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  • If not, assume it has been declined by the Zetas.
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Zeta Rules that Apply

  1. No personal counseling is done.This rule has been in place since 1996. Questions should be of broad interest to the general public.
  2. Correlation or resolution of ZetaTalk with the work of other channels or authors is not done unless they predict and have a prediction accuracy track record, as otherwise they are not a peer of ZetaTalk which does so. This rule has been in place since 2002. Just because another website or author makes a statement does not make that statement true, nor will the Zetas explain to you why their statements are not true, as then they are taking time out to address the issue.
  3. The Zetas, as all visitors, are under rules on how they interact with humanity. They are not here to rescue you. They cannot divert Planet X just as today they do not prevent droughts or floods. The Earth is mankind’s schoolhouse whereby he learns to help his fellow man.
  4. The date of the pole shift cannot be given, but the sequence of events can be given. [ Link ] Check the ning pinned discussions and blogs for such information as the 7 of 10, the last weeks, etc.

Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case.

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 78 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.

Views: 46989

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Blood red sky blankets city near Shanghai sparking Armageddon fear. Surely Nibiru related.
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Hello Nancy and the Zetas. What will be the comments on this? In the Chinese urban district of Zhoushan, it seems that the apocalypse has begun.
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The sky turned blood red, and so far no one can name the cause of this phenomenon.
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Saskatchewan, Canada: Yorkton sky this evening (Sunday) 5/8/2022, it was so red it looked like it was on fire, and 15 mins later it was gone. Never seen it so bright. Laurie Steele shared image.
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Red skies were noted after Nibiru arrived in the inner Solar System in 2003.
These were either ignored by the establishment or claimed to be pollution, even when rust red fell on the white snow of Siberia and blood colored water in bird baths tested positive for iron oxide. Nibiru and its wafting tail are drawing closer to the Earth, and of course this will result in more intense blood red skies. The public knows this is an End Times sign, thus constant denial by the establishment will only enrage the public. Thus the establishment will just fall silent.

Recently on the newest season of paranormal caught on camera, there is a new video of a bigfoot and its also very clear, someone tied the camera to a tree and caught it.
[and from another]
May 31, 2013

These images of a Bigfoot mother and child were taken in 2013, and that was the year we confirmed that increasing introductions
between man and Bigfoot would be made. Mankind will be driven to the forests and fields, forced out of their cities by earthquakes and starvation. Thus they will encounter Bigfoot, and in anticipation of this the Council of Worlds has approved a gradual introduction. It is known that Bigfoot is a version of Early Man,
and since some hybrids
have emerged, should be considered another race of man. They are peaceful, unlike some in mankind who can be war mongers.

Prior 1995 ZT:
Bigfoot has fascinated mankind for as long as the two races have been in contact with each other, as infrequent and fleeting as that may be. The reason for this has less to do with Bigfoot's size and man-ape like appearance, which would be understandable on this Earth, as with Bigfoot's elusiveness. Why is Bigfoot a fascination? The answer lies in his seemingly uncanny ability to elude detection. The reason for this is that Bigfoot was to house a group of entities who are in quarantine. They remain elusive because they are not to intermingle with mankind. In this effort, they do not go unassisted. Their quarantine is not an exile. It is a search for peace. Has Bigfoot something to do with early mankind, perhaps an early model of man? The answer is, not surprisingly, yes! Bigfoot is indeed an interim model of one of the six races of man.

Prior ZT:
In that mankind will be chased into the wilderness in great numbers during the Pole Shift and Aftertime, the Council of Worlds has decided to allow mankind to be educated about Bigfoot. Thus, the increased sightings. Bigfoot can and has mated with man, producing offspring. This has been documented among the American Indians of the West Coast USA, where the offspring reportedly died young, and in Russia near the Caucasus mountains where they survived. This is possible because Bigfoot is merely a living version of early man, with similar DNA. Will survivors of the Pole Shift live alongside Bigfoot? They will encounter each other, and as long as respect is shown to Bigfoot, who is not inherently a violent or malicious entity, will have a peaceful coexistence. They may even visit and befriend each other.

Declined as this is just the Democratic Party trying to offer the public a bribe. They also trolled about with the UFO and alien lure during the Hillary campaign in 2016. Hinting they will tell the public the truth. Demos are failing and trying to throw candy out. But note the real meat will not be available to the public. CNN (also failing), says "The House Intelligence Committee's subcommittee on Counterterrorism, Counterintelligence, and Counterproliferation will hold the public hearing on May 17 at 10 a.m. ET. It will be followed by a closed, classified hearing on the Pentagon program, known as the Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group."

Closed. Classified, etc. Nothing changes. 

Kamil Rak said:

House Panel to Hold Public Hearing on Unexplained Aerial Sightings

The meme stock craze with  Wallstreet Betz is over today officially. The stock market bubble is bursting today. Crypto crashing like never before. 28k new low, was at 60k not long ago. Coinbase saying bankruptcy would put all crypto owners assets at risk of loss. Zetas said stay away from crypto! They are right again! Question for the Zetas: Could the Zetas address how the New Madrid rupture will disrupt the financial markets of the world? Will the world wide markets crash and be halted never to return online after the rupture? Haven't seen it addressed. Likely as you can't eat money, no matter how much you have. But the markets are currently crashing already. What about the ultra rich that own most of the financial markets, as most Americans live on Main Street USA and own zero investments.  Will they see their wealth evaporate over night? Instant Karma? London is a financial hub of the world that would be wiped out by the new Madrid rupture tsunami in one day. 
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Ruble Surpasses Brazil's Real as Year's Best-Performing Currency
May 11, 2022
Ruble extends gains as Moscow Exchange reopens after holiday. Real's rally loses steam as rate differential to US may shrink.
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40% of Bitcoin Investors are now Underwater, new Data Shows
May 10, 2022
Bitcoin is off nearly 55% from its November peak, and 40% of holders are now underwater on their investments, according to new data from Glassnode. In the last month alone, 15.5% of all bitcoin wallets fell into an unrealized loss, as the world's most popular cryptocurrency plunged to the $31,000 level, tracking tech stocks lower.
[and from another]
Crypto Exchange is now Warning that Bankruptcy could Wipe Out User Funds
May 11, 2022
Hidden away in Coinbase Global's disappointing first-quarter earnings report in which the U.S.'s largest cryptocurrency exchange reported a quarterly loss of $430 million and a 19% drop in monthly users is an update on the risks of using Coinbase's service that may come as a surprise to its millions of users. In the event the crypto exchange goes bankrupt, Coinbase says, its users might lose all the cryptocurrency stored in their accounts too.
[and from another]
Coinbase Global, Inc., branded Coinbase, is an American company that operates a cryptocurrency exchange platform. Coinbase is a distributed company; all employees operate via remote work and the company lacks a physical headquarters. It is the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the United States by trading volume. The company was founded in 2012.
[and from another]
Dollar Index Slips from 20-Year High, Fed Rate Path in focus
May 6, 2022
The dollar index hit a 20-year high overnight on safe-haven demand, following Thursday's sharp stock sell-off driven by concerns about the Fed's aggressive tightening and as European currencies weakened on worries about growth in the region. The dollar index reached 104.07, the highest since December 2002, before falling back to 103.64, down 0.09% on the day.

We have long stated that banks would fail
and be replaced by the barter system, where something real can be exchanged. We have called the financial industry a Paper Promise,
essentially a confidence game where something real is replaced by a promise. The value of a currency is dependent upon the economic health of the country issuing the currency, and history shows that the Banana Republic
syndrome can hit any country. Certainly, the pending Pole Shift will do that to all.

Bitcoin promised
to be free of country and bank affiliations but is now collapsing
on the fact that is has no worth other than on a spreadsheet. A coin without a country has no support. We predicted that the BRICS network
would be strong against the western banking network of the World Bank and IMF and that has been the trend. The US Dollar is currently holding its strength as a currency, primarily because the rest of the world is struggling. But under the management of the Biden Administration, this will soon falter.

We are being asked to detail our prediction so that those in the finance industry can plot their course as they march toward the cliff. We have mentioned that as banks fail - forced to payout savings accounts and cash out portfolios and unable to pay their fat cat staff high salaries - they will fold into the Central Banks.
Meanwhile, as the Earth changes create corporate bankruptcies so that any of their real assets become just another spreadsheet entry, and as foreclosures force home auctions at rock bottom prices, those who considered themselves wealthy will be bereft. The time of the Barter System
will be at hand.

Prior ZT:
Bitcoin is without borders as it does not have a home country, and thus where it is not backed by a country, it also has no supervision or accountability. Not all banks accept Bitcoin, but it flourishes elsewhere. But without official backing, Bitcoin can disappear instantly. It is virtual money, and resides on servers that can go offline, taking any value with it.

Prior ZT:
What is to become of the Western banking network when bank failure become endemic? The alternative is to allow banks to go belly-up into bankruptcy, be absorbed into stronger banks, and eventually be absorbed into the Central Bank in any case. For the banking systems, these are truly the End Times.

Prior ZT:
How do banks fail, softly or with a hard crash? Central Banks are at present pumping more liquidity into their banks. This process can continue until the Central Bank can no longer risk running the currency at its base into insolvency. As foreclosures increase, banks will find they do not have the resources to monitor these properties, and they will be repossessed by their former owners or by strangers. Stocks and bonds will lose their value, with the Stock Markets being considered a joke.

Prior ZT:
Most of the new Cryptocurrencies are being established to eventually steal from the public. The schema is to allow the currency to go into use, encouraged by celebrities or chirpy reports on how easy the new currency is to use, then boom anyone holding the electronic currency suddenly finds it has zero worth and cannot be redeemed. Bitcoin touts its safety saying it has not yet been hacked. But all computers can be hacked, when the prize is large enough. To date Bitcoin servers have only held small change, so have not been worth the effort.

Prior ZT:
And if the bankrupt entity is a country? The alternative to a change in management, forcing a head of state to resign, is to allow a country's currency to become worthless, the banana republic syndrome, whereby all the citizens suffer and anyone holding the currency takes the loss. And if a country is part of a larger conglomerate, like the European Union? Poor management of funds then pulls the conglomerate down. And if the country owes money to banks or another country via bonds and the like? How can the bank take possession of assets to cover their loss? A private citizen might own a home or car, a corporation own a factory and have trained personnel, but a country cannot simply by law sell its lands to another.

Prior 2004 ZT:
Today it is the norm for every person, without substance to his name, to have access to credit cards that allow him to go into debt beyond his ability to repay. The debtor is given credit on the assumption that he will repay. The funds he is loaned are assumed to have worth. And all pass paper promises around as though these were based on things that could be brought forth upon demand.

Almost a year ago, on June 15 2021, the Zetas said The Council of  Worlds approved a severe wobble so the people of Earth become aware of the approach of Nibiru. The Council has formulated a plan to force the issue past the cover-up in place.

Is the severe wobble in process now or is it about to happen? Will it happen before the New Madrid adjustment? 

Can the Zetas give an update on the severe wobble?

We have been having a stronger wobble the past few months. Thought none of this is in the major media, it certainly has changed the weather. More erratic. An the visibility of Nibiru? That zoomed photo on the front page of the ning says it all. Question thus declined. 

Kamil Rak said:

Can the Zetas give an update on the severe wobble?

Post Script on Monday 5/16: The sunset last evening was at least 1 hours LATE: I was 20 deg up and too far North at 7:39. At 19:28 per StarMap (with DST) should have been at 5 deg above the horizon. It, was a FULL HOUR LATE. That's the wobble. 

Someone else reported sunrise early on Sunday, which may indicate a lean into Opposition, where the N Pole points toward the Sun, leans into that direction. 

There has been a remarkable lineup of quakes on 5/17/2022 along the Okhotsk block and the Pacific Plate. Where some scientists think this block is separate from the N American and Eurasian Plates, the Zetas say this is attached to the N American Plate and will not snap off Thus this end of the N America Plate and the Aleutian Islands are constantly being hammered with quakes as the Pacific compresses and the N American Mainland shifts to relieve the bow and slide to the SW. What does this lineup of quakes on the border of the Okhotsk block mean?

Is a Russian Peninsula really Part of North America?
May 2, 2006
In this view of tectonic plate convergence between North America and Asia, the Kamchatka Peninsula lies on the Okhotsk block in the box at the center of the map. For many years geologists have harbored a belief that the Kamchatka Peninsula, shrouded in mystery and secrecy on Russia's east coast, actually sits on the same tectonic plate as the mainland United States, Canada and Mexico.

There is great pressure on all parts of the N American Plate as the time of the New Madrid Adjustment is at hand. That the Mainland Portion is sliding to the SW and landing heavily on the Cocos Plate is well established. This has caused a rash of quakes through the mountainous western half of the N American Plate. But the key to the New Madrid Adjustment is the snapping of a hard rock bridge just above the town of New Madrid. What these Okhotsk quakes mean is that all that can adjust has already moved or is already in motion, and naught is left but the New Madrid snap itself.

Prior 2/10/2006 ZT:
The virtual hook of land in the N American continent near the Kamchatka peninsula is solid rock and will not snap off to become a separate land plate, nor would this ease the deadlock along the N American and Eurasian plates even it if did. These massive plates cannot move.  But the primary drama preceding the pole shift will be the ripping action that a plate unable to move must endure. The notable area of catastrophe during this is the eastern half of the continental US. From Houston to Chicago to New England, the diagonal pull will tear the underpinning of cities.

Crisis in Sri Lanka = Signs of Things to Come! No Gas, no Food, Country is Bankrupt, Politicians Beaten and Murdered, Government Buildings on Fire
May 18, 2022
Western elites don't understand that what is happening in Sri Lanka is mathematically inevitable on a global scale. A group of politicians stripped and on ground begging for their lives. If you create inflation by increasing prices, and you decrease the contributor class's purchasing power through wage suppression, taking jobs overseas, and automation, and you evade taxation by offshoring corporate wealth instead of paying taxes, you create poverty and desperation that eventually erupts as violence. Increasing prices + decreasing purchasing power = inevitable poverty, followed by violence. Politicians and elites cars being dumped in the ocean.

The Sri Lanka crisis shows why the Nibiru coverup crowd is in a panic. They know the rage that will erupt when the public realizes the impact of a Nibiru passage, and connect the dots to understand how and why they have been lied to over the decades. The Sri Lanka crisis is not over Nibiru but over the usual political corruption where many politicians become wealthy
via gifts that are essentially bribes. The banking industry ensures that the top 1% grows while the poor shrink, and the control of assets and thus the control of lives continues.

We have from the start of ZetaTalk predicted what will become of the wealthy elite
during the coming turmoil. They have their bunkers and enclaves, and hired militia guards to protect them, but all this will fall away. The money they plan to use to protect themselves will be worthless, as will precious art and metals.
Starvation will make those who know how to grow food kings in the Aftertime, and survival groups that know how to share and care for their members will be the groups that will thrive.

ZetaTalk Prediction 11/15/1995:
Tumultuous times like the coming cataclysms are great equalizers. Where in stable times the strong and/or clever take from the weak and/or befuddled and nice guys seem to finish last, during turmoil the playing field is flattened. The wealthy and influential, in spite of having forewarning about the coming pole shift and the means to arrange for their safety and comfort, will be no better off than the rest of humanity. Thus food and water are stocked and batteries aplenty, but the wealthy do not consider what to do after these supplies run out. They have all their life relied upon the services of others, and comfort themselves with some vague notion that civilization and its administrators will right itself shortly afterwards and they will be able to return to shopping. 

ZetaTalk Prediction 7/15/1995:
The US government will be diminished, as will all governments, to a very small locale. Someone landing on the planet 5 years after the shift would be hard pressed to even find their enclave, and this will be true of Australia, Russia, and China. The enclaves will be locale, within walking distance only, yet will be filled with the arrogance of continuing power, such plans. Like the Pope and his entourage, a small group convinced the world is waiting for them, ready to follow, a myth that will be a shock to them when they spread out and find no one cares nor listens.

ZetaTalk Prediction 8/15/1996:
After the coming pole shift surviving humans will be starving, broken, frightened, and will find that the price of a meal is nothing so worthless as a painting or statue from the past. A sharp knife, a sewing needle and thread, some seeds, these things will become the precious possessions.

I've been reading all this information and threats that each country will be forced to hand over their sovereignty to the WHO and the WEF. Obviously what's left of the global one world order cabal crowd wants this to happen to take full control of humanity. According to the article below, the WHO will dictate the next plandemic and the next round of vax bioweapons with intent to kill off 90%, by altering a treaty. There is allegedly no getting out of these evil peoples vote to control the world. Would the ZT's care to comment on how this could play out under the circumstances of all the doubles, and the WHO just moving forward and voting on this choice without any other country making the choice for themselves to join or to not?
Is this all part of the 8 of 10 events? What are the living statistics of the STS remaining now?
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United Nations Security Council
The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) is one of the six principal organs of the United Nations (UN) and is charged with ensuring international peace and security, recommending the admission of new UN members to the General Assembly, and approving any changes to the UN Charter. Its powers include establishing peacekeeping operations, enacting international sanctions, and authorizing military action. The UNSC is the only UN body with the authority to issue binding resolutions on member states.
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World Health Organization Is Preparing Vote to Strip the US and 194 Other Nations of Their Sovereignty. Move would give WHO total control 
April 29, 2022
On May 22nd, the World Health Organization (WHO) will vote on whether or not to strip 194 countries, including the United States, of their sovereignty. As part of the World Economic Forum's Great Reset goal, the WHO is aiming to alter a treaty that would give them global control over human health. The WHO World Health Assembly will vote on the issue from May 22 to 28.

One of the reasons the UN has had such little impact on world affairs is that they are nothing more than a platform whereby counties can proclaim their opinions and push their goals. The UN has no power, despite collecting membership funds. The Security Council theoretically has the power to muster a military action but only via the willingness of member states to provide this military power. There must be agreement among the 15 Council members and the veto power any of the permanent members holds can put an instant stop to any such action. Thus, any ambitions or plans that the Cabal or Satanists might have to use the UN to achieve their goals will not happen.

What do the global hot spots on quake maps tell us? What is next?

What can the global hot spots on the quake maps tell us about the plate movements in process? During the last 7 of 10 Plate Movement status
last March we stated that the African Roll, the Eurasian Stretch, and the New Madrid had not yet completed. It is not surprising that all 3 show up on the quake maps at this time.

For Africa to drop the S Atlantic must spread, allowing the bottom of the Africa Plate to torque in that direction. We have long predicted that new land would rise between the tip of S America and the tip of Africa as the Antarctic Plate
is pushed there during compression of the Pacific. This is clearly in process and making room for Africa to drop. The weight of Africa sliding into the Atlantic will force the rock hook near Turkey to snap,
and this will trigger the rest of the New Madrid process. The Mainland Portion drop onto the Cocos Plate is clearly ready and just waiting.

As the Atlantic is pulled apart and the Pacific compresses, the Eurasian Stretch is encouraged. This is dramatically shown by the recent emergence of our long predicted inland bay in Russia. Where we predicted this would emerge during the Pole Shift, the route is being prepared inland and will result in new inland lakes all the way to the Urals. The Pole Shift will rip land near the Indian Ocean, allowing ocean water to flow up into Russia.

Is Monkeypox being deliberately spread? Why did Bill Gate mention that Smallpox might be the next pandemic? Doctors are saying a compromised immune system can facilitate the spread and the Covid vax causes an exhausted immune system so they are easy prey. It this deliberate?
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Dr. Paul Alexander: Smallpox Vaccine to Prevent Monkeypox Could Cause Global Smallpox (Variola) Epidemics
May 21, 2022
Dr. Paul Alexander: "The smallpox vaccine is known to be very ruthless (causing the orthopoxvirus  smallpox  viral disease itself) in immunocompromised persons. I just described COVID vaccinated persons.  Immunocompromised vaccinated persons. 
[and from another]
Monkeypox: 80 Cases Confirmed in 12 Countries
May 21, 2022
More than 80 cases of monkeypox have been confirmed in at least 12 countries. Infections have been confirmed in nine European countries, as well as the US, Canada and Australia. Monkeypox is most common in remote parts of Central and West Africa.
[and from another]
Monkeypox: Time to Worry or One to Ignore?
May 20, 2022
Small numbers of cases have cropped up elsewhere in the world before but all can be immediately linked to somebody travelling to an affected country and bringing it home. That is no longer the case. For the first time the virus is being found in people with no clear connection to Western and Central Africa. It is not clear who people are catching it from.
[and from another]
Everything You Need to Know About Monkeypox
April 3, 2022
Monkeypox is a rare zoonotic viral disease similar to the now-eradicated human smallpox. The virus belongs to the genus Orthopoxvirus in the family Poxviridae. Variola virus, which is the cause of smallpox, cowpox virus, and vaccinia virus, which is part of the smallpox vaccine, are also from genus Orthopoxvirus. Monkeypox is most prominent in areas of central and west Africa. Though milder than smallpox, it can also be fatal. 
[and from another]
Dr. Scott Gottlieb says rising Monkeypox Cases suggest its Spread pretty Wide
This is a virus that's difficult to spread. Monkeypox, which reemerged in Nigeria in 2017, has been spreading in several countries in the last few weeks, leaving health officials scrambling to warn clinicians and the public about the virus. The virus is endemic in some countries, with the Democratic Republic of the Congo reporting anywhere from five to 10,000 cases a year.

Suddenly, just as the new cases of Covid-19 have dropped and the public has become rebellious about wearing masks and cooperating with lockdowns - Monkeypox emerges. If the timing is suspicious, the infection route is even more suspicious - starting in Europe, Canada, Australia, and in the US. Have these citizens suddenly decided to visit the Congo? Monkeypox is so rare that it only became known to western medicine since 2017. It is from the same family as Chickenpox and Smallpox, so vaccines for these cousins is likely to be given to the populace.

Why is this a problem? Many vaccines have been developed with live virus, assuming the immune system will keep the vaccination process in check. But those vaccinated for Covid-19 with the Pfizer vaccine, and especially those being boosted, will have a weakened and exhausted immune system due to the constant production of spike proteins. Thus, as doctors are warning that ADE -
a type of Aids - will allow those who have been vaccinated to develop full blown Monkeypox when they are vaccinated for Monkeypox or a virus from the same family. Just what the frightened elite wanted to reestablish lockdowns.


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