Can Zeta comment /answer? It seems that Trump want to EMP proof USA and not only. ...he is defining terms : “Critical infrastructure”“National Critical Functions”  “National Essential Functions”  We can say that USA start to move in the direction of Preparedness for the Event? Trump is giving short terms to implement different action 90 days 180 days 1 year! He is on rush to recover ground and steer the country and bring AWARENESS to People? It seems that he want to share the Info with the People and get ready the population! Now that the balance is leaning toward good. Base on factors that Zeta know, we can have some regions of Earth (countrys) with leadership that will share the awareness open before the Shift? Zeta mention that one of goals was Aliens awareness and Nibiru on Mainstream - we are on track for that? [and from another] The Federal Government must foster sustainable, efficient, and cost-effective approaches to improving the Nation’s resilience to the effects of EMPs. A geomagnetic disturbance (GMD) is a type of natural EMP driven by a temporary disturbance of Earth’s magnetic field resulting from interactions with solar eruptions. … The Secretary of Defense shall ... provide timely operational observations, analyses, forecasts, and other products for naturally occurring EMPs. [and from another] Within 90 days of the date of this order, the Secretary of Homeland Security, … Within 1 year of the identification … Within 180 days of the identification … Within 180 days of identifying the gaps … Within 1 year of the date of this order … Within 4 years of the date of this order … Within 1 year of the date of this order, and every 2 years thereafter, the Secretary of Homeland Security, in coordination with the Secretaries of Defense and Energy … Within 180 days of the completion of the activities … Within 1 year of the date of this order, the Secretary of Homeland Security … Within 90 days of completing the actions … Within 180 days of the completion of the actions … Within 180 days of completing the pilot test … Within 180 days of the date of this order, the Secretary of Homeland Security, through the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency … Within 180 days of the completion of actions … Within 180 days of identifying vulnerable priority critical infrastructure systems, networks, and assets … [and from another] President Trump has signed an executive order (EO) to boost coordination for and national resilience against electromagnetic pulse (EMP) threats—both from nuclear warfare and natural events like solar superstorms. Agencies that will need to coordinate under the EO include the Departments of State, Defense, Interior, Commerce, Energy, Homeland Security, and Director of National Intelligence. 

EMP from Nibiru has been bringing down planes since 2009 when AF 447 went into the Atlantic with total electrical failure, as documented by its ACARS messages. To protect the airline industries, human society went on as though this could be ignored. More planes went down, killing passengers by the hundreds, while corporate profit prevented the public from learning the truth. By October, 2018 even the stealth bomber had to quickly glide to Earth due to an EMP attack. Why has this issue just become an emergency? Why now?

During just this past month of March, Nancy’s newsletters have reported on the Lomonosov explosions caused by the petrol in the tail of Nibiru hitting the edge of the upper atmosphere, the Boeing 737 Max 8s being grounded worldwide due to an EMP vulnerability in its sensors, and an unexpected bolide explosion equivalent to 10 Hiroshima bombs over the Bering Straits. Where President Trump and his Junta are not yet ready to inform the US public about the approach of Nibiru, they anticipate this will be undeniable by 2021. Thus the tight timeline for EMP defense.

Source:ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for March 31, 2019

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Comment by M. Difato on May 3, 2020 at 3:53am

President Trump Signs Executive Order Securing the United States Bulk-Power System

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, President Donald J. Trump signed an Executive Order, Securing the United States Bulk-Power System. The Executive Order authorizes U.S. Secretary of Energy Dan Brouillette to work with the Cabinet and energy industry to secure America’s Bulk-Power System.

“Today, President Trump demonstrated bold leadership to protect America’s bulk-power system and ensure the safety and prosperity of all Americans,” said Secretary Brouillette. “It is imperative the bulk-power system be secured against exploitation and attacks by foreign threats.  This Executive Order will greatly diminish the ability of foreign adversaries to target our critical electric infrastructure.”

The bulk-power system (BPS) is vital to the Nation’s energy security, supporting national defense, emergency services, critical infrastructure, and the economy. Each year the Federal government spends millions of dollars on a wide range of BPS components. Current government procurement rules often result in contracts being awarded to the lowest-cost bids, a vulnerability that can be exploited by those with malicious intent.   

Today’s Executive Order prohibits Federal agencies and U.S. persons from acquiring, transferring, or installing BPS equipment in which any foreign country or foreign national has any interest and the transaction poses an unacceptable risk to national security or the security and safety of American citizens. Evolving threats facing our critical infrastructure have only served to highlight the supply chain risks faced by all sectors, including energy, and the need to ensure the availability of secure components from American companies and other trusted sources.   

Accordingly, under this Executive Order, the Secretary of Energy is authorized to do the following:

  • Establish and publish criteria for recognizing particular equipment and vendors as “pre-qualified” (pre-qualified vendor list).
  • Identify any now-prohibited equipment already in use, allowing the government to develop strategies and work with asset owners to identify, isolate, monitor, and replace this equipment as appropriate.
  • Work closely with the Departments of Commerce, Defense, Homeland Security, Interior; the Director of National Intelligence; and other appropriate Federal agencies to carry out the authorities and responsibilities outlined in the Executive Order.   

Additionally, a Task Force led by Secretary Brouillette will develop energy infrastructure procurement policies to ensure national security considerations are fully integrated into government energy security and cybersecurity policymaking. The Task Force will consult with the energy industry through the Electricity and Oil and Natural Gas Subsector Coordinating Councils to further its efforts on securing the BPS.


Executive Order on Securing the United States Bulk-Power System

Comment by Scott on April 12, 2019 at 4:24am

On April 10, 2019, President Trump signed an Executive Order on Promoting Energy Infrastructure and Economic Growth.

The executive order states:
Enhancing our Nation’s energy infrastructure, including facilities for the transmission, distribution, storage, and processing of energy resources, will ensure that our Nation’s vast reserves of these resources can reach vital markets. Doing so will also help families and businesses in States with energy constraints to access affordable and reliable domestic energy resources. By promoting the development of new energy infrastructure, the United States will make energy more affordable, while safeguarding the environment and advancing our Nation’s economic and geopolitical advantages.

ZetaTalk February 28, 2019 states:
"Trump is faced with the same conundrum. Due to his battles with the Deep State and resentful Democrats, he would immediately be called insane and impeached if he tried to announce Nibiru. Thus Trump and his Junta must work covertly to protect their country."
"The ability of each country to sustain itself is paramount, and this includes rebuilding the US Steel industry. Priorities are a strong and skilled workforce, not any sensibilities offended by a return to Coal or development of the Keystone Pipeline."

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