We can see the evidence a lot here in the ning that Sunda plate has been sinking in according the 7 of 10 plate movements stated by Zetas.
Per Zetas, when the bending of the tongue holding Indonesia would have completed, Java and the islands bordering the Banda Sea will find they have lost a full 80 feet in elevation, sinking many coastal cities and small islands out of sight.
A lot of signs of the land sinking around there are observed so far at present, and the sinking of the Sunda Plate and the folding of the Philippine and Mariana plates was approximately 70% complete as of February 2, 2013.
Then, just as a reminder, I compiled ZetaTalk about Sunda plate sinking in the 7 of 10 plate movements.
The areas to be affected by the bending of the tongue holding Indonesia can be classified in four zones according to degree of the elevation loss, as Nancy showed in a map schematically.
(1) Elevation loss
1) Draw a line from the city of Hangzhou directly east, and consider this horizontal line the point of bend. ; ZetaTalk ™ October 16, 2010
2) Draw a line just north of the Malaysia border and over the top of Borneo. ; ZetaTalk ™ October 16, 2010
3) Though the Indo-Australian Plate is sometimes referred to as two separate plates, this plate operates as one and will continue to do so. Where Indonesia at the southern edge will lose approximately 80 feet in elevation, the curve of the Indo-Australian Plate nestling this southern edge of the tongue will not gain that much in elevation. ; ZetaTalk ™ India 7 of 10 Tilt
* 20 feet elevation loss: the southern coast of China, and Hong Kong; ZetaTalk ™ March 19, 2011
* 40 feet elevation loss: Philippines and, the coastline of southern Burma, Tailand, and Cambodia
* 60 feet elevation loss: Malaysia
* 80 feet elevation loss: Singapore, Indonesia; Java and the islands bordering the Banda Sea
(2) Tsunami
1) the southern coastline of China, and Hong Kong: 20 ~ 35 foot tsunami [Original prediction]
* Where we have estimated an eventual elevation loss for the south China coast of 20 feet, their tsunami, which could occur repeatedly during the time required for the sinking of Indonesia to complete, could be as high as 35 feet. ; ZetaTalk ™ December 18, 2010
* The southern coastline of China, and Hong Kong, are estimated to lose 20 feet in elevation, and presumably could expect a 20 foot tsunami. ; ZetaTalk ™ March 19, 2011
2) Philippines: 40 foot tsunami [Original prediction]
* Tsunami will affect the Philippines, to a potential height of 40 feet, so a prompt evacuation to be at least 20 miles inland is necessary. ; ZetaTalk ™ October 16, 2010, ZetaTalk ™ December 18, 2010
* We predicted the possibility of a 40 foot tsunami in the Philippines, which in any case was estimated by us to lose 40 feet in elevation. ; ZetaTalk ™ March 19, 2011
3) The Mentawai Islands and the leading edge of Sumatra and Java: not tsunami but water clashing and boiling
* The Mentawai Islands and the leading edge of Sumatra and Java will not experience tsunami, though the water rushing inland may clash and boil. ; ZetaTalk ™ December 18, 2010
4) Tsunami activity: it will not be greater than our original predictions.
* We predicted the possibility of a 40 foot tsunami in the Philippines, which in any case was estimated by us to lose 40 feet in elevation. The southern coastline of China, and Hong Kong, are estimated to lose 20 feet in elevation, and presumably could expect a 20 foot tsunami. It would be less than that, as the surge would lose momentum and height as it moved north. What is the situation now that plate undulation has slowed the sinking pace? Such tsunami could still occur, as our prediction has been and still is that the sinking will increased in severity and speed as it progresses. The tsunami activity would presumably be less, given that plate undulation now regularly interrupts the process. Given the variety of factors now in play, we declined to be precise in our predictions on tsunami size for the Philippines and the coast of China. Suffice it to say that it will not be greater than our original predictions. ; ZetaTalk ™ March 19, 2011
5) Lack of tsunami during the 7 of 10 sinking of the Sunda Plate
* The effect of the thousands of humming boxes placed along fault lines and plate borders can be seen in several incidents that have occurred since the start of the 7 of 10 plate movements. The lack of tsunami during the 7 of 10 sinking of the Sunda Plate is one such example. We predicted at the start of the 7 of 10 scenarios in late 2010 that the Sunda Plate sinking would occur within 2-3 weeks, yet it dragged on through 2011. At the time we had predicted tsunami on the Sunda Plate, in general equivalent in height to the loss of elevation for a coastline. None of this occurred due to the slower pace. ; ZetaTalk ™ May 19, 2012
(3) Start and State of the elevation drop
1) No predictor
* There is no predictor indicating that the bend and drop are about to happen that we could point to. There are, as we mentioned there would be, indicators of the direction that the plates are being pushed, as Jakarta has been sinking, Pakistan sinking, and the Coral Sea floor rising. We are telling you your coastlines are not safe, and the rest is up to you!
ZetaTalk ™ October 16, 2010
2) The start will be sudden, almost without warning
* As we stated, there would be large quakes when Indonesia sinks but not the major quakes one would expect, not magnitude 8-9. Already there are many periods when quakes line the plate borders, and hammer there. During one such episode, the elevation will start to drop. We have never stated, in our predictions, how fast this would go, just said "suddenly". The start will be sudden, almost without warning, but the progress not swift as in the pole shift hour. It will be a steady sinking, in short bursts, over a 2-3 week period.
Meanwhile, the establishment will try to cover with lots of talk about storm surge, Global Warming, and high tides.
ZetaTalk ™ December 18, 2010
3) There have been delays in the final outcome. Nevertheless, the result in all our 7 of 10 predictions will come about, in their time and in the sequence we have described.
* Being at the 15 week point on April 9, 2011, are we done sinking yet on the plate tongue holding Indonesia? This has not yet completed, though is at the point we anticipated for some regions on Java and Sumatra. The sudden sinking on the neck of the Thailand peninsula, the intractable flooding in Medan in Sumatra, and the clearly permanent flooding in the Lamongan/Rengel region of Java show the pace and result we anticipated. But additional sinking will occur, as these regions are still settling. That the ground is cracking and heaving has also been obvious from news reports, a result of the compression of the essential rubble that composes these large islands along the Indonesian curve. Some regions will sink further, and others, which have heaved, may settle, resulting in a lower elevation.
The primary issue, among those looking for closure on our prediction regarding the sinking of the plate tongue holding Indonesia, is the cities of Jakarta and Singapore. Where they have lost elevation, it is nowhere near the elevation loss we predicted. Both cities have established sea walls, particularly around their airports, but the sinking clearly has not reached the levels we predicted, particularly for Singapore. We predicted that the pace of sinking would accelerate as the process progressed, and this is still a nightmare pending for the region.
The tongue is under pressure pushing it down under the curve as well as crumpling it in an accordion manner from the side. When it slides under the curve, it fans out, relieving the accordion structure the land masses have assumed to accommodate the pressure. It flattens, those parts that have heaved dropping, and it is at this point that those cities anticipated to flood will catch up with other regions. It is the very pressure in the moments prior to the final push of the tongue under the curve that is deceptive, as this allows heaving, the accordion structure to be most extreme. Where there have been delays in the final outcome, geological processes involve thousands of factors, so precision is not always possible. Nevertheless, the result in all our 7 of 10 predictions will come about, in their time and in the sequence we have described.
ZetaTalk ™ April 9, 2011
4) Approximately 70% complete as of February 2, 2013
* Where we are currently waiting for the 7 of 10 plate movements to complete, the stress on the plates is apparent. The sinking of the Sunda Plate and the folding of the Philippine and Mariana plates is approximately 70% complete, but the final moves will occur in conjunction with further progress on the S American roll.
ZetaTalk ™ February 2, 2013
We have spoken previously of the areas to be affected by the bending of the tongue holding Indonesia, but can now give more specifics. Draw a line from the city of Hangzhou directly east, and consider this horizontal line the point of bend. This does not mean that points north can rest easy, as when the tongue bends down water from various sides will rush in to fill the void, and these waters will have a rebound in the form of tsunami which can race northward at a height of 20-30 feet. The southern coast of China was likewise warned that they could experience loss of elevation. How much will their coastline drop, that they needed this warning from the Hangzhou UFO? This coastline, in general, can anticipate losing 20 feet in elevation, which will likewise afflict Taiwan though Taiwan is high land and will not be as devastated.
Thought the tipping of the Philippine Plate at first gives the islands of the Philippines some relief, as the subduction of the plate is pushing under them, as the bending of the tongue holding Indonesia progresses, they too find an astonishing loss of sea level. However, other than some small islands and the direct coastline, little of the Philippines will be affected by this rise in sea level, and safety can be gained if the coastal residents head for the hills at the first sign of sinking. Tsunami will affect the Philippines, to a potential height of 40 feet, so a prompt evacuation to be at least 20 miles inland is necessary. If the coast of southern China will lose 20 feet in elevation, the Philippines will ultimately lose twice that much, to a total loss of 40 feet in elevation. Due to the tilting of the Indo-Australia Plate, Bangladesh gains temporary relief from the steady sinking it has experienced the past few years. And the tsunami likely to race northward will not come their way because the waters from the Bay of Bengal will be rushing into the South China Sea, and there clashing to push north. If the loss of 40 feet in elevation is not devastating to the Philippines, it is to the coastline of southern Burma, Tailand, and Cambodia, which have vast areas that will suddenly and permanently be flooded.
It is the southern tip of the tongue which is utterly devastated. Draw a line just north of the Malaysia border and over the top of Borneo. The land on the tongue from this point south will double its elevation loss, so that Java and the islands bordering the Banda Sea will find they have lost a full 80 feet in elevation, sinking many coastal cities and small islands out of sight. Singapore will be awash, its streets hopelessly inundated. Vast areas of the northern coastline of Sumatra and the southern coastline of Borneo will likewise be inundated. And if having the sea rush in were not horrific enough, the sudden drop in elevation will bring with it water from the Indian Ocean and the Philippine Sea which will create turmoil, unpredictable waves that clash and boil. There is no predictor indicating that the bend and drop are about to happen that we could point to. There are, as we mentioned there would be, indicators of the direction that the plates are being pushed, as Jakarta has been sinking, Pakistan sinking, and the Coral Sea floor rising. We are telling you your coastlines are not safe, and the rest is up to you!
ZetaTalk ™ October 16, 2010
Though the Indo-Australian Plate is sometimes referred to as two separate plates, this plate operates as one and will continue to do so. Where Indonesia at the southern edge will lose approximately 80 feet in elevation, the curve of the Indo-Australian Plate nestling this southern edge of the tongue will not gain that much in elevation. Bangladesh will find some of its recently submerged islands suddenly reappearing, and the tides will not roll inland as far as formerly. Overall, perhaps a 15 foot gain in elevation, though this is short term as the continent of India will continue to submerge as time marches on toward the pole shift. What occurs in the pushing down of the tongue holding Indonesia is a drama occurring under the water, in the main. One can see from elevation or relief maps that the submerged land to the south of Sumatra and Java are not under deep, but under relatively shallow water. We have described Sumatra and Java as land formed by the scraping of the tongue holding Indonesia, and pushed back along the tongue holding Indonesia by the edge of the Indo-Australian Plate. This will again occur, but as the tongue overall is pushed down, the scrapings will not produce new mountain ranges above the waves but only jumble under the waves. The western edge of India, where the Indus River region in Pakistan is sinking, will likewise not experience that much loss of elevation, commensurate with the eastern edge of India, perhaps a 10 foot drop. What is occurring in India is not where the 7 of 10 action will be focused, at least not in the public eye.
ZetaTalk ™
Tsunami and eventual sea level loss are not the same thing, although we have predicted a potential tsunami for the Philippines of 40 feet, and this is our estimate for their eventual elevation loss also. The Mentawai Islands and the leading edge of Sumatra and Java will not experience tsunami, though the water rushing inland may clash and boil. If you place a plate in a bathtub, and push it gently down, water will come from all directions onto the plate, but a tsunami wave is not generated. We have stated that a tsunami during the sinking of Indonesia will race north. There will be a clash of this water pouring in from the Bay of Bengal into the South China Sea, which will go in the direction of least resistance. Since the water is coming from the Bay of Bengal, pouring over the lowering plate, it will not push back against this flow. Water from the Pacific will have poured into the South China Sea as it is lowered.
Where is the clash point? Push that plate in the bathtub again, this time tilting one side. The bathwater pours in strongly into the down side, and when water from the other sides pours in, there is a clash and boil in the center, a rebound toward the upside of the plate which has less elevation loss. This is the South China Sea which will have water coming in primarily from the Pacific, which is not blocked by island chains as is the Bay of Bengal. This water will pull in between the Philippines and Borneo, through the Philippines, and clash with water coming from other directions. In such a case, there is a rebound, toward the north, thus a tsunami toward the China coast. Where we have estimated an eventual elevation loss for the south China coast of 20 feet, their tsunami, which could occur repeatedly during the time required for the sinking of Indonesia to complete, could be as high as 35 feet.
ZetaTalk ™ December 18, 2010
The 7 of 10 will unfold but not as expected by many. It will not be a dramatic announcement on the news, as the establishment is ready for this, due to the extensive discussions. This is why Mary the psychic stated that after the first of the year Nancy would be held in greater regard and given credit. As we stated, there would be large quakes when Indonesia sinks but not the major quakes one would expect, not magnitude 8-9. Already there are many periods when quakes line the plate borders, and hammer there. During one such episode, the elevation will start to drop. We have never stated, in our predictions, how fast this would go, just said "suddenly". The start will be sudden, almost without warning, but the progress not swift as in the pole shift hour. It will be a steady sinking, in short bursts, over a 2-3 week period. S America will be right behind Indonesia in this regard, starting its roll. This will start slowly at first, the trend already noted, but the quakes starting to pick up as Indonesia sinks. Thus it will not be before the early part of 2011 before the full impact of the prediction accuracy is noted by the world. Meanwhile, the establishment will try to cover with lots of talk about storm surge, Global Warming, and high tides.
ZetaTalk ™ December 18, 2010
We did predict, in our 7 of 10 predictions for the sinking of the plate tongue holding Indonesia, that tsunami would rush against the Philippine Islands and the southern coastline of China. This was predicated on the assumption that sinking would start and continue unabated, completing in 2-3 weeks. In that scenario, a void would be created in the South China Sea, pulling water in from the Bay of Bengal as Sumatra and Thailand and Malaysia sank. This would clash with water pouring in from the Pacific, and rebound northward. These waters would not rebound to the south, as water would also be pouring in from the direction of Australia, around the sinking island of Java.
We predicted the possibility of a 40 foot tsunami in the Philippines, which in any case was estimated by us to lose 40 feet in elevation. The southern coastline of China, and Hong Kong, are estimated to lose 20 feet in elevation, and presumably could expect a 20 foot tsunami. It would be less than that, as the surge would lose momentum and height as it moved north. What is the situation now that plate undulation has slowed the sinking pace? Such tsunami could still occur, as our prediction has been and still is that the sinking will increased in severity and speed as it progresses. The tsunami activity would presumably be less, given that plate undulation now regularly interrupts the process. Given the variety of factors now in play, we declined to be precise in our predictions on tsunami size for the Philippines and the coast of China. Suffice it to say that it will not be greater than our original predictions.
ZetaTalk ™ March 19, 2011
Being at the 15 week point on April 9, 2011, are we done sinking yet on the plate tongue holding Indonesia? This has not yet completed, though is at the point we anticipated for some regions on Java and Sumatra. The sudden sinking on the neck of the Thailand peninsula, the intractable flooding in Medan in Sumatra, and the clearly permanent flooding in the Lamongan/Rengel region of Java show the pace and result we anticipated. But additional sinking will occur, as these regions are still settling. That the ground is cracking and heaving has also been obvious from news reports, a result of the compression of the essential rubble that composes these large islands along the Indonesian curve. Some regions will sink further, and others, which have heaved, may settle, resulting in a lower elevation.
The primary issue, among those looking for closure on our prediction regarding the sinking of the plate tongue holding Indonesia, is the cities of Jakarta and Singapore. Where they have lost elevation, it is nowhere near the elevation loss we predicted. Both cities have established sea walls, particularly around their airports, but the sinking clearly has not reached the levels we predicted, particularly for Singapore. We predicted that the pace of sinking would accelerate as the process progressed, and this is still a nightmare pending for the region.
The tongue is under pressure pushing it down under the curve as well as crumpling it in an accordion manner from the side. When it slides under the curve, it fans out, relieving the accordion structure the land masses have assumed to accommodate the pressure. It flattens, those parts that have heaved dropping, and it is at this point that those cities anticipated to flood will catch up with other regions. It is the very pressure in the moments prior to the final push of the tongue under the curve that is deceptive, as this allows heaving, the accordion structure to be most extreme. Where there have been delays in the final outcome, geological processes involve thousands of factors, so precision is not always possible. Nevertheless, the result in all our 7 of 10 predictions will come about, in their time and in the sequence we have described.
ZetaTalk ™ April 9, 2011
Where Bangkok is certainly low land, so low in elevation that it would be under water with a mere 10 foot rise in sea level, there are many regions in SE Asia just as low who are not experiencing flooding. If Thailand's flooding were due to rain from a tropical depression, then why are all the neighboring countries with a similar elevation not flooded too? Vietnam south of Ho Chi Minh is far more vulnerable, and for a broader area, yet is not in such distress. Note the mountainous regions to the east and west of the valley in central Thailand. We have mentioned that when a plate tilts, rising one side and sinking on the other, that this plate may bend where the plate is thin. This is happening to some degree in the Coral Sea off the east coast of Australia, where the bending plate causes an uneven rise there beneath the buoys. It is also true that thin places on a plate can give rise to buckling when that plate is under compression, being squeezed. The tongue holding Indonesia is certainly under such a squeeze. As the tongue is pushed together, the eastern portion pushed toward the west, the valley in central Thailand is buckling, being pushed down. Simultaneously, a new seemingly volcanic island appeared between eastern Java and Bali, where the tongue is under pressure as it is being pushed down under the curve of the Indo-Australian Plate. Where this is causing extensive volcanic activity in Sumatra and Java, it is also finding weak places in the plate holding Indonesia, which can buckle in such a manner as to rise. The new island is indeed volcanic in origin, having been formed years ago under the sea, but is no longer an active volcano. Thus, rising land, due to buckling, is the only explanation.
ZetaTalk ™
As we explained when the sinking of the plate tongue holding Indonesia proceeded more slowly than we originally anticipated, when plate undulation set in, this has momentum and thus sinking only occurs at certain points. When the curve of the Indo-Australian Plate curling under Sumatra and Java lifts, during this undulation and tipping, the sliding of the tongue under this curve picks up speed, but when the curve drops, friction is increased and this slows again. Nevertheless, sinking has been proceeding apace. This is unlikely to change, due as we stated to momentum, which tends to continue. At some point, the depths of sinking we have predicted will be reached. At some point, the excuses offered by the establishment - rain and high tides - will no longer be given any credence by the public. The airports of Jakarta and Singapore will be under water. These cities will find water in their streets such that only boats, not cars, can be used. The failure of these waters to drain or recede will be obvious to all, and the international media will be forced to address the issue. For those hoping for fast action, a sudden sinking that would almost immediately shock the world so that they could convince family and friends of the validity of our message, this is merely a delay. It does however afford those in Indonesia more time to adjust to the situation, and this is all to the good.
ZetaTalk ™ February 26, 2011
Though the Indo-Australian Plate is sometimes referred to as two separate plates, this plate operates as one and will continue to do so. Where Indonesia at the southern edge will lose approximately 80 feet in elevation, the curve of the Indo-Australian Plate nestling this southern edge of the tongue will not gain that much in elevation. Bangladesh will find some of its recently submerged islands suddenly reappearing, and the tides will not roll inland as far as formerly. Overall, perhaps a 15 foot gain in elevation, though this is short term as the continent of India will continue to submerge as time marches on toward the pole shift. What occurs in the pushing down of the tongue holding Indonesia is a drama occurring under the water, in the main.
One can see from elevation or relief maps that the submerged land to the south of Sumatra and Java are not under deep, but under relatively shallow water. We have described Sumatra and Java as land formed by the scraping of the tongue holding Indonesia, and pushed back along the tongue holding Indonesia by the edge of the Indo-Australian Plate. This will again occur, but as the tongue overall is pushed down, the scrapings will not produce new mountain ranges above the waves but only jumble under the waves. The western edge of India, where the Indus River region in Pakistan is sinking, will likewise not experience that much loss of elevation, commensurate with the eastern edge of India, perhaps a 10 foot drop. What is occurring in India is not where the 7 of 10 action will be focused, at least not in the public eye.
We have predicted that the western edge of India will only lose 10 feet of elevation during the 7 of 10, and given the degree of flooding that Pakistan is already experiencing, Karachi has already experienced some of this elevation loss. The flooding in Pakistan, however, is afflicting the Indus River valley to the east of Karachi at this time, on that portion of Pakistan lying on the plate holding India. When the tongue holding Indonesia drops, Karachi will experience great quakes and crumbling, but overall this city will not sink.
ZetaTalk ™
The effect of the thousands of humming boxes placed along fault lines and plate borders can be seen in several incidents that have occurred since the start of the 7 of 10 plate movements. The lack of tsunami during the 7 of 10 sinking of the Sunda Plate is one such example. We predicted at the start of the 7 of 10 scenarios in late 2010 that the Sunda Plate sinking would occur within 2-3 weeks, yet it dragged on through 2011. At the time we had predicted tsunami on the Sunda Plate, in general equivalent in height to the loss of elevation for a coastline. None of this occurred due to the slower pace.
The pace of mountain building in S America, where slowed, has still resulted in rumpling up and down the Andes, and stretch zone accidents likewise in lands to the east of the Andes. The shape of S America has clearly changed. Will the islands in the Caribbean be spared? At some point, as with the magnitude 7.9 quake in Acapulco on March 2, 2012 a significant adjustment will need to occur, and this will include depressing the Caribbean Plate so it tilts, sinking the islands and lands on that portion of the plate to the degree predicted. But the S American roll will likely continue to avoid the magnitude 8 quakes we originally predicted in deference to slow rumpling mountain building. The African roll was anticipated to be a silent roll in any case, so the slowed pace would not affect the outcome.
Will the slowed pace prevent the 7 of 10 scenarios for the Northern Hemisphere? Bowing of the N American continent has reached the point of pain, with breaking rock booming from coast to coast, but still there have been no significant quakes in the New Madrid area. Yet this is past due, and cannot be held back indefinitely. What has and will continue to occur for the Northern Hemisphere scenarios are silent quakes for Japan, which has already experienced drastic subduction under the north island of Hokkaido where mountain building is occurring as a rumple rather than a jolt. However, the anticipated New Madrid adjustment cannot be achieved without trauma. But this could potentially occur in steps and stages such that any European tsunami would be significantly lessened.
ZetaTalk ™ May 19, 2012
ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for February 2, 2013
The Zeta have previously revealed to Humankind that the Council of Worlds had decided to allow mitigation, using means such as “humming boxes”, and likely other measures, undisclosed, of the severity of the Earth changes which would otherwise have been elicited in this planet, as symptoms of 7-of-10 plate movement, sans that benevolent ET intervention authorized by the CoW. Said mitigation allowed so that the Common Man is more able to make spiritual choices etc. ZT also relayed that the overall timeline, leading up to the Pole Shift, will not change. http://www.zetatalk.com/7of10/7of10108.htm There have been periodic updates from the Z, keeping fans in the loop, though things really do seem to have picked up in recent times. Many feel a change is in the air. Is there any more the Zeta would care, or are permitted, to reveal to inquisitive and anxious fans, and others, regarding this? Perchance another update? Given the recent uptick in volcanism, plate-movement effects such as sinkholes and huge cracks etc, EQ’s, ocean buoy events reporting anomalous rising or dropping of the water-column etc etc, also Wobble effects such as wild swinging and apparent blending of weather conditions worldwide, including unprecedented hurricane and cyclone behavior, the list goes on. Not to mention increased visibility of the PX corpus itself, and company. Evidence also periodically surfacing of a looming Venus and DT, vital clues to the approaching 8. http://zetatalk.com/ning/01de2012.htm Can we anticipate a sudden move to an 8 of 10, the 7 seemingly skipped, so to speak, i.e., are we close to an 8-of-10?
We stated two years ago that the 7 of 10 and 8 of 10 would overlap, due to the delays in arranging an announcement by Obama that Nibiru, aka Planet X was indeed in the vicinity and causing the current Earth changes, the earthquakes and volcanic uptick, the Earth wobble, and eventually the approaching passage. We stated that those aspects of the 7 of 10 that would result from rapid plate movements – specifically the European tsunami – would be mitigated to occur more slowly. The European tsunami is a factor of a rip in the North Atlantic Rift, and when occurring slowly would result in less water rebounding, and a smaller tsunami height as a consequence. But beyond this, how has, and how will the mitigated 7 of 10 plate movements affected the other scenarios?
We stated that the 7 of 10 plate movements would complete before the 8 of 10 scenarios would flower fully, and that the 8 of 10 is a long and oppressive phase, not over quickly within months. During the 8 of 10, mankind will be aware of the pending passage, whether there is an announcement by NASA and Obama or not. We have described an increased visibility of Planet X, aka Nibiru and its components during the 8 of 10. But has this not already arrived to some degree? One can scarcely go on YouTube without being flooded by videos of Nibiru, aka Planet X and its Moon Swirls. For the 8 of 10, as it progresses, Planet X will be positioned more to the right in the line of sight, so that sunlight will bounce off the dust cloud clinging to and thus shrouding Planet X, supporting dramatic Second Sun sightings on a daily basis, worldwide.
During the 8 of 10, the Earth wobble will become so extreme, on a daily basis, that none can deny it. The wobble has already reached the point where it has pushed the weather into drought and deluge, severe storms and high winds, and temperature swings. The Global Warming excuse has failed to cover this, and the populace seeks an answer which only an admission on the near presence of Planet X can provide. But the wobble has not yet reached the point it will during the 8 of 10, when the Sun will be so out of place that none can deny it. Nor has a continuous blending of the seasons occurred as yet, though such blending is already occurring briefly and sporadically on occasion.
We stated that during the Last Weeks, Venus and the Dark Twin would escape the cup, allowing Planet X and the Earth to engage in their final wrestling moves. But what will occur prior to this point? Already Venus and the Dark Twin loom close on occasion, appearing as the monster persona with ballooning light rays and puzzling those who see this. These instances will increase, added to the certainly that Planet X, aka Nibiru, is indeed nearby. NASA will throw a frantic public onto Nancy and ourselves to explain the Repulsion Force when their explanations on planetary body motions fail. How do they know that Venus and the Dark Twin won’t crash into the Earth? Because the Zetas say so, will be their implicit answer.
Where we are currently waiting for the 7 of 10 plate movements to complete, the stress on the plates is apparent. The sinking of the Sunda Plate and the folding of the Philippine and Mariana plates is approximately 70% complete, but the final moves will occur in conjunction with further progress on the S American roll. Though the cover-up has found it necessary to kill almost all the buoys on the Nazca and Cocos plates, the S American roll has barely begun, perhaps 13% of the overall changes expected. And the African roll is barely twitching, at present, perhaps 5% into the process. The chaos that has already been experienced is thus only a hint of what is to come. The N American continent is under tension so great that the Salt Dome caverns along the Gulf are fracturing, but the changes here likewise have not truly started. The US will be devastated, even with the New Madrid adjustment stretched out and moving slowly.
If these 7 of 10 plate movements are devastating, what will occur after these have completed, during the 8 of 10? We have at most hinted at what will occur, holding further descriptions hostage as we are looking for cooperation from the Puppet Master on media coverage for Nancy and our message, as we have stated so many times. We also feel the populace is not ready to contemplate our descriptions until they are aware of the big picture, and seriously listening to our words. Continuous plate movement in some areas will occur, along with a changed relationship of the continents to one another. The predicted explosions in Iraq as the oil fields are ruptured will also only occur during the 8 of 10 phase.
But the major 8 of 10 scenarios will be sociological, with riots and rebellion on the increase as food shortages increase and people realize the impact the Pole Shift will have on their lives. Families will be ripped apart by argument as those in denial refuse to budge and those determined to survive set their plans. Migration of desperate peoples affecting every country in some way will occur in the extreme, dominating the UN agenda and slamming borders shut. There is room on the planet to shelter all, though most may starve eventually due to food shortages. All this is the spiritual opportunity provided by the time of the passage, on Planet Earth.
* Schema of "Analysis of Indonesia Sinking - new ZT" [Posted on March 24, 2011]
* Sunda Plate sinking is almost complete! The evidence is here. [Posted on March 12, 2012]
* Analysis of Indonesia Sinking - new ZT! [Posted on March 21, 2011]
* 7 of 10 SINKING & Bending of North America; U.S. & Canada: ... [Posted on May 28, 2012]
* Indo-Australian Plate is steadily tilting! The evidence is here. [Posted on June 17, 2012]
Troubled Times: Jakarta
Jakarta itself is extreme lowland, barely above sea level, but mountains range behind it. Your instincts to move to the edge of the city, particularly close to any mountains, is well founded thus. Bear in mind that your island, Java, will be subject to pulling down as the tongue of the Eurasian Plate dives under the Indo-Australian Plate. Flooding of Jakarta will begin, and likely drive you out of the city, which in the scheme of things is not such a bad thing.
* Flood Map : Water Level Elevation Map (Beta): http://www.floodmap.net/
* HeyWhatsThat Path Profiler: http://www.heywhatsthat.com/profiler.html
Troubled Times: Singapore
Singapore is unfortunately located from several standpoints, and will suffer both during the pole shift and during the years after the pole shift. Being on low land and along a coast, with the potential of tidal waves from almost all sides due to its prominent location on the tip of a peninsula, it will surely be wracked by high tides which will wash most of the city away. Any survivors will find themselves in near-freezing temperatures, as the pole shift will place them closer to the new South Pole than the equator. The land will then be subject to inundation during polar melt, with the only escape route along an increasingly narrow peninsula.
* Flood Map : Water Level Elevation Map (Beta): http://www.floodmap.net/
* HeyWhatsThat Path Profiler: http://www.heywhatsthat.com/profiler.html
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