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  3. The Zetas, as all visitors, are under rules on how they interact with humanity. They are not here to rescue you. They cannot divert Planet X just as today they do not prevent droughts or floods. The Earth is mankind’s schoolhouse whereby he learns to help his fellow man.
  4. The date of the pole shift cannot be given, but the sequence of events can be given. [ Link ] Check the ning pinned discussions and blogs for such information as the 7 of 10, the last weeks, etc.

Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case.

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 78 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

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SOZT Indeed the Tail swings below and up to the left of Nibiru, in the Retrograde manner. The Tail is so dense that seen from the ISS Nibiru was only discernable as a fuzzy red ball with a drifting tail. Sunlight bouncing off the Petrol and Dust shrouding Nibiru allow it to be seen as a brillian Second Sun, such is the importance of Petrol deflecting sunlight rays. Nibiru is announcing itsefl via the Petrol displays in the atmosphere too, in addition to the Wobble. EOZT

James of Idaho said:

Today I captured in some rapid shutter images this large object that is below the light rays being projected of Nibiru.  

Are there gray hominoids living in caves, or is this a hoax. One post claimed that if they touched or scratched you, you would be paralyzed while they ate you alive. Some toxin in their fingernails.
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During evolution of a species it is possible to have multiple branches on the evolutionary tree or even to have de-evolution backwards. A hominoid that was evolving in a region with many caves could seek a food source from other creatures that sought shelter in the caves, and thus emerging as a gray or colorless hominoid that would lack all defenses except a toxic scratch to paralyze its prey. Such a hominoid would not come to the attention of surface mankind as they would both avoid each other. During times of Plate Movement stress, where rock is emitting electronic screech, the food source for these gray hominoids would avoid caves, thus forcing the gray hominoids into the open.

My take is the Military might step forward on the 27th and no election, or they allow the election and expose the fraud by Martial Law 11th Nov. Remember many states are saying they won't have results on the night etc.
[and from another]
Trump’s Polymarket Odds Top 60%: How Election Betting Markets Differ from Polls
October 17, 2024
Other prominent sites which allow users to wager money on the outcome of the election have similar shifts toward Trump: Betfair places a roughly 58% chance at a Trump win, Kalshi 57%, PredictIt 54% and Smarkets 58%.  Statistician Nate Silver’s model gives Trump a 50.2% chance of winning next month compared to 49.5% for Harris, while FiveThirtyEight assigns Harris a 53% to 46% edge. National polls lean in Harris’ favor, with Real Clear Polling’s latest weighted data giving Harris a 49.2% to 47.7% advantage. 
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Five Unusual Indicators That Could Predict Presidential Election Winner
October 15, 2024
The stock market being up or down in the three months before Election Day has correctly predicted the outcome of 21 out of the last 24 elections. In 18 of the last 24 elections, the tallest candidate has won the election, lending a "tallest person wins," logic to election proceedings. Busken Bakery in Ohio has predicted almost every presidential election correctly since 1984 through cookie sales. The cookie poll has proved accurate in nine out of ten elections since it began, with 2020 being the only time the less popular cookie's candidate won. On Wednesday, Busken Bakery had its "Doughmocracy for all," count at 7,027 cookies for Harris, and 20,312 cookies for Trump.
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Election fraud is already in full swing. There are 2 options open to the Junta.

#1 Admit the 2020 fraud, reinstate President Trump, declare Martial Law over repeated election fraud, and proceed with processing the ballots over many months to sort out the fraud. This option would put the most stress on the Military. It also opens a can of worms in that a President can only serve 2 terms so Trump could only be President until Jan 2025.

#2 Allow the 2024 elections to occur but commandeer all the evidence and be very public about the process to educate the public. Martial Law would not be called, Harris would not be allowed to be President but Biden would continue as he is at present under Junta control.

Many are saying it's not where it was yesterday. I can confirm that yesterday it was in the view of that regular webcam I use and from my window. The Hunters Moon was NW yesterday and yet tonight it is nowhere in view, either on the webcam or out of my window, clear skies too. According to Moon time and date site, it's WSW. It says it rises in the N East at 6.31pm and sets in the NW at 10.56am. So it should be visible from my window. As we know per ZT the moon etc is out of synch, but good grief, it is wildly off course! Wobble is extreme.
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BREAKING: Just looked out me window and the moon has f’d off, a day after the Hunters moon. Nowhere to be seen, again. Think someone forgot to change the light bulb.
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Yesterday Hunter’s Moon was the closest the moon would be for the whole year and highlighted, yet again, more than 90° tilt. Remember, libration of the moon in a given night can only be no more than 8°!
There can only be one explanation - a much larger magnet is in the vicinity of our earth. No manmade apparatus can cause the #EarthWobble where we’re getting the impression of the #moontilt by that much! Why the full moon is called hunter’s moon. The hunter’s moon is the first full moon after the autumnal equinox, which occurred on September 22 this year. The lunar event marks the changing of the seasons. The name originated from indigenous people, who benefited from the bright appearance of the moon as hunters prepared for long winters. Hunting also tended to be easier during this time of year because the fields had already been cleared out, according to The Old Farmer’s Almanac. #PoleShift #Nibiru
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Moon FACTS are that the Moon will appear to be upside down if viewed from the S. Pole vs the N. Pole, and every change in latitude skews this view. But the view for any given latitude should vary only by 7° 7 minutes, a movement called Lunar Libration, equivalent to the hour hand of a clock moving a mere 1/2 hour. The rotation of the Moon's face during a lunar night moved from a reported 45° on Mar 7, 2004 to 60° by July 31, 2004 to 95° by Sep 26, 2004 and for real drama, see that animation of the 95° turn. This Netherlands Feb 27, 2005 photo covering a mere 3 hours shows an almost 30° turn.
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Moon Phases
For over a year observers have noted that the phases of the Moon are coming early, and were aberrant.
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The Daily Earth Wobble began in 2004 after Nibiru had entered the inner Solar System, and was almost immediately turning heads among Moon watchers. The Lunar Libration, the torque or turning of the Moon Face, should not exceed 7° 7 minutes, yet in 2005 was recorded
as being up to 95° and now in 2024 this skew is still holding. The extreme wobble is causing the Moon to disappear from the sky now. It is out of phase
as its location vis-à-vis the Earth is now different. But primarily, it is not the Moon that is moving, but the Earth below.
The populace is noticing, and in addition to signs that the Nibiru Complex is in the skies, this will force an admission soon that Nibiru is a real and present danger.

Prior 3/11/2005 ZT:
The Moon, as a bead on the edge of the hat rim traveling around the hat, is seen in the extreme North during one part of the month, and at the extreme South two weeks later. Why? A turmoil, mostly present at the Ecliptic, which the Moon normally rides. The easy out for the Moon is to avoid the crowded lane, which it does by being too high, and then too low, for the majority of its orbit.

Prior 8/16/2008 ZT:
It has been noted and documented on the ZetaTalk website that the Moon's orbit is tilted too far to the north during half the period, and too far to the south during the other half. This makes the distance across the face of the Earth shorter, as the Earth is broader at her middle, at the Equator. Taking a route over land above or below the equator is a shortcut, so to speak. So gradually the Moon has gained on her regular 28 day orbit period, thus peaking earlier than in the tables, as you noted.

Prior 11/1/2008 ZT:
The orbit of the Moon is aberrant, and has been since Planet X came into the inner solar system. Because it swings wide between full and new moons, it can catch more or less sunlight than expected.

I want to ask the Zetas about these swarms of drones that came over the Pentagon very recently for 17 days. By law (?) they were not allowed to shoot them down, which seems ridiculous to me. Were these curious citizens, our enemy within or enemy without? And what was this all about?
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Drone Swarm in Virginia Shows Concerning Gaps and Seams in Homeland Security
October 17, 2024
In December 2023, for 17 continuous days, a fleet of drones appeared at night over Langley Air Force Base (AFB), Virginia and other facilities in the greater Virginia Beach area.  This was reported at the time, but the story was fleeting. In February 2023, a pair of F-22s from Langley shot down the Chinese spy balloon as it exited the United States over South Carolina into the Atlantic Ocean. In January 2024, a Chinese graduate student at the University of Minnesota, was arrested for flying a drone over close by Newport News Shipbuilding – the only builder of U.S. aircraft carriers and one of two submarine production yards. Significant Inter-Agency U.S. Government capabilities were mobilized to monitor, assess, and possibly interdict the flights, but to no avail that has been publicly revealed. Currently China is conducting a spying surge that is overwhelming the West and far greater than the Soviet threat during the Cold War.  It is not illogical to conclude the drones may have a connection with Chinese spy efforts. The unsecure American Border Homeland and China’s malign efforts should be a far greater focus of attention in Election 2024.
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Mysterious Drones Swarmed Langley AFB For Weeks
March 15, 2024
This spate of bizarre drone incursions deeply underscores the still-growing threats that uncrewed aerial systems present on and off traditional battlefields. At a hearing before the Senate Armed Services Committee , U.S. Air Force Gen. Gregory Guillot, currently head of U.S. Northern Command (NORTHCOM) and the U.S.-Canadian North American Defense Command (NORAD), made what appear to be the first public acknowledgment of the incidents at Langley.
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Over 100 Ukrainian Drones Downed in Russia Overnight
October 20, 2024
Air defenses intercepted or destroyed 110 UAVs, 43 of which were taken down over the Kursk Region near the border, where fighting has been raging since early August. Ukraine routinely launches drone attacks deep into Russia, with raids targeting energy facilities and other civilian structures.
[and from another]
Russian UAV Operators using Ramming Tactics against Ukrainian Drones
October 20, 2024
The Russian military has been successfully using ramming tactics to deal with large Ukrainian attack drones. it published a clip showing two drones of the ‘Baba Yaga’ class, operated by Kiev’s forces, being eliminated by smaller Russian unmanned aerial vehicles. The Russian forces are implementing a “seek and destroy” strategy against the Ukrainian drones. Named after a witch-like character from Slavic folklore, the 'Baba Yaga' hexacopters are former agricultural UAVs converted into attack drones by Ukraine. 
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Netanyahu’s House Attacked by Drone
October 19, 2024
An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) filled with explosives hit the vacation home of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the seaside town of Caesarea.

The history of mankind’s warfare has evolved from the days when troops were sent into battle with swords and arrows and the warplans of their generals were sought by insiders or from pillow talk. What was the next attack? Where and when and how? This information was passed human to human, but now in drone warfare it is being passed machine to machine. Machine language can be encoded, so unavailable. To learn who the intrusive enemy is, one must secure rather than shoot down the drone, and possession of the drone then provides other information such as the guidance system mechanisms.

During the current Ukraine war, Russia has successfully established drone to drone battlefield defences based on systems that identify the type of drone Kiev is using as well as visual and auditory determination of the drone location and trajectory. But in late 2023 the Pentagon was more focused on learning who was sending swarms of small drones to peer at their facilities, thus capture was the main objective. Of course they did not want to admit any weakness by reporting these adventures to the media or Congress.

Lately I have been hearing people around me talking about the sun and moon being out of place. And one guy described what sounds to me like petro falling. At least in my part of Wisconsin it seems people are beginning to take notice. OK so for the last couple of weeks I have been feeling really “antsy” and have been having a hard time concentrating on anything. I can only get through about 20 minutes of a movie. I assumed it has to do with the elections and possible announcement. However, another thing that’s been happening is this feeling of being tired all the time and getting short dizzy spells. I’ve been sleeping much longer than I have been and lately coworkers have been mentioning the same. One went to her doctor for a check up to see if anything is wrong. So with all of these things going on I’m now beginning to feel this is related to the increased wobble as all this seem to have start with the 270 degree roll. Would the zetas care to share any input in regards to this. Should we expect more or different wobble “illnesses”?
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Magnetic Sickness 2007
Odd symptoms many had been having. Vertigo, dizziness, nausea, and more fequent and painful periods. These symptoms had come on suddenly, in waves now and then, all during the same time period and from around the world. Medical exams proved nothing amiss with the complainants.
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Sleepy Hollow 2015
The magnetic sickness afflicting the residents of Sleepy Hollow has three causes. The first is the wafting tail of Planet X, which sweeps the Earth on occasion, causing electromagnetic problems for mankind’s electronics and crashing planes. The second is the tearing of the Eurasian Plate, ripping a new seaway along the lowlands just to the west of Afghanistan thence up through Kazakhstan and thence into the low lands to the east of the Ural Mountains.

What happens when Magnetic Fields encounter each other or clash. If they are positioned correctly they will try to merge. If two N Poles are forced together there will be a push away, but if a N Pole and S Pole are facing each other, they will be attracted to each other. The Earth is listening to the Sun, the dominant Magnet in the Solar System. But at present Nibiru is in a 270 Roll, turning its N Pole toward the Earth, thus forming a T arrangement with the Earth. What does this do to the Earth, which is in the midst of a Severe Wobble and electronic screech during Plate Movements?

When the Magnetic Field of Earth encounters the field of Nibiru, it is tugged to join or align in a different direction, and during such tugging Magnetons can increase in number and intensity. It would be akin to two bare electric wires touching each other temporarily. Surges and sparks. The effect on humans or other living creatures is a flood of Magnetons, albeit temporary. Severe Magnetic Sickness can result – dizzy, lethargic, and nauseous. Add to this the Methane release during Plate Movement, which also cause lethargy and nausea. This will ultimately go away after the Nibiru Passage.

Prior 2007 ZT:
Add to the effects of the tail elements filtering through the atmosphere, the magnetic swings. It is more than magnetic particles that are affected, when the swings are violent, as they have become. Humans or animals living under high voltage lines get cancer at a higher rate than otherwise, as well as other illnesses. It has been reported in the Kolbrin that women in Egypt were barren in the months before the last pole shift, and aborted. So not the first time these symptoms have been noted. These matters will not go away, but will increase up to the pole shift, when relief will at last be at hand.

Prior 10/16/2010 ZT:
Why would the roiling core of the Earth, the magnetic swings, and elements in the tail of Planet X be playing havoc? It was noted in late 2007 that a sudden dizziness in men and women alike was occurring, mysteriously, around the world.

Prior 12/20/2014 ZT:
Uranium has a paramagnetic quality, so that it participates in a field when under the influence of an external magnetic field such as is inherent in the charged tail of Planet X. The tail wafts over Sleepy Hollow and the magnetic field is compounded by the presence of Uranium particles pulled into the swirl. This is a heightened, though temporary field that basically blasts anyone nearby. It is reported that the sleepiness strikes when the winds come from the mines and the river and the air is stormy and cloudy.

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