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Zeta Rules that Apply

  1. No personal counseling is done.This rule has been in place since 1996. Questions should be of broad interest to the general public.
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  3. The Zetas, as all visitors, are under rules on how they interact with humanity. They are not here to rescue you. They cannot divert Planet X just as today they do not prevent droughts or floods. The Earth is mankind’s schoolhouse whereby he learns to help his fellow man.
  4. The date of the pole shift cannot be given, but the sequence of events can be given. [ Link ] Check the ning pinned discussions and blogs for such information as the 7 of 10, the last weeks, etc.

Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case.

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 78 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.

Views: 34213

Replies are closed for this discussion.

Replies to This Discussion

Unusual display UFO's Spain
[and from another]
From a subscriber: "Valderrobres, Spain i?? not far from us. For two days now these lights have been visible in the sky and the white lights are moving in a circle. What could it be?"
[and from another]
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The Pixel analysis shows this is not a cut and paste job. They are the same on the UFO in the sky and the buildings and trees on the ground.

Valderrobres is on the Mediterranean coastline, just above Gibraltar, and thus as Africa Rolls the residents there can see the Straits of Gibraltar widen with Africa shifting to the East. The border of Africa cuts through Morocco, which will display earthquakes lights as it is torn. This dramatic UFO display, quite genuine, is explaining telepathically to the resident what is occurring. That the SE Portion is on the move is shown in the Quake maps which show the Toe of the SE Portion being pulled to the East and quake swarms at the Azores.

No. Israel land grabs and genocide of Gaza has disgused the world. Like the Vietnam protests in the past, campuses support protests. 

Kamil Rak said:

Are the protests across the US on college campuses funded by the Soros group to create more chaos just head of the New Madrid rip?

Accepted but not to confirm your conclusion. You are asking the wrong question. Is this the tipping point where Martial Law will be called? Is the right question. Soros group is not looking for the Junta to take charge in the US. 

Kamil Rak said:

Are the protests across the US on college campuses funded by the Soros group to create more chaos just head of the New Madrid rip?

Are the protests across the US on college campuses funded by the Soros group to create more chaos just head of Madrid rip? Is this the tipping point where Martial Law will be called?
[and from another]
College Protest Live Updates: Clashes, Arrests at UCLA, Columbia as Campus Demonstrations Intensify Across the U.S.
May 1, 2024
It's been nearly two weeks since police were called in to break up a pro-Palestinian encampment at Columbia University. Since then, a movement calling for universities to divest financial support for Israel has spread to dozens of campuses across America.
[and from another]
Columbia University Anti-Israel Protests Live Updates: NYPD Raises American Flag on City College Campus, Tosses Palestinian Flag Away in Iconic Moment after Busting Pro-Terror Protesters
May 1, 2024
Columbia University's Hamilton Hall was secure and the campus anti-Israel encampment was fully cleared out after authorities stormed the campus.
[and from another]
Arrested Protestors who Stormed Campus Building in Face-Coverings are Marched Bare-Faced onto NYPD Bus and Driven Past Cheering Locals
May 1, 2024
Columbia University protestors who stormed Hamilton Hall were marched onto awaiting NYPD buses last night to applause from cheering locals. The NYPD confirmed that 119 people were arrested at Columbia after cops moved in to clear protestors from the occupied building and a nearby encampment. Hundreds of officers stormed the campus, with officers going through an upstairs window at the historic building, after students barricaded the entrance.
[and from another]
Map: Where University Protesters have been Arrested across the United States
April 29, 2024
As pro-Palestinian protests have erupted on college campuses nationwide, protesters - including students and faculty - have been arrested. The protests grew after an encampment on the campus of Columbia University in New York City led to the arrest of more than 100 protesters on April 18. Since then, more than 1,000 people have been arrested on college and university campuses from coast to coast as schools prepare for spring commencement ceremonies. The University of Southern California, where nearly 100 protesters were arrested April 24, canceled its primary commencement event. Protesters have been arrested on more than 25 campuses across at least 21 states. Many other schools have experienced protests without arrests.
[and from another]
In the '60s, students at college campuses tried to get their administrations to divest from the defense industry or anything connected to the war in Vietnam. Guridy adds that the strategy of divestment has a long history that can even be traced back to the 1930s, when people were calling for the boycotting of Nazi Germany.

What will be the threshold that will propel the Junta to openly declare Martial Law? The US has been in a covert Martial Law status since the fall of 2015 when Obama was preparing to identify and admit the presence of Nibiru in the skies but failed in his plans as he lacked courage. Were Nibiru to present in some undeniable fashion - seen in the skies without its usual shroud of red dust or shown in images by Russian astrophysicists - Martial Law would be called in most countries around the world due to the fear of panic in the populace.

College protests in the past had more support from the general public. The Vietnam War had imposed a draft and had no obvious justification. But the current protests against Israel are ideological and not even involving the US as a country. The protests have become infectious, spreading. This is in great part due to the delays in straightening out the 2020 election fraud, as the Biden Administration is seen as incompetent and corrupt yet the Junta delays reinstating President Trump for fear of Civil War.

Thus what the Junta fears, a civil war in the US, may in fact be erupting due to their delays. It is not that the Biden Administration turns a deaf ear, it is that the Biden Administration seems brain dead. The same Democratic manipulations and crimes that allowed the 2020 election to be stolen are still in place. The people have no hope. Historically, when such situations exist, revolution or civil war erupts. Thus the Junta can wait no longer. Declare official Martial Law, reinstate President Trump per the Memorial Day findings, and set things right.

Declined as beyond the Continental Drift of S America and Africa the Zetas have not defined the 8 of 10. Oh, and the migrant crush during the 8 of 10. They are not ready to define more 8 of 10. 

Kamil Rak said:

A year ago, on May 2023, the Zetas gave an update re the 7 out of 10 plate movements.

The Zetas predicted Godzilla in 2011! What can I say but Zetas RIGHT Again! It will get worse for these Brazilian States when the hour of the Pole Shift arrives.
[and from another]
A new video from the Brazilian Air Force reveals the extensive destruction in Porto Alegre and Canoas, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, where historic flooding was recorded. The number of victims increased to 86. Another 111 people remain missing.
[and from another]
Brazil Floods Death Toll nears 90 as Rescue Efforts Continue amid Skyscrapers of Porto Alegre
May 6, 2024
The downpour started Monday and was expected to last through to Sunday. In some areas, such as valleys, mountain slopes and cities, more than 300 millimeters (11.8 inches) of rain fell in less than a week, according to Brazil's National Institute of Meteorology.
[and from another]
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Too Much Water, and Not Enough: Brazil's Flooded South Struggles to Access Basic Goods
May 7, 2024
The mayor of a major city in southern Brazil on Tuesday pleaded with residents to comply with his water rationing decree, given that some four-fifths of the population is without running water, a week after major flooding that has left at least 90 people dead and more than 130 others missing. Efforts were continuing to rescue people stranded by the floods in the southern state of Rio Grande do Sul, as more rains were forecast for the region into next week. The capital, Porto Alegre, has been virtually cut off, with the airport and bus station closed and main roads blocked because of the floodwaters.
[and from another]
Brazil Floods Death Toll Rises to 90, Dozens still Stranded
May 7, 2024
The flooding has hampered rescue efforts, with dozens of people still waiting to be evacuated by boat or helicopter from stricken homes. Small boats crisscrossed the flooded town searching for survivors. Heavy rains that began last week have caused rivers to flood, inundating whole towns and destroying roads and bridges. Almost half a million people were without power in Porto Alegre and outlying towns as electricity companies cut off supplies for security reasons in flooded neighborhoods. National grid operator ONS said five hydroelectric dams and transmission lines were shut down.
[and from another]
Brazil Floods Wreak Historic Devastation, with More Rain Coming
May 7, 2024
Catastrophic floods continue to paralyze the southern Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul, with four-fifths of the state - home to 11 million people affected following torrential rainfall.
[and from another]
Brazil: Images show Devastating Impact of Rio Grande do Sul Floods
May 7, 2024
Massive flooding and landslides triggered by days of heavy rain in Brazil's southernmost state have killed at least 85 people, according to local authorities.
Over two-thirds of Rio Grande do Sul's 497 municipalities have been affected, leaving more than 150,000 people displaced, local authorities said.
More than 130 people are still missing.
[and from another]
Desperate rescues under way as Brazil floods kill 90, displace thousands
May 7, 2024
The state capital of Porto Alegre has been virtually cut off by the flooding, with the airport and bus station closed and main roads blocked. The region's particular geography meant it was often confronted by the effects of tropical and polar air masses colliding - but these events have  intensified due to climate change.
[and from another]

Porto Alegre flooding is caused not by rain, which is a minor factor, but by backwash up the rivers draining Rio Grande do Sul. Godzilla rises from the sea, heaping 83 foot high waves that must drain somewhere as water seeks its level and wants to equalize. The tilt of the Antarctica Plate where the New Land is emerging directs this drainage toward S America. We described,
precisely, in 2011 what would happen to S America when this onslaught occurred.

Water would be trapped behind the coastal mountains and would be slow to drain. This prediction was for the time of the Pole Shift, but due to the current compression of the Pacific and expansion of the Atlantic, is showing the process now. The establishment is blaming Climate Change and rain, but when Godzilla began to aggressively rise
from the sea recently no one was predicting this. Why not? Because rain would not have created this extensive flooding.

Prior 8/13/2011 ZT:
The wave that will rear up from the new land rising between the tip of S America and Africa will create a huge amount of water seeking to find its level. This is not the pole shift tide of 500-600 feet, caused by sloshing. This is a displacement of water caused by the edge of the Antarctic Plate rising up at this point, to create new land. This will affect coastal areas all the way to Rio de Janeiro. Rio Grande do Sul has highlands aplenty, but at least 1,000 feet should be sought during the hour of the pole shift. Stay out of ravines, where tidal bore will occur, and do not leave your high perch for at least a day as the water that poured inland will be looking for an outlet back to the sea.

Prior 2010 ZT:
Brazil suffers during and after the coming pole shift, because of its proximity to the new North Pole but also due to inundation from the south as a new land mass situated between the tip of South American and Africa emerges from under the waves. All that water must go somewhere, and will rush north into every low lying ravine that lies in its path. This massive wave will run up and over bluffs along the seashore, pouring water into low lands thought protected from the sea, which will then become an inland sea for a time. Those along these bluffs should anticipate water rushing inland from the sea to this extent, and to escape tidal bore be inland and seeking shelter out of the wind along the highest points, staying out of the ravines normally draining to the sea, as this is the course that inbound waves will take during the hour of the shift, and out of the ravines normally draining inland, as this is the course that the water will take to escape back into the sea.

Accepted. It will be the excuse for the Nibiru EMP onslaught. 

Kamil Rak said:

Can the Zetas comment on this solar storm panic? Is this a cover for soon to occur announcement re Nibiru?

[and from another]
Why is the Sun so Active at the Moment?
The Sun goes through an 11-year solar cycle, when it has different levels of activity. It's most active period, known as the solar maximum, is when the Sun has more sunspots and solar storms are more likely.
[and from another]
Why tonight's Massive Solar Storm could Disrupt Communications and GPS Systems
May 10, 2024
US government issued its first severe geomagnetic storm watch in nearly 20 years, advising the public of  at least five earth-directed coronal mass ejections  as well as sunspots covering an area 16 times wider than the earth itself. A severe geomagnetic storm, or G4, is the second-highest grade in the US government's classification system.
[and from another]
South looks North, as Solar Storm brings Auroras
May 11, 2024
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration declared that the Earth was experiencing a G5, or "Extreme," geomagnetic storm. This is the first G5 storm to hit the planet since 2003.
[and from another]
Solar maximum will Arrive Sooner and Last Longer than Previously Expected, say Scientists
October 30, 2023
The sun will reach the peak of its current activity cycle in 2024, one year earlier than previous estimates, according to experts at NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC). The revised prediction now places Solar Cycle 25's peak of activity known as "solar maximum" between January and October 2024 according to a NOAA statement. Accurate predictions of solar activity are crucial as geomagnetic storms triggered by plasma outbursts known as coronal mass ejections can affect electrical grids, GPS signals, drag satellites out of orbit and pose a radiation risk to airline workers and astronauts. Advanced warning of space weather events can help industries implement safeguarding procedures to reduce the risk to both their equipment and workers.
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May 10th, 2024-Idaho- The EYE OF HORUS...The pharaoh was associated with many specific deities. He was identified directly with Horus, who represented kingship itself and was seen as a protector of the pharaoh,[12] and he was seen as the son of Ra, who ruled and regulated nature as the pharaoh ruled and regulated society.
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The pharaoh was associated with many specific deities. He was identified directly with Horus, who represented kingship itself and was seen as a protector of the pharaoh, and he was seen as the son of Ra, who ruled and regulated nature as the pharaoh ruled and regulated society. Since Horus was said to be the sky, he was considered to also contain the Sun and Moon. Egyptians believed that the Sun was his right eye and the Moon his left and that they traversed the sky when he, a falcon, flew across it.

Like the time of the rising and setting Sun, the 11 year Solar Cycle is almost sacred in its accuracy. But this sacred precept can be sacrificed when the Nibiru coverup is threatened. Nibiru was close to the Sun in 2005
when the last Solar Storm warning was issued. Nibiru was passing by the Sun then after having entered the inner Solar System in 2003. Coming from under the Ecliptic, Nibiru was pointing its N Pole toward the Sun's S Pole. Now Nibiru is approaching the time when it will cross the Ecliptic and pass by the Earth on its way out of the inner Solar System.

Thus Nibiru dithers as to what direction to point its N Pole. NOAA knows this and thus has issued warnings and predicted an early Solar Max. When Nibiru points its N Pole directly at the Sun, this roils the Sun. In conjunction with the Solar Max activity to be expected, this is a double impact. Add Nibiru's normal EMP blasts on mankind's electrical infrastructure and the influence of Nibiru's gravity tug on the Auroras
and the Nibiru coverup needed a guilty party. Thus, the Solar Max dates are being whipped around.

Does the fact that the photos being taken by James on this date appear to depict the Egyptian God Horus with his eye in the sky? During prior passages of Nibiru the many signs in the skies noted at present also made an appearance - the swooping Red Dust and Petrol ridden tail of Nibiru wafting to the Left with Nibiru centered as the eye. Noah began building his Arc when the Earth Wobble
thrashed the Earth back and forth, as denoted by the rapid transit of the Moon. For this pending passage, the warnings to mankind are that this time is now!

These are gas bubbles? Jaime Maussan calling these Dyson Sphere ships. 
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A Dyson sphere is a hypothetical megastructure that encompasses a star and captures a large percentage of its solar power output.[1][2][3] The concept is a thought experiment that attempts to imagine how a spacefaring civilization would meet its energy requirements once those requirements. Dyson speculated that such structures would be the logical consequence of the escalating energy needs of a technological civilization and would be a necessity for its long-term survival. A signature of such spheres detected in astronomical searches could be an indicator of extraterrestrial life.

Dyson has a theory about the large spheres shown building just off the surface of the Sun. They are called Dyson Spheres because mankind cannot get close enough to the Sun to examine the process. Dyson has theorized they are used by ET to replenish their energy, as the Sun clearly has power galore. The Sun discards the products of any internal nuclear process, which heads in all directions to disburse. If heavy, these discarded products remain close to the Sun, encapsulated from light-weight products which puff around the edges of the capsule, forming the sphere. ET is certainly not interested in the contents of the spheres.

May 12th, 2024-Idaho-   I have a question for the Zetas if they  would let us know what this object is that I capture on occasion rolling into frame?  I think it is a petrol mass but want to be sure that it is not Venus or another object .

Accepted. Done during 1st cup of coffee. 

SOZT Petrol Masses can be very dense, as is shown from the Petrol in the Helix and elsewhere in the Tail. The Tail wafts to the left, as this is where the looming monster is located. Even when zooming in with your camera, this looming monster is too big to be Venus. EOZT


SOZT Petrol Masses can be very dense, as is shown from the Petrol in the Helix and elsewhere in the Tail. The Tail wafts to the left, as this is where the looming monster IN THE PHOTO is located. Even when zooming in with your camera, this looming PETROL monster is too big to be Venus. THE PETROL LIES CLOSER TO THE EARTH, THUS APPEARS LARGER IN 2d PHOTOS. EOZT

James of Idaho said:

May 12th, 2024-Idaho-   I have a question for the Zetas if they  would let us know what this object is that I capture on occasion rolling into frame?  I think it is a petrol mass but want to be sure that it is not Venus or another object .

There seems to be a trend. Trump lawsuits and now the big disinfo on HAARP and even Chemtrails perhaps going away.
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HAARP or Solar Storm? Public Speculates Northern Lights Were Man-Made Following Experiment on Earth's Upper Atmosphere May 8-10
May 11, 2024
As awe-inspiring images of the auroras flooded platforms like X, with sightings reported as far south as Texas, an alternative theory gained traction. Some members of the public questioned whether the event was natural or the result of human intervention, specifically pointing to the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP).
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Conspiracy Theories Abound as U.S. Military Closes HAARP
May 22, 2014, 6:25 PM CDT
The U.S. Air Force has notified Congress that it intends to shut down HAARP, a controversial Alaska-based research facility that studies an energetic and active region of the upper atmosphere. Conspiracy theorists are abuzz about the news, given that HAARP (short for High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) has long been the center of wild speculation that the program is designed to control the weather or worse. 
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How Tennessee skies look over 30 days after the state banned any/all chem-trailing.
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Trump Classified Documents Trial in Florida Postponed Indefinitely
May 8, 2024
A federal judge Tuesday indefinitely postponed the criminal classified documents trial of former President Donald Trump, a court filing shows. The trial on charges that Trump willfully retained classified national security records after leaving the White House and then hid them from federal authorities was scheduled to start May 20. But the new ruling from U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon vacates that date and sets a new slate of pretrial proceedings, the latest of which is a hearing set for July 22.
[and from another]
Trump's Lawyer Presses Stormy Daniels on day 14 of Hush Money Trial
May 9, 20224
Trump lawyer Todd Blanche announced the defence would renew its motion for a mistrial, on the basis that Daniels's testimony would prejudice the jury against their client. Later, Daniels said in court that she never spoke with Trump about the $130,000 hush-money payment she received from Cohen and had no knowledge of whether Trump was aware of or involved in the transaction.
[and from another]
Ga. Appeals Court Grants Trump's Request to Consider Fani Willis' Disqualification from his Criminal Case
May 8, 2024
Georgia's state Court of Appeals said Wednesday that it will consider an appeal from former President Donald Trump challenging the decision not to disqualify Fani Willis as the district attorney overseeing the 2020 election interference charges against him. The order said Trump can file a notice of appeal within the next 10 days.
[and from another]
Judge Formally says Trump Owes $454 Million in Cvil Fraud Case, Countdown Starts for him to Put Up the Money for Appeal
February 23, 2024
Judge Arthur Engoron's signed judgment was posted to the court docket Friday, one week after he found Trump, Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump liable for fraud in the civil case brought by New York Attorney General Letita James.
[and from another]
Trump Fraud Trial Judge Arthur Engoron 'under Investigation' for Allegedly Receiving Unsolicited Advice from High-Profile Lawyer before Fining Former President $454 Million
May 8, 2024
A spokesman for Engoron denied the story and said he was 'wholly uninfluenced' by Bailey, but The New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct reportedly is looking into whether he violated any rules

Almost a decade after the Air Force announced it intended to shut down the HAARP facilities in Alaska, this intention is back in the news. HAARP has been blamed for the increase in earthquakes for years, part of the coverup over the presence of Nibiru. HAARP has proponents and opponents, as the coverup over Nibiru is still very much in place, but the Junta has decided it is time to let the public know the truth, thus HAARP will be removed as an excuse. Removing Chemtrails from the skies, as Tennessee has recently done via legislation, is another move toward full-throated truth. Is the way being cleared for a Nibiru admission? The answer is a resounding yes!

After months of watching a smirking Judge Engoron attempt to bankrupt President Trump with a huge $454 million bail order, Engoron himself is in trouble. Likewise with Georgia DA Fannie Willis, who comingled her affair with the trial evidence. Her lover was kicked off the case and Fannie will soon follow. The Florida records case begged for a mistrial when the prosecution evidence was adulterated. That all these court cases are turning in the right direction for President Trump at the same time begs the question - is the way being cleared for a Trump Reinstatement? The answer is a resounding yes!

Updated image...Thank you Nancy and the Zetas for your quick attention.  I will join you in my first cup of coffee


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