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Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case.

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 78 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.

Views: 42037

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Replies to This Discussion

Seem they want to attack the SWIFT system for what I read.
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KillNet, Anonymous Sudan, and REvil Unveil Plans for Attacks on US and European Banking Systems
June 15, 2023
Russian hackers have declared their intention to launch cyberattacks on the European financial system within the next 48 hours. The hackers say they will target the financial system, following the formula of "no money - no weapons - no Kyiv regime." Additional information provided in the Telegram post indicates potential targets such as US banks and the US Federal Reserve System. KillNet and Anonymous Sudan groups focus on Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS). The groups are known for orchestrating large-scale DDoS attacks on various entities including airports, banks, energy providers, and government agencies.
[and from another]
Hacker Groups reportedly Team Up to Destroy European Banks in ‘World’s biggest Cyber Attack’
June 15, 2023
Hackers from the three groups had joined together for this campaign. They believe their first will be to paralyze the SWIFT payment system, which is commonly used for international payments.
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The US Corporation did go Bankrupt, what we are Watching Now is Corporate BS
June 12, 2023
US ports have shut down and trade is collapsing. The shutdown of ports like Seattle is being blamed on “labor disputes,” but that does not explain the collapse in demand for cardboard boxes, a mainstay of trade. Asian secret society sources explain the attempt to use Taiwanese and Thai royal gold to keep the US Corporation going has been stopped. That is why exports to the US have been stopped. They say they will restart trade if Donald Trump is made public president again. 

The White Hats know that to end the war in the Ukraine they must stop the money laundering in Kiev. We have stated that funds promised by the Biden Administration in fact do not flow, as this is a sting op run by the Junta to arrest those who rush to collect the funds in Kiev. But the Biden Administration promises give the impression that Kiev is funded, and thus others around the world participate. Bribery everywhere, and the Ukraine conflict is endless, supporting bio labs, organ harvesting, child torture and Adrenochrome collection, drug running, and weapons selling.

As is known, the Rothschild banking system is bankrupt and without substance as it is not Gold backed. They print money freely but as their fiat is virtually worthless and without backing, it is refused for trade. Pending is a collapse of the US Federal Reserve, defaulting on all debts so the National Debt to be paid to the Rothschild banks is vaporized, and the banking system in the US reorganized so that all former debts paid by interest are likewise forgiven. The reorganization is expected to occur under the reinstated President Trump.

But those impatient with the pace of change in the Ukraine want to expedite the fall of Kiev. Since the western banking system uses the SWIFT system, this is a clear target. For the past week, even before the stern and clear message issued by Anonymous hackers, the US and Europe have had downtime problems. This is only a hint of what is to come. The outcome is in human hands, as NATO and the Satanists who want Kiev to continue their operation may or may not capitulate, and the Junta and White Hats likewise may move in many directions.

This Hal Turner article indicates the military is being deployed all over the USA. Is this a preparation for a public return of President Trump announcement or the NM Event? Any comment by you or the Zetas would be greatly appreciated.
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Updated **Again** 8:12 PM EDT – Tanks & Troops Deploying Inside USA (and Canada)
June 17, 2023
Citizens in **many* areas of the U.S.A. are startled that tanks, troops, assault aircraft are being deployed on the streets throughout the U.S.A. today, Saturday, June 17.  Video below shows tanks on the highways of Idaho, Osprey Helicopters dropping Marines in California residential neighborhoods, and trainloads of military armor moving in Montreal, Quebec, CANADA. Why is Canada putting military hardware into one of its largest cities on a Saturday? I have spoken to several military sources who tell me "this is not a drill.  Drills get advertised, these were not advertised.  This is war prep." Here. In North America? Something wicked this way comes.
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Massive Military Movements being Reported in Multiple States across the US
June 17, 2023
Why all this sudden military activity on US soil? Are these drills? All taking place almost at the same time across multiple states around the US? Or is something bigger taking place?
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Boeing E-4
The Boeing E-4 Advanced Airborne Command Post (AACP), the current "Nightwatch" aircraft, is a strategic command and control military aircraft operated by the United States Air Force (USAF). The E-4 series are specially modified from the Boeing 747-200B for the National Emergency Airborne Command Post (NEACP) program. The E-4 serves as a survivable mobile command post for the National Command Authority. 
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Indiana, Kentucky Guard Conduct Wet-Gap Crossing Exercise
June 14, 2023
Members of the 2061st Multi-Role Bridge Company participated in a joint exercise with military and civilian agencies as part of Operation: Homeland Defender 2023 June 8-10.
[and from another]
LA CAMP MINDEN is where majority of artillery comes from. They are loading up on trains on HWU 80. The following states I know about so far reporting to me. NY, PN, ID, CA, KY, SC, MI, IA, AZ, TX, OK, WA, VA, CO, AR, LA HWY 80
[and from another]
BREAKING: 27 states with heavy military activity. Massive military equipment being moved in several cities in the United States incuding missile defense systems.

For the past week Nancy has noted serious shifting of the Eurasian Plate toward the East, with the Russian Rip path and Western China and even France experiencing quakes. The Sunda Plate at the same time shifted its quake pattern from one where quakes circled the Sunda Plate to a pattern where quakes only outlined the Eastern border. But on June 16 the pattern was coast to coast Eurasian stretch quakes with the Sunda Plate clearly being a point of resistance to a China lunge East. The UFO warning region - for those in the Triangle of Japan, Taiwan, and Beijing - was being hammered. The China quake we had been predicting was clearly imminent.

Do you suppose the US Defense Department reads ZetaTalk? They have ZetaTalk at their disposal, and know what the outcome of a China lunge into the Pacific would mean. The Pacific is wide but some tsunami action would occur, but the major concern is that within days the China lunge would allow a waggling S America to shift so the SE Portion of N America could slide Eastward, bringing about the New Madrid Rupture. This is predicted by ourselves to bring a 50 foot tsunami to the East Coast of the US.

Note the signs that this Military activity in 27 US states is related to the regions we predicted would experience either tsunami or devastation. The Bridge between the Ozark and Appalachian Mountains lies where the New Madrid Fault Line crosses the Ohio River at Southern Indiana and Kentucky. This is where an Army exercise occurred days ago on June 14. Where the direction of movement for Military equipment can be ascertained, it is moving to the East Coast and West Coast, where tsunami could be expected.


I am wondering if the Zeta’s have any information with regards to the abnormal Schumann Resonance . The usual website I visit to view the Schumann Resonance does not seem to be working.
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Hi , very weird Schumann Resonance readings today 6 18 2023 , I never see this before . The vibration is over 190 Hertz from the regular 7.83. I was wandering what is happening,what change between Earth and Nibiru interaction , is a new stage ?
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DOUBLE WHAMMY Geomagnetic Storm & Electromagnetic BURSTS with Gemini New Moon on June 18th

The Schumann Resonance chart shows the dance of several magnetic frequencies that circle the globe. These frequencies are denoted by color. If there is a spike caused by the Sun or by Nibiru, these will show up on the chart as a white band flooding the time frame. If the frequencies are overbearing, the chart will go black, indicating the equipment trying to chart the frequencies cannot handle the overload. So what happened on June 17-18 when the charts began looking like an Egyptian dance? This is basically equipment malfunction.

To determine what has changed one must thus look at the frequencies used as input to the chart. This has changed, as can be seen by examining the normal frequencies being charted going into June 18 and the frequencies charted during the Egyptian dance. The Egyptian dance frequencies are in general too high. Where Solar Max is approaching, these blasts are not caused by the Sun, though will likely be blamed on the Sun. Nibiru is not only coming closer, it is also turning to point it’s magnetic N Pole more toward the Earth.

Something has changed.
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Eastleigh Court, Nr Bishopstrow, Wiltshire. Reported 18th June.

Recent Crop Circle designs in 2023 have emphasized the Daily Earth Wobble, which has four directions – the Polar Push when the Sun is over the Pacific, the Lean Right when the Sun is over India, the Lean Left when the Sun is over Italy, and the Bounce Back when the Sun is over the Americas. This pattern is started each day by the Polar Push wherein the N Pole of Nibiru encounters the Magnetic N Pole of the Earth, and repels the Earth’s N Pole. As has been noted by the Schumann Resonance charts, this push has become stronger as of June 18. Rather than a quad arrangement depicting the wobble, this design has a tri-phase arrangement. The Polar Push is more dominant so the Bounce Back is suppressed.

Titanic mission not as claimed?
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Underwater Vessel Exploring Titanic Wreck Declared Missing
June 19, 2023
A submersible vessel carrying five people to see the Titanic’s wreckage in the North Atlantic has gone missing, triggering a multinational search-and-rescue operation. The vessel, operated by OceanGate Expeditions, began its descent on Sunday morning and lost contact with the surface less than two hours later. The company says it uses a submersible named Titan for its dives to a maximum depth of 4,000 meters (13,100 feet). It has a range of 96 hours for a crew of five.
[and from another]
Pakistan Businessman and Son Aboard Missing Titanic Sub
June 20, 2023
A prominent Pakistani businessman and his son are among five people aboard a submersible that has gone missing while exploring the wreckage of the Titanic in the North Atlantic. Engro has an array of investments in energy, agriculture, petrochemicals and telecommunications. At the end of 2022 the firm announced a revenue of 350 billion rupees ($1.2 billion). The 21-foot (6.5-meter) tourist craft, operated by OceanGate Expeditions, began its descent on Sunday but lost contact with the surface less than two hours later. Coastguards are scanning the remote area of the North Atlantic where the Titanic rests 400 miles (650 kilometres) off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada, and some 13,000 feet (4,000 metres) underwater. Another passenger aboard the missing craft has been identified as British businessman Hamish Harding.
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From 8Kun Anonymous  06/20/23 (Tue) 02:14:53cc7339 (11) No.19035504>>19035522 >>19035528 >>19035540 >>19035749 >>19035860 >>19035939
Submarine CEO Stockton Rush, British billionaire Hamish Harding and French diving expert Paul-Henri Nargeolet named as missing in Titanic voyage
Three of the five people feared missing in a submersible on a once-in-a-lifetime underwater tour of the Titanic wreckage have been named, as search and rescue teams desperately conduct an underwater and aerial search of the vessel, which may have only about 70 hours of oxygen left. A submarine chief executive, a British billionaire and a French diving expert are among three people feared missing on a once-in-a-lifetime voyage of the Titanic. It is believed five crew boarded a submersible, owned by the OceanGate Expeditions, for an underwater tour of the ship's wreckage in the Atlantic Ocean on Sunday. But contact was lost with the vessel about one hour and 45 minutes into the trip, the United States Coast Guard said in a press conference on Tuesday morning.
A desperate search for the craft is underway involving government agencies and deep sea firms, which may only have about 70 hours of air left inside. Submarine CEO Stockton Rush, British billionaire Hamish Harding and French mariner Paul-Henri Nargeolet have been named as three of the five missing crew. Mr Rush is the chief executive and founder of OceanGate Inc, the company involved in the incident, which sends thrill seekers on underwater voyages. The second reported missing person, Mr Nargeolet, 73, is the Director of Underwater Research Program at Premier Exhibitions, RMS Titanic. While Mr Harding, 58, is a businessman, aviator and "space tourist", and runs Action Aviation which sells commercial and private aircraft. He has three Guinness World Records next to his name, including the greatest distance covered at full ocean depth and greatest duration spent at full ocean depth.
Mr Harding reached the deepest place on earth, the Mariana Trench, which is about 36,000 feet or 11 kilometres, in 2021 using a two-man submarine. The billionaire shared his excitement on social media about the Titanic adventure on the weekend, saying weather had cleared a "window" for the dive. "Due to the worst winter in Newfoundland in 40 years, this mission is likely to be the first and only manned mission to the Titanic in 2023," he said. "The team on the sub has a couple of legendary explorers, some of which have done over 30 dives to the RMS Titanic since the 1980s including PH Nargeolet." His family confirmed on Facebook he is among the missing. "Thoughts and prayers for my stepfather Hamish Harding as his submarine has gone missing exploring Titanic," stepson Brian Szasz said. "Search and rescue mission is underway."

While the US Junta is closely monitoring the separation of the N American Portions on land, they cannot easily monitor the northern border of the SE Portion (from the Seaway exit to Azores) which is under water. This ridge is where the wreck of the Titanic lies. In step with activating the Military in 27 states, which hit the news on June 17, the Junta wanted to check when a rupture there might occur. The crew of the missing submersible included some wealthy men as a cover to prevent panic over a pending New Madrid Rupture in the US and Europe.

The submersible promptly ran into trouble on the clapping New Madrid Fault Line, which runs underwater from the Seaway exit to the Azores tri-plate junction where the Africa Plate, the Eurasia Plate, and the N America Plate touch. This underwater portion of the Fault Line is pulled apart slightly on a daily basis, an iterative stretch and return which might be called clapping. Unless the voyage was timed to visit when the Fault Line was open, the clapping could spell disaster to the submersible.

GPS interference in the Middle East is reported to have further intensified over the past 10 days, and is now being detected in Saudi Arabia and deep in the Sinai Peninsula.  The GIF I posted shows electrical interference.
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GPS Failure

There are several factors causing the scrambled GPS return from the waters just off coast from Israel. The Daily Earth Wobble
has become more extreme, and where the GPS satellites are geo-stationary, this connection to the ground has limits. The region affected is bordering the Sinai subplate, which swings independently as the Africa Roll progresses. This counterclockwise turn of the Sinai subplate can confuse the connections to the GPS satellites which assume a solid and stable ground below. And finally if the Schumann Resonance has presented a bizarre face since June 17 due to the magnetic N Pole of Nibiru blasting the Earth, these blasts can also interfere with the GPS message being returned from the GPS satellites.

Prior 2009 ZT:
It is an effect of the wobble, affecting the position of the GPS satellites. Elevation is determined by GPS satellite networks, which are supposed to operate as though geostationary. When the distance to a spot on the Earth changes due to the wobble, increasing in distance for instance, the network assumes a lower elevation. Distance is determined by the GPS equipment based on the time it takes for a signal to travel to and from one of the satellites in the network.

Second Sun in the last pic in this BBC article.  
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The BBC coverage of the Stonehenge rising Sun shows several different types of lens flares and one that is a genuine capture of Nibiru. Leaving flare photos in those released for public consumption allows the cover-up over Nibiru to claim that all photos of Nibiru are flares of some kind. The genuine capture of Nibiru here is where it is located at the 4 o’clock position to the Sun, becoming increasingly visible as the Sun rises from behind a cloud bank. Nibiru is most visible when clouds cover the glare of the Sun, so once above the cloud line, it disappears.

Re the missing Titanic sub, I'd like to know if there are examples of fault line clapping anywhere on land.

Is there any behind the scenes story with this? Was this the real Blinken that visited China? This seems to go against the USA's stance from previous years.
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Blinken Ruffles Feathers by Stating US ‘does not Support Taiwan Independence’ after Meeting China’s Xi
June 19, 2023
Secretary of State Antony Blinken raised eyebrows Monday, telling reporters the US “does not support Taiwan independence” after meeting in Beijing with officials including Chinese President Xi Jinping.
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China in High-Level talks for Military Training Facility in Cuba to Station Troops off US Shores
June 20, 2023
China and Cuba are reportedly engaged in high-level discussions to establish a new joint military training facility on the island, raising the prospect of Beijing stationing troops less than 100 miles off U.S. shores. 

Given the expectation that China will have large quakes when the Sunda Plate snaps off, no longer holding China back from a lurch into the Pacific, what moves might China make? This disaster would likely be more than mere earthquakes in Beijing - the Capitol of China - as it would likely rupture the 3 Gorges Dam too, creating an emergency food shortage. The Chinese CCP were invading the US, coming over the border from Canada just after the 2020 election fraud positioned Biden to claim the White House.

With the news that China was setting up a training facility in Cuba, it seems an invasion into the US homeland is again being planned by China. The Junta would be overwhelmed while attending to refugees from the New Madrid Rupture in the US. Blinken did not go to China as a Biden Administration representative but under direction from the Junta. Stay out of Cuba and we will stay out of Taiwan, was the offer. China could gobble up Taiwan’s resources after the big China quake devastates the China mainland, and the US would not have to allot resources to Cuba. This frank deal is likely to be accepted.

Interesting events in Russia. 
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I don't buy it. Why didn't the speech air on Russian state television? Only on RT - who is the audience?
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Who is Yevgeny Prigozhin, the mercenary leader Russia accused of mounting a coup?
June 23, 2023
Mr. Prigozhin has risen from a businessmen known as President Vladimir V. Putin’s ‘chef’ to a symbol of wartime Russia, controlling a private army operating from Ukraine to Central African Republic. Yevgeny V. Prigozhin became rich through his personal ties to President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, winning lucrative catering and construction contracts with the Russian government while building a mercenary force known as Wagner.
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Hail Mary noun AMERICAN FOOTBALL a long, typically unsuccessful pass made in a desperate attempt to score late in the game.

Putin is an ex-KGB agent and not someone who would be surprised by the actions of an associate. He knew there was a potential coup attempt coming, but because Prigozhin was in charge of the mercenary Wagner Group did not arrest Prigozhin prematurely. The Plate Movements that will shake up the world from China to N America and especially Europe are about to be triggered. Those who want Kiev to continue in Ukraine, with all the money laundering and criminal activity it supports, have money at their disposal and have bribed Prigozhin.

This is a Hail Mary, as the maneuver is called in football, a last-chance maneuver with scant chance of success. Of course Prigozhin will be arrested and executed for treason. The Rothschild banking empire, sinking fast and going bankrupt, was part of the plot and the source of the huge bribe Prigozhin was given. BRICS will be the winner in these banking wars, and Russia is a founder and king-pin in the BRICS network. NATO is another loser in the Ukraine battles, but this latest maneuver to invite the US to join their struggles will fail too.

I feel like I'm in suspended animation, everything is slow today. Even Telegram/Twit are slow feeding news/articles. Is a blackout coming?
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'Don't call 999': Police issue urgent warning as phone lines down for forces across UK
June 25, 2023
The Metropolitan Police urged people not to call 999 after a "technical fault" impacted a number of forces earlier today. The Met warned that 999 calls were not connecting and that people should call 101 instead.
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Note where Air France 447 went down. It is precisely over the Atlantic Rift. Per the ZetaTalk on Air France 447, this location at a time when Air France 447 was caught in an electromagnetic flux and also air turbulence was the triple whammy that cause the airliner to go down.
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When big airliners started going down in 2009, we pointed out that flying over a fault line or plate border, particularly when over water, increased the possibility of an EMP. This was the case for AF447
and MH370.
Both AF447 and MH370 had almost total electronic failure. Blackouts are caused by pulse damage to key parts of an electrical grid. Spontaneous explosions or fires can likewise be caused by overheated devices or sparking caused by EMP. But what causes a poky Internet with occasional time-outs or poor response time?

Not covered by the Outage maps are time-outs and slow responses many Internet users suffer. As long as Internet packets can be resubmitted and pieced together at the receiving end, the connection is ultimately established. Most communications involve thousands of packets. So this matter compounds. The Internet is designed to flow around problems and tries repeatedly to repair and resend a packet, but when every packet needs such attention the communication suffers from slow response time.

We have stated that electronic screech in rock being pulled apart can incite EMP, as the air pockets in the rock are compressed so that electrons can flow through the rock unimpeded. This combined with the increasing electro-magnetic blasts coming from Nibiru can create an arcing that will potentially electrify a large region. An example is the reported slow Internet response in Blackpool, England on June 25 after the Azores region was hammered with quakes on June 23-24. For those living in such locations - close to plate borders under water – get used to it.

Prior ZT:
Air France 447 had a total electrical failure when passing over the highly magnetized Atlantic rift and the Sayano-Shushenskaya dam step-up transformers raced into an explosion after a 20 year safety record. Such is the effect of an electromagnetic pulse from the magnetic giant currently turning to swing its magnetic N Pole toward Earth in an increasingly aggressive manner.

Allan King Way, Nr Owslebury, Hampshire. Reported 26th June

This pointed Crop Circle design is giving a timeline for a major Severe Wobble episode, which has been predicted by ourselves months ago. This would involve a Polar Push such that the Magnetic N Pole of Earth would be pushed away and not allowed to Bounce Back on a daily basis – represented by the lopsided circle central to the design. The 5 spikes represent days, a time period between the Sunda Plate snap and China lunge into the Pacific until the SE Portion of N America ruptures along the New Madrid Fault Line. The clock or calendar, a timeline, is included to indicate this design is a timeline.


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