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  3. The Zetas, as all visitors, are under rules on how they interact with humanity. They are not here to rescue you. They cannot divert Planet X just as today they do not prevent droughts or floods. The Earth is mankind’s schoolhouse whereby he learns to help his fellow man.
  4. The date of the pole shift cannot be given, but the sequence of events can be given. [ Link ] Check the ning pinned discussions and blogs for such information as the 7 of 10, the last weeks, etc.

Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case.

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 78 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.

Views: 38053

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Replies to This Discussion

Was this attack perhaps done by Israel, trying to draw the US into the war?
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Three US Soldiers killed in Jordan Attack Named
January 29, 2024
The US has blamed Iranian-backed groups and the Pentagon said it carried the "footprints" of Kataib Hezbollah. The Pentagon also reiterated the US does not want a war with Iran. "We don't seek war, but we will take action, and respond to attacks on our forces," said Pentagon spokesperson Sabrina Singh.
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Watch PUTN
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PUTN Function
Enables you to specify a numeric format at run time.
This function is assigned an I18N Level 2 status, and is designed for use with SBCS, DBCS, and MBCS (UTF8). For more information, see Internationalization Compatibility. [and from another]
3 U.S. Service Members Killed, Others Injured in Jordan Following Drone Attack
January 29, 2024
Three U.S. soldiers were killed yesterday in Jordan, while more than 40 other service members were injured following an uncrewed aerial system attack at a military base near the Syrian border. Those service members were in Jordan to support Operation Inherent Resolve, which is the U.S. and coalition mission to ensure the defeat of ISIS.  It has the footprints of Kataib Hezbollah. But not making a final assessment on that, our teams here are continuing to do the analysis. We know that Iran is behind it. And certainly as we've said before ... Iran continues to arm and equip these groups to launch these attacks, and we will certainly hold them responsible.
[and from another]
U.S. Mixed up Enemy, Friendly Drones in Attack that Killed 3 Troops
January 29. 2024
American air defenses failed to intercept an attack drone that killed three U.S. troops and wounded dozens in Jordan amid confusion about the identity of approaching aircraft. An initial assessment suggested that the weaponized drone may have been mistaken for an American aircraft returning to Tower 22, a base in northeastern Jordan close to where the country’s border converges with Syria and Iraq. 
[and from another]
While it is primarily an expression of anti-American sentiment, it has occasionally been used to refer to the United Kingdom. Khomeini introduced the epithet as the larger of a pair, using the term "Little Satan" to refer to Israel, particularly in the context of Israel–United States relations. 

Israel has always enjoyed support from Europe and the US as Israel is at the helm of the western banks and has several means of maintaining control. They seek debt slaves and until BRICS gained ascendancy there was no alternative to Israel’s banks. The Satanist Khazarian Mafia also was in charge and they use pedophilia blackmail to maintain control. Because the Fed is insolvent in the US and the National Debt owed to Israel is being lost in bankruptcy, Israel is broke. And because the Junta and White Hat Alliance are cleaning up their Moloch child sacrifice, addiction to Adrenochrome is no longer a tool Israel can use.

With most of the world scolding Israel for its virtual genocide of Palestinians in Gaza, and with the US refusing to join Israel in the war Israel began, Israel is trying to force the issue. Israel has tried to get the US and Iran into a war before, as they fear Iran getting the bomb. The Mossad has gone into Iran repeatedly to destroy Iran’s nuclear facilities. Preliminary evidence from the Jordan drone attack show that the means were too sophisticated to be a Hamas or Hezbollah attack. Insider Ezra points to software code and the Pentagon admits the US outpost was led to believe the attack drone was one of their own, camouflaged as a US drone. This was an inside job, in essence.

Israel is hoping the illegitimate Biden administration will allow a show of force against Iran. They are hoping that President Trump, the true Commander in Chief, will not step in. Whoever or whatever is ultimately blamed it will not result in the US rolling into the Middle East to become a de facto military for Israel while Israel continues their land grab agenda. Meanwhile the Africa roll is swinging Israel in a counterclockwise direction into the Mediterranean and creating chaos in the Sinai.

Prior ZT:
We have stated that the Rothschild banks are most at fault in keeping the truth about Nibiru from the public. The first casualty upon the admission that Nibiru is real and heading for a Passage will be the Rothschild banks as mortgages will not be paid. The Rothschild empire has been in control of the western media, though this is gradually being cleaned up as the Movie President Trump referred to plays out.

No need for new ZT beyond "told you so" because they are constantly talking about the Mainland dropping. But I will post to the JOLT blog showing the violence of the continuing separation. 

Kamil Rak said:

Can the Zetas say something about this huge pipeline explosion in Oklahoma?

North Atlantic Ocean - Potentially Hazardous Asteroid size of Football Pitch Hurtling towards Earth, says NASA
A “potentially hazardous asteroid” the size of a football pitch is hurtling towards Earth, Nasa has said. Asteroid 2008 OS7, which measures about 890 feet in diameter, will pass our planet at a distance of 1,770,000 miles at 2.41pm (GMT) on Friday afternoon. However, there is no risk of collision.  Unfortunately, asteroids are generally too faint to have been detected by the current techniques and surveys, so it’s very hard to see by our naked eyes.
[and from another]
Mysterious Shipwreck Washes up on Canadian Coast
January 30, 2024
Shipwreck Cape Ray Newfoundland
The ghostly vessel appeared on the shores of Cape Ray on the Newfoundland coast and is thought to have been dredged up by post-tropical storm Fiona. The boat is thought to date to the 19th century due to the use of wooden dowels throughout the structure.
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The US Junta is clearly aware of where the void in the Azores will open during the New Madrid Finale, causing a tsunami splash toward Europe and a rebound of the Gulf Stream toward the East Coast of the US. They have been watching the increased clapping ongoing along the Seaway narrows near Montreal,
and recorded the clapping at the Seaway exit
where the Titan was crushed. They are aware from NOAA’s Ocean Explorer
that the N Atlantic is clapping and have pinpointed the spot where it will likely separate during the Finale.

NASA has been part of the coverup over Nibiru from the start, and is concerned that the New Madrid Finale will point to Nibiru as the cause of any tsunami. Thus they have engineered an excuse that cannot be challenged. Having a near-Earth asteroid land where the N Atlantic ridge will clap allows them to claim that the asteroid weakened this spot, thus explaining any clapping that might occur there soon. Will the public be fooled? This latest NASA excuse
fails to explain N America being pulled into two Portions.

Prior Clapping ZT:
The Atlantic is steadily pulling apart, from the top of the Atlantic Rift at Iceland down to the Sandwich Islands. As we have mentioned the Daily Earth Wobble is driving the Earth plates to slam back and forth. Weak points in a plate or its borders can rupture suddenly, causing an earthquake or if in a stretch zone, causing silent disasters such as sinkholes or an underwater gap. The July 24 buoy throb in Station 44403 near the mouth of the Seaway was caused by a combination of factors.  This can be considered a preview of what will happen during the New Madrid tsunami.

Prior Montreal UFO ZT:
The UFO display seen overhead and recorded on video is depicting the wild ride that Montreal residents will take during the New Madrid adjustment soon to occur. The spread of the Seaway is clearly shown, with some closure at the end. During the New Madrid adjustment the tension before the major unzipping of the Fault Line will cause a large spread, which will prove to be temporary. 

Prior Titan ZT 6/20/2023:
The submersible promptly ran into trouble on the clapping New Madrid Fault Line, which runs underwater from the Seaway exit to the Azores tri-plate junction where the Africa Plate, the Eurasia Plate, and the N America Plate touch. This underwater portion of the Fault Line is pulled apart slightly on a daily basis, an iterative stretch and return which might be called clapping. Unless the voyage was timed to visit when the Fault Line was open, the clapping could spell disaster to the submersible.

Yes, constant water mains bursting, building collapse, houses exploding from gas lines being pulled apart, etc. And this pace will pick up when thte SE Portion is free to move fully. 

Kamil Rak said:

Three dead, multiple injured after building collapses at the Boise Airport

Object next to the Moon.
[and from another]
Whatever it was it had an EERIE presence about it! 3 witnesses!
[and from another]

Looking toward the SE after dark, one would see what is approaching the Moon from the West. In September, 2023 the Dark Twin was also captured in the late afternoon sky in this location, as a reflection
of what is approaching from the West, back along the orbit the Dark Twin and Earth share. We have stated that the Dark Twin is trying to duck behind the Earth
to pass the Earth, but will not achieve this until the Last Weeks. That said, what is appearing on January 30 in photos from Arizona? Once again looking to the SE along the horizon, the mystery object appears just to the West of the Moon.

The Moon is reflecting sunlight in this Mr MBB333 video, and likewise there is sunlight reflecting off the Dark Twin. The Dark Twin lies beyond the Moon, however, so most of this reflected sunlight can dissipate, especially when clouds are present to distort the image. In all the photo captures to present, the Dark Twin is still in the orbit it shares with Earth, thus is at a distance. As the Last Weeks approach the Dark Twin will push behind the Earth, thus coming closer to the Earth and visibility will increase. But that time has not yet arrived.

Prior ZT:
The Dark Twin is pressing up behind the Earth in their shared orbit, trying to drop behind the Earth to pass on the far side away from the Sun and Nibiru. It will not manage this maneuver until the Last Weeks, as we have explained. The Dark Twin is slowly rotating, counterclockwise, left to right, and shows many impact craters.

Prior ZT:
The Dark Twin has come up behind the Earth in their shared orbit, but cannot pass until the gyrations of the Last Weeks gives it opportunity to move on along their shared orbit. Prior to that time the Dark Twin attempts to slip behind the Earth. Thus it could be found in various locations and captured on film. Most often these captures are of a Monster Persona where the light reflected off its surface fans out but is then bent back toward the Earth, thus displaying what appears to be a large object. It is coming closer.

Prior ZT:
By looking to the right of the setting Sun at 4:21 pm, the camera is capturing the image of the Dark Twin as a direct reflection of an object to the left - approaching from the West along the orbit shared with the Earth. There are two objects to be captured thus - the Monster Persona which is enlarged to appear larger than it is in reality, and the real object larger than Venus but smaller than the Earth's Moon. The Dark Twin is Earth sized, and if seen without size adjustments would be this large.

There was a crane positioned on top of the hangar as it was being erected..  I do believe the daily wobble caused the crane to collapse which took out the structure supporting it.

Kamil Rak said:

Three dead, multiple injured after building collapses at the Boise Airport

Idaho is not on the New Madrid fault. Did the N America bow stretch cause this dramatic collapse? Is it because N America being is being pulled into two portions just like the Zetas have stated?

What is up with four Suns is this real if one is the Sun one is Nibiru what is the other two?
[and from another]

The Sun can reflect off clouds, bouncing back and forth such that a reflection of a reflection can appear in different places. When this happens the cloud cover that covers the reflection of a reflection will have a different appearance depending upon the cloud density during this process. Does Nibiru have a role in this process? Such dual reflections can occur with Nibiru too, adding to the confusion the public has as the Nibiru Complex becomes more visible.

The question today is that we had big fires in Chile these days and if it's not too obvious, I would like to know if these fires have a lot to do with plate friction because seeing the damage reminded me of the episode in Hawaii.
[and from another]
At least 112 dead as authorities struggle to contain forest fires in Chile
February 4, 2024
Drone footage filmed by Reuters in Vina del Mar area showed entire neighbourhoods scorched, with residents rummaging through husks of burnt-out houses where corrugated iron roofs have collapsed. On the streets, singed cars littered the roads.
[and from another]
S America Roll 2019
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S American Waggle 2023

Where not directly involved in the Plate Movement required to release the New Madrid Rupture, S America might be called collateral damage. It tends overall to lob its knobby top to the West, but when the S Pacific compresses the foot of S America can pull into the Pacific, what we call a waggle. This waggle allows the knobby top to fall to the East, thus giving the SE Portion of N America a route to slide over the hump of the Caribbean, and facilitate the New Madrid Rupture.

Being pulled back and forth in this waggle puts stress on what we will call the armpit of S America, which is frequently covered by quakes and has sustained deep, large quakes in the past too. Indeed, the photos from the recent Chile wildfires show the same scorched Earth result that occurred in Maui. Of note is that the fires came from the ground, with a flag and green leaves on a tree intact while cars were incinerated.

Prior ZT:
A distinctive and obvious waggle of the S American Plate occurred on July 10 shown on the quake maps. The SE Portion is separating from the Caribbean. Repeated major quakes off the coast of Antigua and Barbuda in the N Atlantic were not on a fault line or a plate border, but within the rock of the SE Portion itself, showing the stress it is enduring. Simultaneously the foot of S America is pushing westward into the Pacific, as is shown by a major quake along the Nazca border. As we have repeatedly emphasized, a S American waggle will allow the SE Portion to free its attachment at the Isthmus, allowing the New Madrid Rupture to proceed without impedance. The sequence started on July 4 is occurring in iterative runs, such that the Pacific compresses during a China blowout, which then puts pressure on the bulbous top of S America. The bulbous top is then pushed East into the Atlantic which tilts the S America foot into the Pacific - the waggle. Each run will be stronger than the last. 

Tucker Carlson Reveals when Putin Interview will Be Aired
Fabruary 8, 2024
The conversation with the Russian president will be shown at 6pm EST on Thursday.
[and from another]

Whatever is revealed in this February 8 release of Tucker’s interview, it is likely to be released in pieces. There are several different packets prepped for the first release. Putin has threatened to announce Nibiru but has granted the Junta the opportunity to do the announcement. If this interview had been recorded in the US, it could be confiscated, but in that it was recorded in Russia, the original copy is being held in Russia, thus safe from the Nibiru coverup. Letting Putin tell his story re the Ukraine, whether this was an invasion or a rescue, is expected and not news. For President Trump to have a cameo appearance, recorded in Moscow, would be to confirm that Nibiru is real but world-wide riots feared. This is all in play and could go in many directions.

Confirmed by the Zetas. It's a Mothership.
[and from another]
Holes in the Clouds, Hole Punch Cloud, UFO, UAP
[and from another]
Arizona USA Jan 5, 2024
Photos: Fernando Arturo Valenzuela Limón.
[and from another]

We have explained that the cloud hole is the result of a Mothership leaving the cloud. The Mothership disappears, while the hole in the cloud lingers. This is the first time the camera caught the moment when the Mothership left. In this capture we see the circle of the cloud hole and the exiting Mothership within the hole. We also see the same process for two smaller ships that have accompanied the Mothership, leaving a smaller cloud hole to the right and left of the larger.

Putin has the goods. What goods?
[and from another]
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What are the chances? At exactly :17 seconds into the interview, Putin takes off his black leather-band WATCH and places it on the table, next to a PEN. A very odd thing to do and even more odd that they changed camera angles to show it, rather than edit it out.  Q Drop 2647 has an image of a black leather band watch and a pen. It says: The Clock is Ticking FOLLOW THE WATCH. Unbelievable. Vladimir Putin just gave us comms. Follow the watch > Putin has the goods > time is running out.

As we stated on the morning the Interview was to occur, the big bomb being recorded is the truth about Nibiru – that is exists, has come into the inner Solar System, and is the factor causing the increase in quakes and volcanic eruptions as well as the wobble weather. Russia of course has proof, as does the Junta. Concerned that the common man is not being informed so they can prepare and take steps for their survival Putin has threatened to announce the presence of Nibiru from Russia unless the Junta promptly does this. The original of Tucker’s interview is being held in Moscow, for safe keeping.

Does the watch displayed on Q drop 2647 have meaning? It is set at 3:14. This implies that the Junta has mere weeks to comply before Tucker and Putin act. In that the New Madrid is poised to Rupture, with Martial Law imposed everywhere in the western world as a result, this is likely to occur by 3/14/2024. But matters in the hands of man are unpredictable because mankind has free will. Nevertheless, it is a clear signal that the clock is ticking on some matter, and this interview has always been about Nibiru.

Germany appears to have shut down all their nuclear power plants, and now France is following suit after a fire at one of their power plants. Why this trend?
[and from another]
France's EDF Shuts Down Two Nuclear Reactors after Fire at Chinon Plant
February 11, 2024
Nuclear energy operator EDF has shut down two reactors at Chinon in western France after a fire in a non-nuclear sector of the plant in the early hours of Saturday, the company said. The fire has been extinguished, it said. "Production unit number 3 at the Chinon nuclear power plant has shut down automatically, in accordance with the reactor's safety and protection systems," EDF said in a statement, adding it also shut down reactor number 4, which is coupled to number 3.France's nuclear safety watchdog said in a separate statement the fire had led to an electricity cut at the plant that triggered the automatic shutdown.Chinon is one of France's oldest nuclear plants.
[and from another]
EU’s Largest Economy Spending Billions to Replace Nuclear Power
February 11, 2024
Germany is set to spend €16 billion to construct four gas-fired power plants as it seeks to ensure an adequate supply of electricity after scrapping its nuclear reactors, the Economy Ministry announced earlier this week. This comes as part of a major overhaul of the country’s energy grid, according to the ministry.
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Nuclear Power in German
April, 2023
Germany until March 2011 obtained one-quarter of its electricity from nuclear energy, using 17 reactors. A coalition government formed after the 1998 federal elections had the phasing out of nuclear energy as a feature of its policy. With a new government in 2009, the phase-out was cancelled, but then reintroduced in 2011. Eight reactors were shut down immediately, and all were scheduled to close by the end of 2022. In October 2022, the Chancellor decided that Germany’s three remaining nuclear power reactors would keep operating until mid-April 2023 to offset reduced gas supply from Russia.
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Nuclear Power Plants were seen as the solution decades ago and were embraced by many countries. As long as cooling water was available from a nearby river or coastline location, these plants were seen as reliable and long running without the fuel worries inherent in gas or coal fired plants. Disposal of spent nuclear fuel by burial was available. Why has Germany decided in recent years to switch to gas? This is in no small part due to our predictions, which keep proving accurate and true.

With gas or coal fired plants, the furnace can be shut off, but Nuclear Power Plants need to be cooled and shut down so advance warning is required so that the reactor rods can be positioned correctly. An earthquake spate can break the controls so another Chernobyl occurs. If cooling water from a river is being used, the river can be diverted by landslides or heaving land. The recent fire in a France plant is a reminder that aging plants are vulnerable, and that all plants are vulnerable to Plate Movements.


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