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  • If not, assume it has been declined by the Zetas.
  • The Q&A discussions just past and ongoing are pinned for easy reference.
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  1. No personal counseling is done.This rule has been in place since 1996. Questions should be of broad interest to the general public.
  2. Correlation or resolution of ZetaTalk with the work of other channels or authors is not done unless they predict and have a prediction accuracy track record, as otherwise they are not a peer of ZetaTalk which does so. This rule has been in place since 2002. Just because another website or author makes a statement does not make that statement true, nor will the Zetas explain to you why their statements are not true, as then they are taking time out to address the issue.
  3. The Zetas, as all visitors, are under rules on how they interact with humanity. They are not here to rescue you. They cannot divert Planet X just as today they do not prevent droughts or floods. The Earth is mankind’s schoolhouse whereby he learns to help his fellow man.
  4. The date of the pole shift cannot be given, but the sequence of events can be given. [ Link ] Check the ning pinned discussions and blogs for such information as the 7 of 10, the last weeks, etc.

Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case.

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 78 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.

Views: 61419

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Replies to This Discussion

It is now the 4th week of New Madrid unzipping. The New Madrid fault line is adjusting as we speak and the Zetas are now allowed to give specific dates.

After the initial 3 weeks of the New Madrid unzipping START are the Zetas allowed to give a new estimated time arrival for the big jolt or are we to be left with only gut feelings for when the sudden rupture is to occur?

Sorry to ask this question but the way I see it the big jolt could happen tomorrow or in several weeks. There's no way to know because it is supposed to be a sudden and devastating occurrence.

" are the Zetas allowed to give a new estimated time arrival for the big jolt "


Kamil Rak said:

New Madrid Earthquakes of 1811–12
Ground shaking was felt as far away as Canada in the north and the Gulf Coast in the south. Eyewitness accounts noted that the shaking rang church bells as far away as Boston, Massachusetts, and brought down chimneys in Cincinnati, Ohio
[and from another]
Summary of 1811-1812 New Madrid Earthquakes Sequence
They were by far the largest east of the Rocky Mountains in the U.S. and Canada. The area of strong shaking associated with these shocks is two to three times as large as that of the 1964 Alaska earthquake and 10 times as large as that of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake. 
[and from another]
The Great Midwest Earthquake of 1811
Tuttle’s team excavated potsherds, spear points and corn kernels and realized that many of the sand blows were more than 200 years old. “Some had archaeological sites on top of them with 2,000-year-old artifacts,”?Tuttle says. “There’s no way the New Madrid earthquakes were a one-time freak event.” The Midwest had been slammed by violent quakes around A.D. 1450 and 900 and 2350 B.C.—and probably more often.
[and from another]

We predicted that the New Madrid rupture will be “a huge jolt, with little warning”. History shows that the last adjustment in 1811 had a similar arrival. There was no warning. It was sudden. What would cause the Mainland Portion to suddenly slide to the SW, tearing the New Madrid Fault Line from the tip of Mexico to the mouth of the Seaway? This process is clearly blocked from happening by the solid Cocos Plate, which must likewise move aside or rupture for the Mainland Portion to drop. This rupture point is at the triple juncture where the Tehuantepec Isthmus is located.

To the East of this point the SE Portion of the N American Plate is calm, wrapped around and hooked by the Caribbean Plate, glued to the Africa Plate at the eastern side, and just not inclined to move to the West. To the West of this triple juncture point the Mainland Portion is restless, as the seismographs show. The history of this triple juncture point shows repeated trauma. The Tehuantepec Isthmus shows a mountain range pulled apart, land on both sides eroded so that only a narrow waist remains. History repeats, and 1811 shows that the rupture will likely occur suddenly, with little warning.

Prior Prediction 2010:
For the New Madrid, which will include the European tsunami in its effects, there will be one large jolt with a subsequent and almost immediate tearing of the Atlantic. We have stated that the European tsunami will be the largest, but smaller ones will follow in time. Likewise for the New Madrid adjustment, which involves a tearing of the entire N American continent from the seaway down to Mexico. This adjustment will not occur until minor rock fingers have been steadily broken in a number of places. The areas to be affected have already been experiencing quake swarms, buckling roadways, sinkholes, breaking dams, and unsettling jigging which is unexplained by the authorities. When the primary blockage gives, there will be a huge jolt, with little warning. Aftershocks will continue until the time of the pole shift itself.

Justin Trudeau and his Family Flee Canadian Capital Ottawa as up to 50,000 'Freedom Convoy' Anti-vaccine Mandate Truckers arrive at his Office - Days after he Dismissed them as a 'Small Fringe Minority'
January 30, 2022
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his family have left their home in the national's capital Ottawa for a secret location as up to 50,000 truckers gather to protest against the country's vaccine mandate and Covid lockdowns. Hundreds of truckers drove their giant rigs into the Canadian capital Ottawa on Saturday as part of a self-titled 'Freedom Convoy' which started as a protest against vaccine mandates required to cross the US border.  The truckers were joined by thousands of other protesters angered not only by Covid-19 restrictions but by broader discontent with the government. There was an enormous clamor as hundreds of big trucks, their engines rumbling, sounded their air horns non-stop. Estimates of the number of truckers range from 10-20,000.
[and from another]
Thousands in Ottawa Protest COVID Mandates, many Rebuked
January 30, 2022
 Thousands of protesters gathered in Canada’s capital on Saturday to protest vaccine mandates, masks and lockdowns. The protest has also attracted support from former U.S. President Donald Trump and some Fox News personalities. “We want those great Canadian truckers to know that we are with them all the way,” Trump said at a rally in Conroe, Texas. “They are doing more to defend American freedom than our leaders by far.”
[and from another]
The Globalists have Awoken the Sleeping Giant
January 29, 2022
The story that the mainstream media is trying their very best not to report upon, but has taken Canada and the world by storm, and will surely reverberate across America as it is already doing in the independent media, is Canada's Freedom Convoy which had recently arrived in Ottawa in what will be an entire weekend of protests in Canada's capitol. Continually growing in numbers and Canadian citizen participants despite the obviously terrified Canadian leader Justin Trudeau calling the group a 'fringe minority', American truckers are joining the rally of truckers consisting of both 'the vaxxed' and 'pure bloods'.
[and from another]
Trucker Convoy against Vaccine Mandates rolls through Ontario en route to Ottawa
January 27, 2022
The protest is being organized by Canada Unity, a group that opposes COVID-19-related measures. Its organizers want Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his government to drop the vaccine mandate for truckers crossing the Canada-U.S. border, and do away with other public health protections.
[and from another

Who is actually mandating the vaccines in Canada? As can be seen from photo analysis
done in 2019, the real Trudeau was arrested for misuse and theft of public funds.
He is still on the docket, under arrest by the White Hat alliance. In that Canada is a member of the British Commonwealth, they are also controlled by the elite in the UK, and this is the origin of the self-serving mandates. The UK has suddenly dropped their mandates, as we noted recently, because the predicted European tsunami seemed poised to occur.

So with a Trudeau Double in Ottawa controlled by the White Hat Alliance, and wrestling with an elected Parliament and Commonwealth edicts – who is it that is in control and able to change the mandates? Since the Double would be the mouthpiece for any resolution of this convoluted political mess, the Double has not fled the country and is still under the control of the White Hats. At the brink of rebellion, the politicians in Canada do not want to see the Trucker’s protest catch fire. Revolutions begin in just such a manner.

Following Europe’s lead, Canada and we predict Australia will find the vaccine mandates are no longer required. They will claim those forcing mandates and lockdowns and passports had been working with old data, and newer statistics show that Herd Immunity is preventing transmission. Variants are traditionally weaker than the original strain, and Omicron has proven to be no worse than a bad head cold. Pfizer and those profiting from endless vaccines will sputter into silence.

Prior ZT:
The use of a Double may signal an ongoing court action, such as Trudeau’s new look, which does not bode well for Trudeau. His crime? Theft of public funds, a type of treason.

Why do TX and OK have so many quake swarms? It’s every day, and endless but the rest of the country does not have this.

We have often addressed stretch zones and why they are considered silent. A crevasse may open up, or a bridge or structure pull apart and drop, but these events are not accompanied by earthquakes. It is where rock masses are asked to make room for other rock masses that earthquakes occur. During all the predecessor events that have preceded the big New Madrid rupture, a drop to the SW of the Mainland Portion does not seem to have happened. Or did it?

The Mainland Portion includes the mountains in the west, which stretch along the Continental Divide from Canada down to the tip of Mexico. When these are asked to adjust, whether via a slip-slide or subduction or rock shattering clash, they complain with jolting earthquakes. This can be seen on the earthquake charts. The expanding Seaway likewise records quakes in the rock on either side, though the record shows destruction occurs primarily in the soft rock that is amenable to a stretch.

But what about the daily swarms in Oklahoma and Texas where such hard rock strata is not a factor? The Mainland Portion of N America has steadily been sliding to the SW, albeit silently. If one were to take a geological survey in the regions of Oklahoma and Texas where these swarms occur, one would find landmarks further apart or closer together, or roadways that skew where they are supposed to be straight. At what point will this silent shift to the SW affect the New Madrid rupture?

When the rock on either side of the fault at the town of New Madrid has been pulled apart such that the rock under New Madrid has become thin and lost its ability to hold the two sides together, it will rupture. Thus the steady silent slide to the SW represented by these quake swarms in Oklahoma and Texas are key to the rupture to come!

Spiral in the sky, January 31, 2022 over head in Jane/Pineview, Missouri area.  Spiral in the sky, January 31, 2022 over head in Jane/Pineview, Missouri area.  [and from another]


If the quakes in OK and TX indicate that the land there is being pulled down to the SW, then how does this affect the hard rock of the Ozarks? We have confirmed that when this slide to the SW pulls the hard rock on either side of the town of New Madrid apart, the rupture of the New Madrid fault line will occur. Meanwhile, the Ozarks are experiencing rock compression, and this results in electronic screech in the rock. This screech is an attractant for any charge in the atmosphere, which then wants to ground. This blue spiral is very similar to the Norway spiral in 2009.

Note the location of the Ozarks spiral. It stands between the OK quake swarms and the town of New Madrid. Rock strata maps show that the soft rock surrounding the Gulf of Mexico ends at the town of New Madrid, which stands like a sentinel at the gateway between East and West in the continental US. The exact date and time of the jolt that will start the final New Madrid Fault Line rupture is not yet established, but it is clearly close at hand. The Ozarks will not tear apart. The Appalachian Mountains will not tear apart. But the fault line will.


Prior ZT:

When the rock on either side of the fault at the town of New Madrid has been pulled apart such that the rock under New Madrid has become thin and lost its ability to hold the two sides together, it will rupture. 

I came across this story about this embalmer who claims to have documented pulling enormous blood clots + unknown substance from corpses. Is for real? Is this due to the vaccines? Dr. Jane Ruby had him on her show on and Stew Peters also headlined this story. 
[and from another]
Shocking Interview: Embalmers Finding “Strange Clots” In Jabbed People
January 28, 2022
Dr. Jane Ruby talked with longtime embalmer Richard Hirschman to get the word out about “strange clots” being found in the veins of dead Americans. Many of the deceased Hirschman has come across reportedly died of heart attacks and strokes. The mortician says he found resistance when he tried to embalm these jabbed patients, and then found these strange materials and pulled them from the large vessels of the bodies. The embalmer said a typical blood clot is “smooth” and falls apart easily when picked up or touched. “But this white fiber stuff is pretty strong. It’s not weak at all. You can manipulate it, it’s very pliable. It’s very hard. It is not normal.” The specific person with the clots seen in the photo above was vaccinated for Covid, and had also contracted Covid. “I contacted colleagues of mine, and they’re seeing the same thing,” the veteran embalmer told Dr. Ruby.

Clots are among the dozens of known side effects caused by the mRNA vaccine. That they cause heart attacks
in the young is well documented. The mRNA vaccine shrivels the placenta
by attacking the syncytin-1 protein
integral to the placenta. Abortions of even full-term babies resulted. Nerve damage was denied by the vaccine advocates but the statistics show Guillain-Barre Syndrome and Bell’s Palsy frequently resulted, as the paralysis of Governor Newsom
following his vaccination shows. Exhausting the immune system
is a result well documented by the UK health service, causing a type of temporary AIDS.

Now yet another horror story has emerged from the testimony of morticians. Rubbery, snake-like clots pulled from the blood vessels of those who have recently been vaccinated. Heart attacks amid the young and healthy have been attributed to the Graphene Oxide morphing to Graphene Hydroxide
where it acts like tiny razor blades attacking the heart. But there is more to this process. Heart attacks are caused by clogged arteries, so the heart is starved of oxygen. As can be seen from the mortician’s photos, these rubbery clots completely block the flow of blood.

The history of the Covid-19 pandemic shows that the elite in the West have used this flu to lockdown and control the public. Covid-19 is just a bad flu, affecting primarily the aged. The very young do not even know they have it. Those countries like Sweden where lockdowns and masks were not imposed on the public quickly developed herd immunity and fared well. But the elite in the West instead imposed vax mandates and the use of vax passports. These orders were suddenly lifted,
without explanation. Perhaps Martial Law in these western countries will manage more effectively.

In this ZetaTalk article on the New Madrid sequence the Zetas say:

"Will the New Madrid just suddenly rip with our predicted magnitude 9 quake? Hardly. There will be a progression of quakes in the magnitude 4-5 range all along the New Madrid fault line, which runs up to the Great Lakes and thence along the seaway. The bow will become more stressed, cracking rock inland from San Diego all the way to the Mississippi, and forcing adjustments north and south of this point too, from the Aleutian Islands to the tip of Mexico. Sinkholes and crevasses will proliferate throughout the US in her stretch zones, in a swath that ranges from the New England states south to the tip of Florida and all points west. This is a large bow. Then quakes will increase to the point of being considered magnitude 6-7 along the long New Madrid fault line and its attendant splinters. The New Madrid adjustment will thus not sneak up on you, but will be well announced."

Recently, the Zetas said the New Madrid fault line adjustment will be sudden. Should we or should we not expect the 6-7 magnitude earthquakes along the New Madrid fault line?

Declined as this is confusion caused by the USGS. This ZetaTalk Prediction was written in 2010, 13 years ago. The USGS has been steadily dumbing down the magnitude of quakes, at first only by a couple magnitudes, not up to 4 magnitudes. Thus, you HAVE been having this predicted action. The bow tension was documented for years, and has for over a year now been RELAXING. ( Quakes along the Seaway and in the Wabash Seizmic Zone where the New Madrid Fault Line runs have also been ongoing. ( 

Sudden means there will be no specific warning. ALL the signs that I have been documenting and posting are indicators that it is very close. Today, on 2/4/2022, I am nothing that the Isthmus of Tech has new DEEP quakes. The Mainland Portion of on the move, as we known and the Cocos has fractured in several places. This is what you should be watching today. 

Kamil Rak said:

In this ZetaTalk article on the New Madrid sequence the Zetas say:

Changed my mind, to address the broad picture on what might be next. 

Kamil Rak said:

Recently, the Zetas said the New Madrid fault line adjustment will be sudden.

Because the New Madrid rupture will be so devastating to the continental US and Europe, those who are trying to ascertain just when the rupture will occur are wanting a timeline or key signs of this pending rupture. We have stated that the rupture will be SUDDEN, one large jolt followed almost instantly by a rupture in the central Atlantic. Meanwhile the process over the past decade has been for the continental US to be pulled into a bow shape, then within the past year when the Mainland Portion began its slide to the SW, for this bow to begin to relax.

We have stated that the final spasm leading to the sudden JOLT we have predicted will come up from the Gulf, thence up the Mississippi River to the town of New Madrid. We have stated that the town of New Madrid is a key location because this is where soft rock meets hard rock reluctant to give. Thus, when this ruptures, there will be a jolt. This was also the epicenter of the great 1811-1812 quakes. Predecessor waves coming up from the Gulf have included Pemex gas field explosions. All eyes have thus been on the start of the New Madrid Fault Line, which is located at the tip of Mexico at the Tehuantepec Isthmus.

Signs that the time of the big New Madrid rupture are close at hand have included a push of the Mainland Portion to the SW. The almost constant quake swarms in Oklahoma and Texas indicate soft land shifting to the SW. Constant quakes along the Seaway in Canada indicate that Canada is being pulled to the West too, as does the press of the West Coast toward the Pacific. The SE Portion clings to its border with the African Plate, and this dither causes disasters along the seaboard and New England area.

Meanwhile the bridges over the Mississippi River remain intact but are now vulnerable because the land to the West is being pulled down and to the SW.

ZetaTalk Prediction 8/16/2006:
What does this do to the N. American plate? It pulls it at a diagonal, ripping the rock fingers along the New Madrid fault such that the land to the East of the Mississippi moves up and to the East, toward New England, and the land to the West of the Mississippi moves down and to the West. This does more than tear most of the bridges along the Mississippi, it weakens the land to the West of the Mississippi, causing it to drop. The land to the East of the Mississippi is rock, the bluffs of Memphis and underlying rock where the Appalachian Mountains curl through Tennessee and Alabama toward the Mississippi river. But the land south of the Ozarks is not solid rock, and when stretched will drop in elevation.

ZetaTalk Prediction 12/21/2007:
This also includes allowing the N American continent to move westward, but as this continent is locked at the top border with Russia, this movement manifests as a diagonal rip, the New Madrid fault line adjustment we have predicted. Mexico moves further west than the Canadian west coast, accentuating the bowing of the west coast we have described. As this occurs, the regions west of the Mississippi River are pulled down and to the west, moving toward the southwest, while the regions to the east of the Mississippi River tend to remain in place. This tears the bridges crossing the Mississippi and allows land already sinking to sink further.

ZetaTalk Prediction 2010:
For the New Madrid, which will include the European tsunami in its effects, there will be one large jolt with a subsequent and almost immediate tearing of the Atlantic. We have stated that the European tsunami will be the largest, but smaller ones will follow in time. Likewise for the New Madrid adjustment, which involve a tearing of the entire N American continent from the seaway down to Mexico. This adjustment will not occur until minor rock fingers have been steadily broken in a number of places. The areas to be affected have already been experiencing quake swarms, buckling roadways, sinkholes, breaking dams, and unsettling jigging which is unexplained by the authorities. When the primary blockage gives, there will be a huge jolt, with little warning. Aftershocks will continue until the time of the pole shift itself.

ZetaTalk Prediction 3/12/2011:
Will the New Madrid just suddenly rip with our predicted magnitude 9 quake? Hardly. There will be a progression of quakes in the magnitude 4-5 range all along the New Madrid fault line, which runs up to the Great Lakes and thence along the seaway. The bow will become more stressed, cracking rock inland from San Diego all the way to the Mississippi, and forcing adjustments north and south of this point too, from the Aleutian Islands to the tip of Mexico. Sinkholes and crevasses will proliferate throughout the US in her stretch zones, in a swath that ranges from the New England states south to the tip of Florida and all points west. This is a large bow. Then quakes will increase to the point of being considered magnitude 6-7 along the long New Madrid fault line and its attendant splinters. The New Madrid adjustment will thus not sneak up on you, but will be well announced.

We have stated that the New Madrid rupture will occur suddenly, with a jolt, and almost instantly a rupture in the Mid-Atlantic will occur, creating a void that will allow the Atlantic to rebound toward the European coast. The New Madrid Fault line is ready to rupture, and the weight of the Mainland Portion of the N American Continent is steadily dropping to the SW. This has accelerated since the Cocos Plate fractured in several places. The Mainland Portion slides to the SW in sections, as it is too large to move as a unit.

While the slide to the SW was blocked by the Cocos Plate, the pressure to slide was seen in the quake swarm in the states of Oklahoma and Texas, and above the Seaway in Canada. Within this past week the quakes in Oklahoma and Texas have eased while the land above the Seaway was tugged toward the West, creating a push toward the Pacific at Vancouver. Meanwhile the SE Portion of the N American Continent remains in place, glued to the Africa Plate and the Caribbean Plate, and snagged at the East end of the Caribbean Plate so it is not free to move.

The SE Portion has dual loyalties - one to remain glued to the Caribbean and Africa Plates, and the other to remain attached to the Mainland Portion. When plates or fault lines pull apart, there is a pattern that emerges. One part of the attachment will release its hold, passing tension along to another rock holding point. This can go back and forth, as is seen here for the SE Portion. The Mid-Atlantic was the weak point, so snapped rock fingers. Now the tension can return to the New Madrid Fault line.

Rescue Team Enters Tunnel to Save Little Rayan
February 5, 2022
Rescue teams have today confirmed they finally reached a five-year-old Moroccan boy who has been trapped more than 100ft underground for four days. The world watched on with bated breath as fears persisted that the cave could collapse at any moment. Medical teams were on standby after rescue crews finally reached the 'motionless' boy 96 hours after he became trapped. Moroccan media have reported that resuscitation specialists have entered the tunnel alongside rescue crews, fuelling fears that the five-year-old requires potentially life-saving medical care. But the final push to reach the boy who was just six feet away remained the most challenging because of the risk of landslides.
[and from another]
[and from another]
Rescue of Jessica McClure
The incident occurred in Midland, Texas, where firemen and police developed a plan to drill a parallel shaft to the well where Jessica was lodged—and drill another horizontal cross-tunnel to rescue her. Forty-five hours after Jessica fell into the well, the adjacent shaft and cross-tunnel were complete. During the drilling, rescuers could hear Jessica singing "Winnie the Pooh."
Paramedic Robert O'Donnell (born 27 August 1957) committed suicide on 27 April 1995 at the age of 37 by shooting himself in the head with a shotgun due to suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder after the rescue,

When is Intervention granted by the Council of Worlds during the dramatic rescue of trapped children? During the Baby Jessica rescue
in 1987 from a well shaft, our ZetaTalk was not yet on the web. This rescue did receive Intervention in cooling the well pipe while it was being cut. And during the Thailand cave rescue
in 2018 we have stated that the boys trapped in the cave in Thailand were assisted by intervention in the form of low rainfall, a weather event easily arranged by benign aliens. The rescue of 33 miners
in Chile did not require an Intervention. Why wasn’t a rescue for Rayan, trapped in a well in Morocco, assisted by an intervention?

Certainly one of the necessary ingredients – an outpouring of love and concern – was present, but a key ingredient was missing. The boy, Rayan, had been severely injured during the fall into the well. He had a broken neck and spinal injuries, and would have been permanently crippled for life. While it seemed he could not be rescued, his young soul was sustained by the outpouring of love from thousands around the world. But at the moment he was about to be rescued, he faced the likely outcome – permanent paralysis – and made the decision to let death overtake him.

Prior ZT:
Earth is a schoolhouse for young souls who are to learn by the opportunities their lives present to them. They will either become Service-to-Other in their spiritual orientation, or turn toward the Service-to-Self. On such worlds the vast majority turn toward empathy and helping others. The rules in place for such a schoolhouse is that Non-Interference is to occur, but these rules can have exceptions. Healing and protection are one such exception, and takes place only when there is an outpouring of love toward another or when an individual is important for the Earth’s Transformation, a key team member.

During the Thailand cave rescue, there was not only an outpouring of love by the parents and friends of the boys, but by the entire world. Their situation was one almost everyone could relate to – in the dark and without communication, waiting for the flood waters to rise again. The empathy felt worldwide was intense, and to be encouraged, so the Council of Worlds allowed an exception. The rescue was done by human hands, but delaying Monsoon weather was easily done by aliens in the Service-to-Other who attend to Asia.

Prior ZT:
The miners in Chile, Los 33, survived because of a combination of their personal fortitude, strong family ties, and the mine's foresight in having a place of refuge unlikely to collapse or flood. It was the entry that collapsed, thus the miners themselves were not hurt during the collapse. It was not an explosion, thus oxygen deprivation was not an issue. The mine was run by the country of Chile, which spared no expense or effort in rescue and did not procrastinate due to cost as many for-profit mines do around the world. All these issues played a part, but magic or intervention was not involved.


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