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  3. The Zetas, as all visitors, are under rules on how they interact with humanity. They are not here to rescue you. They cannot divert Planet X just as today they do not prevent droughts or floods. The Earth is mankind’s schoolhouse whereby he learns to help his fellow man.
  4. The date of the pole shift cannot be given, but the sequence of events can be given. [ Link ] Check the ning pinned discussions and blogs for such information as the 7 of 10, the last weeks, etc.

Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case.

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 78 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.

Views: 53881

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Replies to This Discussion

Accepted. Might be done tomorrow morning ...

Derrick Johnson said:

Would the Zetas care to comment on the cause of the explosion at Hover dam? 

[and from another]
Explosion at Hoover Dam: Huge fireball rises up from turbine house as black smoke engulfs the Nevada landmark
July 19, 2022
Gould said that the Hoover Dam's A5 transformer caught fire at about 10am, and the blaze was extinguished within about 30 minutes by a fire brigade the Bureau maintains on-site. Video from the dam showed flames and smoke rising from a turbine house on the Arizona side of the Colorado River, at the foot of the 726-foot-tall dam, as terrified tourists were rushed to safety.
[and from another]

When the Hoover Dam was designed and constructed in 1935, the engineers did not contemplate the current drought of 2022. The Colorado River had a steady and strong flow, so the only concern over water levels was being able to keep the waters of Lake Mead from topping the dam. Now under the Daily Earth Wobble caused by the presence of Nibiru, the SW is having severe droughts. The waters of Lake Mead are disappearing. What does that mean for the quality of the water being siphoned off to run the turbines of Hoover Dam?

The intake for a dam is normally positioned toward the top of the water source, to eliminate mud and trash that might settle to the bottom. As time passed, the slowing flow of the Colorado allowed this mud and trash to thicken and accumulate toward the bottom of the intake sites. The dropping level of Lake Mead accelerated this process, until the turbines were forced to deal with thick water that required more force from the turbine. Thus the turbine overheated in the middle of a heat wave for the SW.

This incident is not the total failure of the Hoover Dam spillways we predicted to occur after
the New Madrid Adjustment. We predicted in 2012 that during the bowing pressure
the N American Continent was enduring, the spillways could potentially be squeezed shut even before
the New Madrid Adjustment. The obvious outcome of spillway failure would be flooding of Lake Mead waters into Las Vegas but this 2022 transformer fire is not the result of any spillway squeezing. To prevent any further fires the transformers need to be switched off, or the spillway water flow stopped.

Prior 6/6/2015 ZT:
We have stated that the New Madrid adjustment will precede any major adjustment along the San Andreas, and precede any anticipated break in the Hoover Dam. We have also stated that the Hoover Dam is likely to react to pressure in the bowing of the N American continent by jammed spillways so that the lake water backs up into Las Vegas. 

Prior 12/11/2010 ZT:
Other than indicate that a slip-side adjustment along the San Andreas will occur after this New Madrid, and occur after the Hoover Dam breaks we have not given any timing clues. 

Prior 4/7/2012 ZT:
What then is likely to happen to the Hoover Dam as the pressure of the N American bow increases, as it surely will prior to the New Madrid adjustment?  The Hoover Dam in particular was built so sturdily that it is unlikely to shatter. This was because it was intended to hold back an immense amount of water, and the site chosen because the rock on either side of the dam was considered impervious to erosion or crumbling. What then is likely to happen to the Hoover Dam as the pressure of the N American bow increases, as it surely will prior to the New Madrid adjustment? Spillways are openings in the dams, tubes that run through the dams ending in gates, all of which are vulnerable to being crunched and broken. Jammed shut, what would the water flowing into the lake above the Hoover Dam do? It would rise, and flow into Los Vegas along the ravines that connect the two.

If there's time, would the Zeta's be willing to address Ivana Trump's death.  Was this murder or did she just fall accidentally?

Accepted but I think the key is the Covid vax reactions. Known to affect the nerves, she had yet another booster just days before.

"What has not been mentioned publicly, however, is that Ivana had adverse reactions to the Covid-19 clot shots. Her initial vaccination caused temporary facial paralysis, which subsided after two days, and after the second dose she developed night tremors and a fever that spiked to 104.

The first booster really did a number on her: she manifested a peripheral neuropathy in her legs that caused numbness, tingling, and nerve damage. After each incident, she had voiced concern to both her R.N. and primary care physician, both of whom told her vaccine side effects were mild, temporary, and part of the “new normal.”"

Tracie Crespo said:

If there's time, would the Zeta's be willing to address Ivana Trump's death. 

Would the Zeta's be willing to address Ivana Trump's death.  Was this murder or did she just fall accidentally?
[and from another]
Ivana Trump Died of Blunt Force Injuries to her Torso, Medical Examiner says
July 15, 2022
Emergency responders investigating a call from Ivana Trump’s home on Manhattan’s Upper East Side found her unconscious. They pronounced her dead at the scene and noted that there did “not appear to be any criminality”, police said in a statement.
[and from another]
Ivana Trump's Cause of Death Revealed as Friend Confirms Declining Health
July 15, 2022
Trump's friend Zach Erdem said she had not been "feeling well" for weeks and had been unable to "get out of her house." Erdem reportedly said that Trump's mobility issues caused by a problem with her hip forced her to skip recent plans to visit him. Erdem said that he had urged Trump to visit a doctor the last time that they spoke but she refused, reportedly telling him "I hate going to doctors" and "I get more sick going to doctors." 
[and from another]
Ivana Trump was Preparing for a Vacation to St. Tropez when she Died, Friend says
July 15, 2022
Haskell said Ivana Trump was looking forward to going on vacation because she had "totally locked down" during the pandemic and "wouldn't go anywhere" because she was afraid of catching COVID-19. 
[and from another]
Ivana Trump, the first wife of former President Donald Trump, died on Thursday at 73. She was reportedly found at the foot of the stairs in her Manhattan home after a fatal fall. ‘Extra’s’ Carlos Greer spoke with her close friend, socialite Nikki Haskell, about their friendship, Ivana’s final days, and how she feared her friend would fall down a ‘treacherous’ staircase at her townhouse.
[and from another]
Ivana Double-Vaxxed Days Before Death
July 19, 2022
It is being reported by Michael Baxter that Ivana Trump was double-vaxxed days before she died, according to sources close to the Trump family. The former socialite and ex-wife of Donald J. Trump reportedly received a second Covid-19 booster shot and a Monkeypox vaccination as a precautionary measure in advance of a vacation to St. Tropez. This much was told to news outlets by Ivana’s longtime friend, Nikki Haskell. Ivana had adverse reactions to the Covid-19 clot shots. Her initial vaccination caused temporary facial paralysis, which subsided after two days, and after the second dose she developed night tremors and a fever that spiked to 104. The first booster really did a number on her: she manifested a peripheral neuropathy in her legs that caused numbness, tingling, and nerve damage. After each incident, she had voiced concern to both her R.N. and primary care physician, both of whom told her vaccine side effects were mild, temporary, and part of the “new normal.”

Ivana’s close friends in New York paint a picture of a woman so worried about catching Covid-19 that she sought repeated boosters, and had yet another booster just days before her fall. Despite adverse side effects such as neuropathy in her legs, she continued to get boosters. The Pfizer vaccine is known to incite painless Bell’s Palsy and painless Guillain-Barré paralysis which can emerge with little warning. Ivana’s friends worried she might fall down the ‘treacherous’ spiral staircase, but it was vax induced nerve damage that caused her fall.

Tracie Crespo said:

If there's time, would the Zeta's be willing to address Ivana Trump's death.  Was this murder or did she just fall accidentally?

Jones laid out the “hands-down most powerful and horrible information” his team has ever covered in 28 years. “And if they are able to execute it, it is 1,000 times worse than anything we’ve ever covered. It is HR 4350, in which Biden [or] whoever else the president is will be the dictator,” he said.

Is this preparation for the imminent Martial Law?

Declined as this is not how Martial Law will roll out around the world. Those who want the Biden admin to remain are hoping they can force through unconstitutional Martial Law under BIDEN, but this is not how it works. The Junta is hardly going to cooperate, even if some in the Biden admin pretend that Milley is in charge of the Joint Chiefs. I will look this over and we may still address this. but I think it is a Hail Mary on the Biden Administration's part. 

Martial Law has been in effect since Fall of 2015, thus Gen Dunford removed the Jewish bankers from the Fed at that time. Before Biden was inaugurated, Trump signed an EO about foreign parties interfering with US elections, ie treason. This was an additional ML step, at that time. The Junta considers Trump the Commander in Chief. I would have to write a book about all of this but it is on the ZT websites already. Alex Jones is blowing smoke. 

This article has Schiff shepherding the bill through the House and he has been a Double for years! Notice the arrest boot and lack of bulging eyes? ( I think this is all about hoping the "Biden" Demos hoping they can abort the reinstatement of President Trump. Some kind of Hail Mary maneuver which won't work. 

Kamil Rak said:

Jones laid out the “hands-down most powerful and horrible information” his team has ever covered in 28 years.

OK, Kamil, accepted. New ZT below: 

Is this preparation for the imminent Martial Law?
[and from another]
[and from another]
MAJOR BREAKING :Martial law amendment snuck into the Ntl Defense Auth Act, Gives sole power of military to president Biden, no congress oversight
Democrat leadership has the votes in the House and Senate. And when turned into law, HR 4350 will allow the president to use the military for domestic operations, which Jones described as unbelvably illegal. The said legislation has been added to the new spending bill last week by Representative Adam B. Schiff, chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. The amendment is set to be added to the act, which the House plans to take up this week.
[and from another]

The Biden Administration is not expected to go quietly into the night. Though the Junta has control of the current Biden Double, most of the appointees done by this so-called President are Democrats, else the illusion of a Biden in control would not be believable. Those who maneuvered the 2020 election theft also want their advantage to continue. Now that the Secret War has in essence been won, allowing Q to return and the reversal of Roe vs Wade to be announced by SCOTUS, President Trump is set to be reinstated.

What is emerging now is panic among the Democrats and their handlers. Martial Law
has been in effect since the Fall of 2015 when General Dunford took steps to remove the Khazarian bankers from any control over the Federal Reserve. A further tightening of Martial Law occurred after the 2020 election theft when President Trump issued another EO
just before Biden was inaugurated. Due to having to fight several fronts at once, the Junta chose to proceed with a Secret War using Tribunals at Gitmo
and Doubles. But the public is unaware.

Anticipating no longer being in power, the Democrats are trying to maneuver a dictatorship under “Biden”, with control of the Military under Biden and his appointees. The Dark Judge recently posted a warning about those in Blue States needing to flee. The only nexus to this comment and pending dangers would be that the Governors in Blue States must request that the National Guard be activated, and if they did not do this then the Military would not be able to proceed to quell riots.

Since so many of the leaders in Congress are Doubles, the originals taken to Gitmo, will HR4350 be approved and become law? No, but as in past coup attempts, if they can get the American public to believe the script, they hope to win. They hope that riots in Blue States will overwhelm the Military. They hope that the illusion that General Milley is in charge of the Joint Chiefs will force cooperation with his dictates. They hope to continue, by invoking chaos. So anticipate chaos!

Good day, Nancy)) Hello everyone)) The latest information about the confrontation between the Junta and the Cabal is very interesting. In this regard, I would like to ask a such question - why is the Cabal trying to gain complete control over the US military? What is the Cabal's plan after it overthrows the Junta? Obviously, this has something to do with the fighting in Ukraine. Did the Cabal try to send the US military to fight in Ukraine, but met with resistance from the Junta? Do I understand correctly that their ultimate goal is to go to war with Russia?

Thank in advance.

Accepted, but might take until tomorrow to post. I suspect it is to support all the current criminal activity. To stop the Tribunals in Gitmo. Political control is its own reward, lots of money and influence. Lets see what the Zetas have to say. 

Andrey Eroshin said:

I would like to ask a such question - why is the Cabal trying to gain complete control over the US military?

What is the Cabal's plan after it overthrows the Junta? Obviously, this has something to do with the fighting in Ukraine. Did the Cabal try to send the US military to fight in Ukraine, but met with resistance from the Junta? Do I understand correctly that their ultimate goal is to go to war with Russia?

The US has the largest Military in the world, but beyond that, the US Military is larger than the sum of all others. Emerging from a revolution in 1776, the importance of being armed and ready was emphasized. Having fought a foreign enemy to gain its independence, the US was also assertive in international affairs, and today has more military bases to protect its interests worldwide than any other country. For Cabal interests such as their ambitions to have a New World Order and subdue any resistance, control of the US Military is a pre-eminent concern.

The Cabal sprang from the Western cultures in Europe and their colonial interests. Satanism and Moloch worship was intrinsic, supported by the royalty in Britain and the Netherlands, and wedded to the Western banking systems known as the Khazarian Mafia. Thus, in that the US was a former child of the Satanist Cabal, there has always been an underlying attempt by the former European overlords to regain control of the US Military. This can be seen by the attempts to engage the US in NATO ambitions, such as the Ukraine conflict.

The 2020 election theft was an attempt to regain control. Though a Biden Double is currently posturing as the President, as we have detailed the Junta does not recognize Biden as President, and SCOTUS has secretly found the certification of Biden to be illegal and Trump to be the 2020 winner. This can be shown by the refusal of the US to join NATO in the current Ukraine battles, a maneuver which doomed NATO ambitions to gain control of Russian oil and gas fields. Russia has never been considered the enemy by the US Junta, though the media paints a different picture.

Breakthrough Ukraine Grain Export Deal being Finalized & Signed: Turkey
July 22, 2022
Turkey has announced that Russia and Ukraine are on the cusp of signing a deal that would allow for the resumption of crucial grain exports from Ukrainian ports, after days of intense negotiations in Istanbul. The New York Times is reporting that Ukraine may have compromised on a key demand regarding demining its ports. "The Turkish presidency says that a signing ceremony will be held to unveil a deal brokered between Ukraine and Russia" - which would allow some 20 million tons of Ukrainian grain to be released under the UN-sponsored plan, the Times reports. Turkish President Erdogan said he's about to give the world "good news" on grain exports. Russia’s defense minister, Sergei Shoigu, has traveled to Turkey - presumably to finalize the deal. However the Ukrainian side is saying it will not sign any documents directly with Russia, but only that Ukraine and Russia will sign "mirror" agreements on grain exports with the UN. 
[and from another]
US Discussing America-made Fighter Jets for Ukraine
July 23, 2022
The United States is exploring whether it can send U.S.-made fighter jets to Ukraine, a White House spokesman told reporters, as the conflict with Russia is about to enter its sixth month and fighting rages in eastern Ukraine. While the Biden administration was making preliminary explorations into the feasibility of potentially providing the jets to Ukraine, the move is not something that would be done immediately. President Volodymyr Zelenskiy this week said his forces could inflict major damage on Russia as Kyiv leans on Western weapons in planned efforts to launch a counterattack and recapture territory.
[and from another]
Russia-Ukraine war: Ukraine Predicts it will Recapture Kherson Region; push to restart Grain Exports after Missile Attack
July 24, 2022
Ukraine is now predicting that it will recapture the southern region of Kherson by September. Kherson, which is an important region for Ukrainian agriculture, was taken by Russian troops early on in the war. But the Ukrainian army, bolstered by new supplies of Western long-range artillery, have been making gains in the area in recent weeks.
[and from another]
Congressman Gives Update on HIMARS Shipments to Kiev
July 24, 2022
The United States and its Western allies intend to provide Ukraine with additional 25-to-30 rocket systems, Adam Smith, the head of the Armed Forces ?ommittee of the US House of Representatives, revealed.
[and from another]
Moscow Reveals Target of Strike on Key Ukrainian Port
July 24, 2022
The Russian Ministry of Defense has confirmed striking targets in the major Ukrainian port of Odessa, revealing that its missiles hit military infrastructure and arms stockpiles. The attack also crippled a repair facility where vessels of the Ukrainian navy have been fixed. The strike on the target in Odessa, which is a major trade hub in the southwest of Ukraine, came a day after the signing of a UN-brokered deal to unblock grain exports from Ukrainian ports. According to Kiev officials, four cruise missiles were used in the attack on the port of Odessa, allegedly targeting grain silos located there.  The Russia-Ukraine agreement, which had been agreed on with the mediation of Turkey and the UN, sets out a framework for resuming Ukrainian grain exports via the Black Sea ports, which had been disrupted by the fighting.

A casualty of the Ukraine conflict was the export of grain from the Ukraine port of Odessa. Russia has achieved occupation of the eastern Russian speaking regions of the Ukraine, which was their goal. But those wanting the Ukraine to return to business as usual are not willing to concede. The Ukraine is technically part of Russia.
The Donbas region of Ukraine requested help from Russia as their Russian speaking citizens were being systematically exterminated. The Ukraine of today is the result of a 2014 coup by the West and their backsliding on the Minsk agreement.

Eastern Ukraine borders Russian oil and gas fields, and the European Union and NATO lust after these assets. Russia has proof of their plans
to invade. The Ukraine has a history of using human shields and killing their citizens and volunteers in their attempts to blame Russia. Given this climate, why would anyone trust the Ukraine? Turkey and the UN tried to negotiate a deal whereby grain harvested in the Ukraine could be exported to the world. How realistic is this expectation?

To avoid the grain deal from being a cover for continuing Ukraine war maneuvers, Russia was clearing the field. Grain yes, imported weaponry from the US no. Russia openly admits this, that they bombed Odessa weapons caches supplied by the US. Now the grain silos can be emptied to feed the world. But this is not what the Ukraine politicians or backers want. If they can no longer use human shields to gain an advantage, then they want to use the grain of Ukraine for leverage.

Something BIG happened off of the East Coast hours ago! Tsunami Buoy rise and fall over 200 feet!! 200 foot waves hours ago!
[and from another]

The Atlantic is steadily pulling apart, from the top of the Atlantic Rift at Iceland down to the Sandwich Islands. As we have mentioned the Daily Earth Wobble is driving the Earth plates to slam back and forth. Weak points in a plate or its borders can rupture suddenly, causing an earthquake or if in a stretch zone, causing silent disasters such as sinkholes or an underwater gap. The July 24 buoy throb in Station 44403 near the mouth of the Seaway was caused by a combination of factors. This can be considered a preview of what will happen during the New Madrid tsunami.

Buoy 44403 is located along an underwater drop-off, where coastal lands formerly above the waves are now below water due to rising sea levels in the past. Tidal bore can happen underwater as well as above water. If the mid-Atlantic pulls apart, causing a temporary void in the mid-Atlantic, water can rush into this void and rebound in many directions. This is the process we have described for the New Madrid tsunami. Rebounding water rushed toward Buoy 44403 and there encountered underwater land rises, where tidal bore resulted.

Is this a Masonic Crop Circle at Etchilhampton Hill in Wiltshire? What do you think? NEW 4K VIDEO. Could it show the freemason's compass with other intricate symbology in the design? Reported 24th July 2022.
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This Crop Circle design seems to include the Masonic Square and Compass or perhaps the Space Force symbol. But neither of these symbols contain the 180 degree swath overhead. In that a Severe Wobble is in process, and 180 degree swings can occur during a Severe Wobble, what is being implied? The Masonic design implies a top and bottom, which can relate to the North and South poles. Thus this design is relaying to mankind that the globe may lie on its side, with the N Pole pointing to the East or West or places in between. Masonic symbolism is being used to grab attention and encourage discussion. The wobble will be getting worse.


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