Magnetosphere Data Systematically Omitted

(Animation of all BATSRUS RCM images provided by iSWA between April 30 17:21 and May 3 15:48 UTC 2015.)

The legacy of magnetosphere data omission by the cover-up over Planet X, aka Nibiru, has been rigorously documented for the past 5 years.

Real Time Magnetosphere Data – Reading Between the Lines

Cover-up Games: Magnetosphere Data Hide and Seek

The steady progression of Planet X's influence upon Earth's magnetosphere has also been exhaustively recorded.

Magnetosphere Deformations and Earth Wobble Effects

Magnetospheric Turbulence

Manic Magnetosphere, Silent Sun

Mangled Magnetosphere

In January 2015, Magnetosphere Eddy began collecting dramatic magneton eddy flows forming within Earth's magnetosphere as a result of the constricting effect Planet X asserts during its approach.

"The magnetic N Pole of Planet X, aka Nibiru, has increasingly turned to point directly at the Earth. This is due to Planet X coming closer to the Earth, on its outbound path, and thus tightening the crab-like pincer squeeze it has upon the Earth. It is also positioned more directly in front of the Earth, rather than to the side coming at the Earth in its retrograde orbit. Both these trends will continue unabated until the Last Weeks commence. 

The Earth’s magnetic field normally unfolds around it, uninhibited by all but solar emissions which tend to blow the magnetic field back, away from the Sun. Now it is being distorted on all sides, pressed back tightly around the Earth so there is no room for magnetons to maneuver."

ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for January 10, 2015

For nearly 2 months, astonishing images and animations of massive and increasingly frequent eddy flows were posted to the Magnetosphere Eddy blog. 

By late February 2015, prolonged gaps in the BATSRUS RCM image feed began appearing.

In early March, data gaps began occurring daily for approximately 4 hours

By mid-March 2015, these data gaps were often twice per day

In early April, the data gaps became more frequent, some lasting for days. 

By the end of April, a consistent pattern of data omission emerged:

Since April 30, the 4-hour data gaps in the image feed have been appearing 5 times per day:

4 hours OFF, less than 1 hour ON.

17:21 - 21:23  April 30                 4hrs 2min OFF ------- 42 min ON

22:11 - 02:21  May 1                   4hrs 10min OFF -------52 min ON

03:13 - 07:27                               4hrs 14min OFF ------ 47 min ON

08:15 - 12:17                               4hrs 2min OFF --------48 min ON

13:05 - 17:10                               4 hrs 5min OFF --------24 min ON

17:34 - 21:45                               4 hrs 11min OFF ----- 20 min ON

22:05 - 02:18   May 2                  4 hrs 13min OFF ------ 8 min ON

02:46 - 07:01                               4 hrs 45min OFF ------ 24 min ON

07:25 - 11:31                               4 hrs 6min OFF ------- 44 min ON

12:15 - 16:19                               4 hrs 4 min OFF ------ 48 min ON

17:07 - 21:14                               4 hrs 7 min OFF ------ 24 min ON

21:38 - 01:31    May 3                 3 hrs 53 min OFF ----- 24 min ON

01:55 - 06:05                               4 hrs 10 min OFF ----- 40 min ON

06:45 - 10:51                               4 hrs 6 min OFF ------ 20 min ON

11:11 - 15:20                               4 hrs 9 min OFF------- 28 min ON

15:48 - 19:50                               3 hrs 58 min OFF

Needless to say, the extraordinary magneton eddy flows portrayed by the BATSRUS RCM image feed for nearly 2 months are now rarely presented.

May 10 Update:

This periodicity of 4-hour data omissions has continued unabated since April 30.

For those interested in monitoring the ongoing omissions, the following 10 steps are provided.

1.  Go to:










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Comment by Howard on August 16, 2015 at 2:11am

In what is perhaps the most indicting evidence to date that magnetosphere data is being manipulated to conceal the nearby presence of Planet X, there are identical BATSRUS renderings with different time stamps.

Presented two hours apart on August 11, an overlay of these images reveals the only differences being the time stamps and the location of Earth orbiting satellites. Since the likelihood of an exact duplicate magneton eddy forming within two hours is beyond the realm of possibility, image feed tampering is clearly evident.

Within three days of this glaring misrepresentation of scientific data, BATSRUS magnetosphere modeling was suspended on iSWA.

No images are available after 11:50 UTC August 14, 2015 for the RCM model, and for the standard Y-Cut version, no images are available after 09:34 UTC.

On a separate note, BATSRUS modeling of Earth's magnetosphere on CCMC has been suspended for several weeks.

Comment by Howard on July 16, 2015 at 4:07am

Despite prolonged gaps in the BATSRUS image feed, renderings of large magneton eddy flows and severe compressions have managed to slip through the cracks in recent days.

Comment by Howard on May 18, 2015 at 7:38pm

After a couple of days of uninterrupted BATSRUS RCM image feed, data omission commenced again at the onset of yesterday's 14-hr severe compression with data gaps as long as 8 hours.


Comment by Howard on May 16, 2015 at 2:14am

After 15 days with approximately 300 hours of missing data, it appears the uninterrupted BATSRUS RCM image feed has resumed.

Comment by Howard on May 8, 2015 at 3:29am

Even with BATSRUS RCM images available only several minutes every 4 hours, telling portrayals of today's nearly 24-hour severe compression managed to leak through.

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