Questions can be posed on this discussion by a member, or posted to a ZetaTalk Question email address. Nancy will then post all accepted email questions from the general public to this discussion.

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  • If your questions are just a demand for a hand-held tour, and it is apparent you have not even attempted to research or read the existing material, your post will be deleted.
  • Commentary chitchat will automatically be deleted if it does not add to the questions already posed. The weekly Q&A chat is not a stage for opinions or rants. 
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  • If not, assume it has been declined by the Zetas.
  • The Q&A discussions just past and ongoing are pinned for easy reference.
  • Answers will be posted monthly to the ZetaTalk websites. The discussion will be closed with a new discussion opened for the following month at that time.
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  1. No debunking and disruption. Debunking and disruption will lead to suspension.
  2. The existence of Planet X and the truthfulness of ZetaTalk are not debatable.
  3. This ning does not focus on religion or politics, so these types of questions will be declined as a distraction from the issue at hand.
  4. ZetaTalk only. Posting of or discussion regarding material alleged to be channeled or otherwise relayed by entities other than the STO Zetas to anyone other than Nancy Lieder of is not allowed on this site

Zeta Rules that Apply

  1. No personal counseling is done.This rule has been in place since 1996. Questions should be of broad interest to the general public.
  2. Correlation or resolution of ZetaTalk with the work of other channels or authors is not done unless they predict and have a prediction accuracy track record, as otherwise they are not a peer of ZetaTalk which does so. This rule has been in place since 2002. Just because another website or author makes a statement does not make that statement true, nor will the Zetas explain to you why their statements are not true, as then they are taking time out to address the issue.
  3. The Zetas, as all visitors, are under rules on how they interact with humanity. They are not here to rescue you. They cannot divert Planet X just as today they do not prevent droughts or floods. The Earth is mankind’s schoolhouse whereby he learns to help his fellow man.
  4. The date of the pole shift cannot be given, but the sequence of events can be given. [ Link ] Check the ning pinned discussions and blogs for such information as the 7 of 10, the last weeks, etc.

Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case.

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 78 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.

Views: 51818

Replies are closed for this discussion.

Replies to This Discussion

Accepted via email: 

It seems that both Armenia and Azerbaijan are fighting again for the same piece of land located in the latter country but it seems unnecessary in my opinion as both countries are high land. Do this is really necessary? I hope the Zetas can explain it.
[and from another]
Armenia and Azerbaijan vow to keep fighting as deaths mount
October 1, 2020
Armenian and Azerbaijani forces are engaged in the heaviest fighting in years over Karabakh, an ethnic Armenian province that broke away from Azerbaijan in the 1990s when the Soviet Union collapsed. Moscow, which has a military pact with Armenia but also good ties with Azerbaijan, has repeatedly called for an end to the fighting and on Wednesday offered to host negotiations.
[and from another]
The disintegration of the USSR then led to a repetition of the same scenario. In 1988, the authorities of Nagorno-Karabakh, which remained predominantly Armenian in ethnic makeup, despite Azeri administration, petitioned Moscow to have their land transferred to Armenia. The situation puts Russia in a rather precarious situation as Moscow is a long-time ally of Armenia and has a military base there. At the same time, Russia has been closely working with Turkey on a number of international issues, such as bringing peace in Syria. What is different this time is the stance taken by Turkey, a long-time backer of Azerbaijan, and Armenia's historical nemesis. Unlike many international players calling on the sides to stop hostilities, Ankara has been openly goading Baku into seizing the disputed lands by military force.
[and from another]
The Armenian Genocide (also sometimes known as the Armenian Holocaust was the systematic mass murder and expulsion of 1.5 million ethnic Armenians carried out in Turkey and adjoining regions by the Ottoman government between 1914 and 1923.

Karabakh has been disputed land for centuries. Turkey has ambitions to re-establish the Ottoman Empire, and as we noted Erdogan and Merkel wanted to use ISIS cells
in Europe to snatch the land to this end when Nibiru’s passage discombobulated Europe. Turkey resents any citizens or neighbors who are not allied with their ambitions, and thus seeks to eliminate the Kurds and Armenians. Azerbaijan is a Muslim country where Armenia is Christian, as the attempted genocide of Armenia
a century ago by Turks shows. Erdogan’s family benefitted from the sale of oil for ISIS,
and those running Turkey now are resentful that ISIS was quelled by the US and Russia with the assistance of the Kurds.

The renewed push by Turkey seems to once again be against the Armenians, but to what end? Karabakh is settled by ethnic Armenians so over the past few decades Armenia has pushed to have Karabakh considered Armenian property, but at present it is controlled by the Azeri. Turkey fears that the seemingly endless earthquakes in their mountains lately portend more upheaval, and fears their neighbors – the Kurds and Armenians – will gain ground
against them. When you have brutalized your neighbors, you fear an uprising.


J A said:

So is this for real? Trump has the Corona? 

[and from another]
 Zetas did say that Trump already had Corona-19, can we find out what is the reason for this? Is it a way to change his VP Pence? Or Biden?
[and from another]
I thought the President was taking HCQ and safe from COVID? Please tell me this is just a ploy too stay out of harms way during the on going battle between Good and Evil. Don't have to give me specifics if it is an agenda, just say Yes it is a ploy.
[and from another]
Live Updates: President Trump, First Lady test Positive for Coronavirus
October 2, 2020
President Trump announced early Friday that both he and first lady Melania Trump tested positive for COVID-19 and will quarantine at the White House. “This evening I received confirmation that both President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump have tested positive for the SARS-coV-2- virus,” Conley said. “The President and First Lady are both well at this time, and they plan to remain at home within the White House during their convalescence.”
[and from another]
[and from another]
Viral Loads In COVID-19 Infected Patients Drop, Along With Death Rate, Study Finds
September 27, 2020
A new study has found signs that the severity of COVID-19 — and the viral loads those infected carry — may be fading. Researchers at Wayne State University say that viral loads, which is the amount of the virus in a patient’s system, continue to drop, which could explain why the death rate is falling.
[and from another]
Up To 90% Of People Who Test Positive For COVID-19 No Longer Contagious, ‘Don’t Need To Isolate’
August 31, 2020
It’s known as the “viral load.” The most used test to determine if someone has COVID-19, known as a PCR test, is either positive or negative, that’s it. But the test does not identify the viral load — the greater the amount of virus, the more likely it is that the patient is contagious.

There are many tests for Covid-19, some registering false positives and some that register a positive when few viruses are found. The viral load, as epidemiologists call it, is not sufficient to cause a full-blown infection. The virus can be present on the person, yet only cause a mild immune system reaction. Test kits are designed to register ANY physical response, and thus a vaccinated individual will register a response to the virus. That said, yes both President Trump and Melania have registered an immune system response to the Covid-19 virus, but due to prior assistance by ourselves, the Service-to-Others Zetas, they have protective immunity
to this virus.

What will this mean for the 2020 election campaign? Other than canceled rallies, the public will hardly notice that President Trump and Melania are in quarantine in the White House. Daily broadcasts on live TV will continue. If anything, sympathy for President Trump who has exposed himself to the virus. He maintains a grueling work schedule which includes direct contact with the public and politicians and Heads of State from other countries. Contrast this with the Biden persona, who hides in his basement or maintains extreme social distancing.

In that the Satanists and their Democrat allies are under extreme duress at present, desperate to destabilize the Junta hunting them down, there are likely to be attempts to create more distractions to force mail-in ballot harvesting opportunities. The Junta will be very busy, and the Secret Service much overstretched. This quarantine allows the President to be protected, yet able to function as before, and bodes well for the 2020 campaign and the administration of the US in this regard. No hospitalizations or deaths will result from this latest spate of White House infections, many of which were deliberate attempts to assassinate President Trump.

Prior ZT:
He is under our protection, and we would instantly assist him with any health problems, but he must first ask for this. We, the Zetas, cannot simply jump in and attend to his body. He must first request this. We also were allowed, by President Trump, to assist him when he developed Covid-19 after being face-to-face with the Brazilian President Bolsonaro in March. We wait to be asked, as the US and the world desperately need his leadership.

Accepted via email: 

What's causing these mysterious beams?
[and from another]
What can the Zetas tell us about about “Thousands of EQ precursors showing on Infrared near the New Madrid Fault Zone!” Is the New Madrid about to rip?
[and from another]
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The so called Hot Spots identified by Dutchsinse almost exactly line up with the soft rock stressed by the New Madrid desire to rip. As we have detailed, the soft sedimentary rock was the first to rip when the Hard Rock Hotel
in New Orleans collapsed on October 12, 2019. Though being called Hot Spots they are not emitting heat but microwave, which registers on radar
and is in the electro-magnetic spectrum and thus participates in the electronic screech that rock under compression tension exhibits. Air pockets are squeezed allowing electricity to pass freely through the rock, thus the screech.

Arcing from one electronic Hot Spot to another is also occurring, as occurred on September 8 from the coastline of California up into the Oregon/Idaho
region where a swarm of quakes occurred at that time. Satellites will show these indications because they are set to record anything the radar can sense, but they startle the common man who is reviewing what the satellite recorded. Why are these arcing lines occurring in the vicinity of New Madrid? It is the rip point, where the major New Madrid rip will occur. It is where the separations already in process in the soft rock encounters hard rock. When the New Madrid Fault Line unzipping begins, that is where the unzipping will start.

Hello Nancy and Zetas.

During the Second Presidential Debate of the 2016 US Election, a fly was briefly seen on the face of Hillary Clinton. The Zetas stated that the fly was attracted to a muscle relaxant used to treat Hillary's drifting eye, which smelled to the fly like rotting flesh.

During the 2020 Vice Presidential Debate, a fly was seen on the head of Vice President Mike Pence. Was this a purely coincidental event? If not, can the Zetas explain why this occurred and what it portends?

Thank you for considering these questions.


A fly sat atop Mike Pence’s head for two minutes during the V.P. debate.

President Trump’s handling of the country was the elephant in the room during Wednesday’s vice-presidential debate, but it was a fly, taking a brief break from flying, that couldn’t be ignored by viewers watching the event from home.

Vice President Mike Pence, his hair perfectly coiffed, never reacted to the fly’s appearance on the right side of his head. It stood out against his bright white hair, standing still for the most part but moving around slightly before, well, flying away.

A local TV news reporter from California clocked the fly’s screen time on Mr. Pence’s head at 2 minutes, 3 seconds.

ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for October 15, 2016

Hillary’s fly

How to ensure that Hillary looks healthy, normal, during the much watched 2nd debate? Gurney backstage, no flash bulbs allowed in the room, well rested after a 6 day drug holiday, and now freshly on her MS steroids and Parkinson’s medication, and allowed to rest on a stool, she is ready. To prevent a drifting eye pointing into her nose, her doctors injected the muscles on the inside of her eyeballs with a muscle relaxant. Thus the smooth unwrinkled brow. Why was the fly attracted only to Hillary? The muscle relaxant used is biological, and smelled to the fly like rotting flesh.

ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for April 30, 2020

VP Pence status

In January, 2020 when the issue of VP Pence being replaced as VP came up on the Dark Judge site, we confirmed that Pence was no longer the VP. The Dark Judge refused to discuss further until the Q team in charge of this matter gave the nod. We, the Zetas, stated that the man posturing as the current VP Pence in 2020 had “not been executed nor replaced by a double”. This is true, as the man posturing as the VP Pence throughout 2020 is a double. The Dark Judge is now explaining that the original VP Pence was guilty of participation in the coup attempt in January, 2019. We can confirm that.

The process thus was that the original VP Pence was selected in 2016 and duly sworn in on January 2017. The Junta’s intel was aware that he was ambitious to replace President Trump, sharing details with his wife who then passed this information along to those plotting a coup. Thus his wife was served with a subpoena during the Bush 41 funeral in December, 2018. The following January, 2019 a coup was tried with VP Pence to be a passive (though knowledgeable) participant. His plane was called back to Washington DC at that time, as was the escape plane carrying Pelosi and Schiff.

At this point, the original VP Pence was replaced by a Double. An execution has not yet occurred, but investigations and Tribunal trials are still ongoing. This Double cannot serve as VP during a future administration, nor posture as such on any 2020 ballot. The whole issue of whether, or how, the 2020 elections might occur in the US is under debate at present. We have stated that the 2020 elections might be deferred but not canceled. They could be deferred indefinitely. But if they proceed, a different VP can be assumed.

ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for July 31, 2020

Biden’s aneurysms

We have mentioned that running a Double as a candidate is illegal, and that the Junta would not allow this. VP Pence may be a Double, but President Trump is not, and the public does not elect a VP. The VP serves at the pleasure of the President and the Pence Double has already been legally switched in private ceremonies to be the legitimate VP. But a Biden Double at the head of the ticket would be illegal. As the arguments over mail-in ballots heat up, several options are available for the Democratic Party and the Junta currently running the US under secret Martial Law since the Fall of 2015.

Accepted but I would guess botox treatments to the Doubles. 

Matt B said:

During the Second Presidential Debate of the 2016 US Election, a fly was briefly seen on the face of Hillary Clinton.

The Zetas stated that the fly was attracted to a muscle relaxant used to treat Hillary's drifting eye, which smelled to the fly like rotting flesh. During the 2020 Vice Presidential Debate, a fly was seen on the head of Vice President Mike Pence. Was this a purely coincidental event? If not, can the Zetas explain why this occurred and what it portends?
[and from another]
Why there is a fly on Pence head? Is he double? Are they going to replace him?
[and from another]
A fly sat atop Mike Pence’s head for two minutes during the V.P. debate. President Trump’s handling of the country was the elephant in the room during Wednesday’s vice-presidential debate, but it was a fly, taking a brief break from flying, that couldn’t be ignored by viewers watching the event from home. Vice President Mike Pence, his hair perfectly coiffed, never reacted to the fly’s appearance on the right side of his head. It stood out against his bright white hair, standing still for the most part but moving around slightly before, well, flying away. A local TV news reporter from California clocked the fly’s screen time on Mr. Pence’s head at 2 minutes, 3 seconds.
[and from another]
[and from another]

As we detailed when Hillary had a fly land on her face
in 2016, when botox is used to control facial movements or contour the face in a double, it can attract flies as the site smells like rotting flesh. Persistent and determined flies have also been recorded landing on the Obama Double’s mouth and the Biden Double’s cheeks. VP Pence is also a Double, a matter we confirmed some time ago when he was snared during a coup
attempt. The Double is now the legitimate VP
having been sworn in via secret ceremonies.

Why then would Pence’s fly land on his hair, avoiding his flesh? In an abundance of caution that he not look distressed or worried during the VP debate, the muscles controlling his forehead were relaxed. No creased bow, which might indicate worry. The Pence Double is a superb match, only distinguishable by the lack of a bull neck and an ear setback that differs from the original Pence. A wrinkled forehead is yet another difference, controlled by Botox, which unfortunately attracts those pesky flies.

Prior ZT:
How to ensure that Hillary looks healthy, normal, during the much watched 2nd debate? Gurney backstage, no flash bulbs allowed in the room, well rested after a 6 day drug holiday, and now freshly on her MS steroids and Parkinson’s medication, and allowed to rest on a stool, she is ready. To prevent a drifting eye pointing into her nose, her doctors injected the muscles on the inside of her eyeballs with a muscle relaxant. Thus the smooth unwrinkled brow. Why was the fly attracted only to Hillary? The muscle relaxant used is biological, and smelled to the fly like rotting flesh.

Prior ZT:
We have mentioned that running a Double as a candidate is illegal, and that the Junta would not allow this. VP Pence may be a Double, but President Trump is not, and the public does not elect a VP. The VP serves at the pleasure of the President and the Pence Double has already been legally switched in private ceremonies to be the legitimate VP. But a Biden Double at the head of the ticket would be illegal. As the arguments over mail-in ballots heat up, several options are available for the Democratic Party and the Junta currently running the US under secret Martial Law since the Fall of 2015.

Prior ZT:
The process thus was that the original VP Pence was selected in 2016 and duly sworn in on January 2017. The Junta’s intel was aware that he was ambitious to replace President Trump, sharing details with his wife who then passed this information along to those plotting a coup. Thus his wife was served with a subpoena during the Bush 41 funeral in December, 2018. The following January, 2019 a coup was tried with VP Pence to be a passive (though knowledgeable) participant. His plane was called back to Washington DC at that time, as was the escape plane carrying Pelosi and Schiff. At this point, the original VP Pence was replaced by a Double. 

Accepted via email: 

Hello Nancy! Could you ask the Zetas about what happened in Kamchatka? What was the reason for the death and release ashore of sea animals on the territory of Khalaktyrsky beach near Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky? What is the reason for the change in the chemical composition of coastal waters in the area of ??Khalaktyrsky beach? What is the reason for the sickness and poisoning of surfers who ride and live in the area?
[and from another]
Ecological disaster with hordes of dead sea creatures, toxic smell, surfer burns and yellow waters plague the Pacific coast of Kamchatka
October 4, 2020
Excessive amounts of phenol and oil products were detected in sea waters near the Khalaktyrsky Beach, a touristic hotspot in Kamchatka, where hordes of sea creatures have been washing ashore since a few days. Surfers raised alarm about three weeks ago after once pristine waters caused major problems with eyesight, fevers, throat aches and and gave them a feeling of losing eyesight after getting out of the water. Now, the black volcanic sand of Khalaktyrsky beach – one of the gems of the Kamchatka peninsula near its largest city Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky – got littered with hundreds of dead sea animals, from deep-sea Giant Pacific octopuses, to seals, sea urchins, stars, crabs and fish. Several local residents published satellite pictures shared by Greenpeace Russia, showing a yellow-coloured river flowing into the Pacific Ocean. There is a military training ground upstream.
[and from another]
Poison in the water
October 5, 2020
The Kamchatka authorities also spoke about the “natural” pollution of coastal waters. Regional Governor Vladimir Solodov named three possible reasons for the incident: man-made pollution (a spill of toxic substances), a natural hazard (the accumulation of toxic microalgae), or “seismic activity linked to volcanic manifestations.” Scientists later called the third scenario unlikely. 
[and from another]
Underwater Eruption Strews Ocean Surface with Dead Fish
July 5, 2012
Over the crater, the water heated up by as much as 65 degrees Fahrenheit (18.8 degrees Celsius), the researchers found. Dissolved oxygen in the water all but disappeared, decreasing by 90 percent to 100 percent in places. Meanwhile, carbon and carbon dioxide values shot up, and the pH of the water went down by 2.8, meaning it became more acidic. Fish died or disappeared in the wake of the underwater eruption, which also killed a massive amount of plankton in deep waters. 
[and from another]
The volcanoes of Kamchatka are a large group of volcanoes situated on the Kamchatka Peninsula, in eastern Russia. The Kamchatka River and the surrounding central side valley are flanked by large volcanic belts containing around 160 volcanoes, 29 of them still active. 

The Khalaktyrsky Beach disaster was not caused by an oil spill, nor was it a result of a recent military training op. Oil spills will cover sea life in an oil slick, and there is no evidence of this. The Kamchatka Peninsula has a volcanic history, as can be seen from the black sand on the beaches and the active volcanoes in the area. Volcanoes can spew into the air or can seep into the ground water in a mountainous region, and it is the latter that poisoned the beach. Fish kills and lack of oxygen and acidic water have been recorded from underwater volcanoes.

Accepted via email: 

Is this a space ship of a landing platform?
[and from another]
Melting Ice Reveals Undeniable 60ft Wide Disc Stuck in the Ground of Antarctica! "Ancient Craft?"

A flat metal disc, 60 foot in diameter, is the latest reveal in Antarctica as the ice continues to melt. Clearly several feet thick and not a pond of ice as some speculate, this disc was not used for space travel or flight but as a landing pad. The area around the disc is rumpled and irregular, not offering a flat surface to disembark and unload. This was an Annunaki landing pad, as they used rocket ships similar to the shuttles used by mankind today. Visitors such as the Pointy Heads had control of gravity and could land anywhere.

Accepted via email: 

Can the Zetas explain what is causing people to smell sulfur around the New Madrid Fault area?
[and from another]
Sulphur Springs Missouri,_Missouri
Sulphur Springs was platted in 1860, and named for a sulphur spring near the original town site. A post office was established at Sulphur Springs in 1837, and remained in operation until 1990.
[and from another]
Sulphur Springs
An object of attention by the early scientists of St. Louis was Sulphur Springs. This was in the valley of the River des Peres, not far from what became Cheltenham. When John Bradbury, the English naturalist, decided to make his home in St. Louis, he built his house near this spring. The members of Long's expedition found Bradbury living there in 1819. They included mention of the water in their report to the government. At that time horses and cattle at pasture went a long distance to drink the sulphur water in preference to any other. 
[and from another]
Foul Gas Preceding China Quake Called Sign of Methane Reserves
May 29, 1978
The gas emissions in China were so strong that one person reportedly fainted and others retreated into buildings. One witness observed gas bubbling in the bottom of a ditch.
[and from another]
People smelling sulphur around New Madrid Fault area
I normally work days but picked up a shift at the ER tonight. I got home around 2am and took the dogs out for a walk around the farm and there is a sulfur smell in the air in South West Ohio. I got back inside and emptied the dog’s water bowls to give them fresh water and there is a huge sulfur smell coming from the water pipes. I’ve lived in this home for 34 years and never smelled that!! I had to let the water run for minutes to get rid of the smell. Also I noticed no birds or bats out at all! Which I've never noticed before.
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Revelation 20:10
And the devil who had deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and sulfur where the beast and the false prophet were, and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.
Revelation 19:20
And the beast was captured, and with it the false prophet who in its presence had done the signs by which he deceived those who had received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped its image. These two were thrown alive into the lake of fire that burns with sulfur.
Revelation 9:18
By these three plagues a third of mankind was killed, by the fire and smoke and sulfur coming out of their mouths.

It is common knowledge that methane gas is released when rock layers are pulled apart. We have frequently addressed this as when a stretch stench
was recorded in the US from coast to coast in 2005. Methane towers
have been documented when the methane released burned skywards. Significantly for the pending New Madrid adjustment, methane has been noted along the Fault Line in 2007
and in Indiana in 2008.
Now a strong Sulphur smell has emerged just south of St. Louis and in Ohio. What does this indicate for the pending New Madrid adjustment?

Sulphur Spring, Missouri lies just south of St. Louis, so it should not be a surprise that a Sulphur smell has emerged in the area. This region is the juncture of several major rivers – the Mississippi, the Missouri, the Illinois, and the Ohio - and thus has thin crust easily pulled apart. More significant is the report from Ohio, where the fault line runs along under the Seaway. These methane emissions are in the HARD ROCK that will rip apart when the adjustment unzips. Resistance is losing its grip.

Prior 1/9/2007 ZT:
Look at these Earth fart incidences, occurring on Jan 8, 2007. This is where the ground is being pulled, diagonally, with land West of the Mississippi going Southwest, land East of the Mississippi going Northeast. Such a diagonal pull certainly exposes rotting vegetation trapped between rock layers to the air.

Prior 2/16/2008 ZT:
There will be increasing stress along the fault lines associated with the New Madrid fault line, up until a significant adjustment is made. Before a large quake occurs, there are minor adjustments, a type of snapping here and there of weak links while the major links still hold. Stretch stench in Indiana is a symptom of such minor adjustments.

Hi Nancy and Zetas,

Is lockdown useless? There was no lockdown in Sweden and Japan and the situation there is even better in many other countries. At the same time, the successful example of China is questionable due to data falsification. Human science is failing after failure

How Japan Beat Coronavirus Without Lockdowns

No lockdowns, but Sweden seems to have controlled the Covid-19 pandemic

Crematorium data indicates China was lying about Covid-19

Thank you

The Zetas have indicated that lockdowns can be highly effective in the short term under the right circumstances and were in China, to name one place. The how, when and how long of such lockdowns are important. However, EXTENDED lockdowns become not only debatable, but more detrimental than beneficial. The Zetas have said a lot about how the whole C-19 pandemic has become highly politicized, while we, the common people, are un/misinformed and manipulated by officials and the media. Read through all the Zeta comments on the pandemic, going back 8 months or so.

Accepted via email: 

This seems fishy?! Any truth to this? Trudeau appears to be not in control anymore but it still begs the question, how serious is this?
[and from another]
Chief published about Chinese NWO Troops both in Mexico & Canada ready for a military invasion of the United States. I've found an article explaining what's happening.
[and from another]
Arm Yourselves and Prepare; China Massing "Tens-of-Thousands" of Troops in Prince Rupert and Vancouver Canada. Invade USA?
October 8, 2020
Under a Treaty signed in late 2019 with Canada, the People's Liberation Army of China has been quietly massing military troops in Canada since the beginning of 2020 and those troops are believed to be readying for an actual military invasion of the United States. While it has long been rumored that China began massing troops and armor in southern Mexico for a similar invasion goal, word of such troops appearing in Canada only began this year. Those rumors were pretty much laughed off until video emerged this week of Chinese troops on a back road of Salt Spring Island, near Vancouver, British Columbia.
[and from another]
Canada Today – Invaded by Chinese Troops
April 30, 2020
Under the terms of the Foreign Investment Protection Act (FIPA), a bi-lateral treaty ratified with China by the Trudeau government in 2019, Chinese security forces can be stationed on Canadian soil to protect vital Chinese investments, without the knowledge or consent of local authorities.   Canadian Independent Press Review, January 15, 2020
[and from another]
The Canada-China Promotion and Reciprocal Protection of Investments Agreement or Canada China FIPA is a bilateral investment treaty between Canada and China which came into force on 1 October 2014. The Foreign Investment Protection Agreement (FIPA) or Foreign Investment Protection and Promotion Agreement (FIPPA) are Canadian names for BITs. Corporations, that engage in bilateral trade, can use FIPAs to protect against public policies that interfere with their operation's revenue.
[and from another]
[and from another]

Did Trudeau grant China permission to station Chinese troops on Canadian soil, under the guise of protecting Chinese investments? In that China buys agricultural products from Canada, this could be considered an invasion of Canada. Recent reports from Canada’s west coast, supported by video evidence, would indicate that troops are already stationed on Canada soil, on a permanent basis. Trudeau has been replaced by a Double, as we noted in 2019, and selling Canada out for personal gain was one of his crimes.

Does any of this mean that China intends to invade the USA? The coming Pole Shift will offer many opportunities, one of them being the disproportionate population between China and the N American Continent. China hold 1.3 billion people, the US 320 million, Canada 37 million, and Mexico 130 million. The Bering Straits will be on the new Equator, a short jump into the virtually uninhabited Alaska and Northern Canada lands. Thus both Canada and the US should be on guard for a land grab after the Pole Shift.


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