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  2. The existence of Planet X and the truthfulness of ZetaTalk are not debatable.
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  1. No personal counseling is done.This rule has been in place since 1996. Questions should be of broad interest to the general public.
  2. Correlation or resolution of ZetaTalk with the work of other channels or authors is not done unless they predict and have a prediction accuracy track record, as otherwise they are not a peer of ZetaTalk which does so. This rule has been in place since 2002. Just because another website or author makes a statement does not make that statement true, nor will the Zetas explain to you why their statements are not true, as then they are taking time out to address the issue.
  3. The Zetas, as all visitors, are under rules on how they interact with humanity. They are not here to rescue you. They cannot divert Planet X just as today they do not prevent droughts or floods. The Earth is mankind’s schoolhouse whereby he learns to help his fellow man.
  4. The date of the pole shift cannot be given, but the sequence of events can be given. [ Link ] Check the ning pinned discussions and blogs for such information as the 7 of 10, the last weeks, etc.

Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case.

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 70 [73] years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.

Views: 46284

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Replies to This Discussion

Accepted via email:

Would the Zetas care to comment on the strange wave signals seen in the atmosphere on MIMIC? What is this wave/signal? What is its purpose? Who is in control of it - is the US Navy involved?
[and from another]
October 11, 2017: Large atmospheric energy anomalies are appearing over both oceans at nearly the same time, covering large areas of the South Atlantic and South Pacific.
[and from another]
Jul 6, 2017 On the 4th of July I put out a video covering a strange line anomaly in the Southern Atlantic Ocean. Now you can see that there is an even stranger pattern that has popped up between South America and Antarctica. Again, Antarctica is key to this mystery.
[and from another]
Jul 4, 2017 Another huge anomaly has been caught on the MIMIC Maps. This anomaly is a little different from the waves a have caught in the past. This is once again connected to the mysterious Antarctica.
[and from another]
MIMIC-TPW2 is an experimental global product of total precipitable water (TPW), using morphological compositing of the MIRS retrieval from several available operational microwave-frequency sensors.
 [and from another]
Microwaves are a form of electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths ranging from one meter to one millimeter. Microwaves are extremely widely used in modern technology. They are used for point-to-point communication links, wireless networks, microwave radio relay networks, radar, satellite and spacecraft communication, medical diathermy and cancer treatment, remote sensing, radio astronomy, particle accelerators, spectroscopy, industrial heating, collision avoidance systems, garage door openers and keyless entry systems, and for cooking food in microwave ovens.

MIMIC shows weather patterns by sending microwave through the atmosphere from satellites aloft. This is just one of dozens of commercial uses for microwave, which includes radio and satellite communications. Microwave particles are close to electromagnetic particles, thus have an affinity for these particles flows. Just as Radar Circles
are particle clumping, occurring particularly where electro-magnetic particles are intense, these microwaves are causing particle clumping.

What would cause particle clumping in a straight line from Nigeria in Africa, thence through the highly magnetized Atlantic Rift to touch the Scotia Plate? Nigeria is under plate stress, as the African Plate bends
there, and the microwave clumps are essentially arching to the Scotia Plate. These lines also stream from the southern coast of Brazil and the coast of Argentina to the Scotia Plate. The S American Roll is pulling the S American Plate apart at Buenos Aires in Argentina,
thus plate stress there, again with arching and thus clumping along the electromagnetic lines.

And lines fanning up from the tip of S America into the Pacific likewise emanate from the location where the Scotia Plate attaches to the S American Plate because the Antarctica Plate is moving
due to pressure from a compressing Pacific. The Antarctic Plate is not round, so bumps against the tip of S America and thus the plate stress in this location. Arching lines go from the Antarctic Plate as it presses on the Chile Ridge along the border of the Nazca Plate, and float out into the Pacific to dissipate as the globe turns toward the East under the MIMIC satellite.

Accepted via email from several persons:

Mike Brown the astronomer the Prong 1 Planet 9 guy just twitted Nibiru is a silly consipracy. Sigh. Is the cover-up actually winning? So sad.
[and from another]
Just want to share with you the link below.  NASA is admitting the existence of Planet Nine (planet X - Nibiru).  Like derrr!  I gather they are nearing an announcement and don't want to be seen as not knowing.
[and from another]
JPL makes a comment in their posting that seems to be admitting to (the discussion of) Nibiru.
[and from another]
The space agency highlights five different lines of evidence pointing to the existence of the mysterious world, and says that imagining that Planet Nine does not exist generates more problems than you solve.
[and from another]
If a planet is there, it's extremely distant and will stay that way (with no chance - in case you're wondering - of ever colliding with Earth, or bringing "days of darkness").
[and from another]
Dr Robert Harrington, a top astronomer at the US Naval Observatory, had only just revealed his findings when he suddenly died in 1993.

How to save face when the truth is admitted? This is NASA’s dilemma. They are suddenly moving from their firm stance
that a gravity tug out toward the constellation Orion was fantasy, that any perturbations known by the ancients were just a math error,
and that no one should listen
to Nancy Lieder. Caught in a lie, as Disclose TV documented,
they attempted to appear part of the discovery team by offering their worthless WISE images,
which were of course looking too far out to find evidence of Nibiru, past or present.

NASA is coming to the party late, but hoping that the public, and the friendly media, do not note this. Since this is scarce cover for the naked truth, an alternative explanation is being floated by the media – a cover-up has been in place all along. This the public will believe. Seeing that assassinations have occurred, those at NASA standing in front of the mics and making firm denials might be forgiven, or so they hope. Thus as the truth about Nibiru emerges - the obvious body standing Earth side just within the orbit of Venus and accompanied by a vast debris and moon ridden tail – expect talk in the media about cover-up assassinations to likewise increase.

"did you wake up to a ghostly red sun today? Many people in England reported the phenomenon on Monday morning - and it appears to have been caused by Hurricane Ophelia." from  

Could the Zetas say something about this, As i think it's more then just sand from the sahara. ?


Gerard Zwaan said:

Could the Zetas say something about this, as i think it's more then just sand from the Sahara?
[and from another]
Did you wake up to a ghostly red sun today? Many people in England reported the phenomenon on Monday morning - and it appears to have been caused by Hurricane Ophelia.
[and from another]
What’s with the #red #sun in #Somerset this morning? Influence of #hurricane #Ophelia?
— Jacqueline Breslin (@re_envision101) 16 oktober 2017
[and from another]
The gales pulled Saharan dust north to the UK to create a blanket of orange cloud, with the deadly storms also bringing powerful 80mph winds - killing three people. The layer of thick dust brought an eerie glow across the sky and turned the sun red as Hurricane Ophelia killer winds picked up dust and debris southern Europe and Africa.

Dust from the Sahara has been the excuse for red dust in the tail of Nibiru for over a decade,
but there have been reports and photos of red dust on cars and snow and outdoor furniture worldwide since 2003.
A yellow cast to the skies is a known symptom of tornado weather, as dust is pulled up into the upper atmosphere, and hurricane winds can do the same, but a red hue in the middle of the day is not possible. At dawn and dusk, the curve of the Earth allows light in the red spectrum to be dominant, as it is pulled into a curve by the gravity draw of Earth. Hurricanes do not do this.

Prior 2007 ZT:
Any red dust incidences was to be covered by the Sahara, which has been blamed for red dust in the US and Europe whenever it appears. Somehow, the dust goes in great swirls, landing in the US, so is the story promoted.

Declined as if the Sun was doing this, rather than the camera (on purpose), it would be seen elsewhere, as comments indicate:

"In my city was not seen, it is assumed that if it was in discotheque mode we should have seen it throughout the hemisphere that was illuminated by it, rather it seems an effect made by the camera, do not croe that are so special that the sun alone flashee a group of "believers" in such a small space and not seen in other cities"

This was posted in a religious context, for "believers", the motive I think.

Torsten Greifenstein said:

any comment to this footage of a blinking sun?!

Accepted via email:

Quick question for ZT. With Sean Hannity and Fox News giving thorough reporting on the Clintons being deeply involved in the sale of 20% of US uranium rights to Russia in 2009 or so and with the FBI being aware of Russian bribes etc that were going to facililte this transaction, where does it go from here?  If Hillary has already been found guilty and essentially imprisoned by a secret military court, what is going on with this new heat being turned onto the Clintons?
[and from another]
As the Russians gained control of Uranium One in three separate transactions from 2009 through 2013, the Podesta Group was paid a total of $630,000 between 2010 and 2015 to represent Uranium One, the Russian-controlled firm with close financial ties to the Clinton Foundation that today controls 20 percent of all U.S. uranium produced. Russia’s largest bank, the state-owned Sherbank, uses the Podesta Group as its registered lobbyist in Washington.
[and from another]
President Trump on Thursday accused the “Fake Media” of ignoring new details about the 2010 approval of a controversial uranium deal with a Russian company, amid scrutiny of potential “conflicts of interest” for Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration. “Uranium deal to Russia, with Clinton help and Obama administration knowledge, is the biggest story that Fake Media doesn't want to follow!” Trump tweeted.
[and from another]
A top Senate Republican is probing potential “conflicts of interest” for Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration regarding the 2010 approval of a controversial uranium deal with a Russian company, amid new details about donations from “interested parties” and an FBI corruption probe involving employees of the same Russian firm.
[and from another]

We have stated that a military Junta has been in charge of the US since the last years of the Obama administration when he failed to make the announcement admitting Nibiru by October 20, 2015.
General Dunford took over. By October, 2015 Dunford seized the private banks within the Federal Reserve,
and stepped in to restore the banking system which had been systematically robbed for years. The gold in Fort Knox
had been stolen during the Bush and Clinton years.

How to set the massive theft of US financial resources right? During the Trump administration the Junta has expanded
to include Generals Mattis and Kelly and McMasters, as well as Dunford. Around the time of Bill Clinton’s June, 2016 tarmac meeting with Loretta Lynch, the Junta was offering Hillary a plea deal -
she would drop out of the race and they would keep her out of jail. Secret military courts
had been running for months, behind the scenes as to admit them openly would require that the Junta running the US would have to be admitted.

Hillary, conniving as usual, was placed under house arrest
when she failed to uphold her part of the plea deal. She is allowed enough public appearances to hide her status. Meanwhile, as the Panama Papers
hinted, various money laundering operations, including the Clinton Foundation, were plucked of their funds by these secret courts, refurbishing the US Treasury which had been looted.  The public will never be told the truth, at least not all of the truth, like children needing to be protected from shock.  

The truth about 911 being an inside job, managed by the Bush administration for an excuse to invade the oil rich Middle East. The truth about the JFK assassination being done by the DOD and CIA, rather than Oswald. The truth about the theft of gold from Fort Knox. The truth about election theft, that Bush was never duly elected in 2000 or 2004. These matters are considered too harsh, better that the US public feel that their democracy is secure, the checks and balances working. But to counter the criminal Clinton elements still trying to manipulate public sentiments, many crimes are going to be exposed in the media.

Hi Nancy and Zetas,

A belated question due to some issues. What caused this phenomenon and etc?

Giant, mysterious hole was formed in Antarctica


18 October, 2017. "A rare phenomenon, this type of open water space was first observed on the ice continent in the 1970s and is referred to by the Russian word polynya.

Sometimes stretching to thousands of square mile, the holes are generally thought to be caused by the deep water in the Southern Ocean being warmer and saltier than the surface water. Therefore, when warmer currents are brought upwards by currents, blankets of ice are melted despite continually low temperatures.

What makes this hole particularly remarkable, however, is that it has occurred "deep in the ice pack", as atmospheric physicist Kent Moore explained to Motherboard. Considering its position, scientists have concluded that it must have been formed by other processes that are not yet clear.

As Moore explains, a polynya was found in the area four decades years ago but only just reappeared last year when it stayed around for a few weeks before disappearing once more. As he says: "This is now the second year in a row it's opened after 40 years of not being there. We're still trying to figure out what's going on."

References: Pouget, J. (2017, October 18). Scientists Are Looking Into A Giant Hole That's Opened Up In Antarctica. Retrieved October 21, 2017, from

Source: NOAA Sea Ice Index Data; D3.js multi; csv: data4.csv (Based on this example: (Released under the GNU General Public License, version 3.)

Thank you very much

You always do such a super job researching, Stan. But declining as this is a known cause, a known phenomena, happened in 1970 and other years in the past. Caused by warm salty water surging up from the deep to melt surface ice. The daily Earth wobble of course is sloshing water around in the Pacific and Atlantic, including under the S Pole ice fields.

""A rare phenomenon, this type of open water space was first observed on the ice continent in the 1970s and is referred to by the Russian word polynya.

Sometimes stretching to thousands of square mile, the holes are generally thought to be caused by the deep water in the Southern Ocean being warmer and saltier than the surface water. Therefore, when warmer currents are brought upwards by currents, blankets of ice are melted despite continually low temperatures."

Stanislav said:

A belated question due to some issues.

Accepted via email: 

Northern lights? Ah the video is showing spirals.
[and from another]
October 27, 2017. Russia has been hit by a wave of reports of a giant UFO in the sky last night with spectacular pictures of an enormous glowing ball illuminating northern Siberia. While the source of the light remains unclear, some have suggested that it was the trace of a rocket launched by the Russian military that caused this extraordinary phenomenon in the night sky. Missile tests were underway from submarines and aircraft last night, and the exercises included the launch of a super-powerful Topol rocket from Plesetsk cosmodrome, 550 miles north of Moscow. 

The Norway swirl
in 2009 was blamed on a Russian rocket, which it clearly was not. Nor was the Siberian spiral caused by a rocket. Do such rocket traces appear elsewhere in the world? The Norway swirl had the appearance of a neon balloon, with a bright blue tight spiral grounding in the Earth. This is likewise true of the Siberian neon balloon, which is likewise pale in color and transparent. One can see the bright blue funnel grounding here too. What makes the far North prone to these displays?

In 2009 we explained that the Norway swirl was a grease cloud that had been lit by lighting in the charged tail of Nibiru. We have explained that the N Pole of a magnet is unable to point to the N Pole of another magnet, as magnetons are pouring forth from both. The S Pole of a magnet is an intake, and is not so affected by this crowding. Thus the charged tail is cleared of its charge in the far South, but retains it in the far North. Add to this the strong Polar Push, which piles the greasy elements in the atmosphere into the Siberian Arctic.

Prior 12/8/2009 ZT:
What has occurred over Norway is a neon cloud, a grease cloud, lit by the electrical charge from the tail of Planet X. Why the great swirl in the clouds around the swirling neon display? An electrical charge in the sky is not a static matter, as the path of lightning shows. As with all swirls that develop in nature, they start with a small movement in one place that creates a vacuum pulling matter behind it, and thus builds.  What occurs at the center of such a charged swirl is more electrical charge than the surrounding swirl, thus the center becomes a neon cloud that can be seen even at night, and wants to discharge, ground, in the Earth.

Any reasons behind Herbert Bush sexual assaults being reported by the media. It all started with a random Twitter post by an actress who got disgusted after seeing a picture of him being celebrated with the other living President. But I assume in the past this would have been shoved under the rug. Also, any reason why Trump delayed the release of some of the JFK files, perhaps it's all related to Herbert Bush?

Accepted for the sex harrassment charges. Re the delayed release of JFK stuff, already covered this month by ZT. Nothing new will be released, nor anything pointing to the CIA.

J A said:

Any reasons behind Herbert Bush sexual assaults being reported by the media. 

It all started with a random Twitter post by an actress who got disgusted after seeing a picture of him being celebrated with the other living President. But I assume in the past this would have been shoved under the rug. Also, any reason why Trump delayed the release of some of the JFK files, perhaps it's all related to Herbert Bush?
[and from another]
An actress alleged that he touched her inappropriately while he was sitting in his wheelchair during a photo op that took place a few years ago. On occasion, he has patted women's rears in what he intended to be a good-natured manner. Women worldwide have been using #MeToo on social media to share stories of their own experience with sexual harassment and assault.
[and from another]
Mark Halperin sexually harassed or assaulted them during his time at ABC News.
[and from another]
Don’t mess with the Bushes.  The first family intimidates those who’ve tried to expose the clan’s dark secrets of drugs, drinking, womanizing and nepotism. The senior Bush's robust adultery included two long affairs -- one with Jennifer Fitzgerald, Bush's White House deputy chief of protocol and one with an Italian woman with whom he set up house in a New York apartment. 

It is certainly not news that Herbert Bush had affairs, nor that men in power positions would ask for sexual favors from attractive women. JFK and Bill Clinton were notorious. But the issue in the media lately is whether such advances were crossing the line - forceful, akin to rape. Certainly a 95 year old ex-President, wheel chair bound and hardly able to be physically aggressive, should not be an issue. He is now merely a dirty old man, leering, and surely impotent. So why is the media suddenly featuring so many harassment cases?

What is surprising is the number of people getting negative press in media outlets considered leftist, Hillary friendly. The Hillary hugging media was certainly willing to attack a Republican and certainly has tried to attack Trump in the past. Harvey Weinstein is both Jewish and a Hollywood legend, so both would qualify him as a Hillary backer, which he was. Mark Halperin leans conservative, but the media feast seems indiscriminate. Meanwhile, exposing Hillary’s hand in the Uranium One deal is in process. What is the outcome of the exposure of misbehavior in both the Bush and Clinton clans?

As we have repeatedly stated, both the Bush and Clinton clans are part of the cover-up over Nibiru, and desperately sought the White House in 2016 for that reason. Both Jeb and Hillary were running. As admissions about Nibiru increasingly occur in the media, along with reporting on Earth changes and signs in the skies that point to Nibiru nearby, the cover-up is expected to counter. Surely former Presidents would have known! Now, recently disgraced, they will have less influence. Why is the media cooperating?

All media outlets have top managers who can be threatened or bribed. The lie that was spread in years past, that the passage would only result in high tides and some minor earthquakes, has been disproven with the palpable Earth wobble and EMP assaults. Top managers have been offered safe haven, so the Junta in charge of the US and the Puppet Master’s vast financial network have more leverage. Expect these trends to increase rapidly, where Nibiru signs are featured and the Bush and Clinton cabals are discredited.

Accepted via email: 

Is this Nibiru body or moon swirl or something else? What I found interesting about this video is the zoomed in body shows great detail - like craters and rotates. 
[and from another]
August 8, 2017
Misty Fjords cam

The detail features on the surface of the Dark Twin have been captured on film before in 2010, during a Monster persona presentation. The features are more distinct in 2017 as the Dark Twin is pressing up behind the Earth in their shared orbit, trying to drop behind the Earth to pass on the far side away from the Sun and Nibiru. It will not manage this maneuver until the Last Weeks, as we have explained. One can see from this video that the Dark Twin is slowly rotating, counterclockwise, left to right, and shows many impact craters. Without water or atmosphere, there is little to disguise these craters.


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