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  • If your questions are just a demand for a hand-held tour, and it is apparent you have not even attempted to research or read the existing material, your post will be deleted.
  • Commentary chitchat will automatically be deleted if it does not add to the questions already posed. The weekly Q&A chat is not a stage for opinions or rants. 
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  • If not, assume it has been declined by the Zetas.
  • The Q&A discussions just past and ongoing are pinned for easy reference.
  • Answers will be posted monthly to the ZetaTalk websites. The discussion will be closed with a new discussion opened for the following month at that time.
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  2. The existence of Planet X and the truthfulness of ZetaTalk are not debatable.
  3. This ning does not focus on religion or politics, so these types of questions will be declined as a distraction from the issue at hand.
  4. ZetaTalk only. Posting of or discussion regarding material alleged to be channeled or otherwise relayed by entities other than the STO Zetas to anyone other than Nancy Lieder of is not allowed on this site

Zeta Rules that Apply

  1. No personal counseling is done.This rule has been in place since 1996. Questions should be of broad interest to the general public.
  2. Correlation or resolution of ZetaTalk with the work of other channels or authors is not done unless they predict and have a prediction accuracy track record, as otherwise they are not a peer of ZetaTalk which does so. This rule has been in place since 2002. Just because another website or author makes a statement does not make that statement true, nor will the Zetas explain to you why their statements are not true, as then they are taking time out to address the issue.
  3. The Zetas, as all visitors, are under rules on how they interact with humanity. They are not here to rescue you. They cannot divert Planet X just as today they do not prevent droughts or floods. The Earth is mankind’s schoolhouse whereby he learns to help his fellow man.
  4. The date of the pole shift cannot be given, but the sequence of events can be given. [ Link ] Check the ning pinned discussions and blogs for such information as the 7 of 10, the last weeks, etc.

Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case.

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 78 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.

Views: 38520

Replies are closed for this discussion.

Replies to This Discussion

Sun is too far South rising and setting lately.
[and from another]
Was facing almost true west and the sun is low in the south at about 210 on this compass so it's setting to far south
I noticed the sun is too far south also… much further than normal. I’m about 40 degrees latitude outside Denver
And sunrise was too far south also.
[and from another]
The Sun is Currently Rising from the South
December 17, 2022
I noticed that too a few days ago. … I have noticed this too … My house just moved around a bit cause now the sun rises and shines right into my bedroom. It is very odd. The sun never poured into my room like this. Been here since 2009. Now I put a piece of cardboard in the area the sun is invading.

The Daily Earth Wobble has been dominated lately with the Polar Push, where the N Pole of Nibiru shoves against the magnetic N Pole of Earth. Lately, the magnetic N Pole of Earth is in Siberia, so when this appears on the horizon the Sun is over the Pacific – sunset in America. Thus the globe is tipped away from the Sun, which has been appearing about 20 degrees too far South for sunrise. Then as the globe turns in its rotation, the magnetic N Pole tries to escape to the East, into what we have been calling the Lean to the Right. The globe is still tipped over at this point, providing a sunrise with the Sun once again too far South by 20 degrees.

The Wobble has destabilized the globe at this time, because the 7 of 10 Plate Movements have stalled. The New Madrid Rupture is not an easy path because many plates are involved, and long borders too. Africa is a massive land mass, solid and thick, and after it starts to roll the daily rotation of the Earth will stabilize. Meanwhile, this instability will be used by the Council of Worlds to keep the New Madrid Rupture on schedule. It will be as though a weight has been moved from the NORTH and shifted to the SOUTH. Meanwhile, the Sun will be seen in the South in the N American Continent.

Shared by TRDJ: "The mayor of Eudora, Arkansas has put the city under a "mandatory civil emergency curfew" effective immediately due to the "rash of unnecessary violence". This town is directly south of the 4 corners by the town of New Madrid where the jolt is to occur, then a ripping apart of the gulf of Mexico through New Orleans, through Eudora up along the fault that the Mississippi roughly follows. Is this the start of Martial law and lock downs meant to come. Contain chaos during the NMA? The authorities should be prepping and or evacuating people, not locking them in their homes to die. Question from the chat.
[and from another]
The mayor of Eudora, Arkansas has put the city under a "mandatory civil emergency curfew" effective immediately due to the "rash of unnecessary violence"
[and from another]
Eudora Mayor: Mandatory Civil Emergency Curfew in Effect Due to Unnecessary Violence
December 28, 2022
Mayor Tomeka Butler said the curfew will be from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. The only exceptions will be work and medical reasons. The mayor said that the curfew will be strictly enforced by the Eudora City Police Department.
[and from another]
Arkansas Mayor Declares Civil Emergency after Surge in Violent Crime
December 28, 2022
Tomeka Butler, mayor of Eudora, declared a civil emergency alongside a mandatory curfew after multiple shootings in the small town. Eudora Police Chief Mark Pitts provided us with more details on the situation and said there was a wave of shootings in people's homes early last week. He said they've reached out to county and state law enforcement for help as some officers are working 16-hour shifts.

The little town of New Madrid wears many scars. It was the epicenter of the 1811-1812 aftershocks that are broadly taken to be the last time the New Madrid Fault Line adjusted. The Mississippi River heaved and even ran backwards in places for a time, and changed the path of the river. It has for the past year or more been the site of daily small earthquakes, a reminder that those living at New Madrid or nearby towns such as Eudora are standing on a time bomb.

Where wild and domestic animals are urged to LEAVE an area such as this - the urge to flee so well known by pet owners - humans are ridiculed for such urges so ignore their instincts. This is akin to living in a combat zone, with heightened tensions that never cease. PTSD is a known and well documented psychiatric syndrome, which takes years in a safe environment to cure. Is there something akin to this causing fights to break out in Eudora? Yes. We have stated that after the coming Passage, that 43% of the survivors will be suffering from PTSD.

What is a Finale? The last chapter of a book, the last hour of a series, the last game to be played, etc. The Zetas are being misquoted because 2022 ended without the European tsunami having washed the shores of Europe. What did they mean by “Finale”?
[and from another]
fi·na·le /f??nal?,f??näl?/ noun the last part of a piece of music, a performance, or a public event, especially when particularly dramatic or exciting. "the festival ends with a grand finale"

Nancy has carefully gone through all of our words where the word Finale was used, so the reader can determine for themselves what the word in context means. A Finale in any context does not carry a timeline. Even a sexual orgasm is a Finale that has an indeterminate timeline, but likely minutes, not days and certainly not years. But our concept of the New Madrid Finale definitelyincluded the JOLT in the Rock Bridge over the juncture of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, with an “almost instantaneous” rupture at the Azores causing the European tsunami.

Examine our words. We do not state that the Finale would occur promptly after the Rock Hook under Turkey snapped. We do not state that the Finale would occur because the NE corner of the African Plate is scraping down past the Red Sea. We did not put the word Finale into any context except that it would follow the unzipping of the New Madrid Fault Line up along the Mississippi River and the JOLT when the Rock Bridge snapped. Those who are disappointed because they have not learned to read are destined to be disappointed again in the future.

ZetaTalk Quote 8/31/2022:
We have predicted that the New Madrid Finale would occur before the end of 2022, and the Junta is braced for this. …
We are not allowed to give a specific date for the New Madrid finale, but it is clear that the current rumors about President Trump's return are setting the timeline to put this SCOTUS announcement first. The New Madrid finale will be sudden but will be preceded by the steps we have outlined. Africa will slide into a void in the South Atlantic, and is already showing signs of this slide. The Africa Roll will not be gentle, from ripping at Gibraltar and the Sinai to increasing separation at the Azores.

ZetaTalk Quote 7/31/2022:
We have predicted that when the New Madrid finale occurs, Martial Law will be officially called and the fact that President Trump has always been president will be casually mentioned.  …
If the New Madrid finale were to start its anticipated rupture up from New Orleans , the populace on the East Coast would be made aware of the process, even during a media blackout, by the FAA cameras. 
The constant pressure on the Mainland Portion of N America that precedes the New Madrid finale shows up on the Heliplots aplenty….
If the nexus of the East Coast and Ramapo faults were not enough, the New Madrid and the Brevard fault line rising along the Appalachian Mountains are also tugged back and forth. This will accelerate as the New Madrid finale approaches….
We have stated that the New Madrid finale will occur when the rock bridge above the New Madrid area snaps. …
Once the rock hook under Turkey starts to give way, and the Azores start to rupture, the New Madrid Grand Finale is highly vulnerable to the ongoing Severe Earth Wobble….
 The New Madrid Fault Line has separated from the Isthmus of Tehuantepec up through the Gulf to New Orleans and thence along the lower Mississippi River. There it seemed to stall some months ago but is again being tugged to separate up along the Mississippi. The finale is close.

ZetaTalk Quote 9/30/2022:
With the turmoil the pending New Madrid finale about to descend will bring to the UK, that will be the least of anyone’s concerns. …
We have explained the sequence of events that will lead to the New Madrid finale as a movement of the Antarctica Plate into the S Atlantic, then a ripping open of the S Atlantic to allow the Africa Plate to slide into this void, thus putting pressure on a rock hook under Turkey that has until now prevented the Africa Plate from sliding down past the Sinai Peninsula….
As the Eurasian Plate pulls eastward away from the border it shares with N America Plate in the N Atlantic, Iceland emerges as the pressure point for a rip. What will change this dynamic will be the New Madrid finale….
The Mainland Portion in Canada can now cling comfortably to the Eurasian Plate in Europe, but the SE Portion of N America is put into play by the Africa Plate, which continues to drop and roll. The New Madrid finale is the outcome. …
The sequence of events that would lead to the New Madrid finale are in process, and the S Atlantic is now spreading open, allowing the foot of Africa to shift over into the void being opened.  
In 2021 we described the Sequence of Events leading up to the New Madrid finale. 

ZetaTalk Quote 4/30/2022:
Before the jolt at the hard rock on either side of the town of New Madrid occurs, signaling the start of the New Madrid rupture finale, the separation must travel up the Mississippi. …
The Caribbean moves as a unit with S America, so the Caribbean Plate was likewise bumped. What will happen when the New Madrid finale occurs? Certainly Eurasia, which shares a long border through the Arctic with N America will get bumped. The Pacific Plate and parts West will react as the Mainland Portion is suddenly free to shift to the West. The Africa Plate will likewise be free to move when the SE Portion is released from its attachment to the Mainland Portion. Most of the world will thus get a bump.

Israel sinking?
[and from another]
Tel Aviv slowly sinks.
[and from another]
Tel Aviv is flooded: pipes exploded in Florentine and "David the King" Street and caused street blocking
[and from another]
Burst Water Main Floods Tel Aviv streets, causing traffic chaos and road closures
January 4, 2023
Israel Electric Corporation says contractor digging for infrastructure work hit pipe; deluge blocks intersection of Moshe Dayan and Hashalom roads; will take days to repair. Flooding and washed-away soil filled the intersection of Moshe Dayan Road and Hashalom Road.  A contractor working on infrastructure damaged a water pipe that runs from Tel Aviv to the Givatayim suburb. Following an evaluation a decision was made to completely seal off  Hashalom Road from the corner of Yigal Alon in Tel Aviv to the corner of Yitzhak Rabin Road in Givatayim — a distance of around 1 kilometer (0.6 miles) — including all streets crossing the thoroughfare.

Despite media claims that this was a construction accident, water mains are not so casually ruptured. Permits are secured, and if the main is in danger water is shut off until the danger has ended. Thus the middle of the night schedule. We described how Tel Aviv would be affected as the Sinai Peninsula was spun in a counterclockwise manner during the roll of the African Plate. As can be seen from the nervous daily closures of the Suez Canal, this is in process, and the flooding in Tel Aviv is just another example.

When the Sinai subplate moves in a counterclockwise manner, it is slicing through the waters of the Mediterranean as a hand scooping water to drink would do. This forces water up through drainage pipes, onto the streets, and thus the claim that it was a broken water main at first seems reasonable. It will be repeated instances of this type of flooding that will raise questions.

Prior ZT:
Due to the constant press eastward that the Africa Plate has endured, it will immediately shove against the Red Sea and the Sinai. The Suez Canal will close, and as the Africa Plate continues to drop the bottom of the Sinai will be pressed so the Sinai shifts up into the new void in the Mediterranean.The Sinai is considered a platelet – the Sinai Subplate. When the Sinai is pressed eastward at its southern tip, the entire Sinai Subplate will swing counterclockwise into the Mediterranean void.  The Sinai will have a new orientation to lands on either side. Israel also resides on the subplate, so the separation at the Dead Sea Fault Lines will increase, and Israel may also become an island. Eventually, the Red Sea will open allowing shipping in the Suez Canal. All these matters are in God’s hands.

A great deal of aluminum in the atmosphere since arrival of Nibiru blamed on chemtrails. Is it Nibiru the cause or chemtrails laden with Aluminum? If chemtrails, WHY? 
[and from another]
The Aluminium in chemtrails have a direct link to environmental damage, Alzhiemer's and Autism.
[and from another]
Chemtrails Aren’t the Geoengineering Debate we should be having (Because they Aren’t Real)

Aluminum oxide, in one’s soil, is presented as “evidence” for chemtrails. It isn’t. Aluminum is the third-most abundant element in the Earth’s crust, and aluminum oxide is its most common form.
[and from another]
Increase of Aluminum Particles in the Environment due to Chemtrails during the period of Autumn 2012 to Summer 2015 within Lahore, Pakistan
October, 2015
Currently the most prevailing issue of the climate change in the world is geo-engineering and one of the most prevailing issue in this is using of Chemtrails to change the climate. These Chemtrails are left over in the sky with the help of special types of jet planes which use to spray Aluminum, Barium and Strontium is the sky to make a thick parallel lines with the help of condensation due to change of air pressure at the height. These thick parallel lines are the condense layers of Aluminum, Barium and Strontium which use to stop the some rays of sunlight coming to the sky but sadly it also prevents the heat rays to go out of the earth space due to the layers formed. These sprays are causing the increase of Aluminum in the Environment as these particles can move trillions of miles and are causing different problems and diseases like Asthma in our planet earth.

Chemtrails are being used to fog up the skies so the common man cannot easily identify the Nibiru Complex components. These are not the Contrails normally found streaming out behind jet engines, which disburse readily. Chemtrails linger, spreading slowly into a fog that permeates the sky for a long distance and can drift toward populated areas to fog the skies there too. The Chemtrail program is maintained by the elite, the wealthy strata of society who do not want to deal with the panic in the common man when they realize that Nibiru is real.

The chemical mix that allows Chemtrails to linger in the skies and produce a thick fog was carefully engineered, so the components have each earned their place in the mix. The Chemtrail architects will not thus just swap out Aluminum, despite it being identified as a manmade source of pollution caused by Chemtrails. Global Warming is still being used as an excuse for why the Chemtrail program is being perpetuated, but the real reason is simple. It is Nibiru’s increasing visibility in the skies.

We're watching a Movie. McCarthy's double? McCarthy's double was just posted on Chat. 
[and from another]

A proper Doubles analysis includes a comparison of the teeth, the shape of the head, the placement of the ears, the shape of the ears, the width of the mouth when aligned with the center of the eyeballs, the color of the eyes, the profile alignment, the slope of the forehead, and in fact almost every blemish on the head. McCarthy, in the years leading up to his election as Speaker of the House, does not show any difference in any of these regards. One of the best tells is the teeth, as dental cosmetics are not quick and often overlooked, but McCarthy’s teeth are the same.

During an era when the Movie being played for the public to disguise the extent of Tribunal activity at Gitmo is in process, it would be assumed that McCarthy would be a double. Doubles are puppets, thus controllable. Pelosi and many of her henchmen – Nadler and Schiff – are doubles. Why would it have taken 15 roll call votes to put McCarthy in the Speaker’s seat? The public is not privy to the negotiations ongoing, and until the Junta was satisfied the count was going to be less than McCarthy needed for the Speaker's seat. Not a Double, but very much a puppet for the Junta.

Hello Nancy and Zetas.

Do the Zetas have any comment on the recent deaths of two high profile leaders of the Catholic church, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI and Australian Cardinal George Pell.

Pope Benedict XVI (Joseph Ratzinger) died on 31 December 2022, aged 95. No specific cause of death has been revealed.

Today it was announced that Cardinal George Pell has also died, reportedly due to heart complications arising from hip replacement surgery.

The Zetas have previously commented on Ratzinger and Pell's misdeeds during their time as leaders of the Catholic church. Can the Zetas now comment on the circumstances and implications of their deaths?

Thank you for considering this question.


Pope Benedict, first to step down in 600 years, dies aged 95

December 31, 2022

Vatican City: Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, the shy German theologian who tried to reawaken Christianity in a secularised Europe but will forever be remembered as the first pontiff in 600 years to resign from the job, died Saturday. He was 95.

Benedict stunned the world on February 11, 2013, when he announced, in his typical, soft-spoken Latin, that he no longer had the strength to run the 1.2 billion-strong Catholic Church that he had steered for eight years through scandal and indifference.

His dramatic decision paved the way for the conclave that elected Pope Francis as his successor. The two popes then lived side-by-side in the Vatican gardens, an unprecedented arrangement that set the stage for future “popes emeritus” to do the same.

A statement from Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni on Saturday morning said that: “With pain I inform that Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI died today at 9.34 in the Mater Ecclesia Monastery in the Vatican. Further information will be released as soon as possible.”

Cardinal George Pell dies, aged 81, after complications from hip surgery

January 11, 2023

A Requiem Mass will be held at the Vatican in the coming days to honour Cardinal George Pell, Australia’s most prominent Catholic cleric, who died from heart complications after hip replacement surgery at the age of 81.

The church announced Pell’s death on Wednesday morning, saying he had died of cardiac arrest at Salvator Mundi hospital in Rome, days after attending the funeral of Pope Benedict XVI.

Pell was a towering figure in the Catholic Church in Australia and internationally. He served as Archbishop of both the Melbourne and Sydney archdioceses and rose to become the treasurer of the Vatican in Rome.

Originally from Ballarat, Victoria, Pell spent his final years adamantly defending claims he sexually abused two choirboys in the sacristy at St Patrick’s Cathedral while he was Archbishop of Melbourne in 1996. Pell maintained his innocence and his convictions in Victorian courts were quashed in a unanimous decision by the High Court in 2020.

ZetaTalk: Pope Ratzinger

Apr 22, 2005

Pope selection is at its base a political process, and thus its secrecy. What were the politics during this last selection, where an ex-NAZI, a Hitler youth, a member of Hitler’s armed forces, was elevated? Known as an ultra-conservative, known as the enforcer of papal edicts on disclosure of pedophilia abuse, his signature on memos reminding Bishops of their duty in this matter, his fingerprints in recent times are likewise revealing of a brutal and suppressive nature.


Where it would seem that a German Pope would not please Israel, or might displease others factions wanting their nation so honored, alliances are not so obvious. This is an alliance of those determined to dominate the common man, enslave them, retain unquestioning control, and in this regard Pope Ratzinger has a similar view to those controlling the White House at present, those in control in Israel, those in control of Russia, and is in psychological alliance with many in the banking empires. If those in control are threatened by the common man realizing that Planet X is about the devastate the Earth, is in the vicinity and is well known by the elite, then the cover-up must, at all costs, continue. Thus, any revelation of the Fatima Third Secret will not occur, the cover-up in the Church assured of continuing. Watch for a Pope who stays silent on abuses of power, genocide, and the horrors of war, but is insistent that the structure of the Church, and the rules, be maintained and honored.

ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for April 30, 2020

Cardinal Pell

Was Cardinal Pell guilty? Yes, and of more than this single trial represents. The Catholic Church has pedophilia at the highest ranks, with the prior Pope Benedict being in charge of enforcing silence in this regard prior to becoming Pope. If the jury and the Appeals Court found Pell guilty, then why the reversal? As we have often stated, despite some good-hearted individuals working within the Church structure, and despite the current Pope Francis being a well-intended individual, the Catholic Church is all about control, wealth, and giving orders.

The Church threatens damnation to Hell via excommunication if their orders are not followed, though they certainly do not have this power. They walk about draped in Gold and live in opulent quarters while they demand the poor in their flocks fund this lifestyle. They have vast real estate, and the Vatican bank has been repeatedly found guilty of money laundering for unsavory characters. The conviction of Cardinal Pell enraged the Vatican. In their view, tossing a priest to the dogs for pedophilia was one thing, but the high and mighty should remain untouched.


Matt B said:

Do the Zetas have any comment on the recent deaths of two high profile leaders of the Catholic church, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI and Australian Cardinal George Pell.

Benedict XVI (Joseph Ratzinger) died on 31 December 2022, aged 95. No specific cause of death has been revealed. Today it was announced that Cardinal George Pell has also died, reportedly due to heart complications arising from hip replacement surgery. The Zetas have previously commented on Ratzinger and Pell's misdeeds during their time as leaders of the Catholic church. Can the Zetas now comment on the circumstances and implications of their deaths?
[and from another]
Pope Benedict, first to Step Down in 600 years, Dies Aged 95
December 31, 2022
Benedict stunned the world on February 11, 2013, when he announced, in his typical, soft-spoken Latin, that he no longer had the strength to run the 1.2 billion-strong Catholic Church that he had steered for eight years through scandal and indifference. His dramatic decision paved the way for the conclave that elected Pope Francis as his successor. The two popes then lived side-by-side in the Vatican gardens, an unprecedented arrangement that set the stage for future “popes emeritus” to do the same.
[and from another]
Cardinal George Pell Dies, aged 81, after Complications from Hip Surgery
January 11, 2023
Pell was a towering figure in the Catholic Church in Australia and internationally. He served as Archbishop of both the Melbourne and Sydney archdioceses and rose to become the treasurer of the Vatican in Rome. Originally from Ballarat, Victoria, Pell spent his final years adamantly defending claims he sexually abused two choirboys in the sacristy at St Patrick’s Cathedral while he was Archbishop of Melbourne in 1996. Pell maintained his innocence and his convictions in Victorian courts were quashed in a unanimous decision by the High Court in 2020.

The wheels of Justice roll on despite the determination of the elite to be above the laws of man and God. Cardinal Pell was guilty but escaped Justice due to his position in the hierarchy of the Catholic Church. Pope Benedict likewise was central for decades in silencing complaints from the youngsters who were permanently devastated by their treatment at the hands of Catholic priests. Yet they retained their positions within the Church, with the common man forced to honor them. This has been corrected. Their deaths were not due to old age or medical complications.

Prior Apr 22, 2005 ZT:
If those in control are threatened by the common man realizing that Planet X is about the devastate the Earth, is in the vicinity and is well known by the elite, then the cover-up must, at all costs, continue. Thus, any revelation of the Fatima Third Secret will not occur, the cover-up in the Church assured of continuing. Watch for a Pope who stays silent on abuses of power, genocide, and the horrors of war, but is insistent that the structure of the Church, and the rules, be maintained and honored.

Prior April 30, 2020 ZT:
Was Cardinal Pell guilty? Yes, and of more than this single trial represents. The Catholic Church has pedophilia at the highest ranks, with the prior Pope Benedict being in charge of enforcing silence in this regard prior to becoming Pope. If the jury and the Appeals Court found Pell guilty, then why the reversal? As we have often stated, despite some good-hearted individuals working within the Church structure, and despite the current Pope Francis being a well-intended individual, the Catholic Church is all about control, wealth, and giving orders. The conviction of Cardinal Pell enraged the Vatican. In their view, tossing a priest to the dogs for pedophilia was one thing, but the high and mighty should remain untouched.

Can the Zetas explain what caused this?

Flights are being delayed at multiple locations across the United States after a computer outage at the Federal Aviation Administration.

Accepted, just coming to post ...

Kamil Rak said:

Can the Zetas explain what caused this?

Flights are being delayed at multiple locations across the United States after a computer outage at the Federal Aviation Administration.

All flights ‘Grounded across US’ after Major System Failure Sparks Travel Chaos
January 11, 2023
The Federal Aviation Administration has grounded all flights across the United States following a nationwide outage. An issue with the system was first reported on January 10 sparking widespread problems across the US and abroad. Air Traffic Control System Command Center warned passengers to buckle up for a long delays, admitting there is currently no solution to the problem in sight. A message on their website warned passengers: "The NOTAMS outage continues with no current estimated time of restoration. A hotline has been activated."
[and from another]
All Flights across US Grounded due to FAA Computer System Glitch
January 11, 2023
Some 1,162 flights within, into or out of the US have been delayed today, according to flight tracker, while 94 have been cancelled.

The NOTAMS system glitch was a deliberate test of a planned takedown of all flights over the US in the event of the anticipated New Madrid Rupture unfolding. As we have detailed, it will be a JOLT at the Hard Rock Bridge that will initiate the dreaded last steps of the rupture, which include a jump to the East for the SE Portion, a large tear in the Azores, and a tsunami racing for Europe. But prior to these last steps there would be additional unzipping along the Mississippi River and under the Seaway, leaving only the Bridge holding the Mainland and SE Portion together.

I did do a Zeta search on the 1974 famous Florida mysterious Betz Sphere, but nothing came up Sister Mrs. Nancy. Is it possible you or the Zetas could say something about this remarkable Betz Ball? Is it ET Alien? 
[and from another]
Mysterious Sphere Moving On Its Own - The Betz Sphere
For many years, countless strange artifacts have been found - books with strange codes, unexplained maps, stones carved with unusual shapes, ancient figures that depict strange things, and... the case of the Betz sphere, a mysterious metallic sphere accidentally found by an American family during the 1970s that had the ability to move on its own... At the time, the sphere caused a great media frenzy and came to be described by many as "alien technology." It all started in April 1974, when a family from the city of Jacksonville, Florida, found a strange spherical metallic object with an approximate weight of 20 pounds and dimensions somewhat smaller than those of a bowling ball.
[and from another]
Similar stones in Costa Rica were manmade and a copycat of the alien orbs observed by early man. (
[and from another]
The heavy metal inside the Betz ball is like the element 115 in alien gravity devices. (

Just as Space Junk will fall to Earth, objects used by the visitors can fall to Earth. This is a navigation device used to coordinate alien traffic in Earth's atmosphere. Where over a thousand different alien races from various parts of the Universe are currently visiting, they coordinate within their group effectively but do not all speak the same language. Thus this device communicates in the Universal language of metal composition and magnetic action. The experts who examined it were not stumped but sworn to silence by the establishment who did not want to admit or confirm the alien presence. The ball does not present any danger to mankind. 

Russia to launch mission to rescue stranded ISS crew after meteoroid strike Space agency mounts rescue mission to bring home two cosmonauts and US astronaut marooned on ISS.  
[and from another]
Russia to Launch Mission to Rescue Stranded ISS Crew after Meteoroid Strike
January 11, 2023
Moscow will launch a rescue vessel to the International Space Station next month to bring home three crew members who are in effect stuck in orbit after their original capsule was hit by a meteoroid. The docked Soyuz MS-22 sprang a major leak last month, spraying radiator coolant into space and prompting a pair of cosmonauts to abort a planned spacewalk. While Russia’s space agency, Roscosmos, said the strike caused no immediate threat to the crew of the space station, it raised concerns about whether everyone on the orbital outpost could return to Earth in an emergency situation.
[and from another]
Russia to Launch Space Station Rescue Mission to Bring Astronauts Home
January 11, 2023
The need for a new Soyuz arose after the one docked at the space station started spewing a spray of white particles on Dec. 14. The particles turned out to be coolant from the spacecraft, raising questions about whether part of the capsule could overheat during flight, rendering the craft unsafe to transport astronauts back to Earth. Until the replacement Soyuz arrives, there is a higher level of risk in case of an emergency — like a large leak that might require an evacuation. The Soyuz and a SpaceX Crew Dragon capsule serve as emergency lifeboats for the seven astronauts currently on the station. 

Once again the world is reminded that the Astronauts and Cosmonauts that reside on the ISS are in harm’s way. This time it is due to the Soyuz rescue capsule leaking coolant. In 2018 the Soyuz rescue capsule suffered a drill hole,
sabotage done by distraught Russians wanting their friend brought back to Earth. In 2016 multiple ISS problems were in the news, including a chipped window.
Rumors that the ISS was in trouble and about to be evacuated
have been in the news since Nibiru entered the inner Solar System in 2003.

We predicted in 2013
that the ISS would eventually be evacuated and put on automatic robotic control, but in the meantime a total evacuation would press the Nibiru cover-up to admit the truth. Why is there so much debris in the skies lately? Especially at a time when bolides are on the increase and red dust is everywhere. Thus to avoid these questions, the ISS may be evacuated during a time of great distractions, such as is pending for the Earth when the New Madrid Rupture completes.

ZetaTalk Prediction 9/30/2018:
It is no secret among those stationed on the ISS or their close confidants that the Nibiru complex can be clearly seen, and that its continued approach toward Earth can hardly be denied. Are the astronauts and cosmonauts told of this danger before being stationed there? Yes, as are many sworn to silence. When the constant denial over Nibiru ends the ISS will be disbanded, though may be left under automatic control.

ZetaTalk Comment 5/11/2013:
At what point will the ISS be evacuated? Will there be a sudden catastrophe where it is destroyed by flinging debris to the extent that all on the station are killed? Or will it be, as they say, death by a thousand paper cuts, cumulative problems that reach a threshold where it is clear that the struggle to maintain astronauts aboard cannot be won. This would likely occur during turmoil and distraction on Earth, to be used as cover for the final evacuation.


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