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  • If not, assume it has been declined by the Zetas.
  • The Q&A discussions just past and ongoing are pinned for easy reference.
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  2. The existence of Planet X and the truthfulness of ZetaTalk are not debatable.
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Zeta Rules that Apply

  1. No personal counseling is done.This rule has been in place since 1996. Questions should be of broad interest to the general public.
  2. Correlation or resolution of ZetaTalk with the work of other channels or authors is not done unless they predict and have a prediction accuracy track record, as otherwise they are not a peer of ZetaTalk which does so. This rule has been in place since 2002. Just because another website or author makes a statement does not make that statement true, nor will the Zetas explain to you why their statements are not true, as then they are taking time out to address the issue.
  3. The Zetas, as all visitors, are under rules on how they interact with humanity. They are not here to rescue you. They cannot divert Planet X just as today they do not prevent droughts or floods. The Earth is mankind’s schoolhouse whereby he learns to help his fellow man.
  4. The date of the pole shift cannot be given, but the sequence of events can be given. [ Link ] Check the ning pinned discussions and blogs for such information as the 7 of 10, the last weeks, etc.

Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case.

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 78 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.

Views: 45985

Replies are closed for this discussion.

Replies to This Discussion

Accepted via email: 

Can you ask the zetas about Ukrainian President Zelensky? Is he a doll (talking head)? Is it real or was it replaced? What he is doing is the exact opposite of what he promised before the election.
[and from another]
US Media Predict Complete Collapse for Zelensky
July 11, 2020
The current president of Ukraine, Vladimir Zelensky, won the presidential election in April last year and took the highest position in the country, receiving 75% of the vote, and his newly created party won a majority in the Parliament. Only one year has passed, but Zelensky’s future no longer seems as rosy as a year ago, because he could not fulfill a single promise.

Children see their father or the Principal at the school bark orders and everyone falls in line. A military unit is based on the same concept – the man at the top barks an order and gets instant cooperation. This is not how politics works. Deal making is so common as to be the norm. Good intentions are thus drowned in the demands made by others. President Trump called the Ukraine the most corrupt country because of its history of money laundering. Burisma and the Biden bribe was just one example.

Now, during a period of massive cleanup of deeply rooted criminal behavior throughout Europe and the US, the highly contentious Zelensky finds himself frustrated. There is reluctance to carry out his orders everywhere. Stalling and balking are just one aspect of resistance. Pretending to carry out the plan while doing the opposite is common. The intense political battle in the US, where the Biden campaign wants only good news for their flawed candidate, has Soros money and threats galore. Given the situation, Zelensky is actually doing quite well!

Accepted via email: 

Are all these doubles lists valid?
[and from another]
Maxine Waters Net Worth: 5 Facts about the Politician
February 6, 2018
As of 2018, Maxine Waters net worth is estimated to be around $1 million.  Her net worth is still a question of debate as she has many assets as well as liabilities whose value is very volatile and subject to change on a daily basis. Along with her husband, she currently owns property in Los Angeles, Palm Springs, Kern County and Washington D.C. Maxine Waters Net Worth compared to fellow Democrats: Nancy Pelosi Net Worth $120 million.

We at ZetaTalk have no desire to be used to verify every suspected Double, to satisfy curiosity. We have privately told Nancy that there are hundreds of Doubles in use at present, and this includes those run by the Tribunals in the US, by the European equivalent of the Tribunals, and by the Black Hats installing their own replacements. The 2020 Presidential election is significant in that the US Military is as large as all others in the world, combined. Thus control of the US is desired, and the 2020 candidates and their backers are key to the Earth’s future.

What does it mean, legally, when the current Biden Double, who is a Black Hat Double, is running for the position of President of the US? His handlers have the real Biden in hand, in case a DNA sample is demanded, and could claim that the Double is only a stand-in and the real Biden in charge. But this is all certainly a fraud on the public, and thus illegal. Kamala Harris is highly ambitious, and willing to do anything to promote herself. But it is not her ambitions that doom her, it is her past as a prosecutor. She took funds to bend the law, which is a crime. In that she was being considered by the Biden campaign for the VP position, her criminal past became an issue.

Maxine Waters is famous for her constant cries to “impeach 45”, but this is not a crime. As the ranking member of the House Financial Services, she controlled the outcome of US finances approved by the House. The issue is not her professional track record, but her personal finances. Where her public net worth is modest, given her long career in Congress, this account is deceptive. She and her husband used front companies to hide their stolen funds, which were directed to her slush funds by her actions as ranking member. Though hidden, these moves were bold and obvious, and quite illegal.

Accepted from Manual:

July 19th 2020 SE Idaho evening time . We have been being hosed by Nibiru's debris tail for the last couple of days and images are not as good . But then this comes along and leaves me questioning it's WOW-ness . I did enhancements in various forms so I think a higher source then me would be better at an answer. Enjoy
[and from another]

Nibiru as a smoldering brown dwarf emits its own light and heat, though this would hardly rival the Sun. Most often Nibiru can hardly be picked out of the scene, as the Moon Swirls are brilliant, focusing light down their length as though a light from a flashlight. But in the fog of the tail, which is increasingly turned toward the Earth, the magnetic field that forms around Nibiru can influence how the tail trash coalesces. This vertical object, focusing light toward the Earth, is a line of this trash in Nibiru’s magnetic field, which has bent to direct light rays toward the Earth.  

Accepted via email: 

Is the bow about to snap?
[and from another]
Earthquake in Alaska: 7.8 magnitude quake off the coast
July 22, 2020
A 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of Alaska - putting nearby coastal settlements at risk of a tsunami.

We have described the New Madrid
adjustment as a diagonal slip through the N American continent that will cause the Eastern portion of the US to jerk to the NE, allowing the Western portion to drop to the SW. This will cause all the bridges that cross the Mississippi to break, and as the New Madrid Fault Line adjusts under the Seaway, will rupture major cities from Chicago to Buffalo. This is no small adjustment, and it will happen suddenly, but we, the Zetas are not allowed to give mankind the date. We can provide a sequence of events, but not a date.

On June 23 the tip of Mexico was rattled by what was called a magnitude 7.7 quake. This was during a time when earthquake swarms were slamming Iceland. Then a month later on July 22 the Aleutian Islands were rattled by what was called a magnitude 7.8 quake. Since the USGS has been dialing down the reported magnitude by at least 2.5 magnitudes, both these massive quakes were over magnitude 10. If these points represent the tips of the bow, then Iceland is positioned on the edge of the bow. Is it all about to cut loose? We are not allowed to say, but suffice it to say that the stage has certainly been set.

Accepted via email: 

What is the Democratic Party game plan? Biden’s history with aneurisms is of record. It even comes up on the rare interviews he gives. Do they plan on doing a switcheroo to a VP at some point?
[and from another]
Barely There Biden Struggles to Remember the Word “Aneurysm” During Livestream – With Only 19 People Watching!
July 22, 2020
77-year-old Joe Biden on Wednesday struggled to remember the word “aneurysm” during a livestream event with SEIU member and nursing home worker, Shanrika. Earlier this week Biden became totally incoherent during a softball interview with MSNBC and told host Joy Reid his campaign has “voter registration physicians” in the states…to allow for voting in place.
[and from another]
Creepy Joe is Back! Biden Talks about Nurses Breathing into his Nostrils
July 23, 2020
“I had nurses at Walter Reed hospital who would bend down and whisper in my ear and go home and get me pillows,” Biden said. “They would make sure, they’d actually… probably nothing ever taught in… you can’t do it in the COVID time, but they’d actually breathe in my nostrils to make me move, to get me moving.” Will the Democrats go ahead with a clearly sub-par candidate or will a dark horse surprise the country?

Due to President Trump’s success in creating a booming economy, the Democratic Party was struggling with a game plan for the 2020 elections. The current hope of the Democratic Party lies in mail-in ballots which can be easily manipulated to support election fraud. Thus the attempt to boost Covid-19 deaths by deliberately infecting nursing homes and inciting exposure via the Antifa and Black Lives Matters riots and protests. Meanwhile, the paltry selection during the Democratic Primary whittled down to Biden, a former VP.

Those at the helm of the Democratic Party were aware that the real Biden had been replaced with a Double in early 2017 due to Biden’s senility and tendency to reveal secrets. It was thus the Double that had a face lift in June, 2019 and the Double who had an eye bleed in September, 2019. Does this Double have Biden’s tendency to bleed, or was this a ruse? Candidate Biden, then a Double, raised Biden’s history with aneurisms after this eye bleed, and indeed, this was deliberate. The campaign plans to use Biden’s history at some point in the push for the White House to take Biden out and replace him with a viable VP.

We have mentioned that running a Double as a candidate is illegal, and that the Junta would not allow this. VP Pence may be a Double, but President Trump is not, and the public does not elect a VP. The VP serves at the pleasure of the President and the Pence Double has already been legally switched in private ceremonies to be the legitimate VP. But a Biden Double at the head of the ticket would be illegal. As the arguments over mail-in ballots heat up, several options are available for the Democratic Party and the Junta currently running the US under secret Martial Law since the Fall of 2015.

The likely option would be for the Democratic Party to create a health crisis for “Biden” at the last minute so that mail-in ballots which have the name of the VP included become, in essence, a vote for the Democratic VP to be the President. For this “Biden” would have to be at the point of death with a state funeral following this crisis. For this, the real Biden would have to be killed by the Black Hats so that any DNA tests of the body in the closed casket would match the DNA on file.

A second option for the Democratic Party would be to persist with the ruse, presume that the Junta’s reluctance to publicly acknowledge the existence of Doubles would prevail, and allow the Double to campaign. Then the real Biden would be presented at the inauguration ceremony to be sworn in. Presumably Covid-19 masks would disguise his face to cover this switch. This might comply with the legal issues, though fraud during the campaign would have been in place. For this, the Black Hats would have to keep the real Biden alive.

Yet another scenario that could play out would be for the Junta to allow the election process to proceed with the Black Hat Biden Double claiming to be Biden. And in the event that the Democratic Party wins, all those aware of and running this fraud would be arrested for treason. Meanwhile, a White Hat Double of Biden would be installed in the White House, under the control of the Junta. Yet another Junta option is for the election, fraught with evidence of election fraud during the extensive use of mail-in ballots, to be raised to the Supreme Court and likely overturned.

Accepted via email: 

Could this be disclosure happening?
[and from another]
Could we actually be looking at Disclosure soon? This seems to have gone viral, many of my friends have texted me about it and now it just came up on Fox News talk radio (I never give credence to the New York Times anymore), and Dahboo7 claims it is to admit to something "incoming".
[and from another]
Pentagon UFO unit to publicly release some findings after ex-official says ‘off-world vehicle’ found
July 24, 2020
A Pentagon UFO unit will make some investigations public as ex-advisors suggest that “vehicles not made on this earth” were placed in US government storage. The Pentagon consultant and subcontractor said objects he believed “we couldn’t make…ourselves” were discovered during his time on the unit, where he has worked since 2007.
[and from another]
No Longer in Shadows, Pentagon's UFO Unit Will Make Some Findings Public
July 24, 2020
Despite Pentagon statements that it disbanded a once-covert program to investigate unidentified flying objects, the effort remains underway — renamed and tucked inside the Office of Naval Intelligence, where officials continue to study mystifying encounters between military pilots and unidentified aerial vehicles.

Periodically disclosure of the alien presence tries to surface and hits the headlines briefly until it is pushed down under the waves again, hopefully to drown. The cover-up over the alien presence is long and deep, running since the Roswell crash in 1947 when President Truman ordered the cover-up in a secret Executive Order. Despite this order having been redacted, vested parties still persist. Big egos do not want mankind to think that any technological power beyond those possessed by mankind exist. It is they, they insist, who have space ships that can switch dimensions and possess anti-gravity control.

Why is there a new press at this time? As we have frequently stated, Heads of State were told by the Bush administration that Nibiru would no longer be deniable by January, 2021. Naked eye visibility and Internet chatter are already out of control, and since ZetaTalk is known worldwide, particularly in Russia, the cover-up crowd has no way to suppress awareness of the ZetaTalk predictions. We, the Zetas, are alien, so it will go hand in hand that the cover-up over Nibiru and the cover-up over the alien presence will break, simultaneously. Anticipating hysterical demands, the establishment has long ago resigned themselves to letting ZetaTalk explain it all.

Accepted via email: 

What’s behind the Twitter war on Qanon? 7,000 accounts deleted and more to come.
[and from another]
Twitter Says It's Cracking Down on QAnon Conspiracy Theory
July 22, 2020
Over 7,000 accounts have been removed over the last few weeks for such violations, the company said in a statement. It also expects over 150,000 accounts globally to have reduced visibility due to these measures. The QAnon conspiracy theory is centered on the baseless belief that Trump is waging a secret campaign against enemies in the “deep state” and a child sex trafficking ring run by satanic pedophiles and cannibals. For more than two years, followers have pored over tangled clues purportedly posted online by a high-ranking government official known only as “Q.”

Since President Trump issued a new Executive Order on May 28 making censorship of online free speech illegal, Twitter has picked up the pace. In mid-July several prominent Democrat accounts were hacked with the investigation revealing how Twitter blacklists or protects accounts with a push of a button. Now on July 22, QAnon accounts are under massive attack. This is war, but why at this time? Twitter - as FaceBook and Google and most liberal media outlets - is under the control of the Satanists, who want the cleanup and prosecution of their Moloch child sacrifice practices stopped.

Central to this battle is the coming 2020 election. The rising herd immunity against the Covid-19 virus will allow the polls to be open in November, so mail-in ballots will not be necessary. This practice can thus be challenged in court with the argument that they are not only not needed, they are difficult to verify. Unlike absentee ballots which are given out only upon request and verified at the start, the mail-in ballots being pushed by the Democrats have no verification and can be filled out and forged by anyone. The economy will bounce back, and once again President Trump will be seemingly unsinkable.

The deep enthusiasm in the growing Q group speaks to the unconscious knowledge of contactees who know the truth about many things. They know that Nibiru exists and that strong leadership will be needed in the near future when the crustal shift happens. They know that aliens exist and that ZetaTalk reports on Satanism and the progress the Tribunals are making is the truth. Those who want to steal the 2020 election fear this enthusiasm and the sharing of information the QAnon forums provide. What will result from this latest skirmish between Twitter and the White House? Is there any doubt which side will win?

Accepted via email: 

There's been reports of unsolicited seed packets being mailed out to many people in the western world. Most of these seem to originate from China, but others have come from Kyrgyzstan and Serbia. This was first reported in the Daily Mail on July 17. The packages that arrive are described as containing "bracelets," "rings" and other such lies. The seeds that are arriving come with no description as to what they are and they seem to be from random crops. The practice of receiving unsolicited packages has been known as a "brushing scam," where sales are fraudulently boosted using a previous customer's information and buying items in their name without their consent. This leads to my question for the Zetas: Is this just another brushing scam, or is there more to this? The fact that all these packages have seeds and not a random assortment of items leads me to suspect that something else is going on. Does this have anything to do with the U.S/China trade deal which is largely agriculturally based?
[and from another]
Hundreds of British Gardeners 'Receive Unsolicited Deliveries of Garden Seeds Sent from China Marked as Ear Studs'
July 17, 2020
Horticulturalists have issued a warning after 'hundreds' of British gardeners received unsolicited deliveries of seeds thought to have been sent from China. The mysterious packages have been posted to customers who previously made legitimate seed purchases through sites such as Amazon marketplace and eBay. But many of the gardeners were left baffled after receiving unexpected deliveries - which were not paid for - marked as 'petals' and 'ear studs', potentially to avoid customs checks.
[and from another]
Agricultural Warfare? People Are Receiving Mysterious Unsolicited Packages of Seeds in the Mail from China
July 26, 2020
The Washington State Department of Agriculture wrote about the phenomenon on their Facebook page on July 24, 2020 and said that the seeds are being shipping in packaging that identifies the contents as jewelry.  Similar advisories have been issued in Virginia, Utah, Kansas, Arizona and Louisiana.
[and from another]
Americans Are Receiving Unordered Parcels from Chinese E-Criminals - And Can't Do Anything to Stop Them
November 27, 2017
But why are people in China sending some random woman in Pennsylvania free hair ties? Why would anyone put in the time, money, and effort to send a stranger on the other side of the world free stuff? It’s called brushing, and even in China it’s illegal. Basically, a "brushing" firm somehow got hold of McGeehan’s name and address - she imagines this happened from placing legitimate orders on AliExpress, the international wing of China’s Alibaba - and then created user profiles for “her” on the e-commerce sites that they wish to have higher sales ratings and favorable reviews on.

Is this gambit from Chinese firms an attempt to boost the appearance of their international sales, or something more nefarious? “Brushing”, the practice of sending unrequested items through the mail to boost sales ratings, is of record, but the items sent were always harmless trinkets. Seeds are not harmless, as they can prove to be an invasive plant that would interfere with local agriculture. This is deliberate seed distribution as the recipients had previously purchased seed from eBay or Amazon, thus are known gardeners. Another clue is that the China company is not prominent, as a brushing scheme would desire.

What is unknown at present is the plant that would grow if the seeds were planted. A variety of seeds are involved. Some are indeed harmless vegetables and flowers, but this is the normal approach when a Trojan Horse scheme is being played. Oh look, a goodie, and then the bad stuff sneaks in too. China has been suffering during the pandemic, at first trying to deny that Covid-19 emerged from China. It is a political hot potato, with the Democrats trying to label it the Trump virus while Trump has returned to calling it the China virus.

The bad publicity has impacted the world’s desire to buy China products. Meanwhile the trade agreement between the US and China is heavily weighted with China buying agricultural products from the US. This benefits both parties, but China would like their manufactured items to be included. They would like to have their image improved. They would like to have President Trump compliment them, as he has in the past at times. Thus, there are those within China who have cooked up a scheme to in essence blackmail the US and UK into giving China a new face. Do so or suffer the consequences.

Accepted via email: 

This popped up in my news feed. Was this more methane gas escaping from the rock as a result of the North American bow stress? The plume in question was spotted back in May, but it's just making it into the news. I haven't been able to find other articles about this particular event. I know the Zetas have touched on the release of gas in this region, and the east coast generally, in the past. So maybe this is a redundant question. 
[and from another]
No One Is Owning Up to Releasing Cloud of Methane in Florida
It was 12 miles wide, invisible to the naked eye and traveled across six counties to Florida's largest city. And it's still unclear who — or what — was responsible. The mysterious plume of methane, estimated to total 300 metric tons, was released north of Gainesville between May 2 and May 3, when it reached Jacksonville, according to Bluefield Technologies Inc., which analyzed data from the European Space Agency’s Sentinel-5P satellite. The source of the Florida emission remains unknown. The Florida Department of Environmental Protection, which tracks emissions and issues air permits, said it’s working to track down the source of the release.

This methane release is notable due to its size and the inability of the establishment to invent an excuse. Gainesville lies to the west of a strip of lakes running along Florida’s East Coast, thus does not have the normal absorption of methane during a stretch that land under water enjoys. During the bowing of the N American Plate, land on the periphery of the bow is pulled apart, but Florida has assaults from its proximity to the Caribbean too. Pulled in many directions, it is not surprising that a methane release would occur. What is surprising is that during the cover-up over Nibiru, this matter even hit the press.

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Will this trend continue?
[and from another]
Violent Crime Explosion Forces Minneapolis Residents to Form Militias
To say the Democrat-run city of Minneapolis is failing on this point would be an understatement. The city, which has not had a Republican mayor in nearly 50 years, slashed the police budget and turned its police department into eunuchs who are either unable to respond due to budget cuts and ridiculous policies that make it impossible to enforce the law.
[and from another]
In Minneapolis, Armed Residents Set Up Patrols Amid Calls to Defund the Police
July 25, 2020
Minneapolis residents in some areas still recovering from rioting and unrest are forming community watch and security groups, some bearing firearms. At least one neighborhood has put up barricades to keep away outsiders. The moves come as the city council on Friday approved its first permanent cuts to the police budget, amid calls to defund the department. The council had initially backed the idea of supporting the community watch groups with money for things like T-shirts, walkie-talkies and training, but that didn't end up in the final budget.

Historically, militias arise when the common man finds the official leaders lacking or does not trust the official leaders. Many communities, finding themselves without funds for a fire department, have a volunteer fire department. In the old Wild West days in the US, a Sheriff needing help would deputize volunteers to form a posse. Neighborhood watch groups regularly patrol to keep the kids safe. So militias are a natural emergence in the US at a time when the cry to “Defund the Police” is encouraged by the mayors of Democrat controlled cities. What else are the citizens to do when crime explodes?

This trend will continue to emerge as the Earth changes tear the fabric of civilization
apart. The citizens will find themselves without shelter, with a disrupted food distribution network, with foul drinking water and uncontrolled flooding, and with infectious disease on the rampage. In the midst of all this, crime will explode, with those who want to take advantage of the weakened state of the government by simply taking what they want. Natural leaders will emerge, and arm themselves with whatever is at hand to fight for their families and neighbors. The time of the militia has arrived!

Prior ZT 10/15/1998:
However, there is unlikely to be violent, rapid changes until it is close to the time when it will be quite clear to all of mankind that their world, as they know it, is not going to continue beyond the next few weeks or months. Humankind, wishes to believe that the future will be as the past has been - predictable, Sun rising, crops drawn in, occasional floods, occasional droughts, unpredictable health problems such as cancer and heart attack, babies being born, and the renewal of life. They cling to this. Until it is absolutely clear that this will not continue, human society will not collapse. They will cling to the belief that this will continue because the heart wants to believe this.

Accepted via email:

Sure doesn’t look like the roly-poly Nadler we know and love!
[and from another]
Top Democrat Jerry Nadler: Violent Antifa Riots in Portland Are ‘a Myth’
July 26, 2020
Democrat House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler claimed without evidence that the violent Antifa riots in Portland were “a myth.” Nadler’s remarks directly contradict video evidence that is widely available on social media and contradict what the Department of Homeland (DHS) says is happening in Portland.

Jerry Nadler returned to the now-reopened House looking different. Being replaced by a Double requires some plastic surgery on the Double but primarily a very similar bone structure and facial features. After being absent from the cameras for a period of time, the public is assumed to have a fading memory of what the individual looked like, but during her analysis Nancy uses carefully dated photos to identify the differences. What was Nadler’s crime? He was arrested and is awaiting trial for treason, being fully aware of the crimes being committed during the Mueller investigation and complicit in the cover-up of these crimes.

As is our usual practice, we are closing this July Q&A and opening August. Please post your questions there. Thanks you. 



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