About demography. Can the Zetas add something if needed? [and from another] Elon Musk says there Aren't 'Enough People,' Birthrate could Threaten Human Civilization December 7, 2021 https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/business/2021/12/07/elon-musk-... "I think one of the biggest risks to civilization is the low birth rate and the rapidly declining birthrate," Musk said at the Wall Street Journal's annual CEO Council. [and from another] China's Birthrate just Hit another Record Low. But the Worst is Yet to Come December 2, 2021 https://edition.cnn.com/2021/12/01/china/china-birthrate-2020-mic-i... China's fertility rate stood at just 1.3 last year -- among the lowest in the world and even lower than 1.34 in Japan. But China's GDP per capita is only one fourth of Japan's. "If you look at big cities in China, like Shanghai and Beijing, their fertility rate is already the lowest in the world -- at about 0.7." [and from another] In a First, India's Fertility Rate Falls Below Replacement Level November 26, 2021 https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/india-fertilitaty-rate-declin...Replacement level is the level of fertility at which a population replaces itself exactly from one generation to the next. According to the United Nations (UN), in countries with a Total Fertility Rate lower than 2.1, a generation is not producing enough children to replace itself. Such a situation results in an outright reduction in the population of that country.
The population explosion began at the start of the Industrial Revolution 200 years ago. Human society had progressed from an agrarian society where 95% of the population needed to be working the farms in order to feed the populace. Mechanized farming and food distribution began. This freed human resources for advances in other fields such as medicine. The result was less infant mortality and longer lives. Culturally, large families had been desired so the farms could be worked or for a survivor to care for the parents in their old age. Thus, all factors pressed toward a population explosion.
Birth control is used most extensively in developed countries, but when each couple has two children the explosion still continued. Thus, China's one child policy. Now that starvation looms worldwide, how to feed all those mouths? One after another in country after country the birth rate has dropped below zero because potential parents do not see the world as a good place for their offspring. In 2019 Canada, Japan, and Chile had a negative birth rate, and now the USA, Russia, and even India are joining those ranks. The establishment considers this a bad thing, but is it?
We have long stated that the years leading into the Pole Shift and the Aftertime should not be a time of child bearing. Lack of medical services and starvation alone would advise against it. Potential parents should have themselves sterilized. Children that make it through will be the parents of the future. Why then is Musk advising a return to the population explosion? Musk is the founder of Space X, Tesla, The Boring Company, and Neuralink and is still claiming that man will colonize Mars. Musk is known for his enthusiasm and futuristic vision.
Musk is vying for funds from that portion of the populace that will cling to the hope that his view of the future is correct. Where we the Zetas have described the broken link scenario, where a missing part or component in the supply chain can doom mankind's infrastructure, Musk is claiming that mankind will prevail and the future under his direction will be rosy. Given the die-off that will occur soon during the Pole Shift, he and others among the elite feel they need a large population that can withstand the decimation. This benefits the elite while mankind would suffer.
Source: ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for December 31, 2021
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