* Sinkhole
* Earthquakes
* Collapsing
* Volcanos
* Explosions
* Sounds
* Cranes
* Landslides
* Water Main
* 2011/01/19: A gas main explosion in Philadelphia Tuesday evening killed one utilities worker and injured five other people.
* 2011/02/04: Harsh Winter Triggers New York City Manhole Explosions; 65 exploding manholes in New York City
ZetaTalk: New York City has been built on rock, the high rise buildings footed on rock, but this does not mean that methane gas has not accumulated between the layers beneath these footings.
During a violent wobble, sinkholes and crevasses appear in stretch zones because the ground is pulling in first one, then another, direction. This drops soft soil down any vent that has been established by this action, and thus the sinkhole. In like manner, these vents can allow gas to rise.
* 2011/03/11: Mw 9.0 Off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake, Japan; As powerful as this quake was, it is, per the Zetas, only an incidental quake in the scheme of things, and not the series of great quakes they have predicted for Japan during the 7 of 10 scenarios.
* 2011/03/18: Everett Neighborhood is Sinking; Landslips are unusual for Everett, Washington. This is new! Everett is on a bluff above Puget Sound where the Juan de Fuca Plate is subducting under the N American Plate.
* 2011/03/19: Landslide Forces Evacuation of Ranch; A landslide near the small town of Somis in Ventura County; This latest slip in Ventura, California near LA was not blamed on the rain. Signs of increasing stress in the bow very evident.
* 2011/05/10: Fort Worth Lightning; On May 10, 2011 Fort Worth, TX recorded over 300 lightning strikes, which exploded a number of transformers.; Per the Zetas, though transformer explosion did occur, earthquake lights were also occurring.; Fort Worth is along the Balcones Escarpment, where the rock strata changes, and this created tension in the rock, allowing the compressed rock to be a conduit for electricity, thus the earthquake lights, and thus the discharge between the upper atmosphere and the ground. More of this to follow!
* 2011/05: Bubbling methane from the floor of Lake Ontario.
[Seaway Stretch]: The N American continent is placed under an ever increasing bow. The primarily stress is along the Seaway, which will eventually rip open, and along the New Madrid fault line, but points west are also affected. That this stress is increasing can be seen by the number of sinkholes and collapsing houses in the Seaway stretch zone.
* 2011/06/01: NY: Holy Hole!; A faulty sewer line 25 feet beneath the street may be the cause of a sinkhole - 12 feet wide and 20 feet deep.
* 2011/06/02: An elderly Clinton, Iowa man is staying with relatives after a sink hole contributed to bringing down his century-old house.
* 2011/06/11: Giant Sinkhole in Manitoba
* 2011/06/16: Still no Cause for Freeport Building Collapse
* 2011/06/21: Cleveland: Collapse of Old Sewer Tunnel Segment
* 2011/06/22: Sinkhole in South Dakota Claims Two Lives
* 2011/06/22: Cincinnati: Anderson Township Sinkhole Grows After Massive Rains
* 2011/06/22: Mount Carmel Ohio: Giant Sinkhole Affecting Residents of Clermont Co. Neighborhood
* 2011/06/23: Cincinnati: Crews Working to Repair Union Twp Sinkhole
* 2011/06/27: Ottawa: Downpour Causes Luskville 'Canyon'
* 2011/06/30: Cleveland: St. Clair Crack Remains a Mystery
[Bow Tightens]: Then there is the rash of sinkholes across the US between July 14 and July 15 as noted on the Pole Shift ning. Again, too many correlations to be coincidence. And note the line these incidents draw across the US, from the San Francisco Bay area east through Utah, Kansas, Tennessee, and over to South Carolina! Almost on the same latitude. Clearly, during these few days in July, the bow tightened.
* 2011/07/14: CA: Caltrans Makes Repairs to Sinkhole
* 2011/07/14: KS: Big Sinkhole Growing Larger in South County; Residents of a South St. Louis County neighborhood are concerned about a huge sinkhole in their street.
* 2011/07/15: UT: Huge Sink Hole Opens Causing Fatal Utah Crash
* 2011/07/15: TN: Sinkhole at North Second and College Street
* 2011/07/15: SC: Rain Forms Sinkhole off I-526 Near Dorchester Road
* 2011/07/15: SC: Sinkhole Forms On North Main Street In Greenville
* 2011/07/15: FL: Sinkhole Close U.S. 19 Entrance to Innisbrook Resort
* 2011/08/03, 08: Kiev Trumpets; The dramatic Trumpets of Kiev arrived, vibrating the reservoir above Kiev.
[Train Derailments]: The eastern half of the US is a stretch zone experiencing many derailments just in this month of August, 2011, in places that the New Madrid adjustment will tear, in fact.
In addition, two Chicago buildings collapsed on the same day. Chicago is very much in a stretch zone, impacted by the Seaway pulling apart. Same day, same location - boom. Per the Zetas, not a coincidence.
* 2011/08/02: Louisiana: Crews Quickly Get Derailed Train in Belle Chasse Back in Action
* 2011/08/03: NYC: Subway Service Resumes After 6 Train Derailment
* 2011/08/03: Chicago: Normal Service Restored on Blue Line After Derailment Near O'Hare
* 2011/08/04: 22 Rail Cars Full of Coal Derail in Western Iowa
* 2011/08/10: Chicago: Oak Park Building Collapse Closes Harrison, Injures one
* 2011/08/10: Chicago: Foundation Failure to Blame in St. Charles Building's Partial Collapse
* 2011/08/12: Ontario City Mystified by Whole Lotta Shakin' Underground; The 'Hum' is Real.; Vibrations; Windsor is having regular rumbling between 1-3 am.; Per the Zetas, this shows that the stress on the Seaway is related to the daily Earth wobble.
* 2011/08/19: Black Hawk Bridge will be closed at least through next week as crews repair an 18 inch crack found in the floor beam.; The bridge under repair is not far from the Mississippi bridge collapse on I-35 on August 2, 2007 in Minneapolis, MN.; See also "2007/08/02"
* 2011/08/22: Strange Sounds in Colorado Before Earthquake
* 2011/08/23: Tampa Bay Howl; Tampa Bay Stadium; Strange Sound during Game
* 2011/08/25: Why Virginia Quake Shook Entire Coast; Almost simultaneously, a rare 5.3 occurred in Colorado and the East Coast, including the Washington DC area, was rattled by a 5.8 quake.
* 2011/08/26: Gas-Like Odor; Local fire crews and San Diego Gas & Electric crews Friday responded to reports of a natural gas-like odor in some parts of the county.
* 2011/08/29: Likely Earth Fissure Continues to Grow in Cochise County; The possible Earth fissures on Van Ness Rd in Cochise County have grown dramatically since the beginning of the month.
* 2011/09/20: Warnings Helped Workers Reach Safety Before Okla. Gas Rig Blast; Authorities in Blaine County say an oil rig that exploded near Watonga
* 2011/10/06: Regina Refinery Explosion Injures 10; at a refinery in north Regina, Saskatchewan.
* 2011/10/11: Massive Landslide Closes Road East of Cedar City; a sudden massive landslide in Utah, in otherwise stable ground.
* 2012/02/11: UFO Sightings Reveal More Strange Metal Boxes Along Coastal Beaches; UFO Sightings Reveal More Strange Metal Boxes Along Coastal Beaches
ZetaTalk Explanation 2/18/2012: These sealed metal boxes are indeed alien, placed along significant coastlines to abort sudden and jolting plate movements. The number of boxes discovered by mankind, uncloaked and visible, are a miniscule number compared to the total in use, which range in the thousands. Most are under water. They are supposed to be cloaked, so that humans can look right at them and not see them, but mistakes are made in the rush to place the boxes, on occasion, so some are left visible. Have governments removed them and tried to crack them open? Yes, but the boxes disappear from storage, without a trace.
* 2012/03/20: Mexico 7.4 quake; Earthquake Drill Coincidence on CNN
On March 20, 2012 a 7.9 quake occurred in the Mexican state of Chiapas, though it was later downgraded by the USGS to a mere 7.4 quake. What is most interesting is that just two minutes prior to the quake a government exercise in preparation for just such a quake, a 7.9 quake, had begun! Because of this, office buildings and schools had been emptied, and many lives were saved.
Per the Zetas, the timing was no accident, and is an example of what human being can do when they are concerned about others. This is a quake that humming metal boxes such as were discovered along the Oregon coast delayed. The time for an adjustment at the tip of Mexico could no longer be delayed, but due to the Call being given by parties in Mexico, the release was timed to occur just after the exercise.
* 2012/03/21: Something's Rattling Small Wisconsin Town; Mysterious Booms Continue for Third Night; Mysterious Sound and Rumble In Montello; Now popping noises and shuttering and vibrations have come to Clintonville and nearby Montello in central Wisconsin.
* 2012/03/23: Clintonville's Booming, now Explained, Continues; Authorities Solve the Mystery of Town's Odd Noises, Shaking
* 2012/03/28: Baja beach disappeared; There Saturday-Gone Sunday-Los Frailes Facelift; Sunday morning the beach in Los Frailes disappeared - lost forever were 200 meters of beachfront by 100 meters deep. The red line is where the beach was the day before. The angler that emailed the photo in said the beach disappeared very quickly and is now a steep bank that appears to still be slowly eroding.
ZetaTalk: It is no surprise that a crevasse on the Michigan peninsula has been joined by booming in towns to the south as rock snaps in a diagonal line toward Mexico. Mexico very recently had an adjustment at its tip, driving the tip over the Cocos Plate. The land having moved westward, adjustments moved up along the coast. The Baja coastline affected literally touches the San Andreas fault line. It is no surprise likewise for these bow adjustments to occur almost simultaneously. On March 18 Clintonville began booming. On March 20 Chiapas at the tip of Mexico adjusted. On March 20 the Clintonville booms moved down diagonally to Montello. On March 28 the Baja beach disappeared. And on April 1 the Clintonville booms moved along diagonally to Baraboo. Most definitely related!
* 2012/03: Map of recent events that depict the tearing stress on the St. Lawrence Seaway
A. Clintonville, Wisconsin - Mystery Booms, March 19 - 27
B. Montello, Wisconsin - Mystery Boom, March 20
C. Fond du Lac, Wisconsin - Unexplained Chemical Leak, March 21
D. Watertown, Wisconsin - School Closed (Structural Instability), March 27
E. Ligonier, Indiana - Train Derailment, March 24
F. Barrie, Ontario - Mystery Boom, March 24
G. Poconos, Pennsylvania - Mystery Boom, March 30
H. Bathurst, New Brunswick - Earthquake (magnitude 3.4), March 30
* 2012/04/04: Mystery Booms & Lights in Baraboo, Wisconsin (Southwest of Clintonville)
* 2012/04/15: Underground Water in Eastern Shasta County Mysteriously Disappears; They are just above and slightly east of the inland valley. The rock there has been shattering, and the ground water draining away. This is similar to the Crandall Canyon mining accident in Utah, which occurred in the mountains just to the east of the Great Salt Lake.
* 2012/04/22: NorCal Sonic Boom Possible Meteor Impact; In the case of the April 22, 2012 booms in California and Nevada, this can be seen quickly by a glance at a map. Per the Zetas, these booms were not caused by a meteor shower, just as meteors were not the cause of the recent booms in Wisconsin or Costa Rico or Belova.; Per the Zetas, salt lake beds are very hard rock that resists snapping, so any adjustments are shifted to the rock around and beyond the salt lake beds.
* 2012/06/01: Second big oil and water in Alberta this year; Rainbow Lake, Alberta, Canada
* 2012/06/19: Third oil spill fuels calls for Alberta pipeline review; Elk Point, Alberta, Canada
* 2012/06/07: Fargo, North Dakota; Landslide Moves Fargo Road 13 1/2 Feet; The extension of the Seaway stretch into the mainland heaves the ground and tears a road in different directions.
* 2012/06/19: Mexico: Land Collapsed in Colonia Moctezuma/Teapa Road Collapses
* 2012/06/21: Duluth, liquefaction occurred during a recent torrential rain; evidence of compression in the underground water flow; The damage in Duluth, thus, is caused not by the ripping Seaway but by the resistance of the rock to tearing!
* 2012/06/25: Sinkhole Opens up at Ocala Townhome Complex; Florida
* 2012/06/28: Mysterious Bubbles in Bayou Corne; Louisiana
Along the East Coast of the US and round along the Gulf Coast there are signs of stretching due to the bow. Louisiana finds methane bubbles along a bayou, with the ground shifting. The plague of sinkholes in Florida worsens. Per the Zetas, this is to be expected, on the stretch side of a bow.
* 2012/08/05: Giant Sinkhole in Assumption Parish;
* 2012/08/16: Louisiana Sinkhole Opens Further Swallowing Boat, Workers
What is the relationship between methane bubbles in the Byou Corne in Assumption parish, Louisianna on June 28, 2012 (as reported in Issue 301 of this newsletter) and the sinkhole that emerged on August 2, 2012? Same cause, per the Zetas. A salt dome cavern used to store petrol has shattered, causing both phenomena.
* 2012/12/04: Mystery Booms Heard Across the U.S.; Beginning near midnight on December 4th, unexplained booms and trembling ground was reported in 5 states across the U.S. within a 24-hour span and is still occurring in Georgia.
Georgia (Dec 4th, 5th and 6th); Arizona (Dec 4); Texas (Dec 4); Alabama (Dec 4); Rhode Island (Dec 4)
* 2012/12/13: Weird Underwater Volcano Discovered Near Baja; The petite dome lies along the Alarcón Rise.; Near the Baja, the bowing of the N American continent is pulling the tip of Mexico westward while the remainder of the continent is fixed in place pending the New Madrid adjustment. Thus vents along the San Andreas can open up.
* 2013/01/21-02/23: Mystery Booms Heard Across the U.S.; Loud booms that have shaken buildings and startled residents have occurred at 18 locations across the U.S. since January 21st.
Elk, Oklahoma; Alice, Texas; Corbin, Kentucky; Fish Creek, Georgia; Springfield, Missouri; Mount Vernon, Missouri; Milton, Florida; Wall, New Jersey; Morristown, Tennessee; Lorton, Virginia; Mulberry, Florida; Sandgate, Vermont; Ferndale, Michigan; Richland County, South Carolina; Alameda, California ; Collier County, Florida ; Bradford, Vermont ; Trenton, New Jersey.
* 2013/02/26-02/27: Between February 26 and 27, explosion-like booms were reported across the U.S.
San Diego, California; Tucson, Arizona; Eden, Idaho; Polk County, Texas; Charleston, West Virginia; Rutherford County, North Carolina
* 2013/02/26: Charleston Callers Report Mysterious 'Explosion' Sound; A clear pattern has emerged in recent booms, showing that these booms from snapping rock are associated with river bottoms! Look at the pattern for booms that hit the press on February 23, 2013 in Tucson, February 26 in W Virginia, March 21 in Florida, and on April 26 in Ireland. All these boom locations are along a river!
* 2013/02/27: Mysterious Loud Boom Heard & Felt all Over Tucson
A clear pattern has emerged in recent booms, showing that these booms from snapping rock are associated with river bottoms! Look at the pattern for booms that hit the press on February 23, 2013 in Tucson, February 26 in W Virginia, March 21 in Florida, and on April 26 in Ireland. All these boom locations are along a river!; Per the Zetas, river bottoms are where the crust is thin, weak, and sagging. Thus this is the point most likely to snap when the pressure if on!
* 2013/03/03-03/06: Mysterious Ongoing 'Explosion' Sounds Alarm Residents in Flint, Michigan (Mar 3); Big Booms Still Startling Florida Residents (Mar 3); Mystery Boom Rocks Kentucky (Mar 4); Hawley, Pennsylvania (Mar 5); Mysterious Loud Noises Concern North Carolina Residents (Mar 6)
* 2013/03/04: Big Booms Still Startling Collier County; Florida
* 2013/03/09: Booms; On Saturday March 9, 2013 a remarkable thread on the GodlikeProduction message board recorded first hand reports from around the N American continent of booms – rattling windows and awakening slumbering people.
[Grand Rapids, Michigan], [Troy, Ohio], [Indianapolis, Indiana], [St. Louis, Missouri],[Central Iowa]
[Western Kentucky], [Southern Pennsylvania], [West Virginia]
[Prattville, Alabama], [Dallas, Texas], [Central Texas], [Boulder, Colorado], [Elko, Nevada], [Spokane, Washington]
The locations of this rash of booms were likewise remarkable. Where GodlikeProduction is an international message board, the reports came almost entirely from the locations forming a swath across the center of the continental US. Not Mexico. Not Canada. Just the center where the bowing of the N American continent would place the greatest stress.
* 2013/03/09-03/14: Strange booms reported in eastern U.S. and Mexico; Levittown, New Jersey (Mar 9-10); Warren, New Jersey (Mar 12); Troutville, Virginia (Mar 12); Tiverton, Little Compton, Westport Rhode Island (Mar 13); San Luis Rio Colorado, Mexico (Mar 14)
* 2013/03/13: La. Sinkhole Quakes Occurring! Over 90 in ‘Spasmodic Burst’; Louisiana sinkhole at Bayou Corne; The Louisiana sinkhole at Bayou Corne is now experiencing tremors, and growing. This sinkhole appeared on August 2, 2012 after methane bubbles were sighted on the surface in the months prior. Clearly, the salt domes holding petro for the US reserves were being breached. Petroleum products were detected in the water supply at Bayou Corne, and by December, 2012 were wafting in the air, setting phone and electric poles afire in Texas.
* 2013/03/17: Mysterious Boom Heard Across Southern Illinois Has Residents Puzzled (Mar 17)
* 2013/04/1-04/08: Mystery booms continue to be reported from Virginia to Michigan during the first week in April.
Loud Explosion in Stow Ohio Remains a Mystery (Apr 1) ; Loud Booms in Coldwater Michigan Still A Mystery (Apr 3) ; Loud Noise Heard Across Harrietta Michigan, No Explanation (Apr 7) ; Loud Boom Leaves Staunton Virginia Residents Befuddled (Apr 8)
* 2013/04/03, 04/04: Unexplained Loud Booms in Michigan & Ohio; Loud Booms Addressed at Ohio Town Council Meeting (Apr 3); Mysterious Booms Reported Near Union Lake, Michigan (Apr 4)
* 2013/04/18: Sinkhole 'Burps' and 'Swallows' More Land; Louisiana sinkhole at Bayou Corne; Tremors have been increasingly recorded since March, 2013 and the sinkhole keeps expanding in size, gaining over 3 acres in size within a month.
Note the location of the Louisiana sinkhole in relationship to the New Madrid fault line. Extend the fault line toward the Gulf and you end up in the Bayou Corne! It’s a straight line shot! If the New Madrid is destined to slip slide so that the western side of the Mississippi drops and moves southwest, and the eastern side of the Mississippi shift northeast, then what will happen to the salt dome reserves along the Gulf? They will fracture!
* 2013/04/21: Numerous reports of mystery booms from Texas to Connecticut this week.
Bridge City, Texas (Apr 16); Circleville, Ohio (Apr 17); Saginaw, Michigan (Apr 17); Southern Connecticut (Apr 19); Smithtown, NY (Apr 20)
* 2013/05/02: Michigan Mystery Booms Remain Unexplained (May 2)
* 2013/05/13: Mysterious Booms Heard Across Pennsylvania County Remain Unexplained (May 13)
* 2013/06/22: Alberta Flooding Claims at Least 3 Lives; Flooding is most often attributed to rain, but per the Zetas there are multiple reasons for records being broken during the steadily progressing 7 of 10 plate movements. When the slope or depth of river bottoms is affected, water may be blocked, backed up, or flow more slowly.
ZetaTalk: What is lost in the reports on horrific and record breaking flooding is the role that heaving or shifting ground plays in the inability of water to drain in its accustomed manner. The N American continent is in a bow, the tip of Mexico pulled west while the top part of the continent stays in place. The Aleutian Islands and the tip of Mexico are the ends of the bow. What happens when the land to the east of the Continental Divide is stretched in this manner? Grab the edges of a rumpled blanket and pull it taut and watch the blanket almost rise from the bed. Rivers drain along the lowlands, and when these rise as the land is being stretched, the rivers cannot drain as before.
* 2013/07/19: Waves Recorded at Louisiana Sinkhole Which is now More than 500 Feet (150 meters) Deep; Meanwhile, the sinkhole as Assumption Parish in Louisiana continues to grow, and has even developed waves generated from some activity deep within.
* 2013/08/06: Large Sinkhole Draws Curious to Western Kansas; Kansas is not known for their sinkholes, but as noted in this Pole Shift ning blog, a big one opened up recently in Sharon Springs, in western Kansas. Karst territory indeed.
* 2013/08/20: Neighbors Keep Hearing Mysterious Booms Near Richmond Virginia (Aug 20)
* 2013/08/24: Unexplained Booms Rattle East Coast Residents (Aug 24); Hampton, Virginia
* 2013/08/21: Relentless Bayou Corne Sinkhole Nearly 30 Times Original Size; A year after the largest sinkhole ever documented appeared, the cavity is almost 30 times larger, and containment does not appear to be any closer. The Bayou Corne Sinkhole is currently at least 28 acres in size, and still growing.; This was first covered in this newsletter in Issue 309 on September 2, 2012 and again in Issue 347 on May 26, 2013. On August 21, 2013 the sinkhole ate several large trees in dramatic fashion, all caught on video.
* 2013/09/01: Mysterious Booms in Albany, New York (Sep 1)
* 2013/09/25: Sinking Pier Closes Leo Frigo Bridge Indefinitely; Wisconsin; Now a bridge crossing the Fox River in Green Bay has slumped, some of the footings sinking suddenly. Green Bay is ripping apart, and only the start, per the Zetas.
* 2013/10/08: NSA Data Center Explosion; Salt Lake City, Utah; Massive electrical surges at a data-storage facility for the National Security Agency led to the destruction of hugely expensive machinery and delayed its opening for a year.; The bow stress is also apparent in the odd electrical explosions that the new NSA center south of Salt Lake City have been experiencing. Per the Zetas, the rock stress compresses the rock, allowing electrical screech to be conducted up from the rock.
* 2013/10/17: On October 17, 2013 the ANF earthquake reporting site showed a pattern of minor quakes covering the Eastern half of the US while the heartland was spared. Per the Zetas, this pattern shows the stress on the rock during the N American bow.
ZetaTalk: We have repeatedly described the N American Plate being pulled into a bow, as the plate cannot roll, being flat at the top, yet the Atlantic continues to widen and the Pacific continues to compress during the 7 of 10 plate movements. Those portions of the N American Plate that are most affected by the diagonal pull lie east of the Mississippi, as any bow bends the most at the center and at the periphery of the bow. The portion of the plate lying to the west of the Mississippi has been absorbing the bowing stress silently, like the great karst formation sinkhole in Kansas. Shifting ground will not cause a quake if the ground can separate and does not require rock to rip apart. Of course the San Andreas is rock on rock slip-slide, and results in quakes. This earthquake pattern will not change until the diagonal pull rips along the New Madrid, a series of quakes we have described for the 7 of 10 phase.
* 2013/11/04: Oklahoma Booms Caused by Quakes (Nov 4); When it comes to Oklahoma earthquakes many people say it’s not the shaking but the sound that is unnerving. The Oklahoma Geological Survey says 99 percent of earthquakes in Oklahoma come with a boom, some louder than others.
* 2013/11/13: Strange Sounds In Saskatoon; The bow pulls the Aleutian Islands toward the tip of Mexico, stretching the swath of lakes across northern and eastern Canada. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan has had repeated bouts of this bellowing, which was featured in the Huffington Post recently.
* 2013/11/27: Mysterious Boom Rocks North Country; Some closer to the Canadian border reported seeing a flash of light accompanying the boom.
* 2013/11/28: What was that Mysterious Boom?; Hudson, St-Lazare and towns farther afield were rocked briefly by the sound of an explosion and a flash of blue-green light in the night sky.
* 2013/11/29: Mystery Booms Shake Things up in Stonington; The Saint Lawrence Seaway is also pulling apart, due to this bowing.; Booms and flashes from snapping were recorded simultaneously on either side of the Seaway in November, 2013 from Montreal to New York and into Connecticut.
* 2013/12/01: Three Killed as Freight Train Derails and Falls into New Mexico Ravine; Some of the most vulnerable infrastructure is the miles of rail lines, which can cause a train wreck in an instant by being twisted.; During the month of December, 2013 alone, several wrecks occurred around the US due to the bowing.
* 2013/12/05: Train Derailment Sends Two to the Hospital in Two Harbors, Minnesota
* 2013/12/05: Train Derails in Norfolk, Virginia Causing Traffic to be Re-Routed
* 2013/12/05: Freight Train Derails, Triggers Hazmat Spill next to New Jersey Turnpike
* 2013/12/10: Freight Train Derails West of Tehachapi
* 2013/12/27: Train Derails in McDowell County, Tanker Car Crashes into Elkhorn River
* 2013/12/30: Mile-Long Train Carrying Crude Oil Derails, Explodes in North Dakota
* 2013/12/24: Mysterious booms increasingly being reported across the U.S. since December 24.
Mysterious Boom Rattles Across Corpus Christi, Texas (Dec 28)
Mysterious Booms Heard Across Toronto Canada (Dec 30)
Loud Boom Shakes Homes Across Cranston, Rhode Island (Dec 30)
Loud Boom Heard Near Boulder City Nevada Caused by Earthquake (Dec 30)
* 2014/02/03: Mysterious Noises & Vibrations in Chicago
* 2014/02/13: Loud Howling Noise Heard Across St. Paul Minnesota
* 2014/02/17: Vibrating Gwinnett Co. Homes Mystify Neighbors; Georgia
* 2014/08/24: Northern California M 6.0 quake; A 6.0 quake relieving stress along the San Andres had just occurred in Napa.
* 2014/08/24: Mexico Huge Crack; Mysterious, Giant Half-Mile-Long Crack Splits Ground In Mexico; The crack opened on Aug. 15 and split Mexico’s Highway 36 so that drivers were forced to turn around and find detours.
* 2014/08/24: Hundreds of Methane Plumes Erupting Along East Coast; In between the tips of the bow, the Eastern Coast of the N American Plate is being stretched. Rock layers are being pulled apart, and methane gas is being released.
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