Thailand, not a sinking issue.

The Zetas at the start of the 7 of 10 scenarios used the term bend repeatedly to describe what will be happening to the Sunda Plate, and this bending was certainly evident in early May, 2011.

37) Indonesia Press Awakens

During the steady sinking on the plate tongue holding Indonesia over the past few months, rain and high tides were consistently mentioned in news articles. It was quickly apparent that this was an arranged cover-up ploy, an attempt to limit panic that the ZetaTalk predictions were coming true, as often no rain whatsoever was apparent. After months of this, the press began inserting phrases such as "alleged" rain, showing their impatience with this editorial demand. Lately, the press has entered a new phase. They are openly mentioning, even hammering on the fact that months go by and the flooding does not subside. Ah, nothing like an awakened press, challenging the heavy hand of the cover-up!

38) Borneo as Preview

During the Katrina disaster, when New Orleans was flooded, the Zetas described this as a pole shift preview.

Something similar has happened to the citizens of Kalimantan, on the island of Borneo. This area, under water as the land sinks 80 feet (which it is in the process of doing) suddenly finds itself without police protection. They are camping in makeshift tents and fashioning bamboo rafts. Once again, a pole shift preview of what is to come, worldwide.

The Zetas have often stated that many who hear their warning about the coming pole shift are in denial on what the state of affairs will be. Take a look at the photos of life in Kalimantan, and put yourself in that picture!

39) Lingering Floods

The Thailand neck, on the peninsula, had lots of rain in late March, which can disguise sinking, but now that the weeks have passed those areas that sank can be discerned. Surat Thani is in an area predicted by the Zetas to lose up to 40 feet in elevation. Phunphin at center is 9 meters (27 feet) in elevation, and is under water that is refusing to drain.

Timur overall has a high elevation but does have some areas on the south coast which would be under water at the 80 foot drop in elevation predicted by the Zetas. There, where the river empties into the Timur Sea on the south coast of Belu Regency, is such a location. The flooding that enveloped this region at the end of March is still with them two weeks later, on April 15, 2011, so that the residents can only travel by boat!

The Lamongan region has been in this newsletter as one of the spots sinking to the 80 foot level already, in Issue 236. Certainly Lamongan itself averages 6 meters in elevation, which is an 18 foot drop. The sinking is not admitted, but the fact that students have had to use a boat for the past two months to get to school has just hit the press. One must read between the lines during the cover-up. 

Hanoi in northern Viet Nam is in the zone predicted by the Zetas to lose 20 feet in elevation. Hanoi has an elevation of 6-10 meters, per Google Earth, or 24-30 feet. But the sinking process has affected the stability of the ground there. Sinking of the ground has occurred, so buildings do not have a stable footing. The residents are in panic.

40) Pacific Pingpong

There is a relationship in plate movement, particularly between easing of pressure in Asia and the pending S America roll. During four days in April this could be seen in activity in Asia and in the region of Central America. A pingpong, or back and forth effect, was obvious. On April 3, 2011 the little Fiji platelet sustained a magnitude 6.5 quake. Per the Zetas, this platelet will be a loser in the crunch as the Pacific compresses.

On April 5, 2011 the plates on the move in Asia were outlined with quakes on IRIS. The plate tongue holding Indonesia was outlined. The Indo-Australian Plate rising at New Zealand was outlined. Kepulauan Talaud, Indonesia had a series of quakes upwards to magnitude 6, right on the Philippine Plate border. The Philippine Plate is folding, sinking under the Philippine Islands while tilting.

On April 4, 2011 buoy 56001 just under the plate curve beneath Sumatra and Java went on alert. Following this, a magnitude 5.9 quake occurred off the sinking edge of Sumatra. The buoy is letting us know that a sinking of the plate tongue holding Indonesia occurred prior to the quake. Sinking is an otherwise silent process.

… Now back to Asia, where on April 7, 2011 the Japan region had more quakes, a 7.4 in Sendai, where earthquake lights produced a flash. LISS showed a global quake at this time, registering on all seismographs worldwide.

And showing unmistakably the absolute relationship between the plate movements in Asia and the plate movements in the Caribbean, both buoys 56001 and 42407 were on alert at the same time during this period. As the Zetas said, the S American roll follows right on the heels of the changes in Asia, and this relationship can be seen even prior to the roll.

41) 80 Foot Elevation

Where the sinking of the plate tongue holding Indonesia is proceeding in an uneven manner, amid crumbling of the land, the island of Java has sunk to the level of 80 feet on both ends by early April, per recent evidence. There is a cover-up in the media in Indonesia, blaming rain, high tides, and poor drainage. There is increasing mention of evacuated residents being relocated, and not being able to return home. The swath of impact was highlighted by an article complaining about the degree of intractable flooding in Java. Note that the "worst location" mentioned, Idaman, is 22 meters (68 feet) above sea level. This is in the extreme west on the island of Java, near Pandeglan. Sinking in this region has been ongoing for some weeks, is widespread, and is not subsiding. Sometimes the press calls this subsidence of the land, implying a weak point in the soil. Sinking is a forbidden word.

As pointed out on the Pole Shift ning, the flooding spreads from one end of the island to the other, and beyond to Papua New Guinea.

Where the flooding in the east is devastating, the flood waters not subsiding in east Java near Rengel are also at the 80 foot level, rising to the level of 15-39 meters (45 to 108 feet), per Google Earth analysis. This area can also inundate from the sea, particularly as a backwash of the Solo River. The areas mentioned in the article below are at or greater than the 80 foot level - Kanorejo 39 m (117 feet), Karangtinoto 29 m (87 feet), Tambakrejo 13 m (39 feet), Bulurejo 11 m (33 feet), Sawahan 25 m (75 feet), Maibit 24 m (72 feet), Ngadirejo 15 m (45 feet)

Lamongan is under water to this level and is nowhere near the Solo River or any other river. This is sinking. Lamongan, also, is close to the 80 foot level mentioned by the Zetas for Java. Lamongan is 28 meters (84 feet) above sea level. Lamongan has been in the news since February 20, 2011 for flooding, and this has not subsided! Flooding in Greski, which is on the coastline there, has been reported since March 13, 2011. That this region of Java has been sinking has never been officially admitted.

Medan, on the east coast of Sumatra, is another example. Medan experienced flooding early in the sinking process, on February 21, 2011. Medan has access to the sea via lowlands along the coast.

Medan got into the news because of its size, so we were uncertain of the condition of the regions closer to the coastline in February when reports began. What we do know is that Medan was reported to have flooded even when no rain had occurred. 

Now Medan is in the news again on April 1, 2011. As the third largest city in Indonesia, this could hardly be overlooked, even during a cover-up of the sinking in Indonesia. As a result of the most recent flooding, the water crept up to threaten the city proper, places such as the Polonia Airport which is 30 meters (90 feet) above sea level. Medan itself rides at an average of 26 meters (78 feet) above sea level.

42) Indonesia Reality

Contrast armchair wishful thinking with the reality being experienced by those on the Sunda Plate, the plate tongue holding Indonesia. This has been sinking in steps, since December 23, 2010 and is in the final stages, picking up the pace. The stoic Indonesians have only recently begun looking worried or expressing dissatisfaction with the government's response. Their lands have been heaving and cracking. Rivers rising even without rains in the vicinity, leaving residents to wade along streets or take to boats. The sea roils and crashes, as the Zetas predicted it would, so that fishermen cannot go to sea and are without a source of income. Rice fields are flooded with sea water, ruining the crop. Trains must be re-routed, travel on roads diverted, school exams taken in flooded classrooms, and throughout all, what comes across in photos is helping hands. Children and the elderly being carried or ferried.

Sinking, particularly in Java which is the sinking edge of the plate tongue holding Indonesia, has progressed, as these news articles showing the status since March 17, 2011 show. Of note is an admission by those in charge of the Solo watershed at Bonjonegoro. They admit the level of the Solo in their town is at 13 meters above sea level, but blame this on the river Solo being long, flowing slowly, and not having a high head. Note that after sinking to the 40 foot level, Bonjonegoro would not be able to drain into the sea. It would meet the sea.

Also of note is the sudden sinking in the Thailand neck on the Malay peninsula. Though this region has indeed had rain, note that all of the flooding is occurring in areas along coastlines, and in the red, the regions that would be inundated were this Thailand neck to sink 60 feet. Why aren't the inland lake regions affected by the flooding, if it were from the rain?

43) Sunda Plate Analysis

Why is sinking irregular on the plate tongue holding Indonesia, also known as the Sunda Plate? Java has been very heavily affected. At first it was the northern coast, then the southern, and now Java is crumbling as well. Yet Timur to the east seemed relatively unaffected.

The east coast of the Malay peninsula was early affected, then the east coast of Sumatra, then the west coast of the Malay peninsula and Sumatra. Why in that order?

The center of the Philippines was early affected, and has had follow-on sinking, but Manila and the island of Luzon are almost entirely unaffected. The upper west coast of the island of Borneo, primarily the Malaysia portion, has had reports, but southern Borneo seemed exempt. The Indonesian islands on the Banda sub-plate were early affected, but the islands just north of this sub-plate on the Molucca sub-plate only lately starting to sink.

The airports in Jakarta, where the elevation is 34 feet, is still in operation though is undoubtedly has seawalls against tides. Yet in Java, there are continuing reports of sinking in the region, on all sides of Jakarta. Singapore airport is approximately 20 feet above sea level, and still in business though an island offshore from Singapore is admittedly sinking. On March 5, 2011 the Zetas stated we were 10 weeks into perhaps 15 weeks of sinking for the region.

Looking at the Sunda Plate, the seafloor is uneven, at places smooth, at places rumpled. An accordion process was described in late 2010, when Bangkok experienced sinking but a new island emerged near Bali, as presented in Issue 211 of this newsletter. Does this have something to do with the uneven pace of sinking?

44) Japan Disaster

At the point of pressure for the compressing Pacific, the earthquake ridden Japan was given a devastating blow on March 11, 2011 with a quake just offshore its North Island (near Tokyo), now estimated even by the conservative USGS to be a 9.0 magnitude quake. … 

The quake occurred on the finger of the North American Plate that drops down to hold the North Island of Japan. The Zetas have stated that this finger will not break off, despite the intense pressure coming from the compression of the Pacific. Subduction under this finger by the Pacific Plate occurs, instead. As powerful as this quake was, it is, per the Zetas, only an incidental quake in the scheme of things, and not the series of great quakes they have predicted for Japan during the 7 of 10 scenarios.

… The Zeta warnings to be away from the coastlines when the pole shift hits, so clearly relevant. … 

45) Drowning in 1"

Sinking on the plate tongue holding Indonesia primarily occurred on the island of Java during the past two weeks, as these news articles up to March 17, 2011 show. Strikingly evident is the subsidence and flooding despite rain. Near Jakarta, districts in Pandeglang report flooding that does not subside - "The flood has not subsided". Note the utter lack of rain during this time, not even an inch. The river overflows, but this is not from rain but a failure to drain at all into the sea. The land is sinking!

Again flooding with no rain in Gresik on the island of Java. Note the admission in this article complaining about the rain blame game. "Contrary to what is said" and "it does not rain". Note this region is along the coast and is lowland.

In the Aceh region on the island of Sumatra, dozens died and hundreds of homes were suddenly inundated. The claim of course was rain, but only 2.52" of rain fell over a four day period in the region. Note this region is once again along the coast and is lowland.

And in Viet Nam, salt water is intruding inland, alarming those who fish the fresh water river. The lack of rain upriver is noted, and the rain chart certainly shows this to be the case. Once again, this is along the coastline and in lowland.

Per the Zetas, where plate undulation has slowed the sinking process, it nevertheless will proceed to their predicted level of subsidence.

46) Java Admissions

Despite a cover-up in the press about the sinking Java is experiencing, admissions are being made, most often by private citizens blogging. From a blog about the sinking in Celukan in Bali, a photo showing the port on the seacoast under water. This sinking was sudden, happening within the span of an hour. Likewise in Demak on the north coast of Java, near one of the earliest regions to exhibit sinking, Semarang. Here there is an admission that villages are simply being "erased from the map of Indonesia," taken by the sea!

Per the Zetas, though the sinking of the plate tongue holding Indonesia has been slowed due to plate undulation, which set in promptly at the start of the process, it is still continuing apace. A new date can be estimated. 

47) Indonesia Rain Blame Game

During the sinking of Indonesia, it seems that every article must mention rain as the cause of flooding, as the de rigor excuse. A bit of checking has shown how far off these excuses are. … Hardly the "heavy rains" noted in the news article.

…  For instance on the island of Sumatra near Jambi, where the article states that the flooding is from the sea. … 

And elsewhere on the island of Sumatra, near Banda Aceh, the press reporting that there was no evidence that the sudden flash flood came from rain. … 

Then Makassar in the Indonesian islands east of Borneo, where sinking has been reported before, and now, horrors, it has flooded their stadium! Here they actually had rain for two days in a row, for a total of almost 3", but per the article even the local meteorologist considered this was not enough to cause this flooding

And for the first time, in the press, the word "sinking" is used to describe what is occurring to an island at Singapore - "the island was sinking". … 

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Comment by Kojima on March 17, 2012 at 1:52pm

The following should be added here.

45.1) Cracks and Crevases; Sunday, Mar 13, 2011;

Just this past week, cracks and crevasses appeared in Peru, Pakistan, and the Philippines! Plates are on the move! … 

… And turning the globe once again, to Bohol in the Philippines, we find yet another crack, this one likewise appearing on March 7, 2011. The Philippines are sinking, as they are housed on the plate tongue holding Indonesia, and are also rising slightly whenever the Philippine Plate pushes under them. Per the Zetas, a very precarious position.

And in the heart of the current plate movement in Java, matters are worse. On March 9, 2011 Central Java, on the sinking edge of the plate tongue holding Indonesia, another crevasse was reported in the village of Gedawang. The crack is 500 meters long, and on a road repaired just the month before for the same condition! Java is crumbling. In East Java on the border with Timur, crumbling land is cracking homes apart.

Comment by Kojima on March 17, 2012 at 1:21pm

The following should be added here.

38.1) 7 of 10 Twinning/Dunking; Sunday, May 8, 2011;

Curious quake patterns have emerged during the 7 of 10 scenarios. On of these patterns, for lack of a better work, I have dubbed "twinning". This is where, in fairly close succession, there are paired quakes of almost equal proportions in the same spot, within an hour or even seconds of each other.

Could this have something to do with a flooding and reflooding pattern that has also emerged? For lack of a better term, I am calling this a "dunking" pattern. It seems some sinking is iterative, where a location sinks and then rises again, then sinks again, each time with a greater permanent loss of elevation. Like being dunked like a tea bag to some degree, while slowly becoming water logged and sinking. The Zetas were asked about these phenomena recently.

Meanwhile, the sinking of the plate tongue holding Indonesia proceeds apace, still not at the finish line. But but as these 634 news articles from newsletter periods dated January 19, February 3, February 10, February 15 for Jakarta, February 23, March 3, March 17, March 31, April 14, and May 5, 2011 show, the flooding has affected over a thousand villages in 251 different locales in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Viet Name, and the Philippines. And the count just keeps rising. Tell me this is normal. These floods are lingering, occurring in areas of low elevation along the seacoasts or where the sea can encroach, and occurring even without rain.

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