My question to the Zetas is why there wasn't any jolt felt!?

In 2010 when we first detailed the New Madrid Adjustment as part of the 7 of 10 Plate Movement scenarios, we stated that this would involve one large JOLT with an immediate tearing of the Atlantic and the European tsunami. We referred to the location of the JOLT being in the “primary blockage” without clarification. Nor did we clarify the location in the Atlantic that would experience “tearing”. Now that the Finale is in process, the public seeks more specifics.

In March of 2022 we detailed a role the Rock Bridge above the little town of New Madrid - located at the juncture of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers - would play. We stated that a JOLT there would “expedite the final rupture” and clarified that this Rock Bridge break would release the SE Portion from its attachment to the Mainland Portion, allowing it to “jump to the East”, destabilizing the Azores triple juncture of plates in the Atlantic. In April of 2022 we reiterated that the JOLT in the Rock Bridge will “signal” the start of the Finale.  

In May of 2022 we introduced the Rock Hook under Turkey and defined its role. Africa must roll for the Azores to be torn open, and the Rock Hook under Turkey is preventing this roll. The African Roll pulls on the SE Portion which is attached along their shared border in the Atlantic. This transfers to a tug on the Rock Bridge which ultimately snaps and sets the Finale in motion. Intrinsic to this is the S Atlantic void allowing Africa to slide its foot into the void and drop its NE corner so the roll can happen.

Source: ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for December 31, 2022

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Comment by Kojima on August 16, 2023 at 11:26am




CO-Africa/S America


CO-India-SE Asia/Australia


Comment by Mario Valencia-Rojas on August 16, 2023 at 3:53am
Comment by Nancy Lieder on August 15, 2023 at 2:18pm

On August 15 western China is stretching hard, pushing eastern China into the Pacific. As can be seen in these quake swarms in western China. The pressure into the Pacific is causing the Philippine and Mariana Plates to tilt again. And the main fault line in China, running up from Thailand at the Sunda snap line point, is active too. 

Mag 3.8 / 10.0 km (6.2 mi) depth!
Mag 3.6 / 10.0 km (6.2 mi) depth
Mag 4.0 / 10.0 km (6.2 mi) depth
Mag 4.4 / 10.0 km (6.2 mi) depth
Mag 4.0 / 10.0 km (6.2 mi) depth
Mag 4.4 / 10.0 km (6.2 mi) depth
Mag 4.8 / 10.0 km (6.2 mi) depth

Comment by Nancy Lieder on August 15, 2023 at 1:44pm

On August 15 evidence that a Nazca thumb at Panama will break off to relieve the pressure of the Mainland drop on the Cocos Plate. This has been predicted by the Zetas. (

As can be seen from the many platelets near the epicenter of this January 28 quake, pressure to give the Cocos and Nazca Plates room to move during a New Madrid adjustment has happened before. The North Andes Platelet in Colombia and the little Panama Plate both show these pressure points. Clearly the tip of the Nazca Plate that reaches up toward Panama is fragile and likely to break from the Nazca Plate. 

Comment by Kojima on August 15, 2023 at 9:08am




CO-Africa/S America


CO-India-SE Asia/Australia


Comment by jorge namour on August 14, 2023 at 8:02pm


AUGUST 11 2023

Is it an upcoming #volcanic eruption??
♦️♦️ From the group's mail, we received this picture of a dead turtle on the beach of #Gaza #Palestine
Apparently she suffered severe burns

♦️♦️ Also, from our mail, we received this certificate from a follower in #Gaza
this text,,,

My brother-in-law works in the sea of ​​#Gaza, and by the nature of his work, he dives into the depths of the seabed to fish
He said the water was boiling and the heat was unbearable
He approached a rock to catch fish and put his hand on it
The rock was boiling, and he did not find only two types of fish, and the rest were hidden, so he could not complete his fishing, so he came out of the sea
Subject from two weeks to this day the water boils
________ the place is Gaza_


M 6.1 - 271 km SE of San Jose Village, Northern Mariana Islands
2023-08-14 13:51:54 (UTC)13.380°N 147.543°E10.0 km depth

M 5.9 - Prince Edward Islands region
2023-08-14 10:39:58 (UTC)43.497°S 39.032°E10.0 km depth

15 km WNW of Valdivia, Colombia
2023-08-14 12:55:10 (UTC-03:00)
48.1 km
14 km WNW of Karīmganj, India
2023-08-14 11:49:48 (UTC-03:00)
35.1 km

Comment by Nancy Lieder on August 14, 2023 at 5:22pm

On August 14 burning rock at Bedrock, Oregon shows that intense and rapid subduction it occurring. The Juan de Funa being pushed under the N American Plate while the Mainland is dropping. See the newest ZetaTalk re that.

As the Mainland separates from the SE Portion, it is also free to bounce up, gaining elevation along the separation. This has long been predicted by the Zetas for New England, where the tearing open of the Seaway will allow such a bounce up in elevation. Meanwhile, it is clear that the Mainland is unzipping all the way to the Bridge. Latest readings:

Lafayette, La gained a foot,

Pine Bluff, Ak gained 5'

Thebes, Illinois gained 2' 
The New England states will find themselves bouncing up during the shift, due to the quick ripping of the already separating St. Lawrence Seaway prior to the shift, 
The splitting of the Seaway during the pole shift will result in Newfoundland gaining an extra 50 feet in elevation, as the region will bounce up when the Seaway rips.

Comment by Kojima on August 14, 2023 at 10:43am




CO-Africa/S America


CO-India-SE Asia/Australia


Comment by Nancy Lieder on August 13, 2023 at 3:52pm

On August 13, on a day like so many recently where we are anticipating a New Madrid blowout that will bring tsunami to the EU and the East Coast, NOAA seems to have deactivated most of its buoys in these regions! There are EBS in place in these regions, but why should the citizens be blinded in this way? To reduce the potential of panic? Hours later the inactive Buoys returned. They are turned red if no report in 8 hours. 

Comment by Nancy Lieder on August 13, 2023 at 2:48pm

On August 13 China appears to be setting up for another "Run". Has the Sunda Plate snapped off as yet, as the Zetas say this will happen when the big China blowout happens. It appears from the shaky Heliplot at Hainan Provence along the snap line, and the quakes outlining the Sunday Plate, and the big quake nearTaiwan, and the constant jitters in the Thailand Heliplot that the lines is setting up for a snap. The snap line is obvious. Meanwhile, the 3 Gorges Dam is holding, but lies in the danger zone. 

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