Undergoing a subtle Transformation; from ZetaTalk

For my understanding I made a chart from "ZetaTalk: Transformation" shown below.

ZetaTalk: Transformation

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

What is the Transformation? The Earth is undergoing a subtle transformation, as the Transformation is now. This Transformation has been progressing for at least this century, and will go for at least a century more. Transformations occur for many reasons. One reason is that the great majority of the entities native to the planet have reached an orientation decision, and are ready to proceed with other lessons, and 3rd Density planets are checked periodically as to their readiness for harvest in this regard. Another reason is administrative, and that is why the Earth is undergoing its Transformation now. The majority of those on Earth have not yet reached their orientation decision, but will be moved to another planet, as the Earth has been designated as a future home for Service-to-Other oriented entities. The coming pole shift will expedite this process simply by the fact that 90% of the populace will die, either during the shift or shortly thereafter.

To qualify for Service-to-Other orientation, an entity must consider others as often as the self. To qualify for Service-to-Self, the entity must focus on the self 95% of the time, almost exclusively. Where it may seem that these individuals would stand out, some very diplomatic and cultured people are of this category. They are able to disguise their self interest in condescension to others. They are able to disguise their self interest as the interests of the other. During 3rd Density, entities must decide their spiritual orientations - Service-to-Self or Service-to-Others. Most, the vast majority, decide the latter on almost all 3rd Density worlds. This decision, or the lesson of 3rd Density as it is called, needs to precede almost all other lessons, as mixing the two spiritual orientations together creates chaos and thus other lessons cannot proceed. Many humans on Earth are choosing the Service-to-Other orientation, and mid-incarnation are thus joining the ranks of the Service-to-Others. This occurred in the past as well.

The world involves an increasing separation, by orientation, as the Transformation proceeds. The mix of Service-to-Other and Service-to-Self, and the proportion of undecided, will not change much as the cataclysms near and times get tough. Where some of the undecided will rise to the challenge and move into the Service-to-Others category, there will be others, operating in the Service-to-Other mode when things are comfortable, who will find their self focus increasing as their insecurities increase. Some, a very few, who are operating in the Service-to-Self mode, will find the troubled times pulling at their hearts, and will move back into the undecided category. A greater number will find their selfish nature accentuating during difficult times, and like those on the Titanic, will push all others aside to save themselves. They will move into the Service-to-Self category. So you see that the numbers will move about a bit, but essentially remain unchanged.

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Comment by Kojima on July 27, 2022 at 1:49am

ZetaTalk: What are Hybrids

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995


The hybrid form is neither human or Zetan. The advantages to humans of being promoted to a hybrid form are many. Briefly, they will be more intelligent and more telepathic. Certain human problems are being screened out - the tendency to become obese; the ability to become enraged beyond all thought of the consequences; the short life span; and the need to consume large quantities of food, requiring gassy periods of digestion and flatulence and frequent defecation. Trust us, we have included the goodies. Your sex life will not be diminished in your future life times. Your ability to dance, feel the rhythm, and feel the sensuous luxury of warm water or silky fabric will not be diminished.




Comment by Kojima on July 26, 2022 at 6:25am

* ZetaTalk for Supplanted by the hybrids

ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live

written October 25, 2008 on the GodlikeProduction live chat.


My question is about the state of Mankind's evolution itself. With all the stuff going on right now - economics, that "expected" Oct 16 alien decloaking non-event, all the talking outside of media information on the internet. Do the zetas see mankind as making any significant progress beyond what brought all our problems into existance? Or are we all still woefully entrenched in what can only bring us more great things to have to overcome.

Mankind will not change in the short term, but the Transformation occurring wherein Service-to-Self souls are not allowed to reincarnate on Earth and undecided souls likewise are relocated will mean that mankind will seem to become more democratic, more caring, as the years pass. Most current incarnations can last up to 100 years, a life span, and most alive today who will survive the pole shift are not Service-to-Other. Thus, in the short term, the apparent boondoggle that is mankind's lot will continue, only to be supplanted by the hybrids who will provide the physical bodies for the future incarnation of Service-to-Other souls on Earth.

Comment by Kojima on July 26, 2022 at 6:24am

* ZetaTalk for What kind of incarnation

ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live

written December 29, 2007 on the GodlikeProduction live chat.


On Earthfiles.com and in material I've read it's said that the aliens view us humans as 'containers, presumbly us as biological containers. Is is true, that aliens designed and put together our biological (body) containers? And that, our souls are not alien designed, they're just there!? What criteria do the birthing guides go by, in deciding what containers to put us in, and is there any injustice done, by having a soul go into the wrong container?

Man was genetically engineered, and we the Zetas are at present genetically engineering mankind's next leap forward - the Zeta/human hybrids. Souls are sparked on 3rd Density worlds, as we have explained. The Birthing Guides, a type of Spirit Guide, make the determination of what kind of incarnation the soul should have the next time around. There are an immense number of considerations, so the word "mistake" hardly applies. It is a matter of degree, at most, as to what criteria are given more weight than others in perhaps a millions factors being considered.

Comment by Kojima on July 25, 2022 at 6:08am

* ZetaTalk for Octopi transplats

ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for October 30, 2010


What are the conditions on the Octopi world that make it ripe for allowing a massive number of undecided souls to incarnate amongst the ones already there? Were other worlds in the running? And how often does such a massive transplant take place in the universe?

The water world where the undecided souls on Earth will find a new home is a young world, just starting to spark souls. The octopi have only recently been engineered to sufficient intelligence to spark souls. Thus, the ratio of reincarnating souls that have sparked on this world, compared to the number of bodies able to house a reincarnating soul, is low. The Earth has this situation currently, due to the population explosion. There are over 6 billion humans, but only 1 billion have reincarnating souls with the remainder unlikely to spark a soul in this lifetime. Thus, there are octopi aplenty on the future home for the undecided, for the transplants from Earth. Arranging for such transplants during Transformations is not uncommon.

Comment by Kojima on July 25, 2022 at 6:06am

* ZetaTalk for Octopi worlds

ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for July 24, 2010


Regarding one of the most incredible revelations contained in ZT, the decision by the COW to move the undecided (young) Souls to OCTOPUS life form after death: ../density/d47.htm Is it meant to punish them for misuse of the human form on Earth (our planet would be destroyed in 100 years at this pace) ? or simply another Kindergarten schoolhouse for emerging souls to quicken their orientation Lessons towards STO-STS? Will it be a long stop on this waterworld? Is this the life form you met the one Undecided souls will incarnate into? looks like they're telepathic and chatty. 

Octopus Man (1995 ZT) "Octopus Man had a body and tentacles like an octopus. He was chocolate brown on the outside and cream colored on the underside of the tentacles. I was delighted to find him very chatty. I asked what his home planet was like and was telepathically shown a planet of water with only an occasional rock sticking out - very windy above the water line and inhospitable where the water was warm and inviting. We shook hands at the end, hand to tentacle. He had a special pink tentacle like a long earthworm that wrapped around my wrist, to improve communications it seemed. I had no problem with that. It's not the life form, it's the vibes coming from the soul within that matters."

A group of undecided souls being transferred to another world is seldom punished during such a transition, and then only at their request. An example is Bigfoot, who was more intellectual and high tech in their former incarnations, but requested as a group to be transferring into a version of primitive man in order to reconnect with nature. Did every last soul in this group wish for this? Those that did not had an alternate transfer, after they had destroyed the world they were inhabiting, but over 99% of the young souls watching their world die did opt into the move over to become Bigfoot. On their prior world they were a type of centipede, large and with very dextrous grippers at the ends of each of their very flexible legs. Has man been polled as to whether he wishes to become an octopus his next time around? No, because this is not considered a step down. Why do you think the ability to make machines, to explode atomic bombs, to pollute your oceans and spread PCBs throughout nature is an advantage? Love does not need fingers and toes. The amphibious octopus that Nancy met as part of a life form orientation that many contactee are given was for a reason. This is indeed the shape of the future for most on the Earth at the present time.

Comment by Kojima on July 25, 2022 at 6:05am

* ZetaTalk for Civilization recovery

ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for July 24, 2010


Just a question on what happens after the shift. Will our current 'advances' and knowledge in technology and science be lost after the shift? Will we move too a fully agrarian society? Looking at the outcome of the shift, with manufacturing capabilities ended, it looks like current high tech equipment will eventually become useless if there are no power sources to run them, thus the knowledge of manufacturing them also becomes useless. I was wondering if we need to archive our knowledge for the future generations, or will it start again in new directions.

In prior pole shifts mankind was thrown back. Thus, Egypt stopped taking her census, as is well reported, and the nobility ran for the deserts. The great cities of China, which occasionally emerge from under the ground, collapsed for no known reason. The cities in Central America and Peru, high and grand with irrigation and sewage canals, collapsed and deserted for no known reason. If mankind were not in his Transformation, when those who are Service-to-Self will be taken away, those who are undecided taken away, and only those who are highly Service-to-Other allowed to reincarnate on Earth, then it would be different. It would take some hundreds of years and much coordination between groups on other continents to piece together mankind's technology and begin to manufacture again. Man is to be phased out as a species, so that those who reincarnate on Earth will be reincarnating into hybrid bodies. All who are living on Earth will be allowed to live out their lives. But when the undecided pass on they will be reincarnating as octopi on a water world. And those who are to be taken to prison planets are unlikely to be hominoids such as man, as hominoids are too prone to empathy. So to attempt to gather high tech equipment and knowledge is likely to be an endeavor that would never see fruition!.

Comment by Kojima on July 24, 2022 at 3:54am

* ZetaTalk for Replaced by zeta/human hybrids

ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live

written August 15, 2009 on the GodlikeProduction live chat.


Are there going to be any full blooded humans left after 100 years post PS?

We have stated that homo sapiens will die out, being replaced by the Hybrids. Those who are undecided will be taken after death to their new home, a waterworld where an intelligent octopi is the intelligent species. Those who are Service-to-Other will reincarnate into the Zeta/human hybrids on Earth. Those who are Service-to-Other Star Children have their options of what world they wish to incarnate on next. Those who are highly Service-to-Self will reincarnate on prison planets, but in some cases will be taken to their new homes while still in human form. Service-to-Self worlds prefer a reptilian life form, not a hominoid, as they prefer to dampen their empathy and the reptilian form allows an emotionless response to others. Thus, 100 years after the pole shift, it is unlikely there will be any humans left. Unless some human child born in the troubled years after the pole shift lives a long and healthy life, which given the conditions after the pole shift is unlikely.

Comment by Kojima on July 24, 2022 at 3:51am

* ZetaTalk for Earth’s Transformation

ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live

written May 16, 2009 on the GodlikeProduction live chat.


Greetings from Germany. I would like to thank you for what you warn mankind of a great catastrophe. I would like to ask you, what will happen to humanity after poleshift. What is the path of development we would go. I think this is a chance for all of humanity to change their views on the environment, economy and other equally insignificant topics.

The Earth is in a Transformation, on many levels. The Earth's Transformation was scheduled at this time because the dieoff from the passage of Planet X was anticipated to be so great. Earth has been scheduled to be a home for those in the Service-to-Other, where their souls can reincarnate, and thus the Zeta/human hybrids have been developed for mankind's next leap forward into a more intelligent and empathetic body. At the same time, those souls on Earth who are highly Service-to-Self will not be allowed to reincarnate on Earth, but will be taken to prison planets after they die, and in some cases, before they die. The undecided will be allowed to reincarnate on a water planet, as a type of intelligent octopi. Thus, becoming a Service-to-Other planet, those on Earth will find they no longer operate on the basis of money and debt, but on the barter system, and this moving rapidly to all taking care of all without any payment demanded. Those who are highly Service-to-Other will find themselves encountering visitors from elsewhere, and becoming galactic citizens and living in high tech cities. This is where mankind is trending.

Comment by Kojima on July 13, 2022 at 3:55pm

* ZetaTalk for Earth unchecked

ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for July 17, 2010


How many years it could take to progress humans from 3rd to 4th density in context of morale, ethics counting from present point and if we ignore coming PS ? Or that progress is not possible at all due to humans selfish nature which leads to periodic conflicts?

If the Earth had not been administratively scheduled for her Transformation at this time, but allowed to progress with her current trends, it would be tens of millions of years before the percentage of Service-to-Other souls would be sufficient for a leap to 4th density. We have mentioned that if left unchecked by something like the pending pole shift, the Earth would be destroyed by those who pollute and overpopulate, and this within 100 years. Such destruction does not necessarily entail all human life ending, or all species becoming extinct, but greater hardship for life in general. Overpopulation of humans would cease, but since the ratio of humans with reincarnating souls to those where a young soul might potentially spark is close to 1 to 6, this would only mean that all humans would have a reincarnating soul. The proportion of Service-to-Self to Service-to-Other would not change.

Comment by Kojima on July 8, 2022 at 4:05pm

* ZetaTalk for A more balanced world, interference allowed by Council of worlds

ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live

written December 1, 2007 on the GodlikeProduction live chat.


Have the Zetas or other benign alien groups saved us (by manipulating events) from a WorldWar III scenario in the past?

We are often asked why we don't just save mankind, divert Planet X from its path, feed the hungry, cure all diseases and while we're at it make everyone beautiful or handsome! This is not the purpose of life. You are to experience spiritual growth and learn by the results of your actions. This is your schoolhouse! It is true that interference in the affairs of man occurs on occasion. The Annunaki living on Planet X were quarantined from Earth because they were intimidating mankind by their size and advanced technology. This was to allow emerging man to have a more balanced environment in order to determine their spiritual orientation - Service-to-Other or Service-to-Self. Interference was also allowed recently to prevent the Bush administration from planting WMD in Iraq and from creating false terrorism in the US. This interference likewise was to create a more balanced world for the development of spiritual orientation choices. These are only a few examples of interference allowed by the Council of Worlds.

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