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  1. No personal counseling is done.This rule has been in place since 1996. Questions should be of broad interest to the general public.
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  3. The Zetas, as all visitors, are under rules on how they interact with humanity. They are not here to rescue you. They cannot divert Planet X just as today they do not prevent droughts or floods. The Earth is mankind’s schoolhouse whereby he learns to help his fellow man.
  4. The date of the pole shift cannot be given, but the sequence of events can be given. [ Link ] Check the ning pinned discussions and blogs for such information as the 7 of 10, the last weeks, etc.

Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case.

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 78 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.

Views: 49015

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Replies to This Discussion

Metrolink and Amtrak Suspend Service Between LA and San Diego Indefinitely Due to the Ground Shifting
October 2, 2022
This comes after a recent ocean surge connected to Tropical Storm Kay led to high tides and waves that shifted the coastal tracks, which serve as the only viable link from San Diego to Los Angeles and the rest of the country.
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Metrolink, Amtrak Suspend Train Service to Oceanside because of Unstable Slope
September 30, 2022
Metrolink and Amtrak train service between Orange County and San Diego County has been suspended until further notice because of slope movement beneath the seaside tracks at San Clemente. The low-lying section of track crosses an ancient, recurring landslide that is aggravated by storms, waves and high tides.

Railroad tracks are always built on solid ground, and any evidence of a landslide would have precluded the site from even being considered. Nor do storms or waves affect the solid land upon which tracks are laid. The San Andreas Fault Line is well inland from the coastline at San Diego but the Mainland Portion of N America has been steadily dropping, landing heavily upon Mexico and the Cocos Plate border. Thus the site of the Metrolink Amtrak is being shoved over the Pacific Plate and this destabilized the ground where the track was laid.

Prior 3/16/2022 ZT:
We predicted that the San Andreas would be more active prior to the big New Madrid rupture, and this is happening. But what is causing the N American Plate to shift to the West? It is the stress of the diagonal pull wherein the bow shape that was forced upon N America over the past decade is relaxing, the Mainland Portion straightening out. The weight of the Mainland Portion dropping down toward the tip of Mexico is now extreme, the quakes along the tip of Mexico and the Cocos Plate border are deep, constant, and spread across the whole of the border between Mexico and Cocos. 

Prior 10/23/2010:
After the New Madrid adjusts the West Coast adjusts, as we have stated. We have not detailed this, as compared to the New Madrid this is minor. All the fault lines closely watched on the West Coast will adjust, the volcanoes nervously watched will erupt, and certainly the waters off the coast will be choppy if not generating some minor tsunami during the plate adjustments.

Prior 3/3/2007 ZT:
The New Madrid adjustment will affect so much area, in a domino manner, that it will not be a single large quake, but a series, separated by weeks and months. The primary adjustment will be within days, after shocks for weeks, but months later still, adjustments. Then, as we have explained, there will be a bow from San Diego out to Arizona, which will rupture the great dam on the Colorado. When this bow, which forces Mexico too far to the West for the comfort of the West Coast, adjusts, it will be a slip-slide adjustment of the San Andreas and related fault lines up the coast.

Prior 4/26/2008 ZT:
We have described a temporary bowing along the West Coast as the stress on the N American continent builds. Rather than tear along the New Madrid and related fault lines, Mexico at first is pulled toward the west, creating a bow that forms around California and stresses the rock along the West Coast all the way from the tip of Mexico to Alaska. We have stated that major adjustments in the New Madrid and associated fault lines will occur before major adjustments along the San Andreas occur. The bowing will force this, as at some point the rock will refuse to bow further and the stress along the weak points in the center of the continent will give. The fact that there is a bow along the West Coast is what in fact prevents a major adjustment along the San Andreas until the New Madrid adjusts. This rock is in compression now, along a curve, and the slip slide of the San Andreas has more friction than usual to prevent any movement. 

About 140 million people in Bangladesh are without power after a grid failure caused widespread blackouts, the government’s utility company said.

Is this caused by the Euroasian stretch?


Kamil Rak said:

About 140 million people in Bangladesh are without power after a grid failure caused widespread blackouts, the government’s utility company said.

Is this caused by the Euroasian stretch?
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Bangladesh faces power blackout after national grid fails
October 4, 2022
About 140 million people in Bangladesh are without power after a grid failure caused widespread blackouts. Officials of the state-run Bangladesh Power Development Board said power transmission failed somewhere in the eastern part of the country. All power plants tripped and electricity was cut in the capital Dhaka and other big cities. Engineers were trying to determine where and why the glitches happened and it could take hours to restore the system. Bangladesh's recent impressive economic growth has been threatened by power shortages since the government suspended operations of all diesel-run power plants to reduce the cost of imports as prices have soared. The diesel-run power plants produced about 6 percent of Bangladesh's power generation, so their shutdowns cut output by up to 1500 megawatts.
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Blackouts across Bangladesh: Grid failure leaves over 130 million without power
October 4, 2022
Bangladesh has suffered a major power crisis in recent months as a result of higher global energy prices following Russia's invasion of Ukraine. At least 130 million people in Bangladesh were without power on Tuesday afternoon after a grid failure caused widespread blackouts.
[and from another]
JUST IN - Bangladesh's national power grid collapses, causing a blackout for 140 million citizens. Apart from parts of the county's northwest, "the rest of the country is without power," an official says.

Whether India and Australia reside on the same plate has always been open for dispute, but we have confirmed that they act and move as one plate. Bangladesh is residing on the Eurasian Plate but is subject to much turmoil because the Indo-Australia Plate nearby is being shoved under the Himalayas. This is a downward motion for India while the Eurasian Plate is in a stretch from the UK through to the China coast.

The Indio-Australia Plate also has a fracture point just below Bangladesh, where a solid rock point reaches up toward Bangladesh. This fracture point is notably free of SO2 gas emissions, as is Tibet above Bangladesh. They are both refusing to crumble. Thus Bangladesh is caught in a tri-plate crunch, with India being pushed DOWN while China is being stretched sideways to the EAST and the Australia Plate spike and its firm connection to Tibet insist on remaining STATIC.

In these situations there is extreme electronic screech from the rock. This does show on the SO2 charts where Asia along the Indo-Australian Plate and rock spike are free of SO2 emissions, as is Tibet. That India and China are emitting SO2 from shifting rock can clearly be seen. Electric grids are subject to cascading outages, where a failure in one sector triggers a domino failure. This is a common occurrence when high demand is placed on a grid.

Elon Musk told Twitter he's willing to buy the company.

Previous ZT says:

"The Junta agenda includes righting the wrongs of the 2020 election fraud. The Junta would prefer not to incite a civil war, but as we have repeatedly stated if they declare Martial Law due to the pending New Madrid rupture then announcing that President Trump continues to be the President could be done with scant notice by the public. The public will be too distracted for political riots. The fake news media and free speech on social media have been some of the key issues to be corrected. Thus instructing Musk to spend some of his monies on Twitter is just part of the process."

Could this be a sign Trump is about to be reinstated?

Declined as this is not a sign, just more progress on the cleanup of the Cabal. 

Kamil Rak said:

Elon Musk told Twitter he's willing to buy the company.

Been getting letters from folks in Russia about light beams in the sky.  
[and from another]
The source and purpose of these "strange lights" has been identified: Russia's PERESVET Laser Anti-Satellite System. The military nature of the lighting became evident when the same light pattern hit the skies in Moscow, Murmansk, and Omsk, Russia as the world was paying attention to the lights in Belgorad. These laser systems are "anti-satellite" insofar as they can "dazzle" any recon satellite orbiting within 1500 kilometers of earth!
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Peresvet: a Russian Mobile Laser System to Dazzle Enemy Satellites
June 15, 2020
If imaging satellites are blinded by a laser beam, an adversary would be denied the opportunity to follow the movements of mobile ICBMs. This would come in handy if there were signs of an imminent attack on Russia's ICBM arsenal or if Russia itself had the intention to launch a nuclear first strike on another nation. 
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Curious Pillars of Yellow Light seen over Belgorod, Russia
October 5, 2022
Yellow light beams seen over Russia's city of Belgorod intrigued the residents.
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These yellow towers of light are appearing in Russian cities that border Europe but are not yet appearing in the Eastern half of Russia. Yes, as Shadow of Ezra
indicated, the Russian Superweapon capable of blinding satellites with a blaze of light is in operation, but these towers of yellow light are not the Peresvet. As the damage on the Nord Stream pipelines shows, Eurasia is being pulled apart and releasing Methane towers. Eurasia is in a stretch from the West coast of the UK through to the East coast of China, and more is to follow.

Prior 8/22/2015 ZT:
Light towers were noted in 2008 by soldiers in Iraq, who sighted these burning methane spires while wearing night vision goggles. Photos of twirling smoke drifting upward during the day in Canada showed that these towers were occurring during the day, also. Recently in Escanaba, Michigan a transformer exploded during a lightning storm, lighting a methane spire that had been released during an earthquake. And in late 2014 a methane flash in the Urals turned a highway into day for a few moments, in front of astonished commuters. The recent methane tower captures are close at hand, in low lying clouds, so the lit methane is under pressure and blowing out of the ground where seen, thus the tube appearance.

Seems unusual to me for the Mississippi to be "low on water". Is it being pulled apart and widened?

Accepted. I note that the Isthmus has deep quakes daily, and this is the start of the New Madrid Fault Line, where the Portions separate. This separation already arrived at NOLA over a year ago so changes would be expected. New ZT later today. 

Ryan said:

Seems unusual to me for the Mississippi to be "low on water". 

Seems unusual to me for the Mississippi to be "low on water". Is it being pulled apart and widened?
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Ingram Barge Company Declares Force Majeure Due to Low Water on Mississippi
October 6, 2022
Ingram Barge Company, one of the country's largest barge shippers, said it was providing formal notice of a force majeure event as low water on the Mississippi River disrupted its operations on the major shipping waterway. The declaration would affect the portion of Ingram's operating network at locations downriver from Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
[and from another]
Low Water Levels on Mississippi River Threatens Shipments
October 6, 2022
Ingram Barge Company, the largest U.S. barge operator, declared force majeure in a letter to customers due to near-historic  low water conditions on the Mississippi River. As of Wednesday afternoon, the Coast Guard said there was a queue of 122 vessels at Stack Island and 15 vessels at Memphis. Due to increased groundings, the number of vessels in tow is being restricted.

We stated that the New Madrid Adjustment began on October 12, 2019 when the Hard Rock Hotel
in New Orleans collapsed. The Isthmus of Tehuantepec was then watched closely as this is the start of the New Madrid Fault Line. The Isthmus is constantly peppered with deep quakes, as the Mainland Portion to the West of the fault line pulls down and toward the Pacific while the SE Portion to the East of the fault line stays glued to the Africa and Caribbean Plates.

The separation of the Mainland and SE Portion reached New Orleans
by April, 2022, but made scant progress up the Mississippi River since then. Now the floor of the Mississippi River is rising at New Orleans due to the tugging apart of the N America portions. This is due to the Mainland Portion DROPPING as it is pulled down toward Mexico and westward into the Pacific. The Mainland Portion is being stretched during this process, losing elevation thus, and during this process is raising the floor of the Mississippi River at New Orleans.

Prior 10/31/2019 ZT:
As the New Madrid Fault Line separates and pulls apart in a diagonal manner, it will give way at its weakest point, which is under the Gulf of Mexico at the mouth of the Mississippi. Rivers flow along the lowest points in the crust, which is where the crust is thin and thus has drooped. This is the start of the New Madrid adjustment.

Putin accuses Ukraine of Crimea bridge blast, calls it terrorism

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Sunday accused Ukraine of orchestrating the powerful blast that damaged a key bridge linking Russia and Crimea the day before, describing the explosion as an "act of terrorism".

"There is no doubt. This is an act of terrorism aimed at destroying critically important civilian infrastructure," Putin said in a video on the Kremlin's Telegram channel.

Declined as no need for ZetaTalk. Even the Ukraine seems to be admitting they did it. It is obvious. Post Script: in light of the counter offensive by Russia, will take this as a new ZT. 

Kamil Rak said:
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Sunday accused Ukraine of orchestrating the powerful blast that damaged a key bridge linking Russia and Crimea the day before, describing the explosion as an "act of terrorism".
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Putin accuses Ukraine of Crimea Bridge Blast, calls it Terrorism
October 10, 2022
Russia struck cities across Ukraine during rush hour on Monday morning, killing civilians and destroying infrastructure in apparent revenge after President Vladimir Putin declared an explosion on the bridge to Crimea to be a terrorist attack.
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Putin, Lukashenko Agree on Deployment of Joint Regional Group of Troops
October 10, 2022
Minsk had been warned through unofficial channels about plans to carry out an attack on Belarusian territory from Ukraine. Russian President Vladimir Putin and Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko have agreed on the deployment of a joint regional group of forces.
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Russia-Ukraine live Updates: Russian Missiles Strike Civilian Targets across Ukraine
October 10, 2022
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, whose forces began an offensive in August, has vowed to take back all Russian-occupied territory. But Putin in September announced a mobilization of reservists, which is expected to call up as many as 300,000 additional troops.
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Ukraine Behind Crimean Bridge Blast - US Media
October 9, 2022
The blast that damaged Russia's strategic Crimean Bridge and killed at least three people was orchestrated by Ukraine, the New York Times and Washington Post both reported on Saturday, citing sources.  The intelligence agency, called the SBU, was behind the attack.
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Russian Ex-President says Ukraine Strikes only "First Episode"
October 10, 2022
Russia's former president Dmitry Medvedev said Monday Russia's retaliatory mass strikes across Ukraine were only the "first episode".  "The first episode has been played. There will be others," Medvedev, now deputy head of the Security Council, said on social media, adding that the future goal should be "the complete dismantling of Ukraine's political regime."

A month ago in September Russia countered NATO�s big push to recapture Ukraine territory with what we called a snare operation.
Russia pulled back so that when NATO pushed in, they would be caught in a trap. Then Russia called a Referendum polling the people in these regions, showing decisively that they considered themselves to be Russian and wanted to be free of Ukraine control. Facing repeated losses, Ukraine tried to cut Russia supply chains by bombing the bridge to the Crimea. Two days later Russia retaliated with massive Ukraine-wide missile strikes, including strikes in Kiev, the Capitol of Ukraine and headquarters of Zelensky.

Belarus, an ally of Russia bordering the Ukraine, had learned of a planned Ukraine invasion, and forged an alliance. Russia seeks to end these repeated attempts to secure the Russian oil and gas fields. Time is short because when the New Madrid rupture sends a rebound tsunami against Europe, there will be panic and amid panic there will be opportunity for mischief. Russia will not relent nor stall this time, nor agree to any arrangement that would leave the EU or NATO in control of any part of Ukraine. By bombing the bridge to the Crimea, they have in essence burned their bridges to any truce.

Chris Tomas Wakefield disappeared and no one knows where he is. He has not been heard from in over a year. Even on his site the last update is from March 2021. Yet it starts with him and his pole shift in 2023 message. Where did he go? 
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The Chris Thomas Wakefield affair was a CIA disinformation scam intended to discredit ZetaTalk. Wakefield assumed the identity of a deceased vac salesman. Without a true source for new and accurate information, they plagiarized ZetaTalk. Then they put in the twist. The 2023 date was intended to taint ZetaTalk but instead a surprise from ZetaTalk emerged, ZetaTalk accepted the Tibetan Monk's 2026 date.
This was a death blow to this CIA scam. To avoid being identified, they cut all traces to the origins of the Chris Thomas Wakefield scam.

Prior 5/31/2021 ZT:
There are many predictions, primarily based on Bible interpretation, that claim that the Pole Shift will happen in 2023. This seems to run contrary to the Tibetan Buddhist Master's text, made 100 years ago, that it would happen in 2026. We have confirmed that the Master's text was accurate when made, but that many factors could intervene to speed up or slow down the timeline.

Prior 2/28/2021 ZT:
What then is to be made of a Buddhist Master's text, stating in no uncertain terms the likely date of the Pole Shift is 2026? This was correct when written, almost a century ago, but the celestial clock has many forces to consider and the passage can speed up or slow down, depending upon many factors.

Can the Zetas explain what caused all those mysterious explosions in Washington DC?
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Breaking: explosions FBI HQ DC. LIVE VID. October 12, 2022
So obvious explosions at FBI HQ bldg in DC. States called FBI, & FBI lies/denies this is happening. See live stream feed proof it is happening. ... This DC event was clearly from and happening on roof of the old DC FBI HQ Hoover Building. ... There is a device they sell for chasing birds away. It uses propane or natural gas to fill a little sound cannon, and then it fires it every so often according to a timer. If you have Canada geese on your property, they use the sound cannons. That is what it seems like to me. I have no idea why it would be blasting away on the roof of the FBI building at 3 am. I don't hear any drunk hooting and hollering. Just an automated sound cannon is my best guess. ... The amount of smoke and the time from each "boom" appears to be a automatic defense system on the roof that was firing at a airborne threat. 1)The sounds are not in any order 2) The smoke ejected is in line with that kind of weapon 3) The obvious projectile was in one direction with each boom. My best guess was there was in inbound threat to that building that was neutralized. ... I would say it has something to do with a relief valve venting off pressure, since it is happening about every 10 seconds. The building probably is turning on the heat for the first time this year.
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Explosions At FBI Headquarters Washington DC October 13, 2022
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Potomac River Explosive Test Range Schedule for the Week of October 10-14, 2022
Welcome to The Potomac River Test Range Website. This page provides daily information about the operations and scheduling of activities at the Potomac River Test Range and the Explosive Experimental Area (Pumpkin Neck). These facilities are used by our military to conduct munitions testing and should be avoided while testing is in progress. 
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Despite all the speculation about what was causing the booms and smoke on the FBI Headquarters building in DC, the answer is simple. All the sister fault lines that parallel the New Madrid Fault Line are active at the present time, and the East Coast Fault Line runs right under DC. This is a stretch zone and they are normally silent, though can be deadly. Destabilized and shifting rock under the old FBI building would cause walls and floors to snap. The FBI refused to comment because there is a cover-up over Nibiru, thus the mystery.


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