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Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case.
This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 78 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.
Replies are closed for this discussion.
On a similar note, my daughter sent me an interesting TikTok video bright & early saying the drones in NJ are now shooting things out of them! Are "THEY" now using holographic technologies to keep the scare going? Thank you!
Accepted along with your additional post ..
Tracie Crespo said:
Would the Zeta's care to comment on this mysterious orb seen in Mendham, NJ?
It does not appear to be a drone. Seems like aside from the Rothschild Banking Carels doing their drone scare tactics, could we ALSO be having warnings for NJ, etc. as the New Madrid Adjustment approaches? On a similar note, my daughter sent me an interesting TikTok video bright & early saying the drones in NJ are now shooting things out of them! Are "THEY" now using holographic technologies to keep the scare going?
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"BREAKING: Channel 7 ABC News caught an unknown glowing orb on camera in the New Jersey sky amid numerous reports of unidentified drones, stating, “We have no idea what it is.”
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A Joint Chiefs of Staff official said that there have been visual sightings of drones reported by "highly trained security personnel" near Picatinny Arsenal and Naval Weapons Station Earle in New Jersey. The official said that they do not believe the sightings "were aligned with a foreign actor, or that they had malicious intent."
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China drone technology 10,000 or so at once
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Invisibillity cape
Though no admissions by the official establishment have been made, what is clear is that the drones are emerging from US bases or locations nearby. Why would the US Military be complicit in a distraction from Nibiru sightings? There is more than the potential collapse of the Rothschild banking system to consider. The US public has been lied to for decades about the approach of Nibiru, and will be enraged. Clearly the establishment knew and said nothing. The Biden Administration is searching for a way to explain Nibiru.
Meanwhile they have fallen back on a false Alien Invasion storyline. China is the acknowledged drone expert
at present, so their technology is being utilized by the Nibiru Coverup crowd. Drone warfare is merely brightly lit objects being tossed from one drone to another. Even the sudden disappearance from the skies by one of the drones can be explained by invisibility technology.
as this video shows. The invisibility cape deflects light rays coming from objects close to the cape so only those coming from a distance pass through. Thus the drone appears invisible, and suddenly so.
Trump on New Jersey Drones: Biden Admin wants to ‘Keep People in Suspense’
December 16, 2024
President-elect Trump on Monday said the Biden administration knows what is happening with the flurry of drone sightings in the Northeast, suggesting it was not a hostile adversary and questioning why officials were not more forthcoming. “The government knows what is happening. Look, our military knows where they took off from, if it’s a garage they can go right into that garage. They know where it came from and where it went,” Trump told reporters at Mar-a-Lago. “Something strange is going on. For some reason they don’t want to tell the people”.
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Wild Online Conspiracy Theories Suggest Mystery Drones are Part of Project Blue Beam Plot to Control Skies
December 15, 2024
Project Blue Beam is a conspiracy theory dating to the 1990s that claims global elites, including government and military organizations, are planning to use advanced technology to stage celestial events in order to manipulate the world's population. And Donald Trump called for urgent action, taking to the Truth Social platform to say: ‘Mystery drone sightings all over the country. Can this really be happening without our government’s knowledge? I don’t think so! Let the public know, and now. Otherwise, shoot them down!’
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Trump says US Military should Talk about Nature of Drone Sightings
December 16, 2024
A Pentagon spokesperson reiterated that the drones in question were not U.S. military ones. The spokesperson added that the military was limited by law in what it could do to detect and track drones within the United States, unless there was a threat. "Flying drones is not illegal. There are thousands of drones flown around the U.S. on a daily basis. So, as a result, it's not that unusual to see drones in the sky, nor is it an indication of malicious activity or any public safety threat." An FBI official told reporters that less than 100 of the over 5,000 reported sightings had turned out to merit further investigation, and all of the large fixed-wing reported sightings so far involved manned aircraft.
The drone scenario has multiple agendas. There is the Nibiru Coverup crowd, which is funding and running this operation and hopes to divert the public from noticing the Nibiru Complex. All signs in the skies would be considered just more drone activity, so they hope. Then there is the Biden Administration, listening to the hand wringing of the elite who want the status quo to continue as long as possible. They would prefer a modest Martial Law to informing the public, so are increasing their drone activity to threaten DC and US bases. The Biden Administration secretly hopes Trump’s inauguration might even be postponed.
Then there is the Council of Worlds, who want the people of Earth to be informed about the pending Passage of Nibiru, as many spiritual lessons are waiting to be learned. Now that Nibiru is visible in the skies, along with proofs such as the Wobble and Petrol displays, might Nibiru start to dance in the skies, as the ancients reported? Then there is President Trump’s agenda, which he stated, to inform the public fully. Then there is the Junta who at present are giving cover to the Nibiru Coverup crowd so they are not preemptively forced into Martial Law, which would exhaust their ranks.
Given the multiple agendas, this will not be a smooth operation. The media is run by the wealthy elite so will lie about Nibiru and debate the issue endlessly. The Biden Administration will lie about the drones, as they have been doing, hoping to cling to power and unable to admit or announce Nibiru without a plan, which of course they do not have. Enter the Council of Worlds, putting a spotlight on Nibiru. But President Trump will force his inauguration and provide a plan, becoming the Global Leader he has proven to be.
Newburgh, New York Walmart and Asheville, North Carolina airport. What is causing this? Are the drones doing it, or are drones drawn to the phenomena and people assume connected?
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Lights going wild at the Asheville airport, this phenomenon has been occurring in multiple locations since the UAP incursions
Asheville was recently the victim of the historically worst natural disaster it may have ever had and the electric grid is still not happy. There are still linemen all over the city repairing damage to the city and surrounding areas.
Flickering lights can occur during a momentary power outage or surge. An outage which is too brief to shut down the grid, or a momentary power surge that is likewise too brief to trigger a surge protector. Electronics is protected in both cases, but in such situations mankind’s electronics function only intermittently thus the flicker. The drone swarms are under electronic control, and such communications can interfere with ground level communications. Until Nibiru is admitted endless theories will emerge to puzzle the common man.
Prior 11/30/2020 ZT
A short lived pulse is also the case when the lights flicker, intermittently, or when video transmission falters. This has become almost commonplace on TV lately. Here equipment is not damaged, but the pulse is tripping surge protectors.
This is probably plate stretch and methane and / or rotted vegetation smell in that area. Is a mystery for those ones not in the know. -- Not some mystical drone effect.
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Can the Zetas explain the water in New Jersey? Will we all soon worry where to get clean water from?
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NJ Residents Near Drone Hot Spots Reporting Strange Tasting, Weird Smelling Water
December 20, 2024
New Jersey American Water posted an “urgent alert” as it investigated what the problems were in the Raritan System. Residents have said the water had a metallic taste and smelled like paint thinner.
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New Jersey American Water investigating changes to water's taste and odor in the Raritan System
December 19, 2024
Some residents in Central Jersey are waking up to changes in their water including taste and odor. New Jersey American Water is investigating and sampling the system. Overnight crews flushed out hydrants to help clear the system, which may have resulted in low pressure of discolored water.
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Central Jersey Water Affected by Odor, Taste Issues
December 21, 2024
Residents across central New Jersey are reporting unusual odors and tastes in their tap water despite assurances from the utility company that the water remains safe.
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N.J. American Water Warns of Bad Tasting, Discolored Water in Dozens of Towns
December 19, 2024
New Jersey American Water is advising customers in dozens of towns in Hunterdon, Mercer, Middlesex, Morris, Somerset and Union counties that their water might be discolored and not taste normal.
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The extreme stretch imposed on the SE Portion of N America during the New Madrid Fault Line Adjustment is of course ripping rock apart along the East Coast of N America. This of course releases odors from rotting vegetation that had been trapped in the rock layers. But primarily New Jersey is smelling their own sewage from broken sewage pipes that had been shattered by the stretch. Rushing to address this issue the water company made things worse by lowering the water pressure in the pipes being flushed, so even more seepage occurred. We have always suggested that people boil their drinking water, as a solution to such problems.
Can the Zetas explain why American Airlines grounded all flights? Do they think New Madrid rip is imminent?
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American Airlines grounds flights nationwide because of technical issue
December 24, 2024
Massive flight stoppages have snarled the plans of numerous travelers in the past. Two years ago, Southwest Airlines experienced a meltdown with its systems during the holidays that led to 16,900 flight cancellations and stranded 2 million passengers. It was eventually fined $140 million in the largest-ever civil penalty for a travel disruption.
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American Airlines is boarding flights again, and the FAA lifts its nationwide groundstop
December 24, 2024
American Airlines said a “technical issue” had delayed all of its flights in the United States. But the company began boarding flights again at around 8 am ET, airline spokeswoman Sarah Jantz told CNN. The Federal Aviation Administration lifted its nationwide groundstop order for all American flights. The FAA in a statement said American requested a nationwide ground stop but it referred all questions to the airline for more information.
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Down Detector indicates that AmericanAir flatlined yesterday.
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New York City area is listing outages on the Thousand Eyes map, worse in the world.
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In aviation, ACARS (an acronym for Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System) is a digital datalink system for transmission of short messages between aircraft and ground stations via airband radio or satellite. The protocol was designed by ARINC and deployed in 1978, using the Telex format. More ACARS radio stations were added subsequently by SITA. ACARS as a term refers to the complete air and ground system, consisting of equipment on board, equipment on the ground, and a service provider. Generally, ground ACARS units are either government agencies such as the Federal Aviation Administration, an airline operations headquarters, or, for small airlines or general aviation, a third-party subscription service.
Why were all the airlines affected by an internet outage on December 24, when retailers and social media were not so affected? Do the airlines use a particular communication platform? Yes, the ACARS system
was designed to reach through vast distances in the air to ground control units below. This link is thus very vulnerable to any EMP disruption caused by the charged Petrol and Red Dust in the atmosphere and increased electronic screech in the ripping rock below.
Note that early on December 24 the Down Detector site indicated all airlines having communication problems, with American Airlines flatlining. Internet outage maps show New York City heavily affected at this time. Note that both the New Madrid and Ramapo Fault lines touch this region. American Airlines did the right thing to shut down promptly and should be congratulated. Our advice is to forgo any air travel unless absolutely necessary. Air France 447
was a warning, and should be heeded.
Prior 6/3/2009 ZT:
We have repeatedly warned that electromagnetic disturbances could be anticipated as the charged tail of Planet X turned toward the Earth. Will such failure happen again? We have stressed, repeatedly, that man can expect problems with their satellites and electrical grids due to the charged tail of Planet X wafting increasingly in the direction of Earth. Air France 447 hit a tripple whammy, however, in that it was in a storm and over the Atlantic Rift, which as we have stated is a surface magnet.
Prior 11/30/2024
On a small scale this dance is a curiosity, but when a large charged Petrol mass begins spinning it can envelop the neighborhood and disrupt mankind's infrastructure.
In a very vivid dream a few weeks ago, an alien gave me a date of May 7th in regards to the Nibiru complex. They also showed me what "madness of man" is to come. There was no place to hide from the madness.
My question is this,
If we are biologicaly tuned in to frequencies, magnetics, and electrically,
Is there any thing we can do to protect ourselves from slipping in to the mouth of madness as Nibiru makes its pass?
No, this is a violent wobble! SOHO is a ground connected satellite so is affected when the Earth is pulled this way and that. Not a Nib complex question but a WOBBLE question. The geo stationary satellite really got jerked around!
James of Idaho said:
Hi, Nancy. Would the Zetas confirm these to be moon swirl tubes in a retrograde motion on this SOHO image taken Christmas day?
Yes, don't assume that you will go mad. Knowedge prepared you for any event and ZetaTalk has certainly prepared you with survival steps. Those in firm denial will have the hardest time, and will suffer from PTSD as a result. Give these people a survival recipe and involve them in steps toward this end.
Shanyn Carey Gene Wolfe said:
In a very vivid dream a few weeks ago, an alien gave me a date of May 7th in regards to the Nibiru complex. They also showed me what "madness of man" is to come. There was no place to hide from the madness.
My question is this,
If we are biologicaly tuned in to frequencies, magnetics, and electrically,
Is there any thing we can do to protect ourselves from slipping in to the mouth of madness as Nibiru makes its pass?
The question concerns the downing of an Azerbaijani Airlines plane on a flight from Baku to Grozny. On the approach to Grozny the pilots sent a distress signal, turned around and flew towards Kazakhstan, to an alternate aerodrome, which is practically in the opposite direction across the Caspian Sea. The plane appeared again on radar, already on the other side of the Caspian Sea, made several circles over the field, probably looking for a convenient place for emergency landing and landed hard on its belly. More than half of the passengers and crew died, 28 people were found and rescued. At first I thought it was the result of an EMP, as the aircraft was flying over the sea most of the way. But later they published pictures of the damaged fuselage of the plane and it was cut by shrapnel. Such damage only occurs when airliners are hit by air defence missiles, which usually explode close to the aircraft and eject a large number of projectiles. Could the Zetas shed some light on this tragedy?
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Experts Say Russia 'Likely' Caused Azerbaijani Jet Crash
December 26, 2024
The passenger jet crashed near the Kazakhstani city of Aktau with 67 people aboard, leaving 29 survivors, and had diverted its course over an area where Moscow air defenses have been battling Ukrainian drones. The passenger jet turned around and flew east over the Caspian Sea. Theories have grown about a potential cause for the crash, with some commenters alleging that holes seen in the tail section of the plane potentially indicate that it had been under fire from Russian air defense systems fending off a drone attack from Ukraine. Grozny had been previously attacked by Ukrainian drones. The city is the provincial capital of the Russian republic of Chechnya. Azerbaijan Airlines said the Embraer 190 passenger jet may have collided with a flock of birds. The company's president said he had been told that the plane was diverted because of poor weather conditions and that an investigation is continuing. The jet's black box has been recovered, officials said.
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Russia being blamed for Azerbaijan Airlines plane that crashed hundreds of miles off course, killing dozens
December 25, 2024
Flight J2-8243 had flown hundreds of miles off its scheduled route to crash on the opposite shore of the Caspian Sea. Officials did not immediately explain why it had crossed the sea, but the crash came shortly after drone strikes hit southern Russia. Drone activity has shut down airports in the area in the past and the nearest Russian airport on the plane's flight path was closed on Wednesday morning. Russia's aviation watchdog, meanwhile, said it was an emergency that may have been caused by a bird strike. Video of the crash showed the plane descending rapidly before bursting into flames as it hit the seashore, and thick black smoke then rising, Reuters reported. Bloodied and bruised passengers could be seen stumbling from a piece of the fuselage that had remained intact.
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Following on the heels of the American Airlines “technical issue” that forced a shutdown in the US on Christmas Eve we have yet another major airline having communication issues due to the bombardment of charged particles in the tail of Nibiru. As with MH370,
which was flying over a fault line under the water, and as with AF 447
which was likewise flying over a plate border under the water, Azerbaijan Airlines was flying over fault lines near Baku under the Caspian Sea.
As with MH 370, the plane’s communications were completely wiped out by these assaults that will become the norm for large and small planes soon. Traveling in the wrong direction, the pilots confused as the controls including the compass were useless or giving inaccurate info. It was neither an attack by Ukraine drones nor a flock of birds that caused the diversion or crash. The appearance of shrapnel was the result of the crashing plane flinging debris and both internal and external air turbulence caused by lurching of the depressurizing plane and malfunctioning jet engines.
Prior MH370 3/9/2014 ZT:
What can the Earth expect? In 2003 when the charged tail of Planet X wafted past the Earth, the Earth had dramatic blackouts. Both blackouts, caused by a drop in electrical activity, and surge can result. Surge will trigger a shutdown, to protect sensitive electrical equipment. Damaged electrical equipment can be anticipated, blown transformers and fried circuit boards. Certainly satellites are vulnerable, and the satellite failure rate will exceed mankind’s ability to send up replacements. Air travel will become increasingly risky, and mankind’s equipment that relies on electronic or magnetic guidance will increasingly malfunction. All this will increase as the hour of the Pole Shift approaches.
Prior AF447 6/5/2009:
The sequence of events is clear. The pilot announced air turbulence. Then 15 minutes later an automatic message from the plane's computer announced that several electrical systems had failed. Thereafter, no more messages were received, so the pilots were either too busy or unable to transmit. On the face of it, a massive failure in the electrical systems caused the plane to go down, and prevented a last minute transmission from the pilot as to their likely location. What would cause such a failure? We have repeatedly warned that electromagnetic disturbances could be anticipated as the charged tail of Planet X turned toward the Earth.
BREAKING: There is currently panic in Sakaleeshpur Indian village after all of their chickens mysteriously died and reportedly started emitting fire from their mouths when pressed.
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Basan has an appearance similar to a chicken the size of a turkey. They are recognized by their bright red comb and brilliant-colored plumage which appear like tongues of flame. Their notable feature is their breath which flows visibly from their mouth like a dragon's fire. However, the flame gives off no heat, nor does it ignite combustible material. (It is said to breathe ghost fire from its beak which is not hot but a cold fire that glows.)
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Spontaneous Combustion–Fact or Fiction?
Spontaneous combustion, also known as spontaneous ignition, is when a combustible material ignites without an external heat source. It occurs when a chemical or biological reaction generates heat that builds up and reaches the material's ignition temperature.
It is not by accident that a fire breathing chicken exists in legend as under certain circumstances chickens can breathe fire. If a Chicken gets kidney disease or their kidneys fail, they need to excrete uric acid by other means and do so through their lungs. After death, the fermentation in their gut results in methane release through the mouth, and when combined with the products of decomposing uric acid a plethora of methane results. What is the spark? Spontaneous combustion occurs when the chemical reaction releases heat.
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