Water main break destroys street near Los Angeles, California - July 29, 2014    

"All the land between New England and Mexico is being pulled at a diagonal, and it is not just the fault lines that are feeling stress. All will participate when the New Madrid Fault makes a serious adjustment."  ZetaTalk


Since 2013, a conspicuous number of water main breaks and sinkholes have been reported across the U.S.  While water lines commonly rupture during winter months, especially in regions experiencing subfreezing temperatures, large water mains are fracturing in southern states where ground temperatures remain above freezing.

Notable water main breaks and sinkholes during the first 6 days of 2013:


January 1

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania - "Super Sinkhole Walter" and 40 Others

Harrisburg officials expect it will take several weeks to repair damage from a massive sinkhole that forced dozens of residents to evacuate.

The city’s Department of Public Works said it could be another 30 days before water, sewer and gas lines are replaced in the neighborhood where the sinkhole is causing problems.  "Super Sinkhole Walter," as the North Fourth Street collapse has been called, is big enough to have its own Foursquare check-in location.

On Thursday, the massive hole partially swallowed a construction backhoe.

The hole opened Monday morning, and later opened a bigger hole.

A spokesman for Mayor Linda Thompson said the city must replace the entire water and sewer system lines on the block.
The spokesman, Robert Philbin, said new water and sewer lines will not be working for five to six weeks.

These two large sinkholes in the 2100 block of North Fourth Street are among at least 40 sinkholes covered by steel plates citywide, according to Kevin Hagerich, director of the city’s Department of Public Works.

Interactive Map of Known Sinkholes in Harrisburg







January 3

Malibu, California - Recurring Water Main Breaks

Another water main break in Malibu collapsed part of John Tyler Drive as crews worked to repair the leak.

A broken water main and partially collapsed road have narrowed traffic to one lane on Malibu Country Drive near John Tyler Drive.

Between 30 and 35 customers in Malibu Country Estates are without water. Los Angeles County Public Works received a call about a partially collapsed roadway on Malibu Country Drive at 9:30 a.m, according to spokesman Mike Kaspar.

Kaspar said the road is cut down to one lane for approximately 100 yards.

This is the second water main break reported in Malibu in as many days. On Wednesday, the main that supplies water to the Adamson House broke and employees from Public Works worked overnight on a temporary fix and permanent reroute of the underground pipeline. Westbound traffic on Pacific Coast Highway was cut down to one lane between Malibu Inn and Serra Road while crews made the repair.




Grand Rapids, Michigan - Big Hole / Deep Water

A water main break has closed the westbound lanes of 44th Street between Division Avenue and U.S. 131 in Wyoming, Michigan

A broken valve is causing complications in repairing the break in a 16-inch water main and the road may be closed until Saturday, authorities now say.

The valve, which broke in a partially-closed position, must be replaced before the water main can be fixed, Wyoming Director of Public Works William Dooley said in a statement on Friday, Jan. 4.

The water main broke area of 44th Street SW and Clay Avenue on Thursday.

The westbound lanes of 44th Street are closed near Clay Avenue, and Clay is closed from 44th Street north to Louisiana Avenue.

Dooley said the repair is taking much longer than anticipated because of the valve problem. Water is still flowing from the main because the valve cannot be closed.

A private contractor has been called to help city crews and they expect to fix the valve this afternoon.

Dooley said the water main break has not affected drinking water to area residents.

“Once the valve has been replaced, we will start work to repair the water main and hope to have that wrapped up yet today. We recognize and apologize for the inconvenience that this has caused to businesses, area residents and motorists and are working as quickly as we can to return things to normal," Dooley said in the statement.




January 4

New Orleans, Louisiana - Cajun Geyser

A water main break in the middle of Adams Street near Maple poured water into the streets Friday afternoon.

Sewerage and Water Board crews arrived on the scene around 1:30 pm to address the incident.

An hour or so later, the break erupted into a full-blown geyser, showering Adams Street with water.

Water was rising on the sides of the street near several Uptown businesses, creeping up on the tires of some cars.





January 5

Atlanta, Georgia

A massive water main break caused headaches for both residents and drivers on Clairmont Road in Chamblee, more than 24 hours after it first happened.

A huge hole opened up in the road between Airport Road and Wingate Road Saturday morning. Residents in the area were without water for much of the weekend after the 30-inch water main break.

DeKalb County spokesman Burke Brennan told Channel 2 Action News that they first had to clear out the water from the hole to determine the cause before they could begin repairing it. Major damage to the road and the sidewalk could still be seen well into Sunday morning.

Brennan says the pipe's age could have been a factor in the break.

Police were on the scene to re-direct traffic away from the area near DeKalb-Peachtree Airport.



Sacramento, California

Water main break floods East Sacramento neighborhood

A 16-inch water main broke Saturday morning, turning two streets into ponds and damaging several homes along 39th and D Streets.



Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

The Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority says that a 30-inch line broke in the Oakland/Bloomfield area near the South Millvale Bridge at Morewood Street.

Two Port Authority stations and a portion of bus routes were closed after the water main break.

The break happened in North Oakland around 6 a.m. and the Neville Ramp, Herron and Negley Port Authority stations were closed as a result, our news partners at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette report.

The East Liberty station is as far as inbound buses can go and outbound buses will make it to the 26th Street Ramp, the Post-Gazette says.

Officials said the water main break exposed a 24-inch Equitable gas line.

“Public Safety is our No. 1 concern,” Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority Director of Operations Tom Palmosina said in a press release. “PWSA crew responded immediately and began isolating the leak.”

PWSA officials said that all efforts are being focused on the gas line.



January 6

Seattle, Washington

A large water main break on Sunday caused the closure of State Route 20 in Port Townsend near the ferry terminal.

Around 3 a.m., Police and Public Works responded to the 1800 block of Water Street where the break was reported near the Tides Inn and Suites.

Portions of State Route 20 pavement were raised several inches above the original road bed as pressure from the water pushed up to the surface. When crews first arrived on scene they found water running west down the road. At least one business, The Food Co-op, 414 Kearney Street, had flood damage as water rushed into the building.

The closure affects commuters traveling to the Port Townsend-Coupeville ferry route.  Detour routes for ferry traffic have been set up through city streets.

Water to at least a dozen businesses and residents was shut off but was restored by 3:30 p.m.

The Department of Transportation will not have materials available to begin repairing the highway until sometime Monday, according to Claudia Bingham Baker, WSDOT communications manager.

Detours will remain in place until crews determine the road is safe to reopen, which would occur Monday at the earliest.

The cause of the break is under investigation.


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Comment by Howard on May 10, 2013 at 4:09am

Water Main Break Floods San Diego Suburb (May 7)
A water main burst underneath a North Park street Monday, sending thousands of gallons of water flooding onto neighboring streets.

The water buckled the street and sidewalk while neighbors frantically tried to save their belongings as water flowed into nearby homes.

North Park resident TJ Linnard described it as a geyser shooting 20 feet in the air.

“We just didn’t believe it was happening,” Linnard said. “Walked over here and saw the ground crack.”




Comment by Howard on April 30, 2013 at 11:15pm

Rash of water main breaks across the U.S. over the past 48 hours showing the diagonal stress on N. America.

A.  Ishpeming, Michigan (Apr 28)

B.  Madison Alabama (Apr 28)

C. Charlotte, North Carolina (Apr 29)

D.  Carlisle, Pennsylvania (Apr 29)

E.  Ackley, Iowa (Apr 30)

F.  Plymouth, Michigan (Apr 30)

G. San Ysidro, California (Apr 30)

H. Tulsa, Oklahoma (Apr 30)

Comment by Howard on April 30, 2013 at 12:00am

Burst Water Main in UK Forms 45-Ft Geyser (Apr 29)
Water was sent shooting high up in the air after a water main burst in "spectacular" style.

Residents were forced to put out sandbags to stop flooding in Chestnut Avenue, Wokingham, on Sunday morning.

The supply to homes had to be switched off for a short time while engineers worked at the scene in Berkshire to stop the flow of water.

Paul Viney, who lives nearby, said he believed the water was spurting up to about 45ft (14m) for two hours.

South East Water said it was alerted at about 07:40 BST and a technician was on the scene within an hour who managed to turn the water supply off some time later.
Hole in road

The damage was repaired and supplies were returned to the 34 properties affected by 13:30 BST.

Mr Viney said: "It was quite spectacular. I have never seen anything like it. It was a pretty big burst of water gushing out.

"Residents were putting out sandbags to try and prevent driveways flooding.

"There was a one foot wide hole left in the road."

The hole in the road was repaired with the carriageway reopened by about 15:00 BST.

Steve Benton, distribution manager at South East Water, said: "We would like to apologise to our customers who were affected by the incident yesterday and thank them for their patience.

"It was a spectacular burst and our staff did a great job turning off the water supply and carrying out the repair work so quickly."



Comment by Howard on April 17, 2013 at 6:53am

Enormous Hot Water Geyser From Ruptured Water Main in Russia (Apr 11)

A hot water pipe that runs under the main square in the city of Smolensk burst during the day, flooding the area filled with cars in boiling water.

A couple hundred miles west of Moscow, the artificial geyser's eruption threw tons of trash and stones as large as a building bricks into the air, damaging cars and scaring onlookers.

People were going about their business next to a collective-farm area when a fissure in the pavement began spitting steam. Seconds later the little perforation split open to unleash a mephitic torrent of boiling water that soared above the rooftops of nearby three-story buildings.




Comment by Howard on April 15, 2013 at 5:05am

Massive Water Main Break Inundates Akron Ohio Neighborhood (Apr 12)

(Follow-up on Kojima's report yesterday)

Crews from the city of Akron used front end loaders to dig out homes along Valley Street on Friday as the clean-up got underway following a massive water main break on Thursday.

The break sent a river of water and mud into nearby neighborhoods, submerging cars and pouring filth as much as six feet deep into some basements.

On Gold Street, the rushing water collapsed the foundation of one home that was left uninhabitable.

Power and gas service to the affected homes remained out on Friday as Akron housing inspectors began assessing the damage.

Dale Bench was there as the water was rising and was able to go into his Valley Street house on Friday.

“All the electric and all the gas is off in all these residences around here and to some of the commercial buildings,” said Bench. “We are in the process of trying to get those turned back on. Each building has to be inspected.”

Bench said the street looked like Niagara Falls after the water started gushing after 6 p.m. on Thursday.

“For real, we don’t have flood insurance,” said Bench. “Who has flood insurance on a rental? Who would ever think it would flood down here like this? You got four man holes so was it negligence…was it negligence or was it a flood.”

Neighbors continued to share their experiences on Friday.

“It sounded like it was raining, but I looked out the window and you couldn’t see no rain so I went up to the window and looked out the window and it was flooded, water everywhere,” said Kari Jiminez. “I was worried because you could hear it going into the basement from the outside, so we didn’t know what was going to happen.”

City crews were also cleaning up the debris at the massive hole opened up at the site of the break.

The water undermined the foundation of a local extruding company building which could not operate its shop on Friday.

St. Vincent-St. Mary School was also closed on Friday because of the break.

The Red Cross was maintaining a shelter for residents who had nowhere else to go.

A boil water advisory remained in effect from western Akron through Copley and Fairlawn.

“This is a 36 inch water main, plus it’s under a lot of pressure. This water main serves almost all of west Akron, so when it went you get a lot of water out of a 36 inch water main,” said Jim Weber, Construction Manager for the City of Akron.

Sources with video


Comment by Kojima on April 14, 2013 at 3:51am

Water Main Break Swamps Ohio Neighborhood [ABC News; 12 April 2013]

People were warned to boil water as a precaution after a broken 36-inch main swamped an Akron neighborhood, submerging cars, trapping residents and washing away foundations.

The pipeline was shut down after the break Thursday night, but not before rising water trapped some people in homes and cars. Nearly a dozen people were rescued by boat.

Akron Water customers in suburban Copley and Fairlawn and areas of west Akron were warned to boil water for at least two minutes before using.

Stanley Glover, 53, said the basement of his home flooded. "It was just pouring in like a water hose, busting through the foundation," he told the Akron Beacon Journal.

Three evacuated families from the neighborhood stayed for the night at a Red Cross shelter. St. Vincent-St. Mary High School, located near the break, canceled classes Friday.

Some residents who ventured onto the streets of the West Hill neighborhood ended up on the tops of their cars to avoid the water.

The pipeline break carved deep ruts into the pavement, left behind a thick layer of mud and threatened the basement of a commercial building.

Fire Lt. Jeff Schueller, a member of the Akron Fire Department's dive team, said a boat was used to evacuate as many as 11 people from two homes that took the brunt of the flooding.

Akron Police Lt. Rick Edwards said no one was injured but loss of property might be significant.

Water main break on Market St. in Greensboro [MyFOX8.com; 13 April 2013]

GREENSBORO, N.C. — A water main broke early Saturday morning on East Market Street in Greensboro.

As of 1:30 p.m., city officials said East Market Street was closed between South Church and Linden streets.  Traffic is being redirected in the area.

There was no estimate as to how long the stretch of road would remain closed or how many people’s water service is affected.

Rising Sun water main break fixed [Cecil Daily.com; 12 April 2013]

This was the scene last night in Valley View Village off East Main Street in Rising Sun, where town public works crews were repairing a broken 12-inch water main.

Rising Sun's Department of Public Works employees were finally finished repairing a broken 12-inch water main around midnight, according to Superintendent Ron Thomas.

The almost 4-foot-long split was discovered around 4:30 p.m. Thursday afternoon in the Valley View Village neighborhood off East Main Street.

"We cut out 116 inches of pipe," Thomas said Friday, adding the department had to hire a contractor to help with the repairs. "The contractor operated the heavy equipment. We did the hand digging."

Residents of the townhouse community may see cloudy water today and Thomas advised people to boil water before consuming it. 

Chevy Chase water main break could happen again [WTOP; 10 April 2013]

CHEVY CHASE, Md. - A water main break like the one that shot a geyser several stories into the air and caused major damage in Chevy Chase last month could happen again elsewhere in the region.

Work continues Wednesday to repair the area damaged after a 60-inch water main burst March 19 in Chevy Chase. Crews have filled in the area around the burst pipe. (WTOP/John Aaron)

Montgomery and Prince George's counties have up to 800 sections of pipe like the one that ruptured in Chevy Chase on March 19.

Additionally, Montgomery County Councilman Roger Berliner told WTOP he was surprised to learn an early warning system couldn't spot this type of break.

"We thought we had a monitoring system in place that we could assure our public that they are safe," Berliner said.

But Jim Neustadt, Director of Communications and Community Relations for the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission, says WSSC has always been upfront about the limitations of the monitoring system.

The system works by listening for the noises made when pre-stressed wire breaks. But if a section of pipe contains no wire, like the failed piece in Chevy Chase, the system would not detect the failure.

Crews rebuild a curb Wednesday in Chevy Chase. The work is as part of ongoing repairs after a 60-inch water main burst in March. (WTOP/John Aaron)

Crews rebuild a curb Wednesday in Chevy Chase. The work is as part of ongoing repairs after a 60-inch water main burst in March. (WTOP/John Aaron)

"We have never said [acoustic monitoring] is fail-safe," Neustadt said. "We know that as much as we do, there's always something that can happen."

A full report on the break is expected to come out in July. The massive water main break left 1.8 million WSSC customers on water restrictions for several days while crews worked to replace a 20-foot section of pipe.

Work to restore damage to a nearby creek bed, trees, a portion of Wisconsin Avenue and sidewalk were expected to take weeks.

Pearland: Red water runs out of faucets after 16-inch water main break [abc13.com; 13 April 2013]

The city of Pearland says a water main break near City Hall is the cause behind red water running out of some faucets in at least one neighborhood.

PEARLAND, TX (KTRK) -- Pearland city officials say residents who've seen red water run out of their faucets all day should not be alarmed.

The city says the red water is the result of a 16-inch water main break off FM 518 near City Hall, but the water is safe to drink.

The water main break happened around 9am after construction workers dug too deep and hit the main.

It took workers more than seven hours to flush out the line and complete the repairs.

The city says the majority of residents who were affected live in the Shady Crest neighborhood. However, Eyewitness News also received reports from residents in Oak Brook Estates off Dixie Farm Road.

Stay with Eyewitness News and abc13.com for the latest details. 

Central San Diego neighborhood without water after main break [10News; 13 April 2013]

SAN DIEGO - A neighborhood in central San Diego is without water Saturday morning due to a water main break.

The break occurred at about 4:30 a.m. in the 4800 block of Federal Boulevard. About an hour later, water was shut off while crews work to repair the 12-inch cast iron pipe that burst.

The water district says 33 homes and six businesses are affected.

Water is expected to be restored by about 5 p.m.

Comment by Howard on April 3, 2013 at 8:04pm

5 Water Main Breaks in 5 Days - Hoboken, New Jersey (Apr 1)
Following four water main breaks since Thursday, March 28, a fifth one was reported early Monday morning, April 1st.

A boil water advisory remained in effect in Hoboken Thursday night following two earlier water main breaks that blew out pressure and created a sinkhole that swallowed a car.

Residents in the area said at one point, there was about 4 feet of water flowing down the street.

“I was working upstairs when I heard a big thud, like something fell down. I looked out the window and I saw a huge crack in the street with water gushing out,” one man said.

Water flooded the streets, seeping into nearby homes and businesses and causing the street to buckle. By the time crews arrived, a sinkhole had opened up and swallowed a car.

The first water main break sent water rushing into nearby basements that were destroyed during Sandy.

“All of these basements got flooded about 4-feet or so,” resident Robert Costa said.

“We cleared it all out right after Sandy so we lost everything again,” resident Sean MaGee added.

Another man who just replaced his boiler after Sandy had a few feet of water in his basement because of the main break.

Once again, residents were evacuating and preparing for days or even weeks of hardship.







Comment by Howard on March 25, 2013 at 3:20am

Geyser Gushes From Broken Water Main in Toronto (Mar 23)
An underground pipe ruptured and sent water gushing out of the ground like a geyser in Toronto’s east end on Saturday morning.

Water sprayed several metres into the air and pounded against a townhouse complex on Kingston Road, just east of Galloway Road.


Comment by Howard on March 25, 2013 at 1:44am

Massive Water Main Break Wreaks Havoc Near Washington DC (Mar 19)

An unexplained break in a 60-inch water main in Chevy Chase, Maryland caused a 30-foot geyser that knocked out a street light and created a massive crater that swallowed sidewalk, trees and roadway, prompting mandatory water restrictions for 1.8 million people in Montgomery and Prince George’s counties.

A 20-foot section of the five-foot pipe at the intersection of Connecticut Avenue and Chevy Chase Lake Drive had to be replaced, according to officials from the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission.

The cause of the break is still being investigated and may take months to determine, officials said, who noted the incident resulted in the loss of nearly 60 million gallons of water.

Damages to the area surrounding the water main break will take weeks to repair, WSSC officials said. Restoration is needed to roadways and sidewalks and damages trees will also have to be removed, officials said.

As a result, the far right northbound lane on Connecticut Avenue remains closed near the break, according to WSSC officials.






Comment by Howard on March 6, 2013 at 3:56am

Water Main Break, Multiple Sinkholes Affect 23 Homes in San Francisco (Mar 5)

Things have gotten worse for the San Francisco neighborhood where a water main broke last Wednesday. Streets were flooded and several homes were damaged that day and there were also two resulting sinkholes, one in the street and one in a backyard. Now, there are at least three more and three homes have been red-tagged.

A handful of city agencies met to talk about the disaster Monday. They then went to the neighborhood to meet with residents. Since day one when there was one sinkhole in the street and one in the backyard, three more have been discovered, the most recent one on Monday afternoon at a house where the owners just moved in only two weeks ago. They haven't been ordered to move out yet, but three other families have.

Three homes on 15th Avenue are red-tagged. The sign says, "Soil unstable beneath home." Two of those red-tagged houses share a 20-foot sinkhole inside the homes. "It measures 20 feet in diameter, probably 4 to 5 feet deep," said Chuck Wilson, one homeowner's brother.

The 16-inch underground water main on 15th Avenue broke just before 3 a.m. The water exploded up through the concrete and asphalt road above and created a river two-feet deep flowing across Wawona. Twenty-three homes were affected. That day, there was one sinkhole in the street where the break happened and one more in a backyard, but the red tags came days later when more sinkholes began appearing.

Cindy Coyne's home is red-tagged. She says State Farm is now backpedaling on coverage it promised at the beginning. "We need to know now. We need to make decisions for our future, for our children who are living in a hotel at the airport," she said.



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