Nancy Lieder's Blog (716)

7 of 10 STATUS as of July 17, 2014

Draft newsletter for Sunday, July 20, 2014. Newsletters can be found on the archives by Friday, also.

Migration Horrors

Migration is expected to move from a trickle to a flood in the coming years, as the Earth changes…


Added by Nancy Lieder on July 17, 2014 at 12:19pm — No Comments

7 of 10 STATUS as of July 10, 2014

Draft newsletter for Sunday July 13, 2014. Newsletters can be found in the archives by Friday, also.

Stopped Rotation Alarmists

During the early ZetaTalk days, in the sci.astro debates, …


Added by Nancy Lieder on July 17, 2014 at 11:22am — No Comments

7 of 10 STATUS as of July 3, 2014

Draft newsletter for Sunday July 6, 2014. Newsletters can be found in the archives by Friday, also.

ZetaTalk Crop Circles

In the Summer of 2003 several crop circle designs appeared near Horicon Marsh in Wisconsin, all holding…


Added by Nancy Lieder on July 3, 2014 at 11:29am — No Comments

2014 6/14 Planet X Visible! * 2014 6/13 Sun Flashing! 2014 6/08 Sunrise/Sunset Starburst! * 2014 6/10 Also!

Sunrise! Alberto

Nancy's Comment: And there, at the 4 o'clock position, stands the monster itself!

2014 6/13 Sun Flashing!…


Added by Nancy Lieder on June 26, 2014 at 4:01pm — No Comments

7 of 10 STATUS as of June 26, 2014

Draft newsletter for Sunday June 29, 2014. Newsletters can also be found in the archives by Friday

Alien Technology Envy

Mankind no doubt built airships due to bird envy, seeing the birds take flight, soar to heights, and…


Added by Nancy Lieder on June 26, 2014 at 4:00pm — No Comments

7 of 10 STATUS as of June 19, 2014

Draft newsletter for Sunday June 22, 2014. Newsletters can usually be found in the archives by Friday, also.

Slender Man Possession

What caused two otherwise benign 12-year old pre-teen girls in Waukesha, Wisconsin to plot to…


Added by Nancy Lieder on June 23, 2014 at 10:30am — No Comments

7 of 10 STATUS as of June 12, 2014

Draft newsletter for Sunday June 15, 2014. Newsletters can be found in the archives by Friday, also.

Obama’s Double

Obama suddenly made a couple of very public appearances – one on May 22, 2014 to stroll from the White House…


Added by Nancy Lieder on June 12, 2014 at 12:55pm — No Comments

7 of 10 STATUS as of June 5, 2014

Draft newsletter for Sunday June 8, 2014. Newsletters can usually be found in the archives by Friday, also.

Arming Agencies

A recent trend in the US has been to arm the federal agencies. This was evident in 2012 and 2013 when…


Added by Nancy Lieder on June 5, 2014 at 1:40pm — 1 Comment

7 of 10 STATUS as of May 29, 2014

Draft newsletter for Sunday June 1, 2014. Newsletters can usually be found in the archives by Friday, also.

Climate Change Debate

From the start of the ZetaTalk saga, the Zetas have stated that Global Warming caused by…


Added by Nancy Lieder on May 29, 2014 at 4:00pm — No Comments

Alberto's Updates 2014/05/24 * Corpus Capture 2014/05/26 * Double Helix! 2014/05/27 (NEW ZetaTalk)

Nancy's Comment: We are in the hose! And I think I see a double helix!


Though apparent in the early photos of Planet X, aka Nibiru, when it first arrived in the inner solar system in 2003, the double helix swirl appearance in the Moon Swirls are forming not around the…


Added by Nancy Lieder on May 27, 2014 at 9:30pm — No Comments

7 of 10 STATUS as of May 22, 2014

Draft newsletter for Sunday May 25, 2014. Newsletters can be found in the archives by Friday, also.

Wealth Distribution

Pope Francis has come out once again, espousing all the right things. Here’s to Pope Francis, who gets…


Added by Nancy Lieder on May 22, 2014 at 8:00pm — 1 Comment

7 of 10 STATUS as of May 15, 2014

Draft newsletter for Sunday May 18, 2014. Newsletters can be found in the archives by Friday, also.

Afghanistan Landslide

A massive landslide almost wiped away an entire village in northeast Afghanistan in early May, burying…


Added by Nancy Lieder on May 15, 2014 at 12:00pm — 3 Comments

7 of 10 STATUS as of May 8, 2014

Draft newsletter for Sunday, May 11, 2014. Newsletters can be found in the archives by Friday, also.


There is nothing immutable about the boundaries of countries or states, as history shows. Genghis Khan’s empire…


Added by Nancy Lieder on May 8, 2014 at 2:30pm — No Comments

7 of 10 STATUS as of May 1, 2014

Draft newsletter for Sunday May 4, 2014. Newsletters can be found on the archives by Friday, also.

Korea Ferry Disaster

What caused the Korean ferry Sewol to tilt and swamp in the cold seas in the early morning hours of April…


Added by Nancy Lieder on May 1, 2014 at 1:00pm — 1 Comment

7 of 10 STATUS as of April 24, 2014

Draft newsletter for Sunday April 27, 2014. Newsletters can be found in the archives by Friday, also.

Ancient Maps

The Zetas have described the position of the N Pole and S Pole over the past several Pole Shifts, stating that…


Added by Nancy Lieder on April 24, 2014 at 1:11pm — No Comments

2014/04/20 Concentric Circles and Easter Colors! * 2014/04/22 More * 2014/04/23 Consistent * 2014/04/24 Again!

Dear Nancy ,it's raining today hoping for a change I'll send 2 photo of Easter with natural presence of monsters , note the stranger change of color in different hours. Incredible.Alberto…


Added by Nancy Lieder on April 22, 2014 at 11:30am — No Comments

7 of 10 STATUS as of April 17, 2014

Draft newsletter for Sunday April 20, 2014. Newsletters can usually be found on the archives by Friday, also.

Egyptian Records

The record of the last passage during the time of the Jewish Exodus is best recorded by the Egyptians in the Kolbrin, a written…


Added by Nancy Lieder on April 17, 2014 at 1:30pm — No Comments

2014/04/15 Planet X Visible! (NEW ZetaTalk)

Today monsters presence, and abnormal light and brightness at bottom, explain to me if possible . Ciao Alberto


Alberto has noted a change in his photos. The light…


Added by Nancy Lieder on April 16, 2014 at 2:30pm — No Comments

7 of 10 STATUS as of April 10, 2014

Draft newsletter as of April 10, 2014. Newsletters can usually be found on the archives by Friday, also.

Philippine Plate Fold

In the 7 of 10 sequence of plate movements, the Zetas described a folding of the Philippine Plate.…


Added by Nancy Lieder on April 10, 2014 at 8:07pm — No Comments

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