Per the Zetas sequence during the 7 of 10, when S America rolls, almost in step with the folding Pacific, it (5) tears the Atlantic Rift on the southern side. This allows (6) Africa freedom to move and it rolls too, (7) dropping the Mediterranean floor above Algeria.
Africa Roll is occuring NOW, and has been occurring since well before Christmas of 2010 when suddenly earthquakes began around Gulf of Aden/Djibouti - followed up later by the eruption of extinct Volcano, NABRO.
Africa,like the SouthAmerican continent, has begun to roll. This is first in the series:Indonesia’s drop, then S America’s roll, then Africa’s roll. Keep in mind these are just orientation pointers, the real thing is still on the back burner!
ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for October 16, 2010
The roll of Africa, as we have described, will be more of a twist in place, so that the southern tip of the African Plate shifts somewhat to the west, toward the void opened up by the spreading Atlantic Rift, while the plate overall drops enough that having the top part shift to the east does not do damage along the plate boundaries. The Straits of Gibraltar will open an additional 125 miles and the northern point at Morocco will move 50 miles further east. All points around the northern border of Africa will move commensurately. S Africa will find itself similarly 125 miles further south, and westward by about 35 miles.
ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for October 16, 2010
The fact that the African Plate, during previous rolls, created mountain building can be seen on a relief map. Morocco and Algeria have mountains due to the rolling in the past. One can see in the mountains of Spain and Italy and the Balcans and Turkey that this was the case there, too, in the past. The Alps themselves were built during previous African rolls. But this time the African Plate will drop away significantly, slipping to the south during the roll. This movement is possible because as the South Atlantic Rift tears open, there is room for the tip of Africa to slid into that void, thus dropping the entire African Plate as it rolls. The African Plate not only moves to the south during this process, it also further to the west, although the southern portion of Africa moves more in this direction more than the parts abutting the Mediterranean.
That said, why would the floor of the Mediterranean just above Algeria be more vulnerable than other areas during this roll? The border of the African Plate slices across northern Algeria, and thus when the plate rolls and drops, the Mediterranean floor there will suddenly find itself unsupported. Where the land mass housing Morocco and Algeria will not lose elevation, in the main, retaining its floatation strength to ride on the magma beneath, the floor of the Mediterranean is of a different composition. It will sink there, unsupported on the African side where the plates will pull apart. The Mediterranean coastline of Algeria will then find more than tsunami worries as they will have a loss of elevation by 12 feet or more. Their coastline is not part of the African Plate. What sinks and what continues to float on the magma beneath is a factor of the rock density, and the floor of the Mediterranean above Algeria has only been floating as it has due to the connection with the African Plate. Elsewhere, where the Mediterranean floor spreads during the roll, the floor is either too deep for a change to be noticed or at a distance from the plate border.
Tsunami will not occur to any ostensible degree because there is a void being created, where the waters will rush. However, turmoil and wave action can be anticipated. The shifting of the African Plate will also not incite any mountain building in Italy or the Balcans or Turkey, as the northern edge of the African Plate is not the solid, jutting line through the center of the Mediterranean that mankind assumes. The sea is deep there, to the south of Italy and the Balcans and Greece, and for good reason. This part of the great plates has fractured in the past, so that many fault lines lie under the surface, unknown to man until dramatic plate movements begin. The roll of the African Plate during the 7 of 10 scenarios thus spares all but the Mediterranean floor above Algeria! The roll will incite the Arabian Plate to roll also, to some degree, as across from Egypt there will be pressure, but further down the Red Sea there will be a tearing apart, inviting the Arabian Plate to migrate in this direction. However, this is not the disaster we have predicted for Iraq, not yet. Nor will the Afar Triangle, the African Rift Valley, experience changes all that dramatic during this roll.
More TRENDS of African Roll :
Written November 20, 2010 in Detailed Information
2010.11.14 around Yemen has occurred 49 (!!!) earthquakes for 24 hours. It specifies in the beginning a tearing of the south Atlantic Rift allowing Africa to roll and the floor of the Mediterranean to drop. Zetas have told that the first will occur a tipping Indo-Australia Plate with Indonesia sinking and as have told that it happens til the end of 2010 and error possibility is excluded. Truly? Zetas spoke that before movement of platforms stronger and frequent earthquakes will be observed. Why in Indonesia doesn't occur similar (as in Yemen)? Till the end of 2010 remains a little more than month. And signs in Indonesia possibly already should be shown. Or has probably begun 7 of 10 will be sudden, without what or signs?
Africa has begun to roll. Just as in July, when Pakistan sank approximately 10 feet in elevation, indicating the plate holding India was tilting, this does not mean the big 7 of 10 prediction is occurring in Indonesia. Jakarta began to sink in September, and again, this does not mean the big 7 of 10 for Indonesia is happening, nor did the many volcanoes erupting in Sumatra and Java in October signify the 7 of 10 had occurred. Towns along the coastline in Columbia began crumbing and sinking, and villages on the N Andes fault line in Colombia and Ecuador were clearly mountain building in late October, and all this following oil rig eruptions in rigs in Trinidad and Tobago and the island of Bonaire in the Caribbean. But all of this did not indicate the 7 of 10 roll for S America had occurred. We stated the sequence of events would be Indonesia's drop, then S America's roll, then Africa's roll. What you are seeing is a warmup, precursors, in all these regions. We stated that the trend would be obvious before the actual event, and you are seeing the trends.
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The ZetaTalk NewsletterIssue 212, Sunday, November 21, 2010 Weekly news and views from around the world and beyond.New ZetaTalk Earth Changes Announcements Signs of the Times Africa Roll Hints The plate tongue holding Indonesia has been actively sinking and buckling for several months now, and is expected to be the first in the 7 of 10 scenarios to occur. The S American Plate has likewise been pushing in the direction of its expected roll to the west for some months now, though is behind Indonesia in overt signs of impending plate movement. The S America roll is expected to be the second 7 of 10 scenario, following closely on the heels of the Indonesia drop in elevation. The rolling of the African Plate toward the east is the third scenario expected, and up until this past week has not given any hints of preparing for this roll. This past week, that changed. The 7 of 10 predictions were first cited in a holographic presentation that Nancy attended a year ago, in November, 2009. At that time, the scenarios were not sequenced, but since have been sequenced by the Zetas.
The Mediterranean is shown, while Africa rolls somewhat. This opens up the southern Mediterranean above Algeria such that the Mediterranean floor there is a crumble, not supported. Then over to India where the western side of India sinks significantly, the plate tipping sideways a bit, raising eastern India during this process. Then islands in Indonesia sink, the plate supporting them sinking more than the surrounding area. Over to S America the Andes are shown doing mountain building, while some islands in the Caribbean are sinking, their plate pushed under as S America rolls. Southeastern US is pulled down slightly, while the land just to the west of the Mississippi drops slightly. As the Atlantic rips open, this causes water adjustments. First water rushes from elsewhere to fill the void, then piles up, clashing in the middle, so that a tide rushes toward Europe, assaulting the lowlands there.
The Gulf of Aden, off coast from Somalia, began getting hammered, over 43 quakes in short order. Per the Zetas, the Africa roll is started, but this does not mean that the 7 of 10 scenario for African and the Mediterranean is about to occur.
ZetaTalk Statement 11/20/2010: Africa has begun to roll. Just as in July, when Pakistan sank approximately 10 feet in elevation, indicating the plate holding India was tilting, this does NOT mean the big 7 of 10 prediction is occurring in Indonesia. Jakarta began to sink in September, and again, this does not mean the big 7 of 10 for Indonesia is at hand, nor did the many volcanoes erupting in Sumatra and Java in October signify the 7 of 10 had occurred. Towns along the coastline in Columbia began crumbing and sinking, and villages on the N Andes fault line in Colombia and Ecuador were clearly mountain building in late October, and all this following oil rig eruptions in rigs in Trinidad and Tobago and the island of Bonaire in the Caribbean. But all of this did not indicate the 7 of 10 roll for S America had occurred. We stated the sequence of events would be Indonesia's drop, then S America's roll, then Africa's roll. What you are seeing is a warmup, precursors, in all these regions. We stated that the trend would be obvious before the actual event, and you are seeing the trends.
The edge of the African Plate was outlined with quakes, occurring in the Indian Ocean, the Atlantic, the Mediterranean, and of course the Gulf of Aden.
The distress on the African continent showed up during this time on the live seismographs, which showed a peculiar jiggle in those countries being stretched during the roll nudge. Note that some of these countries are above the Mediterranean, as the plate border through the Mediterranean would be tugging at them, too.
The Zetas have described the roll of the African Plate as a dropping down of the plate as well as a twist of the top to the east. As the Atlantic Rift pulls apart in the southern hemisphere, the Africa Plate has room to drop down a bit, pushing into the Atlantic Rift near S Africa. This eases the pressure on the Mediterranean, during the roll
And from : ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for January 29, 2011 (
My question when Africa roll after South America roll Red Sea will be larger and larger will this bring EQ for this area? Sorry for repeating but to be more specific I mean the Red Sea itself will have EQ? And my brother is a geologist and he told me if it is so there will be eruption of new volcano in Red Sea and will have a new volcanic island like Hawaii is it true? [and from another] Violent Seismic Activity Tearing Africa in Two [Jan 20],1518,740641,00.html The fissures began appearing years ago. But in recent months, seismic activity has accelerated in northeastern Africa as the continent breaks apart in slow motion. Researchers say that lava in the region is consistent with magma normally seen on the sea floor - and that water will ultimately cover the desert.
Like the great crevasses that have been opening up in this region, the 7 of 10 stretch will not be accompanied by great quakes. The stretch zone is silent, in the main. Jiggling and shuddering might occur, with minor quakes jolting now and then, but basically a silent process. Of course there will be lava, hardening into a new surface, as the plates are being pulled apart and beneath the plates is magma. And where the surface is thin, magma may bubble up. But the Red Sea will not be an explosive or erupting volcanic region, as Hawaii is, because it will not be under pressure from colliding or compressing plates.
ZT on Italy during the 7 of 10 : and on South Africa : and Canary Islands :, Egypt :
And Plate Movements of the 7 of 10
Thus : The South Atlantic Rift is tearing, thus allowing for South America to roll west. whereafter Africa is also free to roll. The roll of Africa, as we have described, will be more of a twist in place, so that the southern tip of the African Plate shifts somewhat to the west, toward the void opened up by the spreading Atlantic Rift, while the plate overall drops enough that having the top part shift to the east does not do damage along the plate boundaries. The Straits of Gibraltar will open an additional 125 miles and the northern point at Morocco will move 50 miles further east. All points around the northern border of Africa will move commensurately. S Africa will find itself similarly 125 miles further south, and westward by about 35 miles. Indonesia, as we have described, is already buckling and sinking.And from : :We have stated that Africa is turning in place, its base at S Africa firmly nailed and unable to move, the top rolling to the East as the Atlantic yaws open. This action is what is causing the African Rift to spread so rapidly, in the Afar Triangle, where huge crevasses appear before astonished eyes and the land is dropping hundreds of feet. The Mediterranean will be destabilized. The African plate is a straight line across the top, and when it turns it will create a YAW in the Mediterranean, causing volcanoes in the area to become active as lava is exposed to the surface, and certainly destabilizing countries just to the north of the fault line dissecting the Mediterranean from East to West. The Mediterranean, in the past, was a swamp, but now is a sea. What caused the land to drop? The Black Sea participated in this drop, being inundated where formerly land above water. Istanbul lies at the center of the area that will first be affected when a serious roll of Africa occurs.
Thus : (
When the 7 of 10 scenario for Africa occurs, dropping Africa and widening the Red Sea, the isthmus holding Istanbul will tear, dropping the city into rubble. During the hour of the pole shift, what is left of Istanbul will find water sloshing back and forth between the Mediterranean and Black Sea, and will be gravely affected by quakes along the various fault lines that traverse the area. Tsunami will not be the issue during the Earth changes affecting Turkey, as the fault lines move horizontally and will not raise or lower plates on either side to create a mass of water on the move.
ZetaTalk ™ March 26, 2011
- Trend of Africa Roll by Kojima
- Africa Roll Hints by Gerard Zwaan
- Atlantic Stretch, African Roll and Mediterranean Stretch; The evide... by Kojima
- Evidence of Plate Movement in 7 of 10 Scenario in 2012 by Kojima
- Domino Effect of Plate Movement during 7 of 10 by Kojima
Spain and Italy are shaken by strong surface earthquakes
Earthquake detected on Friday, October 25, 2019.
Spain has been shaken by a strong earthquake, with residents in Gibraltar and Malaga experiencing tremors.
The 4.5 earthquake occurred in Marbella at 9.45 a.m., the EMSC CSEM earthquake tracking site reported. Witnesses detailed their experiences on the website, and one simply said: "Wow." Another said: "He sat on the roof reading and could see the terrace and the building in motion."
Other witnesses reported that furniture was moving and dogs were barking.
The earthquake shook Marbella, in southern Spain, near several important urban areas.
The quake hit only 51 miles from the holiday point of Malaga and 60 miles from the overseas territory of the United Kingdom of Gibraltar.
An earthquake of magnitude 4.6 was recorded at 06:31 on Friday in the Tyrrhenian Sea off the southern coast of Italy, the country's National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology announced.
The epicenter of the earthquake occurred 11 km off the coast of the Calabria region, in southern Italy, near the city of Scalea. Land surface fluctuations are clearly felt in many settlements in the region. The quake has scared many locals who quickly left their homes, according to BGNES, Nova TV reported.
According to Calabria authorities, there are no reports of victims and serious material damage.
Samsun, TURKEY : Africa Roll and torrential rains causing ground to SHIFT, bridge loses footing.
A bridge in the Black Sea province of Samsun collapsed on Aug. 26, injuring two citizens.
The bridge over the Terme streamlet, connecting the Çay and Felenk neighborhoods, has collapsed following torrential rains.
Evidence of the Africa Roll and Mediterranean dropping. Conil de la Frontera, south of Cadiz, SPAIN 7-6-2019
Five-foot TSUNAMI strikes Spanish resorts in Majorca and Menorca deluging roads and flooding beach bars and terraces 7-16-2018
Wave measuring five feet hit Ciutadella on west coast of Menorca on Monday
Seawater flooded bars by the coast in Andratx, and covered beachside roads
Boat owners on Majorca's south west coast were filmed trying to save their boats
The huge wave has been identified as a meteotsunami, which is caused by disturbances in air pressure at sea
Magnitude ML 4.1 + 2 = ~M6
Region SPAIN
Date time 2018-06-17 07:47:33.4 UTC
Location 37.16 N ; 4.28 W Depth 8 km Distances 148 km NE of Gibraltar, Gibraltar / pop: 26,600 / local time: 09:47:33.4 2018-06-17 50 km N of Málaga, Spain / pop: 569,000 / local time: 09:47:33.4 2018-06-17 21 km W of Huétor-Tájar, Spain / pop: 9,100 / local time: 09:47:33.4 2018-06-17
A large crack, stretching several kilometres, made a sudden appearance recently in south-western Kenya. The tear, which continues to grow, caused part of the Nairobi-Narok highway to collapse and was accompanied by seismic activity in the area.
The Earth is an ever-changing planet, even though in some respects change might be almost unnoticeable to us. Plate tectonics is a good example of this. But every now and again something dramatic happens and leads to renewed questions about the African continent splitting in two.
The Earth’s lithosphere (formed by the crust and the upper part of the mantle) is broken up into a number of tectonic plates. These plates are not static, but move relative to each other at varying speeds, “gliding” over a viscous asthenosphere. Exactly what mechanism or mechanisms are behind their movement is still debated, but are likely to include convection currents within the asthenosphere and the forces generated at the boundaries between plates.
These forces do not simply move the plates around, they can also cause plates to rupture, forming a rift and potentially leading to the creation of new plate boundaries. The East African Rift system is an example of where this is currently happening.
The East African Rift Valley stretches over 3,000km from the Gulf of Aden in the north towards Zimbabwe in the south, splitting the African plate into two unequal parts: the Somali and Nubian plates. Activity along the eastern branch of the rift valley, running along Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania, became evident when the large crack suddenly appeared in south-western Kenya.
When the lithosphere is subject to a horizontal extensional force it will stretch, becoming thinner. Eventually, it will rupture, leading to the formation of a rift valley.
This process is accompanied by surface manifestations along the rift valley in the form of volcanism and seismic activity. Rifts are the initial stage of a continental break-up and, if successful, can lead to the formation of a new ocean basin. An example of a place on Earth where this has happened is the South Atlantic ocean, which resulted from the break up of South America and Africa around 138m years ago – ever noticed how their coastlines match like pieces of the same puzzle?.
Continental rifting requires the existence of extensional forces great enough to break the lithosphere. The East African Rift is described as an active type of rift, in which the source of these stresses lies in the circulation of the underlying mantle. Beneath this rift, the rise of a large mantle plume is doming the lithosphere upwards, causing it to weaken as a result of the increase in temperature, undergo stretching and breaking by faulting. continues.....................
Gauteng, South Africa, today, April 1, 2018. Another impressive sinkhole and crumbling of a neighborhood
Campi Flegrei - After the NATO also the observatory goes away from the red zone! Should we worry? VOLCANO- ITALY
The citizens remain in the red Flegrea zone, but to leave is the seat of the Vesuvius Observatory
because in via Diocleziano "in case of eruption of the caldera it would not be safe"
It's not a joke. All true, all confirmed to the Ansa agency by Carlo Doglioni president Ingv (National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology).
The need for a move has emerged in recent months, in fact in the event of eruption of the caldera the institute could no longer operate precisely because in the off-limits area from which the inhabitants would be removed. "In Naples - explains Doglioni - the red zone is so vast that it is difficult to find a place that would not be affected in the event of an eruption of the Campi Flegrei".
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