Since 2010, a deep-sea fish rarely observed by humans has increasingly been appearing along shorelines around the world. According to Japanese folklore, oarfish rise to the surface and beach themselves to warn humans of impending earthquakes.
Occupying ocean depths up to 3,000 feet below the surface, one of the earliest photographs of the reclusive oarfish was taken in 1996 - a dead specimen that washed ashore near San Diego, California.
The first live specimen wasn't filmed until in 2001, when U.S. Navy personnel in the Bahamas encountered an oarfish at sea while performing a buoy inspection.
Since Planet X, aka Nibiru, arrived in the inner solar system in 2003, reports of these extremely rare encounters have skyrocketed.
The Zetas explain:
"These deep ocean fish as all surface or land based animals are sensitive to stress the rock beneath them is enduring. Just as land animals flee the electromagnetic screeches that rock under pressure release, sea life likewise attempts to flee. For deep ocean fish, there is less of this screeching on the surface, because it is further away from the rock." ZetaTalk GLP Live - March 6, 2010
By 2010, oarfish were appearing off the coasts of Japan, England and California. Shortly before the great 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami struck Japan, about 20 oarfish stranded themselves on beaches in the area according to Mark Benfield, a researcher at Louisiana State University.
Found along the California coast twice in 2013 and filmed swimming along the Mexican coast in 2014, sightings of struggling oarfish around the world soared in 2015 with at least ten reported incidents. There have already been five documented encounters with oarfish in 2016 in the Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan and New Zealand as of May 20.
"We have explained when oarfish were coming to the surface off Japan prior to large quakes in Japan that they were doing so to flee the electromagnetic screech that rock under pressure emits. What does their appearance off the coast of southern California portend? For several years, while describing the 7 of 10 plate movements and the pressure these movements would place upon the continents, we have described the N America bow. The center of this bow is approximately San Diego, ie southern California! The N American Plate abuts the Pacific Plate at this point, with no minor plate to absorb the pressure. The Pacific is compressing, under continuous pressure to do so, and N America is bowing, in an unrelenting and increasing manner.
For the oarfish in the area, there is no escape! They come up from the deep and while on the surface, get caught in wave action that impels them to the beach." ZetaTalk Chat Q&A - October 16, 2013
18-foot Oarfish Discovered off Southern California (Oct 13)
A marine science instructor's late-afternoon snorkel off the Southern California coast last Sunday was first met with shock and soon excitement when she discovered a gigantic oarfish, a deep-sea creature that remains little known to the science world and people outside.
Jasmine Santana was about 15 feet underwater when she found the 18-foot-long, silvery fish with reddish fins and eyes the size of a half-dollar staring at her from the sandy bottom. Realizing it was dead, she snatched the fish's tail, and using buoyancy and low tides, powered her way back on shore.
After a 15-minute swim dragging the 400-pound carcass, she needed help from 14 others to lift the fish out of the water at Toyon Bay, California.
Second Rare Oarfish Washes Up in Southern California (Oct 18)
For the second time in a week, the rare, serpentine oarfish has surfaced on a Southern California beach.
Beach goers at Oceanside Harbor crossed paths Friday afternoon with the deep-sea monster when its carcass washed ashore, Oceanside Police Officer Mark Bussey said. The fish measured 13 ½ feet long.
The discovery came just days after an 18-foot dead oarfish was found in the waters off Catalina Island.
“The call came out as a possible dead whale stranded on the beach, so we responded and saw the fish on the sand right as it washed up,” Bussey said.
Bussey added that people on the beach were “flabbergasted” to see the fish.
“It’s not the typical fish you see on shore,” he said, adding the oarfish probably weighed over 200 pounds.
But Bussey recognized the fish from the sighting less than a week ago off Catalina Island. Jasmine Santana, a science instructor for the Catalina Marine Institute was snorkeling off Toyon Bay when she discovered the body of the creature on a seabed.
The fish was far too big for Santana to carry alone; it took 15 people to bring the fish to shore.
Rare Oarfish Found Swimming Along Mexican Beach (Apr 7)
A pair of 15-ft oarfish apparently trying to beach themselves in the shallows off Mexico's Sea of Cortés were filmed by tourists. The tourists filmed the oarfish in the shallow, coastal waters of Baja, Mexico while kayaking. Less than 48 hours after the sightings, the fish became beached on nearby Isla San Francisco and died.
Rare Oarfish Caught in Central Vietnam (May 30)
An angler in central Vietnam captured a rare 14-ft oarfish near the coast of Thua Thien-Hue Province. A smaller oarfish was caught off Japan this same week.
Rare Oarfish Washes Up In New Zealand (Apr 16)
A nearly 10-foot-long oarfish was found at a salt marsh near Otago Harbor in Aramoana on Thursday. The local who found the scaly animal called Department of Conservation service manager David Agnew, who said it’s the first time he's spotted such a creature in his 20 years on the job. Agnew told the Daily Mail he had never even heard of an oarfish before.
“It’s incredibly rare to see them in New Zealand,” he said.
By Friday, the fish had disappeared, and it’s unclear if the body was washed away by the tide or removed by humans.
Deep Sea Oarfish Swims Ashore in Nantucket, Massachusetts (May 4)
A strange-looking fish believed to be a denizen of the deep-water ocean washed up on a Madaket Beach Monday evening and was photographed before being coaxed back into the water. The oarfish was estimated to be seven feet long.
Giant Oarfish Swims Ashore in Vietnam (May 12)
Locals in the central province of Quang Binh discovered a live giant oarfish onshore on Tuesday.
The fish was 13 feet long and weighed nearly 90 pounds died soon later. Some locals then gave the fish a ritual burial, saying that they believed the fish was a holy creature.
Rare 17-ft Oarfish Found off California (Jun 1)
A rarely-seen sea serpent was discovered Monday on a beach on the western end of Santa Catalina Island. The island harbor patrol found a 17-foot dead oarfish floating in the waters off Sandy Beach.
It was not known how the fish died and how it ended up near the beach. It took 16 people to pick up the fish which was donated to several organizations for scientific research.
More Oarfish Wash Ashore in New Zealand (Jun 24)
A deep sea fish rarely seen by humans has increasingly been appearing on beaches across the globe. Maree Dobson encountered an oarfish on June 24 on the same New Zealand beach where one was found on April 16. She said it was around one and a half metres long or more and there was another similar looking fish washed up at a different part of the beach.
Hapless Oarfish Snagged by Fishing Boat off California (Jun 29)
A fishing boat passenger unknowingly snagged an oarfish and brought it to the surface off Catalina Island yesterday. Even though it was snagged, this is the first ever report of an oarfish caught on rod and reel.
This marks the sixth time this year the extremely rare oarfish has been encountered by humans. The crew tried to gaff and raise the 20-foot fish to the boat. The soft flesh only tore, and they had to give up the effort.
Another Rare Oarfish Appears in Philippines (Jul 23)
For the seventh time in six months, the extremely rare deep water oarfish has made an appearance.
Julie Miranda was fishing near Antique in Barangay Indalog on Thursday when he saw a shark chasing a big fish. Shortly after, the shark swam off and the big fish started to float. Miranda loaded the fish onto his boat and brought it to shore. But the fish was no ordinary find. It was a 10-foot long oarfish weighing 31 pounds.
“It was our first time to see a very big and very long fish in this town. Even the old villagers do not know the local name of this fish,” said Lourdes Sarad, municipal agricultural officer of Tobias Fornier.
Third Oarfish in Three Weeks Found in Philippines (Aug 13)
Another oarfish, the third so far in a span of three weeks, was caught by fishermen in Antique’s Belison town on Thursday afternoon. The dying oarfish, measuring 12 feet and nine inches long and three inches in diameter, was found by fisherman Pablo Crespo at 1:20 p.m. in the small canal by the shore of Barangay Maradiona, Belison, some 15 kilometers away from the capital town of San Jose.
The fisherman called other residents and they pulled out the oarfish from the water. The fish was still alive, but was so weak and died a few minutes later.
Barangay Chairman Raymundo Quintayo said that the barangay folk were not familiar with the oarfish as it was the first time they saw one. They called up the local police and turned over the fish. Weighing 44 pounds, it was so far the biggest oarfish found in the shores of Antique.
On July 23 at around 6:30 in the morning fishermen in Anini-y town also found a wounded oarfish measuring more than eight feet. A week later, another one was found by fishermen in Bugasong town.
Another Rare Oarfish Washes Ashore Off California (Aug 17)Stunned scientists fished for clues Monday to explain the appearance of yet another rare oarfish that washed up on the shores of Catalina Island. Two California conservationists and a local marine biologist examined a 14-foot creature found on Pebbly Beach at 7:30 a.m.
Another Rare Oarfish Found Near San Diego Beach (Sep 8)
Another specimen of the “less rare all the time” oarfish has been found washing ashore at Shell Beach in La Jolla, California. Lifeguards spotted the large fish measuring 17-feet long and weighing about 260-pounds. This marks the 10th time this year the extremely rare deep sea fish has been found near shore.
Giant Oarfish Appears in Philippines (Jan 6)
A giant oarfish was found in Albay province on January 6. Recovered on a beach in Pantao, Libon, an Albay town, it measured 16 feet and weighed over 100 lbs. Its appearance on the coast of Albay bewildered beachgoers and fishermen.
16-ft Oarfish Caught off Central Vietnam (Apr 13)
Two men in the central province of Nghe An unexpectedly discovered a giant oarfish floating on the water while walking along the coast.
Fisherman Nets 16-ft Oarfish off Taiwan (Apr 19)
The giant Oarfish was caught on April 19 off the coast of Taiwan. Local residents suspected the deep-sea creature had been sent to surface after two earthquakes occurred off the Taiwan coast in the early hours of April 19, a couple of hours before the fish were caught.
Taiwan Fisherman Lands TWO Giant Oarfish (Apr 28)
Fisherman Lee Chung-cheng left locals stunned when he pulled two giant oarfish from the water.
It is the first time that Mr Lee, from Taiwan's small coastal fishing town Taimali, or any of his peers have caught this fish, so everyone who witnessed them were unsurprisingly stunned.
He said: "I've been fishing for almost 30 years and this is a first for me - and somehow I managed to get two at once.
"Locals have captured all sorts of things, even whale sharks, but never something like this.”
Both of Mr Lee’s captures are 14 feet long and weighing over 100 pounds.
Rare Oarfish Found on New Zealand Beach (May 20)
A deep-sea fish rarely seen in New Zealand waters has washed up on a beach near Kaikoura. The 10-foot oddity was found on a beach on Conway Flats, south of Kaikoura, on May 20.
Other sources
Oarfish discovered in southeast Australia (July 2, 2021)
The oarfish was discovered washed ashore at the town Nambucca Heads in the state of New South Wales in southeast Australia. It was photographed by Jo Gibson.
Oarfish discovered in northwest Mexico (March 22, 2021)
The oarfish was initially discovered swimming in the shallow ocean water off of the town El Sargento on the Baja California Peninsula that separates the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of California in the northwest of Mexico. Kim Enriquez, who discovered the oarfish swimming, thinks the same fish was then discovered the next morning by Craig Asher but washed ashore a few miles away at the town La Ventana.
Oarfish discovered in northern Philippines (February 12, 2021)
The oarfish measuring about 13 feet in length was discovered alive in the shallow ocean water off of the town Libon in the province Albay in the northern part of the Philippines. The posts online say eventually the oarfish was able to swim back out to deeper water.
Oarfish discovered in southern Greece (January 25, 2021)
The oarfish was discovered washed ashore on the island Hydra in southern Greece. Jacqueline Savidge, who discovered the oarfish, said it probably was not yet an adult and was no more than 2 feet in length.
Two oarfish discovered in eastern Philippines (January 15, 2021)
The two oarfish were found dead on the shore of the town Sogod in the province Southern Leyte in the eastern part of the Philippines. The photos posted online show one of the two oarfish without the full length of its body intact.
Oarfish discovered in northwest Puerto Rico (December 5, 2020)
The oarfish was discovered at a beach in the town Rincón in northwest Puerto Rico. The remains of the oarfish measured about 5 feet in length but the full length of the body was not intact. One year earlier in December 2019, a dead oarfish was discovered on the ocean floor off of Rincón.
Oarfish discovered in Bali, Indonesia (November 6, 2020)
The oarfish measuring about 8 feet in length was discovered washed ashore at the village Tianyar on the island Bali in the southern part of Indonesia.
September 27, 2020 - 8:00 AM
A B.C. family was enjoying a walk on the beach last week when they found a strange fish washed up on shore.
"My daughter spotted the fish while we were walking on Whiffen Spit Park in Sooke," Sooke B.C. local Dana LeComte said. "We thought it was amazing. Perfectly intact and the huge eye made us think it was a deep water fish."
Aquatic ecologist Brian Heise identified the fish as a king-of-the-salmon, a species of ribbonfish.
As it turns out, LeComte's guess of where it came from was right on the money.
"They are solitary and usually found in deep water," Heise said. "They are saltwater fish, found in the open ocean up to 900 metres (deep)."
That's why they have such large eyes, he said, as it allows them to capture more light in order to see in the dark depths of the ocean.
Although the fish found in Sooke was pretty big, Heise said that they can grow much larger, around six feet long.
Sometimes they come closer to shore and feed on the bottom, most adults feeding on fish and small squid.
The king-of-the-salmon have some interesting mythology attached to them which helps explains their name.
"The indigenous Makah thought they led the salmon back to their spawning rivers, and so you're not supposed to kill them," Heise said.
Not much is known about these mysterious creatures, as they are a deep water fish and rarely sighted.
However, a particularly large one was found this past June in Salt Creek, west of Port Angeles, Washington
Oarfish discovered in southern Philippines (August 23, 2020)
The oarfish measuring about 12 feet was discovered washed ashore at the village Caasinan in Cabadbaran City in the province Agusan Del Norte in the southern Philippines. This is the second oarfish in four weeks that was found washed ashore at the city of Cabadbaran in the Philippines.
Oarfish discovered in southern Philippines (August 24, 2020)
The oarfish measuring about 11 feet was discovered washed ashore at the village San Juan in the city Gingoog in the province Misamis Oriental in the southern Philippines. This is the second oarfish in less than one week that was found washed ashore at the city of Gingoog in the Philippines.
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