If the Deagel Report done for the Council of Foreign Relations in 2014 did not show that ZetaTalk is highly respected, the latest images of New Madrid military surveillance captured on January 25, 2023 makes this statement. The Deagel Report was assuming that no steps would be taken to warn or save the hapless common man in Europe from the anticipated tsunami. The times have changed since 2014, with Germany, the UK and other EU countries installing an Emergency Alert System.
ZetaTalk Insight 8/12/2022: In 2014 the Deagel Corporation provided a report to the NSA, UN, and World Bank giving startling statistics on a reduction in population worldwide by 2025. This report showed the US and those parts of Europe facing a potential tsunami from the Atlantic affected the most. In 2010 we, the Zetas, provided our detailed analysis of the 7 of 10 Plate Movements which included the New Madrid Adjustment and which included a detailed description of the European Tsunami. The Deagel Corporation did not provide any source for their data, but it is obvious they were an avid reader of ZetaTalk.
The well-coordinated military surveillance coverage of any New Madrid activity shows why this military surveillance is in place. Any significant ground movement along the New Madrid Fault Line would be reported. A NASA sniffer plane is in operation there too, to detect any increase in SO2. Any significant wave action going into the English Channel would also be noted. Any spread at the tri-plate juncture at the Azores would be noted. Movement of the African Plate near the endangered Suez Canal is likewise being watched. And refueler planes are in operation.
The regions being covered by military surveillance planes from the US and Europe and Israel are those regions detailed within ZetaTalk to be central to the New Madrid Rupture - the dropping NE corner of the African Plate with changes in the Suez Canal and the Red Sea, the Counterclockwise turn of the Sinai, the slide eastward of the African Plate at Gibraltar and spread at the Azores, the drop in elevation along both sides of the lower Mississippi River, and any discernable spread in the Seaway.
Silent Stretch
The Zetas have described the leadup to the New Madrid Rupture as silent, as it involves a stretch as the SE Portion pulls toward the Africa Plate. The long shared border of the SE Portion with the Africa Plate ensures that when Africa rolls its top part to the East, the SE Portion follows. The earthquakes that result from the New Madrid Rupture occur as a reaction to the rupture at the hard rock Bridge over the little town of New Madrid. Thus up until the Bridge separates, the clues that the Finale is in process are just silent stretch zone accidents, from the Pemex gas field explosions in the Gulf to the plethora of water mains breaking in the US.
ZetaTalk Prediction 1/23/2023: The New Madrid Fault Line Rupture will affect all sides of the SE Portion - from the Fault Line start at the Isthmus to the wrap around the curve of the Caribbean Plate to its path up the Mississippi River and under the Seaway. The Portions have already separated at the Isthmus and through the Gulf, and because the Mainland Portion can drop and shift to the West, there is no need for further separation at the Isthmus. The entire Mainland Portion will shift West and drop when freed from its attachment to the SE Portion, fracturing the Cocos Plate as it does so.
When the clasp at the Bridge fractures, the SE Portion will be jerked as a unit to the East, allowing Africa to roll further. The connection of the SE Portion to the Caribbean Plate will be torn further during this moment, deepening any trenches in the Caribbean or Atlantic already in the process of being pulled apart. If S America has had its Continent Drift delayed by the reluctance of the two Portions to separate, it will now find it can roll further into the Pacific, dragging the Caribbean Plate with it. The SE Portion is now free to shift directly to the East, and this will create a distinct separation at the Isthmus, deeper waters in the Gulf, and a Yucatan that finds itself shifted toward the East too.
One of the reasons the Azores is instantly ripped open when the clasp at the Bridge breaks is due to a slight delay in the Rupture under the Seaway. The upper Azores has a connection to both the Eurasian and N American Plates. When the SE Portion jumps as a unit to the East, the Mainland Portion is freed to likewise lurch to the West. Until the Fault line along the Seaway completes its separation of the Portions, the Mainland temporarily pulls the Azores open. The Azores rupture is huge at this moment, thus the large amount of water that will pour in and rebound toward Europe.
ZetaTalk Prediction 4/30/2021: The St Lawrence Seaway rips open during the New Madrid adjustment, and rips further during the Pole Shift. The UFO display seen overhead and recorded on video is depicting the wild ride that Montreal residents will take during the New Madrid adjustment soon to occur. The spread of the Seaway is clearly shown, with some closure at the end. During the New Madrid adjustment the tension before the major unzipping of the Fault Line will cause a large spread, which will prove to be temporary.
ZetaTalk Prediction 2010: As can be seen by an analysis of the rock strata to the east and west of the Mississippi, the Mississippi is following the curve of solid rock just to the east. The potential for a greatly widened Mississippi occurs south of the Illinois border. To the south of this point the sea level elevation is lower and the rock strata is of a different nature than that above or to the east of this point. This is where the Mississippi will spread, to the west between the Illinois border and the Mississippi delta. We estimate the Mississippi will widen by 50 miles.
What effect does the Daily Earth Wobble have on this process? It is clear the wobble has increased in violence and range. On January 25 the Heliplots showed only three sites solid black - the one centered in the Arctic on the Arctic border between Siberia and N America, the one at Scott Base in Antarctica, and one in Idaho in the center of the Mainland Portion which is dropping and shifting into the Pacific. The next day on January 26 the only solid black Heliplot sites were in Oregon and Texas, both on the Mainland. What is the significance? The Zetas explain.
ZetaTalk Prediction 1/23/2023: We have often referred to the movement of the Indio-Australian Plate as the brake, as when that moves all other Plate Movement follows. Shoving the continent of India under the rock of the Himalayas is not a small thing. The Daily Earth Wobble is the hand that forces this to increase at this time as the wobble slings the plates back and forth, so it is causing the equivalent of a multiple car wreck on an icy highway. Plates are pulled apart and then slung against each other. A torque is also involved, a twisting of the globe, which weakens borders and fault lines.
The 8.9 Aceh quake in Sumatra in 2004 was pending for a long time before the 600 mile rupture and 157 foot tsunami. It was sudden. The New Madrid Fault Line rupture will follow a similar path, though Aceh involved a clash of plates where the New Madrid is due to a stretch of the N American Continent. But it will be sudden and due to a torque now obvious between the N and S Poles of the globe. The magnetic N Pole is pushed at Siberia in the Arctic, followed during the Daily Wobble by a pull against the magnetic S Pole near Antarctica. Meanwhile, the Mainland Portion is reacting with a steady drop into the Pacific.
The comparison of the pending New Madrid Finale to the Aceh incident on January 26, 2004 is apt. It was sudden, when rock holding the Sunda Plate gave way to allow the Sunda Plate to slide under the Indo-Australian Plate. The New Madrid separation of the SE and Mainland Portions has so far progressed as a silent stretch, thus when the serious rupture starts, it will be virtually unannounced and sudden. Where the Aceh slip involved a large quake, because it was a rock-on-rock encounter, the New Madrid Bridge Rupture will be silent as stretch zone ruptures are silent.
ZetaTalk Explanation 1/23/2005: What would cause a plate as large as the Indo/Australian plate to pop, springing from its lock of jagged rock all along its edges, miles deep and snagged in an infinite number of places resisting any motion at all? What force would cause these rock fingers to rupture along a 600 mile length along Sumatra? We have previously described the torque the globe endures as the magnetic N. Pole is pushed harshly in one direction while the magnetic S. Pole is pulled in another. These days, months later, this stress has increased as Planet X has not only moved closer, and more centered between the Earth and Sun, but is swinging its N Pole, that hose of magnetic particles, toward Earth as it maneuvers into the magnetic flow lines above the Sun's equator. Thus, the pull on the magnetic S Pole of Earth is stronger. Thus, the repelling of the Earth's magnetic N Pole is more violent.
The entire Indo/Australian plate is now loosened and on the move, starting with breaking rock south of Tasmania where the plate touches the magnetic S Pole, and twisting this spot to the left, holding it back from rotation as the magnetic N Pole of Planet X is loathe to release it, and twisting the magnetic N. Pole of Earth to the right in an accelerated rotation as the magnetic N. Pole of Planet X is repelling it, the plate popped from its wedge where it snuggles against New Zealand. Within days, the rock along the curve of Sumatra gave way.
Bridge Watch
Meanwhile, the likely point where the rock Bridge above the little town of New Madrid will break is being watched closely. The Zetas said to "watch the Wabash" Seismic Zone in Southern Indiana. The New Madrid Fault Line crosses the Ohio River there, broken sewer mains and bridges may not be visible from surveillance planes, but they tell a story too.
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