Draft ZetaTalk Newsletter for Sunday November 1, 2020. Newsletters can be found in the Archives too. (http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/index.htm)
October Surprise
The term October Surprise comes from a maneuver by the Herbert Bush campaign in 1980 to destroy the Carter campaign. Carter’s attempts to free hostages held by Iran were delayed until after the election, then freed by Bush. The phrase applies because the scalding scandal held on the Hunter Biden laptop, retrieved by the FBI in late 2019 from a laptop repair shop where it had been abandoned, was held by Giuliani until this month, just weeks before the 2020 election.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 10/31/2020: Why is Giuliani bringing forth this information, providing it to the New York Post, at this time? The FBI was aware of the content of the laptop’s hard drive almost a year ago, but resisted prosecuting candidate Biden to avoid the appearance of meddling in politics. We have confirmed the Todd Starnes insider leak about the White Hat Biden Double likely to withdraw from the campaign. This would instantly invalidate all the mail-in ballots for Biden, the majority of which are fraudulent. This would be most effective if done close to November 3.
The scenario painted by Todd Starnes would require the Biden persona to have a serious ‘life changing' medical condition. Certainly even the original Biden had senility problems, but the Double has perpetuated this image. Senility is an excuse that a Biden could use if accused of lying about his knowledge of Hunter’s Burisma business. This would allow him to avoid prosecution, and once President he could not be prosecuted during his term. The new Biden laptop revelations would force the Biden senility to be openly admitted, thus force a withdrawal from the campaign.
In that the Biden persona is at present a White Hat Double, under the direction of the US Junta, the outcome is a given. But the steps between the current explosive revelations and a Biden withdrawal from the campaign might be many. Meanwhile, the polls should be expected to tilt toward a win by President Trump, and more material from the laptop hitting the press. The debate will include so much material that the Biden camp could not recover. But it will only be at the point where the Biden persona fears prosecution that a senility admission and withdrawal would occur. Meanwhile, enjoy the show!
Lockdown Frenzy
The world seems to be going into a lockdown frenzy. Primarily in Europe where the UK and France and the Netherlands are frankly draconian. Yes, a 2nd Wave of the Covid-19 has appeared, as expected when herd immunity was resisted in most of the world due to lockdowns and quarantines. But is it really that bad? Or are there ulterior motives afoot? The rise in new cases is attributed to more testing. The rules in France imposing masks on women in labor, depriving them of oxygen, has even caused emergency C-Sections. Per the Zetas, Europe fears the public becoming aware of Nibiru and is imposing a type of Martial Law.
ZetaTalk Comment 9/30/2020: Despite the hysteria about Covid-19, statistically it has proven to be no worse than a bad flu. Historically, the world did not go into draconian lockdowns over a bad flu, so why is Covid-19 any different? It is being used to control the populace for the panic that the establishment fears is coming when the public becomes aware of Nibiru. Those countries that have high ground away from the coastlines and can anticipate a temperate climate after the crustal shift will likely use Russia and China as models to copy, perhaps confiscating farmland inland and establishing work camps to grow food. Martial law is expected to be implemented everywhere. It is those countries without these resources that will truly panic. Draconian lockdowns are being continued in Europe, despite empty hospitals and obvious herd immunity to Covid-19. Tens of thousands are protesting. Rather than oppressing their citizens, Germany and the UK should develop survival site plans.
So why is the World Health Organization suddenly reversing their stance on lockdowns, saying they are not the best route? Certainly this stance was not taken at the start of the pandemic. Just when Europe is claiming a 2nd Wave mandates a draconian lockdown, the WHO is taking a contrary position. Other countries like China and Russia, who have a response to a Nibiru panic, are not reacting in this manner. Russia will direct its people to the Far East, and China will direct its people to the inland Ghost Cities. The Zetas explain.
ZetaTalk Insight 10/31/2020: Lockdowns were effective early in the Covid-19 pandemic because there were not enough ventilators in hospitals for those that needed them. In the early months, proven antivirals were not available, and any vaccine months away. Now all that has changed. The key in a viral infection such as the flu, of which Covid-19 is a variant, is herd immunity. This is why the annual flu disappears after a few months. Herd immunity has been delayed in most countries because of lockdowns.
Sweden is the model showing what would happen if the world had not used lockdowns. Antivirals and ample ventilators were not available to Sweden, nor had they deployed a vaccine. They compare favorably to the other European countries, showing that lockdowns are only delaying herd immunity, not changing the spread or lifespan of Covid-19. Limited lockdowns or quarantines to slow the infection rate so that hospitals are not overwhelmed have been effective in this regard, but also only slowed the arrival of herd immunity.
Now with numerous effective antivirals available and many vaccines already deployed, and with an abundant inventory of ventilators, why have lockdowns? As we explained last month, those countries that are going into draconian lockdowns at this time are not doing so to limit Covid-19 infections, they are doing so to impose Martial Law because they were warned that the Nibiru cover-up would soon fail. The elite in Europe never prepared for this, caring only for their own safety while they lied about Nibiru.
In the US, lockdowns are occurring in Democrat states trying to make President Trump look bad. The Democrats and Satanists who have infected them with their Moloch practices control the media and the pollsters. That Biden is winning is one big lie, a whopper. WHO is finally admitting the truth about lockdowns, reversing their stance, because they learned that President Trump will win by a landslide, and because the lack of US dollars, the 500 million withdrawn from WHO by President Trump, is hurting their operation. Why else would they reverse their stance?
China Invasion
Are China troops being housed on an island off shore from Vancouver? A recent video of these troops marching down a road on Salt Spring Island near Vancouver would indicate that. The reports from the locals, reported by Hal Turner, likewise indicate they are being allowed to stay in Stanley Park, reserved only for the People’s Liberation Party (PLA), with Canadians excluded from this military camp! Per the Zetas, all true, due to an agreement Trudeau signed with China.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 10/31/2020: Did Trudeau grant China permission to station Chinese troops on Canadian soil, under the guise of protecting Chinese investments? In that China buys agricultural products from Canada, this could be considered an invasion of Canada. Recent reports from Canada’s west coast, supported by video evidence, would indicate that troops are already stationed on Canada soil, on a permanent basis. Trudeau has been replaced by a Double, as we noted in 2019, and selling Canada out for personal gain was one of his crimes.
Does any of this mean that China intends to invade the USA? The coming Pole Shift will offer many opportunities, one of them being the disproportionate population between China and the N American Continent. China hold 1.3 billion people, the US 320 million, Canada 37 million, and Mexico 130 million. The Bering Straits will be on the new Equator, a short jump into the virtually uninhabited Alaska and Northern Canada lands. Thus both Canada and the US should be on guard for a land grab after the Pole Shift.
Indeed, Trudeau’s appearance changed in August, 2019 when he started sporting a beard. The Zetas at that time said that Trudeau had been removed by the UK Marines due to “theft of public funds”. Presumably allowing the Chinese to establish their military on Canadian soil will not help his case.
ZetaTalk Insight 3/31/2020: The use of a Double may signal an ongoing court action, such as Trudeau’s new look, which does not bode well for Trudeau. His crime? Theft of public funds, a type of treason.
Khalaktyrsky Beach
What caused the lovely black sand beaches of Khalaktyrsky to become deadly to the sea creatures that live there? Octopus, seals, sea urchins, stars, crabs, fish all turned up dead and burned by the acidic water. Reports showed a yellow discharge dumping into the sea from a river outlet nearby. Surfers reported fevers, sore throats, and burning eyes. No oil spill or pollution can be found, leaving the obvious conclusion – the volcanoes did it.
ZetaTalk Conclusion 10/31/2020: The Khalaktyrsky Beach disaster was not caused by an oil spill, nor was it a result of a recent military training op. Oil spills will cover sea life in an oil slick, and there is no evidence of this. The Kamchatka Peninsula has a volcanic history, as can be seen from the black sand on the beaches and the active volcanoes in the area. Volcanoes can spew into the air or can seep into the ground water in a mountainous region, and it is the latter that poisoned the beach. Fish kills and lack of oxygen and acidic water have been recorded from underwater volcanoes.
The Kamchatka Peninsula is indeed riddled with volcanoes, as a black sand beach would imply. And sea life death from underwater eruptions turning the water acidic are also on record. Oxygen disappeared, the water became acidic, and everything in the vicinity died.
There is too much fraud going on. I can’t keep up with the number or the quantity of it all. As said in Zetatalk Chat for November,
“During the 2020 Presidential Election, the Satanists have exposed themselves in their desperate attempts to unseat President Trump. Frustrated by controls inserted into the electronic counting machines, the Democrats pushed the mail-in ballot fraud. What they were unaware of at the time was a secret watermark trace the Department of Homeland Security had inserted into all federal ballots being used. Arrests and Tribunals will be disguised by the recounts, not in the public eye. These moves and a pending SCOTUS ruling on the legitimacy of ballots arriving and counted late will swing the election to President Trump.”
More fraud expected!
Sheriff’s deputies are currently out delivering ballots to voters who cannot leave their homes or are in nursing homes.
Mail-In-Ballot Issues, A Mini Informal Analysis
Doc Coates, PhD Systems Engineering
I hope to address the mail-in-ballot issue. It’s the only current events area I feel qualified to analyze in a knowledgeable manner as a Systems Engineer. Most of the links, I cite below, mention the failure of one or more systems. Yes, there are some that call out malevolent intent to affect the outcome, but I don’t yet have enough data to evaluate those cases.
From a systems point of view, the USA has 50 completely different systems designed to tally votes for the state elections, with national elections added every 2 years. During a Presidential cycle, voters have historically elected electors for President. The electors thus convene on the appointed date to elect the President. The public has become accustomed to hearing, with confidence, the winner in real time (same night or very early morning after midnight). As long as this system worked, as it was historically designed and implemented in the new media age, it worked reasonably well.
Then there was COVID-19. This became a major perturbation to daily life, and of course the usual voting practices as expected to be “dangerous” according to many, particularly in highly populated states. The high reporting of COVID cases (no longer deaths), became the daily news dirge. One side claimed fear of infection and therefore the need to vote by mail. The other side, being suspicious of possible trickery, fought that approach. My analysis, ignores my personal feelings to the extent possible and, takes no sides in this issue.
The difficulty arises from the fact that, in the course of 9 months, the requirements documentation, beta testing, and implementation of a full fledged system of systems (SoS) for the Presidential popular vote was required. Each of the independent state’s vote-tallying systems must feed into a nonexistent national system (or systems for media outlets), in a different manner, to allow for the new-media-era expectation of election night/morning announcement of a presumptive electoral-college winner. Such an announcement allows for the maintenance social stability. Argument that some states have voted in the past and continue to vote by mail successfully are specious, as each of these states had routine system design and implementation processes to create these successes. Their design and implementation process took years.
The SoS to manage the variety of input required (over a period of 6-8 weeks perhaps reviewing ballots postmarked a much as 3 days to a week after the election and by hand) seems truly difficult for an enterprise that specializes in system development. I personally have experience working at close to Secretary of Department levels in Washington DC and I do not believe the US Government (USG) has the reputation of specializing in proper system development. Further, I doubt the USG could produce just an approved “Requirements Document,” using required rule-making in 2 years, with all the Department and Agency approvals plus public forums required. A working prototype would be at least one Presidential cycle in the making. This could possibly target the implementation in the following Presidential cycle. A total in my engineering opinion of at least 8 years.
It is my opinion that a National Vote-by-Mail System is NOT attainable in this election cycle.
Further data is required for analysis of the fraud issue.
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