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  4. The date of the pole shift cannot be given, but the sequence of events can be given. [ Link ] Check the ning pinned discussions and blogs for such information as the 7 of 10, the last weeks, etc.

Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case.

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 78 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.

Views: 49842

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They have recommended HCQ, the Dr. Zelenko recipe. Which Trump espoused from the start too. Worked in India until the Cabal cooked up a mutant of Covid-19 that was resistant to HCQ. My neighborhood got it and no one was hospitalized. Most not even sick at all. You are young. Not to worry, Carlos. The young seem to have a mild case.

Carlos Villa said:

Hello Nancy. Do the zetas have any recommendations for those who get covid but are unable to or can not afford proper medical attention? Are there home remedies available to the common man which are effective in treating this illness?

Hi Nancy and Zetas,

The world is on the brink of an economic catastrophe that it hasn't seen since the Great Depression, and maybe even worse. 

With global debt reaching $ 280 trillion, central banks are printing money like never before. And now we are dealing with inflation. But central banks are unlikely to be able to do something about this, because in order to defeat inflation, interest rates need to be raised, and with such a level of debt in the world economy, this will lead to a credit crisis that has not been seen before. Catch-22.

Our entire economy is one big bubble that is about to burst. In the US, this is the stock market, in China, it is the housing market, and so on. Add to that social media, Star Childern, and you've got the perfect recipe for social unrest.

But the worst thing is the rise in food prices. Historically, the rise in food prices is associated with revolutions. The Arab Spring in 2011, the French Revolution in 1789, the overthrow of the Tsar in Russia in 1917.

Should we expect a wave of revolutions that could potentially sweep around the world?

One Bank Warns Soaring Food Prices Will Lead To Social Unrest

Like us, Reid then patiently tries to explain to all the idiots - like those employed in the Marriner Eccles building - that the importance of this record surge "extends far beyond your weekly shop, as there’s an extensive literature connecting higher food prices to periods of social unrest." Indeed, you’ll notice from the chart that the last big surge from the middle of 2010 to early 2011 coincided with the start of the Arab Spring, for which food inflation is regarded as a contributing factor.

<...> The DB strategist then goes all-in and says what everyone is thinking, namely that "this trend of higher food prices leading to social unrest extends far back into history and surrounds many key turning points. The French Revolution of 1789, which overthrew the Ancien Régime, came after a succession of poor harvests that led to major rises in food prices. It was a similar story at the time of Europe’s 1848 revolutions too, which followed the failure of potato crops in the 1840s and the associated severe famine in much of Europe. And the 1917 overthrow of the Tsarist regime in Russia took place in the context of food shortages as well."

The $52 Trillion Bubble: China Grapples With Epic Property Boom

Is the U.S. stock market in a bubble that’s about to burst?

Thank you

Accepted via email: 

If Zetas would care to comment, what has happened with this building, so it started to vibrate and shake like it was an earthquake?
[and from another]
On Tuesday, on May 18, 2021, the Chinese skyscraper had to be evacuated after it began to inexplicably swag and vibrate, encouraging many passers to escape horribly, as seen on video, and can be found in very viral videos. Distributed on social media.
It is even more interesting that no earthquake in the surrounding area has been noticed in these hours.
[and from another]
One of China’s tallest skyscrapers was evacuated on Tuesday after being shaken, sending panicked shoppers to safety in the southern city of Shenzhen.
[and from another]
Chinese Skyscraper Evacuated after Starting to Shake for No Apparent Reason
May 19, 2021
The 1,000-foot SEG Plaza in the southern city of Shenzhen near Hong Kong began swaying in the early afternoon, prompting people inside and those on the streets below to flee. Emergency management officials quickly ruled out an earthquake as the cause of the wobble in the tech hub's Futian district. Officials said no further movement had been detected and experts found "no safety abnormalities in the main structure and surrounding environment of the building."
[and from another]
The Yangtze plate, sometimes referred to as the South China plate, is located in Southeast China. It is a part of the Eaurasian Plate and is bounded to the East by the Okinawa, Sunda, Amur, and Philippine plates. Currently, most boundaries of the Yangtze are either divergent, convergent, or lateral. There are no subducting plates in contact with the Yangtze. There is a sinistral transform fault between the Amurian that slips 4 mm/a, and another significant sinistral transpressive fault that slips 15 mm/a along the Sunda.

The islands of Hong Kong and the China coastline that holds Shenzhen reside on platelets that are known to be floaters that can slide in various directions. An earthquake happens when a tightly locked plate border or fault line is forced to slide or subduct. In this area of southeast Asia, the platelets are floaters – not attached to each other firmly. Thus a platelet can and will tilt back and forth during an adjustment, and this is what happened for the SEG Plaza. The platelets bumped each other and settled into a new arrangement.

Accepted but it will likely be later today. I must go have a tooth pulled. 

Stanislav said:

The world is on the brink of an economic catastrophe that it hasn't seen since the Great Depression, and maybe even worse. 

With global debt reaching $ 280 trillion, central banks are printing money like never before. And now we are dealing with inflation. But central banks are unlikely to be able to do something about this, because in order to defeat inflation, interest rates need to be raised, and with such a level of debt in the world economy, this will lead to a credit crisis that has not been seen before. Catch-22. Our entire economy is one big bubble that is about to burst. In the US, this is the stock market, in China, it is the housing market, and so on. But the worst thing is the rise in food prices. Historically, the rise in food prices is associated with revolutions. The Arab Spring in 2011, the French Revolution in 1789, the overthrow of the Tsar in Russia in 1917. Should we expect a wave of revolutions that could potentially sweep around the world?
[and from another]
One Bank Warns Soaring Food Prices Will Lead To Social Unrest
This trend of higher food prices leading to social unrest extends far back into history and surrounds many key turning points. The French Revolution of 1789, which overthrew the Ancien Régime, came after a succession of poor harvests that led to major rises in food prices. It was a similar story at the time of Europe’s 1848 revolutions too, which followed the failure of potato crops in the 1840s and the associated severe famine in much of Europe. And the 1917 overthrow of the Tsarist regime in Russia took place in the context of food shortages as well.
[and from another]
The $52 Trillion Bubble: China Grapples With Epic Property Boom
[and from another]
Is the U.S. stock market in a bubble that’s about to burst?

Crop shortages are coming, worldwide, and in most places have already arrived. But this will only be one of many reasons the populace will riot and attempt to migrate. The frantic insistence that lockdowns occur is due to the elite fearing migration from both within and without. Claims that new variants of Covid-19 are loudly proclaimed, even when there are no positive tests whatsoever. Yes, money is being printed with no thought to inflation, because the central banks know that money will be worthless in due time.

Riots and revolution will occur to the degree that the government is attempting to serve the people or serve themselves. When the establishment is controlled by self-serving politicians and the wealthy elite who helped them get elected, the public will ultimately not listen to their directives and the military side with the people. Until the White Hat Alliance in Europe cleaned up the Satanists, Europe was headed in this direction, and the Biden campaign, attempting at present to claim a legitimate 2020 election, a similar lot.

An example of a government providing a path to sustenance and safety is Russia, which is giving away free land in the Far East. India has already been invited to participate. China also has this potential with their Ghost Cities inland away from the coastlines. When their 3 Gorges Dam
eventually gives way, there will be a mass exodus to these inland areas. There is no point in revolution when the establishment is attempting to assist. The wealthy will be looted of their goods, with society leveled
so that wealth is replaced by skills and resourcefulness.

Accepted via email: 

Are these headless men that have been seen in many cultures prior to the modern era aliens or just a myth? For example, the Chinese god Xingtian is described as having no head and eyes where the nipples should be.
[and from another]
Various species of mythical headless men were rumoured, in antiquity and later, to inhabit remote parts of the world. They are variously known as akephaloi or Blemmyes and described as lacking a head, with their facial features on their chest. These were at first described as inhabitants of ancient Libya or the Nile system. Later traditions confined their habitat to a particular island in the Brisone River, or shifted it to India.

The human body is known to have a long neck or short, almost seemingly missing. Some humans have an extra vertebra, known as being long-waisted. Mutations are a fact of life and occur continually in all species. What would be the appearance of a human if the neck vertebra were to disappear entirely? It is not that the face is located in the chest, but that the face drops in front of the chest. This mutation was accompanied by genetics for a tall strong body so was passed on for a time, but eventually died out.

Hello. Can the Zetas explain what caused the sky to go dark in Beijing at 3:30 PM? Could it be Earth wobble?

Declined as yes this is the wobble and also, this article is a year old. We have had instances of sudden darkness, in Canada too and Siberia. Wobble does that. 

Kamil Rak said:

Hello. Can the Zetas explain what caused the sky to go dark in Beijing at 3:30 PM? Could it be Earth wobble?

Accepted via email: 

Are these quakes going to threaten the 3 Gorges dam? With the USGS dumbing down the quakes by 4 magnitudes, these quakes are all above 10!
[and from another]
China is shaking strong! Major M7.3 earthquake hits just 4 hours after M6.1, sending people running in the streets
May 21, 2021
This is major!!! Within just 4 hours, a M7.3 and a M6.1 powerfully shook China.

This region of China is responding to the Indo-Australian Plate pushing under the Himalayas. Nevertheless, the proximity to the 3 Gorges Dam means that the rock supporting the dam will be destabilized. The dam has already been recorded via satellite as warping
during the July 2020 torrential rainfall due to heaving and stretching land. For China, the warping occurs because it is in a push pull zone. Eurasia is under stretch from Europe to the coast of China. But due to the subduction under the Himalayas, it is also under compression. Very unstable.

Prior ZT:
Torrential rainfall is increasingly besetting the Earth, but the larger issue for China is the stability of her dams, as she is in the stretch zone as the roaring dragon of Guizhou Province shows. Stretch zones pull apart, destabilizing dams, and the 3 Gorges Dam already shows evidence of this in satellite photos. We have stated that all dams will fail, and most will fail before the hour of the Pole Shift. In some cases it is the dam itself that will crack, in other cases the rock beneath the dam. The floods in China are caused not just by the rain, as heaving land creates slow drainage.

Accepted via email: 

Is there anything the Zeta's can say about this large eruption in the Congo which happened suddenly and caught everyone by surprise? Hundreds of homes destroyed and hundreds of people including children missing.. African roll continuing or picking up pace? Also volcano in Iceland still erupting for several weeks and flow even increasing still.  
[and from another]
Nyiragongo volcano in Eastern DR Congo erupts after 19 years of dormancy
May 23, 2021
A mass evacuation was launched in the city of Goma, which has a population of about two million people. Some locals complained about the lack of information from the authorities amid conflicting accounts circulating on social media.

Of course the Rift Valley volcanoes erupt during the African Roll because the African Plate is blocked from rolling smoothly at the top. The top nob bumps into Turkey and scrapes down past Syria and Israel, pushing the Sinai Peninsula aside. Meanwhile, the African Plate deals with this by crunching the continent at Nigeria, and pulling apart at the African Rift Valley. The African Roll proceeds in step with the N American Plate adjustment at the New Madrid. As the Mid-Atlantic pulls apart, the African Plate has room to roll.

Accepted via email: 

Info - short, informative, useful about vax.
[and from another]
Shocking Live Blood Analysis after Vax
May 23, 2021
I have a friend who is a Nutrition Microscopist. She is an expert in her field and has helped me immensely. She has many clients who took the so-called vax and asked them to come in for a free blood analysis. To her utter horror, this is what she saw. The top image is of completely healthy blood and blood cells before the 'vax' injection. The blood cells changed drastically over the next few days.
[and from another]
Covid-19 Vaccine Magnet Challenge: Videos Claim Magnets Stick to Arms after Vaccination
May 18, 2021
Some people are now asserting on social media that magnets will stick to your arm after you’ve gotten the Covid-19 vaccine injected into that arm. It has nothing to do with you yourself being so attractive though. Instead, the claim is that Covid-19 vaccination injects metal into your arm, apparently enough metal to make magnets stick to your arm.

Is there a relationship between changes in red blood cells after the mRNA Covid-19 vaccination and the reports on social media that people can get a magnet to stick to the injection site shortly after taking the jab? There absolutely is a relationship. As has been reported and documented,
the mRNA vaccines turn an on switch for production of the spike protein that simulates the Covid-19 virus but does not provide an off switch. The worry is that this perpetual war in the body might incite auto-immune reactions.

Then there is another known immune response inciting antibody production against the syncytin-1 protein that is necessary for the production of mother’s milk and placenta growth. Now yet another side effect of the mRNA vaccine has come to light, the effect on red blood cells. It has been carefully documented that days after the vaccination, red blood cells are shedding their iron, and during this time the vaccination site can be shown to be somewhat magnetized. Fortunately, this is a temporary reaction to one of the vaccine ingredients, thus will not result in permanent iron deficiency.

In that there is an HCQ resistant Covid-19 variant developed by the elite and released in India to slow the emigration of Indian citizens, are there schemes afoot to perpetuate the Covid-19 pandemic to control the populace? In that the syncytin-1 protein necessary to support pregnancy and nursing is attacked by the mRNA vaccine, the public is suspicious that the push to vaccinate with the mRNA vaccine is a population reduction scheme. And in that the spike protein injected by the mRNA vaccine sheds readily to infect others in contact with the vaccinated person, this seems to show a pattern.

Where this was not the intended consequence
of the mRNA vaccine, there are opportunists who are taking advantage of the opportunity to promote their social agendas. Thus the constant push to get repeatedly vaccinated, and the constant media attention to any variant that emerges. Both the pharma industry and the major media are well controlled by the same Cabal that wishes to run the world in the Aftertime after the passage of Nibiru. And a selective reduction in population is part of their plan.

Prior ZT:
There is worry that the unproven mRNA vaccines would start an immune system process that cannot be turned off. The virus spike, in essence, is incorporated into the body’s production system, thus the immune system is perpetually nudged and activated. This is no different from what life presents, in any case. We have and still do recommend HCQ and other antivirals. For those who worry about the safety of vaccines, Dr. Zelenko’s prescription based on HCQ is fail safe and proven to be effective. It was also what President Trump recommended at the start.

Accepted via email: 

Are death’s increasing, rather than decreasing, after the Covid-19 vaccine?
[and from another]
Coronavirus Cases in 2021 are Already Higher than 2020 Worldwide
May 25, 2021
In less than five months of 2021, the number of coronavirus cases reported worldwide has surpassed the number reported in 2020. The early months of 2020 reflect the gradual rise and spread of the virus around the world. But since the fall of 2020, the global pace of infections hasn't abated – even with 1.7 billion COVID-19 vaccine doses administered.
[and from another]
Antibody-dependent Enhancement (ADE) and Vaccines
January 5, 2021
ADE occurs when the antibodies generated during an immune response recognize and bind to a pathogen, but they are unable to prevent infection. Instead, these antibodies act as a “Trojan horse,” allowing the pathogen to get into cells and exacerbate the immune response. Neither COVID-19 disease nor the new COVID-19 vaccines have shown evidence of causing ADE. People infected with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, have not been likely to develop ADE upon repeat exposure. This is true of other coronaviruses as well. 
[and from another]
Mass Vaccination during Pandemic Historical Blunder: Nobel Laureate
May 25, 2021
French virologist and Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier called mass vaccination against the coronavirus during the pandemic “unthinkable” and a historical blunder that is “creating the variants” and leading to deaths from the disease. Known as “antibody-dependent enhancement.” It is the antibodies produced by the virus that enable an infection to become stronger. The new variants are a production and result from the vaccination. You see it in each country, it’s the same: in every country deaths follow vaccination.

There is a saying that “statistics don’t lie”. But of course they can be manipulated to support a lie, but in this case, country after country experienced a massive spike right after their vaccination program proceeded. This second spike rivaled the first which had emerged after Covid-19 was first identified as a threat, long after it had already spread around the world. Why should there be a second spike? Luc Montagnier has explained the process as the vaccine itself incites variants, by failing to effectively eliminate the original virus.

During the process of killing pathogens, the white cells consume the pathogens, and if this process is not complete, the pathogen lives on within the white blood cell. This is a process that happens in HIV, where the T-helper cells
carry the virus - the immune system itself infected. Covid-19 is not HIV, but when any Covid-19 virus is not completely killed but lives on within the immune system, the possibility of a mutant emerging exists. Crippled, changed, but like Frankenstein’s monster - still alive. The mutations around the world are in great part due to the mRNA vaccination program, which is not an effective Covid-19 killer.

Seeing this process, the elite wishing to sculpt the population and continue the lockdowns jumped at the opportunity to encourage mutations. The lockdowns prevent the populace from leaving the coastlines, where they will soon be drown during the passage of Nibiru. By insisting on endless booster shots from the mRNA vaccines, the process of spiking Covid-19 deaths continues. It is a self-perpetuating process that benefits the elite and their desire for control. The solution is to stop the vaccines, and allow herd immunity to develop. This is the natural way.

Accepted via email: 

Have read on that Supreme Court Justice Amy Comey Barret was placed under house arrest with an ankle bracelet. Is this true?
[and from another]
Military Puts SCJ Amy Coney Barrett on House Arrest
May 19, 2021
On May 15, U.S. Navy JAG and Army CID investigators visited Barrett’s D.C. home where she lives with her children and her husband, Jesse, most of whom were present when investigators told Barrett that the Insurrection Act of 1807, which Donald J. Trump invoked before leaving office, empowered them to detain or arrest citizens who stand accused of treason or present a threat to national security.
[and from another]
Did US Military Place Amy Coney Barrett Under House Arrest?
May 21, 2021
There is no proof that Barrett was placed under house arrest. In fact on April 23, mere days after her supposed house arrest, she was with her fellow Supreme Court justices, and taking their official class photo. Given that there is no proof that Barrett is under house arrest and fitted with an ankle bracelet and readily available evidence to the contrary, we rate this claim as “False.”
[and from another]

These rumors arise because the Junta is preparing to overturn the 2020 election, announcing to the world that they had proof of election fraud in hand since the election occurred on November 3, 2020. As is patently clear, the US Military has never acknowledged a Biden Presidency, and with the use of Doubles a Biden Presidency has just been a well-orchestrated movie. President Trump never left office because the Insurrection Act was invoked on January 11, 2021 – ahead of any swearing in of Biden. Congress is not in session or in power under Martial Law, thus the inauguration was invalid.

The Junta has been dealing with multiple war fronts, The CCP was attempting to physically invade the US, and were in the tunnels under the White House. The war against Moloch worship using the torture of small children for their Adrenochrome rich blood is still in its mopping up phase. The Soros funded Antifa riots and Defund the Police movements are still being prosecuted. The Junta had been hoping that the 2020 audits being done in the Swing States that were key in 2020 would prove the Biden Presidency illegitimate, but this is a slow process. Thus the Junta is preparing an alternative approach.

The reported visit of US Military JAG to SCOTUS Barrett’s house was to discuss the coming event of a public announcement that Trump is still President. Face-to-face meetings with the other justices also occurred, as the discussions were not put into writing for fear of leaks. We have predicted that this announcement might be made during the announcement of full blown Martial Law when the New Madrid creates havoc in the US in late 2021 or early 2022. The Military would casually confirm that the Kraken evidence they had in hand during the election proved this beyond a doubt.


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