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  • If not, assume it has been declined by the Zetas.
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  1. No personal counseling is done.This rule has been in place since 1996. Questions should be of broad interest to the general public.
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  3. The Zetas, as all visitors, are under rules on how they interact with humanity. They are not here to rescue you. They cannot divert Planet X just as today they do not prevent droughts or floods. The Earth is mankind’s schoolhouse whereby he learns to help his fellow man.
  4. The date of the pole shift cannot be given, but the sequence of events can be given. [ Link ] Check the ning pinned discussions and blogs for such information as the 7 of 10, the last weeks, etc.

Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case.

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 78 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.

Views: 51565

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Replies to This Discussion

Hello Nancy and our Zeta family, this evening we saw the assassination attempt upon our 45th President.   The area this happened in was secure and impossible for any weapons to come in due to screening practices.  The shooter was on an elevated position and from that roof top did take the shots that wounded Trump in the right ear.  The CAT teams have command of all that area, and it is practically impossible for a shooter to have the advantage that this one did.  So, this begs the question of an inside job and a shooter that must have been disguised as a team member in uniform or similar such garb as there would be no escape after the event unless disguised as a part of the security detail.  The Cabal wants Trump dealt with as they know their time grows short.  Many hands behind the Evil that has ruled this world, and my question would be who the hands belong to that did this heinous deed?  My first instinct is Israel and the Mossad as they have free reign over our nation with so many of our politicians holding dual citizenship with them.

So was that a Trump double and was there an ET intervention?  God Bless Trump.
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I wonder if the shooter was "neutralized" so he could not talk? Was he part of a Secret Service Ploy? Can Trump even trust all of them? I wonder if the Zetas had any input like diverting the bullet?
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Did the cabal just attempt to assassinate Trump?  Did the Zetas divert the bullet?
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A projectile hit Trump's ear. Did the Zetas interfere with the trajectory of the projectile or was this outcome entirely in the hands of men?? In short, did the Zetas avoid the tragic end?
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FBI Identifies Suspect in Assassination Attempt
July 13, 2024
One attendee was killed and two were critically injured. Trump said on social media that a bullet “pierced the upper part” of his right ear before agents whisked him off stage. The Secret Service said it killed the suspected shooter, who attacked from an elevated position outside the rally venue. The FBI named Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20, of Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, as the suspected shooter behind the assassination attempt.
[and from another]
Trump Survives Assassination Attempt at Campaign Rally after Major Security Lapse
July 113, 2024
Early on Sunday the FBI identified 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks of Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, as the "subject involved" in what it termed an attempted assassination. He was a registered Republican, according to state voter records. The suspect was shot dead by Secret Service agents, the agency said, after he opened fire from the roof of a building about 140 metres from the stage where Trump was speaking. An AR-15-style semiautomatic rifle was recovered near his body.
[and from another]
Spray of Bullets Shatters Nation's Illusion of Security
July 13, 2024
Trump received only minor injuries but it was close - a photograph by Doug Mills of the New York Times appears to show the streak of a bullet cutting through the air near the former president’s head. Not since Ronald Reagan was shot by John Hinkley Jr in 1981 has there been such a dramatic act of violence directed against a president - or presidential candidate. It harkens back to a darker time in US history, more than a half-century ago, when two Kennedy brothers – one a president and one a presidential candidate - were felled by assassin bullets.
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Biden Orders Trump made a target
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What we Know about Thomas Matthew Cooks
July 13, 2024
Crooks is from Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, some 200 miles east of where the rally was held in Butler, Pennsylvania. Per state records, he’s a registered Republican, but The Associated Press reports he donated $15 to a progressive PAC the day President Joe Biden was sworn in.
[and from another]
A recently published picture on X had showed a ladder adjacent to the roof where the shooter who attempted to assassinate Trump at his Pennsylvania rally was positioned. President Trump recently had been requesting for an expanded Secret Service security team but was denied by Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas. And of course this is not a coincidence. We are looking at a coordinated event. And the 3 letter alphabet agencies got their hands in this. Because of course the media is going to try and dismiss this as another lone wolf gunman who had mental issues or some sort up strange upbringing and create a storyline that leads us away from the CIA.
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Book of Es
For seven years the war lasted, and during all the while, the earthly commander, Washington, was under the guardianship of the commander of the angel hosts. And there were detailed to guard Washington, day and night, one 1,000 angels. And though he was shot at, and in many ways sought for to be destroyed, these angels saved him, even catching in their hands the bullets that were fired at him.  And in like manner were many other mortal leaders and privates in the war protected and saved from harm by the angels. And yet all this while the angels fought on the other side, endeavoring to pull away the guardian angels, and so make the mortal leaders vulnerable. But these angels were lower in grade and less potent, and, withal, not so enthusiastic, for they had not suffered martyrdom. And it came to pass that the republic was established.
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Was President Trump protected by angels during the Pennsylvania Rally assassination attempt? Not the first time, as the Oahspe reports,
as George Washington had angels catching bullets in their hands to ensure the US under the Declaration of Independence would emerge. More than one prophecy predicted what occurred in Pennsylvania. It was no coincidence that only days earlier the Biden Double stated emphatically that it was time for President Trump to become a target. The Junta is in charge of the Biden Double in the White House, but not in control of the current Democrat Administration, so this warning was intended to reveal the Administration’s plans.

The Administration does not intend to lose control. The CIA, DOJ and FBI have had a free hand and resent the possibility they will be forced to abide by the Constitution under Trump. They have tried many routes to winning the 2024 election. Allowing illegal immigrant voting rights is being countered by new legislation so illegals will be challenged by the states when trying to vote. The media was exposed as a result of the Debate, which exposed many media lies on the cognitive decline of the Biden Double. Killing Trump seemed the only route, so the order went out.

The Biden Administration had been refusing to increase Trump's Security detail. They knew Trump would continue his rallies, despite the fact that these rallies were overwhelming the Secret Service detail assigned to him. The CIA was in control of the execution, though all links to the CIA have been scrubbed from the evidence. The shooter was shot dead so cannot testify. There are ways to hold huge rallies other than having President Trump on the stage, via a large screen presence from a safe room. The public would understand.

Thank you Nancy & Zeta's for this crucial intel.  The world thanks you! 

Declined as in the hands of man. Getting closer I would say. 

Kamil Rak said:

Has the threshhold for martial law now been reached?

Accepted and this came up for discussion in yesterdays Moderators Chat. Juan may have posted new ZetaTalk from the chat. 

Kamil Rak said:

My intuition tells me the Council of Worlds may have imposed yet another delay on the New Madrid fault line adjustment or that, at least, the adjustment and the European tsunami will be lessened.

The Council of Worlds wants a more gradual New Madrid Adjustment, so the tsunami waves that Natural Law would dictate have now been reduced. The original expectation was tsunami waves against the UK of up to 200 foot, and even higher if tidal bore occurred. A former 200 foot wave should now be expected to be a 75 foot wave. This allows for more spiritual decisions, with more Service-to-Other actions to align with and firm up the spiritual decisions. The original ZetaTalk was in accordance with Natural Law, but the Council of Worlds is focused on spiritual opportunities. 

We also stated that 2026-2027 would be the likely date of the Nibiru passage, but this is very much in flux. The Council of Worlds can delay this but is being pressed by those above them to stick to the date, as any delays would impact plan and schedules elsewhere in the Universe. Thus there would likely be some kind of change, not a delay. Aftershocks, or their equivalent in Plate Movements following the passage of Nibiru might occur.

Because it probably won't be delayed, there will be increased effects, perhaps in the form of aftershocks?

Hard to predict what the Council of Worlds will approve. 

Howard Boldt said:

Because it probably won't be delayed, there will be increased effects, perhaps in the form of aftershocks?

Declined by the Zetas, No Comment. Hands of Man. 

Kamil Rak said:

With the many delays in the New Madrid fault line adjustment and only a few months until the elections, it would seem like the better option for the Junta would not be to declare a sudden martial law but to concentrate on the elections and let Trump be re-elected.

We have a Dam break and power outage in Illinois.
[and from another]
Residents Ordered to Evacuate after Nashville, Ill. Dam Failure
July 16, 2024
The upgrade, according to the National Weather Service, means the flash flooding is a more dangerous situation than usual. I-64, going east and west of Nashville, has been closed due to flooding. A commercial vehicle was reported to be under water in the area. Additionally, US Highway 50 in Lebanon, Illinois, between State Route 4 and Belleville, Illinois, has been closed due to the flooding.
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Dam Fails in Nashville, Illinois, Endangering Roughly 200 Homes
July 16, 2024
A secondary dam has failed in Nashville, Illinois, and evacuations are in place for residents in the city. The secondary dam failure comes around 10 a.m., more than an hour after the Nashville dam failed, according to the Washington County Emergency Management Agency (EMA). The Washington County Emergency Management Agency (EMA) first announced to the public the Nashville Dam has failed due to all the rainfall at 8:24 a.m. More than five inches of rain has fallen in areas around the city.
[and from another]
A dam break at Dongting Lake, China's second-largest freshwater lake, has led to the urgent evacuation of nearly 6,000 people. The breach spans 226 meters, causing floodwaters to overturn trucks and inundate houses. With over 800 emergency responders and 2,300 rescue workers on site, dramatic efforts are underway to build additional flood defenses and manage the crisis.
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Miami Container Ship Hits Barrier Beneath Brickell Bridge
July 16, 2024
A container ship crashed into a barrier beneath the Brickell Avenue Bridge.
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Unstable Dams

What is the nexus when earthen dam failures in China and Illinois occur after a deluge and Plate Movement land shifts, and yet another container ship loses control during the Atlantic Ocean sloshing ongoing and crashes into a bridge in Miami? Both are caused by the Daily Earth Wobble,
which has been steadily increasing in violence and swath as Nibiru gets into position for its passage.
Locked into its position between the Sun and Earth, swept by the Sweeping Arms of the Sun
and its own retrograde orbit direction, Nibiru will not be deflected. This is not a collision, but a passage between two magnetic planets that will be kept at a distance by the gravity Repulsion Force.

Prior 7/18/2009:
All dams will break either during the pole shift or in the months leading up to the hour of the shift. Look at the structure of the dam! It assumes that rock holding both sides of the dam will remain in place and not move. Of course these sides will move. This is a subduction zone! There is mountain building and even where the mountains are not being pushed upward, they are moving from side to side. Some parts are more fluid than others, which are more resistant during any earthquake thrust, so there IS inevitably movement to the side. They will pull apart, slide forward or backwards, but in any case the water will find its way around the dam.

Prior 6/6/2015 ZT:
We have stated that the New Madrid adjustment will precede any major adjustment along the San Andreas, and precede any anticipated break in the Hoover Dam. We have also stated that the Hoover Dam is likely to react to pressure in the bowing of the N American continent by jammed spillways so that the lake water backs up into Las Vegas. But we have also stated that all dams will shatter and fail in some manner during or before the Pole Shift.

Prior 7/31/2020 ZT:
Torrential rainfall is increasingly besetting the Earth, but the larger issue for China is the stability of her dams, as she is in the stretch zone as the roaring dragon of Guizhou Province shows. Stretch zones pull apart, destabilizing dams, and the 3 Gorges Dam already shows evidence of this in satellite photos. We have stated that all dams will fail, and most will fail before the hour of the Pole Shift. In some cases it is the dam itself that will crack, in other cases the rock beneath the dam. The floods in China are caused not just by the rain, as heaving land creates slow drainage.

Declined but the answer is clear. How convenient that he must step down due to covid, rather than mental fog. This is all scripted, but I think the Junta would like Joe to hang on for a time. Then it will be Kamila, who will not win in any election. Or she will cancel out seeing the polls and then it will be a one way race - Trump. Something like that. Zetas decline because this is all hands of man and also in play. Could go in many ways. 

Kamil Rak said:

President Joe Biden has tested positive for Covid-19

Does Biden really have Covid or is the Junta making its way forward towards Biden quitting?

A massive global technology outage on Friday took down airlines, medical services, TV broadcasts, banks and scores of other businesses and services around the world, a stunning example of the fragile dependence the global economy has on certain software and the cascading effect it can have when things go wrong.
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Here in Australia, we suffered a major internet outage, affecting banks and grocery stores (see links below), is this the work of the junta taking out the cabal, or a test run?  If it's a test run, who is running it?
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CrowdStrike Update that Caused Global Outage likely Skipped Checks, Experts Say
July 20, 2024
Security experts said CrowdStrike's routine update of its widely used cybersecurity software, which caused clients' computer systems to crash globally on Friday, apparently did not undergo adequate quality checks before it was deployed. The latest version of its Falcon sensor software was meant to make CrowdStrike clients' systems more secure against hacking by updating the threats it defends against. But faulty code in the update files resulted in one of the most widespread tech outages in recent years for companies using Microsoft's Windows operating system.
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'Painful' wake-up call: What's next for CrowdStrike, Microsoft after Update Causes Outage?
July 20, 2024
It all started with a software update.
Microsoft’s “blue screen of death” upended government services and businesses across the country Friday, disrupting emergency call centers, banks, airlines and hospitals.
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‘Global Outage’: Millions Impacted by Internet System Crash
July 19, 2024
Companies across the globe are experiencing mass system crashes - including Australian media outlets, casinos, big four banks and tech companies.  Outages have been reported in Australia, New Zealand, Japan and India, and hit about 2pm. It is believed the worldwide outage was the result of a failure with a software security company Crowdstrike, which aims to stop computers being hacked.
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Internet down: Major IT Outage Impacting Businesses including Banks, Woolworths and Coles
July 19, 2024
A major IT outage is affecting businesses, media outlets, Government agencies and other organisations across Australia and globally. The widespread outage is linked to CrowdStrike, cybersecurity software which touts itself as a “global cybersecurity leader with an advanced cloud-native platform for protecting endpoints, cloud workloads, identities and data”. Outage alert website Downdetector is reporting a growing list of organisations affected while workers across the country are hit with a dreaded “blue screen”. Banks including Bendigo Bank, ANZ, Commonwealth Bank, Bank of Queensland and more are all down, with hundreds of user reports flooding Downdetector in the past hour. Accounting software Xero and myob are also down, which could cause issues for anyone expecting their pay cheque in the next few days.
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Misinformation Runs Rampant Amid CrowdStrike Outage
July 20, 2024
But according to CrowdStrike CEO George Kurtz, this is not a security incident or cyberattack. Instead, the popular cybersecurity firm pushed a faulty update, which caused an outage among Windows hosts. But the nature of that defect also means that some consumers are blaming Microsoft for the issue. It doesn’t help either that Elon Musk, who has 190 million followers on X, is reposting memes that imply that Microsoft is the culprit.

Outages continue to be blamed on software updates gone amuck, but how better to take down communications amidst those reliant on the software? Software is almost continually in a state of having new options and services installed, or repairs on the existing software. Thus it is the ideal route for sabotage if the establishment wants to ground planes, silence information flowing on social media or via TV stations, or prevent escape by train or by faulty traffic signals. Was this a test done by the Junta and White Hats? No, this was a test by the Black Hats reacting to the celebration of the success of the RNC and the vibrant and very much alive President Trump.


Kamil Rak said:

Biden officially out of the presidential race!

Does Biden really have Covid or is the Junta making its way forward towards Biden quitting? Biden officially out of the presidential race!
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Biden announced to be dropping out of the presidential race, was this a white hat decision or did the democrats force the issue somehow? It seems the democrats may not have anyone to front run, will Trump be announced soon as President or still waiting for New Madrid disaster to start?
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“Joe Biden” hasn’t been seen in the last five days. Speculation is running wild with theories. Would the Zeta’s care to comment on what’s going on behind the scenes?
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President Joe Biden Tests Positive for Covid-19 at Pivotal Moment in Reelection Campaign
July 17, 2024
Biden, 81, was experiencing mild symptoms and has received his first dose of the antiviral drug Paxlovid, according to his doctor.
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Biden's Doctor Releases Update on his Health Five Days after he was Last Seen when he was Diagnosed with COVID
July 22, 2024
President Joe Biden's COVID-19 symptoms nearly cleared up five days after he was diagnosed with the virus for the third time, according to White House Physician Kevin O'Connor. The latest information on Biden's condition comes amid speculation and conspiracies running amok online that the President is either more sick than is being shared or is incapacitated or deceased.

There are two scenarios re Biden running in parallel – the one the public is being led to believe as reported by the Biden Administration and the one in reality wherein the Biden Double run by the Junta
is refusing to allow “Biden” to be removed. As we have repeatedly reported, the Junta is in charge of the Biden Double in the White House, but all others in the Biden Administration are infected by the Deep State and resent being checked by the Junta.

The Junta anticipates having to declare Martial Law officially at some point in the near future, and at that time the Biden Administration will become irrelevant. As the evidence on the attempted assassination of President Trump shows, the Deep State fears Trump being reinstated as the official president. Their hand was all over the Secret Service blunders on July 13. Having failed, they moved to Plan B which was to replace Biden. They could then control the replacement and thus run the country as they choose.

What is being shown by the actions of many is a coup in process, a takeover of the US government. This would put a Deep State operative in the position of being able to write Executive Orders. Plan B is being countered by the Junta who are running a sting operation to reveal the Deep State operatives. Biden did not have Covid, as claimed by the Deep State. Meanwhile the Deep State tried to assert a Biden resignation from the 2024 election process with a forged letter. Kamala was to become the sitting President via the 25th Amendment and thus inherit Biden’s position on the 2024 ballot.

Will this succeed? The Deep State is assuming that the Junta would not publicly counter their narrative once it had been published by the media. The Junta, at the present time, is not publicly admitting that the US is under Martial Law. So the Deep State boldly moved forward but were caught in the middle of their gambit by a forged signature and the sudden resurrection of a “recovered” Covid stricken Biden. Behind the scenes arrests of those caught in the sting are occurring, but the public will not hear of the details of their Gitmo trials.

Prior 7/31/2020 ZT:
And in the event that the Democrat Party wins, all those aware of and running this fraud would be arrested for treason. Meanwhile, a White Hat Double of Biden would be installed in the White House, under the control of the Junta.

Prior 4/30/2021 ZT:
Biden had been a Double for some time, but prior to the 2020 election had become a White Hat Double to replace the Biden Black Hat Double that was out campaigning. This was a takeover of the Double persona by the Junta.


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