For my understanding I made a chart from "ZetaTalk: Transformation" shown below.
ZetaTalk: Transformation
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
What is the Transformation? The Earth is undergoing a subtle transformation, as the Transformation is now. This Transformation has been progressing for at least this century, and will go for at least a century more. Transformations occur for many reasons. One reason is that the great majority of the entities native to the planet have reached an orientation decision, and are ready to proceed with other lessons, and 3rd Density planets are checked periodically as to their readiness for harvest in this regard. Another reason is administrative, and that is why the Earth is undergoing its Transformation now. The majority of those on Earth have not yet reached their orientation decision, but will be moved to another planet, as the Earth has been designated as a future home for Service-to-Other oriented entities. The coming pole shift will expedite this process simply by the fact that 90% of the populace will die, either during the shift or shortly thereafter.
To qualify for Service-to-Other orientation, an entity must consider others as often as the self. To qualify for Service-to-Self, the entity must focus on the self 95% of the time, almost exclusively. Where it may seem that these individuals would stand out, some very diplomatic and cultured people are of this category. They are able to disguise their self interest in condescension to others. They are able to disguise their self interest as the interests of the other. During 3rd Density, entities must decide their spiritual orientations - Service-to-Self or Service-to-Others. Most, the vast majority, decide the latter on almost all 3rd Density worlds. This decision, or the lesson of 3rd Density as it is called, needs to precede almost all other lessons, as mixing the two spiritual orientations together creates chaos and thus other lessons cannot proceed. Many humans on Earth are choosing the Service-to-Other orientation, and mid-incarnation are thus joining the ranks of the Service-to-Others. This occurred in the past as well.
The world involves an increasing separation, by orientation, as the Transformation proceeds. The mix of Service-to-Other and Service-to-Self, and the proportion of undecided, will not change much as the cataclysms near and times get tough. Where some of the undecided will rise to the challenge and move into the Service-to-Others category, there will be others, operating in the Service-to-Other mode when things are comfortable, who will find their self focus increasing as their insecurities increase. Some, a very few, who are operating in the Service-to-Self mode, will find the troubled times pulling at their hearts, and will move back into the undecided category. A greater number will find their selfish nature accentuating during difficult times, and like those on the Titanic, will push all others aside to save themselves. They will move into the Service-to-Self category. So you see that the numbers will move about a bit, but essentially remain unchanged.
* ZetaTalk for Transformation creep
ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for April 4, 2015
Chile is a very narrow country, lying between the Pacific Ocean and the Andes mountains. Just facing the subduction process and the Nazca Plate. During the past few weeks the country has been seriously tested, due to some 50+ wildfires in the south ( ) under very unusual drought conditions, accompanied of unusual rains up north, whose result has been like a real tsunami coming down from the mountains (, the Villarrica volcano which erupted some time ago but still keeps warning about a possible new eruption ( and the Copahue volcano which seems to be going into an eruption any time from now ( and is on yellow alert. Besides, we are having tremors every day, involving almost the whole of the territory, north, center and south. And, we may add, some blackouts of the power grids at several points of the country. You see, up north is supposed to be dry and warm, whereas it has been very rainy, and down south it is supposed to be quite rainy and slightly cold, while there is a drought. Everything is happening at once, or in a very short sequence. Of course, the country is next door neighbor of the subduction zone, which may explain most of it. But the wildfires have been just too many, as to be blamed on mere humane intervention. The country has been tested in several ways, having shown a preview of broken link situations, the rescue teams being exhausted to the point that some international help is being accepted, martial law partially applied at a couple of spots, the people demanding that the government should come to rescue and help them, and the government doing whatever possible to help the situation and keep the country running. And, for several months now, some politicians have come on the stage under trial, because they used some undercover and illegal corporate financing on their campaigns in order to get elected. And then, other politicians have chosen to use the opportunity to criticize the government and try to get selfish gains out of a very dramatic situation. The situation has been no joke. It has all been quite a show, quite a preview. I do not exactly know what my specific question this time would be, but perhaps the Zetas would like to comment. [and from another] I think, if I may interject, that the question is "slow creep" of the Transformation, the Polarization.
The Transformation and polarization process, which we described at the start of the ZetaTalk saga, will both take upwards of 100 years to complete. This is in process now, and has been for decades, but as those alive on Earth now are allowed to live out their lifetime before being moved to their next incarnation, this is a gradual process. This process is not lineal, but starts out slowly, then becomes obvious, and then becomes the dominant characteristic. What are some of the trends?
Polarization is where like-minded individuals group together, such that those in the Service-to-Other literally move to countries or regions in sympathy with their attitude. They find each other in social circles, hire or befriend each other, and begin to push away those with a Service-to-Self attitude. The orientations tend to marry each other. One can see increased polarization in the sharp distinctions developing in political parties – this one more mean spirited, that more concerned about the poor.
The Transformation proceeds because souls are taken away to their next incarnation, the Service-to-Self not allowed to incarnate on Earth, while the Service-to-Other allowed to remain in the vicinity as hybrids or can even incarnate as young humans. Star Children, who were so instrumental during the Arab Spring, can incarnate in droves into bodies not claimed by sparked souls, and can thus make sudden and significant change in a region. Thus during the Transformation, one might find a survival encampment sharing all their resources, operating much as society today does, or aligned in a master-slave arrangement.
Each family, town, province, or country might have any or all of these characteristics. Increasingly, the orientations will sort into pockets and avoid each other. But in that a 3rd density world has a mix, and the polarization has only started within the past few decades, this mix will not be eliminated overnight. Thus as the Earth changes pick up and governments get nervous about public panic, there will be plans for martial law to some degree. That increased control might be used to assist the populace, to repress them, or both, and likely will be the latter depending upon who is conducting an individual operation.
* ZetaTalk for Human race extinction
ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for July 31, 2010
What will cause the human race to die out one hundred years after the shift? Will the Zeta's sterilize the remaining humans? Its in our genetic makeup to reproduce and we have done that after prior passages of PX and rebuilt the population. So why will this time be different?
What is missing from this perception is the Service-to-Other mindset, which does not wish for one's child any but the best and which is capable of putting ego aside. Your population reproduction on Earth involves careless sex where unwanted babies are conceived, parents who see a child as an extension of themselves and reject any baby that does not have their genes, and large families as a source of labor power and brute strength during confrontations. Service-to-Other individuals do not think like that. Imagine that every babe born after the pole shift will only have a Service-to-Other soul. Those who are alive today will die out in 60-70 years, or certainly within 100 years. Their children will be Service-to-Other, if the child survives at all in the Aftertime environment. Those children that do survive will likely be encountering the hybrids or other visitors, if not already in contact pre-birth. If and when they desire children of their own, they will be aware of the hybrid program. They may even be intermarrying with hybrids. And if genetics from both human parents is desired, they are highly likely to request assistance so that the child can in addition have hybrid genetics that will allow the child to be a peer of those in the community, and not be given a virtual handicap by being merely human. The instance where fully human offspring propagate and are present at the 100 year point will be rare and fleeting, as their offspring would likely have a different opinion on child bearing.
ZetaTalk: Harvest
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
The Transformation is sometimes referred to as the Harvest. On your Planet Earth, because of the geological changes that periodically happen, the Transformation to 4th Density has been planned to coincide with these geological changes. The reason is simple, though some may view it in horror. During the coming geological changes the vast majority of your Earth’s populace will perish, suddenly. Those who survive will find a world without food or shelter from the elements. Medical treatment will be scarce, and hygiene the least of anyone’s thoughts. Consequently, even after the cataclysms, the die-off will be huge.
Reincarnation will not be affected by the pole shift any more than normal life cycles. Humans died young in the past. In the days of the cave man life was far shorter, so this is common to your species. There will be much death, and this has horrified many people, but at the present time the majority of humans on Earth, in fact four-fifths or more, do not have reincarnated souls but can spark new souls. This has happened because of the population explosion. Reincarnation on new worlds does not happen because of every intelligent life that harbors the possibility of this. We call these aborted souls. This is not any decision on the part of an administrative force, it just simply happens. Nothing sparked a soul. Nothing sparks a soul in a parakeet or a dog. If there is an indolent life, or one without challenge, frequently the soul dissipates upon death rather than remaining to reincarnate and grow and increase in mass.
Therefore the pole shift will result in quite a number of souls suddenly looking for reincarnation, but because this is a Transformation time they will be gathered, if they have not made their orientation decision to be Service-to-Self or Service-to-Other, and whisked off to a water world to be reincarnated into a type of octopus and carry on their lessons. Those who are Service-to-Other will reincarnate into more intelligent hominoids on Earth, and those who are Service-to-Self and have firmly decided this will be sent off to various worlds, at times in human form, for what we would term a very unpleasant life among others of their own kind.
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* ZetaTalk for Transformation and spiritual orientation of souls
ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live
written January 19, 2008 on the GodlikeProduction live chat.
Are the Clintons and Bushes and the rest of the PTB all aware of the spiritual dimension to the poleshift and subsequent transformation, or are they sold on the Service-to-Self versions of "maybe it might, maybe it might not"? Is it only a physical event to them, one which they think they can ride out in their bunkers?
The Transformation and spiritual orientation of the soul is described in many ways by the various cultures and religions of the world. In Christianity, for instance, it is known as the time of Armageddon, with the faithful ascending or living on Earth for a thousand years of peace afterwards, with Jesus. Our description is of a pole shift, with those who are highly Service-to-Other being granted a lift to preserve their life during the hour of the shift so that they can help others afterwards, and the Earth being transformed by removal of souls who are Service-to-Self to prison planets. Those humans who are highly Service-to-Self and seeking counsel from Service-to-Self visitors are told all manner of tales, mostly that by joining their ranks they will gain dominance over others in the future. They are lied to, because the Service-to-Self lie freely, but they don't discover this until late in the game.
* ZetaTalk for Human extinction
ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for August 7, 2010
On several occasions, ZT has mentioned that media realized concepts such as Star Trek and Star Wars were inspirations triggered within a contactee. Hundreds- of millions of Americans and billions of people around the world have been positively inspired by the Star Trek-cum-Star Wars perspective of a much more compassionate, much wiser human race -- a future version of ourselves that makes earnest attempts to interact peacefully with mother nature, with each other, and with other civilizations, and to logically embrace true wisdom in our individual and collective affairs, and to be consciously aware of our need to continuously grow as a being in spiritual harmony with the force of the universe. What then was the purpose of these compellingly powerful visions of a future human race if ZT projects the human race to die out, negating such a possible future for the human race? Is it that the future hybrid-human race that inhabits earth 100 years past the Pole Shift will still sport a circa 21st Century human physical appearance? Thus, these Star Trek-cum-Star Wars visions are just tuning into the spiritually tuned hybrid heartset and mindset that is still housed in a still rather human looking earthsuit? Or were the visions and lessons of Star Trek-cum-Star Wars merely representative of a fort-om-the-road that the human race missed on their way to the drive-thru lane of the fast food joint of corrupted ideals, mismanaged affairs and spiritual neglect?
The evolution of mature souls happens most expeditiously if the incarnated life form has some continuity. If sparked in a bird form, to have hundreds and thousands of lives in that bird form allows the young soul to concentrate on its lessons, without being distracted by having to adjust to new circumstances. If a bird form one life, and a worm the next, what happened to the wings and claws? And if in reverse, for the worm form to suddenly find itself a bird, one must adjust to the idea of flight and great height. Your Star Trek series presented alien life forms as mere variations on the human form. How popular would a series be if the creatures were from every life form imaginable? The TV audience would not relate, and ratings would go down. You are asking, if mankind is to be phased out, the hybrids mankind's next leap forward, of what use were the Star Trek series or the existence of humans over the eons? Of course, as is the case for all souls, it has served those souls well as a basis for the rich experiences that human existence provided! It is the soul that lives on, long after various intelligent species that housed them have died out, long after the worlds they lived upon have grown cold and dark.
* ZetaTalk for Hybrid longevity
ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for August 7, 2010
You said, that hybrids will live till 400 years. 1: In DNA the reason of aging of an organism? Can tell about this process a little? It is useful for much to learn it. 2: If yes, what reasons were guided at human life restriction, and now a hybrid? These values got out not casually
One of the instructions we received from the Council of Worlds, in creating a zeta/human hybrid, was long life. This is because in 4th density, which is a long stage, lessons are better learned when the incarnated entity can linger in a single setting and cannot simply skip out and move along to another incarnation as a way of avoiding the lesson. Steps started lead to the next and then the next step, so the ultimate result of a step is seen. What actions the entity takes, and their ultimate consequence, is seen, thus. On 3rd density worlds, the age an organism can reach is determined by evolution in the main. Genetics determines this. A dog or cat can reach 20 years, though in the wild their age is more likely to be 6 years. A tortoise will easily live past 100 years. The birth rate and dangers encountered by the species are balanced during the evolutionary process. When man was genetically engineered from apes, here on Earth, the relatively long life span was one of the considerations in choosing the ape as the base for genetic engineering. Else, perhaps you might be a tortoise!
* ZetaTalk for Brain of Zeta/human hybrids
ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live
written October 27, 2007 on the GodlikeProduction live chat.
Nancy, when the Zetas choose to take on (wear) a physical body (upon need), is their physical brain bifurcated (divided in two) like the brain of Homo sapiens?
The fact that you have in essence two brains, supporting a subconscious and a conscious, occurred during genetic engineering in the past. We, the Zetas, do not have such a split, nor do we need sleep as humans do. Our genetic engineering on the Zeta/human hybrids is eliminating the split brains and much of the need for sleep. The fact that the brain, like many organs of the body such as the eyes, kidneys and reproductive organs such as ovaries and testicles are dual is a survival adaptation allowing early man or the ape to survive despite accidents. Our brain does not have this duality, as a clean split into halves, but has other capabilities so that brain damage is not devastating. Our brains are resilient, and can heal.
* ZetaTalk for Subconscious and Conscious
ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live
written July 14, 2007 on the GodlikeProduction live chat.
Could you ask the Zeta's about the subconscious mind and if or how it varies between different species? I was hoping to get an explanation of how the the subconscious mind works or something about the mechanism that operates or controls it. Are humans the only species in the universe with a subconscious mind?
Humans have in essence two brains, in that the subconscious and conscious can operate independently of each other and do so during amnesia. This is not an evolutionary development, but a result of genetic engineering. At one point, during a leap forward, the genetic engineers did not want to lose something that would have been lost by switching to a single brain. All the hominoids visiting Earth at this time are not so afflicted, nor will those souls incarnating into humans at this time find themselves so afflicted in the future as the Hybrids will not have two brains. The subconscious is a complete brain, recalling all that occurs with integrity. Human scientists will often call the subconscious a trouble maker, telling tales, but the opposite is true. It is the conscious that goes into denial, forgetting or avoiding what ever is uncomfortable. In this role, it also fabricates!
During amnesia, the bridge to the subconscious is disconnected, chemically, with the conscious in control. The human forgets the past, and can concoct any past it feels comfortable with, but in the main, simply forgets a recent trauma or guilt. During visitation, we use this chemical connection to allow the visitation to be recorded only in the subconscious, which can be relied upon to retain the memory with integrity. When the contactee is ready, emotionally, to deal with recall, he does so by building a bridge between the subconscious and the conscious, but is guided by his subconscious knowledge in any case. We have been asked before about life forms elsewhere, with this affliction, and mentioned the difficulty of having two heads, both with brains, who cannot communicate with each other except externally! This type of life form appeared in one of the Star Wars movies, as announcers during a pod race. If you think you have problems, imagine their problems!
ZetaTalk: Evolution Impact
Note: written during the Jan 25, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
It has been much discussed, in the aliens-are-evil dialog, that we, the Zetas, lack emotions. This is stated along with supposed reports on aliens eating human body parts, or planning mass landings and a takeover of the planet, or implanting for control purposes to create drones, or whatever. There are differences between ourselves and humans, much discussed in the Hybrid section of ZetaTalk, where we detail this aspect of emotions and sexuality as well as physiological differences such as lungs and digestive tracts. Do we have emotions? Yes. Do we have sexual feelings? Yes. Are these greater than human emotions and sex drives? No. Why the difference? We evolved on different worlds, under different stresses and selective determinants.
The Earth, as we have stated, is a particularly violent world, large carnivors on every continent, so that many can scarsely be free of this worry, day or night. Big cats, wolf packs, immense bears, sharks, and thus to survive, the quick reaction to attack or danger was emotion. What do you suppose fear, or anger, is? Does an evolving creature need this, per se? It is to incite action, and the stronger the emotion, the faster the action! Likewise, a mother's concern for her baby, a dominant males concern for protecting and retaining his harem, are survival related emotions. The passive human got eaten, the human with strong emotions survived and passed on their genes. A strong sex drive is likewise selective, as those males with a strong drive would fight for their harem, where those with a weak drive would turn their backs and let the harem get eaten! A sex drive in the female is also survival selective, as the horny female will stick close to the dominant male, get intimate often, and thus enhance the bond and desire on the males part to protect her, as well as keep her close to the protector.
We have stated that on our world, the worlds within Zeta Reticuli which we evolved on, there were no large carnivores. We were transplanted there, as described in the Early Zeta write-up, onto worlds that could do no more than evolve moss and bugs. Thus, our large eyes are for seeing, in very dim light, which is what life on those worlds entailed. Thus, sex was for procreation, and the process of natural selection more related to cunning, being able to figure out how to solve problems, how to create technology or extend a food supply, than brute force or rage. Likewise, emotion was not only not required, it was a disruptive element. It would never evolve, and if it expressed due to genetic mutation, then this Zeta was less likely to have a harem than another, so was selected out during sexual partnering. Our hybrids, as we have stated, will have the emotional range and sex drive and variation that humans have, not our more limited range. This is because the Earth is our new home, the home of the hybrids, and these characteristics are native to the Earth. In addition, as we have stated, strong emotions are in keeping with 4th Density Service-to-Other cultures, and strong sex drives are likewise a bonding element. Thus, we don't wish not to have these elements in our future lives, we have engineered them into our futures!
ZetaTalk: Why Hybrids
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
The Earth is about to become a home for entities in the next stage of spiritual development, or density. Those entities currently in human form who have made their choice for Service-to-Self will eventually leave the Earth, and those who have made their choice for Service-to-Others will remain. Those entities who have not yet chosen will be transported elsewhere when their current incarnation ends, to continue their deliberation. The earth is to become a home for incarnations in the Service-to-Other orientation. If you wish, you may relate this time to the heaven on earth foretold, or the thousand years of peace. This time will neither be a heaven or for a thousand years, however.
And why have we chosen the Earth? Are there not many planets that are habitable and do not already have intelligent species resident? Habitable planets, with vacancies, are not in great abundance, and competition for them is keen. The Earth is due for a Transformation to 4th Density, which is our current density, and humans are genetically similar to Zetans, so hybrids merging the characteristics of both Zetas and humans can give entities with a background in either species a familiar home.
Our hybrid program is to create a new form of human which has greater mental capacity, including capacity for telepathic communication. The human form is being phased out because it is not appropriate for 4th Density Service-to-Others, which requires a mental capacity greater than that you currently enjoy. Those who will be continuing to incarnate on Earth are desirous of this new form. They are being polled continuously, and voting willingly. As the genetic engineers, we are responsible for ensuring that the specifications for a 4th Density incarnation experience in the Service-to-Other orientation are met. We would not, for instance, bring forward violent tendencies, where blinding rage can overtake one on a moments notice, even if the humans voting were to indicate a desire for this. Likewise, a higher intellect is a specification, and even if humans voting were to indicate otherwise, this human vote would be negated by the overriding specification.
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