February 23, 2011. http://www.theblaze.com/stories/ahmadinejad-predicts-mideast-unrest-coming-to-america/ Iran's president said Wednesday he is certain the wave of unrest in the Middle East will spread to Europe and North America, bringing an end to governments he accused of oppressing and humiliating people. "The world is on the verge of big developments. Changes will be forthcoming and will engulf the whole world from Asia to Africa and from Europe to North America," Ahmadinejad told a news conference. Ahmadinejad said the world was in need of a just system of rule that "puts an end to oppression, occupation and humiliation of people." [and from another] This correlates with what the Zetas said about the 8 of 10, "These sociological and political dramas are part of the 8 of 10 scenarios, as well as geological and astronomical features. This is the next chapter." https://poleshift.ning.com/profiles/blogs/zetatalk-fame The Zetas did say that Ahmadinejad is STO . Did he got his information from reading ZT or is there more too it?


Ahmadinejad is speaking as a leader of a Muslim country, viewing the Arab Spring as an uprising against colonialism, imperialism, and western corporate influence. This stance is expected of him because of his political role in Iran. The article makes much of Ahmadinejad's criticism of Gaddafi and his brutal treatment of his people. This is to differentiate between an Arab leader who was considered a puppet, as was Mubarak, and Gaddafi who was considered a leader who resisted western influence and control and thus should be a brother to his people. Does Ahmadinejad read ZetaTalk and have an inside track on the Transformation, the pending 8 of 10 scenarios? Yes on both fronts, as despite disbelief that Ahmadinejad is a Service-to-Other individual, he is a sleeper like Obama, awaiting his opportunities to make a difference in the world. He gives a hint as to the sequence of revolt and discontent - from the Arab Spring to Asia, then Africa, then Europe and thence to N America.

Source: ZetaTalk for June 18, 2011


Note: This blog is about his prediction. Keep in mind that political debates are not allowed on the poleshift ning.

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Comment by Corey Young on June 23, 2013 at 6:18pm

As @KM pointed out a lot of this resentment towards government compounded with the bids for the World Cup in 2014 and the Olympics which show that the government has the money to help those in need but chooses not to help:

"Others complained about vast sums of money spent on hosting the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympics instead of being invested in health and education."

Here is a great video that explains quite clearly the reasons behind this outrage over the World Cup:


There are conflicting arguments to the total cost of this event but there are reports that one of the stadiums alone will cost in excess of $600Million dollars.


Essentially people in Brazil know that most of the money from these events DO NOT help the people but go into the pockets of the Corporations and the FIFA governing body.

One can only assume that based on what has been happening in Brazil lately, things are only going to escalate going forward.

Comment by Stra on June 21, 2013 at 10:49am

Update 2: Night of protests draws vast crowds in cities across Brazil, with a total turnout estimated at two million.




Update on the protests in Brazil:


On the streets of Brazilian cities over a million protesters




Most mass protests were in Rio de Janeiro, where police also used tear gas. The government has convened an extraordinary session.


Brasilia - On the streets of more than 100 Brazilian cities, yesterday afternoon local time gathered a record number of protesters, who are increasingly vocal demand strong anti-corruption and a significant improvement in public services. In the late afternoon, according to foreign media reports security forces increasingly difficult to maintain peace on the streets.

According to the French news agency AFP in the protests that took place in more than ten cities, killing three people. In Rio de Janeiro, where the town hall together more - about 300,000 - of protesters by the police against a small group of rioters who threw stones, used tear gas.


Protests in Sau Paulo, and was attended by around 110,000 people have otherwise gone relatively smoothly. Minor clashes broke out between a group of extreme leftists and protesters who oppose the presence of any political party. "This is a social, not a political movement. It has nothing to do with ideology, "said 28-year-old Maria Vidal.

Comment by KM on June 18, 2013 at 2:44pm


Brazil protests spread in Sao Paulo, Brasilia and Rio

Protesters outside the national congress building in Brasilia

As many as 200,000 people have marched through the streets of Brazil's biggest cities, as protests over rising public transport costs and the expense of staging the 2014 World Cup have spread.

The biggest demonstration was in Rio de Janeiro, where 100,000 people joined a mainly peaceful march.

In the capital, Brasilia, people breached security at the National Congress building and scaled its roof.

The protests are the largest seen in Brazil for more than 20 years.

'Not satisfied'

In Brazil's largest city, Sao Paulo, about 65,000 people took to the streets.

The wave of protests kicked off earlier this month when Sao Paulo residents marched against an increase in the price of a single bus fare, from 3 reals ($1.40, £0.90) to 3.20.

Authorities said the rise was well below inflation, which since the last price increase in January 2011 has been 15.5%, according to official figures.

The way these initial marches were policed - with officers accused of firing rubber bullets and tear gas at peaceful protesters - further incensed Sao Paulo residents and shifted the focus from rising transport costs to wider issues.

"For many years, the government has been feeding corruption, people are demonstrating against the system," Graciela Cacador told Reuters news agency.

Others complained about vast sums of money spent on hosting the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympics instead of being invested in health and education.

Comment by SongStar101 on June 16, 2013 at 12:18am

Turkey clashes for social change documentary

Comment by Tracie Crespo on June 11, 2013 at 12:53pm


Hundreds of riot police enter Taksim Square as clashes in Turkey intensify

Kostas Tsironis / AP

A protester throws a gasoline bomb toward riot police during clashes in Taksim Square in Istanbul on Tuesday.

ISTANBUL – Hundreds of riot police clashed with protesters in Istanbul’s Taksim Square on Tuesday, as protests against the government of Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan intensified.

The latest violence began Tuesday morning when police moved past barriers and into the square to scatter a small number of people who have been camped there to protest redevelopment of the square.

Hundreds more protesters nearby, many wearing gas masks, joined to charge toward police, throwing Molotov cocktails and rocks, and police responded with round after round of tear gas canisters and frequent blasts from water cannons.

Tourists fled hotels near the square, covering their mouths with napkins, as clouds of noxious gas spread over a large area downwind of the center of the protests.

As the protests grew Tuesday morning, hundreds more riot police arrived, wearing gas masks and carrying plastic shields.

Police used megaphones to urge protesters to keep back and stop throwing missiles, but their pleas had little effect.


Protests that started as an outcry against a local development project in Taksim Square have snowballed into widespread anger against what critics say is the government's increasingly conservative and authoritarian agenda.

A police vehicle and a water cannon burned as Molotov cocktails, or gasoline bombs, found their targets.

The protests began May 31 after police cracked down on what had been a peaceful demonstration against redevelopment of the park, which would remove a considerable chunk of rare green space in the sprawling city.

The clashes have grown since, with the square becoming symbolic of greater dissatisfaction with Erdogan’s government.

The prime minister has recently imposed restrictions on the sale of alcohol, altered social security, separated children by sex in primary and secondary schools and emphasized religious holidays over national ones.

Initial clashes grew after Erdogan returned from a trip abroad and ordered an immediate end to the protests. His tone toward them has been dismissive, and he has called them them looters who are “arm in arm with terrorists.”

Protests have spread to other cities as Erdogan has remained defiant and police have cracked down.

NBC News’ Jim Maceda contributed to this report.

Comment by Yvonne Lawson on June 5, 2013 at 10:52pm


Tel-aviv, Israel, tonight. 5th June 2013

half a million protesters against the economic&political system - and that in a country of 7 million inhabitants.
Jews, Arabs, Foreign workers, Refugees and students marched together chanting "The People demand social justice".    Source:  Facebook

Comment by lonne rey on June 2, 2013 at 1:06pm

Anti-austerity protests: Spain, Germany, Portugal

Blockupy protesters clash police in the city of Frankfurt, Germany, Saturday, June 1, 2013. Crowds of anti-capitalist protesters blocked streets leading to the European Central Bank in Germany's financial capital to protest its role in pushing for austerity cutbacks as a way to fight the continent's debt crisis. (AP Photo/dpa, Fredrik von Erichsen)

— Anti-austerity protesters on Saturday took to the streets of dozens of European cities, including Madrid, Frankfurt and Lisbon, to express their anger at government cuts they say are making the financial crisis worse by stifling growth and increasing unemployment.

Thousands marched peacefully toward Madrid's central Neptuno fountain near Parliament, chanting "Government, resign."

Around 15,000 people gathered outside the International Monetary Fund's headquarters in Lisbon shouting "IMF, out of here."

Many protesters were carrying banners saying, "No more cuts" and "Screw the Troika," a reference to the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund, the three-member group that bailed out the governments of Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Cyprus.

The bailout loans were given on the understanding that governments enact stringent austerity measures to rein in their heavily indebted finances.

Spain came perilously close to needing a sovereign bailout last year and was forced to negotiate a 40 billion euro ($52 billion) loan for its stricken banking system when its borrowing costs soared.

The country has been in recession for most of the past four years and has a record 27.2 percent unemployment rate. The percentage is twice that high for Spaniards under 25 years old.

Spain has since seen almost daily protests by people angry over money-saving cuts and reforms in the education and health sectors while failing banks received billions.

"It's obvious that the intention of those governing us is not to take a single step back," said Madrid fireman Eduardo Oliva, 43. "So, it's in our hands, in all European citizens' hands, to demand change. Otherwise life's going to become impossible for us."

Portugal pledged to cut its debt in return for a 78 billion euro ($101 billion) bailout two years ago, but tax hikes and pay cuts have contributed to a sharp economic downturn. The country is forecast to post a third straight year of recession in 2013 while unemployment has climbed to 17.7 percent and is forecast to keep on rising.

Also Saturday, German police and thousands of anti-capitalist protesters engaged in a standoff near the headquarters of the European Central Bank in Frankfurt.

Other protests Saturday took place in European cities including Barcelona, Brussels, Bilbao and Valencia.

"Like so many people, I'm really upset at the behavior of our governments because they have totally caved in just to prop up the banks," said Jesus Alonso, 63, in Madrid.


Comment by Sevan Makaracı on June 1, 2013 at 7:46am

The situation in Turkey is really.... violence. Police using gas bomb bullets for head shot,  torturing their own people, police vehicle run over a girl..... and looks like people will not quit until government resigns.

Comment by Kris H on June 1, 2013 at 6:33am
Unrest, state of emergency in Kyrgyzstan.

Comment by Kris H on June 1, 2013 at 4:40am
An overview of the situation in Turkey: http://m.guardiannews.com/commentisfree/2013/may/31/istanbul-park-p...

Some calling it a Turkish Spring, like the Arab Spring previously.

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