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  • If your questions are just a demand for a hand-held tour, and it is apparent you have not even attempted to research or read the existing material, your post will be deleted.
  • Commentary chitchat will automatically be deleted if it does not add to the questions already posed. The weekly Q&A chat is not a stage for opinions or rants. 
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  • If not, assume it has been declined by the Zetas.
  • The Q&A discussions just past and ongoing are pinned for easy reference.
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  1. No debunking and disruption. Debunking and disruption will lead to suspension.
  2. The existence of Planet X and the truthfulness of ZetaTalk are not debatable.
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  4. ZetaTalk only. Posting of or discussion regarding material alleged to be channeled or otherwise relayed by entities other than the STO Zetas to anyone other than Nancy Lieder of is not allowed on this site

Zeta Rules that Apply

  1. No personal counseling is done.This rule has been in place since 1996. Questions should be of broad interest to the general public.
  2. Correlation or resolution of ZetaTalk with the work of other channels or authors is not done unless they predict and have a prediction accuracy track record, as otherwise they are not a peer of ZetaTalk which does so. This rule has been in place since 2002. Just because another website or author makes a statement does not make that statement true, nor will the Zetas explain to you why their statements are not true, as then they are taking time out to address the issue.
  3. The Zetas, as all visitors, are under rules on how they interact with humanity. They are not here to rescue you. They cannot divert Planet X just as today they do not prevent droughts or floods. The Earth is mankind’s schoolhouse whereby he learns to help his fellow man.
  4. The date of the pole shift cannot be given, but the sequence of events can be given. [ Link ] Check the ning pinned discussions and blogs for such information as the 7 of 10, the last weeks, etc.

Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case.

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 78 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.

Views: 37594

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Replies to This Discussion

Accepted. Add Ecuador day or so ago too, blamed on drought as they use hydroelectric. 

Kamil Rak said:

Did EMP from Nibiru cause this massive power outage? 

Did EMP from Nibiru cause this massive power outage? They are blaming it on the heatwaves though.
[and from another]
[and from another]
Several European Countries and Holiday Islands Hit by Massive Power Outage
June 12, 2024
Large parts of Europe were hit by power cuts today, knocking out traffic lights, halting electric trains and switching off the internet. Power operators said they were investigating what caused the blackouts in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Montenegro. The string of blackouts rippled out of Montenegro after a 400-kilowatt transmission line exploded. Officials say the major outage started with a fault in an interconnecting line with Greece caused by blisteringly high temperatures.
[and from another]
Power Outage leaves Millions of Ecuadorians in the Dark after Transmission Line Fails
June 20, 2024
Ecuador’s Minister of Energy Roberto Luque said in a message posted on X, formerly Twitter, that the failure was reported by the country’s National Electricity Operator and caused “a cascade disconnection,” leaving the nation without energy service. Since last year, Ecuador has faced an electricity generation crisis that has led to rationing throughout the country. In April, the government of President Daniel Noboa began to ration electricity in the country’s main cities as a drought linked to the El Niño weather pattern depleted reservoirs and limited output at hydroelectric plants that produce about 75% of the nation’s power.
[and from another]
Balkan Region Hit by Major Power Outage during Heatwave
June 21, 2024
“The exact cause of the blackout is still unknown, but we presume it involves the overloading of the interconnector” said Midheta Kurspahic, a spokesperson from the Bosnia and Herzegovina Electricity Company. Croatia’s HEP power utility said the outage in parts of the country was caused by “an international disturbance that affected several countries” without going into detail. According to Croatian officials, it did not happen in Croatia, and they said it might have occurred somewhere between Greece and Albania. But that’s all preliminary information. They also said it might take up to six months before we know the official investigation results about the incident,

A cascading power failure can occur when one source fails so the workload is shifted to the next, which then cannot handle the additional load and likewise fails. Ecuador was struggling to maintain power in the country because their base power source was hydroelectric and they were experiencing a drought. Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Montenegro are interconnected in that they share power with one another, so a cascading failure can occur. They like Ecuador primarily use hydroelectric for their source. But is there more to this picture to account for the blackouts?

The land above the African border in the Mediterranean is under assault due to the Africa Roll which pulls the Adriatic Sea down, thus destabilizing the water flow network that hydroelectric relies upon. This is likewise true of Ecuador which is affected by the constant S America waggle during the New Madrid Fault Line tussle. We have stated that all dams will eventually fail as the Earth approaches the time of the Pole Shift, including the Hoover Dam. The failure of hydroelectric power generators will be affected by this too.

Hello Nancy and Zetas.

In 2017 the Zetas commented on the Nazca Mummies - well preserved humanoid bodies with unmistakably alien characteristics - found in Nazca, Peru.

Recently more Nazca mummies have been unveiled, including one that appears to have been pregnant at the time of death.

Do the Zetas have any comment on these new Nazca Mummies?

Thank you for considering this question.




Montserrat & Rafael





ALIEN RESURRECTION: I probed ‘Nazca alien mummies’ – DNA proves they are REAL & co-existed with humans, claims investigator

26 Apr 2024

The 'Nazca alien mummies' are real and DNA evidence proves they co-existed with humans, an investigator has claimed.

Jois Mantilla, who worked closely with the mummies to identify their origins, believes he's made a breakthrough DNA discovery that could "change the course of history" and is more important than the moon landing.

Jois, along with his colleague Jaime Maussan, has been leading an investigation into the "mummified aliens".

He exclusively told The Sun details of his most "profound" and chilling find yet.

He claims that one of the most recent mummies found "Montserrat" has a three-fingered "tridactyl" foetus inside her.

He claims that this disproves the notion that the bodies are dolls as he says it would be impossible for sculptures to make them appear pregnant.

He also says the mummies have a bizarre DNA makeup that could not be created by modern-day technology.


ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for June 24, 2017

Peru mummy

This intact mummy, found in the dry caves of Peru, is genuine and almost 100% alien in its DNA. Affection developed in the past between the visitors and humans, so an occasional hybrid survived to pass along some human DNA. But the obvious characteristics of an alien body – 3 long fingers, long arms, long toes, lack of external ears, and large eyes – are definitive. Such discoveries, on the increase over the past few years, are the result of a guided search, where contactees are guided to the location. The Awakening to the alien presence is being expedited.

ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for July 31, 2017

Peru Snake Man aliens

Were the Peru mummies partially reptilian? They were indeed, and as implied by anatomical analysis the reptile was a snake. The jaw reveals it could not chew, and snakes swallow their prey whole. The rib cage went down the trunk from top to bottom as occurs in snakes. These mummies likewise laid eggs, as reptiles do in the main. As we stated at the start of the ZetaTalk saga, the spiritual orientation of the entity is not determined by the species. Reptilian planets produce the same proportion of Service-to-Others to Service-to-Self souls as mammalian planets. The Nazca mummies were preserved by a silicon powder so that they would be discovered and make this point during the Awakening.

ZetaTalk Newsletter - Issue 566, Sunday August 6, 2017

Snake-Man Aliens

Accepted, perhaps this is a disclosure nudge. 

Matt B said:

In 2017 the Zetas commented on the Nazca Mummies - well preserved humanoid bodies with unmistakably alien characteristics - found in Nazca, Peru.

Recently more Nazca mummies have been unveiled, including one that appears to have been pregnant at the time of death. Do the Zetas have any comment on these new Nazca Mummies?
[and from another]
[and from another]
ALIEN RESURRECTION: I probed ‘Nazca alien mummies’ – DNA proves they are REAL & co-existed with humans, claims investigator
26 Apr 2024
The 'Nazca alien mummies' are real and DNA evidence proves they co-existed with humans, an investigator has claimed. Jois Mantilla, who worked closely with the mummies to identify their origins, believes he's made a breakthrough DNA discovery that could "change the course of history" and is more important than the moon landing. Jois, along with his colleague Jaime Maussan, has been leading an investigation into the "mummified aliens". He exclusively told The Sun details of his most "profound" and chilling find yet. He claims that one of the most recent mummies found "Montserrat" has a three-fingered "tridactyl" foetus inside her. He claims that this disproves the notion that the bodies are dolls as he says it would be impossible for sculptures to make them appear pregnant. He also says the mummies have a bizarre DNA makeup that could not be created by modern-day technology.
[and from another]
ZetaTalk Newsletter - Issue 566, Sunday August 6, 2017
Snake-Man Aliens

The Peru mummies
are once again in the press, but hardly given the media attention they deserve after extensive DNA tests. Why is this not headline news? Man is not alone; DNA tests prove ET is real. The reluctance to disclose the truth about the Peru Mummies is due to an Executive Order
written after the Roswell crash, stating it was a matter of National Security to maintain a coverup over the alien presence. The establishment fears panic in the people, especially since they could not duplicate the antigravity ability of UFOs nor their speed. This made mankind look impotent and incompetent. To date, that EO has not been reversed.

Prior 2017 ZT:
This intact mummy, found in the dry caves of Peru, is genuine and almost 100% alien in its DNA. Affection developed in the past between the visitors and humans, so an occasional hybrid survived to pass along some human DNA. But the obvious characteristics of an alien body – 3 long fingers, long arms, long toes, lack of external ears, and large eyes – are definitive. Such discoveries, on the increase over the past few years, are the result of a guided search, where contactees are guided to the location. The Awakening to the alien presence is being expedited.

Prior 2017 ZT:
Were the Peru mummies partially reptilian? They were indeed, and as implied by anatomical analysis the reptile was a snake. The jaw reveals it could not chew, and snakes swallow their prey whole. The rib cage went down the trunk from top to bottom as occurs in snakes. These mummies likewise laid eggs, as reptiles do in the main. As we stated at the start of the ZetaTalk saga, the spiritual orientation of the entity is not determined by the species. Reptilian planets produce the same proportion of Service-to-Others to Service-to-Self souls as mammalian planets. The Nazca mummies were preserved by a silicon powder so that they would be discovered and make this point during the Awakening.

Drowning swimmers in Florida and South Carolina have been in the news. Any comments on how the undersea tectonic tug of war is contributing to the dangerous rip currents and conditions?
[and from another]
Methane? There had been a 5.1 eq on the 21st just up the coast off Libya, that could have caused the methane release? Attached map, location of 5.1mag EQ. Look along the coast and you will see Marsa Mutruh location of the deaths.
[and from another]
There was a post last night from Cozumel Island off Yucatan with water gushing up like a giant hose under the ocean. That one was Caribbean Plate squeeze.
[and from another]
At least 6 Out-of-Staters Killed in Florida as Dangerous Rip Current Threats Persist
June 22, 2024
In 2023, more than 30 people were reported to have died after encountering rip currents along the Sunshine State, with half along the Florida Panhandle. Over a span of two days, rough surf along both of Florida's coasts claimed the lives of at least six people as authorities warned that hazardous beach conditions would likely persist.
[and from another]
Desperate Search ends with 3 young Tourists Dead in likely Drowning at Florida Beach
June 22, 2024
Three Alabama men have died from likely drowning after becoming distressed while swimming at a Florida Panhandle beach. An hours-long rescue operation involving multiple agencies was eventually able to locate the three men. They were pulled from the water at different times and then sent to local hospitals for treatment.
[and from another]
Ten People Drown on Marsa Matrouh Beaches Within 24 Hours
June 22, 2024
Ten people drowned and 11 others were injured on the beaches of Marsa Matrouh within 24 hours. Survivors suffer from shortness of breath with some cases moderate, and others serious. Two were released to improve their conditions and are receiving the necessary treatment under the supervision of hospital doctors.
[and from another]
Spotted nearby in Cozumel two days ago and still going strong. No reports or official investigations yet. It seems like subterranean water is being pushed through a hole to the surface.

As we have detailed, the New Madrid Adjustment includes a steady separation of the Portions in N America. This involves a shift to the East by the Toe of the SE Portion, such that the Yucatan Peninsula will ultimately arrive many miles to the East of its current location. That a new water spout emerged at Cozumel is yet another example of Zetas RIGHT Again. During this daily movement of the SE Portion there will be rip tides as Plate Movements are never smooth but most often a series of jerks.

We also described the African Roll, where the NE corner of the Africa Plate drops and scrapes along the Sinai Peninsula. Ripping rock along the Africa and Eurasia border through the Mediterranean during this process resulted in Methane drowning deaths in Algeria, and now amidst a series of quakes has occurred again at Marsa Matrouh. Methane can result in unconsciousness, thus drowning. Due to the coverup over the Nibiru presence the public has not been properly informed.

Priest and six law enforcement officers killed in attacks on synagogues and church in Russia’s Dagestan

Six law enforcement officers and a priest have reportedly been killed in what appear to be coordinated attacks by gunmen in Russia’s southernmost Dagestan province.

Is this terrorist attack in Russia at the hands of the elite who want to prevent Putin from admitting Nibiru?

Yes, but this is nothing new. Russia has  been demonized for decades for this reason. Edgar Cayce said "Russia will save the world" and this may prove true. Russia has been open about the Alien Presence too. Declined as not a new trend, an ongoing trend. BRICS is a threat too, to western WEF banks. An having Putin and Kim become buddies is another afront. 

Kamil Rak said:

Is this terrorist attack in Russia at the hands of the elite who want to prevent Putin from admitting Nibiru?

Rapidan Dam in Minnesota is in 'imminent failure condition,' officials warn

A dam in southern Minnesota is at risk of failure after heavy rainfall inundated rivers in the region.

Declining these flooding questions as it appears to be just rain, and I live in the middle of this mess and can assure you it is happening. We got 8" in one day, etc. Yes, the drooping land due to the SE Portion and Mainland seaparting is a factor. A spreading Seaway is also a major factor. 

Kamil Rak said:

Add to that a bridge collapse.

Does the Trident at back end of the Crop Circle indicate something analogous to what we see depicted here?
[and from another]
Photo of the Nibiru Complex capture on May 1, 2021 in Sarasota, Florida compared to a CC design laid in 2010.
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Three Suns Above Münster Augsburger 1533. “In 1533, three suns shone similarly as if they had fiery clouds around them, and they stood over the city of Münster, as if the city and the houses were burning, as painted here.” Augsburger Wunderzeichenbuch, c. 1550
Originated in this book
[and from another]

Nibiru can be seen from many angles - straight on with a Dominant Moon on either side, or from the side with various Moon Swirls trailing behind. All are surrounded by Red Dust and trash so appear large and can even dwarf Nibiru in size by this means. Coming closer lately, Nibiru and its Dominant Moon swirls may reflect sunlight at sunrise or sunset, a type of group Second Sun display. That this TikTok photo matches a drawing from 1533 inspired by a sundog display is coincidence. But a Triple Sun display will be on the increase.

ZetaTalk Confirmation 5/31/2021:
A Crop Circle diagram comes to life! The Double Helix was captured on film in 2003 when Nibiru arrived, and now is back in view. This is another example that demonstrates the validity and significance of Crop Circle designs.

ZetaTalk Analysis 7/31/2010:
If the Anchor crop circle was showing the Nibiru complex as it retreats, White Horse is showing it as it approaches. The minor Moon Swirls that composed the tail of the Anchor are very distant and hardly visible. The two main Moon Swirls will be seen on either side, flaring back. And the crowding of magnetic particles in front of Nibiru as it points its N Pole toward the Earth is shown, so that Nibiru itself is almost repulsed by this crowding, pushed back in this cloud of magnetons, so is moving slowly!

This image has always struck me as the tridents in the Anunakis hands.   Nibiu and the 2 dominant moons above it's head and the Anunnaki itself with the wings to either side being the  wings of Nibiru and the center ring with it's symbols around the waist.

Nancy Lieder said:

Does the Trident at back end of the Crop Circle indicate something analogous to what we see depicted here?
[and from another]
Photo of the Nibiru Complex capture on May 1, 2021 in Sarasota, Florida compared to a CC design laid in 2010.
[and from another]
[and from another]
Three Suns Above Münster Augsburger 1533. “In 1533, three suns shone similarly as if they had fiery clouds around them, and they stood over the city of Münster, as if the city and the houses were burning, as painted here.” Augsburger Wunderzeichenbuch, c. 1550
Originated in this book
[and from another]

Nibiru can be seen from many angles - straight on with a Dominant Moon on either side, or from the side with various Moon Swirls trailing behind. All are surrounded by Red Dust and trash so appear large and can even dwarf Nibiru in size by this means. Coming closer lately, Nibiru and its Dominant Moon swirls may reflect sunlight at sunrise or sunset, a type of group Second Sun display. That this TikTok photo matches a drawing from 1533 inspired by a sundog display is coincidence. But a Triple Sun display will be on the increase.

ZetaTalk Confirmation 5/31/2021:
A Crop Circle diagram comes to life! The Double Helix was captured on film in 2003 when Nibiru arrived, and now is back in view. This is another example that demonstrates the validity and significance of Crop Circle designs.

ZetaTalk Analysis 7/31/2010:
If the Anchor crop circle was showing the Nibiru complex as it retreats, White Horse is showing it as it approaches. The minor Moon Swirls that composed the tail of the Anchor are very distant and hardly visible. The two main Moon Swirls will be seen on either side, flaring back. And the crowding of magnetic particles in front of Nibiru as it points its N Pole toward the Earth is shown, so that Nibiru itself is almost repulsed by this crowding, pushed back in this cloud of magnetons, so is moving slowly!

Can the Zetas give us some odds on the likelihood of the Junta being able to get the White Hat Biden on the stage for the debate and the likelihood of him mentioning the Pole Shift?  If it's the Black Hat Biden, maybe Trump will mention it?
[and from another]
Biden vs Trump Presidential Debate: Where to Watch and What to Expect
June 25, 2024
U.S. President Joe Biden and former president Donald Trump will meet on a debate stage for the first of two televised face-offs that could prove critical in their tight rematch race to win the White House in November. The first debate will air at 9 p.m. ET on CNN and be broadcast from an Atlanta studio without a live audience. It can also be viewed on CNN affiliates, without a cable login on and is available for simulcast on other U.S. channels. Trump will get the last word after a coin toss.
[and from another]
Biden Doubles

We anticipate that both Biden and Trump will show up. CNN will take excruciatingly careful steps not to imply anything about Trump, and have chosen clean questions though have shared with the Biden crowd in secret. No blood tests will be given as the Biden gang will refuse. That a Double is being used will be obvious, and there will be many clues that social media and Trump friendly reporting media sites will note. Trump will of course win the debate though it will be claimed otherwise by CNN. This charade is to expose the rampant corruption in the Democrat Party.

By the first week of July SCOTUS will rule that the New York hush money trial was not legal, a mistrial, and it will not be rescheduled. In Georgia DA Fanni will be removed and her replacement will dismiss the case. The Florida records case likewise will be terminated by SCOTUS as Trump legally had the records in his home stored there since he was President. These lawfare gambits were also allowed to proceed to expose corruption among the Democrats. Then when Martial Law is called in the US with Trump as the Commander in Chief, no one will be surprised.


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