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  3. The Zetas, as all visitors, are under rules on how they interact with humanity. They are not here to rescue you. They cannot divert Planet X just as today they do not prevent droughts or floods. The Earth is mankind’s schoolhouse whereby he learns to help his fellow man.
  4. The date of the pole shift cannot be given, but the sequence of events can be given. [ Link ] Check the ning pinned discussions and blogs for such information as the 7 of 10, the last weeks, etc.

Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case.

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 78 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Views: 29822

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Per the Zetas, the Biblical story of Jonah and the Whale is true, now this from the waves off Chile.
[and from another]
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‘Thought He’d Swallowed Me!’: Whale Gulps Kayaker in Chile, Spits Him
February 13, 2025
A humpback whale briefly swallowed a kayaker in southern Chile, before spitting him out unharmed, an amazing escape that was all captured on video. Adrian Simancas was paddling off the Patagonian city of Punta Arenas on Saturday when the giant baleen surged out of the water swallowing him and his yellow kayak whole. Five seconds later a stunned Simancas bobbed to the surface, as the whale’s dorsal again emerged above the surface of the frigid gray water. “I thought he’d swallowed me!” Simancas exclaimed. The entire remarkable episode was caught on camera and posted on social media by his father, Dell Simancas, who can be heard shouting “Relax! Relax!” to his understandably unrelaxed son.

Yes, the Daily Earth Wobble has gotten more violent, so supposedly mythical stories from past Pole Shifts might be revisited. The Biblical story of Jonah and the Whale
was based on fact and occurred because both Jonah and the Whale were distracted by the violent sloshing during the last Passage. At present S America is being battered during the S American Roll and the Waggle that allows the SE Portion of N America to slide East over the Caribbean hump. Thus the plankton eating Humpback whale and kayaker Simancas both found themselves in atypical positions, momentarily.

Prior ZT 10/15/1995:
The story of Jonah, who was swallowed by a whale and lived to tell of it, occurred, but not exactly as told. During pole shifts, massive tidal waves heave whales onto the land, dashing them in the process. Debris of all types - living, dead, or inanimate - is heaped and tossed together. A man who would survive such a process would need protection, and one so lucky as to be tossed into the gaping mouth of a dead whale may find himself buffered from trauma, a survivor. Of course this did not occur under water, as the man would have been drowned. The whale was being washed ashore, its gullet open to the air. Such a situation would not arise in the present day, but during a cataclysm is possible.

Hi Nancy and the Zetas. Stumbled across an excerpt online of an old document dating back to the early part of the last century. It appears to be pages from the interrogation of one of the political figures and revolutionaries of the time, who was later executed on the pretext of treason against his country, a certain Yakov Blumkin.
Historical background:
Yakov Grigorievich Blumkin was a Russian revolutionary and terrorist, Soviet Chekist, intelligence officer and statesman, adventurer. One of the creators of the Soviet intelligence services.
He was born on February 27, 1900 in Odessa. At the age of 14 he went to work as an electrician, participated in self-defense units against Jewish pogroms, joined the Social Revolutionary Party. At the age of 17 Blumkin was already an agitator for the elections to the Constituent Assembly, and in November 1917 joined the detachment of sailors-anarchists and took part in the battles with the units of the Central Rada of the Ukrainian People's Republic.
In 1918, while serving as head of the "German" department of the VChK, Blumkin killed the German ambassador Count von Mirbach on July 6, 1918. This event started the Left Social Revolutionary Socialist rebellion, which was directed against the Bolshevik government.
In 1924-1928, Yakov Blumkin participated in the Central Asian expedition under Nikolai Roerich.
In 1926 Blumkin was sent as a representative of the OGPU and Chief Instructor for State Security of the Mongolian Republic. He carried out special assignments in China, Tibet and India.
In 1928 Blumkin became a resident of the OGPU in Constantinople, from where he supervised the entire Middle East.
According to the official version, Blumkin was sentenced to execution for participation in activities against the Soviet people and Bolshevik power. The execution took place on December 8-12, 1929.
Here is what is said in these two pages, most likely photographed from a large volume (judging by the numbering of pages) in the archives of the Russian security services:
Excerpt from the minutes of the interrogation of Ya. Blumkin. p. p. 118-"...8-10 thousand B.C. the leaders of ancient civilizations carried out large-scale evaporation of gold at a temperature equal to the temperature of the surface of the sun, about 6-7 thousand degrees Celsius. According to the monks, during the procedure of "vaporizing" gold within a few seconds, the following reaction occurs: gold flashes brightly and turns into powder. With the help of this Vajara powder, ancient rulers prolonged their lives by using it with food and wine for hundreds of years. The same powder was used in construction. With its help, the ancient builders, according to the monks, really moved giant stone monotonous slabs in the air and carried out cutting and sawing of hard stone slabs and rocks, erecting stone monuments and historical buildings that have survived to this day.  Beneath the earth, the monks keep the secrets of all past civilizations that have ever existed on Earth.
According to Blumkin there were five of them, along with the civilization that exists now. According to the secret doctrine of Wah-ju, inevitably, the cause of the death of civilizations on Earth is the rotation around the Sun of another planet, three times larger than Earth, with a large internal store of heat and water, in an elliptical orbit, with a cycle of rotation around the Sun equal to 3600 years. This planet rotates clockwise, unlike the Earth and other planets therefore, when it enters a plane of rotation of planets of Solar system, as a result of powerful electromagnetic vortex stream, every 3600 years on the Earth there are gigantic natural cataclysms as a result of which repeatedly there was a death of mankind and animals. At the same time, every fourth cycle of this planet's entry into the solar system threatens an inevitable world flood on Earth and the death of civilizations, because of the characteristic dynamics of the rotation of the planets, which naturally build their orbits in a certain sequence.  So, the Earth, in this case, will face the alien planet not from the mainland side, but from the side of the Pacific Ocean. Water being on the Earth from the opposite side from the mainland part, because of rapprochement with the alien planet, which passes through the asteroid belt, because of its giant size and rotation, will be displaced on the continents. The height of the wave will be up to 7 km, with a speed of up to 1000 km/h. The last (third cycle) rotation of the alien planet around the Sun was in 1586 BC. The next entry of the planet into the solar system is expected in 2009 of the next century, and accordingly in 2014 (taking into account corrections due to the difference between the Julian and Gregorian calendars, as well as the May calendar and the tropical year), according to Tibetan monks will occur the fifth Armageddon (the end of the world), the death of the current civilizations and mankind.  According to Blumkin, for the same reason, all known prehistoric calendars: Sumerian, Babylonian, May calendars, which were characterized by special accuracy, end with approximately the same date.  According to Blumkin's reports, the Tibetan monks have a regulated definite procedure for the "sacred selection" of a chosen part of humanity, which the Tibetans will have to save in the underground. ".
End of text.
Based on what is described on these sheets, I conclude that perhaps this man, came across in the Roerich expedition, on some ancient records describing the history of the earth, kept by the Tibetan manahs. Hence we can conclude that these monks have possessed this knowledge since ancient times and passed it on to their followers. Apparently the monk who predicted the passage of Nibiru in 26/27, to which the Zetas referred, confirming this date, also drew this information from these sources. Since this information is present in the case of interrogation of this revolutionary, I conclude that most likely he paid for his life because of it, the rest is a pretext.
Would the Zetas like to comment on this story, and would you like to make a new Zetatalk on this topic?
[and from another]
There is a fascinating prophecy by a Tibetan Master - Jamyang Khyenstse Chokyi Lodro – that seems to give a timeline for the Pole Shift. Chokyi Lodro was considered a living Buddha when in incarnation. This text was provided many decades ago, as Chokyi Lodro died in 1959, but the possible alignment with the Chinese calendar are the years 1966, 2026, and 2086. It is considered valid information from the Buddha, as a Tibetan Buddhist practitioner explains.

The Blumkin documentation is valid though not updated past the last 100 years so the recent Lodro Buddhist date of 2026-2027 is more accurate. Even decades ago, in the Ukraine, knowledge of the approach of Nibiru was considered a threat to the elite, so Blumkin was silenced. The Blumkin documentation also refers to the Annunaki practice of extracting Gold, which they use to reflect heat and light on their home planet Nibiru and per this documentation for longevity thus the Fountain of Youth

Prior 2/28/2021 ZT:
This Tibetan Master’s prophecy was correct when given, though circumstances have had their effect since the prophecy was given. We have stated that the sea level will rise by 675 feet “within two years” after the Pole Shift and this prophecy states the same, that “terrible floods” will occur by2028. … That only 1 in 10 would survive equates to our estimate of a 90% death rate as a result of the Pole Shift. … Live into the Aftertime, which will indeed be a time of plenty and open interaction with ambassadors in the Service-to-Others who are in abundance around Earth at this time, to assist with the Earth’s Transformation.

Prior 7/16/2024 ZT:
We also stated that 2026-2027 would be the likely date of the Nibiru passage, but this is very much in flux. The Council of Worlds can delay this but is being pressed by those above them to stick to the date, as any delays would impact plan and schedules elsewhere in the Universe. Thus there would likely be some kind of change, not a delay. Aftershocks, or their equivalent in Plate Movements following the passage of Nibiru might occur.

Greetings, Nancy.   Today we see where  A Delta Airlines plane flipped upside down while landing at Toronto’s Pearson Airport. It happened at 2:45 p.m. EST as the plane was arriving from Minneapolis.  Would the Zetas care to comment on if the cause would be wobble related or what else it could be?


James of Idaho said:

Today we see where  A Delta Airlines plane flipped upside down while landing at Toronto’s Pearson Airport. It happened at 2:45 p.m. EST as the plane was arriving from Minneapolis.  Would the Zetas care to comment on if the cause would be wobble related or what else it could be?

this is the delta plane when finally stops... 


Today we see where a Delta Airlines plane flipped upside down while landing at Toronto’s Pearson Airport. It happened at 2:45 p.m. EST as the plane was arriving from Minneapolis.  Would the Zetas care to comment on if the cause would be wobble related or what else it could be?
[and from another]
Delta Jet Flips Upside Down on a Snowy Toronto Runway and all 80 Aboard Survive
February 17, 2025
A Delta Air Lines jet flipped on its roof while landing at Toronto’s Pearson Airport. Snow was being blown by winds gusting to 40 mph (65 kph) when the flight from Minneapolis carrying 76 passengers and four crew attempted to land at around 2:15 p.m. Communications between the tower and pilot were normal on approach and it’s not clear what went so drastically wrong. The runway was dry and there was no cross-wind conditions.
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Upside-down plane: Experts weigh in on Delta flight flip-over in Toronto
February 17, 2025
The structural elements of an aircraft are designed so that the wings and the tail will break off and away in the event of a tip over, McCormick said. The seats are designed to withstand impacts up to 16 times the force of gravity, so they will remain in place when the plane is upside down.
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Delta Plane Crashes and Flips Upside Down at Toronto Airport
February 17, 2025
Stiff winds blew over Canada’s Toronto Pearson Airport on Monday afternoon as a slim aircraft, cleared by air traffic controllers to land, and its 80 passengers and crew drifted toward the snowy tarmac.
But within moments, the Bombardier CRJ900 had crashed into the runway and overturned, sending fire crews scrambling to extinguish the flames. All on board the Delta flight from Minneapolis survived, but it is still unclear how the aircraft was upended
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Delta Airlines Flight Map shows Dramatic U-turn before Horror Toronto Airport Crash
February 17, 2025
Delta Flight 4819, flying from Minneapolis to Toronto, was recorded by FlightRadar24 making the sharp turn over Brampton, en route to Markham, then careening towards the airport.

Airplanes are designed to remain level, on or off the ground, with two wings and rudders and flaps to stabilize the plane and to direct any change in direction. What would cause a plane to suddenly flip? As has been noted, the wings of an aircraft will snap off if the plane is tipped upside down. This is a safety feature to prevent the plane from rogue maneuvers in the event of a bumpy landing. Toronto had windy weather, up to 40 mph but without cross winds, but the runway was smooth. However, Toronto is on the ripping Seaway, so electronic screech could be a factor.

Where this flip will undoubtedly be blamed on a sudden microburst, it was aided by electronic misdirection to the planes flaps and rudders that resulted in the flip. EMP is composed of electron and magneton bursts, the pulse, and also a surge control that stops all electronic communication. This is erratic and intermittent so that one part of the plane experiences pulse while another goes dark. Planes in an air show that go upside down and spin and then right themselves show this maneuverability. For Toronto, this was an unintended flip, with one wing given one command but the other wing not.

Hi Nancy and the Zetas.

Can the Zetas comment on large layoffs at NASA?

Is there a way being made for an official announcement re Nibiru?

Declined. A 10% layoff is nothing, compared to other departments. All are getting hit. Over the years, hire the chronie or buddy on some excuse until we are bloated. Go DOGE! 

Kamil Rak said:

Can the Zetas comment on large layoffs at NASA?

Hi Nancy and the Zetas.

Can the Zetas comment on Trump signing an executive order that would make him the most powerful president in history?

Trump's new executive order grants him power over various agencies such as The Federal Communications Commission.

The FCC's establishes performance standards for Emergency Alert System participants, procedures for participants to follow in the event the system is activated.

Could there be an EAS broadcast with an official admission re Nibiru by the end of March just as the Zetas are now prediciting?

I can see your thinking, if Nibiru admission is so threatening then Congresss (the current FCC management) might squelsh the message where Trump would not. Both Congress and President are elected. Also during elections a President might push positive news about his/her performance. But the FCC allowed CNN etc to issue fake news re Trump. Still pondering whether this is ZetaTalk worthy ... 

Kamil Rak said:

Can the Zetas comment on Trump signing an executive order that would make him the most powerful president in history?


Kamil Rak said:

Can the Zetas comment on Trump signing an executive order that would make him the most powerful president in history?

 Trump's new executive order grants him power over various agencies such as The Federal Communications Commission. The FCC's establishes performance standards for Emergency Alert System participants, procedures for participants to follow in the event the system is activated. Could there be an EAS broadcast with an official admission re Nibiru by the end of March just as the Zetas are now predicting?
[and from another]
Trump Signs Bombshell Executive Order to make himself the most Powerful President in History as he Enacts Controversial Constitutional Theory
February 19, 2025
The conservative theory argues that Article II of the U.S. Constitution, which delineates presidential powers, gives the president sole authority over all the executive branch's officials and employees. The unitary executive theory also claims the president has robust powers to override Congressional oversight on restrictions such as the ability to fire the heads of independent agencies. The president has also axed the heads of the National Labor Relations Board and the Office of Government Ethics.
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The History of the Federal Communications Commission
The Federal Communications Commission was established on June 19, 1934, to replace the outdated Federal Radio Commission. In its history, the FCC has been involved in some very controversial decisions. As communications expanded and television became more prominent, the FCC's duties were expanded to include regulating all forms of communication in the United States. The FCC helps to regulate content, award station charters, and monitor innovation to make sure that all forms of communication can co-exist. The FCC is also involved in regulating the Internet in the United States, and it has created regulations that have become the center of debate for the telecommunications industry, corporate users, and the millions of people in the United States who utilize the Internet every day.
[and from another]
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is an independent Federal regulatory agency responsible directly to Congress. Established by the Communications Act of 1934, it is charged with regulating interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite, and cable.

If the Constitution gave the President authority over the executive branch, then how did it happen that the FCC became an independent agency? It was formed in 1934, long after the Constitution was drafted, as is the case with NASA and many other independent agencies. Regulatory control is desired so the agency does not run amuck, go rogue with claims that are politically advantageous to one side or deny the truth. Obviously Congress or the President can differ, thus the tussle over who should be the regulator. Both hold elected positions and both can be impeached.

President Trump dealt with lawfare attacks and a plethora of fake news from the Legacy Media, while the FCC stood by and did nothing. Now the Deep State is under attack via a reduction in their work force during DOGE implementation. And the threat of Nibiru being admitted and in fact undeniable soon would of course be an issue that the media should cover, unless squelched. This issue will go to the courts, where President Trump will win, but in the meanwhile President Trump and his Junta will be in charge.

I remember the Zetas saying that Earth is divided into neighbourhoods or areas of responsibility between different alien groups. The Zetas are in charge of the United States. I have a lot of contactors in my telegram channel who are constantly shown visions of the future, it seems to them that it happens during a dream, but they remember everything in the smallest detail. And the entities present in these dreams, and showing any vision of the future, mainly it concerns flooding or destruction of any area familiar to the contactor, are always different and mostly in human form. It is clear that the aliens hide their true appearance, replacing it with a more familiar and pleasant, for the contactor's eye, earthly appearance. Proceeding from the above, I am constantly asked questions, who really supervises Russia, what alien race or group is working with contactors in Russia?
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Russian Disclosure 2013
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Medvedev Disclosure 2013
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Vatican Admission 2014
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Element of Doubt Fades 2015
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Q: Did Putin meet with a live alien as claimed?
A: Absolutely, and it wasn’t a Zeta either. It wasn’t even a hominoid. He’s had many conversations with this entity.

We have stated that the Earth is being visited by over 1,000 different alien life forms grouped into approximately 40 different working groups. Most participate in contact with the human population of Earth, but where the physical appearance of the visitor would be a shock and thus interfere with the message, a screen memory is superimposed. We, the Zetas, predominate in the US and Skinny Bob is indeed a Zeta, as Nancy’s drawings attest. Putin’s personal advisor
is not a hominoid, but is intensely loving and as the influence of Russia on the world shows, very wise. 

Prior 11/10/2012 ZT:
With an abundance of official documentation, this UFO incident can hardly be dubbed a hoax. Where UFOs are not known to crash, accidents do happen. The exceptions are the famous Roswell case, and the Brazilian Roswell crashes, where benign aliens were trying to make contact with the military of the region. It should be noted that the crashed ship had symbols on the exterior of the ship, a certain sign that this was not a ship of those in the Service-to-Other, who do not need to communicate via lettering as they use telepathy as the mode. This thus dubs it to be a ship of aliens in the Service-to-Self, who are, as we have stated, more clumsy with technology as they are not, frankly, interested in what the other is doing or thinking or noticing, being focused on the self by preference.

The visitors use manipulation of gravity and magnetism to hover, as we have stated, and thus crashed the housing was cracked and control over the flood of sub atomic gravitons and magnetons and electrons was lost. This control was lost even before the crash, as noted by the Russian MIGs who were chasing the ship. Their electrical equipment became overwhelmed and shut down. In that the Element of Doubt prevailed in this instance, the Service-to-Self aliens responsible for this mess were required to quickly clean it up, so no trace now exists. Rumors of crashed ships to the contrary, the establishment does not possess them.

Prior 1/26/2013 ZT:
Their stated fear is that official admissions on evidence of life elsewhere in the Universe would “challenge many assumptions that underpin human philosophy and religion”. But how does this affect the economy? It affects the control that the participants in the forum assume they have over mankind. Religion works by fear, the threat of being damned to Hell if one does not follow the rules, and the enslavement of mankind by debt also works by fear. Now come the aliens, showing by the maneuvers in the skies that mankind’s technology, fighter jets and missiles, cannot affect them. What this says to mankind is that their leadership is ineffectual and paltry. What this says to the elite is that mankind might be less likely to take orders from them.

How does this translate into Medvedev driving the process of alien disclosure, to educate the public? This is the leap the public makes, hearing that alien life will be on the World Economic Forum’s agenda. The public is interested in disclosure. The elite are interested in putting on the brakes. Russia has always been more open about the alien presence and the near presence of Nibiru, aka Planet X, because their government has not been dominated by religion as have the US and other western nations. China is likewise more open, with their Ghost Cities visible and known. Cover-ups take effort, work and energy best spent elsewhere.  Medvedev’s role during the forum will be to reassure the nervous elite, though this will have little effect on their anxieties.   

Prior 1/5/2013 ZT:
Is the alien autopsy in this footage, supposedly secured from secret KGB files, real, and if so, what were the circumstances surrounding this particular corpse? We have repeatedly stated that outside of the Roswell incident in 1947, and the more recent Brazilian Roswell incident in 1996, there have been no crashed ships retrieved by humans, and these two incidents were deliberate on the part of the aliens who were attempting to contact the military in the respective countries. Where crashed ships can occur, as in the Shaitan Mazar incident in 1991, they are cleaned up by the alien group involved. The first clue that the autopsy is false it that it is being bundled with this staged story about a crashed Russian ship. The second clue is the sloppy procedures conducted during the autopsy. Where are the hair nets? Where is the protective gear to prevent infection of the technicians? They tear the rib cage open with their bare hands? Amateurish, at best.

Prior 4/19/2014 ZT:
Pope Benedict, who resigned in March, 2013 did not personally make a statement about extra-terrestrial life. His chief astronomer was assigned to begin the process whereby the Catholic Church would back away from its prior stance, that man alone was made in God’s image and thus visiting aliens should be assumed to be demons. It was not so long ago that the Catholic Church tried Galileo as a heretic for his stance that the Earth was not flat. Given his personal predilection for rigidity and autocratic edicts, Benedict was not deemed up to the task of dealing with increasing disclosure about the pending passage of Nibiru and the reality of the alien presence.

Pope Francis is a different man, on many levels. Genuinely Service-to-Other in his orientation, preaching the Golden Rule and the importance of love and empathy in all aspects of interpersonal life, it is a natural reach for Pope Francis to begin to educate the Catholic flock on doing the same for the visitors. There are many Catholic challenges that remain. Some in the church will want to baptize the visitors, or press them to accept Jesus as their savior, which is of course an absurd posture.  The absurdity of this position will only drive more Catholics from the church, a trend that has been ongoing for decades.


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