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Zeta Rules that Apply
Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case.
This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 78 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.
Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.
Replies are closed for this discussion.
Accepted from the Moderator chat:
The photographer says it's like metallic particle attracting each other, and regrouping in a bundle. He also says that they are not mosquito larvae. It's just after the rain, it comes from skies.
[and from another]
Rainfall on France this material appears in some areas.
These peculiar blue-gray clumps that appeared just after a rain and quickly evaporated are not frantic ants or tadpoles or any life form. It is notable that the material seems to dissipate under direct sunlight, and appears to be encased in an opaque whitish material similar to Star Jelly. It is also notable that the particles seem to be attracted to each other, as though having a magnetic quality. Where the magnetized Red Dust in the tail of Nibiru is dominant, other fine dust particles also exist and can cast the color to be other than red. Star Jelly will melt, leaving what appears to be merely dust behind.
Accepted from the Moderators chat:
Balcones Fault area.
[and from another]
Buoy in event mode off the coast of BC and Haida Gwai.
[and from another]
Hazardous Chemical Leak Contained after train Derailment in Smithville
September 26, 2021
Tanker cars leaked hydrochloric acid after a Union Pacific train carrying hazardous cargo derailed in Smithville. The tanker cars were empty, but some were leaking residual acid. Around seven cars were involved in the derailment. The cause of the incident is still under investigation.
[and from another]
Investigators Probe deadly Amtrak Derailment in Montana
September 27, 2021
The westbound Empire Builder was en route from Chicago to Seattle when it left the tracks. The train was carrying about 141 passengers and 16 crew members and had two locomotives and 10 cars, eight of which derailed. Law enforcement said the officials from the NTSB, Amtrak and BNSF had arrived at the accident scene just west of Joplin, where the tracks cut through vast, golden brown wheat fields that were recently harvested. The derailment occurred at or near a switch, which is where the railway goes from a single track to a double track. The two locomotives and two cars at the front of the train reached the split and continued on the main track, but the remaining eight cars derailed. He said it was unclear if some of the last cars moved onto the second track.
We have described the New Madrid Adjustment as a fracturing of the N American Continent such that the land to the East of the Mississippi moves up while the land to the West of the Mississippi moves down into the Southwest. Thus, the diagonal rip. This separation is caused by the SE Portion of the US remaining in place in its attachments to Africa and Caribbean Plates, while the Mainland Portion slides toward the SW. By this slide toward the SW, the Mainland Portion is relaxing the extreme bowing tension that has been imposed on the N American Plate.
This slide is not without trauma, as can be seen by the number of inland quakes that the SW United States is enduring. The Mainland Portion changes shape to some degree during this relaxing of the bow, just as it changed shape when the bow was imposed. The train derailment at Smithville, Texas is significant because it is located at the rigid Balcones Fault region. The throbbing buoy off Vancouver is significant because it indicates a slide pushing into the Juan de Fuca platelet. The main adjustment of the New Madrid Fault Line will occur when this slide causes enough stress to create the unzipping we have predicted.
Hi Nancy,
Has there been a change at NBC in regards to the cover up? Was this done by the Junta? NBC had previously threatened Jon Stewart's family to force him into retirement, but now he is coming back with a new show. Also, there is new leadership at msnbc, where they have decided to release Rachel Maddow, and move toward more "hard news" over opinion/editorial.
Kris H said:
Has there been a change at NBC in regards to the cover up?
Was this done by the Junta? NBC had previously threatened Jon Stewart's family to force him into retirement, but now he is coming back with a new show. Also, there is new leadership at MSNBC, where they have decided to release Rachel Maddow, and move toward more "hard news" over opinion/editorial.
[and from another]
Staff at MSNBC are panicking over network's direction under Rashida Jones
September 26, 2021
MSNBC staffers are panicking over the direction of the left-leaning news network under newly minted President Rashida Jones, fearing that she's gearing up for a costly and potentially disastrous battle with CNN. That makes some employees nervous that MSNBC isn't adequately focused on shoring up its primetime lineup of opinion-focused shows that draw in the most loyal viewers. Rachel Maddow recently renegotiated an expansive contract that will see her eventually step away from her primetime show.
[and from another]
Jon Stewart's new show gets a premiere date
August 30, 2021
"The Problem with Jon Stewart," the comedian's new current affairs series, debuts on Apple TV+ on September 30. It will be the first time that Stewart will host his own show since leaving Comedy Central's "The Daily Show" in 2015.
Are some major media outlets being pressured to tell the truth about Nibiru? Clues that this is in process are the return of John Stewart,
who resigned in 2015 due to threats to his family. He had been considered a truth teller, who would admit the approach of Nibiru. During this time Drudge of the Drudge Report
also resigned, another truther gone. Maddow has been a puppet of the elite, a voice now silenced. Where these changes are visible to the public, what is not seen is the change in management at the top, or changes among the editors in charge of content.
There are two approaches to reporting Nibiru. One would be to deny until the bitter end, when the Last Weeks are upon mankind. This is what the elite and Satanists want. Another would be to admit the signs in the skies, even featuring documentaries about the various prophecies relating to the End Times, and discuss the relationship of the rise in volcanic activity and earthquakes to these prophecies. The Junta and the White Hats in other countries want the latter. Due to the arrests of Satanists associated with top control of the media, the media is changing its policies.
Prior ZT:
NBC has retaliated, literally, hiring hit men. Jon Stewart and his family were threatened. To make their point, NBC assassinated another CBS star, Bob Simon, who was beaten to death and placed in the car before the accident. This was both retaliation and a warning. Both Jon Stewart and Bob Simon were truth tellers, and could be expected after the announcement to ridicule or expose the cover-up.
Prior ZT:
Where it is clear that popular websites like the Drudge Report and World Net Daily and CNN seemed inaccessible for hours. Was this a government sponsored test, to snuff the news if the announcement admitting that Nibiru is real and nearby occurs? Was this at the hand of the New World Order, the elite who presume to run the world? The dominant stockholders, thus, are either part of the elite wanting to block the announcement by Obama or can be influenced by one of the elite. They are known, and can be threatened. Though considered ultra-rightist, the Drudge Report was included in the test as Drudge was inclined to succumb to Council of Worlds pressure, allowing the truth about Nibiru to appear on his popular site.
Accepted via email:
Lights out in China?[and from another] China Panics: Beijing Orders Energy Firms to "Secure Supplies at All Costs"; Oil Soars
September 30, 2021
Bloomberg reports that China's central government officials "ordered the country's top state-owned energy companies to secure supplies for this winter at all costs." Translation: Beijing is no longer willing to risk social anger and going forward China will be subsidizing coal and nat gas, which will lead to even higher prices, which will lead to even higher prices for other "substitute" commodities such as oil, which is why oil surged on the news.
[and from another]
Column: China's Widening Electricity Crisis Caused by Coal Shortage
September 25, 2021
China has traditionally purchased nearly all of its coal supplies from producers within Asia, but that changed last year when it stopped buying from Australia amid a political dispute between the once-close trading partners, leading to sporadic shortages.
[and from another]
China Power Crisis: Thermal Coal Inventory nears Record Low as Country Suffers Worst Outages in a Decade
September 29, 2021
China consumes more than 3 billion tonnes of thermal coal annually, but only about 7 per cent of that is imported. Before Beijing unofficially banned all Australian coal in October, almost 2 per cent of China's total consumed thermal coal came from Australia due to its reasonable price and high quality.
The cost of keeping the lights on will increase, as shortages in the fuel industries develop. This is blamed on the Covid-19 pandemic but industrial slowdowns are imposed by the establishment which fears a restless public becoming aware of the presence of Nibiru. Thus their priorities are to impose endless shutdowns and now termination of employees who refuse to be vaccinated. It is not just the UK which has a petrol shortage or the US where delivery trucks cannot move fast enough to free LA ports. China, the dominant industrial country in Asia, is also afflicted.
In the short term prices will rise, but placing a higher price on an item does not change its delivery date. Are the employees reluctant to come to work? Is the factory disabled? Manufacturing or delivery is not stalled because of a lack of funds. It has been affected by a stalled supply chain, which is directly related to the insistence in many countries that lockdowns so the public cannot riot takes precedence. This will only change when Nibiru is acknowledged, so the elite in power go on the defensive. At this point the elite will have another problem because the public will want to desert their bills and mortgages to prepare for survival.
In 2017, the Zetas commented on WikiLeaks "Vault 7" and how it was is related to the elite preparing in secret.
What do the Zetas say about the story that just broke recently how top CIA officials under the Trump administration, including the agency’s director at the time, Mike Pompeo, discussed assassinating WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in revenge for leaking a cache of surveillance documents dubbed Vault 7?
Accepted via email:
There has been much speculation over the Kaimanawa Wall, a rock structure deep in the bush. A vertical wall sectioned by straight horizontal and vertical rock fissures. It looks too straight & perpendicular to be natural. There appears to be no local or traditional knowledge on the source or origin of this wall. Is it a former civilization? With help from visitors? Are there Nibiru sighting devices to be uncovered in this area?
[and from another]
During prior passage of Nibiru, New Zealand did not have the height above sea level that it enjoys today. Each passage caused the Indo-Australian Plate to push under the Himalayas with a consequent tilt of the plate to push the N Island of New Zealand higher. The Annunaki, who erected the Easter Island heads and the Great Pyramids, had an alliance with aliens in the 4th Density who had the ability to levitate great stones. Why was the wall erected? To block and divert tidal waves coming from the Pacific.
Declined as this is no surprise. National Security oath are taken very seriously. Of note neither President Trump or Pompeo issued a kill order. Unlike, for instance, the JFK assassination.
Kamil Rak said:
In 2017, the Zetas commented on WikiLeaks "Vault 7" and how it was is related to the elite preparing in secret.
Accepted via email:
Check this document out from the Minister of the province of Saskatchewan (Sep 13). Looks like they are going into, or are ready to go into full martial law. Can the Zeta's comment if t they are reading Zetatalk regarding the coming New Madrid rip?
[and from another]
[and from another]
Saskatchewan Issues New Provincial Emergency Order to Address Labour Mobility in the Healthcare System
September 13, 2021
The Government of Saskatchewan has issued a new Provincial Emergency Order to once again provide for health system labour mobility through greater flexibility in scheduling and redirecting health care workers to areas experiencing capacity pressures and in the use of supplementary resources. The provisions are effective immediately.
[and from another]
Sask. Uses Emergency Powers to Move Health Staff, Quashing Union Talks
September 13, 2021
Public health teams face unprecedented case counts without the full force of the health-care system helping them, and emergency room staff say they're faced with a wave of patients as chronic fatigue contributes to understaffing.
[and from another]
COVID-19: Saskatchewan's Case Numbers Skyrocket through September 2021
September 30, 2021
This monthly total makes up for 18 per cent of the total COVID cases seen in Saskatchewan to date.
[and from another]
Sweden Becomes Third Nordic Country to Lift COVID Restrictions
September 29, 2021
Officials in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark have lifted almost all lockdowns, and the countries are seeing few new COVID-19 deaths per day, especially compared with earlier in the pandemic.
Herd Immunity for the Covid flu and its variants has become established. Sweden, Norway, and Denmark have lifted restrictions. Ivermectin has allowed most of the Uttar Pradesh
province in India to become Covid free. Meanwhile the statistics on death and injury from the vaccinations hastily produced to counter Covid show that the vaccinated have a higher mortality and injury rate than those affected by the virus. Increasingly, the vaccinations are being questioned and outlawed. There is a palpable pushback against mandatory vaccination rules and lockdowns because the public is in revolt and is protesting.
Why then, at this time, are some of the Commonwealth countries claiming an increase in Covid cases and taking lockdown steps that include Martial Law restrictions? In June it emerged that the Imperial College
in the UK had a plan to reduce the aging population in the UK, to ease the migration of the elite to Australia when the Pole Shift had devastated the islands in the UK. The UK has no plan to assist their citizens through the Pole Shift and into the Aftertime, other than death.
Thus the current petrol crisis, where there is not enough fuel for the cars. The UK is expected to be assaulted by high waves, the European tsunami we have predicted during the final New Madrid Fault Line unzipping. Is it coincidence that this fuel shortage comes just when this unzipping is due to occur? The Queen's Court has long been packed with elite who have a colonial mindset. They lost India but Australia and Canada are still under the Commonwealth thumb. The lockdowns in Australia were a test and are considered a success. They have now spread to Canada.
Prior ZT:
While the lockdown push by the elite is still ramping up, there is simultaneously a counter trend to back away from this stance. Japan announced it was going to halt the vaccine program until the safety of the vaccines could be assured, and now the EU is debating this subject. False statistics have been rampant during the supposed Pandemic, to bolster lockdowns which are frankly used as crowd control during the elite panic over the visibility of Nibiru in the skies.
Prior ZT:
The New Madrid adjustment has already begun in the US and is on target to create tsunami throughout the UK coastlines. London is being warned by UFOs repeatedly that the Thames will get a clash of waters from the North and the South. The common purpose the memo author mentions is to kill off a majority of UK citizens, who are aging and a drain on the UK coffers. We have mentioned that the UK government intends to seek refuge during the coming Pole Shift in Australia, moving their military to be headquartered there too. They do not intend to move the aging citizens. They intend to see them drown.
Accepted from the Moderator's chat:
Last August the Zetas predicted that potentially "revolution will erupt on a tsunami of truth." What would that tsunami and revolution look like?
[and from another]
Is there likely to be revolution, in any country, over the Covid lies and lockdowns? As Gandhi proved, passive resistance is just as effective as combat, and results in fewer casualties. How would this battle be won? By insisting that employers fire those who resist the vax, the arrogant establishment assumes they have the winning card. Workers will capitulate. But what if instead the workers start new extemporaneous enterprises, using the barter system for a free-wheeling exchange of goods and services?
Seeing their draconian lockdowns only succeeding in a crashed economy and loss of political control, the establishment would be the side to relent. Though the Commonwealth countries, under the thumb of the Queen's Court, are pressing forward with draconian lockdowns, the truth about vax dangers is in the news now. It is inevitable that the Covid wars will resolve to a restless herd immunity acceptance. But the "tsunami of truth" about Nibiru would take a different course. This would result in Martial Law, rather than control via lockdowns.
Essentially, the public would not accept an excuse from the establishment that they were unaware of Nibiru's approach or presence. This would not even be debatable. No amount of talking heads or lectures by experts or pointing to the Sun's solar emissions would suffice. We have predicted that half the population would promptly go into denial.
But the other half, already alienated by the Covid lies, would abandon their debts and jobs and establish survival camps.
In that soul longevity and past life experience lie with this group, the establishment would be losing its best workers. Imagine half the world's workers abandoning their debts and jobs. The banks would crash. Heads of State would continue to print devalued money but this would not prevent a crash. It would be the lack of goods and services, the infrastructure failing. There would be no Central Bank or Central Government in most countries, with no amount of rage in the corridors of power reversing this trend. Is this not revolution?
Prior ZT:
Both the wealthy and the banking empires are vested in the public continuing to pay their mortgages and taxes and continuing the Status Quo. The resolution of this death grip will go one of two ways: the Status Quo will continue until the Last Weeks wherein the elite will rush to their enclaves to hide, or revolution will erupt on a tsunami of truth.
Prior ZT:
Fully half the public will refuse to acknowledge Nibiru's approach and the pending Pole Shift. With less than half the public incarnated with Service-to-Other souls at the present time, this leaves half with immature or unsparked souls that by nature are not courageous, nor do they have a soul memory of past Pole Shifts. They are shocked, and cannot imagine their world literally turned upside down.
Prior ZT:
While the lockdown push by the elite is still ramping up, there is simultaneously a counter trend to back away from this stance. False statistics have been rampant during the supposed Pandemic, to bolster lockdowns which are frankly used as crowd control during the elite panic over the visibility of Nibiru in the skies. Over half the population of the world are now contactees, and hear the truth from their visitations. Now matters have broken out into the conscious arena. The establishment is in horror, faced with this mass rebellion of the sheep. They are reversing course, hoping to escape the consequences of their lies and tyranny.
Hello Nancy and the Zeta's,
More from the hands of our friends
or a likely product of EMP?
"Global users are experiencing outages on Facebook (October 4, 2021), including all social networks the company owns, which include Messenger, Instagram and WhatsApp. When navigating to these websites, a server error will appear.."
TL;DR: Google anycast DNS returns SERVFAIL for Facebook queries; querying directly times out.
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